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Fandom Naruto: A Shinobi's Life

"A textbook?! Why would we need a textbook anyways? Aren't we in training!" A look of frustration was on the girl face, but it soon subsides as she raised her hand into the air for the teacher can hopefully see her. "Sensei, I don't have a textbook, I thought I didn't need one." She says without a strand of embarrassment on her face. Though as she looked about, she saw that werido boy talking to that girl who performed the lightning technique... although not very successful. "Lightning Crown... hmmmmm... I'd have to remember that for later."

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~

Fuyu had her bag with her, filled with useful stuff for school. Including a few textbooks. It made her bag heavy, but in a way, it was apart of her training to lug this thing around. Looking towards the second year, she stared at him, then said, "You've been here a year already, but you forgot to bring your textbook? No," she answered flatly. Then glancing up at Ko, who gave her a look, Fuyu rolled her eyes and pulled out the Ninja Training Handbook and handed it to him. Inwardly, annoyed, she thought, 'Dumb kid'. Ko then looked down at another student who said she didn't have a textbook. Casting his gaze through his weird glasses-thing he stared at the girl. Another student hadn't brought a textbook? Sighing he said, "I see... Well, this year is going to be interesting, huh? Okay, how many of you don't have your textbooks? Alright, well, follow me inside, we'll need to get you some." He turned and walked into the grand Academy building behind him.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy

no slide

Nami pulled out her text book glancing around at everyone, she wondered if she had made herself look stupid. She sat down and place a hand on her cheek watching as even more students came in even later than she had been. She sat up straighter at the mention of Shadow Clone Jutsu, it seemed like a very interesting subject. Her eyes flew from side to side as people said they didn't have their textbooks. She was ten minutes late to class but she still had her textbook. Suku barked and Nami looked up at her, "What is it Suku?" She said having a conversation with her puppy. It wasn't log until she wasn't moving her mouth to speak with her dog. She wondered if she looked crazy doing this

Code by apolla apolla

Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


Sitting in class, Aburame Ko-sensei stood at the front of the room. "Okay, open your textbooks to page 245 class," he began. "Today's lesson is one what some of you probably already are quite familiar with: Clans." His eyes fell upon a certain dark-haired girl, sitting near the front, who had already flipped her textbook open to the page. She read the first line to herself, 'Shinobi Clans. Clans refer to a family of shinobi grouped together, that form a unit of a shinobi village. In the past these Clans came together to begin their villages, one such example is the Senju and the Uchiha clans forming our very own Hidden Leaf Village. Many clans would follow this example later, forming their own villages. Members of clans usually are through blood relations and genetics. Something vital to Kekkei Genkai and unique secret clan techniques.'

"Fuyu-chan," Ko called out, would you mind reading the opening line for the rest of the class? The young Uchiha girl looked up at him, after a second of inward annoyance, forced to repeat what she had already read to herself, she opened her mouth and recited the opening paragraph. "Very good, Fuyu-chan! To continue, is these secret techniques and Kekkei Genkai that make members of such clans so renowned and sometimes feared. Why our very own Uchiha..." he paused, trailing off. "Ahaha, nevermind. Anyway, can anyone tell me what a Kekkei Genkai is?"

Since she had already spoken, Fuyu decided to just answer. "Kekkei Genkais are genetic abilities passed down by blood, primarily through clans." Ko flashed her a smile, "Exactly! Heh, you would know, wouldn't you Fuyu-chan?.. Since you are from our Uchiha clan." He paused, "Perhaps you can demonstrate a Kekkei Genkai?" Fuyu stared at him with what appeared to be a frown on her face. A second later her eyes shifted red, with one little tomoe tailing off her pupil. The Aburame seemed most impressed, "OH! Marvelous! Look class! Fuyu is demonstrating her clan's Kekkei Genkai right now! Oh yes, the Sharingan, a beautiful ocular jutsu that the Uchiha possess."

"Lemme see!" a kid behind Fuyu chimed, leaning over. Others clambered down the stairs to glimpse a look into the girl's red eyes. There were many 'ooohs' and 'ahhhhs' to go around as most of the students crowded around the front steps of the classroom. After a brief grimace, Fuyu's eyes returned to their normal dark coal color and she breathed in. Ko carried on, "Yes, very good. Well, class, who here is from a clan? And could you perhaps tell the rest of us what makes your clan so special? Hm? I'm sure we're all dying to know!"

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy

From where Nami set she could see Fuyu's eyes clearly even though she was a row over, that was until people started to crowd around her. Nami looked up a Suku who had fallen asleep on her head. 'Thanks Suku.' She thought to herself. She wondered if her father knew if their clan had a Kekkei Genkai. She didn't but that wasn't surprising at all. She would ask him when she got home now curious to know. "Sensei? What do Kekkei Genkei help the user? I mean the Sharingan helps detect movements right? I'm sorry if that is a stupid question it's just one that I have." Nami said

Code by apolla apolla

During the lecture, Izuki already had his head rested down on his desk. He was still listening to the lecture and he shifted his head just slightly to see Fuyu show off the Sharingan to the class. "The Uchiha's Sharingan..." He'd think to himself, "To think I get to see one in class... last year there weren't any Uchiha in my class." He continued to listen with his head down as the girl Nami asked about the abilities of the Sharingan. Slowly raising his hand to the teacher, he waited a few seconds before bringing his head back up.

"If you don't mind me explaining Sensei, since I don't carry a kekkei genkai myself." He spoke up, "..Nami was it? Its abilities is a bit more keen than detecting movement. Rather the Sharingan allows one to read one's movement and one's chakra. And if you can master both, the Sharingan can copy any jutsu that aren't a Kekkei Genkai as if it were their own. There's also rumors that you can perform a powerful genjutsu unique to the eye depending on how proficient you are with it..."

He promptly put his head back down before mumbling to the teacher now, "...And thats all I read about the Sharingan in the first year..." He gave a loud yawn before quickly burying his face in his arms for maximum comfort.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
The Uchiha Twins
The twins didn't show off any jutsus, as they didn't know any. Their older brother was meaning to teach them some, but he was too busy at the moment, so they knew nothing. They simply followed everyone to the classroom as the team sat together and listened. When Fuyu showed off her Sharingan, the twins both sighed, wishing they could unlock their family's Kekki Genkai. Their brother had it, and even had the Mangekyo variant, though no one knows how he got it or what his abilities are. Ako was fascinated, asking, "What does the Sharingan do, exactly?" Jubei looked at her saying, "It increases your senses and eyesight by leagues, alowing you to copy jutsus and even control minds." Ako nodded, asking, "Well, how do you get one?" Shin turned to her this time, saying, "It's only available to Uchihas. They get it from feeling a strong emotion of any kind." Ako nodded once more, the three turning to the lecture. When the teacher asked who was in a clan, the twins both raized their hands, Shin saying, "We are! We're from the Uchiha clan! We have the Sharingan and can use Fire Jutsu!"​
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


Ko turned his attention away from Fuyu, who had since released her sharingan anyway. He turned to the girl who asked him a question, flashing her a smile. "Well, little Nami-chan..." He closed his mouth, as he was cut off. He allowed the students to answer the question, glad that they at least had this level of knowledge. It was also good to see them helping each other out at this age already. It brought up ideas of teams in the future. Would Nami and Izuki work well together? Probably too early to tell, but his willingness to answer her was at least a positive note. "That's right Shin! The Sharingan is usually unlocked through some sort of emotional moment, as a response the body finds the power within itself. OH? You two have the Sharingan, too? Well that's great! Fire Jutsu, yes, that tends to be a specialty of the Uchiha." He glanced towards Fuyu, wondering what the young girl had gone through to unlock her Sharingan so soon. He also reflected on how she showed Lightning Release over Fire Release like most of her Uchiha brethren. "So, does anyone else possess a Kekkei Genkai?"

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Kaden Kiriryu waved goodbye to the Cloud jonin as they vanished into the trees. Kaden thought it was a little much to have him escorted by elite ninja but his father often said the boy had the potential to become the leader of their clan one day so the man urged the rikage to treat Kaden like precious cargo. Kaden knew his father cared for him but he made a mental note to tell his father not to treat him like a little kid. He was in training to be a full fledge ninja after all.

The brown skinned boy then turned his attention to the massave gates before him. He let out an impressed whistle. "So this is konoha, huh?" He said to himself taking it all in. It was so different from his small town in the land of lightning. Even more so than kumogakure. Where his homeland was surrounded by mountain and cliffs konoha was wood and leaves with trees surrounding the village. Now that's what I call a change of scenery. The boy thought to himself. Welp, I'm sure I'm already hella late so let me put some bounce in my step. With that the boy ran past the gates then leapt into the air on a building. He maneuvered his way higher until he was on a pretty tall building he guessed was an apartment, so he could get a better view. Yeah this place was definitely impressive.

Kaden took in the view and found what he was looking for. Nice looking place he was sure was the academy. Wasting no time, the boy jumped from one building to the next in a flash fashion until he reached the academy. Digging in his pocket he found a piece of paper with the name 'Aburame' on it. The name of his teacher on it. Entering the building the boy walked into a random class room and asked "Aburame?" The teacher shook her head no then gave him instructions on how to find his assigned class. With a quick bow to show his thanks, Kaden continued his search until finally he found the class. He entered and asked the teacher "Aburame?"

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
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Ruo, with her textbook opened... quietly listening into the topic of Kekkei Genkai. Though as she was looking on the list of clan names, the little ninja eyes widen a bit as she couldn't find the Ryu Clan on the list. "Strange... really strange. But maybe they just forgot on this textbook. Perhaps the newer ones hopefully got them on it." She thought, as she looks up from her textbook and at the teacher.

Though, sitting in the middle of the classroom... did hinder her sight of the teacher a bit, she didn't really mind all too much. Either way, Ruo raises her right hand into the air. "Sensei, I have a question. Is it possible for people to not have a Kekkei Genkai? I've been... well, thinking on that a bit."

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
The Uchiha Twins
Shin smiled, opening his textbook along with his team. They listened closely to their sensei, Shin briefly showing his extremely undeveloped Sharingan to Ako as Jubei shook his head. Jubei was the only one taking notes, and he was paying attention the most right now. Shin eventually turned to pay attention as he deactivated his Sharingan, panting die to how much Chakra it used and how untrained he was.​

She moved her hand to put it under her chin, upon hearing one of the other students explain the Sharingan. "Thank you Izuki, that's your name right?" She said curiously. She couldn't wait to go home and see if her father was there, maybe her clan had a Kekkei Genkai that she did not know about. "Are there other Kekkei Genkais sensei?" She said with a smile and looked at the others.

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"Ah! Asuka Katou! Nice for you to join us! Haha, well, it seems most of my class is here and has gone through introductions. Why don't we get started? I mean really get started. Everyone have your handbooks?"

"Handbook...?" she whispered, almost as if she were surprised by the question. Externally she kept the same expression, yet internally she began to stress. Asuka hadn't brought her handbook during her scurry to school, or even her bag for that matter.

"I see... Well, this year is going to be interesting, huh? Okay, how many of you don't have your textbooks? Alright, well, follow me inside, we'll need to get you some."

Asuka nodded and walked alongside the man - so long as she didn't publicly embarrass herself, she was happy. The group eventually were seated in their classroom and the teacher began his lesson on kekkei genkai and clans. He used the obvious examples first: the Uchihas, and any Uchiha member that was present made themselves known. After their spotlight, any other possessors of kekkei genkai were asked to demonstrate - or at the very least they were asked to discuss their kekkai genkai.

Asuka...kept rather silent still. She wanted to avoid attention as much as possible, and her clan's techniques weren't very noteworthy to begin with. Asuka simply let the class move forward.

~TAGS - Someone || LOCATION - Classroom~
Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


The teacher was still quite impressed that such a young child like Fuyu had access to her Sharingan so early, he even noticed Shin using his. Ko didn't think any of his students would know their Kekkei Genkais this early, then again he had also witnessed Fire, Wind, and Lightning Release from these students. He had a talented bunch here, he knew it. "Why, miss Nami, yes, oh yes. Most, in fact, do not possess Kekkei Genkais. Even some clans don't have them, possessing only unique, secret jutsus, of which your parents will teach you. In fact, I, as an Aburame, belong to a clan." His lips formed into a grin, hm, how mysterious. He wondered if any of them knew his clan's particular unique jutsus. Well certainly none of them could perform any, but he wondered if they had the knowledge of them. "Can any of you tell me what's unique about my clan?"

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy

Nami's hand shot up into the air when he asked what his clan specialized in, "My father said that when he was on his original Genin team he was with an Aburame, your clan knows jutsu that involve using beetles, bugs, and more specifically using them in battle right Sensei?" She said before he even called on her. Her hand slowly retracted from where it had gone. She then looked down at her lap and reach up to pet her puppy.

Code by apolla apolla

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Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


Ko laughed lightly, shaking his head. These kids were impressing him more and more. "So you know my abilities, hm? Yes that is true, as an Aburame, I have a close relationship with these chakra-eating bugs." He leaned forward, grinning, "So don't get on my bad side, ya?"


Quite some time later, the students had been progressing steadily through the Academy years, learning about chakras, jutsus, more complicated things like chakra natures. Even stuff like mixing chakra natures and chakra control and even forming one's own techniques. Still, they were just kids, so such things couldn't be mastered so quickly, but they were learning it all in stride.

On this particular day, very soon to their graduation, the kids were outside practicing, sparring, that like. Fuyu had a short blade strapped to her waist, but she stood facing her 'opponent'. "Okay class, remember, friendly spars, don't try to poke anyone's eyes out or anything! Graduation is just around the corner, lets see what you can do? If you even are worthy of graduating..." He turned towards Izuki and said, "I'm looking at you, Izuki-kun! This is one of the last times to really up your skills before the Genin tests, so lets see if you are all prepared.. or not, hehe."

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
He recoiled back a bit as his name was pointed out before laughing it out and scratching his head. But his teacher was right. This year was definitely going to be the year he passed. He had to pass. He told himself before the start of the year. He stood across from Fuyu as her sparring partner. He gave a smile before speaking to Fuyu, "Let's have a good match, Fuyu-san."

"I'm just a son of a shop owner but I'm gonna show them even I can stand up against a clan of prodigies." He thought to himself before getting into a fighting stance. His eyes fully open showing his determination before his smile fell into a serious stare.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


Fuyu stood there staring him down. "What a boring statement," she murmured. "I suppose that means I'll go first..." Suddenly she brandished a few shuriken and immediately tossed the spinning ninja stars at him. She expected him to dodge, but knew he'd be surprised to see bladed weapons in their spar. Teach, too, would probably be startled by it, she stole a glance at Ko. He did seem surprised, but didn't say anything quite yet.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Stretching out her back and sides, the young dragon girl notices two of the students going into battle. "Huh, we're fighting alre- wait... yeah, yeah we are. The teacher just said so, I think?" She raises a brow, seeing the boy she had crashed into the first morning here, fighting the Uchiha girl. "She's a bit overconfident, I can say that for sure... but maybe, that confidence is warranted... I think?" Ruo says out loud as she sits down on the ground.

"Either way, this'll be a learning experience for me. See how these people fight."

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
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As Fuyu predicted, Izuki dodged to the side and charged at his opponent weaponless. Performing simple hand seals he continued to run at her before pulling his fist back straight towards her face. Though this was a clone that was acting as a distraction. His real self had actually slowed down a touch to hide behind his clone and was actually trying to aim around the corner to grab the bladed weapon that the girl chose not to use, and deny her the option of using it at all.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~


Fuyu wouldn't give him the chance. With eyes red, she spun and kicked the clone hard on its chin, making it immediately poof away in a smoke. She flipped out of his range, landing lightly on her feet, shifting her eyes back to their normal state. She made a few hand signs of her own, forming 4 clones in a line in front of him. Then all 4 rushed to meet him, each ready to throw a strike. A punch or a kick or whatever aimed right at him.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Missing his opportunity to grab her weapon he spun around to face four clones of the girl in front of him. As the clones charged forward a thought crossed his mind as he had to think for a moment his next plan of action, "I have to get in close... I can't let her distance herself from me."

Grabbing four shurikens he quickly threw them towards the clones before they could get too close. Managing to only hit two of them with the other two shuriken being dodged the clones would proceed with their punch or kick which he quickly drew a kunai to slice through both clones. Now caught up in the smoke, he had no idea where to look to find the original. Performing hand signs once more he made two clones of himself and backed into each other in an attempt to confuse the girl if she were to come in to attack.

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
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Timeline: Academy Days
Overall charries's "Balance": Students / Super-weak
NPC Interaction: Ko Aburame-sensei

~Fuyu Uchiha~

"Hhhrrm? Better than I thought," Fuyu mused aloud, her voice coming from the trees. Where a few kunai fired out from sending his clones away in poofs of smoke. Leaping from the shadows of its branches, she landed just before him once more, holding a kunai in her hands. "I thought you were just a failure for being kept from graduating, but you seem to have some skill." Placing her hands together forming a jutsu, she grinned. "Ready? This is my signature jutsu..." She paused after she said that, seemingly to consider something. Unbeknownst to everyone, Fuyu decided against using her signature jutsu for whatever reason, opting for a less taxing one. "Lightning Style: Raining Daggers!" Her hand mimicked a throw, and a ball of energy spiked in the sky, raining blue charged needles down at Izuki. They weren't as strong as they could be... this was the first time she had managed to do this jutsu after all.

Pyosimros Pyosimros T ThatSideCharacter Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy
Ruo staring at the battle, nodding her slowly to the whole ordeal. "Raining Daggers... she's good, but I still believe in the boy!" A little smile was on her face, seeing the boy's tactic unfold. "Confusion, utter confusion... I think? Hmm... his fighting style is really jumpy, relying on deception and clones... if this was me, I would've gone in with force and fight for dear life."

"Man, man... My gramps was right, going to this school would only broaden my horizons with unique ways of battle. How great... how awesome!" Her eyes light up with amazement and glee. The girl's arm hands shaking with excitement.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
"Signature... jutsu?" He said as he backed up a bit to prepare himself. He took out a kunai and watched her throw the ball of spiked energy before the blue needles rained on him. He threw a smoke bomb to cover himself before the needles landed. When the smoke cleared, a wooden block had been covered by the needles with a small steel wire attached to the middle of it. The piece of wood would suddenly pull itself towards Fuyu in another attempt to catch her off guard with Izuki actually disguised as the dirt ground coming out of from behind her pulling the wire while charging towards the direction she chooses to dodge.

"Then I'll also use my signature move!" he said as he performed several seals. "Fire Style!!" He'd say as he pulled back his right hand in a fist shape.

However, despite performing the seals nothing had happened. which caused him to look away and hesitate. "Did I mess up again..??"

Pyosimros Pyosimros Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Angelostar4 Angelostar4 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 @Particle Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford MegMath13 MegMath13 Narcissus Malfoy Narcissus Malfoy

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