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Fandom My Hero Academia : Past Mistakes Resurfaced

"I-Im sorry for keeping it a secret." She said before turning, feeling ashamed but also a mixture of other emotions about this... Uraraka was the only person (besides her doctors and her mom) whom she had ever told about her quirk... She probably thinks I'm a freak she thought to herself before starting to walk away, which did quickly turn into a run.

"I don't think we'll have to worry about that here." He said as he saw Uraraka, "Oh hey Uraraka!" He called out.
"Hey! Wait!" She heard her friend call out, getting ready to run before she heard the other two. Whirling around, she stared at the other two. Did they hear the conversation they had? If so, what was their take?

Bakugou cocked his head. "What's with that look? You look like you just seen a ghost."
"Yeah are you ok?" Shoto asked, his eyes darting around the room looking for something that would be troublesome. "Wheres Toga? The third round has already started, she's going to be up soon."
"I.... I don't know." She admitted. She wasn't sure how to explain what just happened.

"Come on, let's go find her." Bakugou said, starting to walk off. "They'll call if we're up so, we may have time to search for her now."
Toga seemingly just vanished in the crowd. She may have over reacted. But she had shared her deepest secret and she had immediately hated herself for it. She was worried Uraraka thought she was just a freak and a weirdo
"I don't see her anywhere." The boy said, glancing around. "Maybe she's already on the stage?"

Uraraka looked down, defeated.
Next on is Bakugo!" The announcer said over the speakers, "Would Bakugo Katsuki please come to the arena to fight?"

Shoto looked at his friend, "We'll go and continue to look for her, you go and win." He told his friend, "You better win, I need somebody who will put up an actual fight to go against."
He tried to give a confident smile but, it seemed more like a nervous one. "Of course, I'm going to win. I'm the top of the class after all." He said, and walked away.

Uraraka wasn't paying any attention and kept searching for her friend. With each passing minute, she felt like something might have happened to her.
Good." Shoto said with a smile and continued to help URaraka look for their friend. Of course, the girl was hidden, not that she was in any trouble. She was just trying t gather hr thoughts. But she was safe.

Out on the stadium, a girl with green vine-like hair was waiting for hands in a prayer style.
He kept walking till he found the way to the stage. Is that who I'm supposed to fight? He thought.

"You can go watch the fight, if you want." Uraraka said. "I'll keep looking for Toga."
The matches kept going on. Bakugo won his with little to no effort, same for the rest of his matches, and the same for Shoto. Even Toga showed up for her matches, though she was still upset about her conversation with Uraraka so she wasn't her normal bubbly stuff. She won her matches and re-disappeared, though she heard her friends cheering her on.
Uraraka sat in the bleachers, disappointed that her friend didn't come back to sit with her.

Finally, it was the last match. Shoto sat in a room by himself, trying to calm his nerves. After that last battle, he was a bit upset that he wasn't doing as well as he thought. Maybe he should try to use his fore side... No! That's what that old man wants! And he wasn't going to give it to him!
Toga sighed, she had a few moments before she had to go and fight... Shoto. The class's top fighter. She somehow managed to beat Bakugo and now she was up against Shoto. So she needed to get one thing cleared before she went to her final battle. Finding Uraraka the girl sat down next to her and squeaked out, "Hey..."
The girl turned to her, a bit surprised by her sudden appearance. But, she just smiled. "Hey, where were you? I was afraid you left or something."
The girl smiled back, "Yeah... Sorry about running away." She said looking at her friend, "I... I kind of over reacted. But you were the first person that I've ever told about my quirk." She said, "Do I started to freak out."
The girl put a hand to her friends shoulder. "Hey, its alright. I understand. But, I'm your friend and I'm not going to think of you any differently because of your quirk. Its not like we can choose what quirk to be born with."
The girl did flinch when her friend touched her shoulder. But when she spoke this made the girl smile and hug her friend.
"Uraraka thank you!" She cheered needing to have heard that from your friend.
R-right!" She said as her name and Shotos name were announced through the speaker. "Ok I have to go! If I win... I'll buy ice cream for everyone!" She promised her
"Alrigh. Give it your all!" She said, giving her a thumbs up.

Shoto looked up, upon hearing his name. Was it that time already? Heaving a sigh, the boy got up and headed out to where he needed to be.
Toga, dressed in her hero outfit stood, with her smile back on her face. She waved at the cameras so her mom could get a glance at her before the battle. "Hey Shoto!" She said smiling and waving at her friend.
He stood there, eyes locked onto her. When she waved, all he gave in return was a nod. He felt the eyes of his father shoot daggers at him, telling him to win and get out on top. But, knowing who he was up against, it was a gamble if that would even happen.
"Ok Shoto, I'm ready for you." She said bracing herself as the alarm went off, she rushed at him while hopping from side to side, as to not get hit with his ice quirk
Jumping up in the air, the girl went to punch Shoto, trying to knock him out of the ring. Knowing if they were to do this as a normal battle Shoto would win. But she was agile and could dodge.

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