Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

Rynnki said:
I'm cool with me land, it's actually more than I thought it would be. You generous mapmaker you. ^^ Desert storms are going to be a problem up north though. O_o I need to get working on my thingymajig again, add the sections I was going to yesterday. So everyone knows, I have a wedding to go to today, so I'm going to be gone for a purty long time later.
Coolio. I've got a dance, so I'll be gone too.

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Reposted for ease of seeing and whatnot. I do find it funny that this is turning into a corporate planet. xD More changes will happen later, probably tomorrow, I have a wedding to go to soon.

Official Name: The Kingdom of Laon (Pronounced Lah-own)

Common Name: Laon

Government: Monarchy, advised by a council made up by people overseeing different parts of everyday life (Ex: War, Economy, Foreign relations, etc)

Ruler(s): The king and queen, Selven and Ataya Lii'Arte. (Lee' AR-tee) (I'll get these guys maybe today, probably tomorrow)


Important Nongovernment Entities: Civilia Enterprises- A trading company that has nearly monopolized all trading in and out of Laon, and highly pushing and financing technological and magical pursuits anywhere that would allow them to work easier and make a bigger profit.

Notable Citizens: Amalia Silveen- A full 50/50 half elf, she is the owner and head of Civilia Enterprises.


Current Economy: (I'll do a 1-10 scale for easyness, 10 being best, 5 average, 1 collapsing) 7, and slowly growing. A mix of free-market and Central economy.

Historical Overview: The country known as Laon began as a city state known as Laonaroa, a city populated with its own human-elven mix. Led by the Lii'Arte royalty, Laonaroa quickly grew through trade and immigration, until it finally sent settlers to expand its kingdom. With the settling of Solanova, Laon was born. In the present day, Laon is a trading nation, from supplies from the sea to manufactured goods, and strongly connected to the sea.

Religion(s): There is not set religion, and the people are allowed to worship freely.

Region: Southern peninsula and islands of the western continent.

Capital City: Laonaroa (Lah-own-ah-row-ah)- 1.2 million live inside this inland city in the smack dab middle of Laon, which is built around the King and Queen's palace and the large courtyard in front, where they appear for public events. The streets extend out in steadily larger rectangles, with smaller streets connecting them.

Other Notable Settlements: Solanova- A massive coastal city that rivals Laonaroa in size, it is the main hub for trade in Laon, and the home city of Civilia Enterprises.

Population: 18 million

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.): About 40% of the population live in sprawling village-like cities, basically giant agrian towns without city infrastructure that sit in the middle of vast fields, forests, and mining areas. They are basically the center of farming, mining, and foraging zones, and export raw materials to manufacturing centers in the cities. 20% live in proper metropoli, whose towers reach high into the heavens. The remaining 40% live in rural areas. 3% of the population belong in Laon's small army of 340,000, with 200,000 serving in the navy. (Pretty much armed with normal classical armaments, although the army is geared more towards infantry.)

Primary Race (name and description): Laonians- Basically a 80% human 20% elf mix. They still have human builds, and have a little longer lifespans than normal humans thanks to their elven blood, averaging around 110-120 years, and received a little magic inheritance from their elven ancestors. Besides that, they're just like the average human.

Secondary Race(s): None.

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic): Magic is found in relatively low levels in Laon, although the country is interested in its mechanical potential to overlook their lack of strong magic users everywhere.

Researching: (I just put this in for ease of knowing what I'm researching. I personally plan on doing it sort of like strategy games like Civilization and Galactic Civ, in case anyone's familiar with those games) Mechanical Conduit Theory.

Main Resources: Mostly just food resources from the sea and farming, some iron and gold ore from mining, although not enough yet for export. Main exports consist of manufactured goods.

Other: This country may turn into a Magitechnocracy later when they become advanced enough.
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I can change to a less corporatist structure if you wanted. Thea area sounds good, I was originally thinking just above the blue area, reaching to just above the red zone, but where you put me is absolutely perfect. I've changed the population distribution, and added some extra details:

'5% live in and around the palace, 10% occupy the borders (if there are any) in fairly urban conditions, 5% live on the coastal region (if there is one), 40% live in underground caves within the red zone, where the majority of the mines are (If that is allowed, if not, they live on farms/worksites), 5% live in stately homes, surveying their land, 35% live in poverty, in small clutches together. 42% of the people work on the mines, 37% work on the farms, 6% live off the profits of their company, and 15% work in various other companies.'
Walked into a bulldog today. Bulldog won. Anyways Embluss, most of them seem fine. Some details stick out to me though, like the intentional breeding of elves with humans to create humans, since that seems like a bit of selective breeding that would be hard to enforce if the elves being bred with the conquered humans were free. And the naming counties after letters of the alphabet confuses me; why would their written language be so similar to English in that way? What about the indigenous names of those areas that surely existed before such a cold naming system? I haven't looked much over all the bios yet, though—my own is being more finicky than I had originally thought it would be (but I've been having better ideas now).
Ankou said:
Walked into a bulldog today. Bulldog won. Anyways Embluss, most of them seem fine. Some details stick out to me though, like the intentional breeding of elves with humans to create humans, since that seems like a bit of selective breeding that would be hard to enforce if the elves being bred with the conquered humans were free. And the naming counties after letters of the alphabet confuses me; why would their written language be so similar to English in that way? What about the indigenous names of those areas that surely existed before such a cold naming system? I haven't looked much over all the bios yet, though—my own is being more finicky than I had originally thought it would be (but I've been having better ideas now).
Yeah I agree, I do need to detail out that portion about the breeding. However, maybe I didn't make it clear, the offspring is half elf/half human. I'll fix that portion this evening. However I am at a friends house so it might take me quite a bit of time to get it done. However she usually falls asleep faster so I will be able to work on it later. I'll develop that portion and add more to the economics and where they get their supplies and food. And I could translate all of my names into russian if you would like but I would have to add the pronunciations for each also...I planned to include russian in some of the dialogue when we started the rp.
KillerKougami said:
Yeah I agree, I do need to detail out that portion about the breeding. However, maybe I didn't make it clear, the offspring is half elf/half human. I'll fix that portion this evening. However I am at a friends house so it might take me quite a bit of time to get it done. However she usually falls asleep faster so I will be able to work on it later. I'll develop that portion and add more to the economics and where they get their supplies and food. And I could translate all of my names into russian if you would like but I would have to add the pronunciations for each also...I planned to include russian in some of the dialogue when we started the rp.
Fairly sure the alphabet part was referencing Schmunkey, and the wires got crossed somewhere.

This dance is terrible >.>

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Embluss said:
Fairly sure the alphabet part was referencing Schmunkey, and the wires got crossed somewhere.
This dance is terrible >.>

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Are you able to leave?
Name of my realm in Greek: Ντβερμιαμ Ντραουρ Γκροντακ

[QUOTE="Oskar DiLondra]Name of my realm in Greek: Ντβερμιαμ Ντραουρ Γκροντακ

Ohh pretty! I might just have to translate all of mine into Russian just for fun!
Embluss said:
Nope. Pinned between strobe lights and a concrete wall xD
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xD Well dancing is good for cardio? Always trying to make the best of the
Ankou said:
I love going out and dancing. Not that I do much of that.
My bio is mostly finished.
Me too. Although my friends are introverted, so I don't think they would be willing to go out dancing. xD When I was in high school, I loved prom and homecoming though. I am just starting another round of editing mine. Is yours a final draft Ankou?
KillerKougami said:
Me too. Although my friends are introverted, so I don't think they would be willing to go out dancing. xD When I was in high school, I loved prom and homecoming though. I am just starting another round of editing mine. Is yours a final draft Ankou?
My friends are the ones who drag me out to social functions. xD My prom was terrible. Yeah, mine will probably be finalized with this draft and will just be checked by Embluss to catch any stupid mistakes. You should have seen how I started developing my nation, changed things around so much that my head is still spinning.
Ankou said:
My friends are the ones who drag me out to social functions. xD My prom was terrible. Yeah, mine will probably be finalized with this draft and will just be checked by Embluss to catch any stupid mistakes. You should have seen how I started developing my nation, changed things around so much that my head is still spinning.
Hahaha. I'm going to try and perfect this last copy. I'm sure my head will be spinning once I finish. I won't answer for probably a few hours. Yesterday I finished my draft at about 3 in the morning. So if you guys will be up late, you'll be able to see it.
Lmao at half those posts.

My main problem was that this was the semi-formal dance, the last one that hadn't been taken over by... I can't think of a good epithet besides "those I dislike". It was nice. Now it's all house music and strobe lights like the rest... Which aren't my thing. I'm a traditionalist in most regards. I usually go to these things thinking "Meh, the music and effects will annoy me, but I'll have some fun anyway". I had hope! AND THEY DASHED IT! I mean, the traditionalists still have prom, but that's not something you can show up alone to xD .

Also working on my nation. It's got a dualistic system! It started as the "Maritime Confederacy of the Oesti Principalities and Holdings", a decentralized agreement among equal princes. But it's being subsumed into the Rausfar Empire, as one of those principalities grows a massive overseas empire and draws the other princes to its court, prompting them to sacrifice land and independence for prestige and wealth. Liking it so far! A little stuck on religion, but I've got the beginnings of an idea. I even have a token elf. Who, admittedly, I'll probably have to kill at some point. It's their own damn fault, the elves. Always existing, and such.
Embluss said:
Lmao at half those posts.
My main problem was that this was the semi-formal dance, the last one that hadn't been taken over by... I can't think of a good epithet besides "those I dislike". It was nice. Now it's all house music and strobe lights like the rest... Which aren't my thing. I'm a traditionalist in most regards. I usually go to these things thinking "Meh, the music and effects will annoy me, but I'll have some fun anyway". I had hope! AND THEY DASHED IT! I mean, the traditionalists still have prom, but that's not something you can show up alone to xD .

Also working on my nation. It's got a dualistic system! It started as the "Maritime Confederacy of the Oesti Principalities and Holdings", a decentralized agreement among equal princes. But it's being subsumed into the Rausfar Empire, as one of those principalities grows a massive overseas empire and draws the other princes to its court, prompting them to sacrifice land and independence for prestige and wealth. Liking it so far! A little stuck on religion, but I've got the beginnings of an idea. I even have a token elf. Who, admittedly, I'll probably have to kill at some point. It's their own damn fault, the elves. Always existing, and such.
I feel as if you're going to have a huge issue with my country's morals. They hold their Elf x Human race on a divine level. xD And of course, the elves are the primary race.

KillerKougami said:
I feel as if you're going to have a huge issue with my country's morals. They hold their Elf x Human race on a divine level. xD And of course, the elves are the primary race.

Oh, of course. You're the logical opponent of my nation. Ankou's elves are too scary to screw with, the Corporates are human, Rynnki's guys are human lead (I think?), If Schmunky revises that bio and gets in they're human, mostly. The main area I trump people in and the start of the game is naval capabilities, though. A wise man once said, "Water rats don't fight with land rats". But WWI happened not too long after, sooo... It probably depends on what benefit I see in dealing with you. There's probably some situations in which I could deal with your guys. I mean, it's not like we have to live with each other. We're on opposite sides of the continent.
My nation has all elves, but they're warped by eldritch energies and haven't had exposure to humankind yet.

Probably not gonna be busy tonight, I'm working on a fanfic and an original story (Time Ninja, and yes, it is as bad as it sounds).

Embluss, what about your guys' seafaring abilities versus mine? VIPERFISH SEA SERPENT FRIENDSHIP POWERS. (That sink all their own ships or something.)
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Alrighty, this is another round of editions. There won't be pictures at the end, I'll include those if asked. Now the new editions will be made in light blue.

All of my editions to the original text will be made in red. All pictures will be added at the end, with character name and physical description.

Official Name: Ellisium (pronounced el-lee-zee-um)

Common Name: Ellis (pronounced El-iz)

The government is part monarchy/aristocracy. There will be a single king and elvish queen, however there will be a group of elvish advisors called "The Yefim", who have power also. They are very structured, however, they do take the interests of the people to heart, and do not wish to dominate the lives of their elvish people. The government also consists of the small branch of elvish warriors, The Archi, (commonly known as the Arcs) who control The Matvei. The King and Queen are pure blooded elves, as well as The Archi and The Yefim.

I'll give you a breakdown of the GOVERNMENT hierarchy:

1.) King Tadeusz and Queen Iulia Euphemia

(They are joint rulers, sexual origin does not increase or decrease your strength/power. Therefore they are equally involved in all matters concerning the countries well-being. They do not have absolute rule, there is The Yefim, and The Archi. However, when it comes down to it, their votes have more weight. IMPORTANT:The King and Queen both possess great physical strength and magical powers, they are the most powerful in the land, based off this fact. They do not usually involve themselves in the battles unless it become dire. They are very mobile, always moving around the kingdom and visiting all of the branches. )

(This is where the hierarchy breaks into two branches)

2.) The Archi 2.) The Yefim

(They are two totally separate portions of the government, each presiding over their own branch, neither having power over each other. This is the reason for them being beside each other in the hierarchy. They each consult the king and queen in dealing with each of their respective branches. Just a small sidenote~ there is tension in between the groups. The Yefim see The Archi as brutes and a force that need to be controlled. However, they do understand that they are at a disadvantage (in some cases, not all), considering the strength of The Archi in the physical and magical aspects. )

(Now I will delve deeper into what each group controls and go from there. However, do remember that they are on equal footing in the hierarchy.)

2.) The Archi

(Consists of five elves, Constantine and Konstantin Svetlana (twin siblings), Xenia Abramovich, Felix Belevich, and Nicolei Lobachyov. Within The Archi, there is also a separate hierarchy. I will show this separate one in blue. They do not make any decisions about the general public, but they have absolute control over The Matvei.)

1.) Constantine and Konstantin Svetlana

(The twins are the strongest and highest in rank out of The Arcs. They are responsible for reporting to the King and Queen, and are considered ambassadors of the country; they delegate warriors to other countries when the time arises. Sidenote~ When dealing with other countries, they must work with the Yefim if the trading concerns the economy in the trading of natural resources and the like. They basically control the whole Matvei army, and make joint decisions with the other three Arcs over their specific branches. But in turn, just like the king and queen, their vote holds more weight than the other arcs concerning the military.)

2.) Xenia Abramovich

(Xenia controls most of the physical training of the warriors. She is the most muscular and well built out of all the elves, making her the strongest in physical combat. Xenia and Felix work with The Klements in order to decide the design of armor and weaponry that best suits each of The Matvei.)

3.) Felix Belevich

(Felix controls all magical training for The Matvei. Like Xenia, but in the magical respect, he is the strongest of the group. He also deals with the Klement Forgers the most, with the development of all weaponry, and armor.)

4.) Nicolei Lobachyov

(Nicolei is the brains of the group, and works closely with the twins and the majesty to devise all battle plans. He is also involved in any land dealings, weather acquiring or relinquishing.)

Beneath the Archi are the stronger Matvei who also help in training and such. Sidenote- there will be other notable Matvei, but I won't develop them until later in the rp.

5.)Lidiya Aslakhanov

(Lidiya is the strongest warrior, and fiercest. Her weapon of choice is a flail, depicted in one of the pictures.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9420345_LidiyaAslakhanov.jpg.f0b4a50713f230dd930433dbfc4f3317.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9420345_LidiyaAslakhanov.jpg.f0b4a50713f230dd930433dbfc4f3317.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9423df6_LidiyaAslakhanov2.jpg.e377ce68b076b538a2332d538f055e3c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9423df6_LidiyaAslakhanov2.jpg.e377ce68b076b538a2332d538f055e3c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And this next picture is not of Lidiya, just of her weapon; the flail.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be942be3a_LidiyaAslakhanovandweapon.jpg.89a3ba11b1b7e9bd5fee9acb622a98f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be942be3a_LidiyaAslakhanovandweapon.jpg.89a3ba11b1b7e9bd5fee9acb622a98f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

6.) Najeda and Sabellius Rybakov

(They are brother and sister, and two of the strongest warriors. They both specialize in the sword, therefore they each have a sword conduit.)

2.) The Yefim

(Consists of five elves; Afanasiy Obraztsov, Dorothea Tretyakov, Aikaterine Chernomyrdin, Kazimer Shvedov, Miloslav Rasskazov. They too, have their separate hierarchy which I will show below in purple. The Yefim each possess great magical powers, being able to focus on only developing their magical strength has greatly increased this trait. They only control the general populace of elves, they have no power over the The Matvei.)

1.) Afanasiy Obraztov and Dorothea Tretyakov

(These two elves preside over the economy. They control all tradings inside and outside the country, and they work with The Twins of The Arcs when any outside deal arrives concerning trading of the warriors for something in economical worth. They have close ties with the Klement Forgers, not only in the economical aspect, but also social. These two are the most powerful, magic wise, besides the King and Queen)

2.) Aikaterine Chernomyrdin and Kazimer Shvedov

(These two elves control the writing of new laws and delegations. All appeals to the King and Queen from the general public go through them. They work closely with the King and Queen, who must give the "okay" for any major laws and decrees.)

3. Miloslav Rasskazov

(Miloslav controls anything to do with the infrastructure of the country. He controls the building of large capital buildings, and down to even the small farms on the outskirts. He also helps The Arcs in the building of the training camps and barracks when needed. )

3.) The Aristocrats

(The Aristocrats are the high-class elves and humans who are very wealthy. They may use their wealth to influence government officials. There is not exactly a ranking within the Aristocrats beside the separation of Klement Forgers and the general populace. I will give a general description of the difference between Klement and The Aristocrats.)

1.) Klement Forgers

(Klement is owned by Sevastian and Valeri Klement. They are experts in the forging of armor and weaponry. A majority of the populace work for them, and they are very close to each branch of the government; including the King and Queen, The Archi and The Yefim. They have no actual power over the other aristocrats, just a high social standing.)

2.) The Aristocrats

(The aristocrats are just the richer group of elves and humans who have better than average magical powers, and a high social standing. They have a high social standing resulting from their divine offspring. Many are employed by the Klement Forgers, and usually used in the creation of powerful weaponry and armour. Ill include the names of a few families who have high social standing from their Matvei offspring.)

1.)Olegushka and Marusya Aslakhanov

(Parents of the most powerful warrior; Lidiya.)

2.) Nikifor and Maksima Rybakov

(Parents of the powerful Najeda and Sabellius warriors.)

4.) General Populace

The general populace are made up of the other elves with normal magical abilities and average social standing. The general populace also include humans who have not had relationships with the elves. Their social standing cannot increase without divine offspring.

The King and Queen, Tadeusz and Iulia Euphemia. The advisors will consist of five members, Afanasiy (male), Dorothea (female), Aikaterine (female), Kazimer (male), and Miloslav (male). The other source of power comes from The Archi and The Yefim.

Important Nongovernment Entities:
Klement Forgers, a group of powerful elves who create all weapons and magical extensions for the whole country of Ellisium. They create all of the armour and weaponry for the army. As well as any certain conduit for any citizen.

Notable Citizens:
Constantine and Konstatin; twins who are two of the most high ranking elves in the army. Xenia, Felix, and and Nicolei make up the rest of the group of elves that control the Matvei army. Some of the notable Matvei are Lidiya, Nadejda, and Sabellius. Two other important citizens would be the two owners of Klement; husband and wife, Sevastian and Valeri. Other notable citizens would be of course, The Yefim.

Current Economy:
Using a 1-10 scale, (10 being the best, 5 being average, and 1 being collapsing) 6. Their economy would be better, but they have invested a large sum into the army and into Klement Forgers, in the hope that both of these structures will further their economy in the future. The elves in the capital tend to lavish spending on the material aspects, so a lot of their funds go to that as well.

The economy is a command economy controlled by government. As detailed before, within The Yefim, Afanasiy and Dorothea preside over the economic decisions within the country. The King and Queen have their input, of course. However, they must work with The Arcs on all out-of-country trades that concern the Matvei as trade. Within the army, The Yefim have no control over how The Arcs spend their money, and vice versa with The Arcs. The King and Queen delegate the amount of funds that go to each branch, and each branch consults within itself in that aspect.

Historical Overview:
Their history is not the most beautiful, they tend to sidestep morals in order to achieve what they want. Elves occupied the land first, but over time, they realized their magic was not enough to defend themselves against any enemies. Only a very small portion of their population had the body structure to defend themselves in combat. Once the human race came along (obviously this is something we all have to decide) they noticed how muscular and fit their frames were. Being a less developed race, they were easily overpowered by the elves magic (This part of history is generally forgotten by the general public). They breed the humans to the elves, creating the half-breed warriors. Along this time is when Klement Forgers became a household name. The half-breeds were kept separate from society, being trained in the wilderness for physical combat and developing their magical abilities.

Elves occupied the land in the beginning, before their nation and the surrounding nations started to develop. As time went on, the Elves realized they were at a disadvantage in combat with some of the surrounding civilizations. Whenever a disturbance arose, the Elves could only do so much with just their magic. There was a small group of elves with large frames that could support the physical combat, but it was not enough to protect the whole country. When a group of traveling nomads (humans) traveled through Ellisium, the elves realized how much strength the humans had in their frames. They made a deal with the tribe that if they would agree to protect and fight for the elves, they would give them a permanent home with benefits; food, shelter, ect. The nomads agreed. After time passed, the nomads began to assimilate themselves into the population of Ellisium. As different human citizens began to develop relationships with the elves, a new breed of offspring came along. Once these offspring grew up, it was brought to attention the strength of these offspring; their magical abilities and physical strength. It was then made a decree that the offspring were to be the divine warriors of Ellisium, and they were given the title "The Matvei" meaning "Gift of God." The warriors were held above the rest, on a social pedestal. Because of this, it became the "divine" thing to do, to marry someone of the opposite race in order to produce the half and half offspring. This was the very thing the influenced the social standing, the aristocrats came from the human and elf couples. How well your offspring did in the army influenced your social standing. At this point in time, The Matvei and The Archi are the only ones allowed to be involved in battle. (Reasons for this are described in the religion section.) However, Elves are the only ones allowed to serve in The Yefim and as King and Queen. (This is subject to change during the rp).

Religion(s): They believe that their magical powers were given from a divine entity called "The Vitali" (sometimes shortened to just The Vital). The general public believe that this divine power also blessed their country with the half-breeds, even though the governing know the true reason they came along. The governing still believe in The Vitali, and that this is where their magic comes from. The general populace do not believe in joining the army, they consider it only a right of the half-breeds and the small percentage of elves who control them. They also believe that this entity allowed the nomads to become their warriors, and believe that they were blessed with "The Matvei" because of this reason also. They consider The Matvei and The Archi as the only ones worthy to be defenders of the country. They have also come to believe that The Matvei must remain pure, in the sense that they may only have relationships within The Matvei.

Social Standards: This is a category I have added, but I think it is important in understanding my civilization. Socially, the elves are the only ones able to serve in government positions. The only ones able to serve in the army are The Matvei and The Archi. Resulting from religious beliefs, The Matvei must be kept pure, half elf, half human. Traditionally the parents always choose their child's husband or wife. This practice was kept, and socially The Matvei are paired within their race.

I would prefer the land mass that is called Russia in our times. Most of my characters are from Russian descent.I would like the North Eastern part of the continent located in the North East portion of the map. The capital city Euphemia will be located along the coast.

Capital City:
Euphemia, named after the King and Queen.

Other Notable Settlements: The Forest of Warriors; the settlement in the wilderness where The Matvei and The Archi live and train.

Around 16 million.

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.):
30% of the population live in the capital, these are the richest, and include the king and Queen,The Yefim, Aristocrats, and the owners of klement. 60% (the rest of the elves, besides The Yefim) live in the more rural area, and a large percentage work for Klement in the forging of armour for the army. The last 10% are the half-breeds who live on the outside of the cities and the rural settlements of the elves. They reside in the woods, where they not only live, but train. 30% of the population live within the city walls; this includes The King and Queen, The Yefim and the Aristocrats. 60%; the general population live outside the capital walls in small fishing villages along the coast. The last 10% are The Archi and The Matvei, and they live in the forest in their own village. I'll include a picture below.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Ellisium.jpg.7e500ca456fb78abed6043eb72500853.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Ellisium.jpg.7e500ca456fb78abed6043eb72500853.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(As you can see the city of Ellisium is enclosed by tall walls. It is located on the coast, and tiny villages are speckled around whether they be fishing or farming villages.)

Once we start the actual RP, Ill include more pictures and what not.

Primary Race (name and description):
The primary race are the elves. There are different rankings of elves based off of their magical powers, and noble birth. The most powerful elves are the Archi, the elven-warriors who control the half-breeds. They are not necessarily the most powerful in magic terms, only in the concept that they posses magical and physical strength. The most powerful based solely off of magic, are the king and queen, and then the aristocrats. The primary controlling race are the elves. However, The Matvei are held very high in society, almost to the point of being divine. So they are considered part of the primary race.

Secondary Race(s) (name and description) : The secondary race are the Half-Breeds. They possess about half as much magic as an elf, on average. However, they possess great physical strength, and where elves have some physical limits, humans are almost always stronger. (This does not apply to their magic abilities, only to their physical ones.) There is not so much a secondary race as certain individuals higher in society.

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic): The half-breed magic can be focused into their conduits, whether it be a sword or shield or armour. It generally only enforces their weaponry, whether that is to make the blade stronger, the armour stronger..ect. Its based upon their physical strength and magical abilities. The Archi, are very strong in magic and strength, their magic far surpassing the half-breeds. However, their physical strength is not alway a match for the most powerful half-breeds. In hand to hand combat, without magic, the elves will most likely lose. However, in magical terms, they always come out on top. In terms of magical powers, the pure blooded elves have the most power. The amount of magic ranges in each elf, and this can influence their social standing. Each elf can focus their magical energy to further their skills in different areas of their life. For example, The Matvei have been trained to focus their magical energy into their armor and weapon conduits. This armor and weaponry are designed by Klement Forgers to pulse with color when magical energy is flowing through it. Another example would be an average elf villager who could, for example focus their magical energy into a conduit net, for fishing. Most elves, except for the most powerful, must have a conduit to use their magic. Some may be able to do small things like move leaves, make slight breeze, ect. Each elf may apply for a conduit through Klement Forgers. However the amount of conduits you may commission depends on your social standing or branch of the government. For the general population they may apply for only one conduit, and they may only apply for it when they finish their schooling. Their conduit must apply to their area of specialty, whether it be a net for fishing, or a special tool for work. The Aristocrats are able to apply for one conduit also, but it is of their choice, it does not necessarily have to be for their job. However, most pick one that would further their strengths in creating conduits at Klement Forgers (A majority are employed there). The Yefim are able to choose two conduits, but one must be a piece of apparel; whether it be a glove or a staff or a wand of sorts to fuel their magic. The other conduit may be one of their choice. The Archi and The Matvei are allowed to commission two conduits, but they are restricted to armor, and a weapon. This armor and weaponry is based solely off their skills. The King and Queen may commision whatever they like, but Tadeusz and Iulia have each only ever commissioned their armor, shown in their pictures. They are not the type to take advantage of their position.

Alright, so I think I have covered a majority of the important things. I love to nitpick, so if you have any questions or comments, I'll edit even more.



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Okay, I've edited mine, back at the start of page 8. Firstly, corrected the pasting error. Whoops :/

I've upped the population a lot, but I would still like it to be very small, as there are only 81 villages, and 10,000 people in a village is quite a lot. So the population is around 810,000 right now. Is that alright? I know I'll be at a disadvantage, but I like it that way :)

What page is this map of all the taken nations on, so I can decide where I want mine?

The memory wipe is a time-based spell, so it erases everything in the last, say, five hours. It is unselective, and erases more time depending on how powerful it is.

Humans have the ability to learn spells directly from elves, but it becomes much more difficult as they age into adulthood, so the most necessary spells are taught when they are still babies. Somewhat like training a dog...

I kinda know that teleporting a whole city would be impossible, but the Queen's elves say that they are working on it to please her. Nothing like a bit of suck-up-ery.

The counties are named after Zhamiffiefian letters, which is pretty similar to the English alphabet, with the extra line or swirl here and there, but they have their own language that's entirely different.

Also, I added my preferred region. (The smallish landmass under the purple region that sticks out from the mainland. And the little island of the coast of it (for Murderers Island)) If thats okay?

Is that okay now? Any more suggestions of what I should edit? xD
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From my last post on the subject; "Kougami, I'd like for mechanical conduits to be developed in the RP, rather than started with. It's a balancing issue, honestly. Enchanted weaponry is fine, though. That's my final complaint!"

By which I was trying to say "Cut out the sword conduits, cut out the armor conduits, etc". Conduits as a mental ability are all I want people starting with. As said up above, it's a HUGE balancing issue. Mechanical conduits would allow basically everyone in a nation to function as a caster, which would place you at a disproportionate advantage. A "I can now slaughter all of your armies" advantage.

Unrelated, more generally addressed:

The internal font in life is the same store from which physical exertion draws. Larger stamina is the same as a larger magical store.

Schmunky... You're right. 10,000 is kind of a lot. Maybe rename the villages "Parishes" or something, and say there's more than one settlement in each? It's up to you, really. I don't really know enough about neuroscience to object to the memory wipe spell, xD . I imagine messing up even the tiniest bit could have some disastrous consequences. That's probably all I have to say.

So, Ankou:

I move to accept Rynnki's bio as-is

I move to accept Kougami's bio pending removal of mechanical conduits

I move to accept Schmunky's bio pending your final opinion on the naming conventions of districts

I added a little bit of a resource section on my bio, although there's not much on it. I'm going to have to do some surveying if I'm going to find anything of great value to export.
The map as it now stands; Orange being the corporates with the funny name, and red being Alphabet Land. Is everyone happy with this?

Yes, I'm too lazy to go back a page :P <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/newcivmap.png.b3499cf3c31e53a7587bcf338e9199a6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11486" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/newcivmap.png.b3499cf3c31e53a7587bcf338e9199a6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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