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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

my suggestion would be to the people who signed up ask them if they are continuing if not my recommendation is that the owner delete them off.
Student CS:

Name:Kelsey Delphine Patra (Delphine)

Age:500 years old(For a Sphinx that's about 17 in human years.)

Creature: Sphinx

Human form (anime if possible):


She's the one with the brown hair and the pink eyes.

Magical form:


Personality: Delphine is very strong willed but soft spoken. She say's what she means and she means what she says. But she says it in a soft and understanding tone. Almost no one ever gets mad at her, because she just expresses her opinion. She's very polite and well-mannered.

Powers in human form (1-3 only) Telepathy and flying.

Powers in magical form: Minor Curses, Telepathy, Flying, and extendable claws.

Bio (optional): Delphine is the daughter and youngest child of Cleopatra. Cleopatra was not only the queen on egypt, she was a sphinx as well. But only the royal family knew about it. Delphine is 1 of 5 children. Caesarion is her oldest brother, he is always stuck up and rude. Cleopatra Selene ll is her older sister, she is also snobbish but in the way that she believes that she could best you at anything. Her next oldest brother is Alexander Helios, he is the sweetest of them all, and the least favorite of their mother. The last one before Delphine, is Ptolemy Philadelphus. Ptolemy is kind, but not sweet. He is caring and nurturing, but in a motherly way. He raised Delphine, as their mother abandon her because she had wanted another son. Delphine doesn't like to talk about her mother. It angers her when someone brings her up. She never tells anyone who her mother is, though the last name of Patra would make it fairly obvious. When someone asks who her mother and father are, she either ignores them, walks away, or dodges the question.

Other: She doesn't care for male attention much. Or attention at all.
(This is just re-post for the updated version of Hitsugya)

Name: Hitsugya Udaza

Age: 17

Creature: Fallen Angel

Human/magical form (anime if possible): He doesn't have necessarily a 'magical' form because his wings are out all the time.




Keeps to himself and most of the time chooses to do everything by himself if he can, he dislikes killing and fighting for no reason because he doesn't want to hurt the people he cares about, but likes to go into fighting tournaments or spar. Is chill pretty much all the time but he can get agitated. He's always never wanting to talk too much or take help from anyone.

Powers in human form (1-3 only):

-Creating/controlling Black Fire and Black Lightning.

-Devouring souls of humans or creatures.

-Using his dragon mark.

Powers in magical form: Same powers except he has the abilities of the dragon inside him.

Bio (optional):

He lost his memory when he was 3 and found out he was a fallen angel when he was of the age of 8 and realized that was why he had black wings, his foster family treated him like crap because of it. He was found in an back alley when he was a baby and was taken to foster care. The family he was forced to live with was absoulutely horrible, they hit him and swore at him when he did something wrong. He was constantly under stress and had a bit of depression most of his life. Was bullied throughout his childhood which lead to him taking martial arts, which was the only place he could take his anger out. Many competitions and tournaments he won with his talent of fighting but no matter how many good things happened he just ended up being shut down and his family continued the same thing. Everyone treated him like crap, they thought he was weird and different and didn't want him around because of it, just like his family. Three months away from his 10th birthday he was jumped, a group of 8 kids surrounded him and beat him, shoved him and even strangle him until he was in tears. He got so angry that he punched the person who was punching him in the gut, and shattered 6 of the kids ribs, he turned to the other kids and punched three of through the wall. He nearly killed all of them in his rage before he realized what he'd done. A 3 month long suspension was his punishment, and once he was allowed back at school nothing was the same. Nobody talked to him, they shunned him and swore at him whenever they saw him. Constantly he was haunted by his alternate self, that he tries so hard to suppress, and he still is haunted by it every day which is why he can't ever sleep. One night, while he was alone and cold, when he was out walking on the streets and decided to leave it all, to let it all go away and seclude himself. Now he lives on his own in an apartment and goes to school.


He knows he has black wings and he can fly, he also has advantages from having wings and enormous amount of strength bundled up inside him such as being able to glide and jump very long distance and to incredible heights. He has a ridiculously enormous amount of strength bundled inside of him, even though he may not look buff other than his muscles and 8 pack .He nearly killed a kid with one punch to the ribs the kid barely survived with 6 of his ribs shattered. He doesn't tend to want to hurt people because he can't control his power or strength if he gets out of hand. He plays the guitar, and sometimes the piano. Not to mention he knows how to speak japenese and has been trained since he was 8 in martial arts.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.f9312994a35098c4da4a85810e376bfd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102196" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.f9312994a35098c4da4a85810e376bfd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d79d21d2bd4dc78eb72bd3b4d58b3c81.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d79d21d2bd4dc78eb72bd3b4d58b3c81.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jonas Barrows(Human)/Max Wellcots(Demon)

Age: 17(Jonas), 18(Max)

Creature: Demonic Vessel

Human form (anime if possible):

Magical form:

Personality: Jonas is first and foremost curious. His curiosity is what drives him, and his unshakable determination has got him where he is now. Despite this, Jonas is also sweet towards women, often known as a gentleman. Although he may not be able to care for his own well being very much, he has a protective side that won't stand for the disrespect of his friends, much less those he has a special place in his heart.

Very unlike Jonas, Max does not care very much for details, in fact it seems he is just in for the ride. Extremely well known as a playboy in Hell, Max is usually a combination of the most blunt with his honesty and the best liar in the room. The only person of whom it seems Max won't trick and betray is Jonas, perhaps due to their long history growing up.

Powers in human form (1-3 only)

- Supernatural Detection: Can detect a supernatural creature and/or humans with supernatural abilities, along with innate sense of what that said creature is. This ability can only grant knowledge of location within a 25 feet radius, and the knowledge is limited to the name and it's biology. Jonas has exceptional control over this ability, being able to only detect the demon inside him to the 25 feet limit. Usually however, Jonas safely maintains the ability at the limit of detecting only by sight and concentration.

Powers in magical form:

- Enhanced Strength

- Enhanced Speed

- Can manifest along with control black-colored fire via Demonic magic, however the more he uses the weaker he gets, and the more likely they will have to return back to human form.

Bio (optional):

Jonas was born to a wanna be ghost-hunting father, and a mother that was an expert in mythology. Due to his father's belief in the supernatural and his mother grounded in science that stated it was mere myth, Jonas had to spend each year living with either parent. Eventually, his mother found an odd artifact but since it seemed fake, she gave it to him for his 6th birthday. Despite him telling her there was a red monster in it, Jonas was extremely happy at the time. After getting back to his father however, his ability began to take root after Jonas started directing his father towards places that were truly haunted. Horrified, his father was thinking of getting rid of the child until a friend asked Jonas about the artifact, as it was glowing. Jonas told them that it was his friend Max, and that Max had red eyes, along with making Jonas dream about five-pointed stars. Shortly afterwards, his father finalized an official divorce with his mother, and pushed all parental rights of their child to her. Jonas's father told his son that whatever he was wasn't human, it was a monster. Disturbingly, Jonas was happy at this, and thanked his father for saying he was like his friend Max. It was later found out his father died in a brutal car crash driving away from the courthouse, but somehow Jonas had found it out before the police could even tell them. When asked how he'd knew, Jonas said Max told him. Eventually this talk caused his mother to abandon him, and Jonas went from faster home to foster home, because his behavior continued to get stranger. One day when Jonas was 10 years old however, he had burst out crying. When his newest foster father had asked why he was crying, Jonas told them Max had left. Relieved that his supposed imaginary friend was gone, they raised him as best as they could, although his interest in the supernatural and love of monsters never wavered. Overhearing a conversation between some members of a demonic cult, Jonas learned how to summon a demon, but an object of great personal love had to be destroyed in the process. Using the artifact has he'd loved it since a child, Jonas summoned a demon, only to meet his thought-to-be imaginary friend. When Max asked what he wanted, Jonas asked to meet real monsters, but not to be harmed in the process. Max agreed to his request, but at the cost of letting the demon into his body, and a portion of his soul. The contract was made, and Max was able to get them enrolled into Ellesdale School.

Other: Although it might not seem like it at first, while Max is good at getting women to like him as a start, Jonas has had both more romantic and longer relationships then Max.

Age // "17"

Gender // Female

Orientation // Pansexual

Origin // Japan

Species // Spirit


Mari Hachimitsu

Mari is very kind and caring, usually putting others interests before her own. She may be a bit overly positive but you can count on her being the one to cheer everyone up when their feeling down. Her attitude borders carefree and she's really spirited. She enjoys doing things that bring smiles to her face and faces of others. She isn't intimidated by many things and will instead face most situations with an open and warm attitude. She enjoys learning about others too. One look at the girl and most assume she doesn't have a care in the world.

But Mari does have worries and cares and problems. She just doesn't tell anyone and doesn't let anyone in. While she likes being there and knowing about others, she doesn't let many people in. When it comes to her past, she tends to lie a lot whether she doesn't remember or because she doesn't want anyone to know. One day she may tell you one thing and the next, something different. Details may be switched or eliminated altogether. If called out on it, she casually passes it off and changes the subject.

Mari is fiercely protective of those she cares for when it comes down to it. She's willing to give everything she has for someone she cares for sometimes even more than she has to begin with. But this makes her happy and she believes that it's what is best.

// Likes //

- Rain

- Lilies

- Summer

- The cold

- Board Games

// Dislikes //

- Religion

- Canines/Dogs

- Citrus

- A new moon

- Darkness

// Fears //

- Water/Swimming

- Losing those she cares for
Whether it is because she doesn't want anyone to know or that Mari doesn't know herself, there's something she never tells anyone. Mari Hachimitsu died a couple years ago. If one were to search up her name on the internet, an obituary block, along with a few news articles from newspapers and websites would greet them.

Her and her mother had been driving home, a little late at night. A storm had just been blowing through and it had gotten heavy. Now, her mother had always prided herself in caring a lot for animals, so when a raccoon wandered out onto the street, her first reaction was to swerve and avoid it. The brakes locked and the tires slid down road. Unfortunately, they were to cross a bridge a few yards away and the car struck the side before toppling over into the water. The passenger side of the vehicle had received the force and the metal bent and crushed Mari's legs, not only harming her but trapping her. Water poured into the vehicle and despite her mothers attempts to free her daughter she could not. Nobody could figure out if she bled out or drowned first...

// "Magical" Form //


// "Human Form" Aspects //


While many spirits retain a transparent or invisible default state, Mari does quite the opposite. For whatever reason, she manifests a solid form with ease and does it automatically. That being said, she can take on a transparent state and will do so when necessary. A solid form is physical and visible but cold to the touch and lacks a heart beat.


Like most spirits, Mari can pass through objects and people while in a non-solid or semi-solid (where people can see her but not touch her) state. Most of the time she does so without realizing.

// "Magical Form" Aspects //


In this form, most of the time, Mari can not be touched but can be felt. She can manifest a healing aura or one that's a bit more harmful and electrifying.

Spirit State

Simply slashing at her or hitting her won't work. She won't feel a thing and you're more likely to get hurt than she is. While in this state, you need to attack the spirit/soul rather than her physical form. In most cases this involves magic or some sort of empowered weapon.

Height // 5'0"

Weight // 117 lbs.

Hair Color // White

Eye Color // Blue

Build //


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Name: Amelia Kraft


Creature: Fire Elemental

Human form (anime if possible):

She has short brown hair with orangish tips, she's skinny and a little shorter than the average person. Her eyes are dark brown and she often where's a grey hoody (which was her sisters) and jeans.

Magical form:

In her fire elemental form she basically looks like a woman two times taller than her human size and made comletely of fire and partially rock.

Personality: she's very withdrawn and, quite ironically, cold. She's terrified of hurting anyone, but especially her loved ones. Also, she is pretty...well...depressing

Powers in human form:

-The ability to let fire out of her hands (although not very good at keeping it in. The flames get led out when she gets really startled or feels any other extreme emotion.)

-Ability to kinda control where flames go, including her own.

-Fire resistance

Powers in magical form:

-Create fire from any part of her body (which is extremely hot...the fire, not her body...although at this point her body would probably be pretty hot temperature wise seeing as she is surrounded by fire :P )

-completely control fire (though she can't put it out)

-Fire resistance


Bio (optional): well, I'll give you the short version. She lived with a human family, who loved her very much, but did not know of her true identity. On her sixteenth birthday, after hanging out with some of her human friends, she walked into her families house, where, as soon as she flipped the light switch on, her family jumped up and yelled surprise. Well, the startled Amelia accadently let out a bit of a fire in shock (at least, that's what she tells people. The true story will be reviled in he rp) That fire ended up killing her whole family, so poor Amelia ran away, and lived in fear of her abilities.


( My character doesn't have a power limit, it's a limit that comes from his subconscious, while the Adult form simply holds back because he can ^_^ )

Name: Franklin

Age: ( Before creation, but appears to look about 6 years of age )

Creature: Creator / God

Human form (anime if possible):

Magical form:

Personality: In his child variation ( human form ) , Franklin is a shy boy that avoids conflicts. He is kind, helps others, but is very taciturn and soft-spoken.

Powers in human form (1-3 only) Monotheistic Deity Physiology, Unlimited Reality Warping and Omnificience ( Afraid of using his powers, and always has limiters to keep him from going full power )

Powers in magical form: Omnipotentce ( limits himself to make life interesting ) , Omnscience ( same as other ) , and Omnipresence ( also limits that slightly )

Weaknesses: Holds back an unimaginable amount of power, his

Bio (optional): Tbc

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Full name: Veranda Holloway

Age: looks 29, actually 4,829 years old

Job: School Nurse

Creature: Healing Fairy

Human form (anime if possible):

Magical form:see pictures

Personality: She has a bubbly spirit, and a kind heart, she general puts everyone before herself, she has never had children and doesn't want to as she feels it is necessary to care for others children as she deems it her lifes mission.

Powers in human form (1-4 only) She can tell when people are sick, She can heal any human diseases

Powers in magical form: She can help heal any mythical creature, she is versatile creating healing remedies for others, she can fly, her eyes change color depending on her mood.



Blue- Afraid





Bio (optional): When she was born she was born with purple hair and abandoned by her parents, she lived in the woods up untill her 2nd birthday, when she was found by a couple who couldn't have children, she lived with them up untill her 4th birthday when one day her wings sprouted and they freaked out she left the place and lived out on the streets that is when she found her passion for healing the sick, she stayed with the family that rescued her and allowed them to move past her and have children of their own. She helped people to find happiness, once the school came into exsistence she decided to apply and she got the job.

Other: Her eyes change color based off her mood.

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Astor Miltramo

"Yeah...Don´t make me angry..."


Magical Form


  • Nickname: Slenderman

    Gender: Male

    Age: Ancient (exists from before time was counted)

    Species: Slenderman

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Occupation: Student

Yeah, but thats just a character she uses in one of my roleplays so its all good. Its still cool. And you'll love his personality. Its hilarious to roleplay with this character. @Ami the breadling @Becauseroleplay

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