My Fantasy Family

TeraByte36G said:
Role: Eldest Brother
Name: Harien Fantasy

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Creature: Half Dragon/Human

Description (image)



Powers: Can Morph into a Dragon,

Dragon Form:


Skills: Breathe Fire, Agility

Flaws: Morphs into a dragon randomly when sick. When morphing back from dragon form he experiences extreme pain.


Likes: Meat, Flying, Working on electronics

Dislikes: Rats, Failing, Naga's

Dreams/goals/motivation: To one day marry and have kids

Fears/phobias: Drowning, Losing everything

Kinks: He is a little to defensive of his family

S/O: Heterosexual


Personality: He is very smart even though he tries not to show it, He has a happy attitude usually but usually ignores most people just because he 'doesn't feel like it'. When he`s needed he will be ready but if its 'tedious' he will either simply ignore it or do it but not be focused on it. This is the reason his dragon form is like him usually single minded but intelligent when it wants to be.

Bio: He was born when the dragon lord found a woman and 'took' her after he learned she was pregnant he soon got rid of Harien or aborted him. So instead of keeping Harien in the dragon realm her transported him to the Fantasy`s home. Where he has grown for the past 17 years even though he won't die for longer than most of his family.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

In his human state he has access to an item called "Hi no gantoretto" or "Gauntlet of Fire" which is a piece of Draconic armor sent with him from the Dragon realm.


Password: Lets get this Party booming!

Hows this?


UniqUnicorn said:
Is this still open for me to join? I can make a guy since you don't seem to have very many.
Only the grandparents spots are let's.
Role: Son

Name: Puppet Fantasy

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Creature: Ghost

Description (image)



Powers: Teleport, XSCREAM, Speed, Jumpboost

Skills: Quietness

Flaws: Hates Being With People


Likes: Black and White

Dislikes: Colors, Happiness

Dreams/goals/motivation: To become a leader

Fears/phobias: Getting Back Human

Kinks: -

S/O: Straight



Kind, Smart, Quiet, Atheltic, Loveable

Bio: A ghost that haunts the family

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

His Mask

MostWantedBoy said:
Role: Son
Name: Puppet Fantasy

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Creature: Ghost

Description (image)



Powers: Teleport, XSCREAM, Speed, Jumpboost

Skills: Quietness

Flaws: Hates Being With People


Likes: Black and White

Dislikes: Colors, Happiness

Dreams/goals/motivation: To become a leader

Fears/phobias: Getting Back Human

Kinks: -

S/O: Straight



Kind, Smart, Quiet, Atheltic, Loveable

Bio: A ghost that haunts the family

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

His Mask

Sorry all fantasy spots are claimed there are two other family's though check out overview for more details.


Eldest Son


"My name is Kellan Oaks. Hello!"

His original name was Kelsi Scottson but after he was adopted, it became Kellan 'Scotti' Oaks


"I'm nineteen years old. I look young though, don't I?"

He's nineteen years old but has the personality of a child


"I'm a guy, of course."

He is male though there are some features that would cause someone to think he's a girl.


"I'm a Hellhound. Some people don't believe me. I don't know why."

Kellan is a Hellhound which is basically a beast from Hell. He has a shifted and human form




Kellan has very long, light blonde hair that reaches about the back of his knees. His bangs are long, two pieces pushed to the side and one lock in the center of his face. His eyes are a dark red color. Kellan is pale though not transparent. His style tends to consist of a white shirt and red blazer with either jeans of black pants.



In this form, Kellan is a large hound with the majority of his fur being ink black. The tips of his tail, feet, and ears are tinged a dark red, similar to his human eye color. His neck also has a patch of red.



"Powers? What do you mean?"

Enhanced Strength and Endurance- Kellan is stronger than the average human. He's capable of lifting heavier weights, exerting more strength, and other things of that sort. With his enhanced strength, things that would kill a normal human would either have no affect or simply injure him.. Also, he has a much lengthier endurance, capable of lasting longer in fights, endurance tests, etc.

Shifting- Kellan can shift into a large sized hound with blood red fur and long fangs. While in this form, he loses some, not all, of his human intelligence, reverting to a more primal nature. He's much stronger in this form than his human one

Enhanced Senses- Kellan is able to tell how far about people are both in his human and hound forms though his instincts are much stronger in the latter. He's great at tracking things, be it human or other.


"Dad likes to say that I'm good at at least one thing."

Tracking, Cooking


"Flaws? Do I have any, I wonder..."

He's a bit too energetic



+ Cooking

+ His family

+ Meeting new people

+ Excitement


- Boredom

- Bad people

- Microwavable meals


"I want my family to be safe and happy, that's all."

All Kellan wants is to be able to properly provide for his family and get them out of their debt


"I'm not scared of anything!"

He's hopelessly terrified of being alone


"What are kinks?"

Kellan has the habit of biting his lips when nervous and uncomfortable. Also, his canines are sharper than a normal person's are, even when not shifted. If he's not careful, he can pierce his own lips. Which happens often since he likes to bite them


"Girls are really pretty. But some boys are cute. I'm not sure..."

He leans more towards girls but something could change his mind



"I'm a nice person! I promise!"

Kellan is extremely friendly. Exceedingly so. He's kind of like that nice but weird guy no one has the heart to be mean to. He is incredibly childish by nature though there are times when he'll revert to an almost toddler or slightly older mentality due to something that happened in his past. This only occurs when he's extremely nervous and/or is lacking air. Kellan is not a fan of violence which can be seen as odd since he's a Hellhound. He enjoys being around others as he cannot stand to be alone. It scares him. Most people that know him call him Scotti instead of Kellan, a name he actually doesn't like all that much. All in all, Kellan is a friendly, nice, big ball of fluff, always happy, childish person. When in his Hellhound form, he's a bit more 'mature' though not completely. He can act like a complete furball and enjoys being played with but he can be completely serious if he wants to be and even occasionally feral. He has a ring that keeps him under control


"Umm, my past? It's not all that special."

Kellan was originally born as 'Kelsi Scottson'. He lived with original family for three years before they tried to kill him by drowning, holding him underwater. Due to a period of time where there was a lack of oxygen to his brain, Kellan occasionally lapses into these 'fits' where he reverts to extremely childish actions despite being much older. Luckily, his Hellhound abilities developed then, allowing him to shift and get away. He spent a week on the streets before the oak family found him and renamed him Kellan. As he was too young to understand what his original parents actually tried to do to him, he kept 'Scotti' as his middle/nickname. Growing up in the Oaks family was somewhat hard as they never seemed to have enough money to do anything more than buy the bare essentials. Nonetheless, he loves his family, regardless of the life they live

Special Items:

He has a ring that he never takes off (water resistant). It allows him to better control himself while in his shifted form



Password: "A party? I wanna go!"
Last edited by a moderator:
Role: Daughter

Name: Toru CrimsonWater



Creature: wolf-Human hybrid

Description (image)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/65b13320d402a050cf524f9428e9f339.jpg.a90fa422494b91f4dddd3c94661b895b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44616" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/65b13320d402a050cf524f9428e9f339.jpg.a90fa422494b91f4dddd3c94661b895b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Powers:advanced hearing, smell, speed, and agility

Skills: ease dropping

Flaws: nails grow quicker than normal people





Being outside



Dreams/goals/motivation: she wants to be a detective

Fears/phobias: she is terrified if thunder and lightening, if she heard it she will hold still and cry

Kinks:people person most of the time

S/O: straight


Personality:She is very smart and likes to embrace it. She cares about everyone around her even if they don't care about her. she would also do anything to protect who and what she loves.

Bio:toru was adopted by the CrimsonWater's at the age of 3, she absolutely loves playing. Strangely enough she loves cats because they are soft and adorable. When toru was adopted by the CrimsonWater's she was shy at first but eventually opened up.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

She has a sharp pocket knife in her pocket all the time

She also wears padding under her clothing to protect herself due to also being clumsy


Password:let the party begin



  • 65b13320d402a050cf524f9428e9f339.jpg
    12.1 KB · Views: 28
ScytheMeister7 said:


Eldest Son


"My name is Kellan Oaks. Hello!"

His original name was Kelsi Scottson but after he was adopted, it became Kellan 'Scotti' Oaks


"I'm nineteen years old. I look young though, don't I?"

He's nineteen years old but has the personality of a child


"I'm a guy, of course."

He is male though there are some features that would cause someone to think he's a girl.


"I'm a Hellhound. Some people don't believe me. I don't know why."

Kellan is a Hellhound which is basically a beast from Hell. He has a shifted and human form




Kellan has very long, light blonde hair that reaches about the back of his knees. His bangs are long, two pieces pushed to the side and one lock in the center of his face. His eyes are a dark red color. Kellan is pale though not transparent. His style tends to consist of a white shirt and red blazer with either jeans of black pants.



In this form, Kellan is a large hound with the majority of his fur being ink black. The tips of his tail, feet, and ears are tinged a dark red, similar to his human eye color. His neck also has a patch of red.



"Powers? What do you mean?"

Enhanced Strength and Endurance- Kellan is stronger than the average human. He's capable of lifting heavier weights, exerting more strength, and other things of that sort. With his enhanced strength, things that would kill a normal human would either have no affect or simply injure him.. Also, he has a much lengthier endurance, capable of lasting longer in fights, endurance tests, etc.

Shifting- Kellan can shift into a large sized hound with blood red fur and long fangs. While in this form, he loses some, not all, of his human intelligence, reverting to a more primal nature. He's much stronger in this form than his human one

Enhanced Senses- Kellan is able to tell how far about people are both in his human and hound forms though his instincts are much stronger in the latter. He's great at tracking things, be it human or other.


"Dad likes to say that I'm good at at least one thing."

Tracking, Cooking


"Flaws? Do I have any, I wonder..."

He's a bit too energetic



+ Cooking

+ His family

+ Meeting new people

+ Excitement


- Boredom

- Bad people

- Microwavable meals


"I want my family to be safe and happy, that's all."

All Kellan wants is to be able to properly provide for his family and get them out of their debt


"I'm not scared of anything!"

He's hopelessly terrified of being alone


"What are kinks?"

Kellan has the habit of biting his lips when nervous and uncomfortable. Also, his canines are sharper than a normal person's are, even when not shifted. If he's not careful, he can pierce his own lips. Which happens often since he likes to bite them


"Girls are really pretty. But some boys are cute. I'm not sure..."

He leans more towards girls but something could change his mind



"I'm a nice person! I promise!"

Kellan is extremely friendly. Exceedingly so. He's kind of like that nice but weird guy no one has the heart to be mean to. He is incredibly childish by nature though there are times when he'll revert to an almost toddler or slightly older mentality due to something that happened in his past. This only occurs when he's extremely nervous and/or is lacking air. Kellan is not a fan of violence which can be seen as odd since he's a Hellhound. He enjoys being around others as he cannot stand to be alone. It scares him. Most people that know him call him Scotti instead of Kellan, a name he actually doesn't like all that much. All in all, Kellan is a friendly, nice, big ball of fluff, always happy, childish person. When in his Hellhound form, he's a bit more 'mature' though not completely. He can act like a complete furball and enjoys being played with but he can be completely serious if he wants to be and even occasionally feral. He has a ring that keeps him under control


"Umm, my past? It's not all that special."

Kellan was originally born as 'Kelsi Scottson'. He lived with original family for three years before they tried to kill him by drowning, holding him underwater. Due to a period of time where there was a lack of oxygen to his brain, Kellan occasionally lapses into these 'fits' where he reverts to extremely childish actions despite being much older. Luckily, his Hellhound abilities developed then, allowing him to shift and get away. He spent a week on the streets before the oak family found him and renamed him Kellan. As he was too young to understand what his original parents actually tried to do to him, he kept 'Scotti' as his middle/nickname. Growing up in the Oaks family was somewhat hard as they never seemed to have enough money to do anything more than buy the bare essentials. Nonetheless, he loves his family, regardless of the life they live

Special Items:

He has a ring that he never takes off (water resistant). It allows him to better control himself while in his shifted form



Password: "A party? I wanna go!"

LunaCrosby said:
Role: Daughter
Name: Toru CrimsonWater



Creature: wolf-Human hybrid

Description (image)

View attachment 105861


Powers:advanced hearing, smell, speed, and agility

Skills: ease dropping

Flaws: nails grow quicker than normal people





Being outside



Dreams/goals/motivation: she wants to be a detective

Fears/phobias: she is terrified if thunder and lightening, if she heard it she will hold still and cry

Kinks:people person most of the time

S/O: straight


Personality:She is very smart and likes to embrace it. She cares about everyone around her even if they don't care about her. she would also do anything to protect who and what she loves.

Bio:toru was adopted by the CrimsonWater's at the age of 3, she absolutely loves playing. Strangely enough she loves cats because they are soft and adorable. When toru was adopted by the CrimsonWater's she was shy at first but eventually opened up.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

She has a sharp pocket knife in her pocket all the time

She also wears padding under her clothing to protect herself due to also being clumsy


Password:let the party begin
role: youngest son

name: kiju oaks

age: 5

creature: elemental wielder



powers: kiju can wield any element

skills: getting what he wants

flaws: he doenst do well by himself


likes: sushi, his family, the fantasys, his big brother, his giant stuffed bear

dislikes: the crimsonwaters, being by himself

dreams: doenst really have any

fears: spiders

kinks: kiju's eyes change colors depending on his emotions

S/O: bisexual


personality: kiju is very friendly and outgoing.

bio: well, kiju is 5 so there isnt much to tell.

weapon: elements


password: lets get this party started
jakobtatee said:
role: youngest son
name: kiju oaks

age: 5

creature: elemental wielder



powers: kiju can wield any element

skills: getting what he wants

flaws: he doenst do well by himself


likes: sushi, his family, the fantasys, his big brother, his giant stuffed bear

dislikes: the crimsonwaters, being by himself

dreams: doenst really have any

fears: spiders

kinks: kiju's eyes change colors depending on his emotions

S/O: bisexual


personality: kiju is very friendly and outgoing.

bio: well, kiju is 5 so there isnt much to tell.

weapon: elements


password: lets get this party started
Role: son


Name: Daimon Oaks


Age: I'm thirteen years old mister!


Gender: I am a boy sir.


Race: Uh, I think I am a elf.




Powers: I shoot plasma like power from my Claws


Skills: I haven't found them all out


Flaws: I worry about dad,even though he'll be alright. That's good right?







And Fighting



Scary monsters


And being alone



Arms and legs that aren't on people


Kinks: What's that?


S/O : I like girls.



He is a childishly yet smart boy,he is young,but knows everything about the world. Even though he is a boy, he loves even crazy things like Skydiving, motorbiking, sharpshooting, and more.

If you got to know the kid, you yourself would fall in love with his cute little body,but instead die in thirty minutes.


Bio: An adopted child can very much have problems trying to see what was going on in the way of the Oaks.He has almost got it down in their times


Special items: The claws in the picture were a gift when he was found. They were with him on the cradle he wepped in. A note from his parents said "keep watch over our son. He has lots to learn with the claws"


Password: " yes a party! I want in!"
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="ghost of past]Role: eldest son

Name: Daimon Oaks


Age: I'm seventeen years old mister!


Gender: I am a boy sir.


Race: Uh, I think I am a elf.




Powers: I shoot plasma like power from my Claws


Skills: I haven't found them all out


Flaws: I worry about dad,even though he'll be alright. That's good right?







And Fighting



Scary monsters


And being alone



Arms and legs that aren't on people


Kinks: What's that?


S/O : I like girls.



He is a childishly yet smart boy,he is young,but knows everything about the world. Even though he is a boy, he loves even crazy things like Skydiving, motorbiking, sharpshooting, and more.

If you got to know the kid, you yourself would fall in love with his cute little body,but instead die in thirty minutes.


Bio: An adopted child can very much have problems trying to see what was going on in the way of the Oaks.He has almost got it down in their times


Special items: The claws in the picture were a gift when he was found. They were with him on the cradle he wepped in. A note from his parents said "keep watch over our son. He has lots to learn with the claws"


Password: " yes a party! I want in!"

Why am I getting assiled by noobs, whatever Accepted
Role: Eldest Daughter

Name: "Why do you want to know?"

Peri CrimsonWater

Age: "I'm still something of a spring chicken... If you insist, fine..."


Gender: "Umm... It's complicated."

Transgender Female

Creature: "I don't wanna talk about it."


Description: "I'm happy with my body, so I think that is what counts."

Cat form: "Nothing too special."


Powers: "I'm happy with them."

Cheshire Cat Powers i.e. Air Walking, Invisibility, Intangibility, etc.

Skills: "I have a few."

Advanced reflexes, Good aim.

Flaws: "Don't we all have them? I know I have a lot of them."

Insecure about herself

She cannot remain intangible for more than ten minutes.

She cannot remain invisible for more than twenty minutes.

She can only Air Walk for more than thirty Minutes.



Chocolate Truffles

Cold Milk

Watching Doctor Who


Compliments about her appearance


Brussel Sprouts




Dreams/goals/motivation: She wants to be an actress in theater, preferably.

Fears/phobias: Abuse due to her new gender, thunder.

Kinks: She still coughs up hairballs in her human form.

S/O: Lesbian.


Personality: Peri is not a person with a big, loud personality. She was shy to the point where she cannot tell strangers her own name on account of her timidity, whispering so quietly that most cannot hear her, and hiding her face behind her hair until a few years ago. However, she immediately becomes enthusiastic when she sees an animal, preferring to be in their non-judgmental company. She has a few select friends who know about her transgenderism, they also helped her raise the money for her re-assignment surgery.

With them she is more "out of her shell", as in she is more confident and not so timid. She tends to keep her past to herself unless the situation calls for it. More confident than she used to be before her operation, she is now capable of giving others a piece of her own mind, often shouting art them when she is very annoyed.

Bio: Born William CrimsonWater, he never felt right in his own body, enjoying playing with Toru's dolls. When his parents found out, they thought he was just going through a phase. When he entered puberty, he would buy dresses and try them on in secret, always redirecting the mail to his friends house who knew about his secret. She has always had a few friends, and she enjoys their company. Peri used to write stories about himself but changed his gender into a girl. Peri still spends a lot of time with Toru, and she is overprotective of her. she enjoys wearing revealing clothes as she likes her new body, and wants to admire it.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment: She has 2 pistols she keeps in her pants.


Password: "I'll attend the party, but I don't dance."
GimmickPuppet said:
Role: Eldest Daughter
Name: "Why do you want to know?"

Peri CrimsonWater

Age: "I'm still something of a spring chicken... If you insist, fine..."


Gender: "Umm... It's complicated."

Transgender Female

Creature: "I don't wanna talk about it."


Description: "I'm happy with my body, so I think that is what counts."

Cat form: "Nothing too special."


Powers: "I'm happy with them."

Cheshire Cat Powers i.e. Air Walking, Invisibility, Intangibility, etc.

Skills: "I have a few."

Advanced reflexes, Good aim.

Flaws: "Don't we all have them? I know I have a lot of them."

Insecure about herself

She cannot remain intangible for more than ten minutes.

She cannot remain invisible for more than twenty minutes.

She can only Air Walk for more than thirty Minutes.



Chocolate Truffles

Cold Milk

Watching Doctor Who


Compliments about her appearance


Brussel Sprouts




Dreams/goals/motivation: She wants to be an actress in theater, preferably.

Fears/phobias: Abuse due to her new gender, thunder.

Kinks: She still coughs up hairballs in her human form.

S/O: Lesbian.


Personality: Peri is not a person with a big, loud personality. She was shy to the point where she cannot tell strangers her own name on account of her timidity, whispering so quietly that most cannot hear her, and hiding her face behind her hair until a few years ago. However, she immediately becomes enthusiastic when she sees an animal, preferring to be in their non-judgmental company. She has a few select friends who know about her transgenderism, they also helped her raise the money for her re-assignment surgery.

With them she is more "out of her shell", as in she is more confident and not so timid. She tends to keep her past to herself unless the situation calls for it. More confident than she used to be before her operation, she is now capable of giving others a piece of her own mind, often shouting art them when she is very annoyed.

Bio: Born William CrimsonWater, he never felt right in his own body, enjoying playing with Toru's dolls. When his parents found out, they thought he was just going through a phase. When he entered puberty, he would buy dresses and try them on in secret, always redirecting the mail to his friends house who knew about his secret. She has always had a few friends, and she enjoys their company. Peri used to write stories about himself but changed his gender into a girl. Peri still spends a lot of time with Toru, and she is overprotective of her. she enjoys wearing revealing clothes as she likes her new body, and wants to admire it.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment: She has 2 pistols she keeps in her pants.


Password: "I'll attend the party, but I don't dance."
Accepted I love you're charecter. I can't help but feel she is a part of you're self. You made you're charecter truly human.
Role: "The daughter."

Name: "Maria. My friends call me 'Ice'... sometimes."

Age: "19."

Gender: "A fucking transgender. I'M FEMALE YOU IDIOT, LOOK AT MY NAME."

Creature: "I'd rather not say... you'll see."

(brown eyes)


Powers: "I control everything- time, space, wind, air, water, people, you name it. Also, I'm invincible. Immortal, too. It's been great... muy bien... I love it."

Skills: "I throw knives and shit. I snipe, too... but only animals when I hunt... and maybe peopleAHEM what sorry I... uh... didn't hear you, what was that you, uh... said?"

Flaws: "When I get really happy and really sad. When I'm happy, I will run around and yell and just be the most hyper fucking person you have ever seen in your life. When I'm mad... I'd prefer not to go into details. It's not fun. Let's leave it at that."


Likes: "Killing, loud heavy metal musica, peace and quiet whenever I can get it, leendo (reading), inventing things... did I mention killing?"

Dislikes: "Math, girly girls... yo lo llamo putas cuando yo estoy disgustado... (I call them bitches when I'm mad) and all their drama, flowers, dresses, and the color pink- I will fucking stab someone if they mention the word.

Dreams/goals/motivation: "I have no dreams or goals. My motivation is killing. Matando. It's as simple as that. K-I-L-L-I-N-G. Do I need to spell it out for you?"

Fears/phobias: "I hate when things aren't in order. I have no idea if that's a phobia. Let's see... hmph. I guess there's nothing else besides being a neat freak."

Kinks: "None. Yo creeo. (I believe)."

S/O: "As straight as a line."


Personality: Most people mistake her as the goth girl when in reality, she's a straight-out tomboy. She distances herself from the rest of the crowd, and prefers to be in her room alone, either reading a book while listening to heavy metal, or resting... while listening to heavy metal. She likes to practice her fighting and powers quite a bit, not wanting to lose grip of them later on in life, but instead to become stronger as time passes on.

Bio: "Is this a joke? What other bio would I have? I was born in a place, and raised here. That's pretty much it, amigo."

Born somewhere else, raised in the Fantasy household. The simple truth.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment: "I have a knife. And a gun. Also, I made a muy bueno (really good) suit of armor the other day. I wear it when shit hits the fan and I need to be called in to kick some ass."


Password: None
[QUOTE="Agent Iceland]Role: "The daughter."
Name: "Maria. My friends call me 'Ice'... sometimes."

Age: "19."

Gender: "A fucking transgender. I'M FEMALE YOU IDIOT, LOOK AT MY NAME."

Creature: "I'd rather not say... you'll see."

(brown eyes)


Powers: "I control everything- time, space, wind, air, water, people, you name it. Also, I'm invincible. Immortal, too. It's been great... muy bien... I love it."

Skills: "I throw knives and shit. I snipe, too... but only animals when I hunt... and maybe peopleAHEM what sorry I... uh... didn't hear you, what was that you, uh... said?"

Flaws: "When I get really happy and really sad. When I'm happy, I will run around and yell and just be the most hyper fucking person you have ever seen in your life. When I'm mad... I'd prefer not to go into details. It's not fun. Let's leave it at that."


Likes: "Killing, loud heavy metal musica, peace and quiet whenever I can get it, leendo (reading), inventing things... did I mention killing?"

Dislikes: "Math, girly girls... yo lo llamo putas cuando yo estoy disgustado... (I call them bitches when I'm mad) and all their drama, flowers, dresses, and the color pink- I will fucking stab someone if they mention the word.

Dreams/goals/motivation: "I have no dreams or goals. My motivation is killing. Matando. It's as simple as that. K-I-L-L-I-N-G. Do I need to spell it out for you?"

Fears/phobias: "I hate when things aren't in order. I have no idea if that's a phobia. Let's see... hmph. I guess there's nothing else besides being a neat freak."

Kinks: "None. Yo creeo. (I believe)."

S/O: "As straight as a line."


Personality: Most people mistake her as the goth girl when in reality, she's a straight-out tomboy. She distances herself from the rest of the crowd, and prefers to be in her room alone, either reading a book while listening to heavy metal, or resting... while listening to heavy metal. She likes to practice her fighting and powers quite a bit, not wanting to lose grip of them later on in life, but instead to become stronger as time passes on.

Bio: "Is this a joke? What other bio would I have? I was born in a place, and raised here. That's pretty much it, amigo."

Born somewhere else, raised in the Fantasy household. The simple truth.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment: "I have a knife. And a gun. Also, I made a muy bueno (really good) suit of armor the other day. I wear it when shit hits the fan and I need to be called in to kick some ass."


Password: None

Just two things. Pick a family Oaks (poor) or crimson waters (Rich) also youll figure out the password if you read the rules firt post.
Artorias said:
Why am I getting assiled by noobs, whatever Accepted
hold on a sec, Kellan is already the eldest son of the Oaks family.


[QUOTE="ghost of past]Role: eldest son

Name: Daimon Oaks


Age: I'm seventeen years old mister!


Gender: I am a boy sir.


Race: Uh, I think I am a elf.




Powers: I shoot plasma like power from my Claws


Skills: I haven't found them all out


Flaws: I worry about dad,even though he'll be alright. That's good right?







And Fighting



Scary monsters


And being alone



Arms and legs that aren't on people


Kinks: What's that?


S/O : I like girls.



He is a childishly yet smart boy,he is young,but knows everything about the world. Even though he is a boy, he loves even crazy things like Skydiving, motorbiking, sharpshooting, and more.

If you got to know the kid, you yourself would fall in love with his cute little body,but instead die in thirty minutes.


Bio: An adopted child can very much have problems trying to see what was going on in the way of the Oaks.He has almost got it down in their times


Special items: The claws in the picture were a gift when he was found. They were with him on the cradle he wepped in. A note from his parents said "keep watch over our son. He has lots to learn with the claws"


Password: " yes a party! I want in!"

I really like your character. I just wanted to say that I made and eldest Oak son already (Post 32 on the previous page) so, I just wanna know how to go about this. I don't mean to be rude. Sorry if I come across that way, I was just a bit confused
ScytheMeister7 said:
hold on a sec, Kellan is already the eldest son of the Oaks family.

I really like your character. I just wanted to say that I made and eldest Oak son already (Post 32 on the previous page) so, I just wanna know how to go about this. I don't mean to be rude. Sorry if I come across that way, I was just a bit confused
It's OK. I think that the other two sons are open. You can use them.
[QUOTE="ghost of past]It's OK. I think that the other two sons are open. You can use them.

Other two sons?
ScytheMeister7 said:
hold on a sec, Kellan is already the eldest son of the Oaks family.

I really like your character. I just wanted to say that I made and eldest Oak son already (Post 32 on the previous page) so, I just wanna know how to go about this. I don't mean to be rude. Sorry if I come across that way, I was just a bit confused
I just changed to son. So it's OK.
[QUOTE="ghost of past]I just changed to son. So it's OK.

Ohh, okay. So where is the Oaks family now so I know where to jump in?
ScytheMeister7 said:
Ohh, okay. So where is the Oaks family now so I know where to jump in?
Yeah! You can come in! I am talking to Toru in the backyard. She is about to show me her weapon.

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