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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

omg today was the first day of drivers ed

i met a complete stranger, and we held hands

im so charming

wow, that sounds boring.

most of the actual class was an oprah video

i stared at the screen the entire time, but i think i absorbed less than half of it, and i can hardly remember anything that the teacher actually said
it must be because you two arent as cool as me
we just

watched videos

and sometimes i would drive

and other than like one time where they were giving us an old man lecture on how we don't know how to use maps and proved it

and we had speakers trying to tell us the horrors of prison


Watched a lot of old videos....I think once we attempted to watch the Breakfast Club?

Then when I had Behind the Wheel the Dean kept telling me and this other girl to watch my friend carefully cause no doubt he'd do it perfect
im hoping itll be mostly videos

videos are better than lectures and homework

either way im probably going to not get half of it
I either slept or read in that class...

Somehow I passed...
mind numbing...... meaning i wont remember any of it xD
well, maybe not our parents...

lmao my mom did the whole "i'm putting my foot down" thing yesterday
Did she use your middle name? You know they mean it when they say your first then middle name!
no, but i feel like today she'll use it if she finds out i haven't done anything

maybe if i move this box to the other side of the room she won't notice...
Hm. I have a quick question. How are my posts as of right now? Reading back I see that I have a huge difference in length and now I'm wondering if my post are becoming too long.
Silly Gilly there is no such thing.

You're posting for maaaaaaaany characters anyway, so it's only natural that they are getting to be a bit lengthy.

I for one really enjoy reading them. *w*

you're all procrastinating, and i got a job.. sorta?

also, i must be incredible because my new friend at drivers ed was like yO you wanna hang out 2day

which i sadly had to say no to because i had a job

tho its always kinda confusing when people like me, like we literally met yesterday i have no idea why


love the posts, and theyre definitely not too long

lol Ghostie you're a wonderful person~

of course people want to hang out wit- wait wat

ew jobs...

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