My Pet

Kaine had somehow managed to find her way outside into a huge garden. She was surrounded by their scent and bright colors. While she walked around she spotted a little patch of tall flowers that were gold with blue specks just like her eyes. They fascinated her and she soon found herself sleeping in the middle of them. Her hunger caused her to dream about gold and blue bunnies running around.
(It's ok @Sock just post whenever you can, I'm going to have Jack walk off though so the rp doesn't die. (meaning I'm going to assume that Scott chooses to follow. If you didn't want this, just let me know and we can change it later.) Anyway....ONWARD! *flies off*)

"I am a free woman!" Marceilles shouted above the commotion, waving her pedigree around desperately. "Oh look! She DOES have we pedigree! Less paperwork for us, eh boss?"

As a fiery red-headed girl was dragged onto the stage, Jack simply watched quietly. Normally, the fact that yet another beast had been dragged onto the stage to be sold would not have gotten his attention- that sort of thing happened quite often, as beasts weren't considered to have rights of any sort. However.....

She was an elemental, and she had her own pedigree. Both things were quite rare, but Jack was never one to choose a pet simply because it was exotic. He cared little for such things, instead preferring to choose his servants based on both their abilities and capacity to obey. No, what really caught his eye was the fact that she held her pedigree in her own hands, which could only mean one thing; her master had willingly set her free, which in turn indicated to Jack that she had fulfilled her previous master's every desire. Why else would they allow her out of their care?

The only other logical conclusion was that the girl had stolen her pedigree. Jack quickly debunked this conclusion. If she had stolen her pedigree, then there would be no reason for her to be at the auction. Her master would simply find her there. No...she was looking for a new master, however strange that concept in itself was.

Very well then. A new master is what you seek, and so it is what you shall find.

Quickly, he dashed to the stage and went up to the girl and her would-be sellers. Ignoring the other two for the moment, Jack went straight up to the girl and glared at her as if he were very, very angry. He forced himself to pant heavily, trying to further create the illusion that he was exceedingly pissed.

Then, he slapped her.

He full-on backhanded her, making sure that it made a resounding CRACK! as the blow landed on the girl's cheek. Normally, when he was truly angry, his facial expression would have remained cold and emotionless. However, this time he forcibly scrunched his face as he hit her. If he was going to successfully make the sellers believe that she was simply a pet that had stolen her pedigree, he had to make it look believable.

"Filthy mongrel." Jack's smooth voice sounded almost deadly in his 'anger'. "How dare you steal your pedigree from me, your master."

"Is that yours, sir?" Although they were rude to the elemental before, they were polite to him now.

"Indeed. The insolent thing has yet to be broken." Turning towards them, Jack bowed. "My apologies for the inconvenience. I assure you that she will be appropriately punished."

"Hm...that sounds great 'n all, but something about this seems fishy." One of the sellers stepped forward, looking suspicious. "How do we know she's yours?"

"My good sir, she has her pedigree. I cannot be expected to prove my claim." Jack's expression turned exceedingly serious.

The seller smiled, ginning evilly. "Exactly." He moved closer to Jack, almost touching nose to nose. "Which means we'll be keepin' her. People'll pay a pretty penny for that one, so get a move on unless ya want to get jacked, ya?"

A normal person might have gotten angry at the seller, but Jack only smiled back. It looked strange upon his serious demeanor, giving him the look of a serial killer choosing his next victim.

"It would appear that you have been misinformed. Pray tell, do you know who I am?" Jack's voice became dangerously soft, so much so that it wouldn't have been surprising if only the seller were able to hear it. "You have only to believe me by my word, and yet you dare tell me that Jacques Michaelis De'Raizel is a liar?" At the mention of his name, the seller visibly paled. He knew who he was, or at least knew of his reputation.

"N-No. Of course not, sir. Please, take your pet. Very sorry, sir, times are hard, see...." The seller handed him the girl's pedigree and backed away, much like a dog with it's tail between its legs. Without skipping a beat, Jack turned to the girl. "Come." He unceremoniously took the girl's hand and dragged her off.

As soon as they were outside, Jack pulled her over to a inconspicuous spot and thrust her against the wall.

"I do not know what exactly you think you were doing, but going to an auction as a free pet was exceedingly dangerous for you. You should have brought someone to at least pretend that they were your master until you found a new one. Judging by your actions, that's exactly what I think you came here for." Jack held up her pedigree in front of her. "And now I hold your life in my hands." He looked at her for a long moment, allowing her to dwell on that. Then, he did something rather uncharacteristic of him.

He gave her the pedigree.

"I am not so blind as to see that your are intelligent enough to choose." Jack's expression softened a bit, also something uncharacteristic. "I have given your life back to you because it was never mine to begin with. I care not what you do with it. If you like, you may follow me, but if that is what you choose then your life will belong to me regardless of whether or not you hold your own pedigree. I will demand total obedience, I will use you, and I may even hurt you in order to discipline you. But.....I will keep you safe, and I will always be honest. Under my care, I will allow no one to hurt you.

What will you choose?"
Jane could only stare in shock as her master moved towards the girl who held her own pedigree, her eyes went wide at the pure fact that she doubted her master, despite her knowledge of him, would do such a thing! He didn't seem like the type to get involved at all and yet, he just saved a girl. Ignoring the fact he slapped her and just the sound of that hit made the girls skin shudder, her eyes drifting slightly away from the scene as she mentally scolded herself. Cringing wasn't a good thing, right?

Watching as Jack argued with the people who previously held her life about the girl she turned her gaze to her, raising her hand to wave slightly. However, Jane did not speak a single word. Her attention was grasped back when Jack dragged the girl away, Pedigree in hand. She followed after, still stood behind Jack as he held the pet to the wall. '
He is quite the fearsome man...violent.'

She could only listen as he told the girl, eventually giving back her pedigree. Her lips parted, almost as if she was to speak but it wasn't even as gasp of surprise. Her lips curled curled to a 'o' in shock. While the girl had been locked up for most of her life, she had still learnt one thing. Owners would not give up a chance at a pet. A free pet. Yet her new master gave the girl her pedigree back, running the risk of her running as she had the ability and proof to own herself. '
That would only be until she was caught though' She mentally added.

Jane felt a tiny smile creep up onto her lips when Jack said he would keep the renegade pet safe. Being the first time she saw such a thing, she was simply amazed by the humans words. Her eyes shifted over to the pet with her own pedigree, her head tilted slightly to the side as she awaited that answer, the words that would be the girls choice to her future.
Zelael's master was getting impatient with all the people coming by. No one was a serious buyer. She began to debate leaving when there was some commotion a ways away. 'Maybe all the people down there will do more than waste my time.' She thought. There did seem to be more business going on down that way. "Come on." She instructed and began walking without bidding any of the people she'd been talking to good bye.

As Zelael left to follow his master the women surrounding him sighed in disappointment. He'd noticed the commotion, but hadn't thought that his master would be interested. And yet here they were walking that way.
Kaine was startled in her sleep by the sound of maids running around. They seemed to be calling her name but she was still a little upset at Zyra. "Why do they want to find me so bad," she asked herself. She began to run around the gigantic garden on all fours until she saw Zyra through one of the windows. Kaine continued to watch Zyra from the window while she wondered if she should stop running.
Zyra frowned, her fingers tapping against her cheek. "Kaine..." She mumbled, her teeth already biting into the flesh of her lower lip as she continued to pace about the grounds. As long as she was on the estate she was safe, or so she hoped anyway. Her hair was a mess from where the lady of the house had began to pull it out from its binds, her eyes unfocused as she took a seat in the lounge. She was smoothing the creases in her skirt as she huffed, eyes now focused upon the flames. A pout came across her lightly painted lips as she groaned. She felt horrible.

The noble became restless, her fingers could curl into the red silk cloth thrown over the sofa, her eyes turning to the door at the slightest hope that it would be a maid or someone to tell her Kaine was okay. " least when they find her they will take her to her room." She wasn't sure the girl wanted to see her after all.

One of the maids had maid her way outside, calling out the name of the missing girl. Eventually, she found her. A smile came upon the maids lips as she offered her hand out. "You are Ms Kaine right?" She asked, although she didn't need a real answer. "Come on, lets go instead, Ms.Zyra has asked me to bring you to your room so you can rest."
Kaine wasn't startled when one of the maids approached her. She was a little sad that Zyra didn't even look for her and her ears went down. The thought that Zyra didn't like her anymore depressed the little tiger and she took the maid's hand without a second thought. Kaine followed the maid towards the entrance of the mansion.
(Why is it every time I respond to someone they stop replying? Was my post terrible or something?)

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((Annemarie Castle:

As each day passes

I sit and wonder why?

why you were taken

without a chance to say goodbye

and as I start thinking

with tears running down my cheeks

I think of life without you and it really makes me weep . . .))
I seriously think that's one of the most beautiful poems I've ever read. Also, I'm totally down for restarting this. I will even offer to GM or Co-GM it, if you guys like.

EDIT: The only problem is that I don't have internet right now, so my posts will be really slow. However, I should be able to post once a week at the very least.

It's just sad that this didn't get to go very far. >.<

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