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Realistic or Modern Nᴇᴄʀᴏsɪs

Klavdiya Chayka
13, April, 2003...

A breath of relief would come from the doctor, with at least microbial samples, she could continue to study, and by proxy, continue to fight the disease, battling it at every turn to find if not a cure, a method to suppress it and contain it... Hearing the gunshots, they were sounds she was so familiar with... Miniscule flashes of her childhood came and went as the muffled shots rang out, hearing Doctor Fleming's mention of God, she'd scoff to herself, hissing under her breath, "/There is no God here, Doctor.../" In her native tongue as she turned her back to the direction of the gunfire, despite her objections, she had no real way to defy the men with guns. However the thought of relocation was not a bad idea, getting the doctors and non-combat personnel from the danger as fast as possible was always a good idea, especially if one wanted the disease to be fought...

Hearing her name, Vita however would pause, "You plan to send me?" She'd ask, almost sounding insulted for a moment, before quieting down and listening along, "Right right. How many are coming with? As I'm sure we're going to need a fair detail." She'd ask, turning back to her desk to pick up her jacket, though the day was warm, Vita knew it was to cool rapidly overnight, and were she outside during that, Hypothermia could set in...

Twenty minutes later...

Seated in a small convoy, Vita kept her eyes about, her mind wondered what is happening, wondering responses, thinking to herself why the Soviet Union seemed faster at handling messes like this-- then again, they normally handled it with mass killings... Brushing the thought aside, her mind refocused on her goal, save as many lives as possible. Exiting the truck, Klavdiya would quickly put on her respirator, and threw up her hood keeping it tight over her head before putting on the gloves she wore this morning. Stepping towards the soldiers, she'd present her CDC ID, and speak as loud as she could with her voice muffled, "I'm here to check those within, and we're to transport them to the Navy Yard. Stop containing them in here." She'd say, watching the soldier move out of her way, before walking in to do her job...

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