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Graded [Nan Pass Village] 聖域平和 Seiiki Heiwa: Bathing of the Blood


Bitter and Sweet, do not eat.
Roleplay Type(s)
Ooc/TLDR Mentions: Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Rcticwolf Rcticwolf ebonheart98 ebonheart98 Tellussoil Tellussoil Giftvi Giftvi
Ooc: This roleplay takes place in the Isekai Hell world, in Naan Pass. At the base of the Paizu mountains. A bathhouse built around a natural onsen. This is a short roleplay to allow the characters to relax after their horrendous encounter. I will be trying to post three times a week. Though I can't promise that will always be the case. I'll be trying to post Monday Wednesday Friday
The party that fought a dire bear just outside of Naan Pass (Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Search for the Skythorn Blossom), visits a nearby onsen to cleanse themselves of the messy aftermath of battle.
Language: [Terran] <Beastial> Common
Goals: Get clean and relax, become friends. Learn more about Sorieiels slave collar

The day was drawing to an end, the sun setting behind the mountains. Casting a beautiful dusky glow across the mountains. A light dusting of snow carpeted the ground. But the beginning of spring was near, and the gentle warmth from the sun was starting to melt the frost near the Paizu mountains. A small party found themselves walking through the gates of a rather spiritual looking Bath house. It was nestled at the highest point in the village of Naan Pass, between a crevice of the base of the mountain. The whole estate was surrounded by a stone wall. And in a few spots, there were natural springs that had been built up with stone. Giving it a somewhat natural and yet, sophisticated look. Thaddeus led the group in through the gates, and he was greeted warmly by a woman with long black hair and emerald, green eyes. She had rounded cat like ears, and a thin and twitching black tail.
She wore a traditional Yukata with a simple hair ornament pinning her hair up. Her smile was warm, and professional all at once. Bowing down at the waist, she greeted them all respectfully and quietly.

<"Greetings, and welcome. I am pleased you have finally agreed to take me up on my offer. Mr. Belmonte."> She spoke almost coyly, hiding her lips behind her long sleeve. Thaddeus reacted as if he was used to her, smiling politely and hefting the wrapped bear meat that the party had brought.

<"Thank you Ami, your hospitality knows no end. My daughter and her party slew a bear. They were hoping to eat the meat of their kill after a decent soak. Do you think that Jiro and Hachi will be up to cooking? There should be enough to share.> He handed the meat over, and Ami took it with a look of slight surprise. After only a second's consideration she was all cool and coy again.

<"Certainly, Mr. Belmonte. I'll speak with them about the meal right away. Koharu can show the girls to the girls cleaning room. And I believe you know where the men's room is."> She paused and giggled slightly. Thaddeus looked away seeming a little frustrated. Aedrianna had remained quiet through all of this. However, she did fix her father with a curious gaze. There were a few things she was finding out, that she wasn't quite aware of. <"Koharu! Oh!"> Ami let a small gasp out as she looked in front of her, to see a small girl with blonde hair and curling ram horns. She was wearing a yukata and was quite unassuming. <"Good girl, can you show the girls to the cleansing room. Be sure to bring some bathing attire and leave it for them to wear when they are finished.">
Ami walked off gracefully, the wrapped bear meat in her hands. Koharu bowed at the waist for a long moment before rising again, while still keeping her eyes down cast.

<"Please, remove your shoes here, and follow me."> She motioned to where they ought to place their shoes, then turned and began to scurry away. Aedrianna looked a little torn, but she hurried after the little sheep girl, waving for the others to hurry with her. Lest they lose the quiet little thing. Thaddeus turned to look at Kota, Hiruq, and The Watching of Reflection who'd been left behind by the girls. He sighed and motioned for them to follow him.

<"I am very grateful to all of you. There was no way I could convince her not to go out and try to get that flower. She's just like her mother and her grandmother."> He mused as he showed them the way to the mens cleansing room. Walking down a hall and opening a door. As he did, a wave of steam billowed out of the room and into the hallway. Thaddeus didn't even hesitate to step inside. And Hiruq followed closely behind, strangely not having any qualms with the idea of a bath. Once the two followed suit, they would enter in a room with a few long benches up against each side of a wall. With troughs of running hot water in front of them. There were shelves with soaps and loofas. And a stone heater, to throw water on and raise the steam level. Thaddeus moved to begin removing his clothes and start the scrubbing proccess before the soak. There didn't seem to be any shame, and in fact there really wasn't any need for any. The amount of steam in the room was thick and hard to see through. It almost seemed magical, with how thick and billowing it was. He moved to grab a bucket and began to pour it over Hiruq, watching as the blood drained from his fur. Down to the floor and into a drain hole. He repeated this a few more times, until the white wolf was mostly clean. Before he finally spoke. <"Can I ask what Livius said...to Aedrianna?"> He didn't turn to look at either of them as he asked, and slowly began to scrub soak himself.

Koharu took them down an opposite hall than the men. And she wasn't slow about it either. The girls were forced to chase the little sheep down, to find the door which she opened. Steam rolled out of this door with an equal opaqueness to it. When they stepped in, Koharu followed behind, and began to speak.

<"Remove your clothing, and cleanse yourselves. Then you may soak in the peaceful waters. Please relax and enjoy yourselves. Let the waters ebb away at the edges of your soul."> She bowed again at the waist, and backed out of the room, not rising until the door was shut in front of her. Aedrianna only hesitated for a moment, before she started to pull off her soiled clothing and move towards the benches. She glanced back at the others, smiling encouragingly, The steam rolling around her figure hiding all the important details.

<"I heard about this from my father before. Though I didn't know he was so familiar with the staff."> She paused, seeming to chew on that for a moment. But her finger came up to point at some herbs that were hanging over the spouts in the walls. That poured the running water into the troughs. <"We sell them herbs that are good for relaxation, or invigoration. Depending on the type of bath you want to take. Some of them are to help with smoother skin, and silkier hair even."> She hummed, starting to scrub herself with a loofa and the floral soap, before ultimately falling back into an anxiety ridden silence. The possibilities of what her father had to talk about weighing on her mind. She shook her head, grabbing a bucket and pouring it over her head again, watching as the streaks of blue and pink and purple began to fade and swirl into the pool of water. Only to be carried away by the current. She stayed quiet for a moment, listening to them all get settled comfortable.
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Moonberry Moonberry

Soreiel had followed along with the group after the encounter at the mine like a good girl. She stayed quiet the whole time while shivering from the cold as Nero had taken back the coat she was using and subsequently the money she had been paid. She watched as the group returned to the town and she felt like everyone’s eyes were on her as her collar was visible in public and she heads the whispering.

After returning to Aedrianna’s fathers shop in their bedraggled state, Thaddeus had come rushing in seconds after them as he heard the rumors floating around town about their return, exclaiming how he was greatful for his daughters safety. Soreiel didn’t feel like she did anything except help find the flower, only making things worse when her master had showed up to the mine.

At the mention of a bath Soreiel slightly perked up knowing that despite her appearance, it has been a while since she had a proper bath that wasn’t just sitting in a stream.

Mr. Belmonte guided the group to a bath house that was nestled in the crevice of the mountains, upon entering the heat made Soreiel feel better as she wasn’t shivering anymore, and when they were asked to leave their shoes near the front, Soreiel removed her sandals and placed them next to Aedrianna’s shoes and followed after her. Once they got to the changing/pre-soak room and Aedrianna had sat on a bench to remove her clothes and wash the blood from her body, Soreiel just hesitated near the door unsure of what to do…

“Uh… mistress? Is it ok if I join you?” Soreiel asked somewhat shyly as she avoided looking at Aedrianna despite the magic steam that seemed to obscure her mostly.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry | SixSense SixSense

Almeida had been in an utmost cheerful mood, as they'd gotten all the aid and tools they needed to butcher the bear. Not only would her proud kill not go to waste, she'd get to enjoy the fruits of her labour as well~ She's been dedicating an entirely new song to it. “[Bear meat, bear meat, I'm gonna eat bear meat~]” Needlessly to say, she wasn't the most gifted when it came to coming up with lyrics, but she had spirit and perhaps there was some charm in the directness?

After their arrival, Almeida had been a bit more hesitant to touching things, as she'd realised she was rather bloodied. She was even hesitant to get inside, for that matter. When Daddyeus entered, she was surprised, but also not, as she'd not understood the entire conversation about him leaving, so she couldn't wonder why he was back again either. She just wondered where he'd been. “[Ohhh~]” She silently uttered, seeing Thaddeus' rush in to embrace his daughter. Sort-off made her wonder if she had a dad? Other than the bastard that build her, of course. A question for another day.

She didn't get any of the conversation, until she suddenly heard Thaddeus speak Terran. “[We'll cook the bear in hot springs?]” She asked, a tad confused. It seemed a fair bit easier to use a normal kettle and fire. “[Well, if that's the traditional way to cook bear meat here, I'm definitely down to join~]” She stated happily.

“[Oh~ it's really pretty!]” She exclaimed upon seeing the hot springs. She titled her head at seeing the conversation between the cat-woman and Thaddeus. She had no clue what it was about, but she was sure she caught the word 'eat' somewhere in there. Were they going to eat it? Wait... were they just offering it to someone now? She was getting a tad disappointed and confused.

That said, as she saw everyone split up, she almost instinctively followed after Kota and Theaddeus. Then she realised that was his past life doing the thinking and that she should go in the opposite direction now, if they were splitting by gender. However, there was one very important thing to do first. “<Kota!>” She called out, looking very serious. “<Take care. For me.>” She stated, as she would hand over Valerius. She couldn't leave her buddy out in the snow right here, but she couldn't really drag him into a woman's bath. It already felt weird entering one herself, but that was another debate to never be had. That said, she'd entrust Kota to take good care of Valerius.

“%01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100010 01110101 01100100 01100100 01111001 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01001011 01101111 01110100 01100001 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01100001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110%” She ended up telling Valerius.

Then she nodded to Thaddeus as well. “[Please take care of him for me. We don't really split up a lot, so I don't want him to feel lonely.]” She asked Thaddeus as well.

Feeling surprisingly 'empty' without Valerius, she followed after the others. The little horned girl was adorable though. She simply did as the rest did, although in her case, removing her shoes would reveal the metal limbs that'd been hidden inside of them. She simply stood by for a bit as the girl's instruction, having no clue what she said. When Aedrianna started to undress, Almeida followed suit. It was pretty neat to get the blood-soaked clothing off, as it'd been getting kind-off gross and soggy and cold.

Along with the clothing, a few 'thunk' sounds could be heard, as she got rid of some bracelets in her hair, some stuff on her shoulders and even her helmet. With her hair now flowing freely, she recalled how much it was. He really wasn't used to having to wash and maintain a lot of hair in his past life, but now she'd grown somewhat accommodated to it. Although she'd never had to wash out this much blood from it, a task she wasn't really looking forwards too...

She looked at Aedrianna, wondering how she'd do it. She too had a fair bit of hair. Yet the way she washed it out seemed to natural. Hmmm. She should try replicate it, she figured, although she got her hand caught in some annoying tangles in her hair in not time. It didn't help that her mechanical hands weren't exactly the most precise and sensitive when it came to a task like this.

She figured she'd leave her hair for now, washing her body instead, hoping that washing her hair after wouldn't just get her body dirty again from the blood that'd come out. She did wonder if they had metal wax here. As she wouldn't want to get her arms or legs to get rusty. Come to think of it, she hoped they had it on Valerius' side as well, otherwise they'd have to both make sure to get set-up afterwards. Hopefully he was having fun on the boy's side, as she was struggling to figure out what exactly they were doing and why there was a severe lack of spring-boiled bear meat.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario Giftvi Giftvi

Kota was relieved to get a good bath in, out of everyone he was the dirtiest and the bloodiest. His hands were stained burgundy red up to his elbows in the dire bear's blood though he did not mind one bit. The only thing that annoyed him was the chunks of meat that he would find in his sharp nails. Thankfully Thaddeus had arranged for the meat to be cooked by the bath house meaning that Kota would be ridden by the bear.

Much to his surprise, Thaddeus had come back earlier, and seeing how worried he was for his daughter made the Kitsune think of how his family was doing. Will his parents perhaps hug him the same way when he returns? Would they possess the same look of worry and relief? Mother would be worried. Father on the other hand wasn’t much of an expressive man but still, it would be nice to receive some form of reaction from him. These thoughts flooded Kota’s mind as they made their way to the bathhouse.

The view of the bathhouse snapped him out of his train of thought. Kota took a good look at the Sun casting its last few rays over Naan pass and the bathhouse. He would find a smile creep on his face as a wave of relief washed over him. Grateful that everything had worked out and that they could all share this moment.

Shortly after entering the group would meet a feline beast and a ram beast who knew Thaddeus rather well. Their group would split with the ram leading the ladies away. As Kota turned Alemida would call out to him holding out her hammer. She asked nicely if he would be able to watch her hammer. A mix of emotions swelled up within the Kitsune as he received the hammer into his hands. Almeida and this weapon were practically inseparable, rarely did he see the two separated even when she slept. Kota nodded proudly. <”yes, ill take good care>”

Thaddeus would be the one showing Kota along with the Hiruq and watching of reflection the way to the men’s bathroom. The kitsune waited to see how the purple creature would respond to the situation. Hoping it would bring it to someone’s attention if there were concerns. Thaddeus thanked the group which Kota chuckled, “I appreciate your gratitude but it’s what you paid us to do. No need to thank us” replied humbly.

Kota was relieved to take his clothes off, perhaps once upon a time he would have felt ashamed but he assimilated to the culture of communal bathing pretty quickly. The kitsune's two tails were now fully on display along with his physique begetting of a martial artist. His shoulder and slightly bruised from charging the bear with magic from earlier but nothing he wouldn’t recover from. Kota would take one of each bath supply provided and fill his bucket before taking a seat. A sigh of relief escaped Kota’s lips as he dumped the hot water on his head, the blood and dirt washed away down the drain along with his stress. The room was super steamy making it pretty hard for even Kota to see and he had pretty good eyesight. The Kitsune would lather up the loofah nicely before vigorously brushing his tails squeaky clean. Thaddeus would break the silence as he began to address the underlying tension within the group.

Kota wasn’t sure who Livius was but he assumed that he was referring to Nero. He would continue to brush his tails thoroughly, not moving to face the voice but speaking freely. “Apparently Soreiel had belonged to him, after standing her ground and defending her. He said that Aedrianna could have Soreiel and that he would talk to you about compensation. He also stated he knew Aedrianna's grandmother. Those bandits at the mine also belonged to him” Kota would then dump water into his tail to wash out all the soap before working on his hands. The sound of water filled in the silence.

“I’m not sure what your relationship is with him but it does make me a bit concerned. He spoke about you and family as though he knew you guys a while but Aedrianna had a look of confusion.” Kota had nearly scrubbed himself a new layer of skin once he was done. Now he began to lather up his body and hair to the point he was a foam warrior. The only parts of his body lacking soap were his eyes and mouth. He figured he would take this moment to wash the blood off Valerius. Almeida's hammer was pretty interesting, the weight distribution on it allowed for some pretty massive bonks.

“What do you plan on doing with Soreiel?” he asked as he stood up, foam knight with a hammer in hand. He gave Almeida hammer a few very light swings mimicking the half-construct, 00101101123456789 he thought to himself, trying his best to copy the analog Almeida in his head while she fought.
Ooc/TLDR Thaddues starts to explain to Kota about Nero. He shows Kota out to the main bath area. It appears to be a co ed bath that connects to the two bathing areas. Aedrianna attempts to help Almeida clean her hair, while not quite understanding what "Mistress" Entails.
Language: [Terran] <Beastial> Common
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf SixSense SixSense Giftvi Giftvi ebonheart98 ebonheart98 Tellussoil Tellussoil

Thaddeus put his head in his palm as he listened to Kota explain what he'd seen. He shook his head and went back to pouring water on the white wolf. The last of the crimson blood flowing down the drain. He let out a long sigh, when Kota asked the question, seeming to chew on the answer for a moment. His hands mechanically worked at applying the soap to the wolfs fur and scrubbing it down. Hiruq for all it was worth, looked as dignified as a wet wolf could look. He sat with his nose and eyes straight forward, ears down, tail twitching from side to side occasionally.

<"That's hard to answer son..." > He scooped another bucket of water and dumped the water on Hiruq again. <"My intention was to speak with the guards and to have them assist her when you'd returned. They would have likely been able to help with removing the collar." > He paused again, as Hiruq moved a little further away and shook his fur out. Thaddeus began to work on his own hair for a moment, choosing his words carefully. <"However if she belongs to Livius and he's decided we owe him for her, the fact of the matter is...we owe his family. So either he'll come to collect the girl...or he'll come to collect something from us.">
He finished as he dumped a bucket of water over his own head. Hiruq shook again, but his eyes were on Thaddeus and his ears were perked and pointed towards him. Eventually Thaddeus stood from the bench and moved towards a different door than the one they'd entered from. He picked up a folded cloth and began to pat Hiruq down. Eventually standing and grabbing one for himself. <"I'm sure Aedrianna will have her own questions. I'll do my best to explain what I know, but...Well I don't know much. I was going to be leaving town with Livius, to travel to the Eastern Empire and discuss things. Our families do have history. And I can't deny that, regardless of what his business endeavors might be."> Thaddeus seemed to cringe as he said the words. He did not look as if he liked the fact that he was under Neros thumb. <"But I hope you won't hold any of this against Aedrianna...She's never met Livius Nero before. And I...had hoped to keep it like that."> Thaddeus opened the other door, to reveal a hallway like area. Except the floor appeared to be water. He took a step into the room, and then a step down. And then another, until he was waist deep in opaque and steamy water. He started to wade forward, down the hall and out into an open room. Hiruq followed into the room, but he walked along the narrow wooden beam that lined the water of the hall way. Avoiding the water as best he could. The room was large and wide, the majority of it consisting of the large bath. From the walls of the room, were ornate spouts, that seemed to connect to the outside. They poured in steaming opaque water, like little waterfalls. Thaddeus waded towards the middle edge, where he took a seat and visibly relaxed. The girls did not seem to be out yet.

Aedrianna finished soaking her hair, right before she heard Sorieiel call her mistress. She blinked for a moment, seeming lost for words as she stared at the fox. Not sure why exactly she called her that, she smiled nervously and waved her hand. Motioning for the kitsune to come in with them. She looked over towards Almeida and then seemed a bit taken aback. The expression she had was something of admiration, as she looked at the wild and free hair of the woman.

<"Come get cleaned off Sorieiel. Then we can go and relax in the bath. And then we'll eat something. "> She moved over towards Almeida, tapping her shoulder and holding the bucket, lips curled in a small smile. She pointed to herself, then to the bucket, and then to Almeidas hair. After a couple attempts to pantomime her intent, Aedrianna scooped up some water and very carefully poured it closer towards the ends of the construct's hair. So as not to soak her head without understanding. She repeated the process, as long as Almeida allowed her to. Watching the blood slowly fade away from the blonde hair. She picked up the floral looking soap and poured a bit into her palm. Showing Almeida as she did the whole process. Then she began to scrub her own hair, before dumping a bucket of water over herself again, to rinse. When she was finished with her own hair, she put some more of the floral scented liquid into her palm, and began to work a lather into part of Almeida's hair. <"Here, Ms. Sorieiel, come help me was Ms. Almeidas hair. Then we can help you with your tails."> Aedrianna giggled a little as she smiled reassuringly at Almeida. <"I do wish I knew a little Terran, so at least I could talk to Ms. Almeida."> She said with a bit of remorse. Aedrianna looked towards Sorieiel. <"We'll have to get that thing off your neck. It must be so bothersome." > She did her best to continue aiding Almeida with the task of cleansing her hair from the blood, while being mindful and polite.
Ooc/TLDR Thaddues starts to explain to Kota about Nero. He shows Kota out to the main bath area. It appears to be a co ed bath that connects to the two bathing areas. Aedrianna attempts to help Almeida clean her hair, while not quite understanding what "Mistress" Entails.
Language: [Terran] <Beastial> Common
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf SixSense SixSense Giftvi Giftvi ebonheart98 ebonheart98 Tellussoil Tellussoil

Thaddeus put his head in his palm as he listened to Kota explain what he'd seen. He shook his head and went back to pouring water on the white wolf. The last of the crimson blood flowing down the drain. He let out a long sigh, when Kota asked the question, seeming to chew on the answer for a moment. His hands mechanically worked at applying the soap to the wolfs fur and scrubbing it down. Hiruq for all it was worth, looked as dignified as a wet wolf could look. He sat with his nose and eyes straight forward, ears down, tail twitching from side to side occasionally.

<"That's hard to answer son..." > He scooped another bucket of water and dumped the water on Hiruq again. <"My intention was to speak with the guards and to have them assist her when you'd returned. They would have likely been able to help with removing the collar." > He paused again, as Hiruq moved a little further away and shook his fur out. Thaddeus began to work on his own hair for a moment, choosing his words carefully. <"However if she belongs to Livius and he's decided we owe him for her, the fact of the matter is...we owe his family. So either he'll come to collect the girl...or he'll come to collect something from us.">
He finished as he dumped a bucket of water over his own head. Hiruq shook again, but his eyes were on Thaddeus and his ears were perked and pointed towards him. Eventually Thaddeus stood from the bench and moved towards a different door than the one they'd entered from. He picked up a folded cloth and began to pat Hiruq down. Eventually standing and grabbing one for himself. <"I'm sure Aedrianna will have her own questions. I'll do my best to explain what I know, but...Well I don't know much. I was going to be leaving town with Livius, to travel to the Eastern Empire and discuss things. Our families do have history. And I can't deny that, regardless of what his business endeavors might be."> Thaddeus seemed to cringe as he said the words. He did not look as if he liked the fact that he was under Neros thumb. <"But I hope you won't hold any of this against Aedrianna...She's never met Livius Nero before. And I...had hoped to keep it like that."> Thaddeus opened the other door, to reveal a hallway like area. Except the floor appeared to be water. He took a step into the room, and then a step down. And then another, until he was waist deep in opaque and steamy water. He started to wade forward, down the hall and out into an open room. Hiruq followed into the room, but he walked along the narrow wooden beam that lined the water of the hall way. Avoiding the water as best he could. The room was large and wide, the majority of it consisting of the large bath. From the walls of the room, were ornate spouts, that seemed to connect to the outside. They poured in steaming opaque water, like little waterfalls. Thaddeus waded towards the middle edge, where he took a seat and visibly relaxed. The girls did not seem to be out yet.

Aedrianna finished soaking her hair, right before she heard Sorieiel call her mistress. She blinked for a moment, seeming lost for words as she stared at the fox. Not sure why exactly she called her that, she smiled nervously and waved her hand. Motioning for the kitsune to come in with them. She looked over towards Almeida and then seemed a bit taken aback. The expression she had was something of admiration, as she looked at the wild and free hair of the woman.

<"Come get cleaned off Sorieiel. Then we can go and relax in the bath. And then we'll eat something. "> She moved over towards Almeida, tapping her shoulder and holding the bucket, lips curled in a small smile. She pointed to herself, then to the bucket, and then to Almeidas hair. After a couple attempts to pantomime her intent, Aedrianna scooped up some water and very carefully poured it closer towards the ends of the construct's hair. So as not to soak her head without understanding. She repeated the process, as long as Almeida allowed her to. Watching the blood slowly fade away from the blonde hair. She picked up the floral looking soap and poured a bit into her palm. Showing Almeida as she did the whole process. Then she began to scrub her own hair, before dumping a bucket of water over herself again, to rinse. When she was finished with her own hair, she put some more of the floral scented liquid into her palm, and began to work a lather into part of Almeida's hair. <"Here, Ms. Sorieiel, come help me was Ms. Almeidas hair. Then we can help you with your tails."> Aedrianna giggled a little as she smiled reassuringly at Almeida. <"I do wish I knew a little Terran, so at least I could talk to Ms. Almeida."> She said with a bit of remorse. Aedrianna looked towards Sorieiel. <"We'll have to get that thing off your neck. It must be so bothersome." > She did her best to continue aiding Almeida with the task of cleansing her hair from the blood, while being mindful and polite.

Soreiel had began to remove her clothing and folding it neatly before placing it someplace to keep it from being ruined. She then sat down on the bench and got a bucket and rag and began to wash herself with the rag, the entire time her face was slightly red as she was self conscious about being naked around others.

After Aedrianna was finished with Almeida she could see Soreiel siting there cleaning herself, the collar just siting around her neck with no seam, clasp or lock on it as it was a solid band of black metal.

Sorriel just continued to clean herself until Aedrianna gave her another order.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

She was surprised when she noticed Aedrianna come over. She quickly smiled when she realised this was the first time in this life that'd she'd get some proper hair-care lessons. It turns out the thing she missed most was patience. Second-most was water. She needed a fair bit more of it. Sadly enough, her metallic fingers weren't exactly the best at scooping and pouring water, but seeing as the intention seemed to be to get herself drenched... she just emptied the entire bucket atop herself. Then filled up another to repeat the process a few times, ensuring all her hair was soaked. Honestly, the times she'd just bathed by jumping into a river had been easier.

Then again, this was a lot more comfortable. Both had their pro's and cons. The soaping of her hair wasn't the most common either, as in, this stuff smelled a lot better than what she'd usually use. Grateful with the aid she was getting with getting all of her hair washed in it, she'd eventually turn around to grab hold of Aedrianna's hands for a second. “<Friend~>” She concluded. That was probably the best manner to convey her gratitude.

She then moved over to Soreiel, as she got a tad curious, as she eyed that collar thing the girl was wearing. Wondering why nobody had taken it off yet, she'd tab it with her finger, as a slight 'ting ting ting' from the metal upon metal could be heard.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Kota listened intently to Thaddeus explain himself, taking into account the tone of voice he was using when explaining the situation to Kota. The kitsune’s worries were confirmed, Nero seemed like a spiteful person. It would only be a matter of time before he makes his move on the Belmonts. Some form of agreement had been made prior which will certainly be held over their heads.

<“I see, this seems like a rather rough situation.”> Kota would put Valerius down before he dumped another bucket over himself washing away all the soap on his body. Now fully clean he would fill the bucket one more time and dump it upon Valerius, removing any residual suds from the bath. Kota would pat his body down along with Almeida’s hammer before preparing to move to the other door with Thaddeus and Hiruq. <“Aedrianna possesses a good heart. Even though the situation is convoluted, I know that she is innocent. I may not understand fully why you would deal with someone who owns slaves when you reside in a beast country. However, I can see you are genuinely trying to do the right thing, putting yourself and your family in harm's way for a stranger which I can respect.”> Kota would move on patting down his tails before grabbing Valerius and following Thaddeus into the next part of the bathhouse. As the Kitsune stepped down into the steamy water he could feel his muscles begin to relax and the fatigue fade away. Kota smiled as he took in the decoration pieces within the bathhouse as Thaddeus took his place at the middle edge. Kota would take his spot about two arm lengths away on the edge of the bath. He would rest Valerius nicely outside the steamy water on the edge. Keeping the Hammer in a nice and snug place. The kitsune would then settle into his spot, spreading his arms amongst the edge and tipping his head back as he entered full-relaxation mode.
Ooc/TLDR The girls move to the main bath roo mand the extra steam rolls out. Thaddeus explains why Nero didn't release Sorieiel. He offers Almeida a job as a bodyguard after revealing a small secret, and asks Kota to be able call on him in the future. Aedrianna begins to plot ways to earn Sorieiels freedom but asks her opinion.
Languages: [Terran] <Beastial> Common
Mentions: SixSense SixSense Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario

Aedriannas smile spread her lips from one side to the other at Almeidas beastial words. Her hands squeezed Almeidas metallics ones, and she piped back happily. <"Friend!"> She helped her to finish rinsing, and even went so far as to assist with twisting it up with a complimentary stick and using her bracelet. Once shed finished fixing Almeidas hair, she glanced over to see Almeida inspecting the collar. Curiously she walked up to Sorieiel. Unaware of just how spooked and shy the kitsunes was acting. Aedrianna leaned in to stare at the metal thing, then moved to another side, studying the collar intensely. After making a full circle to no avail she huffed and crossed her arms.

<"Don't worry Ms. Sorieiel. I'm sure my father can help you take it off. He's helped former slaves before."> She smiled warmly and reassuringly to the kitsunes girl, before looking back to Almeida. She pointed to her metallic hands, then formed her own hand as if she were holding a ball With her fingers spread wide. She offered to help Almeida with the finger placement if she was having any issues. The process of washing the kitsunes tails began. She pointed to Almeidas hands and to her own hand. Before pouring a bit of the oil onto the tail so it would start to lather. There were nine tails after all. <"It must be such a chore to wash these. You know I've heard of a few kitsune gaining shrines. Maybe that could be a goal for you. Ms. Sorieiel." She gave a soft laugh, moving onto the next tail and making quick work of it as well.
Eventually they finished bathing and it was time to go and soak. Aedrianna opened the door that led to a hall way of water. She was the first to Wade down into the pool, to her shoulders. She motioned for Almeida and Sorieiel to follow her, leading the way, wading into the main bath room. The steam billowed out of the room, and it seemed to multiply. Though it was possible to make out forms and see faces. It was also easy to feel comfortable and unseen in the opaque waters. Aedrianna moved to sit perpendicular from where Thaddeus sat, with a gracious amount of arms space between them. Close but not too close. Thaddeus turned his head from the talk he'd been having with Kota.

He looked at Aedrianna for a long moment before his eyes flicked to Almeida who'd been reunited with Valerian, and then Sorieiel and the collar. He let out a deep sigh, before looking back to Aedrianna.

<"Papa, do you think you can help Sorieiel get that thing off her?"> Aedrianna asked, reaching over to tuck away a strand of hair that she'd missed on Sorieiel, when she'd helped put her hair up as well. <"I can't find a seam or a lock"> Her father let out another sigh and shook his head slowly. Aedrianna seemed a bit confused by this, but she remained quiet, awaiting an answer. When he finally gave it, his voice was filled with trepidation. He looked at Sorieiel as he spoke.

<"My daughter, I will do what is within my power...but there are some situations that...are not as straightforward as they should be."> He spoke slowly and deliberately. Choosing his words carefully. Aedrianna knit her brows together as a frown of confusion began to mar her smiling face. Thaddeus continued, not wanting to give her a chance to start questions yet. <"Livius Nero, is the son of a wealthy family from the Eastern Empire. As much as I would like to say that we don't have any affiliation with slave traders...your Great-grandfather made some dealings with the family. To save the shop. One of which was that he was given a slave to help with financial things and general managing."> He paused, taking in the shock from Aedrianna and possibly the others. He looked to Almeida, seeming to consider her for a moment. ["Talking on collar."] He pointed to Sorieiel. ["I can not make off. Magic. Sorry, my Terran bad. Out of practice.]
He glanced back at Aedrianna who still seemed to be stuck in shock at the news of her grandfather being given a slave. <"As it were that slave became your great grandmother. She was loved and lived a happy life. The Neros loaned a fair sum to your great grandfather. And he managed to swing into full success. He even had another shop open at one point. But that's beside the point... Livius is the heir to his family, and he is alone now. His mother is dying, and his father is dead. His grandfather can't remember his face, and his grandmother is so caught up with being old and tired, that she's begging to die. He came here to try and cash in on the loan they gave us all those years ago. But we don't have nearly what it would take to throw a pebble in his well. "> He paused looking to Almeida apologetically. Not that he wanted to leave her out of the conversation, but this part wasn't entirely important. The next part would be. [Livius wants big money, for Sorieiel. Or..."] He paused to look at Aedrianna, seeming glad she couldn't understand the next part. ["Wants marry into our family, save his family.] He looked at her flatly, as if to say don't overreact. Then turned back to Sorieiel Kota and Aedrianna.

<"What was he doing with those miners at the old mineshaft. And using the guise of bandits to do whatever they were doing?"> Aedrianna huffed, a little piqued. Thaddeus shrugged lightly.

<"I don't know exactly what he was doing. I just know he's desperate to find some sort of miracle right now. And at the moment that just happens to be you and Sorieiel."> He looked them all over again, before scratching the back of his head and sighing. When he opened his eyes again he locked eyes with Almeida. ["Not expect Livius be stupid...but just in case...I'm willing pay you to be Aedriannas guard for short times. You think that work, or you need leave?"] He glanced over to Kota. <"I want to hire a guard for Aedri. For a while while I'm in the eastern empire. I have to discuss things with Livius and how best to settle this debt. I only have enough for one guard right now. Though I hope I can hire you again should the need ever come. You did good work bringing her home despite complications. You all did. And I'm grateful.">

Aedrianna seemed confused still, her brows nearly permanently pressed together in concern. She glanced at Sorieiel then at her father.

<"He said I could have her. He said she was mine then if I wanted her so bad. That means I can tell her she's free. Right?"> She looked almost pleadingly to her father then to Sorieiel as the fear and realization that she now had a slave as a responsibility, until they could figure out how to take it off. She shook her head, trying to refocus on the details.

<"Nero technically said he wanted compensation. And I can't give that compensation...it might kill me..."> He declared that grimly, and Aedriannas hand shot out to slap. The water angrily.

<"If he just wants money, we'll find a way to make a lot of money...maybe I'll finally go on my tour and collect donations for her freedom. She could come with me."> Ever the optimistic she managed to smile still, not realizing half the conversation she'd missed. Thaddeus lifted his shoulders in a small shrug.

<"As long as you're safe...it might be best for you to be on the road for a little while anyways.> Thaddeus looked at his daughter for a second before closing his eyes and sighing again. Clearly this was all very taxing for him. Aedrianna sighed herself, but she turned to Sorieiel.

<"I'm sorry Ms. Sorieiel this is mostly about you. What do you want to do?"> She asked reassuringly.
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From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Almeida was thoroughly confused when Aedrianna suddenly brought out a stick. She wasn't exactly going to play fetch with her dog here or something, was she? “<Woof?>” She pointed at the stick, trying to ask after it's purpose by making the only noise she could come up with that might indicate such a thing. Maybe. Hopefully. Either she'd be told, or she'd just await to see the result and allow Aedrianna to show instead of tell.

Yet again confused by what they were doing next, Almeida copied Aedrianna's hand movements. Apparently they were washing Soreiel's tails now? Well, considering Aedrianna helped her with her hair, she owed the girl one, so she didn't mind. She just attempted to do the same thing Aedrianna was doing to a few of the tails nearest to her. Her metallic fingers probably weren't as nice to the touch or precise, but she tried.

As she reached the pool, she dipped in a toe. It didn't feel warm. Or cold. That's when she realised. Metallic limbs. Right. She figured she'd follow after Aedrianna and got to feel the actual warmth of the waters by the time it reached her waist. However, upon spotting Valerius, she was quick to head over. “[How's it going buddy~ Did Kota take good care of you?]” She asked, upon which she was a bit shocked at the reply. “[Oh my, oh my~]” She chuckled. “[He definitely made you all nice and shiny again~]”

She was just glad to have Valerius alongside her again, not really paying attention to the conversation she wasn't going to comprehend either way, until she could suddenly hear Thaddeus translate. “[Magic? Oh, that's a shame. I thought it might just be some Tinkering trick I could solve later, but if it's a magic thing, I can't really help either...]” She was a tad disappointed at that. “[I'm assuming we can't just brute-force it either? I've got a way to hit pretty hard without being lethal.]” She offered the riskier option to take the thing off.

“[Livius...? Is that the dude we met at the mines?]” She asked. “[Okay, but how does he even get to operate here? Isn't this a beast nation? How in the world would they allow beast slaves to be held here? Couldn't you just have him arrested the next time he crosses the border? Or send a few vigilantes after him? I'm sure there's some anti-slaver folk that'd be more than willing to cut some years off of his lifespan.]” She realised she might need to use a few simpler words as the man's Terran was rusty. “[Why not ask someone against slavery to kill him?]”

The next part confused her even more. “[What? How would marrying you save his family?]” She asked, as she couldn't see the logic in it. If the two men would be happy together, good for them, but for saving someone's family? That didn't seem right. She also doubted he'd make a good step-dad to Aedrianna. “[Does he want your money or something? Or does he need the right to operate here despite having beast slaves or something?]” She only felt like she was getting more and more confused.

When he spoke up again, she nodded. “[So... if he is stupid. If he attacks first and gets himself a fancy criminal title. Then it's totally okay if I kill him, right?]” She asked, just to be safe. “[I mean, I'd be down to guard Aedrianna either way, because she's really fun to hang out with, but that'd make my job a lot easier. I'll try to do it out of her sight, of course, if I have to use lethal force.]” She quickly added, realising she'd best make sure she didn't intend to traumatise Aedrianna if that could be avoided.
Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario

Soreiel was continuing to wipe herself down, tuning out the rest of the world making it impossible to hear the conversation that Aedrianna was having with Almeida, and to hear Aedrianna coming up behind her and talking about cleaning her tail.

Without notice as soon as Aedrianna took hold of Soreiel’s tails and lathering oil into them, she squeezed loudly. Soreiel blushed and stopped what she was doing before speaking “m..mistress, please be g..gentle, you hands are c..cold” she protested slightly before nodding to her question “y..yes it is difficult sometimes”

After Aedrianna and Almeida had finished with Soreiel’s tails they made their way to the bath. Soreiel finished up her scrubbing before following behind a minute later, she stopped at the stairs that led to the hallway of water and gently stepped in, screeching a bit as the hot water ran over her skin and giving her the feeling of being on fire as she had never been in water this hot. Thankfully as she got in her body started getting used to it and she made her way to the main bath area.

Upon entering the bath area she noticed that the boys were in the area as well, separated only by a wooden walkway, seeing this and Kota without a shirt made her sink into the water to try and hide, the water going to just below her nose as she slowly made her way around trying to find a place to sit.

She did overhear the conversation Aedrianna and Almeida were having with Thaddeus about what they were planning to do about Nero and herself. She didn’t pay much attention as she was trying very hard to not stare at Kota, and to seemingly disappear with a little bit of relaxing in between.

Her focus was shattered when Aedrianna asked her what she wanted to do. “I… I only wish to serve my mistress the best I can” she replied without looking her in the eye, as she subconsciously fell back on how she was told to act as a slave. Despite wishing deep down to be nothing but free from the horrid man that held her in slavery for her entire life.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario

Kota’s ears began to twitch once he heard the sound of more people joining the bath. He would pick his head up to see what the commotion was only to find that the ladies would be joining them to soak. Immediately he would give Thaddeus a side glare, questioning what his reaction would be to this sudden revelation. Much to his surprise, he would see the human completely unphased as he continued to soak, almost as if he was expecting them. Kota didn’t want to make things awkward, he would inhale deeply and do his best not to make anyone uncomfortable.

Out of nowhere, he would feel the water shift, and quickly he would hear words that sounded like Terran whom he assumed was Almeida. Immediately the Kitsune held a hand to his eyes, ensuring that he would not see anything. He would hear the Valerius being lifted from nearby as Almeida began to spout a lot of words the Kota barely managed to pick up on. Thankfully, the half-construct didn’t linger as she took her place in the steamy bath, hammer happily in hand.

Once he knew the coast was clear, the kitsune would come out of hiding to participate in the conversation about Soreiel's collar. Thaddeus was unable to take apart the collar through conventional means, he then began to fill Aedrianna with the situation at hand. Kota would stay silent, simply listening and picking up on the pieces that Thaddeus left out within their conversation. He would speak up once the human proposed a job application in the future for the Kitsune which shocked him a bit.

<“ I appreciate your kind words, I would be interested in guarding Aedrianna in the future.>” Kota smiled humbly. At that point, he would have noticed Soreiel floating around the water with only her eyes poking around like a crocodile. It was pretty adorable how she would glance at the Kitsune from time to time before looking away in a bashful nature. Kota would simply match her eyes with a gentle smile in hopes of easing her nerves.

Out of nowhere a splash of hot water hit Kota in the face causing him to turn in the direction of his assault. Aedrianna had gotten a bit worked up and splashed him with the water. <“Hey Hey I’m not Nero, don’t splash me>” The feeling of awkwardness was gone as now he must vindicate the small human. <“Time for some payback! Fox fist Secret art: Steamy splash>” Kota pulled his fist back before delivering a strong wave towards Aedrianna only to realize it wasn’t Aedrianna that was hit. It was the one person in the bathhouse with a weapon. Immediately Kota could feel the hairs on his neck begin to stand up. Perhaps even if he listened very carefully to the sound of boss music playing ever so faintly.

[No, please, No] he begged Almeida but he feared perhaps it was too late.

1. Fox fist Secret art: Steamy splash [Fighting style F, Multidimensional F]
>Thaddeus listened intently to Almeida, seeming to have to focus to understand her. He nodded a little, then shook his head. Holding a finger up, as he tried to formulate the words. He chuckled a little when she asked about him marrying Nero and nodded again. He waved his hand dismissively, some of the steam in the air swirling around his hand as he did.

["He wants money. He thinks lots of things. Young, naive. Killing not good.] He tried his best to explain., rubbing the back of his head. When Aedri slapped the water and splashed Kota, Thaddeus leaned back seeming to realize the war that was about to ensue. One of the few things Aedrianna had going for her in that frail and sickly body, was that she was awfully fast. She realized her mistake as soon as she'd heard Kotas voice. And in response, she gave a small "Eep" before she sunk down to her nose like Sorieiel. Which in turn, caused Kotas splash to miss her, and instead soak Almeida. A few bubbles of air escaped her lips as she made an "OoOoh" Sound underwater, looking between the figures in the steam. Thaddeus sighed and held his hands up. <"Let's not splash too much. I do have to do business with these folk."> He warned, albeit he naturally warned in beastial and not Terran. So the main threat likely did not heed any such thing. Aedrianna moved back slowly and steadily. Coming up just enough that she can speak.

<"I think we should head back to the dressing rooms and get ready to eat."> She tried her hand at distracting but realized that her words meant nothing to the beautiful warrior woman. In a quick attempt, she tried to mimic the word that Almeida had said earlier when speaking to Kota and pointing to the bear. ["EAT?"] She waved a hand towards Almeida and pointed to the dressing rooms. Hiruq was already slinking off towards the dressing room, apparently not keen on the idea of being splashed again.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf SixSense SixSense

She clicked her tongue at being told not to kill. “[So long as you're killing only the bad folk, it's a for better.]” She was pretty convinced about that much. That said, before she could argue further, or get any answers, the conversation was rudely disrupted.

Upon being splashed, just as she was trying to grill Thaddeus for knowledge, she stood up lifted Valerius. A large of amount of rapid beeping noises was heard as she seemed to be winding up for something.

“%01001111 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100011 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101111 01110010 01110011 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01101100 01100101 01101110 01100111 01100101 01100100 00101110 00100000 01010111 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110011 01110000 01101100 01100001 01110011 01101000 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101101 01100101 00101100 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01110100 01110101 01110010 01101110 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100110 01101100 01100101 01110011 01101000 00100001 00100000 01001101 01100001 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01100100 01110011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110010 01100011 01111001 00100000 01110101 01110000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110111 01100101 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101111 01110101 01101100 00101100 00100000 01101101 01100001 01111001 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110000 01101001 01110010 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100110 01110010 01101111 01101101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110111 01110010 01100101 01110100 01100011 01101000 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101001 01110100 01101000 00101100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110101 01110000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101110 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100011 01101011 00100001 00100000 01010100 01101000 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01110100 00100000 01100101 01111000 01110000 01100101 01110010 01101001 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110111 01110010 01100001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01000001 01101100 01101101 01100101 01101001 01100100 01100001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01010111 01100001 01110110 01100101 01101101 01100001 01101011 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01010110 01100001 01101100 01100101 01110010 01101001 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01010111 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110010 01100010 01100101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100001 00100000 01010100 01101000 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110010 01100101 01100100 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01110100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101011 01100101 01101110 00100001 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010110 01000101 00100001%”

And then she swung.

Wrath of the Water:
Accurate F, Area F, Aura F (1 action), Blight [Water] F, Blind Fighter F, Contact F, Contagion F, Continuing F, Deflect F (1 action), Flexible F, Homing F, Incurable F, Indirect F, Knockback F (1 action), Linked F, Vorpal, Non-Lethal F, Penetrating F, Range F, Reach F, Selective F

Or rather, she held back enough and just splashed back at Kota instead. After all, there was nothing more satisfying than using one's hands to fight the exact right angle and amount of force needed to get the normal, regular, average and perfectly splashy splash going. One that wouldn't hurt a fly, only wetting the one already wet, yet perhaps a bit more wet. Then again, being in a bath, getting wet was part of the process anyways, so things wouldn't be that bad. It'd just be payback for the prior splash after giving a bad-ass speech that nobody could understand and imagining a scenario that she was smart enough not to actually have take place.
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Ooc Sorry my last post was so short. We're almost done. This one will be the last round. My next post after this will be to close it up and everyone will be free to move on to bigger and better things. Thank you again guys for sticking it out and cleaning all the loose ends up.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

The steam gathered and the group as they laughed and joked and splashed each other. There was a pleasant ambience amidst the group. Aedrianna giggling and hiding behind Sorieiel when Alemida and Kota got into a splashing war. Hiruq stood with a groan, snorting and moving back towards the changing room and shaking off the water that had splashed him. Thaddeus gave a light chuckle, wiping his face as he too was splashed. Before he ended up following Hiruq back towards the changing room.
"I'm going to get changed. The food should be done by now." Aedrianna looked towards her father and nodded. then looked towards Kota and Almeida.

"Ms. Almeida Mr. Kota?" She waves across the room to the splashing pair, before pointing to the changing rooms. Thaddeus and Hiruq had made it halfway down the hallway for the men. Aedrianna tugged once on Sorieiels hand, before letting her go to wade to the rooms herself. When they all arrived within the changing rooms, they found fresh white yukatas and warm towels. As well there was a jar oil for Almeida and Valerius. To protect from rust. After a little fuss and adjusting, they were all out of the dressing rooms. Fresh and clean and ready to eat. Koharu was there outside the dressing rooms waiting. She bowed deeply to them.
<"A stew has been prepared. Please follow me to your dining assignment."> She spoke softly, before straightening and quickly scuttling off down a hallway. They had to hurry to keep up with the quick little child, but when she finally stopped, she'd brought them to a somewhat private room. With a table, and a large pot in the middle. There were several cushions on the floor around the little square table. Each with a bowl and a cup setting. <"Please enjoy."> The little girl spoke again once, before she hurried off again. Thaddeus had already found his on a left corner. Aedrianna smiled to the others before choosing a spot opposite the table of her father. Hiruq moved to lay behind her. Once everyone had found their place to sit, Aedrianna looked towards Kota.

<"Do you have any plans Mr. Kota? Once we all go our separate ways?"> She asked him with her head tilted to the side. Thaddeus glanced between them and Almeida, before turning to Almeida.

["She asks Kota, if he has Plans. When we go diffrent ways. My mother had old language book. I give Aedrianna. You help teach Terran?] He started to ladle the stew into his bowl, offering to do the same for others. His tone suggested it was a request, albeit lacking in finesse.
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From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf SixSense SixSense

She was surprised to find some oil against rusting here. “[Oh m, this place is well-prepared~]” She cheered, as she ensured herself and Valerius would stay in top condition by getting the both of them all oiled up.

Her stomach growled when she could smell the food coming from a room they were shown. “[Bear meat, bear meat~]” She wasn't sure what it would smell like, but she was fairly sure that's what she was smelling. Call it a lady's instinct.

“[Oh, she wants to learn Terran? Of course I can help~]” She cheerfully replied. “[She can help me learn more Beastial in turn~]”
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Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense

Aedrianna grabbed onto and tugged on one of her nine tails to keep from slipping in the bath. Despite there being little tugging Soreiel squealed a bit as Aedrianna ended up tugging on a tail that had regrown after being ripped out by Nero. “Mistress… please don’t pull on that one…” she stated as they both regained their footing before she told her to go ahead and head back to the dressing room.

Soreiel nodded and waded back to the dressing room to dry off and get changed into the provided outfits by the bathhouse staff.

Soreiel felt a bit strange as she put on the yukata. Hers seemed a bit different than the one Aedrianna and Almeida were to use. “Are the staff treating me different because I’m a beast like them?” She thought out loud a bit as she looked at herself in the outfit in a mirror, waiting for her mistress and the construct to exit the bath and dry off as well.

After the two finished and Soreiel offering to help with oil as Almeida had somewhat gently helped apply oil to her tails, the 3 ladies followed the quick beast child that led them to the dining area. Once everyone had settled Soreiel sat next to Aedrianna on the opposite side of the white wolf that always protected her.

Soreiel would occasionally glance up and catch the sight of Kota only for her face to turn red and she’d look away, still thinking about seeing his bare chest in the bath, and her mind slowly going to the point of wondering what the rest of him looked like under the water which just caused her face to redden more.
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Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Almeida didn’t take lightly to the super secret attack that Kota had done. So much she would retaliate with her own attack and go on the offensive. The kitsune marveled at the grace in which Almeida splashed him back with. Despite not doing anything particularly outstanding, the half constructs metal limbs created the perfect amount of tension in order to push a large amount of splashy droplets airborne. Her technique was marvelous, so much so that Kota could only watch in awe as the harmless droplets of water cascaded onto his body. The kitsune would flatten his ears to his head in order to protect the inside of his ears.

He would give his head a good shake like most animals do in order to wring out the majority of moisture within his head. He’d smirk wiping the water off his face.

<Idiot.> he’d chuckle with everyone else as he continued to splashing war.

Shortly after they would be taken back to their respective changing rooms where the group would dress into their after bath wear for dinner. Kota was provided with a purple Yukata which he donned with excitement, happy to be back in beast traditional wear. Kota would join the rest of the group rubbing his head. He’d look towards Aedrianna with a grin, “You’re dad was right, you are a bit of a troublemaker. Instigating the splashing and all.” Kota chuckled as he teased Aedrianna.


Kota wasted no time in digging into the Bear stew, he had been curious of its taste ever since he butchered it back at the mines. When the question came up about what he would be doing after Kota simply pondered on it, “probably just pick up another job on the board and see some new horizons, there's no shortage of tasks at the adventurers guild ya know. After that I might visit home sometime in the future, my tribe isn’t too far from here, perhaps if you guys are free then you can come along with me.” Kota said, taking another bite of delicious stew. The slow cooking process made the beef rather tender and delectable.

He would turn to Soreiel who had some new clothes provided for her, “You look very nice in your Yukata Soreiel, it suits you well. ” Kota smiled at her before returning to his stew.
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["Yes, would be helpful if you help her learn more Terran. I have some family in the Eastern Empire. She should have learned it a while ago. But it just never seemed to come up." He spoke to Almeida, his mother tongue slowly coming back to him with practice. He nodded to Kota's words, his voice blending softly with the murmur of steam rising around them, as he dipped his spoon into the savory stew.

The room was a sanctuary of warmth, the wooden walls aglow with the soft light of lanterns that hung like stars. Tatami mats lined the floor, and the group sat cross-legged at a low table, wooden bowls cradled in their hands. The air was filled with the rich aroma of the stew, a blend of tender beef, earthy root vegetables, and a delicate broth that whispered of ginger and soy.

<"Doesn't she? Much better than that coat. We'll find a nice outfit for traveling Sorieiel, don't worry."> Aedrianna's voice was gentle, a soft hum that seemed to dance with the warmth of the room. Her gaze lingered on the kitsune girl, a small frown touching her lips at the sight of the metal collar. <"So you're heading to the Eastern Empire to talk business with Nero's family, and, I'm allowed to go on my own adventure...as long as I have a guard?"> She asked her father between spoonfuls, her voice rising slightly with curiosity and hope.

<"Almeida is being hired to be your guard. Just because you have a guard though, doesn't mean you're impervious. Please don't do anything stupid..."> Her father's voice carried a hint of sternness, yet it was softened by the steam and the savory scent of the stew. Aedrianna nodded, her shoulders lifting in a small shrug, relieved to turn her attention back to the comfort of the food.

The group fell into a serene silence, the only sounds the soft clinking of spoons against bowls and the distant murmur of water. They savored the stew, each bite a warm embrace against the cool air outside the bath house.

As the meal drew to a close, and the lanterns cast longer shadows upon the bamboo floor, the time for farewells approached. Kota and Thaddeus would depart for their next destinations, while Almeida and Sorieiel would accompany Aedrianna back to the shop, their minds already weaving through plans and paths for the adventures ahead.
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Isekai Hell Grade

Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf SixSense SixSense

Very anime to do a bathhouse after an intense fight. I kinda wonder if the bath scene needed to get so intense though. Were we going for typical bathhouse antics with play fighting and it came off a bit strong for that? So serious. Too bad some many characters flaked out on the bath house considering how many were mentioned in the beginning.

as mentioned before, it'll be up to the narrator to decide on anime antics vs criminal conduct in rp. Clarity of post can aid in giving the narrator a good idea what was intended.

Another thought that came to mind is that republic is generally not kind to constructs. This place was probably a bit too accommodating to constructs in general.



Aedrianna - 22pts (narrator)
optional title acquired [Mother Hen] - character takes care of other characters like they are children

Soreiel - 15pts
optional title acquired [Little chick] - character gets the mother hen treatment

Almeida - 15pts
optional title acquired [Closet Criminal] - no one may know the thoughts of the character, for if they did, they may wish to remain far away. Good thing they have not acted on their impulses, yet.

Kota - 30pts (attentive student)
optional title acquired [Floating Fox] - character is a kitsune and takes baths
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