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Fantasy Mystic People


Junior Member
In this RP you can be a witch, demon, elf, fairy, werewolf, vampire, ghost, a hunter of any kind,a human, etc...
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Sam walked out of the hellion gate instantly switching to her innocent human form. "helloooooo New York I'm homeee" she laughed as she walked into the crowed city. She walked towards the alleyway waiting for her "friend". She hummed an unknown sound. She heard a voice behind her as she started to turn around slowing. "I've been expecting you". She said as she looked at her idiotic brother. "Why did you want to met?" her brother said angrily. "Look I know you choose the 'good' side and all but you should think about the dark side more....". Her brother looked at her as if he wanted to kill her. "I'm leaving now....." he said as he flew away. "To be continued..." sam said as she walked out of the alleyway.

@creamy cat @zacharychi @Angel Lucifer
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A bright light decended upon the Empire state building and a person came down slowly, Plaematio landed on the viewing site of the Empire state building his wings spread out fully. "so this is the place where they are supposed to show". the light dissipated and he was left standing in the dark. he looked to the sky and sighed "I will not let you down father" he said to the sky he flapped his wings and fly up to the top of the tower he looked around trying to find any supernatural presence. he sensed a demon no to far away from him. "filthy pig" he muttered he flapped his wings and took to the sky flying towards the demon he then sensed a angel "tch Jake " he stated as he flew towards the two

@creamy cat @zacharychi @Angel Lucifer
Lilly was at the pharmacy to get some cold medicine. She sneezed, but made sure got she sneezed into her sleeve. She looked outside of the window and at the Empire State building. 'Whats that?' She thought to herself. "Next." The man at the counter said, as Lilly stepped forward. She made her purchase and exited the pharmacy, looking at the Empire state building again. 'Might as well.' She thought, walking to the Empire state building.

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Skylar was wandering throughout the city, having nothing to do. She had heard great things about it from the... others, so she... Er, 'traveled' to New York in a day or two. She didn't know what the big deal was about. Everything had big numbers on it (which was bad, if she remembered correctly) and it smelled like gasoline and fast food. It was too crowded and busy, and nobody had time to enjoy their life or surroundings.

Skylar soon found herself in a shabby and suspicious town with nasty, rotting buildings. At least it's quiet, Skylar thought optimistically. Walking into a small path packed with entrances to alleyways and stains Skylar knew weren't from dirt, she faintly overheard a seemingly serious conversation, and then a pattern of feet pattering against the gravel.

Skylar thought for a moment, hesitated momentarily, and then walked forward.

Plaematio decided to not go after the demon it wasn't worth his time instead he flew to the bottom of the empire state building and landed on the ground. He looked around "hm the mortals cannot see me" he stated A blinding light shine down on him and he started to loose all his Angel characteristics he took on the form of a mortal "This...should do" he sighed and began walking
QueenWeirdo44 said:
Sam walked out of the hellion gate instantly switching to her innocent human form. "helloooooo New York I'm homeee" she laughed as she walked into the crowed city. She walked towards the alleyway waiting for her "friend". She hummed an unknown sound. She heard a voice behind her as she started to turn around slowing. "I've been expecting you". She said as she looked at her idiotic brother. "Why did you want to met?" her brother said angrily. "Look I know you choose the 'good' side and all but you should think about the dark side more....". Her brother looked at her as if he wanted to kill her. "I'm leaving now....." he said as he flew away. "To be continued..." sam said as she walked out of the alleyway.
@creamy cat @zacharychi @Angel Lucifer
would love to join :3
((I shall be a witch, a fairly bad one, my spells only work with animals, and if I try one on myself it goes wrong, the first time I tried I ended up with cat ears and a tail, which is why I wear a cloak, due to the fact that it wont go away, female and is named Willow @FrostXShadow))


Sawako was on the roof of a skyscraper staring down at the humans below. Without hesitation she leaned forward and fell off of the building. As she was falling it felt as if time had slowed down and she seemed to be falling at a slower speed than normal. She let her midnight black hair fall as she did. Her face showed no fear and some how humans were starting to notice. They were yelling and screaming at her and a few seemed to be attempting to call the police. A whole scene started to form around her and there was no escaping the situation. If she manipulated her blood they would see and call the authorities. If she ran down the side of the walls they would fear her. So she just let herself fall very gradually. I guess there's no backing out now.

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Plaematio watched as a person fell from a sky scrapper "what is with these mortals" he instantly changed to his Angel form using some of his power to accelerate his flying he quickly caught her and flew to the top of the building he sat her down and glared at the being "I don't even think she can see or hear me" he stated and sighed his wings fluttering behind him while his body glowed with a pure white aura that smelled of vanilla



Sawako opened her eyes to see a bright being standing in front of her. She stared at it blankly and waited for her eyes to adjust. Soon enough they did and she saw an angel. "Of course I can," she said softly. She stood up and brushed herself off. Her height not even close to matching up with that of the angel's. Her ears twitched as she heard footsteps running towards her. She took of the bandages (I forgot to mention that) that were once on her right hand and she quickly positioned the palm of her hand to face the roof floor. In a matter of seconds blood started trickling from her hand and transformed into a sword made of her own blood. She held it with two hands and turned around a few times. Her ears still twitching from the noise. Her hands were trembling slightly. I swear I heard footsteps.

Plaematio watched as she created a sword with her blood he took a couple steps back and let his aura glow even brighter "what are you?" he held out his hand and a staff appeared his wings ruffled and spread out, he was ready to attack and possibly kill the creature in front of him after all that was his mission

Leon and Eloise were walking on fours on the sidewalk near the Empire State. "Ugh, I hate walking on fours. We are not animals" said Leon "I do too but this our life now, sadly." Eloise said They saw a red-headed, horned lady and they wondered what her deal and decided to become at least acquaintances with her.



Sawako turned her head ever so often and listened for footsteps. "Er...um...I don't know actually..." she said softly. Not realizing that the angel was preparing to attack her. A few seconds after she had said this a human (neutral character I guess) came at her with a large sword. Her eyes widened and she ran towards the human with her sword at the ready. The human was about to slash at her when she swung her blood sword and their weapons clashed. She quickly pulled her sword away and leapt up and the human took a slash at her leg causing her to fall down.

Plaematio sighed "really" he glared at the human and shot a blast of light toward the human nad flapped his wings sending Large gust of wind towards the human "you things disgust me" he stated still flapping his wings

Lilly looked around and saw two humans conjoined at their waists. "I just want to ask, but what are you?" She said.


Sawako looked up and stood up. "I disgust you?" she asked confused. She lifted her arm up and her palm faced the floor. All of the blood that she had used had returned to her hand and she fell on her knees from blood loss. "I...really don't understand. I didn't do anything to you," she stood up once more and tried to regain her balance. She took out some bandages from her pocket and began wrapping it around her right hand. "If I disgust you...than why did you save me?" she asked.

((Were you talking about my character or the human?))

"Oh! Uh...We are conjoined twins! I'm Eloise and that's my brother, Leon." Eloise said with pride "Hi! Your honestly strange yourself. Are you some sort of demon?" Said Leon

"I was talking about the human" he stated dryly his wings flapped and he was floating "I only saved you because I thought you were human my father told me told me to save them much to my dismay." his staff disappeared

((im way to lazy atm to do more than three lines srry))
"No, I'm not a demon. somebody had the great idea to combine a creature with a human. and now I'm here." She said.
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Sawako looked at her hands. Every few seconds she would see them turn into a monster's hands. She sniffed a few times. Vanilla? She sighed. Her stomach growled loudly. "This is a stupid question but...do you have money?" she asked.

"Same here, Some asshole scientists deiced to kidnap us and sew us together to see we could survive. Hell! We can't even shit no more!" Said Leon "Yes, it does suck being like this but we gotten closer than ever since this happened." said Eloise


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