Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Astaroth felt Venn's presence and smiled. " I see your enjoying the scenery that is unfolding,eh?" He felt that Venn is enjoying the scene so he keeps watch on the three. He quickly scan the surrounding to see if there is any "unwanted visitors" that might disturb the scene. He stands up and vigilantly watches them in the darkness.
"Let's go. Nar? Dreao?" She walked into the woods swiftly, eyes still bright glowing red. Evangeline sent her thoughts to Erebus as she left, Sorry Erebus. I sincerely wished to help. But she is your burden to bare. I like you and wish to see you again at some time. Evangeline walked away from the scene, not caring who followed.
Venn looked over at Astaroth, "Yes I am actually. It seems that the girl deserved it. She emits a strange aura and it is a tad unsettling." He shivered slightly and pushed himself off the tree. His gazed circled around in a wide perimeter and then he used his hearing senses to listen in on an visitor's sudden heartbeat. He shrugged, "Are you supposed too be keeping an eye out for them? Or what?"
Astaroth just smiled at Venn. "Nah, I just expecting if they have some information on something." He pulls out a cigar and lights it up. "So, what is it you want from them? If you dont want to answer my question, its fine." He turns around to face Venn to see his reaction to his question.
Nar and MoonShadow take off after Eva and Dreao. Nar sticks close to her, but gives her enough space so as to not crowd her and have her lash out at him. "Any place in mind? Or are we just traveling?" He notices some muscles on her temples are popping out some and assumes that she is chating telepathically with someone. MoonShadow keeps shooting glares at Dreao, not trusting the hellhound and fearing it will attack either Nar or Eva at any time.
Venn's expression was vague, mostly bored, but it showed nothing else as he spoke, "Nothing actually. I was walking in the woods when my ears burst from all the commotion in this direction." He gestured towards Nerrezza and her servant dragon. He then crossed his arms one this chest. "I guess I was just passing through. Although I am quite happy I got to see the girl over there get drenched with water." The teen grinned at the image.
Astaroth wasnt surprised by Venn's response. Instead, it got him curious about him. "So, since we are here, mind if we chat a little more? We might even share some information if you like to." He gestures Venn to sit down by the fireplace so they can have a chat.
Venn shrugged, "No problem, it has been awhile since I had a civil conversation." He was referring too his recent journey through the last town and the gang he had a slight run in with. He sat accordingly by the fire and looked into it, which gave him a sense of safety... somewhat.
Astaroth sat down and offers Venn an apple. He throws the apple at him while tending to the fire. "So, what brings you here in this part of the country? Have you been travelling alone?" Astaroth throws more wood into the fire so it doesnt burn out. He then checks the surrouding to see any enemy that might lurk around while they are talking.
"Far away from her. That is where I want to go," Eva said with venom in her voice. Evangeline glares at Moonshadow with a fierce look, wanting him to shut up. "Dreao, Moonshadow, stop it. Trust each other or I will make you." She flicked a finger at Dreao, beckoning him forward. Begrudgingly he complied, padding forward until he was next to her. Evangeline looked forward as though nothing had even happened, fangs still out.
Venn caught the apple with one hand and took a small bite. Not feeling satisfied with the daft fruit he tossed it into the fire and watch it combust in the flames. "I've been traveling since I was fifteen and just recently I was in the last town not twenty miles back." At the mention of traveling alone he instantly looked up towards the trees looking for Timo, he acted casual though as not too give away that he was indeed not traveling alone.
"So I guess we will find someone else to teach you eventually." Nar ignores the sting in her words, knowing Eva is not targeting him. MoonShadow flinches and backs down, afraid of Eva in this mood. He looks down at the ground now, not daring eye contact with Dreao or Eva. Nar watches this all with a bit of detachment, knowing better than to get involved when she is in this mood. He notices how the hellhound also keeps glancing fearfully at Eva when she not looking.
Evangeline sighed, now far into the forest. She still seemed fierce, but grasped Nar's hand lightly, wanting him to comfort her. "When I see vampires like Nerrezza, it makes me so happy that I am sane," she said running her tongue across a fang. Evangeline noticed the looks Dreao gave her, and she growled at him, more upset at her and her actions than the hellhound.
Nar squeezes Eva's hand reassuringly. "I am glad you are sane as well. But what causes insanity to go rampant in vampires?" He looks at Eva with caring eyes, although his face shows no emotions. However, Nar's lips turn into a smirk at how she easily makes the hellhound give in to her superiority. "And what are your plans for Dreao? I know he is a pet, but to what end?" Nar likes to think of a bigger picture when it comes to decisions, although Eva makes me quite narrow minded because of his feelings for her.
Evangeline looked to the side at Dreao, "Dreao means Dream in Latin. What that should mean is simply dream about what you wish to happen. In other words, whatever happens shall happen. Why worry?" She sighed and kicked at a tree nearby, uprooting it with force, and sending it flying a few feet. "Insanity isn't the problem," Evangeline said, looking somber, "It is the lack of control. That can lead to insanity. It is the bloodlust. It is the power. The little voice inside you trying to eat away at your humanity. I act although it is so horrible... but it happens often. It just upsets me when it does." Evangeline looked down at the ground, ignoring the fallen tree.
"In truth, I worry for it. It has no idea who it is now a pet for or what she is able to do. Even I don't fully know that last part." Nar watches the tree go flying by with an unblinking gaze. "It does not surprise me what you can do though." He notices the distracted look Eva is having as she stares at the ground. "Is it only the later generations that fall prey to the bloodlust and power? Or is it any vampire? And what about half-bloods like me? I have had no issue with controling that half before, but that might be my elf heritage at work." Nar walks up and hugs Eva. "And I know some willingly give up their humanity to the hunger. The wretched, evil ones who prey even on their own kind." He thinks back to his father who was barely sane enough to concieve him with his mother because of his choices. "I hate these flashes of his memories. They can't or won't tell me his name."
"You seem so much more serious than you did before," Evangeline said, grimacing slightly, "I don't like it... And, I wouldn't worry about Dreao. I wouldn't hurt him if he doesn't hurt me." Evangeline thought about his questions for a short time before replying, "Well..." she began, finally loosening up a bit in his arms, "Usually it is the younger ones. But any vampire can fall to it... even I... however, as for halfs, they tend to not have overwhelming urges. They have it very easy in general." Eva reads a few thoughts from Nar's mind, and sighs, "I know how you feel... My mother was killed in childbirth, and my father's soul torn apart, along with his body..."
Nar smiles at Eva and kisses her cheek. "I don't mean to seem serious. And although I know you can handle yourself, Dreao better not hurt you." He sends a threatening glance at the hellhound. He feels Eva starting to relax and keeps hugging her. "So, in theory, I will have no real reason to think I will fall to the call of blood or power. Well, maybe power." Nar has a mischevious smirk on his face. "But I have faith that you will never fall victim to it." He looks her in he face. "You don't talk much about your family." It wasn't a question, but was intended to have her say more on the subject if she was willing.
"All dead now. My aunt was the last alive. An amazing witch. She took me in as a babe, amazing considering I wanted blood so badly then. She placed a spell on me, a binding, to keep down my supernatural parts. That binding is now all but gone," Evangeline said, then paused to kiss Nar lightly on the cheek with a smile, "Thanks to you. Beyond her though... I have no family."

Evangeline wasn't sad about this per say, she never knew them to begin with, besides her aunt. "I only miss my aunt... terribly... she prolonged her life for quite a while with magic, but eventually succumbed to age..." She looked at Nar, a little bummed, and wondered what else he wished to know.
"I take it that you won't be missing that part of your aunt." Nar smiles at the kiss. "Although I am sorry for your loss of her, you don't seem to care enough about the rest for me to say sorry about them. Your aunt seems kind since she took you in and tried to live as long as possible to help you." Nar looks around their surroundings, not sure what he should ask Eva next. "Have we decided where to go next little star?" He is trying to buy himself time to think.
Hey sorry I havnt been on got super busy and merry Christmas everyone may I ask if I steel can rp and what have I missed out on ?
"Well..." Eva started, trying to think, "Why don't we just head off to your house first, get supplies and such, and then head off on some adventure. There are so many places here that I have never seen, in all my years." Eva looked perplexed for a moment, "Yes... come to think of it I really do not know this area in the least." Without waiting for a reply she entwined her hand in his and walked off in the direction of his house. Eva had memorized it automatically, she did that often. Something about her brain functioning better than that of a normal human's.
"Uh..." Before Nar gets a chance to say anything in response, Eva is pulling him along. He looks back at MoonShadow and just shrugs. "This forest and some of the surrounding lands I know very well. And I have traveled some, but I doubt as much or as far as you have." He watches the trees pass as they walk towards his house in the middle of the forest. "I'm not even gonna ask how you remember how to get here. You were out when I first brought you and we were racing without direction when we left." He shakes his head with a smile. "There is definitely more to you than meets the eye little star." They arrive and he opens the door for her. "What shall we grab? I'm modestly stocked here."
Kat: Oh, I don't even know, I forget where you left off. There's just..too much to explain..:C maybe try to find your last post? Sorry for my uselessness Dx but, yes, you can still roleplay : P Merry Christmas! (Though I'm a bit late now)


She just stares at the girl for a long while, her eyes narrowing, and flashing different colors. She was still kneeling down and continued to stay that way. She watches as Nar, Dreao, and Evangeline walk away, getting smaller and smaller. She was tempted to just flip them all off behind, but there would be no point to it. Mostly, what she wanted to do, was rip off Evangeline's head. She stretches out her senses and listens in onto Evangeline's and Nar's conversation. She lets out a hiss of disgust and snaps back to where she was, getting angry at doing so. Angry at Evangeline. She called her insane, yet Evangeline didn't know the half of it. She knew nothing. Evangeline had no right to judge Nerrezza. She didn't know any of the facts, any of the details, as to why. Evangeline leaving Erebus to defend for himself was quite rude, more rude than Nerrezza would of ever been. And she was the one being called a jerk? None of them had any idea what it was like to be her. If they could only be her for one day, everything would be different. Its not like she didn't take responsibility for herself, she did, but when stuff honestly wasn't her fault, people still blamed her; no matter how hard she tried to prove her innocence. Her anger was building as she reflected upon her life. She lets out a roar of frustration, loud enough, that Nar and Evangeline could hear her--even though they were quite far away by now. Nerrezza raises her fist and punches the ground, which cracked all around, and knocked down a tree--which knocked down others--creating a dominoes' effect. Nerrezza closes her eyes and breathes deeply, calming her senses, and the red haze around her slowly faded. She then perks up her face and looks at Voda. "Why did you throw water on me?" Her voice was soft and no trace of anger was in her voice or on her face, for that matter. She blocks out her senses, not wanting to hear anything else to make her spike again, though she could hear Venn laughing at her. She had a stiff back and didn't say anything, not yet at least, she could and would wait.


He was laying down on the ground, exhausted after Nerrezza drunk his blood. At the same time, he was fuming, and was trying to get his blood pressure down, which made everything worse. But it was hard not to feel angry. Nerrezza's anger was overwhelming and he was angry as well. Through the red haze he can hear Evangeline's voice and doesn't respond back to her. Instead he just sends back an automatic loud static noise. He purposely makes it become louder and louder as time went on, making it a loud, irritating buzzing noise. Maybe he was being a bit immature right now, but he didn't care, and what Evangeline did to him hurt him.
Evangeline sighed loudly at the inane buzzing and called out to Erebus with her mind, Erebus, I am dreadfully sorry for leaving you. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to leave you, but I was very irritated and getting to my snapping point. We don't want that. Regardless you live, as I was sure you would. I shall be exploring around with Nar, if you wish you can join us. Evangeline then cut out the buzzing, but made sure to stay aware should Erebus say anything.

"Nar?" Evangeline said quietly, her gaze moving back to the house, "Let's just get some things then go." She walked inside, still rather irritated, but she couldn't see what she did that was so wrong. A bit upsetting? Yes. It was necessary though, else a huge fight would ensue between her and Nerrezza. Eva was sure the surrounding area wouldn't be too appreciative of that.

She looked inside the house and then turned to hug Nar tightly, now almost at tears. Eva knew she was being emotional, but couldn't help it. She wanted Erebus to be her friend, she wanted Nar and Moonshadow to not fear her, and she wanted Nerrezza and herself to reach a middle ground. Hell, Eva would just submit at this point, if it meant calm.

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