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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

I prefer to add on stuff. I don't ever leave out the minimum though.

When it snows, you have two choices: Shovel or make snow angels. I prefer the snow angels.

Name: Venus Fairchild

Age: 17

Height: 6'7

Sexuality: Pan sexual

Creature: Frost jotun


Personality:Venus is a very outgoing Jotun. At times she is seen as the delicate fairy princess and at others she is the fearsome warrior goddess. She is very loyal and holds loyalty as her highest value. She is very assertive and likes to direct people. Venus is very athletic and hard-working. Her loyalty lies with her family. Venus is not afraid of conflict but prefers a nonviolent way of solving things. However,if the situation arises, she will shoot first and ask questions later.


Powers in Human form:

-Cold resistance

-Able to make very little snow flurries

Powers in Magical form:

-Able to make full on snow storms

-Ice manipulation

-Cold resistance

-Enaced senses

Bio: N/A







-Winter spells








Other :

-She's Norwegian and can speak it

-Sometimes she accidently freezes people by touch

-Her skin is always icy cold to the touch.


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Moonflight said:

Name: Venus Fairchild

Age: 17

Height: 6'7

Sexuality: Pan sexual

Creature: Frost jotun


Personality:Venus is a very outgoing Jotun. At times she is seen as the delicate fairy princess and at others she is the fearsome warrior goddess. She is very loyal and holds loyalty as her highest value. She is very assertive and likes to direct people. Venus is very athletic and hard-working. Her loyalty lies with her family. Venus is not afraid of conflict but prefers a nonviolent way of solving things. However,if the situation arises, she will shoot first and ask questions later.


Powers in Human form:

-Cold resistance

-Able to make very little snow flurries

Powers in Magical form:

-Able to make full on snow storms

-Ice manipulation

-Cold resistance

-Enaced senses

Bio: N/A







-Winter spells








Other :

-She's Norwegian and can speak it

-Sometimes she accidently freezes people by touch

-Her skin is always icy cold to the touch.


Accepted. I think you and @Cryobionic 's character might get on, somehow....
Cryobionic said:
How so? xD
I dont know man, I mean my character is literally like a winter person and yours hates the cold. *Shrugs*
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Name: Amelia Kraft


Creature: Fire Elemental

Human form (anime if possible):

She has short brown hair with orangish tips, she's skinny and a little shorter than the average person. Her eyes are dark brown and she often where's a grey hoody (which was her sisters) and jeans.

Magical form:

In her fire elemental form she basically looks like a woman two times taller than her human size and made comletely of fire and partially rock.

Personality: she's very withdrawn and, quite ironically, cold. She's terrified of hurting anyone, but especially her loved ones. Also, she is pretty...well...depressing

Powers in human form:

-The ability to let fire out of her hands (although not very good at keeping it in. The flames get led out when she gets really startled or feels any other extreme emotion.)

-Ability to kinda control where flames go, including her own.

-Fire resistance

Powers in magical form:

-Create fire from any part of her body (which is extremely hot...the fire, not her body...although at this point her body would probably be pretty hot temperature wise seeing as she is surrounded by fire :P )

-completely control fire (though she can't put it out)

-Fire resistance


Bio (optional): well, I'll give you the short version. She lived with a human family, who loved her very much, but did not know of her true identity. On her sixteenth birthday, after hanging out with some of her human friends, she walked into her families house, where, as soon as she flipped the light switch on, her family jumped up and yelled surprise. Well, the startled Amelia accadently let out a bit of a fire in shock (at least, that's what she tells people. The true story will be reviled in he rp) That fire ended up killing her whole family, so poor Amelia ran away, and lived in fear of her abilities.

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Can't use tags, and if I want to link it, I'd have to find the URL and type it out because my laptop is in terrible condition and really old, so it usually doesn't let me copy and paste.
UnwantedTruth said:
Name: Amelia Kraft

Creature: Fire Elemental

Human form (anime if possible):

She has short brown hair with orangish tips, she's skinny and a little shorter than the average person. Her eyes are dark brown and she often where's a grey hoody (which was her sisters) and jeans.

Magical form:

In her fire elemental form she basically looks like a woman two times taller than her human size and made comletely of fire and partially rock.

Personality: she's very withdrawn and shy. She's terrified of hurting anyone, but especially her loved ones.

Powers in human form:

-The ability to let fire out of her hands (although not very good at keeping it in. The flames get led out when she gets really startled or feels any other extreme emotion.)

-Ability to kinda control where flames go, including her own.

-Fire resistance

Powers in magical form:

-Create fire from any part of her body (which is extremely hot...the fire, not her body...although at this point her body would probably be pretty hot temperature wise seeing as she is surrounded by fire :P )

-completely control fire (though she can't put it out)

-Fire resistance

Bio (optional): well, I'll give you the short version. She lived with a human family, who loved her very much, but did not know of her true identity. On her sixteenth birthday, after hanging out with some of her human friends, she walked into her families house, where, as soon as she flipped the light switch on, her family jumped up and yelled surprise. Well, the startled Amelia accadently let out a bit of a fire in shock. That fire ended up killing her whole family, so poor Amelia ran away, and lived in fear of her abilities.

Marlow said:



Zing Minzhe







Huli Jing





Minzhe is a rather quiet type, but he does speak when he wants to. However, most people assume he is mute because he lets his enchanted companion speak for him. It's easy to say he's boring to converse with if you've spoken about things that never catch his interest well enough, but he wont refrain from communication if someone wishes to speak to him. Why doesn't he speak for himself? Minzhe is incredibly shy about speaking, only using his own voice when the situation calls for it. Though he has emotions, he doesn't portray them well, and he has the bad habit of stuttering when he gets nervous about it. He's a little self conscious as well, wearing a mask at all times to hide a part of his face, and gloves to cover his hands. This is only a small part of what makes Minzhe, Minzhe. He sees it as a weakness, and wont tell people about it for that reason. On the other hand, he is mischievous and tricky, much like his foxy cousins. Sometimes resulting in riddles, or answering questions with questions, he tries to find ways to amuse himself. Minzhe is also a fairly curious fellow, and has a weakness for giving in to this curiosity and greed. It's simply apart of his species' nature, though he will still try to go against it when he feels it's necessary.

Powers in human form:

?Fox Fire

?Soft Step- Minzhe can make his movements quiet, and maneuver around as if he were as light as air. He has to keep up his concentration, as he expels energy if he lets it flow freely.

?Fox Physiology- Minzhe can take on physical aspects of his true self such as heightened senses, his ears, and two of his tails. Though, it is rare that he shows the extra ligaments unless startled, or something happens to summon them, considering it uses energy to for his human form to show them unless in the moonlight.

Powers in magical form:

?Fox fire

?Moon essence- Minzhe can recharge his energy using the moonlight, and is most powerful when drenched in it. There are times when he can manipulate the essence to his advantage, using it as a form of energy manipulation.

?Luck- Though this isn't much of a power, Minzhe can induce good or bad luck upon a person. Popular to folklore, many people believe meeting a Huli Jing such as Minzhe is an omen, whether it is good or bad, and have gifted him with objects in exchange for luck. A trade befitting a greedy fox, even though he has often given bad luck to people instead for various reasons. The luck can only be bestowed through physical contact, however, and wears off over time.


He has a small fox companion that is spiritually and mentally connected to him, but he is unable to control it. It's usually seen resting on his shoulders unless it is asleep.

Hope you don't mind that I signed up! If you want me to change anything, I will. ^^

Both accepted. And no, I don't mind you signing up and everything seems to be in order.
Name: Edgar Riken

Age: 17

Creature: Electricity Dragon

Human form (anime if possible):


Magical form:


Personality: Reckless, Smart, Friendly, Easygoing, and adventurous. Edgar loves to learn and can make friends with just about anyone. He doesn't take crap from anyone and hates an injustice.

Powers in human form (1-3 only): can use weaker versions of electricity magic, heightened senses, has great reflexes (Though he doesn't know it yet)

Powers in magical form: Powerful electric attacks, draws power and health from storms, super strong, powerful scales, can basically turn himself into a taser if mad enough,

Bio (optional): Edgar was raised by his loving dragon parents and trained to fight and use his powers while he was growing up. However due to his recklessness and his thirst for knowledge he was sent to the Academy.


-He's a huge nerd.

- He's bisexual

-He gets grabby around Nutella. (If it exists in this world. xD )

-He never takes off his bracelet. It means a lot to him.

-Loves to sing

-He's an awesome DJ

-When in human form, he can sometimes call upon his scales to protect him from heavy blows, but he's still learning how to use this power so it only happens in he's in real danger.
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Name: Akira Oni

Age: 14

Creature: Fire Demon

Human form (anime if possible):


Magical form:

Personality: Very social, hot-headed, forgetful, easy going, kind, fightful

Powers in human form (1-3 only):

Sixth sense


Super Agility

Powers in magical form:


Super strength


Thermal sight

Bio (optional):

Other:He has ADHD and hardly pays attention in class.
[QUOTE="Red Reaper]Name: Akira Oni
Age: 14

Creature: Fire Demon

Human form (anime if possible):


Magical form:

Personality: Very social, hot-headed, forgetful, easy going, kind, fightful

Powers in human form (1-3 only):

Sixth sense


Super Agility

Powers in magical form:


Super strength


Thermal sight

Bio (optional):

Other:He has ADHD and hardly pays attention in class.

Name: Hitsugya Udaza

Age: 16 (almost 17)

Creature: Fallen Angel

Human form:


Magical form: Doesn't really have one, his black wings are out all the time he just conceals them under

his shirt. His black wings look like this


Personality:Keeps to himself and most of the time chooses to do everything by himself if he can, isn't like the rest of the Fallen Angels because he doesn't have the need to fight nor does he want to because he doesn't want to hurt anyone. Is chill pretty much all the time.


-He has a ridiculously enormous amount of strength and power inside of him, too much that he can't control himself if he is overrun by it. If he really wanted to he could break a persons bones in one punch.

-He could level an entire city with the power that resides in him but doing so is enough to kill him 10 times over.

-He has a huge amount of strength that, along with the help of his black wings, allows him to jump incredibly large distances. He can fly but only for a maximum time of 8-10 minutes. Can also create/control lightning and black fire(black fire is inextinguishable and can burn anything)

-Besides being able to use/create black fire he is also able to copy some other types of magic. He also can control darkness along with being able to create blades out of pure black lightning.

Backstory: He lost his memory when he was a baby and found out he was a fallen angel when he was of the age of 6 and realized that was why he had black wings, his foster family treated him like krap because of it. He was found in an back alley when he was a baby and was taken to foster care. The family he was forced to live with was absoulutely horrible, they hit him and swore at him when he did something wrong. He was constantly under stress and had a bit of depression. He was bullied his entire life and has always chosen to do things by himself. Everyone treated him like krap, they thought he was weird and different and didn't want him around because of it. Three months away from his 15th birthday and he was jumped, a group of 8 kids surrounded him and beat him, shoved him and even strangle him. He got so angry that he punched the person who was punching him in the gut, and shattered 6 of the kids ribs, he turned to the other kids and punched three of through the wall. He nearly killed all of then in his rage before he realized what he'd done. He was suspended for 2 months, and once he was allowed back at school nothing was the same. Nobody talked to him, the shuned him and swore at him whenever they saw him. He finally found the Mythical Creature Academy, someplace where he could go to school and not have to worry about people bothering him.

Other: He plays the guitar, and sometimes the piano, but not in front of people. There is a great power hidden inside of him that when triggered he will lose control and destroy anything in his path, he has had this happen once before but was able to snap out of it. That is why he doesn't want to kill or hurt people unless he absoulutely must.
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black wings[/URL], allows him to jump incredibly large distances. He can fly but only for a maximum time of 8-10 minutes. Can also create/control lightning and black fire but not all the time.

Backstory: He lost his memory when he was a baby and found out he was a fallen angel when he was of the age of 6 and realized that was why he had black wings, his foster family treated him like krap because of it. He was found in an back alley when he was a baby and was taken to foster care. The family he was forced to live with was absoulutely horrible, they hit him and swore at him when he did something wrong. He was constantly under stress and had a bit of depression. He was bullied his entire life and has always chosen to do things by himself. Everyone treated him like krap, they thought he was weird and different and didn't want him around because of it. Three months away from his 15th birthday and he was jumped, a group of 8 kids surrounded him and beat him, shoved him and even strangle him. He got so angry that he punched the person who was punching him in the gut, and shattered 6 of the kids ribs, he turned to the other kids and punched three of through the wall. He nearly killed all of then in his rage before he realized what he'd done. He was suspended for 2 months, and once he was allowed back at school nothing was the same. Nobody talked to him, the shuned him and swore at him whenever they saw him. He finally found the Mythical Creature Academy, someplace where he could go to school and not have to worry about people bothering him.

Other: He plays the guitar, and sometimes the piano, but not in front of people.
Name: Adrian Night


Creature: Half Human/ Half Shadow Wolf

Human Form:


Magical Form:


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