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Fantasy mythical high school/ life rp (open)

Mayumi said:
Jason Cartez





Sexual Orientation:


Good or neutral or evil:


Where you live: Old run down cabin by Alex's home.

Year in high school:


Kind of being:

Vampire/Demon hybrid







Being odd






Personality: Day is very protective and can sometimes be overly protective. He is silly and often finds himself laughing and having a good time. He is a happy person and can be serious if need be.




Day was a perfectly happy kid who was oblivious to the war. Everything was relatively normal for him. He met Alex and basically was her protector from the other kids.

Dating/Crush/Lover: TBA

Anything else:

Friend of Alex.

And I make no more characters after him.
[QUOTE="Zero Drakos]Name: Zero Drákos
Nickname:Dark Crow




Appearance:Human form.


True Form:


Dark Knight Form.


Sexual Orientation:Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil

Where you live:Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Senior

What kind of being you are:Demon

Powers/gifts: Super Strength and Speed, Teleportation, Hell Fire Manipulation, Penance Stare, Demonic Magic, Demon Ice Manipulation, Demonic Attacks, Demonic Aura, Apocalypse Inducement, Demon God Physiology, Demon Manipulation, Hell-Fire Breath, Hellish Ice Breath, Hell-Fire Infusion, Demonic Beam Emission, Time Manipulation.

Weakness: Holy Weapons, Salt, and Holy Water

Likes: Darkness, Blood, Gore, Power

Dislikes: Good, Sun

Personality:Dark, Mysterious, Merciless, Cold, Psychopathic, (What people don't know) Kind, Caring, Compassionate.

Bio: Zero was born from the fires of hell. He far more talented and far stronger that any other demon. He rapidly grew stronger and stronger from devouring the souls of angels spirits and other demons. He became so powerful that almost rivaled both God and Satan. Zero had been betrayed leaving him in the world of the living. Zero has come back to civilization to try to live a normal life.







Dial the powers down a bit and astaroth has to go
Name: Abby Bergeron.



Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: True good.

Where you live: Dorm.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Cold Embodiment.

Likes: cold, icecream, snow.

Dislikes: mean people, being alone.

Personality: she is very shy and kind. She will do her best to help others.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):


Bio: All of her oife she has be alone. People stayed away from her, because she was to cold to be around...literally she was freezing cold. If anyone ever ever touched her skin they would have to go to the hospital for fristbite. Sbe was given clothes that can suppress the cold so she can be around others, it can't keep it all in, but you can survive around her now. Life for her was very lonely because no kne wanted to be near her. She began to accepted the fact she would have to be alone for the rest if her life.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet
TheMADQ said:
Name: Abby Bergeron.


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: True good.

Where you live: Dorm.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Cold Embodiment.

Likes: cold, icecream, snow.

Dislikes: mean people, being alone.

Personality: she is very shy and kind. She will do her best to help others.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):


Bio: All of her oife she has be alone. People stayed away from her, because she was to cold to be around...literally she was freezing cold. If anyone ever ever touched her skin they would have to go to the hospital for fristbite. Sbe was given clothes that can suppress the cold so she can be around others, it can't keep it all in, but you can survive around her now. Life for her was very lonely because no kne wanted to be near her. She began to accepted the fact she would have to be alone for the rest if her life.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet
Accepted...I'm bringing in my other character just for her
TheMADQ said:
Oooooh what is this other character?
its gonna take me a few minuets to wright the cs but his bio should be on my page its avriare darksoul and i am changing him a bit for this rp
Name: Mateus Paravon

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: The rooftop on an abandoned building

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Parasite/slime


Parasite Mode- When parasite mode he turns into a slime and finds its host he goes in the host by engulfing the host himself or getting himself eaten by the host.

Duplication- he can duplicate himself to parasite multiple people.

Limb extension- Can extend and add body parts it may cause intense pain to the host.

Power Multiplier- Multiplies his host's abilites by 5 it will increase each time if he get used to the host.

Mind Control- Can control the host he can also cancel it.

Devour Host- when the host is close to dying he can either devour it or not.

Slime Physiology

Gamma Ray Empowerment


Jewels and Special Stones







A really really Messy room

Personality: He looks like a delinquent making people keep distance from him but he's pretty much nice and helpful a little bit of a prankster if bored and slightly perverted and he doesn't trust a person right off the bat

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: He was once an ordinary parasite accidentally bathed by different leftover chemicals and radiated with Gamma ray he slowly turned into a slime later he found a homeless teen that is suffering he devoured him to end his agony and took his form.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Umm... He secretly likes shoes I guess....

(I'm Bringing some here lol)
Alternated said:
Name: Mateus Paravon
Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: The rooftop on an abandoned building

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Parasite/slime


Parasite Mode- When parasite mode he turns into a slime and finds its host he goes in the host by engulfing the host himself or getting himself eaten by the host.

Duplication- he can duplicate himself to parasite multiple people.

Limb extension- Can extend and add body parts it may cause intense pain to the host.

Power Multiplier- Multiplies his host's abilites by 5 it will increase each time if he get used to the host.

Mind Control- Can control the host he can also cancel it.

Devour Host- when the host is close to dying he can either devour it or not.

Slime Physiology

Gamma Ray Empowerment


Jewels and Special Stones







A really really Messy room

Personality: He looks like a delinquent making people keep distance from him but he's pretty much nice and helpful a little bit of a prankster if bored and slightly perverted and he doesn't trust a person right off the bat

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: He was once an ordinary parasite accidentally bathed by different leftover chemicals and radiated with Gamma ray he slowly turned into a slime later he found a homeless teen that is suffering he devoured him to end his agony and took his form.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Umm... He secretly likes shoes I guess....

(I'm Bringing some here lol)
Welcome to the party we just caught the school on fire just read the last few posts to figure out what's going on
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Welcome to the party we just caught the school on fire just read the last few posts to figure out what's going on

Ahh ok then thanky thanks
Name: Michael (yup just Michael ge never knew his last name)

Age: he looks about 14 but his real age is unknown he lost teack a long time ago.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Evil

Where you live: wherever he wants

What Year of highschool your in: he is not in shcool.

What kind of being you are: Human....well as fare as he knows.

Powers/gifts: Subatomic Manipulation and embodiment, using the very make up of matter he is able to manipulate/become/change/make elements as well as some forces. He uses his controle over mater to make bodies and embew them with power. They are nothing but lifeless meat puppets that he has a hivemind with.

Likes: Death, Destruction, candy, anarchy.

Dislikes: Humanity, life.

Personality: He is wacky and unpredictable. Losing his sanity long ago he is extremely dangerous. Not hesitating to kill an innocent person over nothing.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130506031729/fairytailfanon/images/5/51/Anime_boy.jpg

Bio: I was walking along when I hear a baby crying out in an alleyway, I go over to check it out, and sure enough there was a baby in a basket. I looked all around but there was no one in sight, it was getting really cold and I could not just leave him there. So I picked up the basket and quickly made my way out of the ally and went by to my little hole in the ghetto part of town. It was not much, just a hole into the basement of some rundown apartment; no one ever came down there so it was a perfect place for me to live as long as I kept the hole hidden from the owners.

The poor thing would not stop crying and I thought it was just cold, once we were backing home I made a fire to warm him up, but that did not work he just kept crying. It was sad I had no idea what to do and he was in distress. Well in a few minuets I finely cam along of the idea that he could be hungry. I immediately smack my head thinking that I am an idiot for not thinking of it sooner. There was only one problem I had no idea where on earth I was going to find baby formula, when I remembered that the lady upstairs had some babies so maybe I could steel some milk.

So I was able to get him some milk and he clamed down automatically, as I held him in my arms I just felt so warm, like he was my own chilled no my own brother I had to take care of him. I looked at him as he sucked away at the bottle and said. “Well little guy I guess we are going to be buddies, I just need something to call you. How about John? Do you like that?” He never changed just keep on drinking so I assumed that he liked the name. “Well John my name is Michael.”

Years later we spent time just sitting on the streets begging for money or food, though no one ever gave any. “Sir could you pleas spare some food?” John begged with the man as he walks out of the Wal-Mart. (sponsors)

“I am sorry kid things are really tight with everyone I could not spare anything.” He said as the man’s wife walks out with a huge cart completely paced with a tower of food.

“Yeah no food my bum.” I mumbled to myself thinking about how much of a jerk that guy is, to let two kids just starve like that.

“Come on Michael what if he was the father to sixteen children?” John asked me as if it were true.

I looked at John as though he were crazy. “Yeah that’s the case I really buy that.” I said rolling my eyes at him, it was getting late anyway so I got up and stretched. “We really need to start heading back home.

“But we still have nothing let’s wait just a few minuets more.” John pleaded with his big puppy dog eyes.

“Really are you going to try that old trick?” I asked him turning away because I knew I was no match for his puppy dog eyes. All he did was just whine a bit and get closer until I caved in. “Fine, just 20 more minuets.” He cheered, and we sat there as person after person just walked by us, some even stopped to spit on us saying that we were scam artists. By the time that we left I had a scorn for people, I never was to fond of others but now I really just did not like anyone aside form John.

It had been about a week science our last meal, we stopped stealing from the people upstarts after the massive food poisoning we got form there disgusting….. I don’t even know what to call it, but it was surely not food. We were starving so I finely had enough and told John. “Okay before we die I am going out and getting something for us to eat.”

“But you don’t have any money.” He responded to which I just looked at him with almost a glare because he did not get it. “What you are going to steal it.”

“John we have been over this I have no choice if I don’t we are going to die.” I said trying to convince him why it was necessary.

“But its wrong, what if someone come and took things you have.” John said trying to put me in there shoes.

“Really I would welcome that, let them take every penny we don’t have.” I told him with a sarcastic tone.

“Pleas don’t do this, what if you get caught and hurt or worse.” John said in a panicked voice.

I put my hands on his shoulders to comfort him and he quieted down. I gazed at him with a caring smile and told him. “Nothing is going to happen. As long as we are together nothing can touch us.” He did not say a word, he just embraced me with a hug and a single tear, thought he was not sad he was happy that he could be with me, he was just sacred that it might one day end, it was his only fear.

A bit later we were sneaking into Wal-Mart (sponsor) as usual John was on look out while I go and get the goods. Though this time John was distracted and he kept bugging me while I worked “Michael, come on lets get out.” He would tell me

“No not yet we still don’t have enough.” I would say back grabbing some apples and shoving them into a Wal-Mart (sponsor) bag, it was a good thing that they leave these things just anyone to take a bag.

John was so distracted trying to get me to leave he did not notice the manager had come up behind us “What do you two think that you are doing? What did I say would happen if I ever saw you here again?” The manager asked as he looks down on us and grabbed us by the collar, he dragged us out back throwing us into the side of a dumpster.

I stand up in front of John. “This was my idea so beat me and leave John out of this.” I said with a dead serious look in my eye, I was not about to let John take the punishment for something that he did not want to do in the first place.

“Aw isn’t that cute you standing up for you boyfriend.” The mangier said as he kicked me to the side just so he could get to John.

I went flying into a wall and cried out “Gah!” as my back slammed into the hard brick.

“Michael!” John yelled out in fear for my safety. I did not respond, as I faded in and out of conciseness.

“Aww what a shame seems that all that spunk he just had was splattered agents the wall.” The manager laughed as he picked John up by the collar and pushed his back into a wall as to hold him there, he pulled his hand back getting ready to punch John who had his eyes shut tight, he was too scared to look at what was going to happen.

The huge, fat, ugly, peace of crap that was the man let lose punch after punch on John, and in that furry of fists John let out a soft. “Pleas, help.” And as soon as John said that my eyes flew open and instead of being there normal soft blew they were purely white, of course I did not know that at the time John told me about it later, I stand up suddenly flooded with so much energy, I could feel power flowing through my body.

The man pulled back for another punch but before he even had a chance to let it fly I grab his fist and he was not able to move it an inch even with all his strength. “He is not my boyfriend, he is my brother.” I informed him as he looked over his shoulder to look back at me. He let go of John and tried to turn around really fast and punch me but I just caught his other fist with ease. “And don’t you ever touch him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled then turned my body a little and with almost no leverage I flung the man into the same wall he had kicked me into not two minuets ago. I slowly walk over to him as he tries to gather himself and figure out what on earth had just happened. I slowly walked over to him cracking my knuckles, he still was stunned and I helped fix that with a punch to the face that knocked his head to the side into the ground. I then kicked him in his gut and he crumbled into the fetal position as if that was going to save him.

“Pleas stop.” He managed to squeeze out, to which I just kick him in the face.

“Why should I all you did was beat up my brother when you could have just kicked us out, you brought this apon yourself.” I said as I continue to kick him over and over again. “How dose it feel to be the one getting beaten up for a change instead of the one beating?“ I said as my anger grew so did my strength, the ground began to shake as I wailed on him. I finished kicking and doped to my knees and began to punch him with all my might, blood splattered as I did so, I wished he was dead but he was still alive I could tell, I could feel his blood flowing through his body.

I would not stop nor slow down, until John was able to get over to me, he said. “Stop Michael, he is not worth killing for.” John said to me with tears running down his face. As soon as he touched me I froze, my eyes turned back to normal, the anger faded, and I hugged John. After that I hated everyone, people just made me sick, thought I was able to stand them for John’s sake, which was the only reason.

A few months later we were running low on food so I had to once again go out and get some though this time I was not going to take a chance at John getting hurt. “Wait here and make sure to stay warm.” I told him as I threw another log onto the fire. “Just stay calm I will be okay, you know me I can handle myself.” I assure him as he looks into my eyes.

“Its not you I am worried about.” He said with a sympathetic voice.

“Don’t worry I will not kill anyone, as long as you are safe I will not need to.” I reassure him with a soft pat on the head. I then leave the building through the hole in the side. But while I was gone a lot happened, a log had flipped out of the fire and caught some old boxes a flame and it quickly spared through the room and soon to the entire building. John ran upstairs to get away from the fire but as he got there everyone was stampeding out and ran him over, knocking him out cold. Not one of them stopped to pick him up, not one of them gave him a second glace, and none of them even thought that he was worth two seconds, his life was that unimportant. When I retuned I walked into the burning building and the flame just moved out of my way, it bowed down to me as I walked over to John and picked up his body. He was not breathing which frightened me, I ran out of the building to get John to the hospital and as I got out I could hear people yelling for help, they were trapped. I closed my eyes then snapped my fingers using my control over earth to knock then building down and my control over fire to consume the building in an instant. ‘They disserved it, they would have left john to die if they had the chance, no one has any good spirit, they are all just selfish little brats and all disserve to die, I truly hate those week humans.’ I thought to myself as I run my friend to the hospital.

Waiting outside the ER the doc comes out and I immediately ran up to him and asked. “Doctor is he going to make it?” though he just looked at me with sad eyes and shook his head. Not caring whether I was allowed anymore I ran through the doers and found John’s body covered by a sheet. I pull it off and cry over his dead body, my cheeks covered in tears and my eyes white, full of anger and sadness. I was never going to let anyone hurt my friend ever again so I disassembled myself at the molecular level and consumed John’s body and I assimilated with his body, his eyes opened and I had become one with him though I knew that he would never be alive but I would always be with him.

As the years moved on I slowly mastered my powers completely and I created my own personal bodyguards, I sued my control over the subatomic particles to remake the human body and then implant them with power over Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Darkness/light, and Air, All this just to keep anyone for being able to lay a finger on John ever again. Though all of this has given me a purpose, a reason to kill everyone, and that’s exactly what I did just kill everyone that came my way, though that got boring quickly. So I started to torture people kill them slowly and painfully, it became a game to me to see how long it would take for them to beg for death, and only once that they did that would I let them go and when they hade the hope of freedom that is when I would put and end to there life.

Dating/lover/crush: dose himself count?

Anything else:
TheMADQ said:
Name: Michael (yup just Michael ge never knew his last name)
Age: he looks about 14 but his real age is unknown he lost teack a long time ago.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Evil

Where you live: wherever he wants

What Year of highschool your in: he is not in shcool.

What kind of being you are: Human....well as fare as he knows.

Powers/gifts: Subatomic Manipulation and embodiment, using the very make up of matter he is able to manipulate/become/change/make elements as well as some forces. He uses his controle over mater to make bodies and embew them with power. They are nothing but lifeless meat puppets that he has a hivemind with.

Likes: Death, Destruction, candy, anarchy.

Dislikes: Humanity, life.

Personality: He is wacky and unpredictable. Losing his sanity long ago he is extremely dangerous. Not hesitating to kill an innocent person over nothing.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130506031729/fairytailfanon/images/5/51/Anime_boy.jpg

Bio: I was walking along when I hear a baby crying out in an alleyway, I go over to check it out, and sure enough there was a baby in a basket. I looked all around but there was no one in sight, it was getting really cold and I could not just leave him there. So I picked up the basket and quickly made my way out of the ally and went by to my little hole in the ghetto part of town. It was not much, just a hole into the basement of some rundown apartment; no one ever came down there so it was a perfect place for me to live as long as I kept the hole hidden from the owners.

The poor thing would not stop crying and I thought it was just cold, once we were backing home I made a fire to warm him up, but that did not work he just kept crying. It was sad I had no idea what to do and he was in distress. Well in a few minuets I finely cam along of the idea that he could be hungry. I immediately smack my head thinking that I am an idiot for not thinking of it sooner. There was only one problem I had no idea where on earth I was going to find baby formula, when I remembered that the lady upstairs had some babies so maybe I could steel some milk.

So I was able to get him some milk and he clamed down automatically, as I held him in my arms I just felt so warm, like he was my own chilled no my own brother I had to take care of him. I looked at him as he sucked away at the bottle and said. “Well little guy I guess we are going to be buddies, I just need something to call you. How about John? Do you like that?” He never changed just keep on drinking so I assumed that he liked the name. “Well John my name is Michael.”

Years later we spent time just sitting on the streets begging for money or food, though no one ever gave any. “Sir could you pleas spare some food?” John begged with the man as he walks out of the Wal-Mart. (sponsors)

“I am sorry kid things are really tight with everyone I could not spare anything.” He said as the man’s wife walks out with a huge cart completely paced with a tower of food.

“Yeah no food my bum.” I mumbled to myself thinking about how much of a jerk that guy is, to let two kids just starve like that.

“Come on Michael what if he was the father to sixteen children?” John asked me as if it were true.

I looked at John as though he were crazy. “Yeah that’s the case I really buy that.” I said rolling my eyes at him, it was getting late anyway so I got up and stretched. “We really need to start heading back home.

“But we still have nothing let’s wait just a few minuets more.” John pleaded with his big puppy dog eyes.

“Really are you going to try that old trick?” I asked him turning away because I knew I was no match for his puppy dog eyes. All he did was just whine a bit and get closer until I caved in. “Fine, just 20 more minuets.” He cheered, and we sat there as person after person just walked by us, some even stopped to spit on us saying that we were scam artists. By the time that we left I had a scorn for people, I never was to fond of others but now I really just did not like anyone aside form John.

It had been about a week science our last meal, we stopped stealing from the people upstarts after the massive food poisoning we got form there disgusting….. I don’t even know what to call it, but it was surely not food. We were starving so I finely had enough and told John. “Okay before we die I am going out and getting something for us to eat.”

“But you don’t have any money.” He responded to which I just looked at him with almost a glare because he did not get it. “What you are going to steal it.”

“John we have been over this I have no choice if I don’t we are going to die.” I said trying to convince him why it was necessary.

“But its wrong, what if someone come and took things you have.” John said trying to put me in there shoes.

“Really I would welcome that, let them take every penny we don’t have.” I told him with a sarcastic tone.

“Pleas don’t do this, what if you get caught and hurt or worse.” John said in a panicked voice.

I put my hands on his shoulders to comfort him and he quieted down. I gazed at him with a caring smile and told him. “Nothing is going to happen. As long as we are together nothing can touch us.” He did not say a word, he just embraced me with a hug and a single tear, thought he was not sad he was happy that he could be with me, he was just sacred that it might one day end, it was his only fear.

A bit later we were sneaking into Wal-Mart (sponsor) as usual John was on look out while I go and get the goods. Though this time John was distracted and he kept bugging me while I worked “Michael, come on lets get out.” He would tell me

“No not yet we still don’t have enough.” I would say back grabbing some apples and shoving them into a Wal-Mart (sponsor) bag, it was a good thing that they leave these things just anyone to take a bag.

John was so distracted trying to get me to leave he did not notice the manager had come up behind us “What do you two think that you are doing? What did I say would happen if I ever saw you here again?” The manager asked as he looks down on us and grabbed us by the collar, he dragged us out back throwing us into the side of a dumpster.

I stand up in front of John. “This was my idea so beat me and leave John out of this.” I said with a dead serious look in my eye, I was not about to let John take the punishment for something that he did not want to do in the first place.

“Aw isn’t that cute you standing up for you boyfriend.” The mangier said as he kicked me to the side just so he could get to John.

I went flying into a wall and cried out “Gah!” as my back slammed into the hard brick.

“Michael!” John yelled out in fear for my safety. I did not respond, as I faded in and out of conciseness.

“Aww what a shame seems that all that spunk he just had was splattered agents the wall.” The manager laughed as he picked John up by the collar and pushed his back into a wall as to hold him there, he pulled his hand back getting ready to punch John who had his eyes shut tight, he was too scared to look at what was going to happen.

The huge, fat, ugly, peace of crap that was the man let lose punch after punch on John, and in that furry of fists John let out a soft. “Pleas, help.” And as soon as John said that my eyes flew open and instead of being there normal soft blew they were purely white, of course I did not know that at the time John told me about it later, I stand up suddenly flooded with so much energy, I could feel power flowing through my body.

The man pulled back for another punch but before he even had a chance to let it fly I grab his fist and he was not able to move it an inch even with all his strength. “He is not my boyfriend, he is my brother.” I informed him as he looked over his shoulder to look back at me. He let go of John and tried to turn around really fast and punch me but I just caught his other fist with ease. “And don’t you ever touch him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled then turned my body a little and with almost no leverage I flung the man into the same wall he had kicked me into not two minuets ago. I slowly walk over to him as he tries to gather himself and figure out what on earth had just happened. I slowly walked over to him cracking my knuckles, he still was stunned and I helped fix that with a punch to the face that knocked his head to the side into the ground. I then kicked him in his gut and he crumbled into the fetal position as if that was going to save him.

“Pleas stop.” He managed to squeeze out, to which I just kick him in the face.

“Why should I all you did was beat up my brother when you could have just kicked us out, you brought this apon yourself.” I said as I continue to kick him over and over again. “How dose it feel to be the one getting beaten up for a change instead of the one beating?“ I said as my anger grew so did my strength, the ground began to shake as I wailed on him. I finished kicking and doped to my knees and began to punch him with all my might, blood splattered as I did so, I wished he was dead but he was still alive I could tell, I could feel his blood flowing through his body.

I would not stop nor slow down, until John was able to get over to me, he said. “Stop Michael, he is not worth killing for.” John said to me with tears running down his face. As soon as he touched me I froze, my eyes turned back to normal, the anger faded, and I hugged John. After that I hated everyone, people just made me sick, thought I was able to stand them for John’s sake, which was the only reason.

A few months later we were running low on food so I had to once again go out and get some though this time I was not going to take a chance at John getting hurt. “Wait here and make sure to stay warm.” I told him as I threw another log onto the fire. “Just stay calm I will be okay, you know me I can handle myself.” I assure him as he looks into my eyes.

“Its not you I am worried about.” He said with a sympathetic voice.

“Don’t worry I will not kill anyone, as long as you are safe I will not need to.” I reassure him with a soft pat on the head. I then leave the building through the hole in the side. But while I was gone a lot happened, a log had flipped out of the fire and caught some old boxes a flame and it quickly spared through the room and soon to the entire building. John ran upstairs to get away from the fire but as he got there everyone was stampeding out and ran him over, knocking him out cold. Not one of them stopped to pick him up, not one of them gave him a second glace, and none of them even thought that he was worth two seconds, his life was that unimportant. When I retuned I walked into the burning building and the flame just moved out of my way, it bowed down to me as I walked over to John and picked up his body. He was not breathing which frightened me, I ran out of the building to get John to the hospital and as I got out I could hear people yelling for help, they were trapped. I closed my eyes then snapped my fingers using my control over earth to knock then building down and my control over fire to consume the building in an instant. ‘They disserved it, they would have left john to die if they had the chance, no one has any good spirit, they are all just selfish little brats and all disserve to die, I truly hate those week humans.’ I thought to myself as I run my friend to the hospital.

Waiting outside the ER the doc comes out and I immediately ran up to him and asked. “Doctor is he going to make it?” though he just looked at me with sad eyes and shook his head. Not caring whether I was allowed anymore I ran through the doers and found John’s body covered by a sheet. I pull it off and cry over his dead body, my cheeks covered in tears and my eyes white, full of anger and sadness. I was never going to let anyone hurt my friend ever again so I disassembled myself at the molecular level and consumed John’s body and I assimilated with his body, his eyes opened and I had become one with him though I knew that he would never be alive but I would always be with him.

As the years moved on I slowly mastered my powers completely and I created my own personal bodyguards, I sued my control over the subatomic particles to remake the human body and then implant them with power over Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Darkness/light, and Air, All this just to keep anyone for being able to lay a finger on John ever again. Though all of this has given me a purpose, a reason to kill everyone, and that’s exactly what I did just kill everyone that came my way, though that got boring quickly. So I started to torture people kill them slowly and painfully, it became a game to me to see how long it would take for them to beg for death, and only once that they did that would I let them go and when they hade the hope of freedom that is when I would put and end to there life.

Dating/lover/crush: dose himself count?

Anything else:
Wow one hell of a bio umm ya accepted
Name: R?u Ignatius Kiry?in

Nickname: "The Scholar"; "Three-nine" (A reference to his magic name)

Magic Name: Invictus 939 - "He who would challenge the sun" (Due to tradition, magicians are never supposed divulge their real names. Traditionally, magic names are used instead and they are only declared to other people as an official declaration of a duel to the death, although now it's really just used as a declaration of a normal fight.)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Human (Magically Augmented Demon Hunter)


Pyrokinesis: The abitlity to create and manipulate Fire

Electrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate Electricity

Magical Augmentation: Replacement of all limbs, Cranial Augmentation (Grants Immunity to mental manipulation as well as vampirism and lycanthropy).


  • Fighting
  • Hunting Immortals/Demons (Lycanthropes, Succubi, Vampires, etc.)
  • Studying (Mathematics and Martial Arts Specifically)
  • Training
  • Working on his augmentations


  • Immortals/Demons (All of them. There are no exceptions)

  • Simpletons

  • People who take advantage of others.

  • Those without honor.


Brash and loud, Ryu never hesitates to speak his mind. He always makes a point to let everyone know where they stand with him, bluntly and concisely. He is very serious most of the time, and insists on honoring formalities. He believes that formalities are of the utmost importance and without them "We are little more than beasts". When things get serious, Ryu is all business. While he is engaged in combat, nothing matters except him and his target. He becomes hyper-focused and can start to exhibit sadistic tendencies, enjoying the wounds inflicted on his foe. Once he has selected someone as his latest opponent, he will stop at nothing to see them taken down. He is extremely loyal to his friends, and just as cold towards his enemies. He hates immortals and Demons, despises them. He views them as oppressors and exploiters of humanity, seeing their supernatural abilities as unfair advantages. To this end, he strives to push himself to become superhuman as well, and to become a Vanguard for humanity. He posses an ironclad will and sense of justice.



Arm Mechanical Form:



(Front, Outside, Back, Inside)




Raised in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Ryu was pushed to be a fighter since birth. Part of the most recent generation in a family of vampire hunters, he was enrolled in martial arts classes almost right after he learned to walk. Unlike most of his peers in the class, Ryu loved the training, he relished getting stronger. Around the age of 12, when he had learned all he could of vampires, he started studying other types of immortals as well. He was shocked with what he found, and came to believe that the other immortals were just as bad as vampires. It was then that he changed his mission to include the eradication of all immortals, and not just vampires as his family desired. He elected to undergo augmentation surgery when he was a child, and has grown to like his augmentations. His limb augmentations appear as normal limbs, except when he is fighting, when they change to become more mechanical looking.


None as of yet


Demon Blade Infernal GodsBane



A sentient blade capable of setting itself ablaze. When not in use, it is contained in Ryu's bloodstream and can be retrieved from any decently sized wound. To this end, Ryu keeps a large gash in his left hand so he can use GodsBane at any time. He keeps a bandage over the wound and has set his magical augmentations so that it will not heal normally. One of his most prominent features is the ability to consume other magical items and the souls of magical entities. Doing so makes him stronger, although the power he gains from this ability is reset every time he gains a new wielder. Currently Ryu has only been able to feed him several low powered artifacts, the souls of a few minor demons, and the soul of a pureblood vampire. Certain souls also give new abilities in addition to boosting his power. GodsBane is also able to take on a human appearance when he chooses.

Human Appearance:

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Rhodus said:
Name: R?u Ignatius Kiry?in
Nickname: "The Scholar"

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Human (Magically Augmented Demon Hunter)


Pyrokinesis: The abitlity to create and manipulate Fire

Electrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate Electricity

Magical Augmentation: Replacement of all limbs, Cranial Augmentation (Grants Immunity to mental manipulation as well as vampirism and lycanthropy).


  • Fighting
  • Hunting Immortals/Demons (Lycanthropes, Succubi, Vampires, etc.)
  • Studying (Mathematics and Martial Arts Specifically)
  • Training
  • Working on his augmentations


  • Immortals/Demons (All of them. There are no exceptions)

  • Simpletons

  • People who take advantage of others.

  • Those without honor.


Brash and loud, Ryu never hesitates to speak his mind. He always makes a point to let everyone know where they stand with him, bluntly and concisely. He is very serious most of the time, and insists on honoring formalities. He believes that formalities are of the utmost importance and without them "We are little more than beasts". When things get serious, Ryu is all business. While he is engaged in combat, nothing matters except him and his target. He becomes hyper-focused and can start to exhibit sadistic tendencies, enjoying the wounds inflicted on his foe. Once he has selected someone as his latest opponent, he will stop at nothing to see them taken down. He is extremely loyal to his friends, and just as cold towards his enemies. He hates immortals and Demons, despises them. He views them as oppressors and exploiters of humanity, seeing their supernatural abilities as unfair advantages. To this end, he strives to push himself to become superhuman as well, and to become a Vanguard for humanity. He posses an ironclad will and sense of justice.




Raised in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Ryu was pushed to be a fighter since birth. Part of the most recent generation in a family of vampire hunters, he was enrolled in martial arts classes almost right after he learned to walk. Unlike most of his peers in the class, Ryu loved the training, he relished getting stronger. Around the age of 12, when he had learned all he could of vampires, he started studying other types of immortals as well. He was shocked with what he found, and came to believe that the other immortals were just as bad as vampires. It was then that he changed his mission to include the eradication of all immortals, and not just vampires as his family desired. He elected to undergo augmentation surgery when he was a child, and has grown to like his augmentations. His limb augmentations appear as normal limbs, except when he is fighting, when they change to become more mechanical looking.


None as of yet


Demon Blade Infernal GodsBane



A sentient blade capable of setting itself ablaze.
This could be interesting accepted
Rhodus said:
Name: R?u Ignatius Kiry?in
Nickname: "The Scholar"; "Three-nine" (A reference to his magic name)

Magic Name: Invictus 939 - "He who would challenge the sun"

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Human (Magically Augmented Demon Hunter)


Pyrokinesis: The abitlity to create and manipulate Fire

Electrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate Electricity

Magical Augmentation: Replacement of all limbs, Cranial Augmentation (Grants Immunity to mental manipulation as well as vampirism and lycanthropy).


  • Fighting
  • Hunting Immortals/Demons (Lycanthropes, Succubi, Vampires, etc.)
  • Studying (Mathematics and Martial Arts Specifically)
  • Training
  • Working on his augmentations


  • Immortals/Demons (All of them. There are no exceptions)

  • Simpletons

  • People who take advantage of others.

  • Those without honor.


Brash and loud, Ryu never hesitates to speak his mind. He always makes a point to let everyone know where they stand with him, bluntly and concisely. He is very serious most of the time, and insists on honoring formalities. He believes that formalities are of the utmost importance and without them "We are little more than beasts". When things get serious, Ryu is all business. While he is engaged in combat, nothing matters except him and his target. He becomes hyper-focused and can start to exhibit sadistic tendencies, enjoying the wounds inflicted on his foe. Once he has selected someone as his latest opponent, he will stop at nothing to see them taken down. He is extremely loyal to his friends, and just as cold towards his enemies. He hates immortals and Demons, despises them. He views them as oppressors and exploiters of humanity, seeing their supernatural abilities as unfair advantages. To this end, he strives to push himself to become superhuman as well, and to become a Vanguard for humanity. He posses an ironclad will and sense of justice.




Raised in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Ryu was pushed to be a fighter since birth. Part of the most recent generation in a family of vampire hunters, he was enrolled in martial arts classes almost right after he learned to walk. Unlike most of his peers in the class, Ryu loved the training, he relished getting stronger. Around the age of 12, when he had learned all he could of vampires, he started studying other types of immortals as well. He was shocked with what he found, and came to believe that the other immortals were just as bad as vampires. It was then that he changed his mission to include the eradication of all immortals, and not just vampires as his family desired. He elected to undergo augmentation surgery when he was a child, and has grown to like his augmentations. His limb augmentations appear as normal limbs, except when he is fighting, when they change to become more mechanical looking.


None as of yet


Demon Blade Infernal GodsBane



A sentient blade capable of setting itself ablaze. When not in use, it is contained in Ryu's bloodstream and can be retrieved from any decently sized wound. To this end, Ryu keeps a large gash in his left hand so he can use GodsBane at any time. He keeps a bandage over the wound and has set his magical augmentations so that it will not heal normally. One of his most prominent features is the ability to consume other magical items and the souls of magical entities. Doing so makes him stronger, although the power he gains from this ability is reset every time he gains a new wielder. Currently Ryu has only been able to feed him several low powered artifacts, the souls of a few minor demons, and the soul of a pureblood vampire. Certain souls also give new abilities in addition to boosting his power. GodsBane is also able to take on a human appearance when he chooses.

Human Appearance:

Name:Shadow of Sorrow

Nickname(If Applies):Sorrow



Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Nowhere

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are:Shadow reaper

Powers/gifts:can travel through shadows, can reap souls with his scythe and has a limited ability to manipulate shadows and souls

Likes:Shadows and souls

Dislikes:Light and Death

Personality:dark, realistic, slightly insane

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio:A son of Death that is a shadow of his older brother and has a few mental issues due to this, some leading to his brother's death but he never says this


Anything else:his scythe is twice his size and the blade is his size if he releases it from his confines to it, allowing it to be stronger if need be
[QUOTE="Verion Darkheart]Name:Shadow of Sorrow
Nickname(If Applies):Sorrow



Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Nowhere

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are:Shadow reaper

Powers/gifts:can travel through shadows, can reap souls with his scythe and has a limited ability to manipulate shadows and souls

Likes:Shadows and souls

Dislikes:Light and Death

Personality:dark, realistic, slightly insane

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio:A son of Death that is a shadow of his older brother and has a few mental issues due to this, some leading to his brother's death but he never says this


Anything else:his scythe is twice his size and the blade is his size if he releases it from his confines to it, allowing it to be stronger if need be

Nickname(If Applies): Juliet Patrillo

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral/Evil. As in she has no problem with snuffing out a life but she dosn't do it for fun. She won't kill anyone for no reason but she will kill anyone for a good enough reason.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Meta Teleportation. Despite having this power her body has no special enhancements, so she is as vulnerable as any normal person. She has no healing factor, only being able to heal like a normal person.

Likes: read, watch TV, manga, anime, and do puzzles.

Dislikes: cold weather, jerks, sour stuff, unions, and sports.

Personality: she is a bit of a hothead, getting angry about the smallest of things. Her rage never lasts longer then a few minute. When she is not angry she is very energetic. She shows her affection to those she care for with a bit of violence.

Appearance: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pr3bYvhtNfc/VPIqb47SB0I/AAAAAAAAHrs/OoGs1-GuNpU/s1600/sample_4cd46708867800c6e0ff3b5c5ef8ec03b45f66f4.jpg

Bio: Her family is a Mafioso, her dad being the Don. Her parents spent all there time on the family business leaving her to spend all her time in a big empty houce. She could never be told any of the doings of her parents. She couldn't even have any meaningful relashonships with her nannies, they were always afraid of angering her parents and vanishing. She was alone all her life, not even being allowed to leave the houce. But whenever she turbed 18 she was brought into the family business. She was finaly given the attention that she craved. Though still she was only ever talked to whenever they had someone they needed her to take care of. Eventually she go tird to taking care there business so she took care of them. Asserting her dominance she was able to take over control of the mob.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet

Anything else: She has a pet cat.
TheMADQ said:
Nickname(If Applies): Juliet Patrillo
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral/Evil. As in she has no problem with snuffing out a life but she dosn't do it for fun. She won't kill anyone for no reason but she will kill anyone for a good enough reason.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Meta Teleportation. Despite having this power her body has no special enhancements, so she is as vulnerable as any normal person. She has no healing factor, only being able to heal like a normal person.

Likes: read, watch TV, manga, anime, and do puzzles.

Dislikes: cold weather, jerks, sour stuff, unions, and sports.

Personality: she is a bit of a hothead, getting angry about the smallest of things. Her rage never lasts longer then a few minute. When she is not angry she is very energetic. She shows her affection to those she care for with a bit of violence.

Appearance: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pr3bYvhtNfc/VPIqb47SB0I/AAAAAAAAHrs/OoGs1-GuNpU/s1600/sample_4cd46708867800c6e0ff3b5c5ef8ec03b45f66f4.jpg

Bio: Her family is a Mafioso, her dad being the Don. Her parents spent all there time on the family business leaving her to spend all her time in a big empty houce. She could never be told any of the doings of her parents. She couldn't even have any meaningful relashonships with her nannies, they were always afraid of angering her parents and vanishing. She was alone all her life, not even being allowed to leave the houce. But whenever she turbed 18 she was brought into the family business. She was finaly given the attention that she craved. Though still she was only ever talked to whenever they had someone they needed her to take care of. Eventually she go tird to taking care there business so she took care of them. Asserting her dominance she was able to take over control of the mob.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet

Anything else: She has a pet cat.
Kyo Takano

Nickname: Indigo

Age: 17





Third Year



Sound Manipulation (No hypnotic and or Major suggestion)

Sonic Healing- The user can heal themselves or others by using sound by utilizing high frequency sound waves to shelter the body, revitalizing it to its max by manipulating the molecules and nerves via vibration to induce regeneration.http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Acceleration[/URL]

Accelerated flight by the use of sound manipulation

Sosokenetic construction the ability to construct weapons amongst many other useful things though the manipulation of sound.

Likes: Music, Simplistic things, Animals, Art.

Dislikes: Not being able to express himself. Long drawn out conversations only to reach a point that could have been agreed upon in one sentence. Lack of color and expression.

Personality: Very cheerful to a point where its almost scary. Yet there a days he wont even look up and it almost seems as he has a purple yew of despair and pain. Outgoing and very witty somewhat sarcastic at points but driven because of his dark past.



At a young age he was forced to pick up a hobby because his parents where never around so he took up singing and playing guitar. He never got the finest things in life and is often found is some what cheap street clothes. His past gets even darker in his teens when he found out his parents where both drug dealers. After a major arrest he was left to live in the house they lived in Semi happily alone while they sat in jail. So now hes just trying to educate himself to move on from his past. He seems to never speak of his parents or his past or even his real name he always calls himself "Indigo" alot of people believe that is because of his blue hair.

No love life right now
WellItsLoki said:
Kyo Takano
Nickname: Indigo

Age: 17





Third Year



Sound Manipulation (No hypnotic and or Major suggestion)

Sonic Healing- The user can heal themselves or others by using sound by utilizing high frequency sound waves to shelter the body, revitalizing it to its max by manipulating the molecules and nerves via vibration to induce regeneration.

Accelerated flight by the use of sound manipulation

Sosokenetic construction the ability to construct weapons amongst many other useful things though the manipulation of sound.

Likes: Music, Simplistic things, Animals, Art.

Dislikes: Not being able to express himself. Long drawn out conversations only to reach a point that could have been agreed upon in one sentence. Lack of color and expression.

Personality: Very cheerful to a point where its almost scary. Yet there a days he wont even look up and it almost seems as he has a purple yew of despair and pain. Outgoing and very witty somewhat sarcastic at points but driven because of his dark past.


At a young age he was forced to pick up a hobby because his parents where never around so he took up singing and playing guitar. He never got the finest things in life and is often found is some what cheap street clothes. His past gets even darker in his teens when he found out his parents where both drug dealers. After a major arrest he was left to live in the house they lived in Semi happily alone while they sat in jail. So now hes just trying to educate himself to move on from his past. He seems to never speak of his parents or his past or even his real name he always calls himself "Indigo" alot of people believe that is because of his blue hair.

No love life right now
Name: John Torque

Nickname: Gears

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Third year

What kind of being you are: Arcane Engineer

Powers/gifts: The power to shift any form of mass into another. He can create almost anything as long as he knows how it work and has enough material.

Likes: Building things. Fixing things. Eating food. Making food.

Dislikes: Pain and suffering. People who are evil at heart.

Personality: Self sacrificial. Sporadic. Very easy going. Try's to get along with everyone.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/f8cb1ab3.jpg.380aa84a22ff37793adc56ba1cf7884f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/f8cb1ab3.jpg.380aa84a22ff37793adc56ba1cf7884f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: He never met his father. He had the same gifts as the man he was meant to call dad but when the human population decided that Arcane Engineers where abominations on earth, they began too kill them off. He hated his father for leaving them because when he died he didn't leave a thing behind for him and his mother. Not a penny or cent. His mother had cancer her whole life so in order to get food on the table John became an apprentice to an old engineer.When the cancer finally caught up with his mother she told him the truth. That his father had been and Arcane Engineer and had died saving his family. John didn't know how to take this so he just smiled at his mother with tears in his eyes and said "I am glad he Loved you too the end" to which her response as she drew her last breath was "You will do great things in this world, my little gear head" After his mothers passing he left his home town at 16 after finishing his apprenticeship. He then spent the next two years training and honing his skills. Now he wants to educate himself with the outside world of which he has had almost no interactions with apart from the various beatings that local humans gave him when they found out what he is.

Dating/lover/crush: non right now

Anything else: He doesn't fight. He will throw himself at a person if he feels its necessary but he has almost no fighting skills apart from his arcane engineering.



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Blacknife said:
Name: John Torque
Nickname: Gears

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Third year

What kind of being you are: Arcane Engineer

Powers/gifts: The power to shift any form of mass into another. He can create almost anything as long as he knows how it work and has enough material.

Likes: Building things. Fixing things. Eating food. Making food.

Dislikes: Pain and suffering. People who are evil at heart.

Personality: Self sacrificial. Sporadic. Very easy going. Try's to get along with everyone.

Appearance: View attachment 188749

Bio: He never met his father. He had the same gifts as the man he was meant to call dad but when the human population decided that Arcane Engineers where abominations on earth, they began too kill them off. He hated his father for leaving them because when he died he didn't leave a thing behind for him and his mother. Not a penny or cent. His mother had cancer her whole life so in order to get food on the table John became an apprentice to an old engineer.When the cancer finally caught up with his mother she told him the truth. That his father had been and Arcane Engineer and had died saving his family. John didn't know how to take this so he just smiled at his mother with tears in his eyes and said "I am glad he Loved you too the end" to which her response as she drew her last breath was "You will do great things in this world, my little gear head" After his mothers passing he left his home town at 16 after finishing his apprenticeship. He then spent the next two years training and honing his skills. Now he wants to educate himself with the outside world of which he has had almost no interactions with apart from the various beatings that local humans gave him when they found out what he is.

Dating/lover/crush: non right now

Anything else: He doesn't fight. He will throw himself at a person if he feels its necessary but he has almost no fighting skills apart from his arcane engineering.

Nickname(If Applies): whisper



Sexual Orientation: SHES a child

Good or Evil or Neutral: evil/ nutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) SHES homeless

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are: prophet of the shade

(A being of the mind that has the power of foresight and mind reading. They often appear at random times to people in mysterious ways and are sometimes called the signs of doom for the fact that when they show up it usually means the death of some one close to the person they appear to or the person it's sel will be dead soon


Ability of foresight, ability to enter ones mind and show them glimpses of there future or screw with there minds in the form of hallucinations and poltergeisting. No phisical abilities what so ever besides teleportation



Personality: this girl is probably the most mysterious and quiet thing you will ever meet THATS all im gonna say because she's suppsed to be a mystery

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.efcf78952d5e5a3b19abcbe88f69ae82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.efcf78952d5e5a3b19abcbe88f69ae82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She's blind

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.5929dae0abce59d0e5774440602ba84e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83830" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.5929dae0abce59d0e5774440602ba84e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: ???



Anything else:

To look into her eyes is to see your past and your future all at once a horrid event that destroyed the mind hens why her eyes where wrapped and there wraped because she can't see



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