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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World


This is their first one:

This is their second:

Their covers that I don't think are on the albums (I really like Waiting for the Night):




their bio on facebook is hilarious i love it

Ghost is the name of a devil worshipping ministry, that in order to spread its unholy gospels and, furthermore, trick mankind into believing the end is ultimately a good thing, have decided to use the ever so popular rock music medium as a way to achieve their ends.

Standing motionless and anonymous beneath the painted faces, hoods and robes which their sect demand, the six nameless ghouls of Ghost deliver litanies of sexually pulsating heavy rock music and romantic lyrics, which glorify and glamorise the disgusting and sacrilegious, with the simple intention to communicate a message of pure evil via the most effective device they can find: Entertainment. This is Black Metal at it’s most original and deceiving; compositions such as “Ritual” and “Death Knell” majestically weave their melodic spell of evil through the senses until the listener finds themselves utterly possessed and open to any diabolical suggestion.

In May 2010 Ghost were contracted to a UK based gramophone company called Rise Above Ltd, who swore an oath stating that they will assist the group in the task of spreading their musical blasphemies through formats such as Compact Discs, Long Playing Vinyl Records and Digital Downloading.

The first full-length Ghost album ‘Opus Eponymous’, a daringly beautiful combination of satanic rock music with an almost unthinkable pop sensibility, is to be released on 18th October 2010. It is understood and agreed that Rise Above Ltd will invest heavily in areas such as magazine advertising and retail marketing and employ the services of music publicity specialists in order to expose the music of Ghost to the wider public. Specific attention will be paid to targeting people (research suggests these are most likely to be adolescents) who have a void in their life, perhaps caused by some form of emotional trauma or upset, that can be filled by the music and philosophies of Ghost. In time, these easily manipulated children will come to share the views and goals of the Ghost ministry and can prepare their own plans for the downfall of humanity....

another convert

i really like their singers voice

so far they've gotten a "new" singer for every album that goes by Papa Emeritus (I, II, III)

but its just the same person in a different costume xD

Papa Emeritus III is the 3 month younger brother of the II....... .. .
yeah pie???

its not like its a big secret anyways :/
Damn....if I want food I'm gonna have to walk to McDonald's......
id walk with you but that would be a several day walk
Thanks Ghostie

To walk there, order, get my food, and walk back it takes about 20 minutes depending on how busy they are....

Like....I want food....but do I really want to walk to get it?

But then again there's NOTHING in my house I can eat....
wow im loving my psychology final

"Which of the following theorists proposed that at least part of the human ability to learn language is innate?"

A) Noam Chomsky

B) Howard Gardner

C) B.F. Skinner

D) Helen Keller
mcdonalds is great and exercise is good for you

id go for it infini

id walk to my mcdonalds rn if i wasnt 2 busy
I've only heard of Helen Keller xD

Yeah....and I am hungry.... >. <

Ugh walking
yeah and she wasn't even a psychology theorist??? xD

"Which of the following does not describe part of the "fight or flight" mechanism?

A) it's a survival instinct in humans

B) it gives the body an "adrenaline rush"

C) the body gets tense and ready for action

D) there is uncontrollable yelling

um what
Lol now I'm looking forward to psychology next year xD

I got ten bucks. Wtf do I want at mcdonalds
well, idk how similar our final exams will be xD

but psychology is rly GR8 M8

icecream and cheeseburgers
Maybe a burger....haven't had one here for a while. I normally get chicken

Lol who knows

Bacon club house burger

Cool! New best! Took me like 13-15 minutes!
I do like all the songs that you posted, Goats, but I really just like the teaser song for the upcoming album so much more than the rest. xD
:( i know, its probably their best one

which is why this album is 2excite
So it would seem.

The instrumentation faintly reminds me of Avenged Sevenfold's Nightmare.
laughs bcuz ive never heard of them

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