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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World (A detailed Naruto roleplay)

To answer your last question straight off the bat the Uchiha are slightly prominent again, however in recent years will be suffering from reduced numbers because of two reasons I have set up in my timeline. The first is the war, and the second reason is due to a genocide launched on both the Uchiha and Hyuga clan by the Hidden Mist. Uchiha characters will be allowed! However, that being said I want only the basic levels open for the beginning of the roleplay so that we don't get any overpowered characters, keeping things fair!

And just for story sake, to avoid confusion, I want to keep canon endings I'm just planning on keeping the normal relationship states as they were. If you're not really a fan of the whole Sakura X Sasuke pairing (I'm with you completely, I wasn't really a fan of that pairing either >.>) you need not worry. It's not going to be mentioned much, and won't be looming over every players face because that would be just very annoying. A Hyuga and Uchiha marriage does sound interesting however, and if you want to play that into a character you're more than welcome to! Just remember that one kekkei genkai cancels out another due to dominant and recessive genes! ;)

Also, on a side note since we're talking about characters from the original manga, relations to original characters are allowed. However, understand how many generations have passed so there will be differences in the bloodlines.

Hope that answers your questions! Feel free to ask away if anyone has anymore! I'm working on the thread right now, I was away from home all day so that's why it's late.
^ Also, forgot to add in, how would you guys feel about like 100-120 years after canon? Would that suffice for you characters?
Yeah, I'm pretty flexible when it comes down to the timeline. And ha, God I hope someone makes a pink haired Uchiha.

And what villages will be allowed? All canon villages? Just major, or the minor ones too?
Gilzar said:
Awh, good question.
ALL canon villages, major and minor are allowed!
Now, you say that but. . What's the status on the Hidden Sound? I know they weren't organized into an official village, at least if Shippuden sheds any light into things, but I'd like to explore all possibilities.
I consider the hidden sound an actual village. Actually was making a character from the hidden sound.
I'm torn between Iwa and Kiri...Iwa because I know not many people would go for it and Kiri because of the sword...

And 100-120 is fine.
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I am interested in tagging along, however I was just wondering two things which I thought I'd ask first.

1. Would I be able to make a character that is from the Kaguya Clan? (Just to clear up what I mean, I mean Kimmimaro's clan)

2. What kind of system are you going to use when it comes to combat interactions? Will you be using ranks+Honor system? Just the honor system? Dice? Stats?

I don't really mind what you go with but these are the two things that came to mind when I saw the thread, also have you already made the thread or is it in development?
@Automagic The land of Iron is still around, however they remain constant neutrality like in the previous manga and therefore they'll be kept strictly NPC to reflect that attitude.

@Sinister Clown, to answer your first question I'd personally prefer not for a few reasons. First, Kimmimaro's entire clan was killed off along wit him, so I can't really see how the bloodline would spread. Secondly, I've just had a lot of bad experiences GMing with characters having that power...it's just a very simple power, but it's very powerful so I'm going to have to reject that kekkei genkai. My apologies if that's what you planned for your character.

To answer your last question, if I'm understanding what you mean, ranks+Honor system. Shinobi will be divided into ranks, and power levels and experience reflect ranks. I'm not that experienced with Dice roleplays, and stats can become a hassle to keep track of. An honor system should suffice, as it's worked well in the past!


Naruto: Brave New World
Gilzar said:
@Automagic The land of Iron is still around, however they remain constant neutrality like in the previous manga and therefore they'll be kept strictly NPC to reflect that attitude.
@Sinister Clown, to answer your first question I'd personally prefer not for a few reasons. First, Kimmimaro's entire clan was killed off along wit him, so I can't really see how the bloodline would spread. Secondly, I've just had a lot of bad experiences GMing with characters having that power...it's just a very simple power, but it's very powerful so I'm going to have to reject that kekkei genkai. My apologies if that's what you planned for your character.

To answer your last question, if I'm understanding what you mean, ranks+Honor system. Shinobi will be divided into ranks, and power levels and experience reflect ranks. I'm not that experienced with Dice roleplays, and stats can become a hassle to keep track of. An honor system should suffice, as it's worked well in the past!


Naruto: Brave New World
Alright thankyou for getting back to me, in regards to the Kaguya Clan I can't disagree with you, I did plan on making a Kaguya character but that's generally because in most naruto rp's I go in I generally make a Kaguya Clan member (Simply because they were my favourite clan from the Naruto series). I'm still interested in joining though.

And alright that seems fairly legit, that's usually the way it works. I was only asking just so I knew what to expect, I've ran a few dice rp's but even the dice-logs has it's flaws. (Meaning just by mere luck, a genin shinobi could defeat a kage which is pretty ridiculous.) I'll start making my character today but I'm not sure if it will be finished until later since I have to leave for tafe (Tafe is sorta a school in case you were wondering), so would it be alright if I placed my work in progress stages of my CS to come back to as reference and something to work on? I generally like to take a lot of time in making my CS so I often don't finish them in one sitting.
By the way guys, the official roleplay may have been prefixed as closed, but it's not. That was a mistake that has been fixed, the thread is very much open to join!
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Gilzar said:
By the way guys, the official roleplay may have been prefixed as closed, but it's not. That was a mistake that has been fixed, the thread is very much open to join!
It's up already? Damn, didn't see that ^^"

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