My Pet

Kaine walked over and ate one of the biscuits. She immediately loved them and began to eat more of them that were on the tray. After she got over the bliss she took a seat on the floor in front of Zyra. "Not really. I haven't spent a lot of time around new people, they fear me and I know it." She wrapped her tail around her small frame and stared at the ground. "I'll go with you if you want and I should be fine as long as you don't leave me alone."
Zyra watched the girl carefully, her head tilted to a point that a few stray locks fell from her bun. How she hated having her hair up, but it was something she chose not to fight for now. "It's lots of fun little one, to meet others and make friends." She replied in a soft tone as she leaned down to pull the girl onto her lap, smiling happily. "I won't leave you, ever. You are far to adorable for me to do that!" She cheered. Again, Zyra was like a overgrown child sometimes. She paused before grinning. "Your room should be ready!" She mumbled hurriedly before she took the girls hand, motioning for her to follow. Reaching the oak door she pushed it open, smiling at the large decorated room as she waved her arm around. "This is all for you. Do you like it?"
Marceilles sat outside her old master's... Outside john's house. She pondered to whom she would give herself. If I'm careful, she thought, maybe I can simply pass myself off as human... It's decided then. She will fake humanity as long as possible to better her chances of finding a proper master.

And with that, she stood up, braced herself, and took her first step toward a new life. Toward the auctions.
The auction man's voice was loud, causing a ringing to begin manifesting in her ears as they sold off some of the other pets. Her current cage, tiny, was perched in the corner, with the white griffon sat upon her lower legs, hands upon her lap as she simply watch. She was curious after all. The auction rolled on and more and more were sold before it closed in upon her turn. The man spoke in a loud voice, clear and proud. "Next we have a pet that we have only just placed in our inventory. A pure bred white griffon." His voice, despite its familiarity with the girl annoyed her beyond compare. A grunt walked over to her cage, unlocking it before ordering her to get out. For the first time, a pet was freely released from their binds. She didn't wear a collar nor binding of any sort. She was taken onto one of the stages, the man placing his hand upon her head before he spoke again. "This is Jane, one of the few obedient creatures you will ever find." The girl knew what that meant. Instantly, she curtsied, shifting the pink material of her dress before she returned to her stoic self. "She is unlikely to rebel and is almost doll like as you can see. So, lets start the bidding, as usual, do it upon yourself and the one who can offer the highest just come up to pay me/"
In the back of the auction, very few might have noticed the rather short figure standing up against the wall. He wasn't leaning upon it, but rather, standing with his back to it with his shoulders squared. He quietly and intently watched a animal after animal was being sold off; it was not his first time at an auction, but it never ceased to surprise him just how many animals the sellers were able to retrieve every time.

The next animal for bidding was a young girl that they actually let out of the cage, something rather unheard of at auctions. This, like it did to many others at the auction, intrigued him greatly. Uncrossing his arms and walking away from the wall, he pushed through the crowd to get a better look.

Just as the man had said, the girl did indeed look like a doll. But, it was not her looks that interested him. As she curtsied, he was struck with a single, powerful impulse; he wanted her. He didn't want her in a lustful way, or even as a mere trophy.

She was obedient.

He wanted that obedience. In that split second, he wanted it more than anything else. And it wasn't only him- many of the auctioners were already starting their bids, eager to win the uncommonly acquiescing animal. It almost didn't even matter what she actually was.

Jack waited patiently for his chance, his facial expression never once wavering from his usual calm and nonchalant look.

"Going once! Twice! So-"

"Seventy five dollars." Although his voice was rather quiet, everyone heard him. Coupled with the hand motion, no one could deny that Jacques Michaelis De'Raizel, the man who rarely ever made a bid, had just made a bid. It was a startlingly high one, too.

Without even bothering to wait, Jack made his way up to where the seller and the animal were. He pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket, and gave it to the man.

"V-Very well! The pure white griffon goes to Sir De'Raizel!"

Jack did not address the man further, but instead turned to the girl. "Come." He simply said, turning away from her.

(If anyone else would also like Jack as a master, please let me know)
(I've been waiting for quite a while for someone to even notice that I posted. So, I'll be dropping out if no one does so, it's pointless to sit around and wait. Scott is still up for auction, he has since yesterday morning)
(I just started on this rp today...would you be okay if Jack picked him up, or did you have another master in mind? Also, please make sure to read his character sheet...I only say this because I'm not entirely sure of how Jack and Scott might mesh.)
(Jack is awesome. I think Scott and him would work well. In the end it's your choice tho.)
Kaine scanned the room in front of her and walked around it smelling the new area. She saw that everything was a different shade of orange and it reminded her of what her parents probably looked like. Once she finished scoping out the area she laid on the bed and loved the feel of it. Kaine pounced back on Zyra with her tail swishing behind her, "I love it!"
Standing toward the back of the auction patrons, Marceilles Valtierri waited patiently with her cloak pulled tightly around herself. She saw the auctioneer boasting loudly about a purebred something or other, and notices movement from the corner of her eye. A man began to make his way through the crowd, and she glimpsed his face. Her eyes widened when she realized... he looked just like john!

Marceilles watched as he approached the stage on which the auctioneer stood, put in a bid, and the crow fell silent. Her hopes soared when, upon purchasing the pet being sold, beckoned for her to follow, and walked away.

Perhaps he is my new master, she thought. And so she followed him.
(Zelael still hasn't been gotten, so unless someone else wants him or you think you have enough then Jack can buy him.)
(Alrighty! I'll have jack buy scott and zelael too then :) ill be posting sometime today. Also, if by chance another master wants either of them we can work something out. We could always do something like...'pet does something bad so jack beats him up but other master steps in the way and jack gives pet to other master' sort of thing.)
(Tres cool! Is it just me, or is the master/beast ratio really off? As in, there's a lot more beasts than masters. I mean, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just making an observation here.)
(It is indeed off xD I just don't have the experience to run two characters)

When they've gone far enough from the crowds, Marceilles caught up with te man, and acquired his attention. When she had it, she removed her hood to reveal her black eyes and color-changing hair.

"You, sir," she began, "remind me of my previous master. The problem is, he recently died of old age. With his last breath, he told me to take this," she pulled out her pedigree, "and give it to whom I please. Will you be my master?"
(Zyra would probably take on another one)

Jane stared at the man who now owned her fate before she stepped off the stage, walking towards him as her arms remain limp at her side. 'I'm no longer my own' No, the girls shook her head softly. 'I never was.' Her feet, betraying her brought her towards the small man before she bowed, her head tilted ever so sightly as she returned to her straight posture.

She kept her silence, waiting for anything that allowed her to speak. Then again, Jane rarely spoke as it is so it wasn't a huge deal. Her hands joined one another in front of lap as she only kept her eyes upon her owner. '
I do not understand why he would buy me....however, it doesn't change the fact he did.'

Zyra grinned happily as she clasped her hands together. "I am glad that you love it little one!" She cheered. Of course, Zyra was probably going to do a lot for the little pet but it was a common thing with people who have her personality. She took a look around, the layers of orange that adorned her dress swayed as she smiled. "If you need anything, you can always tell the maids."

As the girl pounced on her she gasped, falling back as she laughed softly. "I'm glad you are happy." She whispered softly, brushing her hand through her hand through the small girls hair before she paused. "Wasn't Sir De'Raizel coming over today?" She whispered before shrugging, turning back to Kaine. "You'll love him! He is so sweet." Well, that was ignoring the major fact that everyone was good in Zyra's eyes.
(Sorry my post was so late)
Jack remained silent as his new pet respectfully bowed to him. Although her courteous manner pleased him, his expression never changed. He stared her down for a long moment, taking careful note of her demeanor as he did so.

Then, he spoke.

"I will tell you the house rules, little pet, when the time is correct to do so." His voice, smooth as silk, actually sounded somewhat warm as he called her 'little pet'. This was actually a rather significant change from his usual cold and emotionless way of speaking. "Your rules and orders, as of this moment, stand as follows: You are not to speak, unless dire circumstances require you to do so. If you are spoken to by another, point to me. For now, you are only to follow me silently until I tell you otherwise. Failure to comply will earn you a beating and loss of tonight's dinner." He rattled the 'rules and orders' off much like a sergeant would, very quickly and concisely. He also did something that many masters did not- he made it very clear what the punishment would be if she did not obey. He did not, however, say what he would do if she tried to run away.

Without saying anything further, he once again turned away from her and began to make his way through the crowd once more.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Gather around, gather around! We, here have this marvelous creature. A fierce, strong, rabid wolfman!"

The booming voice of the announcer caught Jack's attention, albeit nonchalant. The word 'rabid' did not appeal to him whatsoever, since he was one who craved complete and total obedience, but the mention of something as strong as a wolfman intrigued him. He made his way to a spot where he could see the wolfman clearly; having taken the position of a caveman, to Jack the beast didn't appear too smart.

Or was he?

The thought occurred to Jack that perhaps the beast was taking on that position to look stronger- like the beastial cavemen of old. By doing this, he was smart enough to sense the wishes of his previous master (which would be to sell him) and so he was attempting to fulfill that wish. To Jack, that in itself was obedience.

Perhaps Jack could improve the beasts obedience further. He badly needed a sparring partner, and his newest acquisition didn't seem suited to the task. As he began to bid, (although he never jumped, shouted, waved money around, or anything of the like, it was incredibly uncharacteristic of him to do so) he decided that he would give this pet a chance. He only hoped that he would not have to break him.

Although there were many who also competed for the wolfman, there are few who can contend with Jack's wealth and prestige, even if it only came from his father. He easily intimidated the other bidders into backing out, which let him buy the wolfman without much trouble. As he walked up to the announcer and paid the man, he never once broke eye contact with the beast. He continued to keep eye contact as the man opened up the beasts cage and handed him a leash.

"Come. If you will be obedient and follow me, I will not leash you. However, if you follow and are not obedient, I will beat you with this leash, and then I will leash you. Do you understand?"

(I'm going to wait for scott's response, then I'll pick up Zelael and respond to Marceilles in my next post. I'll try to meet up with Zyra sometime in the next post or two as well.)
Zyra listened, her eyes blinked occasionally as she listened to him continue going on with his rules. 'Silent'. Her thought etched its way into her mind before she nodded, bowing her head in response. Her personality made those rules a lot easier to follow. She rarely spoke anyway, and more often that not it was to herself and she was alone whenever it occurred.

With that, her master turned on his heels and headed back into the crowd, walking back to the stage where the pets were showed in cages to be sold. Her eyes looked at the wolfman, her dulled silver remaining on him for a while before she turned as well, walking slowly after Jack. Once stood behind him, her hands still remaining in the same place she looked up at the stage properly to watch.

Settled quietly behind him, the pet lost herself back in thought as she thought about her new Master. '
He is very odd...probably from the military. It helps that he used a commanding tone when speaking the rules. Definetely military.' She shifted slightly, dropping her hands to her side as she watched both her master and the auction.

As he bid upon the wolfman, her head tilted as she watched her master purchase him '
I hope this wolfman does not get on his bad side...' The girl mentally sighed, frowning. 'I wouldn't want to see him get punished...Beating...' A slight shudder ran down her spine before she pushed it away, turning back to watch her master with curious eyes.

(Hmmm....actually, I think it would be cool if she got into a fight, got found out that she was in possession of her pedigree, then the slave traders could try to take her....this could prompt Jack to step in and claim her. What do you think?)
(Good plan)

Marceilles was on her way to follow the man who bought the gryphon, when a stray auction goer bumped into her. Frustrated, her hair turned a bright red and her hood was shoved off. "Beast!" Shouted the startled man, and everyone in the immediate area stepped away in fear.

She tried to replace her hood and disappear into the crowd, but it was too late. A guard seized her by the wrist and pulled her toward the stage.

"I am a free woman!" Marceilles shouted above the commotion, waving her pedigree around desperately. "Oh look! She DOES have we pedigree! Less paperwork for us, eh boss?" The grunt called to the auctioneer after the wolf man was sold.
Kaine purred at the feeling of being petted and wondered if all owners were this kind. Zyra quickly gained her attention when she mentioned someone coming to visit them. The name alone gave her a bad feeling for some reason causing her to pout while she wondered why it did. "Who's Rai? Is he one of your friends?" Kaine felt the need to shorten his name to avoid the shiver that would go through her if she said his name correctly.
Zyra just smiled happily, quiet content with remaining where she was to pet the girl. "Well, he is a nice man, don't worry." She muttered in response, still smiling happily as she spoke. "It's just best you don't get on his bad side." She replied with a large smile still plastered upon her features. "It seems that I can occasionally annoy him and he gets angry.." She began to laugh slightly, a seemingly happy smirk upon her lips. "He is a man completely obsessed with obedience. It can be funny but I fear for any pets he gets." She replied with a soft huff before she returned to petting her hair. "Don't worry about it, he won't do a thing to you." 

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