Mythology/Gods style RP?

Aye. Many myths feature themes of gods representing order taming some ancient chaos beast and creating the universe from it. Examples include the Greek Kronos castrating and usurping his father Ouranos (only to be overthrown in turn by his own son Zeus); Odin, Villi and Ve together vanquishing the primordial Frost Giant Ymir and making the Nine Worlds from his corpse; The Aztec gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl luring and slaying the great crocodile Cipactli and likewise forming the earth from his corpse; the Egyptian Sun god Ra-Atum emerging from a lotus flower and making the earth mound of Tatenen arise from the primordial waters of Nuhn; the Babylonian Marduk or Enlil slaying the goddess Tiamat, mother of monsters... a common theme.
[QUOTE="The Pooka]Aye. Many myths feature themes of gods representing order taming some ancient chaos beast and creating the universe from it. Examples include the Greek Kronos castrating and usurping his father Ouranos (only to be overthrown in turn by his own son Zeus); Odin, Villi and Ve together vanquishing the primordial Frost Giant Ymir and making the Nine Worlds from his corpse; The Aztec gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl luring and slaying the great crocodile Cipactli and likewise forming the earth from his corpse; the Egyptian Sun god Ra-Atum emerging from a lotus flower and making the earth mound of Tatenen arise from the primordial waters of Nuhn; the Babylonian Marduk or Enlil slaying the goddess Tiamat, mother of monsters... a common theme.

I would suggest this be more like imprisonment for these characters.
It amounts to the same concept, though. Evil is just for convenience of description. 'Chaos' is often the replacement for a moral dimension.

Aye, Athena emerged from Zeus' head because he'd swallowed her mother, Metis, in the form of a fly.
I had a list of made up deities somewhere. If you guys want I can dig it up
I have many such lists! Half-baked ideas aplenty! Here's some...

The Alwh.m (Aluhim; gods) - a hebdomad of ancient, powerful entities who reigned as gods over primitive man during the Paleolithic Era.

Also known as the S'b'tw (Sabatu; Seven) and the Alw-An-w-ku (Alu An-u-ku; Gods of An and Ku).

Their dwelling was between the mountains of Hor and Lel (modern day Jabal Musa and Mount Catherine in the Sinai Peninsula).

An-Al-w (An-Al-u, Analu)

The Father, the Most High, Lord of the High, Archon of Jupiter, Allu of Space, Infinity and Boundlessness. Machinator of Space.

Mythological Cognates: Sumerian Anu and Anshar, Akkadian An, Ugaritic Illu or Il-Ilyon, Canaanite El Elyon, Hebrew Elohim, Arabic Allah, Egyptian Amun and Atum, Greek Ouranos and Khronos, Roman Caelus and Chronos.

Gnostic Names: Demiourgos, Yaldabaoth, Saklas, Samael, Pronoia, Sambatha, Leontoeides.

Ku-Y'w-At'n (Ku-Yaw-Atan)

The Judge, the Devourer, Lord of the Deep, Archon of Saturn. Allu of Time, Eternity and Endlessness. Machinator of Time.

Mythological Cognates: Sumerian Ki and Kishar, Babylonian Tiamat and Apsu, Ugaritic Yamm, Nahar and Lotan, Hebrew Yahweh and Leviathan, Arabic Bahamut, Egyptian Apepi, Greek Kronos and Poseidon, Roman Saturnus and Neptunus.

Gnostic Names: Iao, Yahu, Yahweh, Elilaios, Iachtanabas, David.

Am'r-Wtw-H'dw (Amar-Utu-Hadu)

The Lord, the Conquerer, King of Heaven, Archon of Mars. Allu of Victory and Defeat, Survival and Extinction. Machinator of Electromagnetism.

Mythological Cognates: Sumerian Enlil and Ishkur, Akkadian Ellil and Adad, Babylonian Marduk, Ugaritic Hadad, Hebrew Ba'al Hadad, Arabic Amm, Egyptian Set, Montu and Anhur, Greek Zeus and Ares, Roman Iuppiter and Mars.

Gnostic Names: Sabaoth, Sabbas, Abraxas, Seth.

Kw-w-Asht'r (Nin-u-Ashtar)

The Lady, the Lover, Queen of Heaven, Archon of Venus. Allu of Attraction and Repulsion, Love and War, Desire and Hatred. Machinator of Gravitation.

Mythological Cognates: Sumerian Inanna, Akkadian Antu and Ishtar, Ugaritic Athtart, Asherah and Qadesh, Hebrew Ashtoreth and Astarte, Arabic Al-Uzza, Egyptian Anit, Neit and Qetesh, Greek Aphrodite and Enyo, Roman Venus and Bellona.

Gnostic Names: Astaphanos, Astaphaios, Astaphe, Sophia.

Shh'r-w-Shl'm (Shahar-u-Shalem)

The Hunter, the Traveller, the Lightbringer, Lord of the Stars, Archon of the Sun. Allu of Light and Darkness, Night and Day, Dawn and Dusk. Machinator of Radioactivity.

Mythological Cognates: Sumerian Udu, Akkadian Shamash, Syrian Simsu, Ugaritic Shapash, Shahar and Shalim, Hebrew Adonai, Semes and Shachar, Egyptian Horus, Greek Helios, Apollon and Adonis, Roman Sol and Apollo.

Gnostic Names: Adonaios, Adonis.

Kt'r-w-Ks's (Kotar-u-Kases)

The Maker, the Maimed One, Lord of the Earth, Archon of the Moon. Allu of Change and Stasis, Motion and Inertia, Power and Frailty. Machinator of Matter.

Mythological Cognates: Sumerian Gibil, Akkadian Gerra and Nusku, Syrian Kashalu, Ugaritic Kothar-wa Khasis, Phoenician Malik and Hammon, Hebrew Moloch, Egyptian Ptah, Greek Hephaistos, Roman Vulcan.

Gnostic Names: Horaios, Jaroah, Paraplex

Ankw-w-Mw't (Anku-u-Mawat)

The Destroyer, Lord of the Dead, Archon of Mercury. Allu of Birth and Death, Health and Plague, Growth and Decay. Machinator of Entropy.

Mythological Cognates: Sumerian Enki and Nergal, Akkadian Ea, Semitic Mot, Arabic Maut, Egyptian Osiris and Anubis, Greek Hades and Hermes, Roman Dis Pater and Mercury.

Gnostic Names: Elaios, Ailoaios, Eloein.
I know the feeling. I have too many notes for character development or artwork ideas and save them thinking I'll get back to them and never do haha
Found another one:


IN THE BEGINNING there was only Ae, that is and is not, that is all things and nothing, that is beyond knowledge.

From Ae emerged An and Na, that are space and time, that are infinity and eternity, that fill places and moments.

From An and Na came Lir and Kor and Sur, that are material substances and elemental energy and spiritual essence.

From Lir came the body, from Kor came the mind and from Sur came the soul, wherefrom came Leth, that is all life.

From Lir and Sur there came Soth, that is order and fate and harmony, life without the energetic dynamism of Kor.

From Lir and Kor there came Kath, that is chaos and luck and turmoil, life without the essential patterns of Sur.

From Kor and Sur there came Muth, that is death and doom and entropy, life without the animating vitality of Lir.

From Leth alone were created the pantheon of gods that live forever, governing and presiding over all the cosmos.

From Leth and Soth were created harmonic spirits, living forever in stability and stasis, maintaining the cosmos.

From Leth and Kath were created chaotic demons, living forever in pandemonium and anarchy, disrupting the cosmos.

From Leth and Muth were created mortal creatures that live and die, embodying all the fundamentals of the cosmos.

From Muth alone were created the unspoken that never lived, seeking only to destroy the immortals and the cosmos.

Ae dwells in Aethus, the unknowable void outside of Annathus, beyond the knowledge of both mortals and immortals.

An and Na live togever in Annathus, the nexus of the cosmos which connects all planes, before the gate of Aethus.

Lir and Leth dwell in Lamneranthus, the plane of physical substance; the land of the living and of our own world.

Kor and Kath dwell in Kemnalenthus, the plane of elemental energy; and Kathus, infernal domain of chaotic demons.

Sur and Soth dwell in Semnolenthus, the plane of spiritual essence; and Sothus, the land of the spirits of order.

Muth alone resides in Mamnuranthus, the plane of darkness and decay; and Muthus, realm of the ghosts of the dead.

Iaosadios is first-born of Leth, the king of the gods and the heavens, the god of lightning and justice and laws.

Iaosabath is second-born of Leth, the queen of the gods and the earth, the goddess of child-birth and motherhood.

Sabathios is third-born of Leth, smith of the gods, the god of war and manhood and fire and volcanoes and crafts.

Ashterath is fourth-born of Leth, the goddess of war and womanhood and love and beauty and charity and fertility.

Adanthios is fifth-born of Leth, the god of the sun and the skies and music and the arts and wine and divination.

Hormasath is sixth-born of Leth, the goddess of the moon and the seas and the hunt and witch-craft and virginity.

Melaurias is seventh born of Leth, messenger and scribe of the gods, the god or goddess of commerce and language.
Hahaha I noticed that! xD

Yeah we did that stuff in year 8 history... Ah how I miss highschool... Real world is no fun :P
Okay I think what we may need now is

A. A Masterlist with the gods everyone has already claimed.

B. A Masterlist of gods that should be claimed to move the plot forward.

C. And if we decided on a plot lol.

I honestly ended up losing track of everything throughout the flurry of this thread so it might be nice to have it all laid out neatly!
A master list or a family tree of some sort. I've made a couple of these. Here's one I made for the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon:

[QUOTE="The Pooka]A master list or a family tree of some sort. I've made a couple of these. Here's one I made for the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon:


Every post you've made thus far has left me in're just an absolute inspiration The Pooka.
xD Mythology is my bread and butter, that's all. But sure, I might be showin' off with that family tree. xD I'm proud of it! It's symmetrical and everything! Thank Ra for incest.

...did I just say that?

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