Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Azeel smiled and took the menu. but as soon as he looked at it his smile was replaced by a scowl. His black eyes stared hopelessly at the laminated paper. He looked up and was about to ask Lizzy if she could tell him what it all said, but instead asked, "What are you getting?"

she smiles and thinks she sliped the menu out of his hands " I have a better idea lets just get a bit of everything " she smiles happily and called the waiter over. The waiter asked what can I get u . She flatters her eyes cutly," we would like a bit if everything please" she says she smiles and waves her hand over his face pixy dust cake onto his face " and u would give it to us all for free " she gins even thoe she was a rich 16 year old girl ahe sometimes loved to get stuff for free . " the waiter said everything if on the house for them and walks away" she giggiles and looks at azeel
Sorry for my absence on here, I was away camping.


She lets out another extremely girlish giggle and she could tell instantly that he enjoyed the kiss. "Hehe. Well, of course you will help me, all of the odds are against you. Plus, you enjoyed my kiss, did you not? Heh. Red eyes are so hot." She flutters her eyelashes and this time she uses her hand to fan herself. She had to barely pull out any charms on him, in fact, she used none on Zac, there was no need too. All she did was use her confidence and the kiss had sealed the deal. Zac wasn't the best kisser there was but at the same time he wasn't the worst one. From the kiss though she got out of him that most girls didn't do much then kiss him. She technically didn't have anything she needed help with so decided that there really was no harm in wasting some time and having some fun. After all, it wasn't like Zac's voice was going anywhere, nor the wizard that stole it from him. Still having a flirty smile on her face, she leans in closer to Zac again, but this time rested her hand slightly on his chest. "I want to have some more fun, don't you too?" She giggles again and places her lips on Zac's once more. This time the kiss was different, it was more intense than the last, and she lets Zac determine the length of it.
Akarra walked in the crowded streets, looking lost. She searched for anyone to help her around the town as she wasn't sure where to go. Down the street were a few shops, a restraunt , Pub and Inn. She sighed heavily and walked to the side of the street, where just about no one was and moped around, wishing it was dark, or she just had a friend.
Mina: I walked around town hoping the lotion I put on this morning would not run out on me before it got dark which I knew it would but I could hope, the problem with it is that I need someone to help me put it on and seeing I did not want to go up too a random person and ask them if they can cover me in the lotion would seem weird and I was not in the mood to kill a human right now.

He was clinches seeing her fan her self he rolls his eyes nothing he hasn't seen befor he looks at her emoshionlalless again he steaps back when she steals to him and found he was trapped against a pole he frowns confused by her he looks down at her hand and then up at her and suddenly found her lips on his a smirk came up into his lips he kissed her back. He was actoly a good good kisser he had pratisted.he sees she wasnt going to pull away so he deepend the kiss his hands found here way to her waist
Azeel watched the waiter walk away and return a few minutes later with trays of food. He grinned and looked at Lizzy as the waiter walked away again. "That's cool. You probably can't teach me how to do it though." He reached over and grabbed a plate of pancakes with some weird fruit on top. Cutting off a big piece with his fork, he stuffed it all in his mouth and devoured the entire stack in about one minute.

she nods " that's right I can't but stick with me and u won't go hungry again" she smiles eating a plate of walfulls she smiles at him " don't eat to fast u will gy sick "
Azeel blushed and put his fork full of some random breakfast food down. "Sorry. And that'd be nice. But I don't want to be a freeloader or whatever." He knew that Lizzy was nice, but he didn't want to take advantage of that. She was one of the only nice people he had ever meet, nice to him anyway. And he wanted to pay her back for being so nice.

she signs looking a little dissaponinted but she smiles and looks at him " really ? I get so lonely with no one to talk to but I am always hear if u need me for food , wate , place to stay out of he rain or heat , to talk to I'm hear ok eat " she smiles finishing her plate

She feels Zac's hands found their way to her hip and she couldn't help but laugh on the inside. With this thought in mind, she lets her hips slide closer to his, making it seem like she did it without being aware of doing so. It seemed like it was only nature's way that guys could find their hands to a girl's hips and to other places too. She wasn't sure if she would allow or let Zac get that far but at the same time, she didn't know what could happen. However, no matter how much she enjoyed kissing Zac, or kissing random strangers at that thought, Nerrezza loved killing even more and was slightly curious as to who this wizard is and how she will have to kill him. But she had teased Zac the first time by pulling away and she somewhat promised him that she wouldn't pull away a second time so she would have to deal with Zac kissing her and sucking it up, no matter how long that took. Most people would go into this mindless haze and get into the heat of the moment when kissing, but Nerrezza was different, she did not get into the heat of the moment. This wasn't the only thing that she was 'different' with or about though. Quite a strange character she was and in different ways too. Yes, she was enjoying herself and kissing him back, but she had her thoughts elsewhere too. People really couldn't do that or multitask well. She could multitask, but more specifically, with kissing and the likes she was best at. In a way, Nerrezza felt like she was missing something by not losing herself in the moment, but she couldn't afford it, she had to be constantly aware, no matter what the situation.

he smirks and kisses her back he kissed her deeper but only by a little. When she puts his hands onto her hips he blushed for a split second only from shoock. He shook his head and smirks looking down at her he kissed her neck and sliped his hands Ito her back pokets and squeezed her butt. He smirks and started to kiss her neck and suck a little
Kat: She's not wearing any pants, so she doesn't have pockets. She's wearing a short/high skirt .____.


She lets out a high girlish squeak when Zac squeezed her and lets out a snicker. If she was not a vampire then after all of that kissing she would of been breathing hard and would of needed to catch her breathe. But she was a vampire so she didn't breathe at all. Her mouth goes slack and she was at a stock-still when Zac starting kissing and sucking on her neck. Of course, this would usually result in a hickey, and normally she would not care and actually loved to show them off when appropriate and given the chance. However, with practice and experience, she realized something about her neck in which made getting hickies enjoyable and since then would keep a limit to them. Already, she could feel the buzz of pleasures running down her spine and she was losing some focus. She couldn't let that happen. Nerrezza really couldn't mind anything else happening, but not this, not her neck. Not her most sensitive spot, not her "E-Zone", in which she called it. Feeling a bit regretful, she does the only thing she can do best. She slides her hands up Zac's side to make it more of a seductive feel to it. That was not her purpose though, it was to elude him, and when she reached around his neck, she stops her hands, at least one of them. The closest one to the center of his head she moves and grabs and reaches around his neck, choking him from behind. She reaches to the right and swerves her head away from Zac's lips before backing up and releasing her hold on Zac's throat. "Not there." She lets out a hiss and was glad that her eyes had stopped flashing by the time she had Zac's attention on her and she was glaring at him.

he pulled away from her and frowns and glars a little at her he then rolls his eyes and rubs his neck conpletly confused he looms at her with red red eyes they where like u could loss ur self if u stare into them long enough he looks away from her and hands her a paper saying " U said u could help me lets go I want my voice back now!"

She glares right back at Zac and stares him down. Her eyes kept on shifting and she was getting even more annoyed with herself. She could see the complete confusion on Zac's face and she couldn't help but smirks at the thought, but hides it quickly. She liked to confuse her victims, though confusing Zac didn't really give her advantage at this point. However, she just couldn't explain to Zac what was going on, and she truthfully didn't want to explain to him either what was going on. The fact was that it would take too long to explain so and that if she did explain it, then Zac would be able to use that to his advantage and she didn't want that. It was best that she took all of the advantage. She half expected and half wanted Zac to continue to kiss her, but he doesn't, and instead shoves a piece of paper in her face. She takes it and reads it quickly. While still having the paper, she looked at Zac, and glares at him some more. Finally, she takes the paper and rips it into shreds before setting it onto fire. "I don't take my orders for anybody!" She slaps Zac across the face before storming off and away from him, going closer to the village all the same. Nerrezza wanted to help Zac in fact because she loved killing people and helping Zac meant killing a person. However, Zac had broken a vital rule. She truly did take no rules and broke all of them. She hated to be bossed around, forced to do something, and especially rushed. She would not deal with it or handle it.

he frowns and runs after her he grabs her arm and torns her around and gets only his knees begins like for her to help and in a way saying sorry he looks up at her and u could see he was despret for help

Hey i have Gtg sorry

She was about to punch this kid in the face when Zac forces her to turn around and what she saw made her gasp. She was absolutely flabbergasted. He was begging for her help, though not really, since he couldn't speak. Yet it did not matter anyway. She knees Zac in the face and kicks him off her. This was a typical thing for her to do when people begged for her help. It made her physically angry when they did that, as if it was all of their fault for begging for her help. Instead of storming back off she started to pace and was pacing around in circles. The truth of the matter was that people begging was her biggest weakness. What got her angry was that people always then got what they wanted when they begged for her help. She couldn't just help herself. It wasn't that she felt pity for them and was merciful. It was the fact that they were humiliating themselves for her. Begging is a sign that they are too weak to do something themselves and she was stronger, that she was the best, and that she was more awesome than any of them. That is what she thought of when people begged for her help. She was already ego-centric, and sublimation just boosts her ego even more. After ten minutes of angry pacing she reluctantly turns to face Zac and the first thing she does is drag him off the ground and makes him stand back up, though he probably couldn't see well enough to stand, since she kneed him and the face and she could see his eyes still watering. Yet none of that mattered now since she was after all going to help him, though she doesn't quite say so yet.

he pulled him self away ffrom her he had a big fat black eye he holds his hand over it he would have growled if he had a voice he frowns in pain he would have tryed to kill her by now but he needed her help
Evangeline sat down, trying to focus on not losing her control, it was one of those times again.

Smells of all the different supernatural people were overwhelming at times. She didn't know

where she was, nor did she care, she hadn't fed in a long while, but really didn't want to

today. Her ringlet-ed silver hair was in her face. Her thoughts confused, 'You know, you

need to feed sometime.' "No," she said aloud. 'Just a bite, they won't mind. And supernatural

blood is so very powerful. You'll love it.' "No...," she almost growled. "Stupid spell, it makes

things so difficult." She strained to speak without a growl sound.
((I hade the same issue. You can interact with my charrie :3 she's just trying to not have a breakdown :P ))
I have kat and Lizzy free


she walks along the beach and looks around she smiles to her self trying not to free alone


she walks around town and signs she was wearing tall stellets and skinny whit pants and a whit and yellow singlet and a white wast jaket

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