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Realistic or Modern My summer on the farm [Ic]

Deciding to try and keep as close as possible to the locals rather than the other criminals Jason followed outside. He figured it was better to be on their side anyway. After all if he was on their good side he could get some kinds a perks. That and he particularly wanted to be close to Dani. Jason remembered hearing somewhere that the more a person is exposed to something, the more they would like it. So it probably worked for people too right? Approaching the small group that had already formed outside he put on a wide grin. "Some real winners in there huh?" he said with a small laugh. "I'm definitely ready to start though." while this was partially just kissing up, it was also true. Jason didn't really like to stand around doing nothing. He got bored and fidgety easily. A constant movement was barely able to sate the teen. It's part of why he got into music; it allows something to be happening at all times. He looked to a teen who must have somehow slipped out because he was definitely inside at one point but didn't introduce himself. "Don't think I caught your name..." he said as more of a statement rather than an inquiry. He didn't want to pressure the guy, but surely a name isn't too hard to say. lette lette Luna_Marie Luna_Marie Boondox Boondox Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
Dani smiled "oh im sure you can handle it". They kid seemed honest enough. She hoped that he would do good here. She turned her attention to luna. "We can take the girls they can thd boys" she motioned to colt and Tyson. She laughed at jason "yeah i guess so, but remember your included im that" she smirked. "We will be getting started soon, i was going to let yall get settled". His comment about the other guy caught her attention. Waiting fof his reply she shot a look at Tyson to see if he was calmed down.

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco PenguinFox PenguinFox Luna_Marie Luna_Marie Boondox Boondox
Tyson Thomas Black

Santos relaxed a hind leg, the hoove resting on its front edge. Tyson raised an eyebrow at the younger man going on about work. Really? You just get here instead of going to jail and you wanna work the first day?! Is this guy being serious? Tyson glanced down at Dani before looking to colt.

As Dani stated the two would be escorting the boys to their cabins, Tyson nodded obediently. However upon waiting for the rest of the group, he noticed one trying to get close to Dani. Rolling his eyes he leaned down on both arms, resting on the horn of the saddle. Tyson was not a fan of this guy already. Flicking his wrist lazily, Santos took a step forward, the velvet soft nose of the horse came to collide with the guys shoulder. As if Santos could feel the tension he pinned both ears an stomped a hoof, snorting as he turned to rub his forehead on Dani's back. Tyson grinned, still leaning on his horn calmly "Santos is a stubborn brute, doesn't really like anyone.. Mind your step near'em" chuckling he sat up in the saddle again an looked to Colt "You riding or walking?" Regardless of his decision, Tyson was still riding.
lette lette PenguinFox PenguinFox
Victoria did as everyone else did by leaving her dishes on the table. Perhaps they had servants here too? Getting up she followed the others outside, just catching the end of their conversation. The smell was back. Hopefully she would become immune to it overtime.

She grabbed the handles on two of her luggage. The two others would have to wait. Her eyes scanned the people waiting to head to the cabins. She'd have to room with one of these people. In all of her life she had never shared anything. It was better than Juvie. Chin going up a notch she sucked it up, stepping forward ready to go to the cabins.
Jason took a step back to stop him self from falling over from the impact of a horses head and looked blankly at the rider of said horse. He let no emotion show as the man explained it was an unfriendly horse. After a few looks between the guy and the animal his gaze rested on the rider and a slow response came from Jason's mouth. "Huh. Brute eh? No worries though." a friendly grin spread across his face. "Beautiful and intelligent creatures tend to warm up to me." Jason glanced to his side quickly before returning to meet the local boy's eyes. Jason's eyebrow raised just the slightest to show he knew the cowboy knew what was going on between the two guys. "But out of respect, I shall keep a safe distance." his smile was friendly and he bowed his head slightly and took a few steps back from the horse so as to not be headbutted again.
Boondox Boondox lette lette Luna_Marie Luna_Marie Lazy Taco Lazy Taco taliaangeni taliaangeni
Dani watched as everything around her unfolded "this is going to be fun" she whispered sarcastically to herself. She felt Santos asking for attention. Spinning around she gave the horse a quick kiss with a giggle. "Alrighty" she said aloud "the cabins arent to far from eachother, but they are far enough so girls this way boys that way" she looked up at tyson with a grin to let him know she knew what he was up to. Spinning on the heal of her boot she was off. She glanced at luna "good to have you back". She gave a sweet smile before turning her attention to the girls " are yall excited". She already knew the answer by the look on their faces.

Colt laughed as Tyson ran his horse into the kid. He had to admit for him not to like the dude he sure had style. He stepped up after his sister was gone"Alright guys, i don't have any welcoming words or anything." He held up a finger before truning his head and digging the dip out his lip and spitting it on the ground. He looked back up "well i guess other then watch your step around here there is stuff alot worse then that". He laughed "im just messin with yall come on". He shrugged to Tyson "i guess ill walk with them". As he they headed out colt couldn't help but feel a bit guilt, him an tyson used to be best friends. He looked back at the group of guys trying not to get to lost in thought. "So have any of yall actually ever been on a farm?" He asked hopeful
Luna groaned and watched the testosterone battle between some of the guys drift silently in the air. She smiled to Dani and followed along, showing the girls the way. Finally she walked into the cabin and gestured broadly to the group.
“Here it is, in all its shining glory!”
Luna looked around the cabin, which had just been cleaned a few days ago yet still somehow managed to look dusty. She patted one of the beds and shoved her hands gently in her pockets. This was her least favorite part of the job, showing people around. Luna liked teaching them how to do their chores, taking them riding, and doing hangouts and parties. The formalities of it all bored her to death.
Tyson Thomas Black

As the young man replied smartly, Tyson only grinned. He wasn't exactly lying about Santos, the cremello stallion had been abused before Tyson found him at a local auction house. It took quite some time for the two to form such a bond that they have now. Tyson and his steed remained at the back of the group. Making sure no one tried to sneak away. The white lasso strapped to his saddle. The response from colton was to be expected, he usually walked with them. At Colts question he raised an eyebrow as none of them replied.

Following along at a steady walk, Tyson was again leaning down on the horn of the saddle. Once to the cabins, Tyson moved him and his horse off to the side, along the tree line. Letting the reins hang on santos' neck, the large brute lowered his head to graze quietly, a warm breeze swept over them as Tyson continued to lazily lean on his ebony saddle.​

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