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Realistic or Modern My summer on the farm [cs]

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Name: Danielle Salem
Age: 18
Appearnce: Danielle stands at 5'5", weighs 148 pounds, and has a toned, hourglass figure. She's been blessed with the same shapely figure of her mother.
Crime: Vandalism, Underage Drinking, Shoplifting, Assault
Where are they from: Harlem, New York
Personality: Intense is one way to put it. She's distant, cold, angry, very untrusting. Danielle isn't the most pleanst of people. It takes a long time for her to warm up to people, and she isn't pleased when she's forced to interact socially. She only ever feels comfortable with someone if they are quiet, or she seems them as okay right off the bat. When you break through the many walls she has built over the years, you'll see a girl with emotional and me take damage she's been ignoring. She's kind, but sparingly so, blunt even to her friends.
History: Lets just say, she's been doomed for the start. Her mother, a 14 year old highschooler at the time of her birth, left Danielle in an alleyway outside of her apartment building in, forgetting about Danielle. A passing couple, who had recently had a child of their own, but couldn't leave an infant like that. She grew up with Mr and Mrs Salem, with her sister Aniya. Despite growing up with an African American family as a little white girl, she never questions that they were her the family. And, she was very much aware of who her mother was, and actually, in an awkward two days, her mother was her babysitter when she was three. Of course, she didn't know it.

When she started school, it was very clear she was different. She never did interact with the other children like a normal child, and had a knack for manipulation. She was everyones friend, but noboys friend at the same time. And it would remain like this for her entire school carreer. At the age of 7, her and Aniya got a baby brother, Malic. But soon after his birth, tragedy struck the family as Aniya and Danielle were both kidnapped, an unfortunately common occurrence.

There was a local man, a creepy gross man who would watch them while they played outside or would come and try to pick them up at school. Aniya was trusting, but Danielle would always keep her away from him. He was responsible for their disappearance, and for over two months kept them in his basement, doing things to them that are better left unmentioned. They returned different people, which is understandable. Aniya and Danielle became extremely close, and the friends they had somewhat differed away from them.because of their parents fear. Mainly, because the girls were returned to the hospital, the identity of the man who dropped them off unknown, and the girls weren't talking. They had been threatened into silence.

It wouldn't be until they were 13, with the disappearance of another pair of little girls, and Aniya's attempt of suicide that the came forward. The man finally got what he deserved, fought with the girls still in his basement. Aniya however couldn't live with the memories, and committed suicide freshman year of highschool. It destroyed Danielle, she cut everyone including her family off for nearly an entire year before she began to open up again. 11th and 12th grade was rough. She lashed out, and even got into a fight with three guys, started drinking heavily, shoplifters a few things, and smashed some mailboxes. Which, is why she's been sent to the farm

Likes: Thunderstorms, Coffee, Pizza, Anime, Rainy Weather in general, animals, naps
Dislikes: Rape Culture, rude people, questions about what happened to her, the boys who's asses she kicked
What they hope to gain from this experience: Nothing really, she thinks this place is stupid. Though, she kinda wants some help with her alcoholism even if she won't admit it.
Extra: Her theme song is Sober Up by AJR, Catnip

Age 19
Appearance:6ft1in 195 lbs.
Crime: breaking and entering, theft, and vandalism
Where are they from: New York, new York
Personality: Manipulative. Only one word is needed to describe Austin. He knows his marks, because he puts in a lot of effort to actually knowing how his mark ticks. How and what to say to his mark to make them feel a certain emotion. He's a silent genius, knowing how things work. He can visualize all the cogs in the machine. He has no problem getting dirty thought.

History: The Swinddle family is actually a very prestigious family. His father, a state senator for New York, his mother, a lawyer working to end homelessness in veterans. He has two brothers, both older. There's John who is a practicing doctor, and Tim who is journalist for the paper. He has only one sister. His younger sister, Claudia, who is a prodigy when it comes to playing the piano. But what about Austin? Austin is just a boy, a kid, acting out to get his parents attention.

He was the odd one out. His brothers were smart, working to what they wanted. His sister was the prodigy that showed her talent when she was young. Austin wasn't anything special. In fact in school he did horrible. Getting in fights and getting suspension after suspension, till he was kicked out of the school. He'd go to the next one.

He barely passed high school, not because he wasn't smart, but because he would act out and get in trouble. It was a week after his graduation that a scandal broke out. Austin was caught red handed, in the act of stealing from an apartment on the upper eastside.

In court, the judge gave him two options. Go to jail, or community service. Now that Austin was noticed by his parents. But it wasn't the kind of attention that he wanted. His parents decided to send him up to a farm. To try and get him out of the public eye. And the rest is history.

Likes/dislikes: (at least 3 of each)
Likes: His phone, going for a run, sleeping in.
Dislikes: People waking him up, show offs, working more then 4 hours.
What they hope to gain from this experience:
"To learn the difference between right and wrong, and how to be a good boy" As He said to the judge. Also to not try and steal Catnip.​

Age 19
Appearance:6ft1in 195 lbs.
Crime: breaking and entering, theft, and vandalism
Where are they from: New York, new York
Personality: Manipulative. Only one word is needed to describe Austin. He knows his marks, because he puts in a lot of effort to actually knowing how his mark ticks. How and what to say to his mark to make them feel a certain emotion. He's a silent genius, knowing how things work. He can visualize all the cogs in the machine. He has no problem getting dirty thought.

History: The Swinddle family is actually a very prestigious family. His father, a state senator for New York, his mother, a lawyer working to end homelessness in veterans. He has two brothers, both older. There's John who is a practicing doctor, and Tim who is journalist for the paper. He has only one sister. His younger sister, Claudia, who is a prodigy when it comes to playing the piano. But what about Austin? Austin is just a boy, a kid, acting out to get his parents attention.

He was the odd one out. His brothers were smart, working to what they wanted. His sister was the prodigy that showed her talent when she was young. Austin wasn't anything special. In fact in school he did horrible. Getting in fights and getting suspension after suspension, till he was kicked out of the school. He'd go to the next one.

He barely passed high school, not because he wasn't smart, but because he would act out and get in trouble. It was a week after his graduation that a scandal broke out. Austin was caught red handed, in the act of stealing from an apartment on the upper eastside.

In court, the judge gave him two options. Go to jail, or community service. Now that Austin was noticed by his parents. But it wasn't the kind of attention that he wanted. His parents decided to send him up to a farm. To try and get him out of the public eye. And the rest is history.

Likes/dislikes: (at least 3 of each)
Likes: His phone, going for a run, sleeping in.
Dislikes: People waking him up, show offs, working more then 4 hours.
What they hope to gain from this experience:
"To learn the difference between right and wrong, and how to be a good boy" As He said to the judge. Also to not try and steal Catnip.​
Name: William Henry Calleva
Age: 16

Crime: shoplifting, theft
Where are they from: Brooklyn, New York
Personality: Timid, shy, not your typical repeat offender. William has respect for the law but often breaks it. He openly admits his crimes. William gets sick all the time.
History: Crack whore mother with no awareness of William's condition. William raised himself in the public library. He got sick all the time but never got medications for anything unless he stole them. As of late, he's been stealing more and more often, and so has been sent to the farm.
- Videogames
- Getting sick
What they hope to gain from this experience:
A break from his mother and from the city.
Name: William Henry Calleva
Age: 16

Crime: shoplifting, theft
Where are they from: Brooklyn, New York
Personality: Timid, shy, not your typical repeat offender. William has respect for the law but often breaks it. He openly admits his crimes. William gets sick all the time.
History: Crack whore mother with no awareness of William's condition. William raised himself in the public library. He got sick all the time but never got medications for anything unless he stole them. As of late, he's been stealing more and more often, and so has been sent to the farm.
- Videogames
- Getting sick
What they hope to gain from this experience:
A break from his mother and from the city.

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