Mystery Forest. (Closed)

The Writer

Your Doom



Nick and Deathwish:




Flower awoke laying down in a bed. She blinks and grabs her head. What a headache. She looked around the strange house. She blinked and got up. The whole house looked as if it was made of roots. She blinked and opened the door. Everything was made of roots. She looked around and then looked at the food on the table. (This is when they are captured in the forest. Everyone is in the same house. Or um..tree. The house is three storys ok?)

Kile opened his eyes and then looked at Adrianna who was asleep next to him. He knew nothing happened last night....he still had his clothes on and Adrianna was stricked about it. He sighed. "Darn." He mummbled and then sat up rubbing his head. He looked as Adrianna rolled over still asleep. Boy did he had a headache. He was sure it wasn't a hang over too.

Nick and Deathwish were up and about exploring the house. They didn't know anyone else was in the house. Yet anyways. Nick and Deathwish look at each other confused and shrugged.
[MENTION]Fire of Heart[/MENTION]

Thyme awoke her blind fold waswas gone so the bright morning sun immediately hurt. She pushed herself up not minding the pain to much as she walked around. She was sure to keep her fingers pressed on the wall as she slowly made her way out of her room. She soon ran into Deathwishs back and sighed speaking to what she things is herself. "Ugh. I must stop running into walls!" She huffed and turned away beginning to walk a different way.

Ari sat up looking around she had no memory of how she got here nor where she was."Hello?" She called holding the back of her head tightly. Yuki woke up hearing his daughter Ari speak. He sat up looking at her."I guess we are alone .."he muttered looking around.

kage was also one of the first to awake though she took rest in the attic since no sun light was there.


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Shadow (just make his skin black)

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Thyme (I know Thyme is very busty but I'm sure the guys will like it :P )

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Flower heard noise and looked up. "Hello?!" She yelled and then stratched her head. She looks around and then starts walking. Her hello echoed through the house and Nick smirked loving to hear Flower was here with them. "Flower." He whispers to himself. Flower and Nick weren't together Nick just loved to annoy her by hitting on her.

Deathwish turned around and then blinked. "Or people...Ms." He said and then looked as Nick walked off. He looks at her and then looked around. " you know where we are?" He asked and then crossed his arms. (Flower is already a half elf (Her father was the only one that Excaped I will give hints and clues on that later), Nick and Deathwish Vampire demons (They won't suck blood) Um Adrianna a werewolf, Creed is still Kile's younger brother but Creed was trapped here some time ago. Creed is a werewolf)

Adrianna wakes up and grips her head. "Ow." She looked at Kile and then sits up. "Where are we?" She asked and Kile shrugged. She got up and looked at Kile with a glare as he wrapped his arms around her. "Kile not now." She complained. Kile didn't care so he didn't let go.

(Pictures didn't come up)

Thyme was the only one that loaded am I right?)

Thyme turned punching Deathwish in the cheek."A wall just spoke! "She gasped.but after she recovered from shock she kneeled lightly running her fingers over his chest feeling his warmth and heart beat."This wall is breathing as well." She giggles. "You are a male right? You smell very..."she paused smelling him."you smell of dust and death ..." she said bluntly. "May I see you sir?" She asked looking straight ahead her eyes blank and icey blue.

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That was Ari and Yuki btw

Deathwish rubbed his cheek. "Yes ms...I am a guy...and so we are clear I am not a wall." he said not jokin in the least and then looked at her. "you may?" he said not sure of this girl who had just punched him. His name was Deathwish, he did have a sense of Death that surrounded him. "On the comment that I smell like death may I just add my name is Deathwish ms." he said.

(yes only Themes came up....oh nice pictures.)

Adrianna and Kile stummbled into the room Yuki and Ari were in. Adrianna fell on the floor and glared at Kile. "Watch it!" She said and then got up looking at the root that had tripped her. She looked at Kile and then smiled nervously as he glares at her. " mistake." She said and then looked at Ari and Yuki. She blinked. "Oh hello." She said nervously.
Thyme smiled. "Ah, my senses never fail me! Besides my eyes..." she muttered the last Parr before looking down at him.she ran her fingers across his cheek being gentle on the one she harmed.She suddenly pulled away blushing. "Sorry, I..." She stood and started to walk off. Ari turned to them."I already dislike them."Ari said and got a jab in the side from Yuki."Ow!" She growled. Her pet wolf growled as well.she had a liking for wolfs ever since one saved her from a fire.she liked how relentless they where and violent. Yuki bowed kindly to them."greetings "he said.Ari just crossed her arms and glared at Yuki."Kiss arse!" She snapped. Yuki growled slapping her.Ari laughed walking away."Sorry for her..."
Adrianna looks at Yuki and then nods. "Um...sorry." She backed up behind Kile who crossed his arms looking at Ari. He looked her up and down for a moment and then smiled. However he backed up slightly protecting Adrianna when she snapped. He watched her walk away and then looked at Yuki. Kile looked at Adrianna who was already being shy after that little show. Kile sighed. "No problem." he said and then looked at Adrianna who was still behind him. "Don't worry...he's the nice one." he said but Adrianna didn't come out from behind him. Kile seemed a bit annoyed.

Adrianna looked at Yuki and then smiled lightly. She hid her face behind Kile. If Kile saw her small blush he'd be angry. Adrianna only came out when it was gone. It was upsetting for Adrianna that Kile always went after other girls and only when he was lonely did he come calling for her. Adrianna looked at Kile and then smiled lightly. Kile of course put his arm around her. She looked at Yuki.

Deathwish looks as she walked away and then rised an eyebrow. "Hm." He crossed his arms and then walked down stairs where his brother was. Surprisingly both of them seemed calm. Even more Nick wasn't sitting beside her at the table as he at. Flower wasn't eating....she was picking at the food more careful since she had no idea what was going on. He walked over and thenlooked at Nick who was throwing caution to the wind. "If it's posioned....we'll know at least." He said glaring at his twin brother.
Yuki scratched his head."I'll see that as a complement! "He laughed a bit and watched Ari with a sigh."I don't understand her."he said with a worn out look on his face.Ari walked down stairs and whinned to find more people. "WHY?!" She yelled running out into the forest. To get away. She picked up a stick on the way. Her wolf Angel followed growling at the three sitting at the table. (Perfect time for Creed)

Shady walked through the door."Hello?" She hopped to be the first to greet their new guests."hello?!"
Adrianna looks at yuki and then looks at Kile who pulled her in close. Adrianna looked at Yuki. "Where...are we?" she asked letting Kile his way and not move out of his arms. She looks around pretty confused. She looked as Kile heard people below and let go of her walking out into the hall. He looked down stairs from the hall and then saw shady coming in. He waved. "Hi." he said and then looked as Deathwish walked in from the dinning room. Kile still above on the second floor.

Flower looked at Deathwish and then at Nick as the two twins stood next to each other. Flower walked out and then crossed her arms. "Hello." she said and then looked as a stabbed was watching from above in the upstairs hallway. She looked at shady.

Creed had his mask on. He and a few wolves were chasing down a buck. He leaped and killed the buck. He gutted it right there being careful and then took as much meat as he could from it packing in his bag. He left the test for the wolves to each. Little did he know he had done this in front of ari. He looked to see her and then jumped up to a tree. He pointed his knife at her. His mask hid his face.
Ari blinked a few times. She didn't move a bit looking up at him though she didn't move her head. Angel growled at him a bit just for the fact she was protecting Ari.Yuki smiled at her."Jealous type hmm?" He chuckled a bit walking over and kissing her hand in the old fashioned kinda way. Shady sighed walking around. "Hello? "She growled a bit.
Adrianna looks at Yuki and then blinks gently pulling her hand away. She looked down and hid her hands behind her back. She looks at yuki and nods slightly. "He is..." she said and then looked at Kile in the hallway. "Kile?" she asked but he was busy staring at Flower. Adrianna sighed deeply. "I bet you there is another girl down there." she said mostly to herself then looked at Yuki.

Kile heard that and shot a glare at Adrianna. "No there's just someone yelling hello." he said and then looked at Shady. He wondered why she hadn't responded to him. He shrugged and then looked back at Yuki and Adrianna.

Creed looks at her and then looks at his wolves who growled at angel. "Another one." he said and then jumped down. He started walking to the house his wolves laying down. He was alpha and the wolves knew it angel probably would snell him as a wolf. He looks inside the house and then grumbles about all the new scents.
Ari followed Creed."Hey! Hey! I'm talking to you! "She called and grabbed his arm to stop him. She turned him to face her and she smiled. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm not going until you tell me" She said and sat on his couch looking at him.

Shady looked up at kile. "Hey you!tall guy!" She Caledonia running over to him with a Flirty smile. "Name gimme. "She insisted.


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(He's at the house everyone else is....he didn't go inside.) Creed looks at her and then smirks from behind his mask. "Creed." He said simply and then pointed at the others. "I'd sugest you go inside...." He said and then jumped up. Creed was here for years. He grabbed a stray root and then climbed up to the roof. It was way to high for a normal human to jump. He went inside but his room couldn't be found inside the house. It was consealed. He rather not have anyone randomly walking in. The window he went in by closed up.

Kile looks at the girl and then smiles. "Name's Kile ms." He said and then crossed his arms. He looked back at Kira and Yuki keeping a good eye on the two. He looked back at shady, he couldn't help himself he had to flirt. Even in plain sight of Adrianna. She was use to it.
Ari whinned."Creed wait! "She called. She sighed looking at the house. "My room is welcom to you!" She called walking inside.

Shady smiled. "Nice to meet you!" She said and skipped a circle around him."hmm ..."
Creed took off his mask in his room. He smiled. "Hmm interesting." he said to himself thinking about Ari. He shrugged and then patted the wall. "This will be interesting...shall I meet the others?" he asked and put his mask back on. He walked out and then walked down. He saw his brother and a girl. He smirked and then saw his old slave Adrianna. Seems his brother took her. He smirks widely and then fixs his mask. He walks back and turns around before Kile noticed. ____________________________________ Kile looked at her and then put his arms down so she could get a better look at him. He laughs a bit. "Amd your name is?" he asked looking her over.
Shady turned for him."It's a secret. "She giggles a bit and letting him take a good look. Ari sat on the floor in her room Yuki had moved into the hall to chat with Adrianna since Kile seemed uneasy.she locked the door and opened the window climbing out on the roof.."once again I'm alone. "She sighed.
Adrianna looked at Kile and had enough of watching him flirt. She walked up and hit him hard on the head as a warning. She turned around and crossed her arms. She turned away from him as soon as he tried to get her attention. She looked at Yuki and ignored Kile's plead for forgivness. "So where are we exackly?" She asked hoping he had some information.

Kile smirks and steps toward shade. "Aw...I don't like secrets." He said and then yelled as he was hit on the head by an angry Adrianna. "OW!" He looked to see she was mad at him and he couldn't have that. He leaned over so she could see him but she turned away. "Aw come on Adrianna I wasn't serious." He said but she ignored him. He looks at her and crossed his arms. "I'll do it you know." He said and then smirked as Adrianna glanced at him and then stepped away. He looks at her knowing exackly what to do to stop her from being mad at him. He looked at Shade and then sighed. He couldn't flirt in front of was probably stupid anyways. He hoped Shade would stick around long enough for him to find an excuse to leave and maybe be alone with Shade. (Kile you jerk.)

Kile looked at Adrianna and then grabbed her forcing her in. As she stuggled begging him not to do it, he turned her head and kissed her. He pulled away and then lighting kissed her cheek. Now he was acting very loving. Of course Adrianna couldn't be mad at him anymore. He smiles and then holds her.

Adrianna was blushing as he did his little trick. She couldn't help it he was a great kisser. She looked away from everyone. "Kile I was trying to figure something out! I want to know where we are!" she said trying not to look at Yuki since she was very embarrassed that he did that in front of him. "kile your such a player." She whispered and he laughed.

Creed jumped up on the roof. "Hey." He said and then played with his knife in his hand. He looks at her and then fixes his mask a bit. "When I'm around it's hardly a fact that anyone is alone." he smirks. His knife had blood on it....from a human. He flipped it and caught it by the blade but didn't cut himself.
Ari looked at him."heh I'm unsure if that's bad..." she looked at his knife. "Beautiful "she said simply with a smirk. She laid down resting her her head in his lap."why do you wear a mask? To hide from the world? Or is it something more evil like .. oh I'm gonna be masked murderer."Ari chuckled a bit."you may kill but you won't hurt me will you?" She looked in his eyes.
Creed looks at her and then puts the knife to her neck. "It depends if your going to keep touching me." He said and then looked down at her. His mask covered all of his face. This girl was strange to him. Normaly people were afriad of him. She flat out just starting acting as if they were a couple. He waited for her to get up.
Ari looked at him with a smile. "I'm not moving I'm very comfortable. "She turned to her side ignoring the knife as if it was nothing.

Shady crossed her arms looking at Kile. "Hey! "She stomped her foot.Yuki rubbed the back of his neck looking away."I should ..find Ari..."
Kile looks at Yuki and glares. "Better." he said wanting Yuki to stay away from Adrianna. He looks around. "Hey...I'm going to look" he said and then pulled away from Adrianna. He turned around and looked at Shady winking at her. He looked at Adrianna and then started walking away. Behind his back he called Shady to follow him with his finger. He smirks wanting to find a nice place to flirt.

Adrianna rubs her neck and then slowly starts walking. "That lier." Adrianna said upset now. She looked at Yuki. "If you'll excuse me...I don't want to be yelled at by that girl." She said and then started walking away from kile knowing exackly what he was going to do. "sooner or later I'm going to just break up with him." She whispered to herself.

Creed looks at her and puts his knife away. "You are very strange." he said and then looks at her. He relaxed a bit although he wasn't sure if he really wanted to stay. This girl refused to move even after he threatened her.
Ari looked back at him."In a bad way?" She asked and sat up hearing Yuki call for her."Ugh. I hate him!" She growled and stood."you staying or coming with?" She asked and smiled before jumping off the roof.(already a witch) She lands on her feet and runs off in the forest jumping over and sliding under trees and stumps. "Ari!" Yuki called looking out the window and watching her run off."Hey you sir! "Yuki climbed out the wind carefully trying to make his way to Creed

Shady shrugged and followed Kile. "You have a girlfriend?! "She growled.
Creed looks at Yuki and then stands up. He still had his mask on. He looks at this guy and then looked back at a running Ari. He shrugs and then waits for the other guy to come up. He wasn't sure what to make of that girl and why this guy was now coming up to meet him.

Kile looks at her and then smirks. "Yeah I guess...will that change your mind about me?" he asked and then stopped once they were alone. He looks at her and then crosses his arms. He leans against the wall.

Flower was stuck with Nick and Deathwish at her side...mucxh to her annoyence as she walked around looking around the house. She looked at the food plants growing on the side. She was unsure about everything that was going on. A german shepherd was walking beside Flower and a White lion was laying down watching Flower closely. Both of them were her pets. (BC can't talk in this one. The german shephered's name is hunter.)
Yuki looked at him."You stay away from my daughter! Your going to get her killed! Now go fetch her please? "He asked kindly struggling to keep his balance.

Shady shook her head."do you even love her though? "She asked staring him down.

Thyme tapped deathwish on the shoulder. "Your deathwish right?" She asked this time wearing a blue blindfold.
Creed looks at Yuki and then laughed. "I'm not the problem dear sir..." he smirks and grabs the guy by his shirt holding him up in the air away from the roof so the only thing below Yuki was a three story drop onto the hard ground. "She's the one after me...I don't have a problem staying away from her." he said and then laughed. "But you fetch her if you want her." He said and then turned around dropping Yuki on the roof and then jumping into a mysterous window that appeared.

Kile looks at shady and shrugs. "I don't know I like her....can't say I love her. She probably doesn't love me." he said shruging and then looked around. "I don't know...i don't either of us would be heart broken if we broke up." He said.

Deathwish turns around and then looks at Thyme. "Yes I're thyme...the girl from eariler." he said and then looked at Nick who was looking at this girl. While Flower was stopped and distracted but the new girl. He wrapped an arm around her which got him a slap. Deathwish glares at Nick. "WOuld you leave her alone?" he asked of his twin.

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