My Pet

(Filler post ~)

Kaine's dislike for the man immediately grew while thoughts of what he does to his pets play through her mind. She suddenly felt an overwhelming need to protect her new master and she found it weird. It didn't make any sense for her to be attached to this human so quickly but it felt natural in a way. Kaine wasn't even concerned about her own safety because she could take cake of herself. "I'll be fine, worry about yourself."
(I agree. Scott can always join back in whenever he gets back. Ill post later on today)

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Zyra looked at Kaine softly before she smiled. "Jack won't do anything to me. Even if he could, he never has so I'll be fine little one." She whispered in response, looking at her new pet with soft eyes. Zyra didn't fear jack one bit, he was like a child in her eyes and the woman always seemed to coo over him. Military or not, he was far to adorable in her eyes to be scared of his strict behavior.
Zalael stood still though his legs were starting to hurt and he was quite tired of being stared at. His master sat nearby enjoying some pastries, she looked to be quite enjoying herself talking with two other people. It was getting hard to focus on anything as he began to take notice of his own hunger, but he couldn't voice his problem. His master had instructed him to be quiet, and leave her alone. "The only reason you are to speak is if a potential buyer asks you a question." Her instructions had been quite clear. So he stood trying to find something interesting enough to distract him from his pangs of hunger.
(Im still here, sorry I havent posted yet! I havent been able to get to a computer, but ill post as soon as I can)

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Kaine's ears pricked up at the word "little" and she huffed. There was nothing that bothered her more than being called little. It wasn't her fault that her race didn't reach maturity until the age of 20. Kaine crawled off of Zyra and ran out of the door with no idea of where she was going but had no intention of stopping.
Zyra watched Kaine run off, her eyes wide as she got to her feet. "Kaine?!" She called out, panic flooding through her system. If the girl remained in the building there was a few servants, working under her father who would try to punish the girl. Then there is the fear that Jack would appear. She did not want him to see such a thing. A groan passed her lips as she smoothed down her skirts. "Kaine..." She murmured, her teeth biting into the flesh of her lip as she quickly ran out of the room made for Kaine. The woman began to search through the manor, occasionally pausing to ask a maid to help in the search.
(Sorry guys! We had a really bad storm and the lightning struck our house, lost cable. Finally got it back.)

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