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My Super-natural friend

Onezie Fellow

One Thousand Club
Plot of the RP -

Arthur is the run of the mile sort of guy whilst in high school - not athletic, not one of the schools top students that scores in high marks at tests or exams. But he is very helpful to his friend he known a few years ago. Looking back at it a few years ago, Arthur just randomly ran into her one day whilst he was doing his chore of the day from his class and before he knew it, the two became good friends in about in a month time. They studied together, they hang out together - the typical stuff they did as good friends.

Now to the present, Arthur still hangs out with her even to this day, but his feelings for her will never remain the same as he seems her as something more. Before he could ask her something, she soon reveals her most dark secret - she is actualy a [insert super-natural creature species here]. He now knows her secret but will he do with this sort of information?

Character layout -



Race: Human or (name of super natural creature)


Powers: (Super-natural character only)


BIO: (can be long or short as you want it to be but make it sound interesting)

Extras: (if necessary)

- This rp is rated PG-13 so scenes of romance is okay but anything that is Mature is censored with kittens and lollipops!

- If there wish to be some action in this rp then just ask me if it wants to be something interesting

- This is fantasy based so reference to anything that is fantasy is okay (as is everything else)

- Have fun and thanks for reading this short list of rules.

Name: Arthur

Age: 17 1/2

Race: Human

Looks: http://www.zerochan.net/1750407

Powers: None

Personality: Arthur is a normal sort of guy, he is friendly around his friends and his most known friend, he is kind hearted and is a anime lover since he has a large collection of manga and anime. He loves sweets, music, warm baths and taking his time.

BIO: Arthur is the normal human in this story of a fantasy high school, he lives with his family and the walk to school is only about 30 minutes on foot. Rather than be like any other guy in the school, he prefers to take his time rather than do it all at once in one whole go (unless it is for a life saving crisis.

Extras: He bakes excellent sweets and he owns a Akita Inu called Flake because the Akita has white snow fur.
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Sammi Ida River


17 yrs old






She can make fire appear out of thin air and control it by her will power


Sammi has a bright attitude and a bubbly demeanor about her, the young female is a social butterfly and loves to interact with others, but stays closets to her friends. Nothing easily upsets her or gets under her skin easily, and she is a good-nature gal. Sammi also tries to look the positive side of most situation.

Though if something usually does upset her, she calms down by walking alone in the park to exert her feelings out. She enjoys spending time with her best friend.


She doesn't have any birth parents, but a couple who knows of her secret, but they're literally a mom and dad to her. They have taken care of her since she was young and they haven't left her side even after she discovered growing in wings. They take extra precaution to take care of her and make sure her secret is well hidden. She walks Arthur to school when he gets her along their way to school.


She is an artistic girl, loves to illustrate, and also doing photography.

Great, let's start a day to school 
Arthur was getting awake by the sound of his alarm clock, he groaned a bit as it was always bugging him, he soon turns it off before sitting up and gets ready for school - takes a shower, gets dressed before grabbing his breakfast and begins to walking to school, knowing he'll encounter his good friend Sammi.
Her high-heeled boots clicked down the driveway of her home as she stood there waiting for Arthur. She heard the sound of converse tapping on the concrete ground and she looked up to see him, "Morning Arthur!" Sammi flashed a smile to him and fell into step with him as they headed off to school.

"So how was your weekend?" She murmured, her blue eyes glancing over to him.
Arthur looks to Sammi, still chewing on his breakfast. "Hi Sammi, the weekend is always the same, but it was a bit exciting since I gave Flake his usual walk," he mentions to her.
"I feel like asking my parents for a pet too." She mumbled, placing the point of her index finger to the bottom of her jaw looking up at the blue sky before averting her gaze back to Arthur, "We should go to lake during the weekened sometime again! I love boating, water skiing, and swinging off a rope to jump into the lake" Sammi smiled, "Maybe Flake can come along as well. He may enjoy it as much as we do"
Arthur nodded. "Yeah, he sure does love the water, I'll bring him around time we go to the lake." He said, soon taking a bite of his breakfast and swallowing it. "Anyways, how was your weekend?" he asked her.
"Went out of town to see some of the family about three hours away." She murmured, lacing her fingers together on the back of her head as her boots continued to clack on the ground. As the two of them approached the school, one or two people called Sammi out and she waved at them, smiling, "Ready for Mr. Charles government class?" She smirked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
Arthur smiled, finishing his breakfast and puts his dirty tissue that has crumbs of his breakfast into a bin, he continues to walk along side Sammi, he looks to her to see her smile. He love that smiles of her, everything about her but he never really had a good chance to tell her any of those things.
They walked through the doors of the school and headed to class before the last minute crowd came in. As they arrived to the class together Sammi took her seat and sighed putting her head down, "Unfortunately, I got home really late yesterday all tuckered out, and I didn't get much of sleep either." She looked up with her blue eyes over to Arthur, "Keeps tab on me so I don't fall asleep on Mr. Charles that he comes slamming a ruler down on the desk."

((Gotta go to work. I'll be back on later tonight.))
((I'll be on tomorrow since it's getting late on my end))

"Will do," he says to her, sitting down on the desk next to hers, stretching a bit as he was sitting down.
"Thank you." She sang in a quiet little voice and giggled before the bell to begin first period rang. The rest of the students took their seats and a tall lanky teacher walked in with a briefcase and a book in hand. Sammi noted that it wasn't Mr. Charles the instant the man walked in. She actually sat up a bit to hear him speak.

"Good morning fellow students, Mr. Charles couldn't make it today due to the immediate death of a family member, so he had to take care of business quickly. As for now, he won't be here for this next week, so I'll be in his place, my name is Mr. Dusk." He spoke, giving a friendly smile to the class. Sammi's blue eyes narrowed and her nose crinkled, "I don't feel a good vibe from this man."
Arthur looks to her, seeing her sitting to see the new teacher. "What makes you say that?" He whispers to her quietly to not draw Dusk's attention.
Her hands clenched and she let out a sigh, "I can't tell you now. At least until we get out of school and we're within my house." Sammi murmured before her blue eyes glanced over to him, "I'll explain everything later. I promise." Her gaze averted back to the black board as Mr. Dusk wrote on the board a topic, and instructing the class to write their opinion about it.

(If you want we can skip to later on when they get off from school)
(Haha all right)

"If you like you're more than welcome to stay for dinner." Sammi murmured as they made their way over to her house as school finished up for the day. She shifted the weight of her messenger bag and sighed quietly, feeling a bit uneasy, especially when Mr. Dusk showed up in the classroom. Throughout school today she had a hard time trying to keep a grip.
"I would like that, I haven't had any of your moms' cooking in a while," Arthur mentions, looking at Sammi to see he was a bit uneasy from the encounter of the Dusk kind.
She gave a small smile and unlocked her front door walking in, "Mom! Dad! I'm home and Arthur is here as well!" Sammi yelled out, unzipping her boots and pulling them off. A tall man with pepper colored hair walked in with a small box and smiled, "Welcome home sweeite and Arthur! Nice to see you again, how are your parents doing?"
"My parents are doing just as fine sir," he told, smiling as he took off his shoes and places them next to Sammi's unzipped boots.
A woman with mouse brown hair appeared from around the corner of a doorframe and she smiled, "Sammi! Hello dear! Oh and a hello to you as well Arthur, I am assuming you're going to be joining us for dinner tonight?" Sammi gave a small smile and turned to her dad, "Hey can I talk to you privately for a few minutes?"

"Sure! Arthur you can stay with Mrs. River, Sammi and I need a few minutes." He averted his gaze to the male. The young female gave a quick squeeze to Arthur's hand and smiled, "This shouldn't be long." And she walked off, following her dad to his study.
Arthur nodded, going to the room with Mrs.River, sitting down on a chair. "How have you been Mrs. Rivers?" I asked her, looking to the mouse brown hair woman.
"Very well myself! Just working, doing house cleaning on my days off, a typical work mom!" She smiled as she placed a lidded pot into the oven to bake. She pulled off the oven mits and leaned back against the counter, "My, I can't believe how much you two grown. One so beautiful and and the other such a handsome young man!" She laughed quietly.


When he shut the door of the study he turned to see Sammi and she looked paler than usual, he came up to her and rubbed her hair, "You saw something didn't you?" She gave a quiet nod of her head, "The man who kept appearing in my dreams, over and over again, the same face I see right before he kills me in my dreams. I saw him today subbing for Mr. Charles, I think it may all start becoming true." He gave a sigh and then she mumbled, "Should I tell Arthur? It's been years now and I haven't said anything once." Her father gave her a hug, "It's up to you to tell him. But will he still see you the same afterwards?"

"I dunno." She whimpered. 
((Gotta go, I don't know when I'll be back. Dx))
Arthur showed a sign of a small blush at the comment of the handsome young man. "Well, I do make sure to look after myslef and all, but I think Sammi is the who changed more than I did." He stated. 
((oh okay, take care))
"Nonsense!" Mrs. River smiled and then Sammi and her dad returned to the kitchen in time as the food was finished up cooking. She turned around to pull the casserole out of the oven and placed it on the kitchen, "My, my, I hope I made enough. If not we can always order pizza!" She laughed. Sammi shook her head smiling and turned to Arthur, "Let's dig in.'

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