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Realistic or Modern My summer on the farm [Ic]

Naya felt the bumpy road as she and a social services agent traveled to the farm where she was supposed to remain for some time. She understood why she had to be there and honestly didn't mind it one bit. It was better than scavenging for food when she was with her grandfather. the car slowly came to a stop as she quickly opened the door getting her stuff out ready to take on the day. Thoughts of what the kids and the staff were going to be like came and went as the car drove off and she looked out in front of her taking her first step out to her new taking of life.

The southern area and smells made her expression scrunch into one of disgust as she walked to the designated area to meet. Her outfit was a bit city and country inspired with leather country boots and comfy leggings with a denim jacket and white shirt. It was simple for her taste but enough for what they required. As she arrived to the stairs a smirk spread across her face as their already seemed to be people conversing and getting ready to start introductions.

"Well hey there cuties." She said speaking in an obviously fake southern accent disguising her bronx accent. Naya made her way toward some kids seating on the bench and sat with them smiling.

Dak Dak Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
F068D4D1-3877-4CEE-93FB-AEC607841E3B.jpeg Luna nodded and her eye brows raised.
“Oh lord I completely forgot about the rodeo! Shit, that means I gotta help Daddy get ready for his bit. Ugh, I hate findin a good calf for him, it makes me feel bad for the babes.”
She groaned and wrinkled her nose. But at Colts next comment, she snapped her eyes the the guy who just walked in. She smiled playfully at Colt and shook her head.
“He’s cute, but I don’t mess around with these boys, they’re trouble.”
She laughed lightly but did let her eyes wander over the guy who stared at her. Luna could look, but she refused to get emotionally involved in any of these people.
Her eyes also drifted to a boy who had spoken up on the porch earlier about being locked out. He wasn’t too bad either. Luna noticed some very cute girls as well, but most had the worst resting bitch face she had ever seen. So far it was a rough crowd.
Jason grabbed a plate of food and leaned against a wall as he ate. "I wonder if the cowboy hats are mandatory." he thought out loud. After a moment he realized he vocalized and looked around embarrassed, hoping no one had heard. He tried to nonchalantly continue to eat, but opted to just set his mostly eaten plate down instead. He turned his head as a girl walked in and cheerfully, if a tad fake, greeted everyone. He looked her up and down and gave a cocky smile as he had everyone else so far. He began to get a little restless so his leg started to shake just in the slightest. Without even realizing it began singing very softly. With everyone talking around him it would be difficult to hear, but if one was paying attention they would notice. Jason didn't even realize he was doing it as in his mind he was coming up with stories behind each face, trying to figure out what each teen did to wind up here.
SpicyCakuu SpicyCakuu Luna_Marie Luna_Marie ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki taliaangeni taliaangeni Lazy Taco Lazy Taco FireMaiden FireMaiden lette lette
She started feeling boxed in, and slowly tried to fade away from the group of other criminals and country bumpkins. Good lord, this was going to be a long summer. The front door could be heard opening and closing as she went outside, searching for her black bookbag. Danielle thought that maybe she could deal with just a little bit, but no. She took out the bottle from earlier and her phone, risking going back inside. She decided to keep away fdonthe group this time, taking small sips of her "flavored water" while playing a game on her phone.

Danielle hated social interaction of really any kind, but knew that she'd have to deal with it. There was no escaping unless she ran away, but she only brought a little bit of cash and that was to fuel her addiction when ever she could leave the farm. She had her fake ID and everything. It was top quality too. Looking up from the puzzle game to breakfast, she wrinkled her nose. Yeah, this was going to be a long summer.
"Hey!" Dani protested cheerfully as her at fell. She stuck her tongue out "i know where you live" she tried to sound serious but bits of laughter slipped out. She looked over to him "the party is going to be crazier then last year" . This summer was going to be interesting. As they made it to the porch she notticed all of the different luggage "we got some character's this year" she sighed before going inside she passed a girl off too the side. The look in her water bottle and the smell of booze made her take a couple steps back. "Goodlord" she whispered "listen if your gonna drink out a water bottle, use vodka less suspicious. And you don't do it around southerners with a nose like a blood hound" she reached her hand out for the bottle before anyone notticed.
Boondox Boondox FireMaiden FireMaiden

Colt shrugged "its a week or so away you got time".
A wicked grin spread acrossed his face "aw come on i bet they aint all bad" "hell only a little worse then us". He looked at luna with squinted eyes "that didn't stop you last year with the boy from Jersey" he teased knowing it would ruffle her feathers. He watched Dani and tyson walk in it's gonna be one of those summers he thought to himself with a sigh. He eas gonna try and get dani hook on someone else for awhile, he was tired of seeing her hurt everytime tyson left for the season. He looked at everyone silently.
Luna_Marie Luna_Marie

Mr Reed straightened up when Dani and Tyson walked in. "That's my daughter Dani, her and Colton will be the ones you interact most with while your here. Since they are both here you can start introducing yourselves". He leaned back against the counter waiting to see who would be the bravest one.
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Danielle didn't mind much that she was caught, but it this chick was annoying. Just, something about her. When she stuck out her hand waiting for her to hand over the booze. And she did. Well, sorta. Staring Dani straight in the eyes, she downed the remaining Bourbon in one goe, than handed over th water bottle with a smile. Mr.Reed said something about introductions. Being the little shit she is, Danielle decided to go first. "Hello everyone, I'm Danielle Salem," The girl said. Okay, so she wasn't that bad, but still. lette lette
Tyson Thomas Black

Following her with a sly grin at her "threatening" remark about how she knew where he lived he rolled his eyes. Before he was able to comment back however she began talking about the party "Yeah I am looking forward to it! Do we have to dress semi-formal like last year for gods sake?" Tyson grinned as he teased her again, nudging her softly with his elbow. The sun beating down on the two was quite hot but Tyson was more then happy to be home.

As they reached the house, Tyson alao took a quick glance down at the luggage an sighed lightly "I hope we get to spend abit more time together then last years program" He muttered to her quietly as they then pushed through the front door. As soon as Tysons steel toed boots began thudding against the old wooden floor his nostrils were struck by an awful stench, Dani's must have smelt it too as she turned to confront a girl who had been standing a few paces away from everyone else. At the young womans attitude toward Dani he could only chuckle as he knew Dani would put her in her place quickly. This little delinquent was the first to state her name and Tyson decided to speak up after her "I'm Tyson, I help out the Reed family almost every year" He looked down to Dani an smirked, leaning on her he placed his arm up on her shoulder, again trying to pester her.
lette lette
Nari stood back as people served themselves to food, despite starving and the smell of the food was making her mouth water. However long time with her father had taught her painfully not to assume she was welcomed to anything, even if it was obvious. Even if she was invited, she would always wait for other to have first and be left with the remains. Just sit down and get some food, they won't do anything to you. She said to herself but her body didn't seem to want to move, as if weighed down by a lead weight. She tried again to convince herself to move but she wouldn't budge.
Danis nose flaired with anger "your in my neck of the woods darlin remember that". She ignored the bottle as she tried to put it in her hands letting it fall to the floor. She watched as the girl introduced herself "oh great another Danielle" she whispered her mood changed as Tyson introduced himself and leaned in her "i am not a leaning post" she tried to push him off with no luck. She was laughing untill ahe notticed colt giving Tyson dirty looks before looking away. She wondered if Tyson notticed. She tried to shake the thought from her head She looked at everyone "I'm Dani ill be teaching you everything" she smiled sweetly. "And to answer someone's question" she giggled "no cowboy hats are not mandatory but boots are and we have provided them for you in your cabin"
Boondox Boondox FireMaiden FireMaiden PenguinFox PenguinFox Everyone Everyone
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After chewing the last piece of her bacon the plate was clean. Victoria listened to a few others introduce themselves but when it lagged she shrugged and volunteered. She smoothed the loose pieces of hair from her face. "Victoria." That was all that was needed, right? Hopefully they wouldn't be doing any ice breakers.

She looked around the room and studied the people within. Only a few looked like they came from money while the others....didn't look it. When Dani mentioned the boots being provided, Victoria's nose scrunched in distaste. What is they were used? What if someone's feet had actually sweated inside where her foot was going to be? DIsgusting.
Danielle scoffed, and rolled her eyes. Like some country girl was gonna scare her. Danielle has been through actual hell, so this Dani wasn't gonna knock her down a peg or two; she was already rock bottom. I mean seriously, she's an alcholic who can't even legally buy alcohol. Maybe she could get some help here but...Danielle shrugged off the thoughts. Nothing here was gonna help her. Looking towards the other Danielle, she glared. They defiantly wouldn't get along. In fact, Danielle was positive she wouldn't get along with anyone here. Just the way it goes. lette lette PenguinFox PenguinFox taliaangeni taliaangeni Boondox Boondox ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Lazy Taco Lazy Taco Luna_Marie Luna_Marie SpicyCakuu SpicyCakuu
Austin was sitting next to the Danielle that was drinking the "flavored water". He was close enough to smell that it wasn't water in there. He continued to eat the food. He watched as everyone was introducing. "Oh great, we get to dress like these simpletons." He thought to himself. He looked around, this time taking in who looked well enough.

He was going to for sure talk with the person next to him about the alcohol. Blackmail could be used when it comes to getting something he wanted. He finished up the food he had. It was rather good, probably one of the few home cooked meals that wasn't made by some wait staff. No, this was made by them. He stood up and walked by a few members and dropped off his plate in the kitchen.

For everything to work, he would have to act like an angel, well not an angel, but someone who had changed their ways. He smiled with his back turned to the group. "This is gonna be too easy..." He thought to himself again. He cleaned his plate with soap and water and set it out to dry.

After he walked back into the room with the group. He sat down and noticed no one talk. "I guess I'll go next.... Ummm. My name is Austin, Austin Swinddle. I come from New York, New York. I was caught stealing from one of my mom's coworker..." He said giving a small smile. "I'd never really did anything like this before so I figured Some hard labor would set me straight..." He said trying to act honest.

He looked to Mr.Reed. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to set myself straight, and to take me into your house." He said giving a warm smile.
1CA993AA-EB83-43FE-BB49-E13E591D520E.jpeg Luna listened quietly to some introductions and watched the behaviors of each individual. Her eyes flashed over Dani and Ty and then gave a quick roll. Luna and Colt never held a doubt about something going on between those two. She moved on and nodded after each person spoke. When the room fell silent after the Austin kid, she took it upon herself to speak up.
“Mornin everyone. I’m Luna, I live down the road and will be helpin y’all out this summer. If you need anythin at all, don’t hesitate to come to me, love. I’ll also be showin you some of the chores you’ll be doin later on.”
Her lips slowly perked into a mischievous smile that reached her eyes. She crossed her arms casually over her chest and made eye contact with a few of the teens in the room.
Jason once again looked to the door as it opened to see what must be two locals judging by how they were dressed. He had to force himself to look away though because he knew he would have started to stare if he didn't. The girl, who shortly introduced herself as Dani, was gorgeous for lack of a better term. He scratched the back of his head when she subtly hinted at hearing his earlier blunder. He tried to focus on introductions to see what type of people was going to be here. The one called Danielle seemed to be rough around the edges but probably not a bad person underneath the layers. The Reed children seemed fine, especially Dani. He immediately didn't like the looks of Tyson, but that was probably for stupid reasons so Jason was willing to give the guy a chance. Victoria seemed like the typical rich kid type, not unreasonable but obnoxious for sure. Luna seemed like one of the friendliest people Jason had ever met and could see being friends with her outside of this kind of situation. Finally there was Austin. There was something about him. He was already kissing up. Either he was an annoying goody two shoes who somehow wound up here or he was trying to play everyone. Jason made a mental note to keep an eye on him.

Seeing no one else speaking he stood up straight and cleared his throat. "I guess it's my turn for this AA meeting type thing. I'm Jason Marshall. Don't call me Marshall. I'm here because things cost money that I didn't feel like paying." he gave a small joking smile and went back to leaning against the wall after a small shrug. Luna_Marie Luna_Marie lette lette Boondox Boondox Dak Dak FireMaiden FireMaiden taliaangeni taliaangeni ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Tyson Thomas Black

Smirking alittle as Dani faught against him he rolled his eyes playfully before renoving his arm from her shoulder, crossing them over his chest he then glanced around the room. Catching the looks from the corner of his eye he shot a look toward Luna and colt before looking back to the teens around the table. It wasn't his fault that the Rodeo was how he made most of his money, aside from working on cars in his spare time. Turning his attention to each teen as they introduced themselves he then caught another look being shot his way from colton. Grumbling under his breath Tyson looked to Dani "I am going to tack up Santos.. I'll be waiting to help escort these guys to the cabins" With that he playfully swatted her hat once more before heading for the door.

Almost boiling over with rage, Tyson made his way back to the trailer where Santos was tied, drinking from the water bucket at his hooves. Tyson smiled an gave his horse a pat before opening the side door to the front of the trailer, a storage spot for his tack. Grabbing the black and bright hunter orange saddle pad, its pattern looking like a checker board as he tossed it onto Santos' back an pulling it up onto his whithers. Stepping back into the trailer he grasped the black western saddle and matching black western bridal. Tossing the bridal over his arm he then lifted the saddle up onto the pad, pulling the pad up into the hole under the horn of the saddle. Fastening all the straps an the girth he then unclipped santos' halter an slipped the birdal on his head, gripping the bit bu the edges as the stallion opened his mouth an the bit slid in nicely. Tossing the split reins over the bar on the trailer he then went back to find the black breast plate, containing flashy bright oragne jewels all along it. Clipping both ends to either side of the saddle he then grasped the tail and knelt down infront of his horse an clipped it to the ring on the girth that was placed just inbetween his front legs but back on the girth that was hugging the front of his belly. Santos tossed his head excitedly as Tyson tossed the reins onto the horn of the saddle before pulling himself up. Adjusting his seat he picked up the reins in a single hand an began just casually walking around the property, waiting on everyone else. He was tired of getting looked at, an he wasn't going to start a scene on the first day.​
lette lette
Nari listened silently to the various conversations going not participating in any herself but smiled in amusement at the question about cowboy hats. She rembered when she was a young kid thinking of wearing a cowboy head to be the greatest thing yet. Maybe she will wear one finally, she wondered how she would look with one. She soon realised conversation had turned to introduction and became terrified at the prospect of attention turning to her. She remained quite taking in the names and details. She was particularly drawn to Luna, she seemed to be so kind and confident as well as pretty. She wished she could be like her.

The number of unintroduced campers seemed to be dwindling and soon she knew it would be her turn. She took a deep breath figuring she might as well nip it in the bud. "Eh...Hi... I am Nari..." She began stammering a little. "Am korean in origin but lived mostly in Sacramento... Eh...I am here because I have been convicted for domestic assault and battery against my father... It should have been the other way around" She said becoming bitter near the end.
Lawrence sighed as he listened to everyone of them introduce themselves, before deciding to just stand up and leave, being that he really didn't feel like introducing himself at all. It really wasn't his thing at all, sure he could had been at jail but his parents had forced him to decide on coming here, which felt like a bad idea. He wasn't cut out for country life, he was someone that lived on the city. He didn't come here to be friends with anyone, he had come here to work. Friends weren't needed here after all, because once they left, everything would go back to normal and he would start his career on drawing. Being that he had left the others inside introducing each, he went looking around the farm, interestingly watching each of the animals that the family here owned. He had always been interested on Horses, mostly because the only time he had seen them had been with the police.
Dani smiled and smiled watched as everyone introduced theme self. When Tyson flipped her hat and went out she knew why. Colt was always trying to protect her just at the wrong times. She knew Colt thought she put her life on hold. When in reality she did, she put her life on hold for a guy she wasn't even dating. Sure she dated people occasionally but nothing serious. She sighed. She took one more look around. Some of them were pretty cute. She waited for everyone to introduce them self. She even notticed the boy slip out bit didn't go after him. "Okay well it looks like everyone is finishing up if yall wanna follow me we will go to the cabins, your names will be on the doors."

Colt watched and observed. He wasn't going to introduce himself. His dad had told them his name that's all they needed to know. He watched Tyson as he left. He felt bad for feeling the way he did bit he was his sisters protector and he was tired of seeing her hurt and wasting her life. He notticed dani had gotten into an argument with one if the girls after downing what ever she had. He figured it was booze. Alot of the girls here were good looking. He followed his sister out the door waiting on the others.
Tyson Thomas Black

A heavy thudded rhythm of hooves against the dirt driveway could be heard echoing off into the warm air as Santos cantered toward the house, Tyson adjusting his hat with his free hand as his other held onto the reins calmly. The stallions ears were perked an nostrils flaring, taking in all the familiar smells of home. As they came closer to the house Tyson sat back slightly in his seat an Santos slowed to a walk. Dani came into view an Santos couldn't help but lift his head high an neigh to her, pulling on the reins alittle as he wanted to reach her. Tyson checked back on the black leather reins, Santos gave a snort in protest but obeyed his rider an kept his steady walk. Reaching the porch, the brute came to an easy halt as the pair waited for everyone to get outside.

Tyson looked to Dani an sighed "Dani... You know I care about you.. Right?" Tyson had always cared alot for Dani but he knew her families approval meant alot to her, he just wanted to assure her that he really did care about her.. More then a good friend.
lette lette
Dani walked down the stairs to the impatient horse "hey buddy" she said reaching him and rubbing his nose. She looked up at Tyson "i know you do" she shrugged "he does too". She knew what had brought all this on. She put her head against santos "you know i care about you" she peered up at Tyson "I'll keep waiting" she shrugged before giving the horse a kiss and turning around to wait for everyone as they came out "light the fire under your asses guys your burnin day light" she called out to them.
Boondox Boondox @ everyone
Lawrence had a frown on his face as he kept on looking at the animals surrounding the farm. So deciding to draw them, he took out a drawing book from his duffle bag with a pen and started to draw the nearest horse. I mean sure he could had been vandalizing the place by drawing on the wooden area but he didn't want to be caught and be sent to jail, even if he felt was the correct choice that he should had chosen. Plus he didn't feel like doing that to people who where willing to feed him just for work. When he felt that he had finished, he had gone back to where everyone should had been at but only saw the farm girl and some guy. "Yo." He said to them, looking more toward the direction of the girl. "You know what we gonna be doing now? Any work that need to be done or do we have to drop off our thing?" The reason he asked that was because he wanted to do the work, even if it felt troublesome. lette lette
Dani turned her attention to Lawrence, she notticed he was the one that slipped out at introductions she walked over a little "we have to go drop our stuff off, y'all will get a tour today" "work won't start until tomorrow". She wondered why the boy was so ready to work "have you ever worked on a farn before?" She asked innocently not knowing much about him.
Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
EFCC3B18-572D-4472-8AB6-118B6E803D76.jpeg Luna listened and tried to memorize names, keeping a mental check. The Jason kid seemed alright but she was irritated by his introduction, as he out of a joking persona. She didn’t find it funny that he was here, and soon, he wouldn’t either. And the other guy who slipped out before the others was someone she intended on keeping a closer eye on. He wouldn’t be the first kid to sneak off. She also noticed some lingering glances at her from both guys and girls and couldn’t tell their intentions, positive or negative. Luna followed the group out and gave a big sigh to Mr. Reed before disappearing out the door. She skipped off the porch and bounced around the lawn.
“Dani, you want me to take the boys and you take the girls? Vice versa? Or all together?”
She raised her brows and drummed her hands on her thighs. All of this slow moving was making her anxious. Luna was ready to teach them how to do their chores and to be active, it wasn’t in her nature to sit still.
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"Nope but I like hardworking jobs, I had started working on construction and know my way around being a carpenter and a painter, so I'm capable of handling it." Lawrence wasn't saying he was gonna be able to handle the job, but he knew completely how hard work was done. "I'm not saying I'm gonna be able to work well, but I'm gonna be able to handle it." He answered before going quiet as someone else came talking to the girl. lette lette Luna_Marie Luna_Marie

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