My Heart's 4/4 Beat (OOC thread)


Senior Member
We sure talk to each other a lot in the role play so I thought we should use this thread if anything. ^-^ This isn't just for stuff having to do with the rp, it could be random stuff. I want to get to know you guys :smile1: *creep*
Was anyone else having issues with the website yesterday? I had just finished writing a huge post and when I went to post it, Page froze up and I couldn't access the page at all for the rest of the day. >;o

Also, I'd like to note my apologies about my decrease in activity, I've been packing up to move to the other side of the country!
Beep boop

cats cats cats cats cats cats cats

I bet one of the tags for this thread will be cats now, just like the IC thread > :D
Oooh, nice idea!! It would be good to know each other, yes~ *stalkstalk*

Yeah, I had issues with the site yesterday as well! D:
I didn't have any problems with the website. O.o That's strange.

Moving huh~ Sounds fancy.

Im just gonna go ahead and add cats to the tags xD Actually Im going to make that the only tag.
Oh yes, packing my underwear in boxes is the pinnacle of fancy. I'm a true gentleman you should know. So as for the 'should get to know each other part' where should we start? Fair warning though, if I told you everything about me, I'd have to kill you. :laugh: > :evil: > :laugh:
xD Be even fancier should you iron your underwear. I've done that. Makes your bum so warm...

I think anything should go. Think of it like the introduction threads.

You didn't really miss much moonlit. Just moving, computer problems, underwear and cats :D I like you guys already.
Ok then, I guess I'll get the ball rolling!

My real name is Jacqob Leigh Lenon(That's where I get my characters name if you're wondering.) an Aussie at the age of 18 with enough creativity to kill the curiosity before it kills the cat. I absolutely love Anime, and reading biographies of my favorite scientists from history. I'm studying Chemistry and hoping to go in to Particle Physics eventually, my goal is to work on atom synthesis to help discover more about the elements that we don't know much about and don't occur naturally on earth.

ULTIMATE GOAL, like all scientists, is to discover something new and have it named after me. It's not entirely from a point of ego; as Richard Hamming said:

"True greatness is when your name is like ampere, watt and fourier - when it's spelled with a lower case letter."

I should probably add that to my favorite quotes.

Oh and I have a long running war with dyslexia! Though it's possible scientists in Europe working on the HBP will end that soon, -prays to calculator.
Ah nice! I'll share some info on me too since you started, Naguru. But my real first name and what I dream of becoming when I'm older is all you guys get :P For now

My name is Savannah and I have a passion for writing. I want to be able to become one of those writers who leave their readers emotionally moved or amazed with their work. I've started since I was ten and I can definitely see my progress and how much I've grown when it comes to imagery, depth, and storyline.

I depend on the imagination I have to write the fantasy genres that I love oh so much :]
You guys are cool. ^^ Also, Jacqob, make sure you give us shout outs when you become all famous and too good for us (or name things after us too~)! And calculator? xD Why a calculator?

My turn I guess. My name is Luke, but my middle and last names are so bad I can't even tell you guys. I think my parents were high or something. My older brother, Grey, has OFD syndrome (oral-facial-digital syndrome) and the better name. It's a genetic disorder that also happens to be extremely rare, yet my sister and I were fine. This brought up a lot of fights in my family and it seemed I was the only one who could see it affecting my brother, who was bullied as it was and has the mindset of a five year old. I spent my time trying to keep him happy and believed it was my duty to keep him that way till he died, so I wanted to be a comedian. Now that I think about it I wouldn't have done well as a all. Anyway the way I grew up made me pretty over-emotional and sympathetic, which is why I will look out for your name when I go to Book stores Savannah xD . I interned with a medical social worker when I was 14 and I cried with every patient the woman had. Finally she saw how I was affecting her work and passed me on to a psychologist. Human nature and the subconscious mind began to fascinate me and I decided I wanted to be a psychologist. Get up in your mind and into your darkest memories. Muahahahaha > :D
Maria Julia, a.k.a Maju :D I'm a 17-year-old Brazilian, with no siblings. -LE SOB!-

I am currently doing nothing at all of my life! jkjk xD I have finished highschool and I'm waiting for the classes on my university to begin. Much like my character, Nelly, I have a horse as well, however it's a female, and her name is Coco Chanel~ I'm gonna study to become a veterinarian, so I can work on the Equestrian Center I go to!

I have a passion for Animes and Mangas as well, and I'd be a game player as well if my computer weren't that retarded.
Noble pursuits! I wish you all the best of luck in them. There are still several elements we don't know enough about to properly name them yet, I'll discover them and name them after you, WAHAHAHHAHAHA! Lukeitherianera! It sounds deadly, I'll give the most radioactive one that, Savannahironitoriacusirasura! A long and complicated name so that the generations after me may suffer the remembering of it's name! I'll even work to make the atomic symbol on the periodic table the same length but minus one letter, WAHAHHAHAHA! :nuts:
[QUOTE="Uncultured-Buffoon]I think I lost a couple IQ points trying to read those names. People in the future will curse your name.

This means my name will not be forgotten. Excellent! :nuts:
Hmm I've always wanted to make an insane/funny character xD I must take notes!

And you guys have really great dream careers, I'll support you all :]
We are the future. :D

It's looking pretty bright (and mental at times). Kaits the only one left.

So anything interesting happen in your lives so far?
Interesting... The most interesting thing I can think of would be putting my underwear in cardboard boxes. Oh, I've also been working on my 3D modeling skills with Blender to document items I spot in my dreams that I've never seen before... But that's more weird than anything.

Weird can be interesting sometimes...
Why no, I haven't :3 Lol why the random question?

While on the topic of introduction, my real name is Kaitlyn. My username is actually a nickname given to me by my best friend of 13 years (who, alas, is no longer that close with me! I'm an art school drop out - that stuff is expensive - and now pursuing an Associate's of Science! :D I love anime and manga, and I am just like my charry Dahlia, the nerdy cosplayer type :3

Oh, and I love cats. Oh dear God I love cats... For real.
I was asking because Emily is strangely good at arguing despite her personality. I was wondering if that was because you were an arguer yourself.

I think it's safe to say we all love anime and manga. :D Hurray for common interests.
[ugh I'm so late at seeing these comments you guys post fast xD ]

Yaay common interests! :D The only thing interesting I can think of are these monsters I came up with for a story of mine. I told my friends and it scared the heck out of them xD *cough*activeimagination*cough cough*

If one of you want to know I can describe what it looks like :P

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