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Fandom Naruto: A Shinobi's Life

Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~

"Substitution Jutsu, huh?" Fuyu mused, turning her head back to look at him, sharingan on full display, this time with two tomoe. "I can do that, too." As the wire and wood collided with her, a poof showed a log caught by his trap. She appeared and leaped in an arc above him, forming some hand signs, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" She blew a big ball of flame down at him, hearing Ko shout, "HEY!" from off on the sidelines. "I couldn't finish reading your jutsu... did you mess it up? So I went with this one," Fuyu elucidated, before landing after her flip over him, lowering her hands to her sides, she awaited the aftermath of the fireball.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Time flew by with Asuka's classmates, and she eventually grew to know each one of them - the majority in a non personal manner. She watched herself grow as a ninja, as well as the others. Currently their teacher had sent them to spar with each other - Fuyu and Izuki battling first. As like the others, Asuka chose to stand by and view the battle, slight tinges of admiration flowing through her for the current combatants. Eventually however, Asuka herself wanted to battle and she scanned the room for potential partners. All of them were worthy opponents, though she chose to ask the person that stood near her: Ruo.

"Hey," she called out for her, trying to get her attention. Upon assuming she had gained it, Asuka walked three steps closer to Ruo. "Spar?"

~TAGS - Someone || LOCATION - Sparring area~
As the fire cleared, Izuki was seen still standing unharmed although the look of exhaustion was showing on his face. "I used way too much chakra to stop that..." He mubmled to himself as he stumbled forward slightly before catching himself with his right foot. He figured he could prevent himself from taking the fireball directly if he focused his chakra to burst outward, similar to how if one were to use too much chakra when climbing a tree chakra would push the user away if they used too much, which worked but he reflexively used almost his entire tank due not knowing the amount he should use and was now suffering the consequences. His head felt like swaying left and right before going down on his knees and hands. "I... I give..." He mumbled quietly as he struggled to bring his head up.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle @Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Kaden watched Fuyu and Izuki spar against one another. The brown skinned boy would've bet his money on the Uchiha. Though he knew geniuses could be defeated by the underdog in a moment if the momentum was in his favor. Sadly that didn't seem to be the case. With an impressive fire style jutsu the Uchiha took the match. Kaden had heard Uchiha excelled in fire style. He decided if he was to be placed on a team with Fuyu or the twins he'd see if they could teach him any jutsu. Noticing the dark haired girl asking her peer to spar, the young shinobi became impatient. He decided after those two, he'd be next to to test his skills.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 T ThatSideCharacter @Particle @Rusty ofShackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
"Huh? He gave up...? Man, that shouldn't have been the way it should have ended, but I should not judge." The girl let's out a gentle sigh at the match conclusion. But her thoughts were interrupted when someone called out her name. Looking to her left, she saw that it was the Asuka girl. "You want to spar with me? Uhm, sure thing."

Hazuki then reaches for the object wrapped on her back, soon putting it on the ground. "No point in carrying this around if I can't use it yet... though, this'll most definitely put me in a disadvantage though." She looks right back at Asuka once again. "Well, I am ready when you are."

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Pyosimros Pyosimros
Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~

With heavy breaths, Fuyu's eyes turned back to normal. Her chakra was also spent. Turns out the sharingan took up a lot, especially if you kept it on. With a grimace she put a hand up to her eyes. "Very good you two!" Ko called. He didn't need to announce Fuyu as the winner. If there was a winner in this match, then it would've been obvious. Otherwise he felt both did well. "Excellent use of your sharingan Fuyu! I'm impressed! And Izuki, that was quick thinking. Sometimes you need to out think your opponent. It may hurt to admit sometimes, but sometimes we come up against someone whom we are outclassed by. At that point all you got is your wits. Fuyu's sharingan makes for quite the foe, huh? Heh, it's why our Uchihas are so revered, but you handled it well. I don't think you'll be stuck in the Academy after this year, haha! Okay, who's next?" He waited to see who would take their place, as Fuyu and Izuki got out of the way, both still obviously tired out. He felt a need to explain that, too.

"Oh. That exhaustion you two feel? It is your chakra. Or rather lack of it. That's what happens when you expend all of your chakra. You become feeble, exhausted. You are at your most vulnerable if you have used up all your chakra. In time, you will learn to control your chakra better so this doesn't happen as frequently. You'll even expand your chakra pool. Good job again."

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Chakra exhaustion. Something Izuki was all too familiar with. Last year during the academy, he experienced this feeling many times not only due chakra use but the fact that his pool in chakra was rather smaller than the average person. His genjutsu skills were almost non existent and his taijutsu was average. A lot of names were thrown around him but his biggest name was this last year.

Fake Ninja

Biting the bottom of his lips in frustration he tried to keep it hidden by looking down but he quickly changed to a smiling face.
"Ah yes!" He said as he shook off the thoughts swirling in his head and he smiled to the teacher before looking to Fuyu and holding out his hand. "That was a good match. I learned quite a bit about myself with this match."

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~

Fuyu noticed his extended hand. She stared at it for a moment, before shaking it. "You were better than I expected. I shouldn't have rushed to conclusions... " She nodded to him, that was probably the best he'd get out of her. The Uchiha then removed herself to the sidelines so others could engage in their matches. Besides she was actually exhausted and needed rest to replenish her chakra. Meanwhile she stared at her arm and flexed her hand. She couldn't perform her signature jutsu today. She would need to practice it more for sure. But if what Ko-sensei said was right, then she'd have plenty of time to practice it -as a genin. Missions would give her ample time to improve her skills.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy

no slide

The day they had started the academy, she had gone home asking about Kekkei Genkai, her father nodded telling her about her clans Kekkei Genkai. Nami had watched the battle intently surprised at how Izuki had done. "Great Job, Izuki-kun, Fuyu-chan." She said with a smile. She secretly had been trying to figure out the hand signs for the Jutsu of her clan. She believed that her father had saw her one night and that he decided that before she injured herself that he would show her the hand signs. This is what had happened in fact, he had come out late one night while she was training and told her to come with him. He had shown her and much tot his surprise she had been able to preform the Kekkei Genkai, the next morning at the table. She had not used it in school yet and she had not shown Ko Sensei.

Code by apolla apolla

Timeline: Academy Days / Graduation Exams
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weakish
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


"Hello everyone! I hope you ate a healthy breakfast today like I suggested, because all day today is Graduation Exams! There won't be any rest, any breaks, not even for food," Ko-sensei was saying, smirking, as he adjusted his strange goggle-glasses things. "We're all here, I assume, hm?" he asked, scanning the room. Seemed so. "Yes, as I said. Graduation Exams will last through the day. I've watched you all come a long way these past few years, and I must say, you all are excellent shinobi! Heh heh, well.. sorta, right? Today is actually your first step towards ninjahood -TRUE ninjahood! After today, you will either be shinobi, or you will be repeating Academy training again, I hope no one wants that, Izuki-kun.." He trailed off. He often teased the returning kid about repeating the Academy, but this time his tone was serious. "This years Graduation Exam is especially grueling, I helped create all the tests this year. I have seen such promise in this class in particular -don't let me down!"

He turned towards his desk, and grabbed a stack of papers. With the bell he began, "Ahem, this is the first part of the exam. The written portion, with questions and essays. It isn't the most exciting part -that'll come later, heh.. but this is still necessary. This will go over all the material we went over through the years. From teamwork, to strategy, to more common things like math and science. As a true shinobi, I expect all of these things to be apart of your skills. Otherwise you aren't true shinobi, catch my drift?" He asked, turning to look at his class, a sharp glint coming from his goggles, the pressure his gaze exuded could be felt in the room. Through the years Ko had grown close to these kids, and he saw greatness in them, but he would be devastated if even one of them failed his class. It would feel like a betrayal. Not one he was willing to easily forgive. This Aburame meant business when it came to teaching and raising up the next generation of shinobi.

He felt the respect coming from the students. With a nod, he said, "Good! Now!" He held out his hands and his bugs began carrying the test papers around the room, depositing stacks of papers in front of each student. "Turn to page 1. You will have 3 hours for everything here. I won't stop you at any one section, or tell you to stop doing something, or tell you to switch to the essays. -NONE of that! You all are allowed to move at your own paces; I expect you all will be able to finish everything before you." He was smiling, as if he believed that statement. This section of the test was definitely boring, it even bored him, but boring stuff itself was a test. Ninja were often bored on missions. Patience was a virtue after all. And time management came from that. Let's see if the class passes at least this. "Begin!"

Fuyu sat listening to Ko-sensei. A written part to the test? How drab... The Uchiha looked down at the stack of papers before her, before flipping to page 1 as instructed. Multiple choice. She read the first question before he even said begin, formulating an answer quickly. It was a rudimentary question -beginning with the easy stuff, huh?

'What is chakra?
A. A ninja's inner strength
B. A ninja's resolve
C. A ninja's spiritual energy
D. Magic Juice
E. None of the Above.'

Complicated, psh, yea right. It was C obviously. Though some of those other answers gave her pause... The last one though, E, seemed to indicate there was only one correct answer. Fuyu narrowed her eyes, activating the Sharingan quickly to see if she could spot anything unique, then her eyes widened. Anyway, she read quickly ahead to the next question and thought up the answer to that one, too, by the time 'Begin' was said. She got to work quickly, scribbling in circles for her answers, with that first question still bugging her. She would work diligently all through the 3 hours, ears barely hearing the ambient noise in the room, from scribbling pencils, to coughs and shuffling fidgets, to a few whines here and there. The essays were about team work and jutsus and technique, and strategy, and that sort of thing. Stuff that Ko-sensei hammered into their head, with annoying frequency. It was nearly insulting to not be expected to understand this stuff by now. There was a particularly annoying section about Clans and Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Tota.. And some other Kekkei was hinted at? Though Fuyu didn't know about that at all. She felt irritated at that, but quickly surmised if she didn't, then no one else did in class either. That made her feel better skipping that small part.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy GardenOfEden GardenOfEden

Nami had not been thrilled to find out that there was a written test but she decided that if this was part of being a Ninja than she would bear through it. The Dark haired female opened her test to the first question and was instantly a little puzzled she believed that it was C no knew it was C but E just like with Fuyu made her doubt her knowledge. Nami frowned deeply and decided to skip it going forth with the exam. She answered question after question about training and Kekei Genkei. When she was finished with the multiple choice, she went back to the first question and decided to trust her instinct and go with C. Now there was the Essay, getting there she gave a smirk down at her paper as she looked up at Suku. The essay was probably the easiest part of the assignment, but she had always been good at writing. She finished her essay and looked at the clock there were ten minutes left for her to finish so she decided she would draw Ko-Sensei teaching them about theis stuff in addition to her essay.

Code by apolla apolla

It was now exam time and Izuki was looking more tired than ever. Cramming knowledge overnight had not done him any favors and with how frequently he falls asleep during the regular classes he could just fall head first on his desk. But today he wasn't gonna sleep. Looking at the questions, a lot of the questions appeared to be stuff that appeared last year. And he got a lot of them wrong. However, this year he was quite confident. While he wasn't too keen on paying attention in class, the reviews he did after class is paying off. During the three hours of writing, yawns and groans of exhaustion came from him. Finishing up the essay he went back to his first sheet to review the multiple choice questions given to him to double check his work. The answer to the first question, 'What is chakra?', he thought back to the moment when he sparred with Fuyu, back to what the teacher said at the end. With that he promptly made 'E' his answer. He'd continue to review his answers till the end of the exam.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle e Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy GardenOfEden GardenOfEden
It was finally exam time and Lunaras was worried she would fail the test she didn't know what to do about it she just couldn't shake the feeling of failing. And she hasn't even been through the exams yet, she doesn't understand why she is just freaking out for some reason that she does not yet understand........ An hour has past and it was time for her to take the exam, She feared the worst for most of these questions she kept second guessing herself but there was one question most of all that got to her. What is Chakra? She thought to herself I have no idea I think it is C but could it be E she did not know which one was correct so she just picked C. but until the end of the exam she just kept looking over and switching her answer but then she came back to What is Chakra? and she switched her answer to E, oh no time is up I need to look over them again I need to change them but shortly after saying that Ko Aburama-sensei took her test.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy GardenOfEden GardenOfEden
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Kaden stared at the package before him. He knew this was important but he couldn't bring himself to care. He wished he could skip this part and get to the action. It wasn't like Kaden could'nt complete this exam. He'd already covered some of the things Ko-sensei's class. Most of it he reviewed back home with his father and Senior trainees. Not saying every answer would be right but Kaden knew he was intelligent enough to pass the test in front of him. Even if his scores weren't perfect passing is still passing he figured. The questions he knew he answered. The ones he didn't, he tried to work it out to get the closest answer. Eventually he came upon the written portion. The dark skinned boy sighed. Kaden felt like it would go on forever. No point in complaining. He thought before beginning to write. After about an hour he finished his exam completely. Kaden took several minutes to go over his answers and try to fix any mistakes. The test wasn't too hard. Still if you slacked off during classes anyone could fail. He stole a quick glance in Izuki's direction. The boy had a tendency to sleep during classes. He hoped the other boy could manage to stay awake this time around. Kaden's mind wondered how the rest of the class was doing. Luna in particular. Over the course of the school year, he and the girl had formed a rivalry. He'd tease her about her dream of becoming hokage then the girl with retort with sass. The next minute the two would come to blows. It was always friendly competition. Always pushing each other to become stronger. In truth the Lunaras was a rival Kaden could'nt help but acknowledge. He prayed to the heavens she wouldn't freak out. The girl worked better when she could keep a leveled head. He wondered if she knew that herself.

Everyone Everyone
Sitting at her chair with a tired expression on her face, Ruo could sigh as she looks at the paper on her desk. It was a written test given by her sensei in the class. "What is Chakra...? Huh, that's a weird question to ask. The answer is probably C. But, i'm going to go with B." Picking up the pencil in her right hand, she circle B with a cheerful smile on her face. "Even it ain't the right answer, at least I circle something that I believe in..." After circling that answer, Ruo continue on with the test, having not study at all for it, she circles the answers that would closely resembles her beliefs and her thoughts of what a ninja can and can't do.
Lunaras was so worried about what she got one her exam she went to go find Kaden she jumped through the village but still could not find him, Kaden where are you I need to talk!!! She even tried to use her Byakugan to see his chakra trail but it was really hard to do that at the level of strength she is at. But it was not working so she just went home and started stressing she was just so anxious

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy GardenOfEden GardenOfEden
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Balancing her pencil across her nose Hitomi leaned on the back legs of her chair as the test began. Tongue sticking out slightly and going cross eyed as she tried to to keep it from falling. She squeaked as she was pushed forward by a shove of Ko-sensei's hand as he passed. Dropping a copy of the test on her desk as he went. She managed to grab the pencil and stuck her tongue out at Sensei's back. Huffing when she received no response she finally looked down at her paper and pulled it toward her. Scanning it she was momentarily baffled by the first question. The answer was tricky but she was sure that she put down the right answer. After all those lessons she's had to endure over the years it would be a shame if she didn't. Smiling in satisfaction as she answered the last question she quickly turned her test in. She was eager to return home, confident that she had passed. Plus, a squad that consisted of some of her cousins had returned home from a mission wounded yesterday and she had been promised that she would be taught some new Jutsu's to help them. Hopefully, I learn something interesting.

《Kazuki Ikari》

Nervously tapping the table with his index finger Ikari listened to Ko-Sensei, he was extremely neevous, who wouldn't be? It was their final exam, the test that they spent the whole time in the academy preparing for this. Of course Ikari had done plenty of studying before this, but he couldn't shake the butterfly from his stomach. Once Ko-Sensei was finished talking and passed out all of the test Ikari opened his and stared at the first question. 'What is chakra?' Looking at the answers for a little bit Ikari chose E since he remembers something about chakra being a life force that when depleted the person will die, that's why he has to be care when using chakra, since he lacks the large chakra reserves. Continuing with the test Ikari started to feel confident about his knowledge and his past studying really helped. Finishing the test right as it endedoes, Ko-Sensei took his test, along with the other students. Now Ikari patiently waited for the next part of the exam.​
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Timeline: Academy Days / Graduation Exams
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weakish
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


Fuyu set her pen down, after finally finishing the last essay. Boy this had been extensive. Far more extensive than she had imagined, luckily she was so knowledgeable. She still had around an hour. Boredom had already set in. She looked around, wondering how the other kids were doing. Some seemed tense, like they were struggling. Anyway, the hour rolled by, and everyone finished and the time was called. She sat listening to Ko go on.

"Pens down! Alright, cool. That part's through, well done class!" Ko-sensei called, standing up. His bugs shifted out to go pick up their tests and place them in a neat pile on his desk. He would be busy going over them later. But for now... "Okay, next part of the test begins now! Everyone will be expected to show their mastery -or lack thereof -hopefully you aren't lacking- of Academy Jutsu. Then!" He sneered, as if pleased with himself. "Everyone will be required to show me a specialized jutsu. Whether one of their own making, or a family or clan's secret. I don't expect everyone to be masters at their specialized jutsu, but I expect some progress to have been made through the year. Understood? Great!"

He surveyed the class. "Who will step up and begin this? Anyone want to volunteer? Show me transformation jutsu, clone jutsu, substitution jutsu, and an understanding of chakra control.. By walking up the side of the wall. Then finally your specialized jutsu. Sooooo... any takers? Come on. Don't be shy!"

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy GardenOfEden GardenOfEden TheBaconater TheBaconater General_warNpeace General_warNpeace

Nami watched Ko Sensei's Beetles came around and got their tests. Then when he began to explain the next part of the test she gave a small squeak. A special Jutsu? What did she have that was special? She thought long and hard about it then decided that she would try her clans Kekkei Genkai. He asked for a volunteer and she contemplated the idea of going first. That would mean that if she messed up then she could always hope he wouldn't remember but that wasn't like Ko Sensei.
She tentatively raised her hand and stood "Sensei I would like to go first." She said as she walked to the front of the class. She first did a substitution Jutsu using her chair instead of a log, it was successful. Next was Transformation Jutsu something that she had a little bit of a problem with at first but she transformed easily into a replica of K Sensei. She realized how much Chakra she was expending but was determined to show him her clans Jutsu. She finished what he had asked even replicating Suku on her head when it came to the Clone Jutsu, Chakra Control was easy and it came down to her Clans Jutsu. A series of hand signs later and she transformed into a small bear cub in honor of her father. She stayed this way for about thirty seconds and transformed back into herself nodding quickly at Ko Sensei.

Code by apolla apolla

Lunaras was finally ready for the final exam after taking a breath she was so sure of herself, she really hoped she would get to go against Kaden. She often thought about Kaden and she didn't know why, was it bc she felt something for him, but she seemed to think it was bc of how much she was irritated by him. But back to the exam, it was now time to take her final exam she walked to class and Ko-sensei was calling students up. I am going to ace this, sensei calls her up and says we will start off with the Academy Jutsu, Ok She goes through the Academy Jutsu like it was nothing. Now we go to Specialized Jutsu, She deminstraited her Byakugan and then she showed some of her Two Tails Abilities. We are done now so u may take a brake, he didn't seem impressed he just sat their with a tired look in his eyes. So she was concerned on how she did No I did awesome I am defiantly going to pass.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy GardenOfEden GardenOfEden TheBaconater TheBaconater General_warNpeace General_warNpeace

《Kazuki Ikari》

The written and essay wasn't that bad in Ikari's eyes, but after that was showcasing Jutsu learned in the academy. He felt a overwhelming wave of dread, Ikari is known throughout the class for being a failure when it comes to using Jutsu and he was commonly bullied and picked on by some of his classmates. Trying to shake away his dread Ikari watched his classmates preform, they did everything just as planned.

Finally Ikari's name was called and his heart felt like it was going to burst. Walking up to Ko-Sensei he heard a few chuckles from students knowing how terrible his Jutsus will be. Now standing next to Ko-Sensei Ikari readied himself for failure. Trying to use transformation Jutsu to turn into Ko-Sensei resulted in Ikari having one big eye, a crooked nose, and large buck teeth. Substitution Jutsu was even worse as it just dropped a small piece of wood in front of Ikari. His clone was an odd gray color and it's whole entire right arm fell off. Chakra control was also bad. Upon being asked to do his specialized Jutsu Ikari looked at the ground and shook his head, "I...I don't have any," he said depressingly before quickly going back to his seat with a red face, avoiding all eye contact. A few students laughted as he made his way back to his chair.​
Seeing the how Ikari was performed during the test, Izuki couldn't help but see himself in the boy. He was pretty much the same way last year when attending the academy and seeing how the others laughed at Ikari, he couldn't be helped but get pissed.

Izuki would raise his hand as he went next for the jutsu test. As he went down the stairs, he put one hand on the shoulder of Ikari before trying to give a reassuring grin to him and taking the front of the class. He would flawlessly perform all the academy jutsus without a sweat including the dreaded Transformation jutsu which gave him the toughest time earlier in the year. It would be finally his time to use a specialized jutsu. Something he was saving up for a rematch with Fuyu but that was going to wait. He stared up towards the bullies before smiling towards them and started speaking, "You guys up there... you might be laughing now, but I was exactly the same as that kid a year ago. I didn't have any chakra to perform jutsus properly, nor the control to handle the techniques very well. And all the same I was laughed at for being the only one held back."

One of the kids started acting up in a cocky manner before scoffing at Izuki's talk and replying to him, "And so what..? You got better?"

He grinned before opening his eyes fully to the kid who replied, "All I'm saying is that you may see a failure now... but if you underestimate the weak..."

As he spoke, he started performing a couple of hands seals, ending with his right arm outward with an open palm and his other hand still holding up a hand seal up to his chest. A blue flame started raging in his right palm before increasing to the size of his body. He closed the right palm into a fist and the flame itself went into his arm, with a blue flame hovering around it.

".... You'd best be prepared to be burnt..." He spoke as he slammed down his right arm into the ground and the blue flames that once engulfed his arm dissipated into the ground as well, as the rush of hot air flew across the classroom. The rush of air quickly disappeared after a few moments and as Izuki pulled his arm back up a hole which had burnt marks going down was seen.

He silently glared back at the bullies who had quieted down before going back to his normal look and turning to his teacher, "Sorry, I should've been thinking where I should have been using my jutsu. I'll stand in the hallway." He said smiling as he walked out of the classroom promptly and had himself stand in the hall. His right arm was shaking and he was biting his bottom lip as the pain was intense. "I shouldn't have used all of my chakra... Now I can hardly stand right now... ugg..." He moaned to himself as he stood in the hallway.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle @Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy GardenOfEden GardenOfEden @TheBaconater General_warNpeace General_warNpeace
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Timeline: Academy Days / Graduation Exams
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weakish
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


Fuyu decided it was her turn. This was easy. Even easier than she had realized, since the other students all had it down. Well.. most seemed to, she looked at Kazuki and Kaden with a disapproving glance. A very subtle disapproving glance, as it was very hard to determine the slightest fluctuations in the Uchiha's face. Even that Izuki kid performed better than expected. Although he was held back, so you'd expect him to perform better... He was whining to the 'bullies' in the class, but to her they were right. This was child's play -literally. Children were expected to do these jutsus, how pathetic if you couldn't.

Stepping up, she demonstrated her superior chakra control by easily walking up the side of the wall, only to stand on the ceiling. With quick hand signs, she summoned a couple clones. A shift in hand signs and all three of them changed into three different people. Kazuki, Kaden, and Izuki respectfully. She released her chakra and fell back to the floor, flipping and landing lightly. She tossed a shuriken up very slightly, only to have it turn back around and come down at her, when it 'hit' her, she poofed away and her clones took the shuriken, making them disappear. Finally, she came back around to stand in front of the class. Izuki had been similar to what she was going to do, so she took a glance at him before doing her own jutsu. Fuyu made a few signs, then sparks ran up her arm and she held out her hand. It was more impressively charged than her initial 'Lightning Crown' that she had showed off much earlier.

Ko stared at her sparking arm and nodded. "Very good, Fuyu!" he exclaimed, impressed. The young Uchiha had always seemed to be one-step ahead of everyone. Well.. Uchihas were prodigies, or supposed to be. He smiled at the rest of the class, but gave a frown at Izuki for burning his floor. "Very good everyone! There appears to just be a few more of you who needs to go, but the rest of you may head outside, for the final part of the test, I'll join you momentarily." With his last announcement, Fuyu walked out towards the training area behind the Academy.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy GardenOfEden GardenOfEden TheBaconater TheBaconater General_warNpeace General_warNpeace

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