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Realistic or Modern My summer on the farm [cs]


Name: Quinn Asher Beckett
Age: 17
Appearance: 5'4'' 110lbs.
Crime: Underage Drinking, Aggravated Assault
Where are they from: Born in Slab City

Quinn is a very emotional person. He thinks with his heart more than his head. Creativity is one of his main traits and his talent is a big part of his identity. He is considered an eccentric due to his family being so eccentric. He is an introvert due to caring for so many people. He has never made permanent friends with anyone due to his family being so messed up. He is considered stubborn due to his unwillingness to cooperate. He also is a leader which is a good thing until he doesn't cooperate and so, when everything fails, he falls deep into self hatred and sadness.

Quinn was born in Slab City to a woman and a man who were very free spirits. In one word his parents were hippies. They travelled a lot for his father's work whilst his mother sold her paintings (like they needed the money since both of their inherited money could set them up for life) but they always came back to Slab City. It was home.

The artistic side in Quinn was shown fairly early on. When he was 4 he asked for piano lessons from his father. After a while he said he didn't like it but would like to play something that the Beatles played. He started learning ukulele at first as the guitar was too big for him and he had to get used to his fingers against the strings.

When he was 7 and at Long Beach he met some kids who could also play instruments. They became friends and said that when they were older that they'd form a band. He said yes but a few days later they had to move away again. It was at this point when he realised that friends would never really stay.

At 9 he started playing guitar and he loved it. It was the happiest he'd ever been. He started playing and singing in front of others when he was 10 and his love for performing grew from there. He never stopped playing.

That was until his mother collapsed. Quinn never forgot that day. He was 13. It was a rainy day in the middle of nowhere. They were enjoying some much needed time away when his mother was rushed into hospital. She was diagnosed with leukaemia a few months back but didn't seek treatment for it. She was waiting for the right time to tell them but she couldn't. They tried lots of treatment. Quinn hoped that the disease would just go into remission but after a while she didn't want to go through with it anymore. Her husband and son soon learned that she was going to die and she wanted to go.

Six months later his mother passed away. The Beckett boys grieved in different ways. Whilst Cosmo was burying himself in work, Quinn was doing lots of different stuff such as music and art therapy, self-help, talking to professionals, and more extremes like drugs, alcohol and sex which is how he knew he was gay.

The word went around that he got high and slept with guys so one older guy came up to him one night and tried to get with him. He said he didn't want it and so when he didn't leave he beat him up. He wasn't high that night, only drunk so he got away with drug usage but was taken in by the cops for underage drinking and assault. He was taken to court by the guy but he didn't get tried as an adult due to his mental state being fractured. He was given a chance to go to do community service and he said okay.
Likes: Night Time, Dogs, Ice Cream
Dislikes: Clowns, Small Spaces, Coffee
What they hope to gain from this experience: He isn't sure. He's just here to avoid being tried as an adult in court.

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Colton Reed
Appearance: standing at 5'9 he'stall slender and muscular. Always wearing boots and a ball cap. If he is wearing a shirt its probably a tank top and hos faded jeans with a ring in the back from his dip can.
Age: 18
Crime: N/A
Where are they from: Born and raised right on the farm.
Personality: He is very friendly when you get to know him. When you first meet him he is quite and stand offish. He likes to keep to himself for the most part but will always be watching from afar . He is loyal to the bone and will work untill he can't anymore. He's not quick to warm up to people but over time always surprises people.

History: Growing up on the farm was the best thing that could ever happen. His earliest memories were of him working the farm along side his dad and siblings. He had the perfect home life great friend's and was living every kids dream in this small little town. When his mom left thing's shifted a bit. He will never forget the day being 8 at the time. The look on hos dad's face still haunts him. One morning his mom got up packed her clothes and left, they came in that morningfor breakfast and all they found was a note. His dad took it bad for awhile,he started to close up and become distant. One morning like the blink of an eye it's like he reslized he couldn't raise kids like that, he was back. Him and his dad became best friends. Highschool yesrs came and he found his love for bull riding joining the local highschool team. From that point on of he wasn't working he was rinding or training. He decided to graduate early to help out more on the farm. He was 16 at the time. He was part of his local rodeo in town. His dreams were to go big. He was going to hop on the circet the first chance he got. That was the year his dad told them they were a bit behind and needed more income. He put his dreams up for a later date and stayed to help. Now every dime he makes in the rodeo goes to the farm. Him and his sister are also the leaders of this "rehab" camp their dad started. With as much money as they were getting it was hard to turn it down. He really didn't mind helping but some of the people that came were down right horrible. Teaching them anything was like talking to a brick wall. In the end he always manages to get through it, and if atleast one person learns something he is happy.

+hard workers


What he hopes to gain: he hopes to atleast help one person get back on the right path.

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Danielle Reed
Appearance: slender standing at 5'1. She is always wearing boots or going barefoot. Depending onwhat she is doing she will be in shorts or pants and a tank top.
Crime: N/A
Where are they from: from the heart of the farm
Personality: Loud and outspoken with a wild and crazy heart. She has her heart on her sleeve and her heas in the clouds. She is always looking for the good in people. She is very witty and picks up on things quick.

History: Growing up in a house full of boys made her very tomboyish. Hints the nick name Dani. Alot of people think her dad has 3 boys when he names them. The shock on their faces when it's her makes her laugh. From the time she can remember she was following her dad and brothers around helping on the farm. All a while her mom was calling after her to come help her in the kitchen. Her mom was never happy that she was into working and horse riding more then she was cooking and sewing. After her mom left she was honestly a bit relieved. She could be herself. With all that being said things did turn slightly. Little 8 year old her was now working the farm and helping cook and clean. She wanted to help her dad as much as possible. As time went on things got easier, they all took turns and helped out. When she wasn't working she was on a horse. That was her favorite thing in the world. When her brother joined the rodeo she found the joy of trick riding. She fell inlove imidietly and started practicing every chance she got. That was all in fun because she knew her heart was on the farm. She stared helping her dad with everything. She learned finances and the ends and out of everything. She like her brother graduated early to help. She knew the farm was coming to her one day and she wanted to be prepared. When her dad started this program she didn't like it, as time went on she found herself more involved then she ever thought she would be.


-lazzy people
- snobs

What she hopes to gain: She wantsto teach and make a difference in someones life.

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Name: Quinn Asher Beckett
Age: 17
Appearance: 5'4'' 110lbs.
Crime: Underage Drinking, Aggravated Assault
Where are they from: Born in Slab City

Quinn is a very emotional person. He thinks with his heart more than his head. Creativity is one of his main traits and his talent is a big part of his identity. He is considered an eccentric due to his family being so eccentric. He is an introvert due to caring for so many people. He has never made permanent friends with anyone due to his family being so messed up. He is considered stubborn due to his unwillingness to cooperate. He also is a leader which is a good thing until he doesn't cooperate and so, when everything fails, he falls deep into self hatred and sadness.

Quinn was born in Slab City to a woman and a man who were very free spirits. In one word his parents were hippies. They travelled a lot for his father's work whilst his mother sold her paintings (like they needed the money since both of their inherited money could set them up for life) but they always came back to Slab City. It was home.

The artistic side in Quinn was shown fairly early on. When he was 4 he asked for piano lessons from his father. After a while he said he didn't like it but would like to play something that the Beatles played. He started learning ukulele at first as the guitar was too big for him and he had to get used to his fingers against the strings.

When he was 7 and at Long Beach he met some kids who could also play instruments. They became friends and said that when they were older that they'd form a band. He said yes but a few days later they had to move away again. It was at this point when he realised that friends would never really stay.

At 9 he started playing guitar and he loved it. It was the happiest he'd ever been. He started playing and singing in front of others when he was 10 and his love for performing grew from there. He never stopped playing.

That was until his mother collapsed. Quinn never forgot that day. He was 13. It was a rainy day in the middle of nowhere. They were enjoying some much needed time away when his mother was rushed into hospital. She was diagnosed with leukaemia a few months back but didn't seek treatment for it. She was waiting for the right time to tell them but she couldn't. They tried lots of treatment. Quinn hoped that the disease would just go into remission but after a while she didn't want to go through with it anymore. Her husband and son soon learned that she was going to die and she wanted to go.

Six months later his mother passed away. The Beckett boys grieved in different ways. Whilst Cosmo was burying himself in work, Quinn was doing lots of different stuff such as music and art therapy, self-help, talking to professionals, and more extremes like drugs, alcohol and sex which is how he knew he was gay.

The word went around that he got high and slept with guys so one older guy came up to him one night and tried to get with him. He said he didn't want it and so when he didn't leave he beat him up. He wasn't high that night, only drunk so he got away with drug usage but was taken in by the cops for underage drinking and assault. He was taken to court by the guy but he didn't get tried as an adult due to his mental state being fractured. He was given a chance to go to do community service and he said okay.
Likes: Night Time, Dogs, Ice Cream
Dislikes: Clowns, Small Spaces, Coffee
What they hope to gain from this experience: He isn't sure. He's just here to avoid being tried as an adult in court.


Name: Jason Marshall
Nickname: Some people call him Marshall but he rather they didn't
Age: 18

Appearance: At 6 foot and 135 pounds he's fairly thin for his height but he's clearly not weak. Most of his mass is muscle and while he isn't bodybuilder, he can carry his own weight so to speak. He doesn't have a six pack, but what muscle he does have is defined. His hair is usually messily spiked up, done so by just running his hand through it a couple times. If left unchecked stubble grows on his chin.

Crime: Theft and possession of an unlicensed firearm
Where are they from: New York and Chicago

Personality: Jason has learned to be an actor so he usually appears to be confident or even cocky to those who don't know him. While he sometimes is very confident of himself, in general it can be said he is shy. Since he knows how shy he can actually be he makes it a point to appear as confident as possible. If he is comfortable with a person his truest self will shine through; a fun loving goof off. The two things in the world Jason really wants is a good time, and other to smile. He'll crack jokes with you, have fun, and do crazy things to get you to smile. If someone else is happy he feels accomplished. Of course only his friends see this side of him, everyone else gets the act.

History: Born into a military family Jason grew up moving around a lot. He was originally born in New York City and spent several years there growing up. He's been all around the country as a child and teen; Phoenix, Hawaii, Denver, LA and most recently Chicago. With the constant moves Jason learned to be distant with people, and with all the cities he was in his most common facade is one of a cocky tough guy. Being that his father was military rules were pretty strict and Jason had two options; rebellious or crushingly obedient. He tried the obedience and it worked well for him for a long time, but life is never easy. When he was 14 everything began to seem pointless. He went to a doctor and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. He never told his parents, but he did become rebellious instead.

After several years of becoming increasingly rebellious Jason fell in with the wrong crowd and his father was not happy. Having suspicions that Jason was stealing he confronted him and found hundreds of dollars of things he pick-pocketed, including his prize possession; a silver harmonica. That's when his father started hitting him. Jason's depression got worse with the abuse but he kept up the rebellious tough guy act. After 'acquiring' a handgun from a gang 'friend' he put it in a drawer along with a cable and a razor blade. He skipped school one day and went to a music store. Music was one of the only things making him happy anymore and he had his eyes on a beautiful guitar. Unfortunately he was more of a pickpocket than a shoplifter and was caught trying to steal the takamine eg569c fxc thinline acoustic-electric. After a search of his room and a trip to the courtroom it was decided that a sort of rehabilitation would be more suited to him than jail time. Jason is only partially grateful to his lawyer. While he isn't in jail, the lawyer had to reveal Jason's mental health to do so.

Likes: Music of all kinds | Cats and catnip | Yo-Yo's | Toothpicks | Movies
Dislikes: Pitying him | Being a burden to other or people worrying about him | Actual Arrogance | Reading | Chocolate
What they hope to gain from this experience: Jason hopes to be able to stay longer than scheduled, going back home doesn't sound like a good option to him. While not against hard work he'd rather not, but if it builds up his muscle it all works out.​
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Name: Danielle Salem
Age: 18
Appearnce: Danielle stands at 5'5", weighs 148 pounds, and has a toned, hourglass figure. She's been blessed with the same shapely figure of her mother.
Crime: Vandalism, Underage Drinking, Shoplifting, Assault
Where are they from: Harlem, New York
Personality: Intense is one way to put it. She's distant, cold, angry, very untrusting. Danielle isn't the most pleanst of people. It takes a long time for her to warm up to people, and she isn't pleased when she's forced to interact socially. She only ever feels comfortable with someone if they are quiet, or she seems them as okay right off the bat. When you break through the many walls she has built over the years, you'll see a girl with emotional and me take damage she's been ignoring. She's kind, but sparingly so, blunt even to her friends.
History: Lets just say, she's been doomed for the start. Her mother, a 14 year old highschooler at the time of her birth, left Danielle in an alleyway outside of her apartment building in, forgetting about Danielle. A passing couple, who had recently had a child of their own, but couldn't leave an infant like that. She grew up with Mr and Mrs Salem, with her sister Aniya. Despite growing up with an African American family as a little white girl, she never questions that they were her the family. And, she was very much aware of who her mother was, and actually, in an awkward two days, her mother was her babysitter when she was three. Of course, she didn't know it.

When she started school, it was very clear she was different. She never did interact with the other children like a normal child, and had a knack for manipulation. She was everyones friend, but noboys friend at the same time. And it would remain like this for her entire school carreer. At the age of 7, her and Aniya got a baby brother, Malic. But soon after his birth, tragedy struck the family as Aniya and Danielle were both kidnapped, an unfortunately common occurrence.

There was a local man, a creepy gross man who would watch them while they played outside or would come and try to pick them up at school. Aniya was trusting, but Danielle would always keep her away from him. He was responsible for their disappearance, and for over two months kept them in his basement, doing things to them that are better left unmentioned. They returned different people, which is understandable. Aniya and Danielle became extremely close, and the friends they had somewhat differed away from them.because of their parents fear. Mainly, because the girls were returned to the hospital, the identity of the man who dropped them off unknown, and the girls weren't talking. They had been threatened into silence.

It wouldn't be until they were 13, with the disappearance of another pair of little girls, and Aniya's attempt of suicide that the came forward. The man finally got what he deserved, fought with the girls still in his basement. Aniya however couldn't live with the memories, and committed suicide freshman year of highschool. It destroyed Danielle, she cut everyone including her family off for nearly an entire year before she began to open up again. 11th and 12th grade was rough. She lashed out, and even got into a fight with three guys, started drinking heavily, shoplifters a few things, and smashed some mailboxes. Which, is why she's been sent to the farm

Likes: Thunderstorms, Coffee, Pizza, Anime, Rainy Weather in general, animals, naps
Dislikes: Rape Culture, rude people, questions about what happened to her, the boys who's asses she kicked
What they hope to gain from this experience: Nothing really, she thinks this place is stupid. Though, she kinda wants some help with her alcoholism even if she won't admit it.
Extra: Her theme song is Sober Up by AJR, Catnip
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Name: Naomi Seung

Age: 17

Appearance: 100 lbs and 5'2"

Crime: Petty theft, vandalism

Where are they from: Salt Lake City

Personality: Naomi is a calm and serene personality. The crimes she had done, were very out of character from her. She possesses a naturally optimistic outlook on life, and it's hard to get her mad. The girl is rather sentimental, but to actually get her feel powerful emotions would take a lot. She can seem a bit odd and aloof, dreaming inside her own little bubble. She loves giving advice and is reliable, using her wisdom to help others out just because she can. She is a bit awkward talking to people about ordinary things, especially other girls since she is not used to interacting with any. Naomi is fairly easy to manipulate if you know how to strike her weak points, and she will become a doormat that way. However even if she is a rather kind and patient person, if the tables get turned she turns rather dark and will use extreme ways to get rid of anything between her and her goals, be it a person or situation.

History: Naomi was born into a house with missing parents, and three brothers. She doesn't think of her life as sad or tragic. She had plenty of fun with her brothers. Missing a powerful female figure, she still finds it kind of hard to connect with other girls. Her childhood she spent her time playing instruments, practicing visual arts or writing and reading. Naomi didn't have much context in her life, that didn't involve arts. It was one way for her to calm down, and she still thinks about pursuing a career as a cellist. However as she entered middle school suddenly she had a group of girls asking to be her friends. Of course she got excited and followed all of the things they told her to do, like a loyal dog serving it's masters.
Eventually they told her to steal cigarettes and alcohol for them. At first Naomi declined but afterwards gave into the peer pressure. However they never had alcohol and cigarettes in their mind, they were just trying to set her up to get her out of the way. The reason? One boy from their school liked her and the girls were furious to hear about this. They pretended to be friends with her just to get her in trouble and make her look foolish. Naomi grew bitter, and trashed one of the girls' house, breaking the windows and earning titles like 'hooligan' and 'vandal'.

Likes: Staying up late, she is quite nocturnal. Stars, she can draw and name multiple constellations. Arts, she spends most of her free time involving in something artistic. Dramas, she gets very caught up in them, catnip

Dislikes: Wet socks, extremely bright lights, mirrors, large crowds, the heat.

What they hope to gain from this experience: Nothing, she feels very wronged and wants out of here.​
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Victoria Wolfe​
Age: 17
Appearance: 5'9" 134 lbs.
Crime: Shoplifting, theft.
Where are they from: Beverly Hills, Ca.
Personality: To strangers Victoria is arrogant. She's pessimistic about life and often makes rash and reckless decisions.
History: Victoria is an only child and was raised by the household servants who were fired and replaced at the drop of a hat. Her parents were off jet setting. Not having any personal connections she turned to herself and locked everyone else out. Until thirteen, 8th grade, she was in private schools. A teacher witnessed Victoria steal from another student and sent her to the headmistress. Her parents had to donate a large sum of money to the school for the act to remain behind doors. A few months later she was caught again. This time after giving a donation her father took her out and homeschooling began.

With even less people connection Victoria took to stealing on a regular basis. It gave her a rush. If caught it was the only time her parents paid attention to her. They would take her things away but it didn't bother Victoria. Even though her family was made of money she could get whatever she wanted through thieving. On an extremely busy day in the mall she was pulled into the mall cops office. Turns out her purse had a few things that didn't belong to her in it. They showed her footage of herself talking to people, touching them lightly in a distracting way and with the other hand taking an object from their person.

Likes: Pastels, Instagram, fingernail polish, air conditioning.
Dislikes: Animals, kale, heat, bugs, catnip.
What they hope to gain from this experience: Doesn't want to go to jail.
Coded by taliaangeni

Victoria Wolfe​
Age: 17
Appearance: 5'9" 134 lbs.
Crime: Shoplifting, theft.
Where are they from: Beverly Hills, Ca.
Personality: To strangers Victoria is arrogant. She's pessimistic about life and often makes rash and reckless decisions.
History: Victoria is an only child and was raised by the household servants who were fired and replaced at the drop of a hat. Her parents were off jet setting. Not having any personal connections she turned to herself and locked everyone else out. Until thirteen, 8th grade, she was in private schools. A teacher witnessed Victoria steal from another student and sent her to the headmistress. Her parents had to donate a large sum of money to the school for the act to remain behind doors. A few months later she was caught again. This time after giving a donation her father took her out and homeschooling began.

With even less people connection Victoria took to stealing on a regular basis. It gave her a rush. If caught it was the only time her parents paid attention to her. They would take her things away but it didn't bother Victoria. Even though her family was made of money she could get whatever she wanted through thieving. On an extremely busy day in the mall she was pulled into the mall cops office. Turns out her purse had a few things that didn't belong to her in it. They showed her footage of herself talking to people, touching them lightly in a distracting way and with the other hand taking an object from their person.

Likes: Pastels, Instagram, fingernail polish, air conditioning.
Dislikes: Animals, kale, heat, bugs, catnip.
What they hope to gain from this experience: Doesn't want to go to jail.

Coded by taliaangeni

Name: Naya Feller
Age: 17
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Height=5,7, weight=120lbs, she has an athletic natural hourglass shaped body but a small person who doesn't seem strong but quick and agile. Naya has a small tattoo on the top of her wrists that reads 'STAY AWAY' having the 'STAY' on the right one and 'AWAY' on her other. Her clothes are more edgy and flashy than anything.
Crime(s): Theft, pick pocketing, and breaking an entering.
Where are they from?: Brooklyn, NY
Personally: Naya is a straightforward and cheery person but a bit vexing. She loves to mess with people and observe them as they go about their lives. Though she seems like an open book, she never shows her true feelings for anything. She hides it under a sassy teenage angst that blocks others from knowing about her true self. She loves to act cute and is inspired by cute things and people. Picking fights isn't her style and instead bluffs to avoid such things. Her heart is set on selfish desires and tendencies due to her past.
History: As a child of 5, she was raised by her rich father who was her caretaker at the time. He spoiled her with riches and all the love in the world. Since her dad was gay, she had two dads who were married and seemed like the best couple in the world. It wasn't until they introduced her to makeup that she started taking interest in the land of fashion and cosmetics. Reaching the age of 9, her time was spent on practicing makeup and learning about clothing styles of modern and olden time.
Reaching her tenth birthday, her fathers and herself got into a car crash. In just one second, her life changed into one of luxury and into one of poverty. Waking up in a hospital, she was old that her parents were dead and she was orphaned. However, she overheard the doctors that her parents had left her with nothing. Nothing that would help provide for the young child and help her through life. They called it ignorance and carelessness. She then was sent to live with her grandfather where she learned to smoke.
By that time, the grandfather and accepted her but not out of love but out of pity. He hated the fact that his son fell in love with another man and took it out on her most of the time. Spending her teenage years scavenging for food that her grandfather wouldn't provide and searching for clothes with the little money he gave her. By those ages, she learned to steal. By the age of seventeen she was caught breaking an entering of one of his grandfathers friends and was tried in court. Having been under the age of 18 and having confessed to abuse by her caretaker, she was given a chance to fix her mistakes and correct them by community service. Even though she hesitated, she complied.
Likes: Fashion, clothing, designing, cosmetics, skin care, clothing styles, and aesthetic things.
Dislikes: Dark/gruesome things, fighting, and staying still.
What They Hope To Gain From This Experience: She hopes to find inspiration for something greater and to possibly just not be tried as an adult. -catnip
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Name: Jason Marshall
Nickname: Some people call him Marshall but he rather they didn't
Age: 18

Appearance: At 6 foot and 135 pounds he's fairly thin for his height but he's clearly not weak. Most of his mass is muscle and while he isn't bodybuilder, he can carry his own weight so to speak. He doesn't have a six pack, but what muscle he does have is defined. His hair is usually messily spiked up, done so by just running his hand through it a couple times. If left unchecked stubble grows on his chin.

Crime: Theft and possession of an unlicensed firearm
Where are they from: New York and Chicago

Personality: Jason has learned to be an actor so he usually appears to be confident or even cocky to those who don't know him. While he sometimes is very confident of himself, in general it can be said he is shy. Since he knows how shy he can actually be he makes it a point to appear as confident as possible. If he is comfortable with a person his truest self will shine through; a fun loving goof off. The two things in the world Jason really wants is a good time, and other to smile. He'll crack jokes with you, have fun, and do crazy things to get you to smile. If someone else is happy he feels accomplished. Of course only his friends see this side of him, everyone else gets the act.

History: Born into a military family Jason grew up moving around a lot. He was originally born in New York City and spent several years there growing up. He's been all around the country as a child and teen; Phoenix, Hawaii, Denver, LA and most recently Chicago. With the constant moves Jason learned to be distant with people, and with all the cities he was in his most common facade is one of a cocky tough guy. Being that his father was military rules were pretty strict and Jason had two options; rebellious or crushingly obedient. He tried the obedience and it worked well for him for a long time, but life is never easy. When he was 14 everything began to seem pointless. He went to a doctor and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. He never told his parents, but he did become rebellious instead.

After several years of becoming increasingly rebellious Jason fell in with the wrong crowd and his father was not happy. Having suspicions that Jason was stealing he confronted him and found hundreds of dollars of things he pick-pocketed, including his prize possession; a silver harmonica. That's when his father started hitting him. Jason's depression got worse with the abuse but he kept up the rebellious tough guy act. After 'acquiring' a handgun from a gang 'friend' he put it in a drawer along with a cable and a razor blade. He skipped school one day and went to a music store. Music was one of the only things making him happy anymore and he had his eyes on a beautiful guitar. Unfortunately he was more of a pickpocket than a shoplifter and was caught trying to steal the takamine eg569c fxc thinline acoustic-electric. After a search of his room and a trip to the courtroom it was decided that a sort of rehabilitation would be more suited to him than jail time. Jason is only partially grateful to his lawyer. While he isn't in jail, the lawyer had to reveal Jason's mental health to do so.

Likes: Music of all kinds | Cats and catnip | Yo-Yo's | Toothpicks | Movies
Dislikes: Pitying him | Being a burden to other or people worrying about him | Actual Arrogance | Reading | Chocolate
What they hope to gain from this experience: Jason hopes to be able to stay longer than scheduled, going back home doesn't sound like a good option to him. While not against hard work he'd rather not, but if it builds up his muscle it all works out.​

The Guy Friend

Tyson Thomas Black
Standing at 6'2 and weighing 235 lbs, Tyson has a stocky/muscular build to him. With lightly bronzed skin from the sun. Two bright green eyes with dark brown hair, spiked in the front if its not under his hat. Tyson normally is seen wearing a pair of light wash jeans, slightly stained of dirt and accompanied by a few tears in the knees. A pair of black steel toed eork boots and a simple light grey t-shirt. The black cowboy hat always found on Tysons head.
Where are they from:
Right here in Flintwood
Tyson is a very outgoing guy, he likes to poke fun and have a good laugh, however thats when you get on his good side. Normally on a first meeting he seems cold, quiet and stand-offish as he doesn't like making an effort meeting new people. Tyson is very blunt and cares little of peoples feelings, he will call you out on anything and everything.
Growing up on a farm just a few miles down the road from the Reeds, Tyson has always been welcome there and often lends a hand whenever they needed it. Tyson had grown up with the Reed kids and knew them fairly well. Tyson lived with his father and mother on their ranch, cattle ranch. Tyson was used to getting up early and hitting the hay late at night just to do it all again in the morning. After graduation he followed his heart an began chasing the rodeo circuits, a now Reining champion and a fairly good Bronco rider. Tyson had been away for a few months now and is just returning home.

+ Rodeo
+ Outdoors
+ Hard Work
+ vehicles
+ Horses
- Rain
- cats
- obnoxious People
- Liars
- Slackers

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The Guy Friend

Tyson Thomas Black
Standing at 6'2 and weighing 235 lbs, Tyson has a stocky/muscular build to him. With lightly bronzed skin from the sun. Two bright green eyes with dark brown hair, spiked in the front if its not under his hat. Tyson normally is seen wearing a pair of light wash jeans, slightly stained of dirt and accompanied by a few tears in the knees. A pair of black steel toed eork boots and a simple light grey t-shirt. The black cowboy hat always found on Tysons head.
Where are they from:
Right here in Flintwood
Tyson is a very outgoing guy, he likes to poke fun and have a good laugh, however thats when you get on his good side. Normally on a first meeting he seems cold, quiet and stand-offish as he doesn't like making an effort meeting new people. Tyson is very blunt and cares little of peoples feelings, he will call you out on anything and everything.
Growing up on a farm just a few miles down the road from the Reeds, Tyson has always been welcome there and often lends a hand whenever they needed it. Tyson had grown up with the Reed kids and knew them fairly well. Tyson lived with his father and mother on their ranch, cattle ranch. Tyson was used to getting up early and hitting the hay late at night just to do it all again in the morning. After graduation he followed his heart an began chasing the rodeo circuits, a now Reining champion and a fairly good Bronco rider. Tyson had been away for a few months now and is just returning home.

+ Rodeo
+ Outdoors
+ Hard Work
+ vehicles
+ Horses
- Rain
- cats
- obnoxious People
- Liars
- Slackers


Name: Naomi Seung

Age: 17

Appearance: 100 lbs and 5'2"

Crime: Petty theft, vandalism

Where are they from: Salt Lake City

Personality: Naomi is a calm and serene personality. The crimes she had done, were very out of character from her. She possesses a naturally optimistic outlook on life, and it's hard to get her mad. The girl is rather sentimental, but to actually get her feel powerful emotions would take a lot. She can seem a bit odd and aloof, dreaming inside her own little bubble. She loves giving advice and is reliable, using her wisdom to help others out just because she can. She is a bit awkward talking to people about ordinary things, especially other girls since she is not used to interacting with any. Naomi is fairly easy to manipulate if you know how to strike her weak points, and she will become a doormat that way. However even if she is a rather kind and patient person, if the tables get turned she turns rather dark and will use extreme ways to get rid of anything between her and her goals, be it a person or situation.

History: Naomi was born into a house with missing parents, and three brothers. She doesn't think of her life as sad or tragic. She had plenty of fun with her brothers. Missing a powerful female figure, she still finds it kind of hard to connect with other girls. Her childhood she spent her time playing instruments, practicing visual arts or writing and reading. Naomi didn't have much context in her life, that didn't involve arts. It was one way for her to calm down, and she still thinks about pursuing a career as a cellist. However as she entered middle school suddenly she had a group of girls asking to be her friends. Of course she got excited and followed all of the things they told her to do, like a loyal dog serving it's masters.
Eventually they told her to steal cigarettes and alcohol for them. At first Naomi declined but afterwards gave into the peer pressure. However they never had alcohol and cigarettes in their mind, they were just trying to set her up to get her out of the way. The reason? One boy from their school liked her and the girls were furious to hear about this. They pretended to be friends with her just to get her in trouble and make her look foolish. Naomi grew bitter, and trashed one of the girls' house, breaking the windows and earning titles like 'hooligan' and 'vandal'.

Likes: Staying up late, she is quite nocturnal. Stars, she can draw and name multiple constellations. Arts, she spends most of her free time involving in something artistic. Dramas, she gets very caught up in them, catnip

Dislikes: Wet socks, extremely bright lights, mirrors, large crowds, the heat.

What they hope to gain from this experience: Nothing, she feels very wronged and wants out of here.​

Name: Naya Feller
Age: 17
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Height=5,7, weight=120lbs, she has an athletic natural hourglass shaped body but a small person who doesn't seem strong but quick and agile. Naya has a small tattoo on the top of her wrists that reads 'STAY AWAY' having the 'STAY' on the right one and 'AWAY' on her other. Her clothes are more edgy and flashy than anything.
Crime(s): Theft, pick pocketing, and breaking an entering.
Where are they from?: Brooklyn, NY
Personally: Naya is a straightforward and cheery person but a bit vexing. She loves to mess with people and observe them as they go about their lives. Though she seems like an open book, she never shows her true feelings for anything. She hides it under a sassy teenage angst that blocks others from knowing about her true self. She loves to act cute and is inspired by cute things and people. Picking fights isn't her style and instead bluffs to avoid such things. Her heart is set on selfish desires and tendencies due to her past.
History: As a child of 5, she was raised by her rich father who was her caretaker at the time. He spoiled her with riches and all the love in the world. Since her dad was gay, she had two dads who were married and seemed like the best couple in the world. It wasn't until they introduced her to makeup that she started taking interest in the land of fashion and cosmetics. Reaching the age of 9, her time was spent on practicing makeup and learning about clothing styles of modern and olden time.
Reaching her tenth birthday, her fathers and herself got into a car crash. In just one second, her life changed into one of luxury and into one of poverty. Waking up in a hospital, she was old that her parents were dead and she was orphaned. However, she overheard the doctors that her parents had left her with nothing. Nothing that would help provide for the young child and help her through life. They called it ignorance and carelessness. She then was sent to live with her grandfather where she learned to smoke.
By that time, the grandfather and accepted her but not out of love but out of pity. He hated the fact that his son fell in love with another man and took it out on her most of the time. Spending her teenage years scavenging for food that her grandfather wouldn't provide and searching for clothes with the little money he gave her. By those ages, she learned to steal. By the age of seventeen she was caught breaking an entering of one of his grandfathers friends and was tried in court. Having been under the age of 18 and having confessed to abuse by her caretaker, she was given a chance to fix her mistakes and correct them by community service. Even though she hesitated, she complied.
Likes: Fashion, clothing, designing, cosmetics, skin care, clothing styles, and aesthetic things.
Dislikes: Dark/gruesome things, fighting, and staying still.
What They Hope To Gain From This Experience: She hopes to find inspiration for something greater and to possibly just not be tried as an adult. -catnip
Name: Nari Park
Age: 18

Crime: Domestic assault and battery, theft
Where are they from: Sacramento, California
Personality: Nari at first seems quite and reserved with a seeming sad demenor and a lack of confidence. When spoken to she speaks on It a few words but always polite and sometimes meek. However encourage her a bit she can be humorous and firty with compassionate streak. Though not quick to anger, if pushed long or hard enough she can lash out violently.
History: Raised with a on abusive father who hurt both her and her mother. One day Nari out of anger and want to protect her mother, she snapped and tough back her father striking him once. She ran away straight after but was captured by police and her father pressed charges for assault and forced her mother to testify against her. Despite claiming self defence and calling out her father abuse, she was still found guilty but the judge seemed to believe her and gave her a more lenient punishment and a promise to investigate. She was sent to the farm to serve her punishment. (Wip)
Likes: Cooking, science, drawing, horses, summer
Dislikes: her father, violence, cats (especially those on catnip), alcohol
What they hope to gain from this experience: staying away from her family as long as possible.
Name: Nari Park
Age: 18

Crime: Domestic assault and battery, theft
Where are they from: Sacramento, California
Personality: Nari at first seems quite and reserved with a seeming sad demenor and a lack of confidence. When spoken to she speaks on It a few words but always polite and sometimes meek. However encourage her a bit she can be humorous and firty with compassionate streak. Though not quick to anger, if pushed long or hard enough she can lash out violently.
History: Raised with a on abusive father who hurt both her and her mother. One day Nari out of anger and want to protect her mother, she snapped and tough back her father striking him once. She ran away straight after but was captured by police and her father pressed charges for assault and forced her mother to testify against her. Despite claiming self defence and calling out her father abuse, she was still found guilty but the judge seemed to believe her and gave her a more lenient punishment and a promise to investigate. She was sent to the farm to serve her punishment. (Wip)
Likes: Cooking, science, drawing, horses, summer
Dislikes: her father, violence, cats (especially those on catnip), alcohol
What they hope to gain from this experience: staying away from her family as long as possible.
Name: Lawrence "Laurie" Cooper
Age 18
Appearnce: b44ad691331f9ebe6fecbee384b0c2d1.jpg
Crime: Vandalism
Where are they from: Long Island, New York
Personality: Lawrence has always been one with an attitude problem. He tends to get mad easily and has never had problems damaging others people things if he had to just for the fun of it. He is somewhat blunt and mean when he is spoken to but his attitude switches once you get to know him.
History: Lawrence was born to a poor family, a family that had trouble raising him. Bring the middle child in a family of three, it came to no surprise that as Lawrence grew older, his behavior took to the worse case when his little sister was being spoiled and his older brother was the favorite. During middle school, he started to hang out with the wrong group of friends, sometimes getting into fights that didn't involve him or getting into trouble into school. At least it was like that, until he had reached the eight grade and he found someone who he could trust. Said teacher was the art teacher and she started to teach him to draw and how to have doing it, it was also her who gave him the nickname of Laurie. It even got him to stop hanging out with the wrong crew, at least it was like that until said teacher left without giving him a reason. Having no one to confide in, Lawrence started to use said skills to vandalize others things, at least it was like that until he got caught and was sent to the farm for two years.
° Milk
° Coffee
° Cats

• Drawing
• Movies
• Writing
• Fighting
• Reading

What they hope to gain from this experience: To calm down his behavior.

Name: Lawrence "Laurie" Cooper
Age 18
Appearnce: View attachment 374815
Crime: Vandalism
Where are they from: Long Island, New York
Personality: Lawrence has always been one with an attitude problem. He tends to get mad easily and has never had problems damaging others people things if he had to just for the fun of it. He is somewhat blunt and mean when he is spoken to but his attitude switches once you get to know him.
History: Lawrence was born to a poor family, a family that had trouble raising him. Bring the middle child in a family of three, it came to no surprise that as Lawrence grew older, his behavior took to the worse case when his little sister was being spoiled and his older brother was the favorite. During middle school, he started to hang out with the wrong group of friends, sometimes getting into fights that didn't involve him or getting into trouble into school. At least it was like that, until he had reached the eight grade and he found someone who he could trust. Said teacher was the art teacher and she started to teach him to draw and how to have doing it, it was also her who gave him the nickname of Laurie. It even got him to stop hanging out with the wrong crew, at least it was like that until said teacher left without giving him a reason. Having no one to confide in, Lawrence started to use said skills to vandalize others things, at least it was like that until he got caught and was sent to the farm for two years.
° Milk
° Coffee
° Cats

• Drawing
• Movies
• Writing
• Fighting
• Reading

What they hope to gain from this experience: To calm down his behavior.

277C20DD-9769-4C7D-A6E0-89D887F9F54A.jpeg Name: Luna Ara
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearnce: Luna is a brunette who stands at a whole whopping 5 feet and 6 inches. She has dark brown eyes and lightly tanned skin. The young woman is curvy, plus sized and proud.
Crime: She’s a little rebel but has never been caught doing anything wrong.
Where are they from: Born and Bred right here in Flintwood

Personality: Luna is a hometown darlin with a rebellious side. She is a sucker for fun and music, it’s her CATNIP. When no one is around she dances and sings, but keeps her little hobby a secret. Her kind heart shows through daily but much like her Gemini Zodiac, she can flip her personality on a dime. There is a mean side that is buried deep down, that’ll jump out and bite your head off of it’s provoked. But there is much passion in her heart and she uses it to her full potential. This passion feuls her dream of being a chef.
History: Miss Ara was raised in Flintwood by her father, a single horse rancher who’s lovely wife died young. She generally was a good kid, kept good grades and helped around the house. Whatever trouble she did get into though, she was too careful to get caught.
Likes: Singing, Dancing, Cooking, Riding Horses, Parties, Movies, and Physical Contact.
Dislikes: Small Spaces, Falling, Being Ignored, Ignorance, Body Shaming.
What they hope to gain from this experience: She’s just ready to have a summer of fun before it’s time to ship off to college.
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