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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Charles Reiss IV
Location: Let's go to the shop, darling!
The weight of tradition

It looked like his idea of linking arms ended up not being that successful, with ( MisoraUni MisoraUni ) Alirah taking his hand instead and tugging it. Charles had no complaints about that, feeling the comforting warmth of her hand return to his, which was getting rather lonely. When the girl started moving, at first he ended up being dragged, struggling with his movements for a single moment, before picking up the exact same pace as her, staying only slightly behind her. On their way to the boutique, the young aristocrat didn’t think about anything in particular, just taking in what other shops they could find in that spacious mall.

After a bit of time, they ended up in front of an interesting store. The design it sported was very traditional, something akin to what he had seen in books depicting Japanese art and architecture. When he visited Tokyo, a few years ago, it was very disappointing that most places he went to ended up having a western-styled design to them. That boutique was a welcome change of pace. The young heir then noticed a sign by the door, instructing those that came in to remove their shoes - “Mmmm… I see they are not really skimming on keeping tradition alive” - he wondered to himself. Suddenly, the warmth left his right hand and, looking down at his hand, he saw that the purple-haired girl’s hand was gone. A slightly displeased expression permeated his face, until he heard her voice penetrating his ears, his face moving, so he could look at her.

When he heard her sweet, shy voice call him by his nickname, even if it was quickly said it, the displeased expression vanished. His eyes brightened up, just like a child on Christmas morning who had just unwrapped a gift by the Christmas’ tree and found out they got that toy they asked for the whole year. Her sheepish eyes only complemented it and, for a moment, he realized how lucky and fortunate he had been in meeting the girl - “Will do, darling. Last thing I want is to be rude to a shopkeeper” - and, with that, he removed both of his finely-crafted, black-leather shoes, putting them at the entrance, just beside Alirah’s footwear. That revealed the young man was wearing silk-black socks.

Entering the shop, Charles stared at the crow who had made its way to the counter. Approaching it, with the girl closer to it than he was, he watched the odd behaviour of the bird - “Wait… what?” - he studied how it kept pointing at the girl with its wings, trying to get the old lady’s attention about something. When the same old lady said something about the crow communicating with her, the young Reiss felt really sad for her. It looked like time had done it away with the shopkeeper’s senses, now believing that she talked with animals. Truly a shinning example of Japan’s failed and ineffective mental health policies. When the purple-haired girl started to make her way to the backroom, he thought about protesting, fearing for Alirah’s safety. His worries were laughed off, remembering how active and strong she was. And, with both leaving to the backroom, he was left with the odd bird.

Seeing the crow eye him up and now, as if measuring him, made his eyebrow twitch. He approached the animal, staying no more than 3 inches from the counter. Once again, crouching down, he was at the bird’s eye level, and he stared at it - “You don’t look like any crow I ever saw… you are something else, aren’t you?” - he asked the bird, narrowing his eyes questioningly, not really expecting a reply from it. Maybe he was just imagining things from all the excitement he had on that day, stealing his first kiss and knowing the purple-haired girl had feelings for him, as he did for her - “What am I doing, talking to a crow? Maybe I was the one who went insane” - he comments in a low voice, but enough for the black avian to hear it. He laughed lightly, in a self-deprecating manner, entertaining the idea he had gone bonkers.

In just a moment, the bird had flown away. Following it with his eyes, it had landed on a top shelf, probably wanting to get a better vision of the store or maybe betting to find a stray prey on the floors of the shop. After a few minutes, both the old lady and the girl were back to the front of the store. Look at Alirah, he noticed her contagious smile and, in no time, he was smiling as well, without even noticing it - “Yes, yes I am!” - he answered, just after the purple-haired girl, being taken to the counter of the shop. The young British man was surprised by the price of the bracelet. While he had only seen it for an instant, it was very cheap. So much he almost felt bad for paying so little on it. His right hand darted to the inside of his blazer, accessing the inner pocket of it. There, he took could his wallet. It was brown, made it out of leather, without any other discerning patterns or names on it. Opening it up, he took out two bills from it, a 5000 yen bill and a 1000 yen bill - “Please, keep the change” - he said, when he handed over both bills to the old shopkeeper.
Alirah Hoshino - status graphicv2.png

The boutique owner smiled lightly while receiving the money, but then proceeded to count out the change and place it into Charles’ hand. “No thank you, young man. I’m selling it for that exact amount, and that amount only.” The woman then slid the gift bag over to Alirah. Alirah then took the bag and bowed her head to the woman. “Thank you so much!” The woman waved at Alirah lightly. “You are welcome! Feel free to come back here whenever you like~” Alirah then took a moment to look around. The crow was no longer anywhere to be seen inside the boutique. ‘Where did she go?...’ Alirah was puzzled with how quiet that crow could be. ‘Well…. Not like she hasn’t done that before.’ She shrugged it off then tapped Charles' right shoulder lightly with her right index finger. “Now that I have my bracelet, is there anything else you want to do?” Alirah then wandered her eyes around briefly before looking back to Charles’ eyes. A sudden thought of the movie theater from earlier sprang into her mind. “A movie perhaps?”

Interactions: Maxxob Maxxob (Charles)
Charles Reiss IV
Location: Time to catch a film!
The weight of tradition

Reluctantly, Charles accepted the change from the old lady. Personally, he didn’t want it, but he would rather get it than to offend the shopkeeper. Before making his way to the door and putting on his shoes once again, he noticed the ( MisoraUni MisoraUni ) girl stored the gift bag inside her backpack. When he finished putting on his shoes, he felt a light tapping on his shoulder, turning immediately to face Alirah - “Mmmm… something I want to do…. Something I want to do ….” - he moved his head downwards, looking at the ground. His right hand moved to support his chin, and he appeared to be deep in thought. Out of nowhere, the scene when they were approaching the arcade played once again in his mind. The idea of being together with the purple-haired girl, in a dark room, as childish as it might have been, made his cheeks flush in a strong, crimson colour. And it so appeared that she had the exact same idea as he did - “A film would be perfect. It seems there is a pretty funny romance comedy being shown right now” - he said those words with his left hand moving meekly to his own cheek and scratching it a bit - “What do you say? Up for it?” - his eyes focused on her alluring, star-shaped eyes . He didn’t, however, wait for her response, taking her right hand with his left, dragging her back to where they had seen the film theatre.

While he retraced their steps, it was clear that he didn’t remember the way back perfectly. Missing a few turns and moving a bit slower than the purple-haired girl, they managed to be back in around 15 minutes. He sighed with relief when, at distance, he saw the luminous sign announcing the theatre was just ahead - “We made it!” - he said, with noticeable excitement, almost proud of himself, smiling and turning towards the girl. It looked like, the only session on display, was the said rom-com. Approaching the ticket booth, he bought a ticket for each of them, not even giving Alirah the chance for paying it, had she felt like doing so. Getting back with the two slips of paper, which would allow their admittance in it, he handed over one of them to the girl - “It has been a loooooong time since I had been to the movies… I think mother was still around” - the young aristocrat commented, clearly trying to jog his memory as best he could - “No matter, no matter. Let’s go, darling?” - the young British teenager gave her a kind smile, giving her the preference of going in first. Before they could enter it, however, there was an usher, standing at the entrance, to collect the tickets. It was an elderly man, around his 50s, dressed presentable. There was not a single strain of hair on his head anymore, having quite a shiny bald head.

When Alirah approached and handed him her ticket, he took it without much ceremony, disconnecting a rope that would allow her to pass through. The same process was repeated with Charles and, soon after it, they would be inside the already dark room. From the looks of it, the film had started around 3 minutes ago, so they hadn’t missed anything part of it. Looking around the several rows of seats, the young heir bent his body left and right, hunting the perfect spot for them. They had basically every single option available, since only three other people were in the room: a couple, sitting in the very last row, appearing to be more interesting in whispering to each other rather than anything else and a middle-aged woman, sitting on the third row from the screen. Charles turned to Alirah, with a questioning expression: “Mmmm…. Darling, where do you want to sit?” - he looked at her puzzlingly, his cheeks keeping a slightly reddish tone to it.
Alirah Hoshino - status graphicv2.png

"Hmm…" Alirah scanned her eyes around the theater, tilting her head back and forth slightly. She didn't want to sit too close to the other people, but she also didn't want to be directly in the middle either. She spotted a perfect place to sit a few moments later. She turned her head to look at Charles, her face flushing from what she was about to say. It would most likely be like this every time that she addresses him from hereafter. "Ehem. Da-darling…" She spoke in a quick whisper because she was bashful and didn't want the others to hear. "Follow me. I know where we are sitting." She didn't give him much of a choice and rather dragged him off to the fourth row from the last so that they'd be somewhat in the back of the theater but far away enough from the others in the room to not disturb them. She kept walking until they reached the very end of the row. Alirah looked at the seat on the end for a few seconds, then decided she would sit in the second to last seat. She slid herself to the left past Charles, releasing her hand from his as she did so, and sat into her seat. "Sit here." She patted the seat to the right of her. Then the smallest ever so slight grumble came from Alirah’s stomach. “Oh, wait. What about some snacks? Popcorn?” Alirah looked up at Charles with a pleading puppy dog expression. “Can you go get some before you sit down please?”

Interactions: Maxxob Maxxob (Charles)
Eliza full body - costume outfit (2).jpg
Eliza Mizuno | Cryo Freeze | Quirk: Cryo/ice-manipulation
Location: Training Ground D

Eliza turned her head to the red haired boy (Sean) ever so slightly. She tilted her head for a moment, wondering how he knew her name already when they had not met face to face before. But then again, he may have heard her name through the grapevine somehow…. It possibly could be the fact that her family is well known with her Mother being a famous chef and her Dad being a pro hero.. ‘That’s not exactly the best way to find out who I am though…’ She sighed and wandered her eyes up towards the sky. She didn’t necessarily like to associate herself completely with her parents when they were not around.

A moment later Eliza looked away from the sky and turned her head towards the river. Then she started to stretch her arms and legs out to loosen up her body. “I was leaning towards fighting the boss bot anyway.” After stretching fully, she walked up to the blonde boy who seemed to be yet another late arrival. His name was apparently Akira as the red haired boy (Sean) had called him. And apparently his quirk was something along the lines of... He punches hard? Something tells me that’s not the extent of it….’ She eyed Akira for quite a few seconds before a calm smile appeared onto her face. “Well then, Akira, I guess you and I should go slowly make our way to the boss while the rest of them deal with the minions.” She then walked up to Akira. “Also, I’m Eliza Mizuno. I don’t think we’ve officially met~” Eliza bowed her head politely towards the blonde boy, then lifted her head up and gave him a warm friendly smile. She then clapped her hands together twice. "Now, let's go do our best to bring that boss bot down!"

Interactions: Haze- Haze- | Deathkitten Deathkitten

Mentions: Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Archdemon Archdemon | IG42 IG42 | SilverInu SilverInu | @ Anyone else that is participating in the training with Donny
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Charles Reiss IV
Location: Time to catch a film!
The weight of tradition

Charles watched the ( MisoraUni MisoraUni ) adorable girl in front of him become bashful when it was time to say his nickname. He couldn’t help, but open a big smile, seeing her like that. He imagined how it would be when she had to call him that in front of their classmates. The young heir made his way, or better said, was tugged by Alirah, towards the seat she had chosen. It was in a perfect spot: far away from the other people in the theatre without hampering their vision. By the seat she had selected, he would stay at the very end of the row, while she would stay at his left. As he was approaching his seat and was going to squeeze himself in front of her legs, she mentioned snacks. While he analysed her request, he looked at her pleading expression: those really round eyes peered into his, it was truly puppy-like. That stung his heart as much as if he had done something terrible to her. The young Reiss simply couldn’t resist those eyes - “Wait right here, and I will be back in no time!” - he said, smiling gently, turning around and making his way to the outside of the film theatre.

As he walked through the door, not far from it, he could see a snack stand. Approaching it, the smell of the cooked kernel, along with butter, filled his nostrils. That scent alone was enough to make him peckish. Looking at the tub options, he ended up getting a large one, just to be sure there would be enough popcorn for both of them. When the seller asked him about how much butter he would like, that made Charles stop and try to decide which would be Alirah's preference. He didn't like food that was too greasy, and the impression the purple-haired girl gave him was that she would like it in the same manner. With that in mind, he ordered it to be modestly buttered, something between lightly and medium. Opening his wallet, he paid for the popcorn, and having the popcorn, he actually had to use both hands to carry the decently sized tub. Quickly making his way back, since he didn't want to miss the film, he walked over to the fourth row, moving between the seat in said row and the back of the chairs of the next one. He moved carefully, not wanting to drop popcorn on the floor. When he reached Alirah, he smiled - "I got us the popcorn!" - he slid, carefully, by her, sitting down on her right, holding the tub closer to her, so she could get it - "Did it already start?" - he looked at her, while he grabbed some popcorn and brought it to his mouth.
Kallen K. Griffin
Blood God's Daily routine.

Kallen listened to the small girl speak. As he did, a squirrel made its way down from a tree and sat on his shoulder. He didn't pay the small creature any mind. 'U.A. Huh... It seems I found a newer student that doesn't know of me yet. However, it doesn't seem like the child has any ill intent either... If she did the birds would have flown off.' Kallen thought as the squirrel made its way to his hand snagging some seeds and returning to his shoulder munching on them.

"I come here every Sunday. I feed the birds and try to enjoy my time. Usually this park is very quiet... I spend most of the day here before heading out for dinner and returning home." He said turning his head to the squirrel who paused in its munching, only for it to continue while he looked at it. "It seems that I've made yet another animal friend..." He moved his neck a bit and lifted his left shoulder. The squirrel crammed the seed it had in its mouth and headed over his neck to his other shoulder closer to Amara. Once it was done and comfortably sitting there he lifted his head looking to Amara.

His facial expression drifted for a moment as she thought from a neutral look of calm to one of discomfort but he quickly suppressed it back to the calm one with a deep breath. "Sparing can be a dangerous pass time. I know well that it can lead to injury. Do be careful in the future. Right now, given what you've told me you aren't much different than the small bird in your hands. It will take time for you to develop into a strong hawk or even a falcon. Rushing your results could harm you and prevent your growth..."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Mr. Fist
Location: Make shift battleground

Gao was glad that ( Nene_Chan18 Nene_Chan18 ) Odessa had accepted his invitation to eat. The old man found himself famished after the training activity - “Indeed, I was impressed by it myself! Looks like 1C got an excellent batch of students this semester!” - he answered to ( ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles ) Conroy’s comments. The old man promptly distributed the sweets to both Odessa and ( Castello Castello ) Umemoto, keeping to himself only a granola bar - “You can rest assured, Smith-san. I will take good care of them” - and, with that, IQ was off, and the old man saw him leave the training area - “Ahhhh… would both of you give me a second? I will be right back!” - Gao ran behind a tree that wasn’t that further away from the makeshift arena. Some hustling with sounds of cloth moving around could be heard - “Where is it… where is it? Oh, there it is!” - both students could hear the old man from a distance. Once more, there was a sound of shifting of clothing, then a silent sizzling sound. After around 5 minutes, the old man was back, this time back to his elderly physique and sporting a brand new yi-fu on his chest - “Okay, I am ready now. Couldn’t go to the cafeteria shirtless now, could I?” - he laughed lightly, looking at both the boy with blue-ish skin and the tawny girl - “Let’s go?”
Valentina Ishikawa
Location Arriving at the make shift Training Grounds

Valentina Decided To Come to Training Grounds, Just to Train her quirk and Also Watch Students using Their Quirks, She had Gotten lost along the way."umm Hello?"She said. She sounded a bit nervous but Confused.
Name: Odessa Fuyumi
Hero Name: Phantessa
Quirk: Chaos Nightmare
Odessa studied Mr. Gao Maxxob Maxxob . "Yes, let's go. By the way Mr. Gao, how exactly do you do that? I mean, change your physique. It's fascinating. Does your skin expand when you change, then shrink back? Is your quirk like All Might's?" She couldn't bring herself to understand how it worked. Honestly, Odessa understood All Might's quirk to an extent, but she didn't know how his physical change worked. There was so much for her to learn about other quirks that she couldn't wait to discover it all. Odessa's phone vibrated and she took it out really quick to check. It's Mom. She wants me to call her. It can wait. She pocketed her phone and returned her attention to Mr. Gao.
Alirah Hoshino - status graphicv2.png

Alirah heard Charles making his way back with the popcorn and turned her head to look in his direction. She watched him crawl into his seat with the tub of popcorn. The movie did start playing while Charles was getting the snack, but it hadn't actually started. "Oh, they are just rolling the beginning credits right now. Nothing has really started yet." Alirah took a quick look at the popcorn to make sure it was satisfactory before dipping her right hand into it to grab as much as her hand could hold. Then she took it out and used her left hand to place a single popcorn into her mouth. She munched on it for a good few seconds before deciding that it was good. Then she'd continue to eat the popcorn one at a time out of her right hand.

About two minutes later, the movie had started. Alirah doesn't enjoy rom-coms but she doesn't necessarily hate them either. She's rather neutral about them. She would much rather watch something with action in it. Something about the action genre brings a spark to life inside of her. For a while she just sat there, mindlessly staring at the screen and not completely paying attention. She'd grab popcorn out from the tub every few minutes to eat them one at a time like she did previously. It had been a good 25 minutes before she decided to take a break from the popcorn eating. Another few minutes later, Alirah began to feel her eyes get heavy. Her body drifted slightly from side to side before falling with a slight plop onto Charles' arm. Her head then slumped against his shoulder in an awkward position. He would most likely have to adjust her position so she doesn't wake up with a crick in her neck.

Interactions: Maxxob Maxxob (Charles)
Charles Reiss IV
Location: Time to catch a film!
The weight of tradition

Little by little, the popcorn tub got emptier. Charles ate rather slowly. While he did put quite a bit of popcorn in his mouth every time he ate, he spent quite a bit of time chewing it. When the movie started, he tried to pay as much attention as he could to it, but it wasn't much. The scenes of that day would end up repeating in his head, possibly because of the very genre of the film. At one point, his breathing shifted, becoming slow and deep in an attempt to call himself down. With his mind clearer, he looked at the screen, in a vain attempt to catch up what he had already missed about the plot and the characters - "Oh well… at least I am spending time with her. By ourselves" - he thought to himself, considering a modest success their going to the film theatre. Once in a while, his gaze shifted from the film to ( MisoraUni MisoraUni ) Alirah, noticing a very neutral expression about the chosen genre - "I can't blame her".

A few minutes passed and the young aristocrat noticed she didn't take the popcorn just as she was doing so - "Is she full? Mmmm… well, it is practically empty by now" - he peered into the tub. The previous mountain of small, white snacks had been undone. In it, only a few yellow kernels were left, those that, for whatever reason, didn't suffer the curious metamorphosis. Not even a moment later, he felt something touch his arm. Turning his head, he saw the purple-haired girl, napping. Her neck was in a pretty odd position and, if he left her like that she would likely feel the pain in it when she woke up. He simply couldn't let that happen, but he also didn't want to wake her up - "You need to be dexterous about this, Charles" - and, with that thought in his mind, he acted. With his right arm, he pushed her ever so slightly, touching her right arm and held her in place after doing so. The small "breathing room" was thankfully enough for him to move his left arm upwards and move closer to her. With that, he slowly let her fall onto him again, now better positioned and against his chest. Finally, his lifted left arm came down, resting on the back of her seat. Now that all had been done, he peered into her sleeping face. She looked pretty calm and peaceful. It, unconsciously, put a smile on his face. Content that she was resting in a better position, on her new pillow, he killed time watching the film. The smile, however, didn't leave his face.
Umemoto Ryota "Absolute Zero"
Quirk- Subzero: His body temperature is colder than liquid nitrogen!
Interactions - Maxxob Maxxob Nene_Chan18 Nene_Chan18
Mentions - Deathkitten Deathkitten
»»————-  ————-««

Power: 2/6
Speed: 2/6
Technique: 6/6
Intelligence: 5/6
Cooperativeness: 1/6
Ice Cream Making: 6/6
Ryota slowly regained his bearings by lifting himself by his palms until he was firmly standing. It was true that his head beat harder than his heart, but a cold palm to the side of his skull lent some catharsis. He nodded as Gao and Odessa offered to wander to the Cafeteria, of course, Ryota could not eat anything that they prepared. He peered around to see where Amara wandered off to, but it seemed she had ended up elsewhere, which had been a shame, for he wanted deeply to ask her what happened while he was blacked out. Memory fizzled away like carbon from a freshly opened soda over the past fight, and what happened almost felt like speculation at this point.
Deathkitten Deathkitten

Ryota was truly amazed with UA's healing prowess, it was almost as if nothing ever happened. He peered towards Odessa and Fist as they spoke. Even after their battle, Ryota knew not what the elder was capable of. It would appear as if the students had just managed to crack Gao's surface. The very fact was enough to send a shiver down the icy boy's spine, he could only fathom what All Might would have been to fight in his glory days; it was enough to send a shiver down the icy boy's spine.

"Coming," Ryota said whilst speeding up to end up parallel with the two.

When he had come close to Odessa, he linked eyes before he spoke, "That quirk of yours, do you think you could ever control the nightmares people have? I believe that would be an invaluable training tool if you could," Ryota asked as they walked towards the Cafeteria.
Nene_Chan18 Nene_Chan18 Maxxob Maxxob


Kobayashi AkiraBeatdown | | Quirk: Phantom

Training Ground D

MisoraUni MisoraUni (Eliza) | Deathkitten Deathkitten (Sean) | Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher (Donny)
Archdemon Archdemon (Haruto)
SilverInu SilverInu (Asuka) | IG42 IG42 (Bryn/Akemi) | ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles (Aiko)

Running in blind

Something rustled near the underbrush and wall of thatches just ahead, near quiet enough to lose itself in the bustle-vibrato of this seemingly artificial forest. Akira had been in the back of the group, feet rooted and head tilted slightly upwards to fully bask in that soul soothing morning light, burning holes in the greenery above. Again, something was moving far ahead, it was as though he could feel it – but he decided to ignore it. There’s always been something calming about nature for him, after all, he could still count with one hand the amount of times he'd snuck out after school to go sightseeing in the nearest forest. Exploring the wilderness with friends, hell, even exploring the local park; someone as shut-in as himself never had that luxury.

Akira wanted to take it all in, make a memory of all of this while he still could – He was, as they said, living in the moment. The moment seemed to include something drawing near, and as he noticed that faint twitch in his eyes, Akira understood what that omnipresent sensation of being scattered all over this forest was about – Ah… – He had his eyes closed, yet he could still map out his surroundings out of every faint vibration and distant thrum. Akira had been steadily materializing his Phantom, unknowingly seeing through his ‘eyes’

As quick as it came, the constant ever-flow of sensations vanished when Akira opened his eyes. He lagged behind for a while and let out a low grumble at the heaviness in his eyelids, as another girl began speaking up. In mere moments he had burned through precious minutes he could’ve used for his quirk, at this – Meh, I’ll work around it… – he shrugged to himself, bringing out a small bag of chips from the inner pocket of his blazer. Was it practical to store it in there? Absolutely not, but it was either that or ruining his fashion by bringing his backpack along.

Mid-way from opening his snack – “Heyooo!” – Akira was of course the first one, and likely the only one, to jump at Dr. Aiko’s sudden arrival, his entire body perking up to a fighting? stance almost on cat-like reflex. Akira’s power-stance eased up, he shook his head. He felt her coming from a mile away moments ago, but that didn’t exempt her from almost giving him a heart attack. At the prospect of being shot at, one could’ve caught the slightest glimpse of Akira’s soul leaving his body, but at the idea brought up by the readhead of the group, the glimmer in Akira’s eyes vanished – “Hey, uh, not to be a pushover but… That’s a trained professional, y’know…?” – The faint voice of common sense chimed in, letting out a light chuckle that built up to a sigh – “I mean, she’ll obliterate us, but I’m not complaining if it’ll make the training more rewarding. Doctors have this ‘Do no harm’ thing, right?” – He tried his hardest to say it jokingly, belying the worry one might’ve heard momentarily in his tone, Akira’s eyes darted from his red-haired, daredevil schoolmate and back to Miss Aiko.

As the guy started to take some of the leadership away from Donny, Akira gave up. Not like he had much against his approach, he seemed rather blunt and the no-nonsense type. Akira knew how tiring it was to match the pace of those types of people, but he came here to inch out of his comfort zone didn’t he? – “Recon, huh? I think I can give you a quick count of every robot if you give me some time. I’d be flying you those numbers through a messenger, though, so look out for a shadow.” – He added, not giving much to work around in his explanation. They would know what he meant by that in a moment.

Seeing the blueish blonde girl from before walk up to him, Akira met her with the same amiable, light tone and energy – “Yeah, I’ll back you up! Give us three minutes and that robot’s a goner.” – Akira raised a fist out of his pocket and held it as a light-hearted smirk bloomed on him, stuffing it back in and going for the curt bow of a salaryman after he took note of her over-polite approach. Wealthy upbringing and proper manners, perhaps. Those weren’t a common sight back where he’s from. He started fidgeting with the button-up on his blazer, slinging it to his shoulder before rolling up his sleeves in classic Yakuza fashion. After god knows how many years of reenacting scenes from old urban crime flicks in his room, he could finally do that exact motion with a clear conscience – “We’ll be around waiting for roll call, then. Don’t forget to look around for that shadow. – He said, nonchalance in his tone as he began making his way through the forest, hoping that Eliza would follow. More specifically, Akira headed for a small river in a clearing.

“So, I saw you looking over here a moment ago. Is it a strategic spot you found or does it have anything to do with those things you're carrying?” – Akira held a relaxed walk around the artificial forest, making sure not to stumble on any fallen limbs and such, for a moment he broke down his pace to glance over at the blue containers she carried – “I’m guessing you have a water based quirk…?” – As always, he remained the undisputed king of stating the obvious. He took a moment to yawn and then pop his neck, letting out a relieved sigh that carried but a hint of exhaustion; one eye was already starting to close on itself. Akira chuckled – “Either way it’s a good spot for us to wait around for an opening, I’ll map out the villain base while we’re at it. I’ve also been living on pure nerves and caffeine ever since I woke up, so… Touche. Pretty good spot.” – He said, mostly to himself, bringing out his seconds, which included both a tasteless bagel and an uneaten bag of chips.

A handful of twigs crunched under him as he went to sit on a nearby boulder, Akira extended his hand out at Eliza, dangling the bag of chips at her – “We can share some of my ‘breakfast’ if you want. Anyways, what’s our game plan? I was thinking going guns blazing and improvising as we go, but if you have something you can add to that, I'm all ears.” – As he went for a bite, it ended on the habitual deadpan stare at his own, distasteful creation. Akira set the bagel aside, focusing only on making himself cry, eyes shut in deep focus as he listened in to Eliza and attempted to get a feel of the vicinity.
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Alirah Hoshino - status graphicv2.png

Alirah slept soundly against Charles' chest. She was smiling lightly in her sleep, having a dream with a much better plot than the movie. About 5 minutes into her dream, she had ended up turning her face away from the direction of the theater screen and into Charles' chest. Alirah's legs had moved upwards to occupy a few more seats to her left leaving her in a lying position. Her left leg was fully outstretched and her right bent slightly. Her arms then unconsciously stretched to Charles’ left hand and both of her hands crawled themselves around it and pulled his hand closer to her.

The movie was still going on when Alirah’s eyes fluttered open. Her face was still buried in Charles’ chest. It took her a good moment to realize that she had fallen asleep. She however, had no idea that Charles had adjusted her onto his chest, or that she oriented herself to be holding his left hand with both of hers. She batted her eyes a few times whilst still being buried into Charles’ chest so he wouldn’t know she was awake just yet. She felt a tingle in her hands and saw that she had been holding Charles’ left hand. ‘Ah... H-how did I get into this position?!’ Alirah then turned her eyes very slightly to peak up at Charles as he was looking at the screen. Her cheeks flushed almost instantly and she hid her eyes back into his chest again. Alirah waited a few more minutes before slowly turning her head to look up at Charles again. He most likely would have felt the movement of her head and figure that she has woken up.

Interactions: Maxxob Maxxob (Charles)
Mr. Fist
Location: Onwards to the cafeteria

The old man was about to answer ( Nene_Chan18 Nene_Chan18 ) Odessa’s question, ( Mirai-chan Mirai-chan ) a girl, unknown to Gao, approached the group. Looking at her, she had some cat-like features, tail and ears included. Fist could not remember if he had read the girl’s file - “Oh, hello there. You must be a new student, which I didn’t have the chance to properly introduce myself. I am Gao Ling, one of the teachers here in the UA. Is there someone you are looking for, or somewhere you want to go to?” - he asked, his voice calm and gentle. Last thing he wanted was a new student to feel unwelcome in such a strange and demanding school - “We are going to the cafeteria. Would you like to join us?” - he waited a bit for her answer. If she was looking for someone or somewhere, he would promptly direct her to their/its location. Otherwise, the old man started to walk, his direction being making his way to the main building.

As he walked, his footsteps could barely be heard - “It is kind of hard to explain how it works, but let’s see… I have to concentrate on my core and force it to expand! When I do so, I feel my muscles, skin, everything in my body to expand. And whenever I want to do the opposite, the process is the same, I focus on my core and force it to shrink!” - he answered the first part of her question. He then ran his bony fingers on both his moustache and his beard, thinking for a moment - “Hehehehehe! That question makes me remember of when I got to Japan, 8 years ago, agencies I worked at and also my partners used to make it quite often!” - he laughed it off, appearing not to be really bothered by his quirk being compared to All Might’s - “Mmmm… Back in China, quirks are not that well catalogued and studied like they are here. So I can’t answer for sure how similar my quirk is similar to Might-chan’s one…or better said, how similar it was” - for whatever reason, he brought the attention that All Might did not, effectively, have a quirk anymore. There was only one thing that the old man dreaded: ending up exactly like the number one hero, weak and powerless. Those are the main reasons he keeps pushing himself day after day to get stronger, quicker, sturdier, better. In more ways than one could imagine, he pitied the retired hero.

While walking throughout the halls, he heard ( Castello Castello ) Ryota’s question, directed to the tawny girl. He nodded, agreeing with his statement - “It would be a valuable tool if you can control what is being experienced by however you are using your quirk on” - he commented, stopping at the entrance of the cafeteria - “And here we are!”
Taking out the leaders would be affective as long as the robots are moving as an organization but if they are not we will have to take them all out separately. So taking in consideration that they are armed even if it is non-lethal its still going to hurt like hell and even break bones, plus the fact that Nezu could have had them programed to be unpredictable to make them as life like as possible… that chimera is sadistic when he wants to so I would not put it past him to do that. So who wants to help me scout out the location and how many targets are in the area of ground D” She said as she looked at the other people that were there to see if there was any one who wanted to go with her or would it be solo for her for the time being. Letting her blue bird like eyes scan the around the area to see what would happen.

Deathkitten Deathkitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Haze- Haze-
Valentina Edakawa
Location At the Training Grounds.

Valentina looked at Mr.fist And then She Bowed."I'm Valentina Edakawa, I'm From brazil."She Introduced. She looked at The U.A Teacher Feeling Reassured. "Well no thanks I Decided to Train my Quirk."She said. She wanted to do that First, Before Eating er Lunch Anyway since, It sorta helped Get her mind off of Fish. She Looked at Asuka and smiled."I will."She said. Valentina is Just going To help on this one.
Charles Reiss IV
Location: And now?!
The weight of tradition

With each passing minute, Charles got more and more comfortable with the position they were in. Once again he could feel the delicious scent of citrus coming from ( MisoraUni MisoraUni ) her. It brought peace to his mind. He had no idea what to expect, coming to a foreign land, with the objective of furthering his family status, just as every single other Reiss had done, or at least tried to do. In his heart of hearts, however, there was uncertainty. Would he be up to the task? Would he manage to fulfill his objective? And if he didn't, what then? It was certainly a heavy burden, but one he just had to carry. However, ever since meeting that girl on the day prior, something had changed. His heart felt lighter and confidence was more and more present in it, not just being a weak shell for the people around him. His mind was truly blank while looking at the screen, only enjoying his moment with Alirah.

Such a moment was brought to a sudden stop, feeling her turn around and start to face his chest while she slept. He could easily feel the warmth every time she breathed through his shirt. His cheeks started flushing, slowly getting pinkish at first. Then, seeing the sleeping girl raise up her legs, to rest her legs on the empty seats on her left, his redness got worse. Finally, his embarrassment reached its peak when he felt both her hands holding his left one, bringing it to her. His eyes widened, looking at the situation he was in. It was basically as if he was holding her, or better said she was holding him, while she slept. The redness of his cheeks were very intense, his mind racing, while he felt a myriad of emotions. One of those was worry. What if she woke up suddenly and got the wrong idea about him?

He swallowed dryly, his head turning mechanically towards the screen. With his eyebrows raised pretty high. He pretended to watch the film, while he tried to figure out the situation. His right hand darted to the collar on his shirt. First, his nimble fingers changed course to his tie, loosening it quite a bit. Next, he opened the collar of his shirt, so he could breathe better - "Mmmm… w-w-what is this?" - he felt a slight shift on his chest once again. His heart almost stopped, in fear of what was expecting him when he looked down. Steeling his nerves, his head shifted downwards. What he saw left him speechless for a good while: a pair of star-shaped eyes, peering on to him sheepishly. The flushed cheeks, much like his own, announcing the great embarrassment both of them were feeling. His mouth opened and closed a few times, trying to say something, something that should be said in that situation - "I… I hope y-you slept comfortably, d-darling" - he opened a coy smile, not averting his gaze from hers.
Name: Odessa Fuyumi
Hero Name: Phantessa
Quirk: Chaos Nightmare
Odessa thought about Mr. Gao's Maxxob Maxxob response. She understood what he said, but there was another question nagging in the back of her mind. She shrugged it off and turned her focus to Ryota's Castello Castello question. Odessa grabbed her chin as she thought. "I don't know. I never tried to control the nightmares they have. I guess I could try it out, though." She wanted to become stronger, so that development in her quirk was now her main priority. Of course, that would all depend on what her mom had to say. There was something about her quirk that deeply concerned Odessa. She doesn't remember any other time where using it made her pass out. Except for one incident when she was little. Odessa was playing with some friends when they asked her to show them her quirk. When she did, she demonstrated on a bird. She never meant to hurt the poor creature. Her quirk just went out of control and the bird had deliberately flew right into a wall and died. Since then, her friends never talked to her. She didn't mention it to her mom. Odessa nodded to herself and turned to Ryota. "Ryota, can your quirk kill? I-I guess that's a strange question, sorry. I'm just curious is all. Really, can everyone's quirk kill? Do heroes kill on accident at all?" Odessa knew she was asking strange questions, but there had to be someone else with the same problem as her.
Umemoto Ryota "Absolute Zero"
Quirk- Subzero: His body temperature is colder than liquid nitrogen!
Interactions - Maxxob Maxxob Nene_Chan18 Nene_Chan18
Mentions -
»»————-  ————-««

Power: 2/6
Speed: 2/6
Technique: 6/6
Intelligence: 5/6
Cooperativeness: 1/6
Ice Cream Making: 6/6
Ryota took a seat with Odessa and Fist, putting his palms together as he sat. He batted a brow when Odessa asked her question, and it visibly took him aback, yet, he nodded firmly. Ryota had begun to piece together what happened while he was unconscious. Her quirk must have spiraled out of control, likely pushing Fist to his limit. Of course, the teacher did not look shaken at this point, yet he expected that of a pro-hero.

"Of course my quirk can kill," he replied. "I don't wear this protective layering just for myself, it's to protect those around me," Ryota added, looking to Fist. The elderly man likely experienced how potent his mere existence was in a fight.
Maxxob Maxxob

Ryota sighed, contemplating his next words carefully. "My mother was a sidekick, she had an ice quirk. My quirk is a mutation, I don't have ability to turn it off or on, so when I was born, severe cold burns put her in critical condition. Her reproductive organs were completely destroyed, along with parts of her liver. My mom could have easily died that day, and there's no doubt something similar could happen to one of my teammates if I'm careless."

Another hefty sigh fell off his tongue, as he launched an awkward pat to her shoulder. "I feel guilty about all the trouble I have caused, but that's not going to stop me from being a pro-hero, and it should not stop you either. We just have to work harder than the rest."
Nene_Chan18 Nene_Chan18
Name: Odessa Fuyumi
Hero Name: Phantessa
Quirk: Chaos Nightmare
Odessa smiled at Ryota Castello Castello . "You're right, Ryota. I'm going to work hard to be the best hero I can be." She took his hand in both of hers. "We can work together. Wouldn't that be fun? Especially, since you're already really strong. I'm sure I could learn a lot from you." Odessa released his hand, hoping she wasn't coming on too strong or being too energetic. She couldn't contain herself once she got an idea and gets really excited. "Hey, what can your quirk get through? Like, I know the layering buffers the cold, but how does it work? Is there a certain fabric the cold can't get through?" Odessa poked and pulled on the layering curiously.
Maxxob Maxxob
Mr. Fist
Location: It is time for the chow-down!

Before sitting down, Fist got a tray and served himself quite a bit of food from what Lunch Rush offered. A huge bowl of rice, accompanied by fried fish fillets, pork cutlets, chicken strips marinated in teriyaki sauce and a bowl of vegetarian ramen noodles. Not only was his lunch rich in variety, the quantity was quite alarming. Who knew a man that small and thin would eat that insane quantity of food? That one serving, would have, at the very least, around 2700 calories. Gao sat down with the ( Castello Castello , Nene_Chan18 Nene_Chan18 ) students, getting some looks from other students, as it seems it wasn’t that common for them to eat alongside their pupils. Holding his chopsticks with both hands, the old man pulled them apart, rather ceremoniously. Listening to the bluish-skinned boy’s story, the old man brought the rice bowl near his mouth and started to chow down with impressive speed. His hands simply didn’t stop moving, his rhythmic movements were getting faster and faster by the second.

When Ryota was done telling about his past to Odessa, the old man had finished his large rice bowl. It was time to actually answer one of the girl’s questions that ended up without response. Certainly, Umemoto had left that one for him, since the old man would have the experience to answer it - “Heroes killing criminals is not as uncommon as one would think. The same also happens with civilians: they end up getting caught in the crossfire between two thundering forces and the worst end up happening…” - by the tone of his voice, it wasn’t as if he was talking about something he heard about it or saw it on the news, but rather, something he experienced it - “Sometimes, heroes may kill criminals by accident. Sometimes, on purpose” - he continued, grabbing his bowl with chicken strips. The old teacher put a few of them inside his mouth, one by one, chewing for a longer period than when compared to the rice he had eaten before.

As soon as he swallowed the chicken-y bits, enjoying the cook’s amazing skills, he turned to both students, with a dead serious look on his face - “Does it matter if a hero kill a criminal, instead of incapacitate them?” - he waited for a moment, waiting for them to answer the question or at least contemplate it, before continuing - “Thinking from the perspective of a civilian, which life was being threatened by said criminal, does it matter? Wouldn’t the person feel safer if they knew such a criminal would never threaten anyone ever again?” - his expression was very ambiguous, there was no way to know what was going through the man’s head, without some psychic powers of some sort - “Or is murder wrong, regardless of who does it? If IQ, Endeavour, Gang Orca or me does it, in the name of keeping peace, should we be punished?” - his eyebrow was raised for a moment, before the man turned back to his chicken-y goodies
Eliza full body - costume outfit (2).jpg
Eliza Mizuno | Cryo Freeze | Quirk: Cryo/ice-manipulation
Location: Training Ground D

Eliza calmly walked behind Akira to the river. She preferred not to waste any energy. Especially since she would be using the energy later in their fight against the robot that may or may not have been tampered with by their school’s quite interesting principal. That principal of theirs…. Eliza had heard some things from other students about him being sadistic, that he wouldn’t hesitate to beat down the students when he had a chance to. She shook her head slightly. ‘Now why would they hire that type of person as a principal? This is definitely a strange school that I’ve gotten myself into…’

Eliza simply nodded her head at Akira’s question regarding her quirk. It was pretty obvious that she indeed had a “water based” quirk, considering the equipment that she was sporting. It took a moment before she would say something in regards to it though. “Yes. I’m not going to use my quirk yet though, as I want to conserve energy for when we begin fighting.”

When they had gotten closer to the river, Eliza took a moment to breathe in the fresh air of the area. It’s been quite a while since she had last been into a forest. Although this forest is manmade, it’s at least real enough to have a similar scent and atmosphere of what a natural forest is like. She then turned to see the blonde haired boy holding out a bag of chips. She eyed the chip bag slightly before waving her hand in a dismissive manner. “Mmm… No thanks, I can only eat specific types of food.”

As Akira mentioned what his plan was, Eliza tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “That’s not even a plan…” She sighed slighty. Eliza then scanned her eyes around the forest. Afterwards her eyes would appear to be staring off into space as thoughts came rushing into her mind. As she was thinking of different ways that this training could pan out, she had subconsciously sat down onto a log across from the boulder that Akira was sitting upon. ‘Hmmm…. It’s probably not a great idea to head straight into the robot… That’s a recipe for pain. Maybe he could, depending on his quirk.’ Eliza eyed Akira while thinking, then she looked up to the sky shortly after. ‘But I definitely can’t go head first into a giant robot. That’s just… not a smart way to go for me…’ Eliza had come to a conclusion about a minute and a half later. She looked to Akira, in hopes that he’d be listening. “Well, as for an actual plan. This is what I have in mind: You just simply do your thing. Just go at it. You’ll be a distraction so that I can slip in unnoticed and attack the robot from where it can’t see. And with both of us attacking from either side, we will hopefully incapacitate it.” After stating her ideas, Eliza stretched her arms upwards then reclined back against a tree that was directly behind the log she was sitting on. 'And now, we wait.'
Eliza stared at the river seemingly lost in her thoughts, while still being alert to the sounds and happenings around her.

Interactions: Haze- Haze-

Others at Training Ground D: Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher | Archdemon Archdemon | IG42 IG42 | SilverInu SilverInu | Deathkitten Deathkitten | @ Anyone else that is participating in the training with Donny
Alirah-framed pic.png
Alirah Hoshino | “Koshi” | Quirk: Light Warping
Location: A movie theater

⸺ ★ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ★ ⸻▹・༺❀༻・◃⸻ ★ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ★ ⸺​

Alirah was frozen for a while, staring into Charles' eyes. Her heart was practically thumping out of her chest. She was brought back into reality as he spoke. Alirah blinked a few times at his question. Her eyes darted to her hands that were still holding his left hand. She coughed lightly to clear her throat and slowly took her hands off of Charles’ left hand. ‘What is this that I am feeling?....’

Alirah took a deep breath and brought herself upwards into a seated position, sweeping her legs off of the seats next to her. She looked up to the screen for a moment to gather her thoughts. She then looked back to Charles to answer his question. “It was a good nap. Nice and comfy…” She sheepishly smiled afterwards and gave him a skittish thumbs up with her right hand. Alirah then rested her hand into her other hand and looked downwards. A few seconds later, she started to mess around with her bracelets, much like she did earlier that day. She looked up at the movie and attempted to clear her mind.

About 10 minutes later though, Alirah’s mind became clouded with thoughts again. ‘Ah…. What if he wanted me to continue holding his hand like that?.... Would he be sad now that I’m not?’ Alirah peered at Charles’ out of the corner of her eyes, then flashed her eyes back to the screen. She scratched the back of her head lightly with her left hand, then brought her left hand to a pocket of her jacket and stuffed it into the pocket. She simultaneously also shoved her right hand into a pocket. She then sat back into her seat and closed her eyes for a few seconds. ‘Should I have stayed in that position? Should I do something to reassure him?.... What should I do though? Give him a hug? Or- ’

Alirah opened her eyes again. She took her left hand out of her pocket. Her head then turned to the left and downwards, away from Charles’ sight for a moment. ‘Maybe a k-kiss?’ She touched her bottom lip lightly with her left index finger then bit her nail slightly. Alirah attempted to compose herself and brought her left hand down. She then took her right hand out of her pocket and turned her whole body in her seat to face Charles. Then, very swiftly in one fell swoop, she brought her arms around Charles to hug him and bring his face closer to hers. Alirah would be seen with a beet red tone all over her face. She then pecked his cheek lightly, basically only tapping it with her lips for half a second. Afterwards, she released herself from him and recoiled back into her seat. She looked away only for a moment before turning back to look directly into Charles’ eyes. “I- mmm… D-darling… I like you.”

Interactions: Maxxob Maxxob (Charles)

it's a cheeky UwU - pnteduni.jpg

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