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I'm new to this site and this topic was a bit odd so I'm not sure if it belongs here or in Sci-Fi. Correct me if I was wrong please

:/ And also know that I have roleplayed before, but I'm looking for a new roleplaying home :confused:

The world is a different place. The advancement of humanity though experimentation and evolution has lead to an odd jumble of species. Society has degenerated, unable to mold itself to the new boundaries. Vampires? Angels? Demons? No, they too have evolved with humanity. We're past that time. Now everyone is some type of high-functioning mutant. The world is composed of clans of them. The three most pronounced are the Cian, the Enid, and the Llyr. It's a fight for survival and you can either try to make it alone, or join the vicious war of super-humans.


  • These are the most ancient of the evolutions. They adapted from a mix of angels and demons, a mixed-breed that soon began to dominate society. They caused massed chaos, conquering every civilization they came across with ease. Their ability to disguise themselves through shapeshifting made them impossible to spot, their ability to read minds and cleverness made them maddening, and the war of good and evil within them left them completely unpredictable. Some were in support of humanity, but evil usually tempted them to the side of the conquerors. They all had the two abilities previously mentioned, but they also had some physical advancement, as is usually the case with angels and demons. They could be extremely agile, strong, sensitive, quick, clever, or whatever one could think of that would be a physical adaptation. The only thing that stopped them were the human experiments that appeared...


  • The Enid were the most widely produced experiments. The Enid were high-functioning in the way that they produced much more energy than was necessary for them to function. Their hearts beat extremely fast, their brains functioned ten times faster than the average human, their body temperature was well over the average human body temperature. They needed only to eat every once in a while, and even then it was usually a matter of pleasure. They were more physically able in every way, including the ability to heal remarkably fast, so they were better in that field than Cians. They also were able to release their energy out of themselves in varying forms. They could either generate fire, electricity, or light. They could not produce an excess amount of sound, chemical, nuclear, or mechanical energy however, for an unknown reason. But thermal, radiant, and electrical energy being shot from their bodies was well enough. They had trouble controlling their energy however, and their life spans were shortened greatly, mostly because they would overload and either burn themselves, electrocute themselves, or destroy themselves with light radiation. They had to be separated from normal humans because their touch was harmful as they would release thermal, electrical, or radiant energy into whatever they touched. This was the one thing that kept people from undergoing the procedure. They saw that they were to die young in whatever case, but they wished to spend it with those they loved. Either large groups of people, families and friends coming together, would undergo the procedure together so they could stay together, or people were forced into it. But ironically, the Enid were the destruction of humanity in the end. They were too volatile. Now they have become more stable, but the side-effects of their evolution are still there. They die quickly, but they also reproduce quickly since they are emotionally over-active as well.


  • The Llyr were adapted vampires. Their reliance on blood became too dangerous, what with all the humans being psychotic balls of energy. Animals were sparse as well, both new races claiming hunting grounds for themselves and killing all who entered. And so vampires were forced to come back to life. They mutated in a way that allowed them to function entirely without blood. They became a sort of life in stasis. Void of all energy, they became incredibly cold, their form was incredibly unstable since they had to absorb the energy from around them to maintain a physical form. They became a natural phenomenon. They could still move, reproduce, digest if necessary (in which case they revert back to a vampire form for however long the blood takes to be digested), and yet they lacked what everything else needed to do so. It was like they had an on and off switch for life, their body so well adapted that it only functioned when absolutely necessary. They gained the ability to teleport, transporting their unstable particles from place to place. They maintained remarkable strength, speed, sensitivity, and agility. The one thing they needed to do was absorb energy from life. They could survive without such, but it would send them into a coma. So the Enid became their targets for feeding. But they were still evenly matched. Enid were physically adapted as well as the Llyr, making them equal in that way. The Llyr could only freeze the Enid when they were very injured or they had drained their energy, in which case the Enid would die usually. The Enid could only burn, electrocute, or radiate Llyr for short amounts of time since the Llyr could absorb the energy of the Enid, even if it burned them when the Enid managed to contact them. They fed off each other, but they still could survive without each other and thus wished to dominate, obviously. As for the Llyr's healing capabilities, burns would leave them scarred with a blue mark and would never quite heal, cuts would only heal when they fed, and they couldn't regenerate limbs no matter what. The one thing that kept the Cian in the fight for survival was their wiliness. They were the most clever of all the races, and they could still read and predict them as well.


  • This group consists of those who left the three clans. They either were one of the the three main species, or something entirely different. There could be multiples of these variant species, though there were not more variants than there were of any of the three clans. This group had the most difficult time in the new society since they were shunned by anyone in the three clans and there were few areas that were not claimed by the clans. It was rare that a Variant was successful in surviving more than a few weeks, but there were exceptions. Mutants who were even further adapted than the three species. They often became some type of bounty hunter or agent for the clans, since those who survived were adapted enough to survive attacks from all three of the species, and the job paid well.


  • This is set in a major city in North America surrounded by forest with a few mountains around the area as well. The Llyr are not like normal vampires, in that they aren't burned by the sun. So they are able to live anywhere, though their primary base is in the mountains where it is cooler and more comfortable for them. The Enid are based in the city, though they have territory in the forest. The Cian are based in the forest where they hold a mass amount of territory. The Variants survive wherever they can, and it is rare that they are allowed into clan bases, unless they have information that the clans want.


  • Characters
    Alright so, the races should be fairly clear, but please ask if you have any questions because I had trouble making these races in the first place and I wouldn't be surprised if they are still vague. As for the Variants, it would be amazing if you could give a very nice explanation as for why they are the way they are. Also, no perfect characters. Everyone in this roleplay will live in a world of turmoil, they can't be some happy-go-lucky, gorgeous little prince or princess, m'kay?


  • Okay I'm not a grammar nazi but you can expect me to laugh a little if you make a ridiculous spelling or grammar mistake .3. And if that doesn't bother you, great, but at least be legible. If you are trying to say "Jenna washed the car." don't think, "Jenna washeds care." is acceptable ._.
    Oh yeah and since if you join this rp I assume you don't wish death upon it, please write a fair amount each post. I can understand loss of inspiration and it's fine but if every. single. post. is just ONE SENTENCE ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! we have a bit of a problem. I'm not the strictest creator but if it's out of control, I will ask to talk to you :/

[*]Blabbity blah blab...

  • I know you all have heard this before but just so you can't get away with it, no god-modding or taking the occasional power-trip. And if you are to leave the rp for an extended period of time, please tell someone who is active so they can tell everyone else who may not be remarkably observant.


  • Keep it PG13...and don't overdose the romance. We all like a few sensitive kisses and hugs but don't waste your talent on a blob of fictional mush. And cursing is all good so long as you don't do it every single post.


  • Be creative with charries
  • Write legibly
  • No power tripping
  • Alert an active member if you are to be gone for an extended period of time
  • Keep it PG13
  • Look to the joining page for a summary of the species

Character list:

  • Esme Damaris :: Scrypt
  • Kaine McAllister :: Nalakitty01
  • (Original Name: Selphir) Alexandria "Alex" Gabriel :: Greyson Ross


I had to be vigilant, moving through this part of the forest. It was hard to identify if you weren't looking for it, and the traps were even more difficult. I took it as a challenge, the very few times I'd been here. The first time I'd nearly killed myself, but had at least had a sort of appointment and so had been freed from a non-lethal trap. Not one of my finest moments, but I hadn't had a sense of pride in a long, long time.

I stepped carefully over a tripwire, ducked beneath a few more and skirted around the trees that I knew had traps between them. I looked around a bit, remembering the way, before pressing on, and only stopped when I finally felt the wary watchfulness of the young girl that resided here.

"Just me, deary," I called in her general direction, waiting for her to come to me rather than continuing the rest of the way to her. "Got a few little tidbits you might find interesting." This one was fun. She had something against Edin, an emotional response I hadn't yet found the trigger for, and she accepted trades for the information I brought her on them. The day she finally used it would no doubt be an interesting one.

I looked up from the pelt of the rabbit I had been stitching, hearing a disgustingly familiar voice. I hated people who managed to be as clever as I, and in this case he was probably more clever. And much less socially awkward. Either way, I felt a tiny flame bubble up inside my gut, an instinctual reaction my body had when it came to contact with others. It had a way of alerting my senses, making me more perceptive of their thoughts and actions. But he was just as clever as I...and he knew that I'd be building a wall around myself with every word I spoke to him.

"Hello Kaine," I sighed, standing as I let the pelt fall to the ground. I was terrible at stitching anyway, but I'd been bored enough to be compelled to try it, leaving my fingertips covered it little droplets of blood. I looked him over for a moment, seeing what I could gather. He wasn't lying, he had no reason to as far as I could tell. "I'm guessing it's something from the Enid...if not then you may as well leave. You know I hate it when people outsmart me. I'd hoped some of my new inventions would have caught you off guard," I said, giving him a wry smile which hardly seemed to reach my eyes.

I smiled a little, almost honestly, and just shrugged. "Sorry to disappoint, darling. The new snare nearly got me, I admit." It had been hanging from the trees, nearly invisible, and I'd stopped shy of walking right into it. "That one looked deadly. If you kill me off, who will come and visit you, hm?" No one, that's who, though I knew she would probably like it better that way. Still, if I didn't visit, how would she ever gather enough information to actualy use against the Enid?

"Fun things aside, I've got news for you, but you know that already or I wouldn't be here." We'd established that fact the first time I'd come here, that I wasn't allowed back until I had more information. I wondered if she would actually kill me if I did show up empty handed, but if she did I wouldn't be able to have fun any more and that was boring. I gave her a grin, if only to irritate her. "I'm glad to know you acknowledge who the smarter one in the forest is." She didn't much care for social niceties, so I rarely used them here.

"Oh wouldn't it have been a blessing if it had caught you. You are correct in that it was deadly. It would have decapitated you. I found a coil of wire just rugged enough to whip around someone's neck and cut it cleanly through. It would've been interesting to find your head lying about one day," I shrugged, walking towards him slowly so I could ease the tone of my voice a bit more. "But you're resourceful enough to get me what I want but cannot bring myself to find. You're exactly who I need and that's what makes you one of my least favorite visitors. I need you. And you know it," I said, my keen displeasure of the facts I stated very clear in my tone. I stopped a few feet away, not taking my eyes off of him. "Well, do you have something you want or are you just going to tell me these 'few little tidbits?'"

I just smiled at her. "I think I'd make a pretty corpse anyway." I said, though I knew I wouldn't get a reaction from her, not one I could sense. She had ways of blocking her self from me. "I've an idea in mind for today's visit," I said, smirking faintly. "I haven't anything in mind that you can give me, but I do have another idea. I know you're going to want this one, so I'll let you off with just a deal. An unspecified favor, to be carried out at a later date. To put it straight, you 'owe me one.'" I did sort of like having people in my debt. It made them react in entertaining ways, and they were more useful sometimes when I could make them do things without trying.

I smiled. It was an awful decision. Debt was not something I was very keen upon having...but I needed what he had, as I'd already said. And now it was just proof that he knew it. I could turn him down...but no. That would be a lie. The Enid were acting a bit differently lately. Taking different hunting routes and sending out more scouts into the Cian and Llyr territory. It wasn't hard to observe, especially since I'd found an odd number of them in my traps. They usually went on routes far from my territory. Something had to be different. "Fine," I said, a laugh creeping under my voice. It hurt to say it. I knew it would come back to bite me but I was desperate. "Oh god I hate you," he sighed, closing my eyes and ducking my head away. "But fine, I'll agree to the terms," I nodded, unable to look at him in my discomfort. There was no way for me to hide this type of turmoil. It felt as though my insides had been forced through a blender. For a rare moment, I was off-kilter.

I grinned and clapped my hands, spinning a little circle because it was safe enough, no traps close enough to catch me. "Wonderful! Oh, if you knew whose bed I've been in - I've got news for you." I looked at her and just gestured back towards her little hiding place. "Come on, then. Let's go have a seat and discuss." She was going to want to hear this. It had the potential to start wars if she brought it to the right people. If she played her cards right, maybe someone would start it before the Enid did.

I peered at him through slit eyes. I had no idea how he managed to be so irritating, but there was no denying he slowly grated on my nerves. I wondered how others put up with him...well maybe they didn't. He was a Variant after all.

I didn't reply, merely walking back to the rabbit pelt that had become my temporary voodoo doll as I picked it up and sat back down on the log bench beside my fire pit. I pictured Kaine's head in my palm instead of the pelt, a maniacal smile twitching over my face as his imaginary lips were clumsily sewn shut before me. It was a little escape before he joined me on the fallen tree to torrent me with his annoying little voice.

I sat carefully nearby, opting for the tree since the ground was much too dirty and I had places to be after this. "Well, I'm sure you'd like to know all about my exploits, but more important than what I've been doing is what the Enid council has been doing." I smiled a little when she looked at me. "No, I haven't gotten myself that high yet, but close enough, and it doesn't take a genius to realize when one is seeing tactical maps. I'm not going to analyze, but the Enid's have been gathering a whole lot of numbers by the Cian borders."

((I'm really not sure what to say beyond generalities xD Should we skip past it?))
(Sure, after Esme replies :) Or if you want to continue with the same thing after this, you can do that as well.)


I felt my heart skip a beat. I had been right. Something was changing. I immediately stood, pacing to make my thoughts flow. "That's odd," I muttered beneath my breath, looking at the ground before my feet distantly. My hands absently continued sewing the rabbit pelt. Perhaps I wasn't as bad at stitching as I'd thought. "The Cian...haven't provoked them. But I wouldn't put it past the Enid to form a strike against them anyway," I snorted, my voice still low. "But...why not the Llyr?" my voice drawled a little as my mind began racing. I paused, looking up and staring straight ahead. "There's no way...but...why else would they?" I continued, completely incoherent. After a moment or two, my eyes flicked to Kaine. "I want you to observe the Llyr's movements as soon as possible. I can pay you more if you wish," I said, my tone back to it's usual assertiveness.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, leaning back on my hands and crossing one leg neatly over the other, just watching her. "And how do you think you're going to do that?" Honestly, I did wonder. I never took much from her, not anything of real value anyway. I had a feeling she suspected something about that but hadn't mentioned it. "You live in the forest, dear. No money, no jewels, no real valuables - unless you've got some semi-equally valuable information for me, I'm afraid you're out of luck."

"What do you care about physical payment anyway? All you want is emotional pleasure. You like to see people crawling around beneath your feet like an army of ants that's only source of food is the breadcrumbs you sparingly feed them. All I can offer you are favors. Preferably favors that can be named. I can offer you my ideas, my plans, my assistance, and whatever intangible things you can imagine I could offer," I sighed, looking at him expectantly. "You like to watch me squirm, don't you? I can think of an endless list of ways to get me to do just that."

Oh, she was a good little telepath, wasn't she? I smiled slowly, not getting up but just watching her. "Oh, I don't want to watch you crawl. It's enjoyable, for a time, but I find it boring in the long run. No, no. I'd much rather watch you dance." It was so much more fun when the reactions were varied. I smirked and just got to my feet, brushing myself. "Don't worry, darling. I'll investigate, if only because I find it interesting. And don't fret about the payment - now you just owe me twice. I'll think of something good for you to do." Maybe I'd make her go to the Enids later. But no, she would probably get killed and that would end the fun. I liked this one. She was a puzzle.

I let out a slow breath, rubbing the back my neck to find it moistened by the tiny amount of sweat I'd conjured up from my activity. "I never liked dancing," I muttered under my breath, staring at the ground where I had dropped the rabbit pelt moments before. "If you bring back something useless, know that I will be upset. Deeply so," I said, looking Kaine in the eye. "And I don't take kindly to people you anger me. In fact, you won't find many people who've met me and lived to tell the tale, as you've most likely observed," I said, a smile slithering over my lips for a split second. "There's a reason I've survived out here for so long. I'm not...threatening you per say. I'm just advising you make this next report the best one yet. You've read my passion in this topic. And I'm so close to the end..." I trailed off, the past choking the words from me. This is what happens to the weak, and this is what will happen to you. My fists clenched for a moment, a Cheshire smile flashing through my mind. My eyes threatened to let loose a tear, the pain of my transformation from then to now almost overwhelming. It wasn't abnormal for me to have spells of this depression every once in a while, but never before another person. It passed in seconds though, my shell soon finding its place. "Just get me what I want," I said, flattening my tone to strengthen the barrier between my and Kaine, "and you'll get some excitement. I promise you."

I watched her and the micro-expressions that passed over her face, the control she sought over the physical and the tiny little peeks I got into the mental. I'd known it was serious, but this - this was new. This was brilliant. "Non-threats aside, facts are facts, darling. I bring back what I bring back, and you get to deal with the answers or non-answers on your own." I dealt in information, not foolish ideas built on what could or could not be false hopes. But I flashed a smile after that, turned around to walk away and navigate her traps back out, and threw a lazy wave over my shoulder. "Have a nice life!"

I sat down upon the log, feeling faint. I watched him weave through the forest until there was not a sign of him left, and even then I stared blandly into the space from which he'd gone. What was that Esme? You're too relaxed. How did you let that slip? Some voice inside my head spoke, shaming me. I felt a little empty, like Kaine had left with something I hadn't meant to give him. Which was most likely the case. I placed my head in my hands, mulling over these recent events and revelations.

(Should we time-skip? Maybe when Kaine comes back for some type of payment. If you have a better idea, go along with it.)
((We could do that. Maybe he uses one of her favors to make her come out of her hide-y holes? I'm not sure what they could do that wouldn't get them killed though lol Maybe he goes to one of his 'haunts' in a different Clan's territory and just have her tag a long? Maybe his influence is enough to keep her safe? Maybe he's got a sugar mama xD ))
(Pfft X3 I think he should definitely take her out of her camp to somewhere else...maybe to somewhere in the city where most of the Enid live. But he wouldn't have to take her into the base. There are a fair amount of ruins in the city where it's pretty much free reign, or at least that's how I picture it. You can throw whatever else you'd like in there. Should I start this time?)
(I think the funniest thing about it was that I could picture it :))


I was laying in the small hammock I'd made from spare twine I'd scavenged from around the forest, eyes closed in relaxation. But I wasn't completely comfortable. I'd been nagging myself in my thoughts ever since Kaine's last visit. Mostly in fear of my debts, especially now that I'd shown him a bit of what it was like beneath the mask I put on for everybody. I'd much rather watch you dance. For some reason that was what churned my stomach. I wasn't as much as victim to him as I was a toy for him to crank up and let loose, just to see what would happen. I'd cursed myself for my lack of social skills. He was irritatingly smooth with all affairs he involved himself in. He had no grit to him of the outside, like the rest of us. (Sorry if I'd didn't give you much to go off of...I couldn't think of much to do with her :/ )
((Lol I can picture it too xD and that's all right. Ill roll with it. . . As soon as I typed that, I thought of him 'rolling' her out of her hammock))


It was almost fun after a few times, navigating through the maze that was Esme's front and back yard. I found her, eventually, inside the circle of traps, and was almost tempted to laugh when she didn't get up for me. I just leaned on the tree nearest to her head and smiled down at her, giving a little "boo" even though she knew I was there already. "So," I drawled afterwards, a hand pushing the hammock jut enough to make her swing ever so slightly back and forth."Llyrs are *fun* aren't they? Ever had one try to feed off you?" I looked off, smiling as if wistfully remembering. "It's all . . . tingly." I laughed a little and looked at her again. "Well, anyway. I come with tidings neither good nor bad - like I said the last time I was here, dear girl. You get what you get. I don't interpret it negatively or positively." That was for her to do and me to watch.

((Sorry about the stars. Its almost bedtime so im in bed with an iPad, which means no italics))
(As soon as I typed my last post I imagined Kaine rolling her out of the hammock .3.)


I opened my eyes, looking up at him sleepily. The hammock appeared to have been just the cure for the tension that had built in my muscles over the last few weeks. I stretched, my face scrunching as I yawned in a cat-like manner. I blinked a few times to kept my eyes from watering before replying to him. "So you have some new information? Or are you just here to annoy me?" I said frankly, giving him a look to match the tone of my words as I shifted in the hammock a little, feeling he was a bit too close for comfort.

I rocked it still, gently and without disturbing her position on it enough to dump her off - I toyed with her, I didn't have a death wish, nor a desire for broken bones. "Little bit of both, really." I grinned when she gave me another one of her looks but didn't by any means move out of her personal space. "But Ben if I said it was fun, I had to nearly get myself killed a couple times to get what you wanted. That took some quick thinking. I'm just wondering which you want first," I smiled down at her, "The information, or the price."

I groaned, burying my face in the hammock and closing my eyes in dread. "The price," I grumbled, feeling the tension that had been released from my shoulders return just like that. You idiot. My thoughts remarked. You can negotiate the price of he doesn't have what you need. Take it back. Now. But I didn't change my mind. I had to know. I felt as if I were going to implode if I didn't learn what he wanted.

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