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Fantasy Mystical Academy


Antisocial Weirdo
Mystical Academy is a school for the supernatural, all are welcome.


  1. no controlling the other characters.
  2. OCC has to be in brackets.
  3. No killing off of characters unless he/she says YES!
  4. ENJOY!
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Zara walked down the busy street looking for her new prey. She spotted a blonde haired boy with an angelic face, she made her way over to him. She tapped him on the shoulder and whispered in his left ear deviously,"you're coming with me." "I'm coming with you," he responded. She grabbed his hand and walked him down the street to a dark alley. She pinned him up against the wall and kissed his lips roughly. When he responded to her kiss, she dug her left fang into his bottom lip, he yelped in pain. She licked the blood trickling down his chin, "you're so fucking good," she said through gritted teeth. She crashed her lips back onto his and made her way down his neck. "This is only going to hurt a bit," she whispered onto his soft pale skin. She dug her fangs into his jugular vein and drank his sweet tasting blood. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she was sucking every ounce of blood left in his body. When there was no blood left, she pulled away from the boy causing his lifeless body to drop to the ground. She winked at the dead body and said, "pleasure doing business with you." She made her way out of the alley and wiped his red blood off of her mouth with the back of her left hand. She continued walking the path to her school which was five minutes away from the alley. When she made it to the gates of the school she said, "well, here goes nothing,'' and walked past the gates.
Yasmin slowly got out of her sarcophagus to get hit in the eye with sunlight. She growled slightly as she climbed out. She lived in apartment that was close by to her new school.

Making sure all her wrappings were in place, she made her way to school.

She wasn't sure how school works, as she only tutors in her past life.

The schools gate soon came into view.

With a sigh, Yasmin went past the gates, ready for her first day.
Kai walks in the middle of the road, hood up, not bothering to move to the sidewalk. When a truck goes by, all she does is simply glow blue and become transparent. She doesn't even flinch as the truck passes through her and she just return to normal and continue down the road. Eventually, someone does notice her passing through cars and trucks so they drag her into an alley.

They questioned her but she said nothing at all. Soon the guy pulled out a gun and tried to shoot her, but just like very thing else, it just passed right through. I do not like how you treat me, like I'm a monster. I will never be treated that way again. Do you hear me? Now go, or you will end up where I once was.

Kai's voice was so calm yet so cold, that it sent shivers down the man's back. He staggered back before turning around and running away. Yeah you better run. She says under breath as she gets up, dusts herself off, and leaves the alley.

After something like that, I could really use some music to listen to. Kai thought as she pulls out her iPod from her pocket and chooses a song. She throws back her grey hoodie to reveal her headphones that could never come off. That where a part of what makes her. She continues her path down the center of the road to her new school, getting the occasional look of confusion from someone and sometimes creating a car crash.

When she reaches the gates, she looks up to see others who had already gotten to the school already.
Hmm...all I want is to go build something. I do not like being delayed for any reason. Even if someone I knew well died, I could always go visit them. Kai walked past the peopl and sat on a bench and began to fiddle around with a stress ball.

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She walked through the crowded halls, pushing her way past the other students. She grabbed her schedule and rolled her eyes when she saw the first subject, Math. She walked down the class room and picked a seat in the back next to the window. She plopped down her bag on the floor and sat on the chair. She crossed her legs and placed her feet on top of the desk in front of her. She took out her phone from her bag and plugged in her earphones. She placed an earphone in her left ear, crossed her arms and placed them behind her back. She closed her eyes, getting lost in the music until class begins.
Spike valentine walked through the gates as he looked at his new school "can't wait to cause havoc here" he whispered to himself as he continued to walk closer to the school. Naturally he didn't even bring a book bag, all he brought was a pen but that was mostly so that he could write on the desk in whatever class was boring. If he even went to class that is. He glanced down at the schedule and saw math on it. "Eh not horrible" he muttered softly as he found the classroom. When he walked in he looked around and saw a couple people already there "hello everyone, I'm your new teacher" he said to them. Then with a smirk he walked to the back of the classroom and sat down at a rickety desk.

(Do they all have the same classes?)

She opened her eyes to see what claimed to be her teacher, rolled her eyes at him and placed the second earphone in her right ear.
Spike noticed the girl that was rolling her eyes at him "you have a problem?" He asked her as he crossed his arms and glared at her with piercing reddish black eyes
He muttered to himself then shrugged his shoulder, taking his pen out as the actual teacher entered the classroom. He started to doodle on the desk that he was at.
Yasmin entered the school, noticing the bustling crowd of students all trying to get thier schedules. Yasmin sighed and one of the wrappings from her body came undone, slowly reaching over the students to grab her own.

With paper in hand, she head off to her first class, math.

"I wonder if Mathematics would be the same since then,"

As she entered the room with already few students and someone most likely the teacher. She chose a row few seats down, sitting at the edge, ready for class to begin.
VictoriaFirewriath said:
Yasmin entered the school, noticing the bustling crowd of students all trying to get thier schedules. Yasmin sighed and one of the wrappings from her body came undone, slowly reaching over the students to grab her own.
With paper in hand, she head off to her first class, math.

"I wonder if Mathematics would be the same since then,"

As she entered the room with already few students and someone most likely the teacher. She chose a row few seats down, sitting at the edge, ready for class to begin.
{You didn't respond to an interaction with Riley. Re-read.}
She smirked at the boy's guts, she already knew they'd be great friends.


VictoriaFirewriath said:
[That wasn't me, it was puggie, half dead shifter girl]
{Then I'm the one that has to re-read, sorry about that.}
He looked up at the teacher and smirked "welcome to math" he muttered as he stood up. The teacher motioned for him to leave the class, but he just sat down at the back of the classroom.
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Asuna watched him as he walked down the row and sat down next to her, she stared at him with her blue eyes and had a huge smirk on her face.
He glanced over at her then rolled his eyes slightly "what?" He asked. "Is there food in my teeth or somthing? Why are you staring at me" he muttered softly
"Tell me something I don't know" he replied as he started drawing on the desk that he was currently sitting in.
Spike glanced at her and smirked for a second then he mugged her on the shoulder. "Wanna get out of here?" He asked
Grimshaw had been in the class for a good ten minutes reading a book before the action started with some dark haired boy and girl. They were being loud and unnecessarily rebellious, the worst part was however that the teacher just took it. There was no punishment and the teacher just let them go, if he still has his powers he would- no, Grimshaw couldn't keep using his powers has a solution to all of his powers. So with an air of frustration he turned back to his book, hoping that those two would leave (and stay gone) like the boy was suggesting.

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