My Pet


World-Renowned Dawdler
A quaint town, held in high regards by the many wealthy people who reside there, is a perfect target for Beast sellers. Ladies and gentlemen examine their catches, their pockets full and their eyes curious and judging. A typical Beast can sell for 10 dollars, maybe, though the rarer creatures can go up to fifty.

Beasts who are sold as pets are treated as such; they aren't particularly intelligent, or resemble a human much, so they are given cages, toys and treats, shown off to guests. Servants lead far more miserable lives, despite being considered more human than the less advanced of the Beasts. They can be subject to abuse, physical or verbal, and are overall treated worse than the pet Beasts. Of course, no one can stand up to their abusers, seeing as humans have their hand over them.

A lucky Beast, however, can be sold into a more pleasant household; one not unlike that of Mr. Desmond Morrin. An unmarried man, he lives in a large home by himself; so long as you don't count his servants and pets, human, Beast or otherwise. He doesn't typically lay a hand on them, leaving some more content.

In the basement, the living quarters of his Beasts (servants and pets alike), some creatures began to stir. A kappa tapped on the wall of his watery cage, while a young banshee stirred, tugging at her gag (a safety measure). There was the ring of a bell; Mr. Morrin was requesting breakfast, and one of the servants was to fetch him it.
Mr. Desmond Morrin's estate was slightly more than this lowly messenger would have expected for one man, regardless of his numerous servants and pets. His eyes widened to drink in its whole visage as he approached the main doorway. He left a short missive on the step, knocked once loudly on the massive door, and walked away as solemnly as he had come. The missive reads;

"Dear Mr. Morrin,

It has come to my attention that you collect beasts of various kinds, and that you treat them relatively well. I have one particular beast which I believe would tickle your fancy, and which I am reluctant to sell to anyone else. If it pleases you, then make your way to my home at [unimportant information] in three days' time to see if my pet is to your liking"
The second manor owned by the Harley family was currently in turmoil as servants knocked into each other as they hurried to prepare whatever they were assigned to, their faces contorted into concern as they hurried with slightly clumsy steps. However, to most the reason to why this was happening was completely unknown. Who would blame them! The young heiress of the Harley family herself had no clue to what this all was about! On that note, Zyra was often present in the garden so her lack of concern was never present.

Dressed in the softest silk dress that had pooled around her seated form in waves of colour. From a vibrant orange to a pale one that was a much colder colour. Towards the top it was black, a pure black that clung to her slightly pale skin before meeting with her silky black choker, the vibrant orange stone set upon her choker matched her dress, it matched the soul that her family held. The Harley's always adorned something in the colour orange but Zyra just took to it more than the rest.

Her fingers clad by a single silver ring upon her index finger was brushing against the soft surface of the petals, the roses scent and appearance influencing her present position as per usual. Her eyes, a soft blue could only stare at the small curls of each petal, the dangerous spikes that rested upon the bed of its stalk and the small droplets of water that slithered down its stem and to the moist soil. "Pretty..."

Today, Zyra was thinking about going down to buy a pet. After all, it was something she had considered for a long time and such a huge event would distract her from the nagging words that haunted her mind. The letter. Her parents, once again concerned about her and their social standing were pleading with her to marry. After all, she was a woman and they were to be married by this point in life. Smiling slightly she stood, before heading inside.


Her fingers clutched the doll like dress that held loosely to her small form. Eyes, a grey that reached the realm of blue stared at the man who sold these 'pets', who sold creatures as something less that human. As property. However, she was not rebellious, was not disobedient and was not a talkative one. She was silent. Her thoughts were just that of the surrounding cell like room, mapping it out in untold boredom before she sighed softly, leaning back with the slightest motion in mental exhaustion.

Jane's eyes remained open as she watched those bars with nothing but curiousity. What would it be like to leave this tiny cell and walk around free? She mentally scolded herself for such a thought as she slowly stood from her chair, no longer the still doll she was taught to be. Jane had always looked like a doll, easily breakable and inhumane but that was because she was both.

She was weak, breakable like porcelain and inhumane. She was definitely not human after all.

She walked over towards the bars, reaching up to press her fingers against those cold bars, the cold surface causing her to reel back before frowning slightly, curling her fingers into her palm to warm her pale skin once again. "Cold..." Her voice was broken by now from lack of use, yet it was still the calm soft song that it was once before. It was just shattered glass. Looking once more at those tempting bars before she took a few steps back, taking a seat upon the mattress like bed as she looked back over at the small frail window she found comfort in.
Kaine paced the full length of her cage on all fours while the humans scurried around to prepare for the auction that would be starting soon. Most of them had stopped to stare at her and wondered how much the blonde Lakraian would bring in. Her tail flicked behind in irritation as she charged the bars and barely made a dent in it while getting electrocuted. "Let me out," she roared out once she flopped down on her butt. Any attempt that she made to bust out resulted in being shocked and sent back. The little ears on her head were flat against head while she waited to be sold.
Walking inside she walked over towards her head maid she had a smile upon her lips. Clasping her hands together she seemed overly happy as usual. The petite maid passed the house owner another letter before bowing. "Anna...could you go get the carriage ready...I want to go to the auction today." The woman looked at the lady before nodding, hurrying off into the mass of scurrying servants.

Stepping up into the carriage, taking her hand from that of her butlers who assisted the woman up into the seat. Perching herself down she quickly unfolded the letter signed with her parents names. After a few minutes she folded it up before putting it away, a sigh passing her lips as she felt the carriage slowly begin to fall into a stop.

Stepping out, once again with the butler helping her down she smiled before walking towards the well known location of these infamous auctions. Walking up to the door she slipped inside, her blonde hair and vibrant clothes only served to make the girl stand out. Of course, the usual chatter began at the sight of the Harley woman. She rolled her eyes at them before heading to a seat, perching herself down as she awaited it to start.
A mysterious man in a red tuxedo stepped up to the platform overlooking the wealthy people that gathered to be the lucky owner of his rarest pet. He whistled and 2 men rolled out a large cage that was covered by a black blanket. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to my secret auction where you may be the proud owner of the last Lakraian!" HE turned towards the cage and removed the blanket to reveal Kaine as she roared at the humans gawking at her. She tried to shift but the cage sent a large amount of watts into her and she fell to her knees. "Let the bidding begin among yourselves and the person with the highest bid may take her home as their new pet!"
Merceilles couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen with her master being sick. She walked down the hallways of his castle and listened to the sound of her footsteps, clearing her mind. She remembered how kind he was for the two short years he was her master. He's not like other humans. His whole family had died in a catastrophe of which he refuses to speak, and he understood the value of friendship, unlike her previous masters. She was afraid.

As her pulse picked up, so did her pace. She wished she could do something about her master's sickness. About her friend's sickness.

As she approaches her room, she considers the lateness of the hour, and decides to go to bed.
She simply watched silently as the man in the tuxedo stood, showing the first pet to be sold. Her eyes shifted onto the creature as she stared in awe. It was rare that she ever saw a pet but this one was...well cute! She smiled as she curled her hands into orange dress, watching as the bidding continued. Men and woman raised their bids, the occasional shout of disbelief was heard before the bid was raised once more.

Zyra stood to her feet as she pulled her purse into her hands, looking over the waving hands of the other nobles before she thought. Momentarily she was quiet, her head tilted to the side before she spoke, her words loud enough to be heard. "Seventy?" She called out, taking a step back when she received multiple glares from some of the other competitors.

Of course, after her bid there were others who just raised it up further. She shook her head before she spoke once again, an annoyed expression upon her features as she raised her hand. "Ninety." She called out, listening out as no one said a single thing. A smile came to her lips when the auctioneer declared her the winner.

She was proud of herself!

Once she had won she headed over to the red suited guy, pulling the money from her purse as she passed it to him before tilting her head. "Um...Do I have to sign anything or is it that I only have to pay you?" She asked quietly. Of course, this was her first time even at a auction so she was confused about what to do.
The man couldn't have looked happier when the blonde girl approached with money. "No mam all you have to do is pay me and this gorgeous kitty is yours to as you please with. I do warn you that she is quite wild but is a joy to add to anyone's collection." Kaine eyed the girl curiously from her cage and for once felt no need to show aggression towards her. The man walked over to the cage and strapped a strange studded collar with a leash before handing it to Zyra. "Okay Miss Harley, she's all yours and if she gets too wild feel free to this button to give her a shock." After explain that to her he walked away.
Zyra just blinked before she glanced over at the dealer, nodding quietly as she took the leash within her nimble hands. She looked over to the 'kitty' with a raised brow before smiling happily. Her butler came over to her, huffing tiredly as she passed this shock button to him. "I don't really want it..." She murmured. Looking at the pet she leaned down, smiling. "Are you going to run?" She asked softly, her hands upon her lap. "If not, I can take the collar off." She replied before offering the small girl her hand.
Kaine watched the girl closely while her furry ears twitched. She shook her head and mumbled 'no' as she placed her hand in the other girl's. It felt weird to touch her because Kaine never came in contact with anything remotely human before. After tilting her head a little she decided that this human was safe. "I promise," she said as she looked at Zyra with determined expression.
Zyra looked happy as she reached over towards the collar, taking the whole thing off from the small girl before she threw it away. Her hand still holding the girls as she headed towards the carriage. Stepping up she helping get the girl in before she slumped into the leather chair, throwing her arms up happily as she grinned. "I got my first Pet! I'm really happy!" She cheered.
Kaine smiled, the girl's smile was contagious but she yawned suddenly. She stretched out like a cat and leapt onto Zyra's lap where she made herself comfortable. 'This human is warm, she's mine now.' With that thought she drifted off to sleep and began to purr softly with her head comfortably in Zyra's lap.
The carriage began to move as Zyra looked down at Kaine, grinning as her hand ran through the girls hair soothingly. She quite liked the smaller girl! Maybe that was because it was her first Pet but the girl was so cute! Unfortunately she was prone to fall for anything that was cute and adorable. As the feline girl drifted asleep, Zyra glanced out the window, watching as they pulled up to the manor. The butler came over to the door, looking at Zyra before nodding. The woman gently pulled Kaine into her arms before she hopped out. "Could you go prepare a room for her?" Receiving a nodd she walked inside, yawning herself as she went to the lounge, gently putting Kaine down onto the couch before standing properly. "There!" Taking a seat next to the sleeping pet she began to look over her mail. She had lots of people to meet, mainly those who had companies her father wished to work with.
Kaine tossed and turned in her sleep while she ran in her dreams from the hunters. She suddenly jumped up from the chair and shifted into an almost 7 foot tall bi-pedal tiger as she scanned the room for danger. She didn't recognize her surroundings and began to panic while she clenched her paw-like hands. Kaine was prepared to fight for her life if she needed to.
She leaned back in her seat, her eyes wide as she placed a hand to her chest as the girl turned into a large tiger. Of course, it pumped fear into Zyra. Who wouldn't be scared! She leaned fowards slightly, holding out her hand as she frowned. "A-ah...c-calm down..." She whispered, slowly getting to her feet as she walked over to Kaine. "C'mon, calm down please?"
A voice drew Kaine's attention and she looked down. She could easily smell her fear rolling off of her in waves and some part of her brain was telling her to calm down, breathe. She took a deep breath and her mind cleared. Kaine sat on her haunches in front of Zyra and rubbed her head against Zyra's hand.
She smiled as the girl calmed down, her head rubbing against her hand. "You are so cute! " She whispered softly before crouching down, reaching up to wrap her arms around the girl as she smiled. "I'm glad I got you!" She declared happily, petting her head before leaning back, her hands resting on the orange silk of her lap. "You don't need to worry though, I'm here for you." She whispered before looking at the letters. "When I go out to meet other nobles you can come with me, you may end up meeting other pets and make some friends!" She cheered, clapping her hands together.
She smiled at the compliment and turned back to her human form. The clothes she was wearing had shredded but Kaine didn't mind because she felt more free this way. Her smile faded when she heard the words 'pet' and 'friends'. She shook her head as her ears laid flat, "I don't wanna."
The young wolfman grunted in confusion as his amber eyes fluttered open. His vision was cloudy, his thoughts in a confusing jumble. Scott had minimal clothing, no shirt, revealing his smooth, muscular chest, his toned caramel arms and thin hairs leading from just below his navel to below his waistline. He wore torn up black shorts to keep some sort of his dignity, his dark brown, wavy locks were short, but disheveled. His amber eyes represented those of a wolf, he had large canines, wolfish features and a normal teenage tone, a bit gravely, but mostly normal.

Scott came out of his haze to stare in horror at the crowd of potential owners waving cash in air in excitement, women fanning themselves, wearing expensive dresses, small hats, most clinging to the arm of a potential buyer. He focused on the rusty bars of the rather-excuse his french-crappy cage. His eyebrows knitted together and he flicked his eyes around, tensing and growling slightly at the booming voice of the announcer. "Ladies and gentlemen! Gather around, gather around! We, here have this marvelous creature. A fierce, strong, rabid wolfman!" The crowd boomed with applause and Scott found himself backing up in the corner of his cage, positioned much like what people would assume a caveman, feet on the floor, legs bent, raised and using fists to keep himself upright. His toned torso was lined with various scratches and scars, but besides the small imperfections was hairless.

Soon money came flying, people were shouting and one man cried out "He doesn't look vicious! Hes worthless!" At this the announcer tensed, more questions came storming up from the crowd and the announcer grabbed a pointed stick, the end covered in dried blood from various other creatures. Before Scott knew it the weapon was being jabbed into his side. He yowled in pain, snapping his teeth, his pupils decreasing to small specks, the inhuman amber flickering with uncertainty. The crowd, as expected went wild. Men crying out costs, women gasping in shock and poor, poor Scott, cornered in the back of his cage, being jabbed relentlessly.

All he could do now was wait for his new future.
Mercailles' eyes welled with years as she knelt beside her old master. She knew she was bound to outlive him, as he was decrepit when he bought her, but she wouldn't have guessed when they first met that she would be so sad when he was finally on his way to the other side of night.

Mercailles could feel herself giving off excessive amounts of water, and could even hear it dripping to the floor. She imagined she should go to the balcony, so as not to ruin the floor. Just as she was about to cross the threshold outside, she heard a tortured call from behind her.

"Mercie! Mercie, get in here! I need you right now!"

"I'm here," she called back, her pulse quickening and the water ceasing to pour. Instead, her hair hardened and was still. Her whole body became cold as stone, and she asked, "what is it, master? What can I do to ease your pain?" Then she clasped his hands in hers, careful not to crush them.

"Reach into the drawer beside my bed," he instructed her, "in it is your pedigree. It is a document that states to whom you belong. Take it, and give yourself to whom you will. But be warned. If it is seen that you have no owner, you will be taken to auction."

"No, no master! I don't want to leave you!"

"You aren't the one leaving, Mercie. I only hope that this final gift is enough to make life worth living. The choice is yours, dear girl, make it wisely."

"I will, master," she promised, "I will..." And her hair again turned a deep ocean blue and poured water like rain.

"Call, me... John......" And he faded, to the black of the void.
She looked at the girl carefully before nodding. "Thats okay then." She replied, standing to her feet as she went and sat back on the couch. Setting her hands upon her lap as simply smiled as she normally did. By now, a maid had walked in and placed some tea upon the table, small buiscuits placed at the porcelain cups sides. She nodded before pointing to it. "Have some, my chef is really good!" She whispered happily as she reached over to grab her cup, bringing it to her lips as she took a sip. "So, you do not wish to meet others?" She asked.
Zelael stood with a stoic expression surrounded by potential new masters. He wore a black suit that made his already dark hair and pale skin look even more so, the suit was designed to highlight his deep red eyes. His last master had gotten tired of him like so many others, and so he was being sold. The ladies gathered round complementing his looks but earned no reaction from him. Instead he surveyed the rest of the commotion going on. One of the few things that could hold his interest was all the different creatures that came and went. Mighty and small all being sold or traded for the enjoyment of humans. And he pondered whom his new master would be. 'But does it really matter?' He thought. 'They'll soon be bored of me too, and I'll again be sold.'

"Stop that." His master commanded. Zelael realized that he'd begun to finger the collar of his suit absentmindedly, he immediately stopped. "Keep your hands still." Zelael obeyed. He would be more than glad to this master gone. She was a rich widow who strived for perfection, though her opinion of perfect changed quite. She used the power of the bind placed on Zelael to bend him to her will to the fullest extent. Making sure he fit her present idealized standards.

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