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Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

Point buy or standard array. It's up to your preference.
Hey Dragon, Don't rapid post stream of consciousness like that. I'll DM you.
I’ll try to draw a pic of him later, but I’m trying to go for a monk/cleric type who is somewhat good, yet wants power. I’m planning to have him sign some kind of a contract later, don’t really know much about that part, so he’ll be able to use magic, or fully unlock his ki

So you’ll likely want to multi class into warlock. If you do, make sure you have at least 13 charisma.
Oof, I missed quite a lot it seems. I'll get on reading everything everyone poste and work on a character if you're still open to more candidates.
Oof, I missed quite a lot it seems. I'll get on reading everything everyone poste and work on a character if you're still open to more candidates.
Yeah you are still included. Glad to have you back.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I'm up to date.

So I was thinking either Warlock, Druid or Cleric, but seeing DragonSlayer is heading into contract territory I'll leave 'em the possible Warlock spot and head onto Cleric or Druid. I do love the supporting roles !
yes I’m thinking of a paladin. I’ll let him stay in the back with you until the contract , at which point I’ll let him head for frontline territory
Yeah but after some thought, I’ve decided a paladin with some similarities.
Sherwood Sherwood its not working for me, you got a copy of an empty one

Might you be looking for something like this?

[tabs][tab=Attributes & Bonuses]Content


Content[/tab][tab=Racial & Class Bonuses]Content



or would you like a form-fillable PDF character sheet?
Username: Vox Angelis

Experience in RP: Been RPing on forums ever since I was in high school. Probably 15+ years.

Experience in TTRPG: Same as RPing experience. Did a lot of D&D 3.5e, a bit of Pathfinder, and fairly new to D&D 5e

What kind of player are you?: When I was younger, I used to be pretty big on the numbers game, very insisting on hard-set rules, finding comfort in established features. Growing older, I started becoming more lax and enjoying a good story instead of mechanics. I'm not much of a social butterfly though so I tend to make loners or characters that are socially inept.

What do you like to see in games?: A good story, interesting interactions with characters and lots of choices/possibilities.

What do you not like to see in games?: Being railroaded into following a specific path, choices leading to little effects on consequences.

Any homebrew you like?: I can't say I've had much experience with any established homebrew, but I do enjoy when the DM and their players can settle on making stuff/variants to fit in ideas that would make people enjoy the game more.

Character sheet:

  • 4d1961aa-9ed0-4c57-8fe3-33360d02480a.pngName: Sylvestra
    Race: Wood Elf
    Gender: Female
    Age: 213 years old
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Background: Feylost

    STR: 8 / -1
    DEX: 16 / +3
    CON: 14 / +2
    INT: 8 / -1
    WIS: 18 / +4
    CHA: 12 / +1

    Class: Druid
    Level: 5
    Proficiency: +3
    Initiative: +3

    Max HIt Points: 38
    Hit Dice: 5d8

    Armor Class: 16
    Passive Perception: 17
    Darkvision: 60ft.

    Weapon Attacks & Cantrips
    • Produce Flame : Hit +7 / 2d8 Fire / 30ft., V/S

    • Couatl Scale Armor: 1 + Dex AC bonus ; Immunity to Mind and Emotions reading spells ; Cure Wounds 1/day; Detect Magic 1/day; Shield 1/day
    • Wooden Shield: +2 AC Bonus
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It's getting late and I forgot to make a spell tab 😅

Not sure about just how much money with start at level 5 so I kept to slightly more than the basic starting gear.

Pardon me for the weirdly edited picture, I mashed two old pictures I've had an friend of fine draw ages ago.
Not sure about just how much money with start at level 5 so I kept to slightly more than the basic starting gear.

Instructions on the original post were to get starting gear + roll for starting gold based on class

Pardon me for the weirdly edited picture, I mashed two old pictures I've had an friend of fine draw ages ago.

To be honest I wouldn't even know it was edited if you hadn't said it, so it should be fine

Edit, now updating my tracker...

PlayerClass (Subclass)ProficienciesStats
SherwoodRogue (Thief)Acrobatics
Sleight of Hand (expertise)
Stealth (expertise)
Str: 8 (- 1)
Dex: 16 (+ 3)
Con: 12 (+ 1)
Int: 14 (+ 2)
Wis: 10 (+ 1)
Cha: 14 (+ 2)
PsychieFighter (Champion)Athletics
Str:18 (+ 4)
Dex:12 (+ 1)
Con:16 (+ 3)
Int:11 (+ 0)
Wis:10 (+ 0)
Cha:10 (+ 0)
EbonchevalierBarbarian(?)Str: (+ )
Dex: (+ )
Con: (+ )
Int: (+ )
Wis: (+ )
Cha: (+ )
Dragonslayer57Paladin (Devotion)Animal Handling
Str:13 (+ 1)
Dex:13 (+ 1)
Con:14 (+ 2)
Int:13 (+ 1)
Wis:14 (+ 2)
Cha:13 (+ 1)
Vox AngelisDruid (dreams)Deception
Str: 8 (- 1)
Dex:16 (+ 3)
Con:14 (+ 2)
Int:8 (- 1)
Wis:18 (+ 4)
Cha: 12 (+ 1)

edit 2, more updates
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  • Content
    Name: Eredartis Callorlaran
    Race: High Elf
    Gender: Male
    Age: 250
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Background: Cloistered Scholar

    Attributes (Point Buy)
    Str: 15 +2
    Dex: 14 +2
    Con: 13 +1
    Int: 14 +2
    Wis: 10 +0
    Cha: 10 +0

    Class: Barbarian
    Level: 5
    Speed(Walking): 50 ft

    Hit Points:45/45
    Hit Dice: 1d12

    Armor Class: 13
    Passive Perception:13
    Active Perception:

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will i need to put it into a sheet like that? Or is the Dnd beyond sheet enough

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