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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World (A detailed Naruto roleplay)


Bear With Me Here ?
How would you all feel about a detailed Naruto roleplay? One that focused much more on the characters themselves rather with an interesting an twisting plotline. A plot that seems very realistic yet stays true to canon? Essentially, what would happen is that the roleplay would essentially begin in the genin stage for most of our characters; Fresh out of the academy, for the most part. Throughout the roleplay our characters will develop and grow, that sort of deal. This is just a rough outline of the roleplay that I have planned, to plunge into further details, please keep reading.


Essentially, it's roughly 175 years since the days of Naruto Uzumaki. Eight years prior to the roleplay the five Great Nations casted aside the peaceful teachings of Naruto and plunged themselves into the 5th Shinobi War. The result of this war was the bloodiest conflict ever known to the shinobi world, and a peace treaty unlike any other. In an effort to prevent all further conflict, a special armistice was reached that all nations would work together in their future shinobi efforts. This means that every Hidden Village will work together to complete a mission, and from now on most squads will consist of Shinobi from mixed villages. Another agreement was that due to its central location, Konoha will become the main hub for shinobi missions.

Side Notes:

This is only a rough outline of the plot. The general idea is to somewhat follow the style that the original manga had and have characters that develop with the plot. Action isn't the main focus of the roleplay, and interesting characters are welcome!

So, anyone interested? Any questions?
I haven't used this site in a pretty long time, but this sounds like the perfect RP to get me back into things. You can count me in!
I haven't watched Naruto in forever, but I'm tempted depending on who signs up. Promising GMs are always a plus. :P
Glad to hear that people are interested! I have a quick question for all of you however, in regard to technology and village size.

In the original Naruto, technology was slightly modern yet primitive. Village size was moderate, few tall buildings but nothing too large.

Now in Boruto, which takes place after the original manga, the Villages pretty much become small Cities filled with very large buildings and monorail systems. Technology was more modernized, though no cars or guns.

Which would you guys prefer? I'm thinking maybe larger cities just might spice things up just a bit but I'm fine with either one.
Personally, I found the more primitive atmosphere of the old episodes rather charming. Maybe have larger cities but keep the progressiveness moderate?
It doesn't really matter to me, but seeing as how everyone else seems to like it I guess the larger cities idea is what we should go with.
All villages will be welcome. That's what the system of cooperation does, now two shinobi can operate together from different villages and have cause!
I haven't read the manga since it ended, and the movies and specials that came after are lost on me. But sure, it sounds pretty fun. I'll join.
I honestly only read the manga and not the sequel, so I have no idea about the larger cities and other techs that have begun to emerge. I'll go along with anything, really.

Also, one question...well two...

1) Does the Seven Kiri Swords still exist?

2) Are we allowed to have characters with new Kekkei Genkai (the OC I have in mind probably wouldn't have one, butI'm just curious)?
\o/ hella check out all this interest a++

*wags eyebrows @Sunbather*

@TheAncientCenturion @Loki Odinson if you guys ever have any questions about series canon when going through the character making process or otherwise, one of us should be able to fill you in (probably me tbqh). 8') Also I had streamed the Boruto movie for a couple of people so I could maybe do that again if people are interested in that. I personally really enjoyed the movie.

And yes the seven swords exist and you're free to make your own kekkei genkai, so long as it's grounded and/or the person making the character is willing to work to make it that way, esp. since the roleplay is way more character driven than combat driven (and probably more character driven than plot but u kno).
While interested, I personally think 175 flippin' years is way too long of a time gap between canon. So long that it might be hard to distinguish it from the main source material. You could develop a civilization with 175 years[citation needed].
Well, 175 years is a long time, but it's somewhat intentional to be a long time. I should also mention that it's not 175 years after his Naruto's death, but rather after Shippuden ends.

I mean, I want a long enough time period between the original canon so that all of the characters have passed so that we don't have to worry about any living on. Secondly there has to be long enough of a time gap so that we can see the influence that Naruto and all of the characters had as well, but also make my own time line so that things make sense. Naruto was a pretty influential guy, it would probably take a generation or two just to carelessly toss aside his teachings. Multiple generations is kind of a theme, and the Shinobi culture is so strong that it would make sense that it would stick around even that long after.

That being said though, if everyone does think that 175 is too long I am willing to cut it down of course.
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175 years or 100 years, it really doesn't matter to me all too much. The only thing that may be a problem is progression, technologically, as by Naruto's reign the Leaf Village did turn into Amegakure. But I'm willing to suspend my disbelief if we want to keep it simpler.

Pine said:
\o/ hella check out all this interest a++
*wags eyebrows @Sunbather*

@TheAncientCenturion @Loki Odinson if you guys ever have any questions about series canon when going through the character making process or otherwise, one of us should be able to fill you in (probably me tbqh). 8') Also I had streamed the Boruto movie for a couple of people so I could maybe do that again if people are interested in that. I personally really enjoyed the movie.

And yes the seven swords exist and you're free to make your own kekkei genkai, so long as it's grounded and/or the person making the character is willing to work to make it that way, esp. since the roleplay is way more character driven than combat driven (and probably more character driven than plot but u kno).
Thanks for the offer. If I come across any problems, I'll let you know. And I uh, honestly am not the biggest fan of the last two major arcs of the manga/anime. So Boruto isn't something I find myself too interested in, but thanks anyways.
TheAncientCenturion said:
And I uh, honestly am not the biggest fan of the last two major arcs of the manga/anime.
Oh yeah dude. I fucking hated the manga's last two arcs. I felt this whole next generation thing was better than I expected, but if you're still wary about it I totally understand.
Pine said:
Oh yeah dude. I fucking hated the manga's last two arcs. I felt this whole next generation thing was better than I expected, but if you're still wary about it I totally understand.
It had its good parts. Like the early chapters of the War arc I felt were great. But Kishimoto cut away too much from the interesting, newly introduced characters to let the ones we're use to take center stage. And I just. . Was not a fan of the Obito reveal, or Madara at a certain point. I was a stubborn believer of the Izuna theories, and Madara ended up just sitting around for chapters on end to not break the flow of the story. >.>

If Boruto gets better, I'll read it. But I'm not too optimistic about it all.
The last two arcs were....Okay. I don't hate them but if I wanted to watch big godly fights I'da read a DC/Marvel comic but yeah.
Personally, I don't mind much, but I can see how 175 is too much of a gap. It's very disconnected to the canon, afterall. Also, I'm very glad I kept the character. The timeline sooo won't fit, but she got a lotta cool techniques. :P
I'm pretty busy tonight, but I should have the main thread up tommorow morning.
Just going to put this right here *places interest on the coffee table*

In my opinion - as an avid reader of everything everywhere - the ending to the Naruto series was very blah in comparison to it's earlier twists and turns. Suddenly everyone wants to be Hokage and then friendship and shit beats raw power haha. Very mainstream ending to a mainly mainstream manga. It seemed a bit forced to read, thus my preference for alternate endings in my roleplays concerning it, but I can handle it with all the characters dead. On the other hand, I'm going to ignore the whole Sasuke is Sakura's baby-daddy thing. Much too forced for my liking.

So on to my own questions. Considering in the good parts of the manga, Sasuke's original drive was vengeance and the restoration of the Uchiha clan, I was thinking that perhaps he was allowed back into the Village after a certain amount of time. A few years perhaps. Under the condition that he was monitored at all times/takes a Hyuga to bride. I was thinking he took one of the main branch cousins to bride and used the recessive Byakugan genome to restore the Uchiha clan to it's former glory - outside of Konoha.

The main point here is, via the method above - or another means that doesn't involve Sakura's genes (>.>) could the Sharingan and Uchiha be prominent again?

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