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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

You know what. I want to start a discussion on our characters.

My question for all of you is: How did your characters come to be? Like out of your mind! How did they make it onto text on a screen? Have you used them previously? Were they inspired off of a single piece of media?

Riku is always one of my favorites because I actually originally used him as the main character of a (Poorly Written) Fan Fiction.

Yamamoto was based off of Walter Kurtz off of Apocalypse Now, my favorite movie.

And so so much more.
To be quite honest, Akira is just an almalgamation of all of the 'out there' thoughts in my head as well as the more socially inept part of myself that many people tend to see, but with a little exaggerating. He's a variation on another character of mine that goes by Akira as well, though the previous Akira was a lot more intelligent with anger issues due to his parents ignoring all of his accomplishments and just not giving a shit about him. It's fun to write about such an oddball like him. ^w^
Ren is from Pine's old Naruto rp. She needed a fiance for Satoru and I knew I wanted her to be calm and graceful and nice with a bit of an adventurous side. I was pleased when she got a lot of positive feedback in that group lol

Minako was because Pine dragged me back to the site and said on here that her squad needed a jonin lol

Didn't want to get rid of the Torisei and I refused to change Ren so Minako came to be lol

Tsukiko....I wanted to try a chuunin and realized I wanted to try out a jinchuuriki.

I tend to search for images and when looking test out names. Half the time I base a personality off the picture or get a personality idea and base the picture off the personality
Ooohh I love hearing about character creation!

My inspiration comes from all over the place, and depending on how i get inspiration my creation process can vary.

For Shinji, his "real" name is Tanis Hill. He was made for a skype rp that a sort-of acquaintance wanted me to join.

The original rp was a circus one, and there was supernatural creatures and species.

Tanis was a shifter, which is like a werewolf except different animals. He was like... a were-snake.

Western hognose snake (heterodon nasicus), in particular, which I chose because that's the snake I know most about.

Aspects of his personality were based off of behaviors of hognoses.

They're one of the most harmless snakes to keep, because they don't bite in defense! They will strike, but with a closed mouth- so it's like giving you an angry kiss.

Then after that, they'll play dead.

Here's his original character sheet, with ruined formatting-


Full name: Tanis Hill

Nickname(s) or Alias: N/A, if anyone else comes up with a nickname that's cool too

Gender: Male

Species: Shifter (Western Hognose Snake)Age: 18

Physical Age: 18

Birthday: June 6th 1996 Signs (S/R/M): Gemini / Undecided /UndecidedMoral Alignment: Neutral Good

Sexuality: Panromantic DemisexualNationality: North American

Religion: Agnostic

City or town of birth: Boulder, Colorado

Currently lives: Traveling

Languages spoken: English

Native language: English

Relationship Status: Single


Height: 5'2'' / 157.48 cm

Weight: 122 lbs / 55.3 kg

Figure/build: Mesomorph / kinda stocky

Hair color: Naturally brown

Hairstyle: Idk what it's called ahah

Eye color: Dark brown

Skin/fur/etc color:

Snake form- Brown splotches on a lighter, almost white colored background, black belly ( 'Normal' color morph)

Human form- Tanned skin, lots of freckles on his face, shoulders, and arms.Tattoos: None

Scars/distinguishing marks:

Snake form- One of the two fangs on the right side of his mouth is missing (not really a scar or distinguishing mark since it's inside his mouth, but eeeeeh shrug)

Human- N/A

Preferred style of clothing: Likes simple clothing- t-shirts, hoodies, sweaters, jeans, shorts, heelys

Frequently worn jewelry: 3 lip piercings- two close together on his left side, one on the right, usually circular rings.


Smoker? No

Drinker? No

Drug User? Which? No

Addictions: None

Allergies: Pine and cedar

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None

Any medication regularly taken: None


Personality: Tanis is shy, and rather quiet when meeting new people although he has a friendly attitude. Once he opens up, he can be comically theatrical and goofy. When he's friends with someone, he's very loyal. Unless it comes to being asked to do something dangerous or scary, Tanis is the complete opposite of stubborn, to the point he's kind of a pushover and could be taken advantage of. He has a bad habit of bottling up his negative feelings and not doing anything about them. Instead of judging people based on what other people say, Tanis tries to get to know more about someone before making any judgements about them. He's curious, cautious, and openminded. Tanis enjoys adventures, exploring, and experiencing new things even if it's something small. He's docile, gentle, and tries to be kind to everyone, putting other's needs before his own. If it's for his friends or he feels like it's the right thing to do or necessary, he'll have minimal problems with lying or breaking rules and/or tradition.

Psychology and perception: Idealistic, optimistic, cautious

Self-discipline: Patient, may be taken advantage of

Social attitude: Introverted,can't say no, adaptable, playful, open-minded

Honesty and honour: Will lie if it seems like the right thing to do, no strong moral code and just goes by what he feels is right.

Emotional capacity: Warm, considerate, gentle

Likes: Blankets, friends, baths, animals, acting, heelys, snacks, lying in the sun

Dislikes: Being cold, dangerous situations,

Fears/phobias: Heights

Favorite color: Yellow

Hobbies: Taking walks, traveling, reading

Taste in music: Electro swing, breakcore, will happily listen to whatever's on

Random Life Facts: Never dated

Goals: See new places, experience new things


Talents/skills: Acting, memorizing all the places where blankets are kept

Ability to drive a car? Yes


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore: Omnivore, with a preference for meat

Favourite food(s): Cheeseburgers

Favourite drink(s): Limeade

Disliked food: Vegetables in general

Disliked drinks: Orange juice


Describe the character’s house/home: Currently Traveling, looking for somewhere to stay for a little while

Significant/special belongings: N/A


Level of education: Highschool

Current job title and description: N/A

Name of employer: N/A


Parents names:

Are parents alive or dead? Alive

Is the character still in contact with their parents? Yes, but he doesn't contact them regularly

Siblings? Older sister

Other Important Relatives: N/A

Best Friend: N/A

Other Important Friends: N/A




Childhood (newborn - age 10): Had a easy childhood growing up in a middle upperclass family. Was taught early on not to reveal that he was a shifter to anyone, no matter what. Did average in school but didn't make many friends.

Teenage years (11 - 19): Also did alright in highschool, but occasionally skipped when it got too stressful. Got a job as a cashier early on and saved money, hoping to travel. Made a few good friends. Finishing high school, with his own money and some help from his parents he was able to leave as planned.

Adult years (20+): N/A
Obviously his relation to snakes and aspects of his personality have been changed to fit in with his backstory.

The biggest change between this Tanis and Shinji is probably the self-worth and anxiety

Hoshiko is Orion Blackburne, one of my favorite OCs, but his violence is taken to an extreme for this rp.

Orion is like a giant mish-mash of character traits and characters I like.

Off the top of my head I can think of Okabe Rintaro from steins;gate, Izaya Orihara from Durararara!!!, Gundam Tanaka from the Super Dangan Ronpa, and his hair color I borrowed from Shima Renzo in blue exorcist. I wanted him to have bad fashion and dyed hair but I couldn't decide on the color.

The base ideas I had for him was "weird with made up stories like Okabe", "likes to fight"

Most of my characters aren't made like Orion, and are more "original."

Jakunen, or Jay, is the oldest OC I still use. She's had a lot of reworking done. Originally she was super mary-sue ish, and I don't want to go into more detail. xD

Sometimes I get ideas from the plot of the rp itself and thinking of scenarios/character traits that would be interesting. Sometimes I get an idea from something totally out there like a t-shirt with a pretentious phrase, or a really weird youtube channel, or a tiger i saw at the zoo, etc.

Usually inspiration gives me one or two character traits I want a character to have, and the rest is built upon/around that. I usually try to make their history make sense, and even change parts of their personality later because i had an idea about how their history would influence them more.

The best way to make a character would probably be history-first, the rest after, but unfortunately it usually doesn't happen that way for me.
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xD Actually, most reptiles are allergic to pine wood.
Western Hognose snake? You're kidding? I love those snakes! I handle them at a Zoo I volunteer at!
That's the kind of snake I have, they're the best kind by faaar.


Volunteering at a zoo sounds fun!
Also call me weird but I always usually start with a character's appearence or role first rather than backstory to make my characters...
Same. Unless I when reading info about the roleplay I come up with one
Inuyasha is sooooooooooo much worse with the whole KAGOME thing than Naruto ever was.

Okay, so Tetsune started off as a Sai rip off.

Like, on Neopets when you went on the threads for role play, they were generally really underdeveloped role plays that only lasted a few hours.

So since it was an OC role play and I was wanting to role play Sai (because I think I was still catching up at the time and he had just been introduced and I was intrigued), so I made him younger, gave him freckles, and when I was thinking up an intro, decided he hated bugs (which is still a thing).

His intro was essentially him in his room (his house has gotten a lot of development, because before then he was like living in a fucking attic or something and forget about thinking of a family situation for him) and he had just gotten out of bed or something and he was glaring at a bug... then proceeded to meet up with his team and then insult them in the way that he does.

So one of the people that I had set up teams with, we decided to do a one on one which lasted... oh, say, a year or something?

It was pretty fantastic and I was obsessed with it.

We had this kind of love triangle thing going on, but you guys know me and romance, so I was mostly focusing on the rivalry between our two dudes, which was suuuuuuuuper fun.

Basically his character at the moment was this whole thing about how he would wear "a mask of indifference" or something, and because I'm a sucker for drama, that got to break a few times.

I also decided at the time that he hated lying but would do it if he "had" to or whatever (which, the one time he did, it super backfired on him), and now present day I think that might be pretty stupid.

So any, I got pretty nostalgic about it and tried to recreate the one on one, which, the second time around, I would say was more successful...?

But after I just a Naruto forum role play, I developed Tetsune's past more, actually typed out a cs for him, gave him more than a sister, and actually came to be a little more original about his outfit (literally a ripoff of Sai for the longest time, and also he used a tonto sword) and just a hell of a lot of development, I don't know the exact process...

But yeah, Tetsune is Sai in disguise and I am trash because I love him anyways.

And then Satoru... I'm trying to think of why he was ever a thing.

I made him for the forum role play as well, and he either started with me wanting to collaborate an arranged marriage, or it was because they needed a two-tails jinchuuriki.


Also, I've been wanting to make a Kumo ninja for a while now, so it all worked out perfectly.

I actually can't think of any development he's done yet.

That was whenever I started to think things through thoroughly with characters.

The funny story I have with him is that I made a thread trying to find someone who would work with me...

Every day I would update the thread with a shitty pick-up line.

I don't know if anyone ever noticed, but I hope they did...

So yeah, Satoru's been the same.

He was just one of those characters where my brain vomited out ideas.

And uh... IMIKO.

On the second one on one, since my partner was role playing two characters, she was like "you get the sensei" and I was like "okay here" and...

I don't know how she came to be.

My female characters tend to be super butch, and Imiko is kind of a classic example of that.

She hasn't really been developed too much... at all.

She's just my fun minor character.

I'll develop her eventually.

I also used her in the forum role play, and it was really annoying because that was one of those role plays where there was a point system, so you could use the same character in multiple threads and basically the one student I had for her was suddenly like jonin rank by the time I had gotten half-way through their first encounter and the rest of the people that were supposed to be her student kept saying shit like how they wanted the other person as their sensei...

It was annoying.

I now stay away from point systems like the plague.
From what I've heard from my friend who got me into Naruto, I'm extremely hopeful it turns out to be true lol
No. Last I know they were giving chase to Sasuke. He's in a sealed barrel.
I'm extremely looking forward to Sai~

I've seen him slightly in the 3DS game
I've seen small clips. My friend and I would sometimes send clips we found on youtube to each other. I'd send SD clips and he would send me ones from Shippuden

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