My Fantasy Family


A realistic, Idealistic, masochistic Genius

Name: (Last name is set as fantasy)




Description (image)















Special items/weapons/armor/equipment


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Role: Son

Name: Arty Fantasy ( Artorias Fantasy )

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Creature: Meta-Human

Description (image)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/PhotoGrid_1425346319798.jpg.bd9c4b95c0fa05a50e07b53f455cde9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/PhotoGrid_1425346319798.jpg.bd9c4b95c0fa05a50e07b53f455cde9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Powers: Charm Speak ( the power to bend ones will with words or make them believe lies )

Destiny bond (The power to bind ones life to an object or himself)

His art book ( he has a special art book that is really its own world he can enter at will, whatever he draws in the book will appear there.)

Skills: lies, gambling, art

Flaws: physically weak, a brat, doesn't fair well around others


Likes: Art,Music,Movies,Fine foods, Nice clothes

Dislikes: Not Getting his way, filthy things

Dreams/goals/motivation: To become something powerful and feared

Fears/phobias: Death, large crowds, Embarrassment

Kinks: is a spoiled brat

S/O: gay



Arty in one of the rudest most spoiled uncaring people you will ever meet. He thinks everyone is below him and he should always get his way even at the expenses of others. He prefers not to get his hands dirty so he uses charm speak to get people to do it for him.

But deep down under all that hate, is an insecure child afraid of almost everything and yearning for someone to care for him, even if on the outside he seems like a bitch.

Bio: A mistake, his parents fooled around and got him on accedent. His family decided they couldn't keep him so he was put up for adoption at age 3. The fantasy's adopted him, but pain and confusion lingerd in his heart, he kept himself away from his new family. His family did everything they could to please him and make him feel better which lead to his spoiling that mixed with past emotions and created who he is now.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

His art book



  • PhotoGrid_1425346319798.jpg
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As you enter the fairly bright room, you find a girl sitting in a chair. Her skin and hair are almost the same color, white as a sheet. The girl has a very clear look of terror on her face that you assume most likely appeared when you walked in. You get the feeling that you aren't supposed to be in here.





"It's K-Kassandra Guinevere F-Fantasy..Ah, it's a p-pleasure to meet you...My a-apologies for being s-so rude and intimidating b-before..."

"Ah, s-saying such an unfamiliar n-name is so strange..."

The girl smiles awkwardly, waving her hand. She still looks quite upset, and you can tell that she's struggling to answer your questions and be polite to you at the same time.


"A nickname..? Ah, I don't really have any...But..I suppose you could call me Kassie if you would like?"

Ah. She finally stopped stuttering. And she calmed down a little. The stuttering was a little annoying, so you're glad that it's over.


"That's p-private and c-confidential information."

Kassandra is 15 in human years.


You don't even need to ask her this question. So you don't. She's a female.


A surprised expression appears on Kassandra's face. She certainly hadn't been expecting a question like that.


"I'm s-sorry, but..I'm afraid I can't tell you that...It's...rather private, ah.."

She trails off, looking down at the floor. You knew that she wouldn't tell you. But, no worries, you already know the answer to the question. She's a spirit.

Description (image)

W-Why are you staring at me like that..?"


hαír cσlσr


єчє cσlσr

Light Blue

skín cσlσr

Naturally pale in the light. In the dark, it can pass as a bit more...normal.

hєíght αnd wєíght

166 cm (5’ 5”)

57.6kg (126.98 lbs)



† H e a l i n g † Spirits are capable of healing wounds through processes of light magic.

† L e v i t a t i o n O f S e l f A n d O b j e c t s † Kassandra is able to make objects and herself float much alike to the ability of telekinesis, but not with her mind.


Kassandra can play many instruments, from wind, to strings, and anything and everything in between. She can even play with her voice and mask multiple tones and octaves.


"Well, I'm not particularly as strong as others..I'm "booksmart", as the kids say."

♫ M u s i c ♫ Let's just say that music, well, runs through Kassandra's blood. Literally. Her family is full of talented musicians, her aunt being the only exception. She can play many instruments, but she just usually sticks to pianos. She's tune with them. Haha, get it?

♫ S m a r t s ♫ As mentioned before, Kassandra is very smart. She's, well...never actually been to a school before, but she has been taught by a tutor(who also taught her how to play the piano).

♫ T r u s t w o r t h i n e s s ♫ People are usually very quick to trust Kassandra. "Oh, she wouldn't do anything bad, now would she?" is what they think. Even though she probably wouldn't betray anyone's trust...She still has the ability to. In fact, that's what worries her the most.

♫ A n a l y z a t i o n ♫ She's able to analyze and observe things, taking them apart bit by bit and studying them.


"A few.."

♯ F i g h t i n g ♯ Kassandra isn't very good at fighting. At all. She'd be knocked out in less than a minute. But, she does have hidden and very latent potentials in magics that may unleash when provoked.

♯ T r u s t ♯ Kassandra's...kinda gullible, to be honest. She can trust literally anyone. This will probably be her downfall.

♯ T o o K i n d ♯ Kassandra is always nice to people. When someone asks her for something, she just can't muster up the courage to say no. This will probably be part of her downfall too.



☮ Sweets ☮

☮ The cold ☮

☮ Books ☮

☮ Pianos ☮

☮ Kindness ☮


"Ah, things that make me uncomfortable..?"

☂ Death ☂

☂ Loneliness ☂

☂ Attention ☂

☂ Vampires ☂

☂ Bias ☂




☠ Death ☠

☠ Penguins ☠

☠ The Mafia ☠

☠ Unintentionally Hurting Someone ☠

☠ Betrayal ☠

☠ The Mayor ☠


Stuttering - She only does this when she's nervous, or surprised. And that's fairly often.

Clenching her fists - Again, this is only when she's nervous and/or upset.



Wow. Look what you did. You made her freeze up. Amazing. Good job, mate. Well, anyways, she's
honestly not sure about her sexuality. But for now, she's heterosexual, though that may change.


Personality: At first, it may seem as if Kassandra is a timid girl(mostly because she's shy when meeting strangers), but she's a quite nice and respectful girl. Which may or may not have to do with the fact that she was raised in a high class household, but anyways. When caught off guard or asked a personal question(as shown above), she can turn into the quietest person you've ever met. And then, even when she's with friends, it's hard to get her to open her mouth and actually speak. In a way, she's a wallflower.

As you can already tell, Kassandra likes to listen instead of speak. She's a great advice giver, even though she can't take her own advice to save her life.



"I'm not sure you would like to hear it. It's not..exciting at all. I'm sorry for disappointing you."

Darn it. You were hoping for a good backstory with pain, regret, and suffering. You also wouldn't have minded it if her parents were two vampire demon gods and she was previously a princess with black hair and pale, beautiful skin like Alice Cullen.

Like listed in her skill set, Kassandra Guinevere Mysteroca was born to a musical family. She and her family were very prosperous, and owned many instruments.

She is relatively new to the Fantasy family, and has only been under their care for about 3 months.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment:

"I already t-told you I'm not the f-fighting type."

Kassandra's more of a magic user, but she does hold on her person a red locket intertwined with gold. Inside it contains strong magical elements that seem to be able to calm her down when necessary.



"Let the p-party being?"
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PlaguedWithInsanity said:


As you enter the fairly bright room, you find a girl sitting in a chair. Her skin and hair are almost the same color, white as a sheet. The girl has a very clear look of terror on her face that you assume most likely appeared when you walked in. You get the feeling that you aren't supposed to be in here.





"It's K-Kassandra Guinevere F-Fantasy..Ah, it's a p-pleasure to meet you...My a-apologies for being s-so rude and intimidating b-before.."

The girl smiles awkwardly, waving her hand. She still looks quite upset, and you can tell that she's struggling to answer your questions and be polite to you at the same time.


"A nickname..? Ah, I don't really have any...But..I suppose you could call me Kassie if you would like?"

Ah. She finally stopped stuttering. And she calmed down a little. The stuttering was a little annoying, so you're glad that it's over.


"That's p-private and c-confidential information."

Kassandra is 15 in human years.


You don't even need to ask her this question. So you don't. She's a female.


A surprised expression appears on Kassandra's face. She certainly hadn't been expecting a question like that.


"I'm s-sorry, but..I'm afraid I can't tell you that...It's...rather private, ah.."

She trails off, looking down at the floor. You knew that she wouldn't tell you. But, no worries, you already know the answer to the question. She's a spirit.

Description (image)

W-Why are you staring at me like that..?"


hαír cσlσr


єчє cσlσr

Light Blue

skín cσlσr

Naturally pale in the light. In the dark, it can pass as a bit more...normal.

hєíght αnd wєíght

166 cm (5’ 5”)

57.6kg (126.98 lbs)



† H e a l i n g † Spirits are capable of healing wounds through processes of light magic.

† L e v i t a t i o n O f S e l f A n d O b j e c t s † Kassandra is able to make objects and herself float much alike to the ability of telekinesis, but not with her mind.


Kassandra can play many instruments, from wind, to strings, and anything and everything in between. She can even play with her voice and mask multiple tones and octaves.


"Well, I'm not particularly as strong as others..I'm "booksmart", as the kids say."

♫ M u s i c ♫ Let's just say that music, well, runs through Kassandra's blood. Literally. Her family is full of talented musicians, her aunt being the only exception. She can play many instruments, but she just usually sticks to pianos. She's tune with them. Haha, get it?

♫ S m a r t s ♫ As mentioned before, Kassandra is very smart. She's, well...never actually been to a school before, but she has been taught by a tutor(who also taught her how to play the piano).

♫ T r u s t w o r t h i n e s s ♫ People are usually very quick to trust Kassandra. "Oh, she wouldn't do anything bad, now would she?" is what they think. Even though she probably wouldn't betray anyone's trust...She still has the ability to. In fact, that's what worries her the most.

♫ A n a l y z a t i o n ♫ She's able to analyze and observe things, taking them apart bit by bit and studying them.


"A few.."

♯ F i g h t i n g ♯ Kassandra isn't very good at fighting. At all. She'd be knocked out in less than a minute. But, she does have hidden and very latent potentials in magics that may unleash when provoked.

♯ T r u s t ♯ Kassandra's...kinda gullible, to be honest. She can trust literally anyone. This will probably be her downfall.

♯ T o o K i n d ♯ Kassandra is always nice to people. When someone asks her for something, she just can't muster up the courage to say no. This will probably be part of her downfall too.



☮ Sweets ☮

☮ The cold ☮

☮ Books ☮

☮ Pianos ☮

☮ Kindness ☮


"Ah, things that make me uncomfortable..?"

☂ Death ☂

☂ Loneliness ☂

☂ Attention ☂

☂ Vampires ☂

☂ Bias ☂




☠ Death ☠

☠ Penguins ☠

☠ The Mafia ☠

☠ Unintentionally Hurting Someone ☠

☠ Betrayal ☠

☠ The Mayor ☠


Stuttering - She only does this when she's nervous, or surprised. And that's fairly often.

Clenching her fists - Again, this is only when she's nervous and/or upset.



Wow. Look what you did. You made her freeze up. Amazing. Good job, mate. Well, anyways, she's
honestly not sure about her sexuality. But for now, she's heterosexual, though that may change.


Personality: At first, it may seem as if Kassandra is a timid girl(mostly because she's shy when meeting strangers), but she's a quite nice and respectful girl. Which may or may not have to do with the fact that she was raised in a high class household, but anyways. When caught off guard or asked a personal question(as shown above), she can turn into the quietest person you've ever met. And then, even when she's with friends, it's hard to get her to open her mouth and actually speak. In a way, she's a wallflower.

As you can already tell, Kassandra likes to listen instead of speak. She's a great advice giver, even though she can't take her own advice to save her life.



"I'm not sure you would like to hear it. It's not..exciting at all. I'm sorry for disappointing you."

Darn it. You were hoping for a good backstory with pain, regret, and suffering. You also wouldn't have minded it if her parents were two vampire demon gods and she was previously a princess with black hair and pale, beautiful skin like Alice Cullen.

Like listed in her skill set, Kassandra Guinevere Mysteroca was born to a musical family. She and her family were very prosperous, and owned many instruments.

She is relatively new to the Fantasy family, and has only been under their care for about 3 months.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment:

"I already t-told you I'm not the f-fighting type."

Kassandra's more of a magic user, but she does hold on her person a red locket intertwined with gold. Inside it contains strong magical elements that seem to be able to calm her down when necessary.



"Let the p-party being?"
accepted and loved <3
Role: Grandmother

Name: Magdalena "Maggie" but why are my grandchildren calling me by my first name? Kids today!

Age: 76

Gender: Female

Creature: Monster Hunter. What do you mean that isn't a race? Well it was in my day!

Appearance: Maggie is a stooped and crooked woman with a weathered face that's seen its fair share of winters and harsh winds. It isn't a horrible thing to look upon though, her green eyes burn as bright as they always did in her youth. Her once burning copper hair has since faded to a smokey grey and wrinkles have set in with a vengeance but Maggie still seems to take a certain care with her looks, making sure her hair is tied in a neat bun and some subtle makeup is applied that looks good on a woman of her years. No one's ever seen her do it though, she just seems to appear that way. Her skin is naturally pale but she currently has a sun kissed complexion thanks to being out and about so much.

Maggie walks around supported by her heron cane but she does it with such energy that people often debate as to whether she needs it or not, something that she likes to keep people guessing on, both for her own pride and because a lady should have some secrets. Maggie prefers to wear loose fitting tunics with long sleeves she can roll up if it gets too hot. She's rarely seen without her crimson cloak that flows around her and can cover her face in shadow when the hood is pulled up. Also, she always seems to have a tankard hidden somewhere in the depths of her cloak or on her person somewhere.

(Couldn't find image of Maggie as she is now but here is one of her in her younger days


Powers: Weapon Manipulation - Maggie long ago learned the ancient battle charms of the weapon masters. With the focusing of her mind and the snapping of her fingers she can summon the will for battle that resides in all weapons of war and bind them to her will for a short time as if through telekinesis. She has used this to swat arrows out of the air and send swords arcing through the air over great distances, oftn back towards their former owners. She can also use this to alter her own weapon, The Heron of Autumn (more on that beauty later).

Protective Wards - The weapon masters focused their war magics on defense just as much as offence, Maggie's take the form of runic seals. She can either summon them in a sudden burst of energy to parry a fatal blow or lay them down like traps to guard her in her sleep. The Fantasy family home never had to worry about travelling salesmen once Maggie moved in as every one of them was sent packing as they knocked on the door and were greeted by a nasty shock.

Skills: A warrior born and bred, in her youth Maggie went toe to toe with ogres, vampires, giants, dragons you name it, Maggie has probably slain it! Even that most deadly of all prey... eldritch revenants! You thought I was going to say man, didn't you? Well you're horribly wrong! I mean honestly, a mere human, or a dark lord of the undying I mean - ugh, you know what, never mind. If I start now I'll going all day! The point is, this lady was a wrecking machine, trained to be a master of melee combat in multiple weapons and fighting styles. That training doesn't leave you, however frail you might get, in fact it prepares you for such things. Maggie was also a hunter of great renown and though she may not want to get down in the dirt these days she can still find tracks and signs of passing with her sharp eyes and track her quarry with elderly grace. It helps that she also has a great sense of smell.

Flaws: TIME! - Time makes fools of us all they say but it soesn't need to do that to Maggie, that would imply she feels shame. What it did do was make her joints stiff and make her sleepier than usual. Yes her days of flipping over giant clubs and running up dragon spines are far behind her, the best she can do now is rely on her magic and defensive fighting styles that require very little movement. Her spells also require energy and these days Maggie can only maintain them for short periods of time.

A drunk and a flirt - Oh like you're so perfect! Maggie will zealously defend her lifestyle and antics to any who might tut and judge. She's survived countless adventures, destroyed terrible evils, suffered heartbreak and even raised a daughter. Her twilight years are upon her and if she wants to enjoy what time she has left then she will. This... passionate... lust for life has lead to her getting in trouble more times than can be counted, either for starting bar brawls, sexually harassing younger men and often both at the same time. This has given her a bit of reputation to say the least. It doesn't help that she's drunk half the time and hungover for the other half.


Likes: Fights! Booze! Food! Loot! Men with firm behinds and muscular torsos (teeheehee)! Lewd jokes! Dropping elderly wisdom like it's no one's business. Spending time with her family, all of them. Yes, even Arty!

Dislikes: Rainy days. Being treated like an old codger (don't you dare!) and stuffy people who think far too highly of themselves... they know who they are.

Dreams/Goals/Motivation: "Child, I've seen and done more than most folks in this town put together. I'm done. I have lived my dream and made no compromises, made friends, enemies and lovers alike. The stories I'm going to tell you, just you wait! But I know when my turn has come to an end and I'll bow out with dignity unlike some. I want to have fun. I want to see my grandchildren grow tall and healthy. I want to see Arty wear a smile free of spite. I want to hear Kassie's songs ride the wind strong and proud, that girl worries too much but I'll soon sort that out. My story is coming to a close... but I can still help those that come after me write theirs.

Fears/Phobias: That she'll one day be useless and the last of her fire will leave her. That one day she'll be left alone... that she'll fail them.

OH! And that the dark sorcerers she's battled will return for revenge! No matter how many times you eviscerate them they just keep coming back!

Kinks: Does being an elderly wild child count? 'Cus I'm going to make it count!

S/O: Amazing, thank you for asking.


Personality: Maggie takes no guff but'll hand plenty of it out! She's looking to enjoy everyday and she'll go to bed when she's decided that enough beer has been downed and enough songs sung. With all the bits and bobs she seems to get up to you'd think she was like some wild animal and in a way she is. That includes the quiet side of the wild as well, though. Even when she's blind drunk Maggie's emerald eyes are watching, watching and looking for all those little touches that others might miss. Especially where her family are concerned as she considers her relatives each something of a project, which can make her seem meddlesome at times. Which she is but that's a grandmother's right! It's rare to see Maggie get serious but if something pushes her or threatens her family the old slayer will rear it's head, a cold and pragmatic mind, now tempered by motherhood and love.

Bio: Maggie was a very serious person in her early life, as any woman hoping to break into the boys club of monster hunting has to be but she had a personal stake in the matter. Having lost loved ones and her home to the bloodthirsty creatures of the night. She was taken in by the weapon masters and was schooled in their ways of combat and martial tactics. When her training was done she set off into the world on her own and carved out her bloody vengeance... and then her career.

She earned the name "Crimson Tempest" and was eventually able to pick and choose the jobs she wanted and not always for the pay they offered. She traveled alone for a long time until a tough job forced her to team up with another hunter called Gilligan. He was a simple oaf and the kind of softhearted fool that Maggie had no time for. But damn if the idiot couldn't make her laugh (mostly in how easy he was to tease). His company was so bearable in fact that they became a permanent thing.

Like she was letting the idiot run for the hills after he knocked her up! The child did change things though, pregnancy forced Maggie to settle down and put a stop to her usual fierce charging around. Now she had this tiny little thing to protect and she would not be found wanting. Hunting was put on hold and she and Gil put their money together to buy a little place on the outskirts of a village where they lived a peaceful life. Because the one promise Maggie made her daughter was that she would be safe, that she'd never have to know the life of violence and hate she had known. They took it in turns to go out and bring home the bacon from then on. Iris showed a talent for magic early on and both her parents knew of creatures that could sense such things and feasted on them. Someone would have to keep guard.

Things carried on like that more or less until the present, their little girl grew up and flew the nest. After that they had some quiet until the time Maggie and Gil were invited to live with Iris and her brood in their fancy new digs. Well... she'd give it a try for a while.

Gear of Note: The Heron of Autumn - Maggie's signature weapon, a metal staff with a heron perched on top of it. A heron wearing an eye patch. She uses it as a walking stick these days and though the thing may not look that threatening by using her weapon manipulation magic the heron can spread its razor edged wings to form axe blades or raise its head to make a spear. She's also been known to split it in half or pluck feathers from it to make small hand axes or swords.

Compass amulet - A feather shaped pendant that Maggie wears around her neck with a green jem in the middle. This was a little charm she made in her younger days. It isn't powerful but if the user focuses on it the charm will float gently in the air and guide its owner home if they're ever lost. She made Iris her own amulet when she was little.

Password: I have already started partying, weakling!
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Name: (Last name is set as fantasy)

Iris Fantasy







Description (image)




Elemental Control (majorly fire)

Summoning (due to her being a "master")


Keen hearing




Soothing of her children

Creating elemental items



Sometimes oblivious

Speaks her mind to the smallest detail to her husband





The Arts






Purposeful, preventable actions


To have her family forever.

She aims to have each of her children nicely groomed and taken care of so she could soon have grandchildren.

Her motivation is her children, as well as her husband.


Being alone

Disappointing her children

Not being a good mother


Biting her bottom lip ~ happens when cornered and her back is against the wall.

Twirling of her hair ~ takes place when scared, confused, or bored.

Constant shifts of her gaze ~ when uneasy or nervous


Heterosexual (obviously xD )



Iris is a cheerful,energetic woman who loves her children and taking trips outside as well as with her family. Iris tends to toy with her husband, seeing she enjoys teasing him even in front of the children. Bold, but suttle, Iris gets along in any way possible with her children, a rare notion I see her angry unless truly offended by an action taken by someone in the family.


Iris was born in the outskirts of a city, having grown up with numerous responsibilities. Iris went to school, an excellent student at all times and never seen with anything less than a B.

After highschool, graduating as head of her class, Iris went on to college. Majoring in Animal Science and minoring in Criminal Justice, Iris studied hard at all times of night. At about her Junior year in college, Iris ran across (insert name here) at a typical college party.

In meeting him, she grew to like him. Which of course, later resulted in love.

Getting married afterwards, Iris soon came to bare children.

xD That good? Will edit when information on mesh mom and husband is received)

Special items/weapons/equipment:

Special item: a small silver necklace given to her by her father as a child.

Weapons: None

Equipment: House, Car, Clothes, Phone, Shows, Dining ware, Kitchen ware, etc.


"Now who on Earth told you all to get a party started?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/608320-0090.jpg.8c84171bc26df9ccc530d2408d1fbb23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/608320-0090.jpg.8c84171bc26df9ccc530d2408d1fbb23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Dogmatic99 said:
Role: Grandmother
Name: Magdalena "Maggie" but why are my grandchildren calling me by my first name? Kids today!

Age: 76

Gender: Female

Creature: Monster Hunter. What do you mean that isn't a race? Well it was in my day!

Appearance: Maggie is a stooped and crooked woman with a weathered face that's seen its fair share of winters and harsh winds. It isn't a horrible thing to look upon though, her green eyes burn as bright as they always did in her youth. Her once burning copper hair has since faded to a smokey grey and wrinkles have set in with a vengeance but Maggie still seems to take a certain care with her looks, making sure her hair is tied in a neat bun and some subtle makeup is applied that looks good on a woman of her years. No one's ever seen her do it though, she just seems to appear that way. Her skin is naturally pale but she currently has a sun kissed complexion thanks to being out and about so much.

Maggie walks around supported by her heron cane but she does it with such energy that people often debate as to whether she needs it or not, something that she likes to keep people guessing on, both for her own pride and because a lady should have some secrets. Maggie prefers to wear loose fitting tunics with long sleeves she can roll up if it gets too hot. She's rarely seen without her crimson cloak that flows around her and can cover her face in shadow when the hood is pulled up. Also, she always seems to have a tankard hidden somewhere in the depths of her cloak or on her person somewhere.

(Couldn't find image of Maggie as she is now but here is one of her in her younger days


Powers: Weapon Manipulation - Maggie long ago learned the ancient battle charms of the weapon masters. With the focusing of her mind and the snapping of her fingers she can summon the will for battle that resides in all weapons of war and bind them to her will for a short time as if through telekinesis. She has used this to swat arrows out of the air and send swords arcing through the air over great distances, oftn back towards their former owners. She can also use this to alter her own weapon, The Heron of Autumn (more on that beauty later).

Protective Wards - The weapon masters focused their war magics on defense just as much as offence, Maggie's take the form of runic seals. She can either summon them in a sudden burst of energy to parry a fatal blow or lay them down like traps to guard her in her sleep. The Fantasy family home never had to worry about travelling salesmen once Maggie moved in as every one of them was sent packing as they knocked on the door and were greeted by a nasty shock.

Skills: A warrior born and bred, in her youth Maggie went toe to toe with ogres, vampires, giants, dragons you name it, Maggie has probably slain it! Even that most deadly of all prey... eldritch revenants! You thought I was going to say man, didn't you? Well you're horribly wrong! I mean honestly, a mere human, or a dark lord of the undying I mean - ugh, you know what, never mind. If I start now I'll going all day! The point is, this lady was a wrecking machine, trained to be a master of melee combat in multiple weapons and fighting styles. That training doesn't leave you, however frail you might get, in fact it prepares you for such things. Maggie was also a hunter of great renown and though she may not want to get down in the dirt these days she can still find tracks and signs of passing with her sharp eyes and track her quarry with elderly grace. It helps that she also has a great sense of smell.

Flaws: TIME! - Time makes fools of us all they say but it soesn't need to do that to Maggie, that would imply she feels shame. What it did do was make her joints stiff and make her sleepier than usual. Yes her days of flipping over giant clubs and running up dragon spines are far behind her, the best she can do now is rely on her magic and defensive fighting styles that require very little movement. Her spells also require energy and these days Maggie can only maintain them for short periods of time.

A drunk and a flirt - Oh like you're so perfect! Maggie will zealously defend her lifestyle and antics to any who might tut and judge. She's survived countless adventures, destroyed terrible evils, suffered heartbreak and even raised a daughter. Her twilight years are upon her and if she wants to enjoy what time she has left then she will. This... passionate... lust for life has lead to her getting in trouble more times than can be counted, either for starting bar brawls, sexually harassing younger men and often both at the same time. This has given her a bit of reputation to say the least. It doesn't help that she's drunk half the time and hungover for the other half.


Likes: Fights! Booze! Food! Loot! Men with firm behinds and muscular torsos (teeheehee)! Lewd jokes! Dropping elderly wisdom like it's no one's business. Spending time with her family, all of them. Yes, even Arty!

Dislikes: Rainy days. Being treated like an old codger (don't you dare!) and stuffy people who think far too highly of themselves... they know who they are.

Dreams/Goals/Motivation: "Child, I've seen and done more than most folks in this town put together. I'm done. I have lived my dream and made no compromises, made friends, enemies and lovers alike. The stories I'm going to tell you, just you wait! But I know when my turn has come to an end and I'll bow out with dignity unlike some. I want to have fun. I want to see my grandchildren grow tall and healthy. I want to see Arty wear a smile free of spite. I want to hear Kassie's songs ride the wind strong and proud, that girl worries too much but I'll soon sort that out. My story is coming to a close... but I can still help those that come after me write theirs.

Fears/Phobias: That she'll one day be useless and the last of her fire will leave her. That one day she'll be left alone... that she'll fail them.

OH! And that the dark sorcerers she's battled will return for revenge! No matter how many times you eviscerate them they just keep coming back!

Kinks: Does being an elderly wild child count? 'Cus I'm going to make it count!

S/O: Amazing, thank you for asking.


Personality: Maggie takes no guff but'll hand plenty of it out! She's looking to enjoy everyday and she'll go to bed when she's decided that enough beer has been downed and enough songs sung. With all the bits and bobs she seems to get up to you'd think she was like some wild animal and in a way she is. That includes the quiet side of the wild as well, though. Even when she's blind drunk Maggie's emerald eyes are watching, watching and looking for all those little touches that others might miss. Especially where her family are concerned as she considers her relatives each something of a project, which can make her seem meddlesome at times. Which she is but that's a grandmother's right! It's rare to see Maggie get serious but if something pushes her or threatens her family the old slayer will rear it's head, a cold and pragmatic mind, now tempered by motherhood and love.

Bio: (Will be filled in later in case I need info on mah daughter first)
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]



Name: (Last name is set as fantasy)

Iris Fantasy







Description (image)




Elemental Control (majorly fire)

Summoning (due to her being a "master")


Keen hearing




Soothing of her children

Creating elemental items



Sometimes oblivious

Speaks her mind to the smallest detail to her husband





The Arts





Purposeful, preventable actions


To have her family forever.

She aims to have each of her children nicely groomed and taken care of so she could soon have grandchildren.

Her motivation is her children, as well as her husband.


Being alone

Disappointing her children

Not being a good mother


Biting her bottom lip ~ happens when cornered and her back is against the wall.

Twirling of her hair ~ takes place when scared, confused, or bored.

Constant shifts of her gaze ~ when uneasy or nervous


Heterosexual (obviously xD )



Iris is a cheerful,energetic woman who loves her children and taking trips outside as well as with her family. Iris tends to toy with her husband, seeing she enjoys teasing him even in front of the children. Bold, but suttle, Iris gets along in any way possible with her children, a rare notion I see her angry unless truly offended by an action taken by someone in the family.


Iris was born in the outskirts of a city, having grown up with numerous responsibilities. Iris went to school, an excellent student at all times and never seen with anything less than a B.

After highschool, graduating as head of her class, Iris went on to college. Majoring in Animal Science and minoring in Criminal Justice, Iris studied hard at all times of night. At about her Junior year in college, Iris ran across (insert name here) at a typical college party.

In meeting him, she grew to like him. Which of course, later resulted in love.

Getting married afterwards, Iris soon came to bare children.

xD That good? Will edit when information on mesh mom and husband is received)

Not accepted, you're booth missing something. Figure it out and I can let you in.
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Role: Father

Name: Veril Fantasy

Age: 37 (Veril is so much older xD )

Gender: Male

Creature: Necropyre

Description (image)



  • Fire Mastery (Manipulation, Conjuring, Immunity)
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Body - He can take a semi slamming into him at 100 mph and come out unscathed. His body is the most attractive a guy could get.
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Self-Alteration - Necropyres are a mixture of every known creature to exist, but they lean more towards dragon and vampire hybrids. He can obtain draconian or vampyric physical traits including a tail, wings, fangs, claws, scales, etc.

Skills: Fighting

Flaws: Blunt, Violent, Slightly Sadistic, Evil, Cruel, shows care and love towards his wife more than anyone else


Likes: His wife, His kids

Dislikes: Everyone else

Dreams/goals/motivation: None/None/Fun

Fears/phobias: None

Kinks: None

S/O: Heterosexual


Personality: Veril is a very destructive being. He loves power and he enjoys establishing his dominance over everyone. He is very childish but has a mature and darker side. He is very loving and caring towards his wife. He is prone to violent outbursts if people disturb him while he is spending time with his wife, whether it be talking or being intimate. He shows little regard for anyone but will do things out of his comfort zone if coaxed enough by his wife.

Bio: He hasn't even told Iris.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

An eye patch over his left eye, his wedding ring. The eye patch has a drastic effect on him if he takes it off. His ring keeps him close and intimate with Iris.


Password: Let the party begin!
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Eldest Daughter


*yawns* "Hello... My name you ask? Fine, it's Ezra 'Scythe' Fantasy."


"I am 17 though I'm not sure why that's of your concern..."


"Is that a serious question? Fine, I'm female."


"I'm an elemental as I get it from my mother's side ..."


((Attachment on the bottom))



"Why are we doing a question and answer so early in the morning? Oh well. I can control the four main elements including fire, wind, earth, and water. Can I sleep now?"


"I guess not. I have a very particular set of skills. You're bound to discover what they are later."


Ezra tends to fall asleep in the oddest of places no matter the situation





+Her pillows



+Her bed


-Loud Noises


-Waking Up



-Waking Up


"Isn't it obvious? To be able to sleep whenever and wherever I want without being woken up prematurely. It's damn annoying."


"Strange as it is, I'm absolutely terrified of the dark. There's always the thought that something is out there reaching out to grab me." *shudder at the thought*


"Is this what I think it is?"

Ezra likes to fall asleep on top of people whether they're strangers or not. She also likes to pet anything that's soft.





"I'm still not sure why I'm under interrogation. Where's daddy?"

Ezra is a very laid back girl. She's very sleepy most of the time and seems almost emotionless in the way that she acts and speaks due to get constant grogginess. Despite this state, she's never cranky and has very strong self control when it comes to things that bother her. Also, there's a difference between her usual sleepiness and her actual fatigue. When she's normal, she'll call everyone by their appropriate names in an almost formal manner but when she's actually lacking sleep, she'll revert to a more childish tone including the terms: Mommy, Daddy, Arty, and Kassie. Also, Ezra can be extremely serious when she wants to be. Her sleepy demeanor changes completely and she becomes a lot more alert and cold. This happens very rarely and only when she feels herself or her family is being threatened.


"My past is quite obvious. I was born, I grew up, and here we are now. Done."

Ezra is the only child actually born into the Fantasy family rather than adopted. She is the eldest but acts quite young instead. She grew up loved and learned how to control her elemental powers from her mother and how to kick ass (only if needed) from her father.

Special Items:

She has several rings and a bracelet she only takes off when near water. The rings are from her father and the bracelet from her mother



"A party? Does it involve a sleep over?"

((Sorry this took so long but I've finally gotten to it @Artorias ))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.a149cf552c746648a6910aaadb2760ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43774" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.a149cf552c746648a6910aaadb2760ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpg
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ScytheMeister7 said:


Eldest Daughter


*yawns* "Hello... My name you ask? Fine, it's Ezra 'Scythe' Fantasy."


"I am 17 though I'm not sure why that's of your concern..."


"Is that a serious question? Fine, I'm female."


"I'm an elemental as I get it from my mother's side ..."


((Attachment on the bottom))



"Why are we doing a question and answer so early in the morning? Oh well. I can control the four main elements including fire, wind, earth, and water. Can I sleep now?"


"I guess not. I have a very particular set of skills. You're bound to discover what they are later."


Ezra tends to fall asleep in the oddest of places no matter the situation





+Her pillows



+Her bed


-Loud Noises


-Waking Up



-Waking Up


"Isn't it obvious? To be able to sleep whenever and wherever I want without being woken up prematurely. It's damn annoying."


"Strange as it is, I'm absolutely terrified of the dark. There's always the thought that something is out there reaching out to grab me." *shudder at the thought*


"Is this what I think it is?"





"I'm still not sure why I'm under interrogation. Where's daddy?"

Ezra is a very laid back girl. She's very sleepy most of the time and seems almost emotionless in the way that she acts and speaks due to get constant grogginess. Despite this state, she's never cranky and has very strong self control when it comes to things that bother her. Also, there's a difference between her usual sleepiness and her actual fatigue. When she's normal, she'll call everyone by their appropriate names in an almost formal manner but when she's actually lacking sleep, she'll revert to a more childish tone including the terms: Mommy, Daddy, Arty, and Kassie. Also, Ezra can be extremely serious when she wants to be. Her sleepy demeanor changes completely and she becomes a lot more alert and cold. This happens very rarely and only when she feels herself or her family is being threatened.


"My past is quite obvious. I was born, I grew up, and here we are now. Done."

Ezra is the only child actually born into the Fantasy family rather than adopted. She is the eldest but acts quite young instead. She grew up loved and learned how to control her elemental powers from her mother and how to kick ass (only if needed) from her father.

Special Items:

She has several rings and a bracelet she only takes off when near water. The rings are from her father and the bracelet from her mother



"A party? Does it involve a sleep over?"

((Sorry this took so long but I've finally gotten to it @Artorias ))
Accepted!!! And the party may.
@Artorias[/URL] I dunno, seems like its here. But hey, that's just me. I could be mistaken..... -_-

Role: Father

Name: Veril Fantasy

Age: 37 (Veril is so much older xD )

Gender: Male

Creature: Necropyre

Description (image)



  • Fire Mastery (Manipulation, Conjuring, Immunity)
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Body - He can take a semi slamming into him at 100 mph and come out unscathed. His body is the most attractive a guy could get.
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Self-Alteration - Necropyres are a mixture of every known creature to exist, but they lean more towards dragon and vampire hybrids. He can obtain draconian or vampyric physical traits including a tail, wings, fangs, claws, scales, etc.

Skills: Fighting

Flaws: Blunt, Violent, Slightly Sadistic, Evil, Cruel, shows care and love towards his wife more than anyone else


Likes: His wife, His real daughter

Dislikes: Everyone else

Dreams/goals/motivation: None/None/Fun

Fears/phobias: None

Kinks: None

S/O: Heterosexual


Personality: Veril is a very destructive being. He loves power and he enjoys establishing his dominance over everyone. He is very childish but has a mature and darker side. He is very loving and caring towards his wife. He is prone to violent outbursts if people disturb him while he is spending time with his wife, whether it be talking or being intimate. He shows little regard for anyone but will do things out of his comfort zone if coaxed enough by his wife.

Bio: He hasn't even told Iris.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

An eye patch over his left eye, his wedding ring. The eye patch has a drastic effect on him if he takes it off. His ring keeps him close and intimate with Iris.


Password: Let the party begin!

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[QUOTE="The Master]Role: Father
Name: Veril Fantasy

Age: 37 (Veril is so much older xD )

Gender: Male

Creature: Necropyre

Description (image)



  • Fire Mastery (Manipulation, Conjuring, Immunity)
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Body - He can take a semi slamming into him at 100 mph and come out unscathed. His body is the most attractive a guy could get.
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Self-Alteration - Necropyres are a mixture of every known creature to exist, but they lean more towards dragon and vampire hybrids. He can obtain draconian or vampyric physical traits including a tail, wings, fangs, claws, scales, etc.

Skills: Fighting

Flaws: Blunt, Violent, Slightly Sadistic, Evil, Cruel, shows care and love towards his wife more than anyone else


Likes: His wife, His kids

Dislikes: Everyone else

Dreams/goals/motivation: None/None/Fun

Fears/phobias: None

Kinks: None

S/O: Heterosexual


Personality: Veril is a very destructive being. He loves power and he enjoys establishing his dominance over everyone. He is very childish but has a mature and darker side. He is very loving and caring towards his wife. He is prone to violent outbursts if people disturb him while he is spending time with his wife, whether it be talking or being intimate. He shows little regard for anyone but will do things out of his comfort zone if coaxed enough by his wife.

Bio: He hasn't even told Iris.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

An eye patch over his left eye, his wedding ring. The eye patch has a drastic effect on him if he takes it off. His ring keeps him close and intimate with Iris.


Password: Let the party begin!

Accepted XDDD, for some strange reason you were on ignore for me but I fixed that, jump right in
It's never too late to join our family ^_^ <3

By the way, everyone know that I am totes going to actually treat y'all as my kids. >:3
role: son

name: neko t. fantasy

age: 15

gender: male

creature: canary-human hybrid

description: (image)




sonic scream

manipulate sound

ability to levitate

ability to morph into a canary

skills: singing and fashion

flaws: not good working by himself


likes: singing, fashion, friends, family

dislikes: pretty much nothing

dreams: to oneday get married

fears: losing his voice and death

kinks: has none

s/o: gay


personality: neko is very lonely and feels as if he has nobody to turn to in his darkest hours. neko never fit in anywhere, so he started self harming at the age of 12. he tends not to eat because he feels as though he must be thin like everyone else at his school. he tends to keep to himself because he feels that everyone looks down on him because of his sexuality, although arty is gay too.

bio: neko is basically a government experiment that didnt go as planned. he was originally supposed to be a shapeshifter that could mimic anybodies personality, abilities, and style. though just before the experiment was to begin, an intern misplaced his embryo. after the experiment was over, the government did not know what to do with him. they picked a random family, the fantasys, and gave him to them and gave them the money to rase him. to this day neko has had trouble fitting in at school and fitting in with his family, only relating to his father and arty.

special item: his wardrobe, and his microphone
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Role: Annoying Younger Sister

Name: Jane Linn Fantasy

Age: Thirteen

Gender: Female

Creature: Inchling


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/IMG951012.jpg.3f377217181842c64dca8660a34b38b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/IMG951012.jpg.3f377217181842c64dca8660a34b38b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Whenever experiencing a powerful emotion, Jane is known to shrink at five inches tall. Otherwise, the young girl may transform at will.

Skills: Jane can pull a prank in mischievous genius, without getting caught in the act. Her prank are usually major, with a long-lasting effect. If Jane is caught in the process, she usually sufferers through an unwanted punishment. This can be both a skill and a curse. Her little height can help with the pranks, and without much struggle, the young girl can hide for days, choosing whether or not to be found. Jane can be understanding, mischievous, mind-numbing and a twerp.

Flaws: Jane can be snotty when angered. The child is fairly stubborn most of the time, and can be extremely sarcastic to the point of being more of an annoyance then a helping-hand. Jane can also make a mess out of anything she puts her mind to.

Likes: Sugar, Action Movies, Extreme Pranks, Piano, Vanilla, Computer Games, French Films (even though she doesn't understand the language,) Rude Jokes, Alternative Music, Ant Farms, Mathematics, Challenges, Gloomy Days, Collecting Electronics, etc.

Dislikes: Furry Fandoms, Pineapple, Work, Bullies, Mud, Worms, Failing, Mystery Books, Halloween, Sports, Proper Etiquette, Fashion, Teen Magazines, Reading, Complicated Literature, Elevators, Silence, Old Music, Opera, etc.

Dreams/goals/motivation: Jane has the difficult goal of being the worlds most influential town Mayor ever encountered. Most of the time, the child plans out major schemes, in which she claims will bring her to the top of the food-chain for the most political of spirits. Her motivation is the goal of becoming well-known.

Fears/phobias: Jane has a big fear of disgusting things. Dirty dishes are the young child's worst enemy, including: dusting, toilets, garbage and animal poop. But, in some odd way, Jane doesn't mind germs, and manages to make a mess out of

everything she touches.

Kinks: Jane has the habit of biting her fingernails, and when she is startled or scared (which is very often,) the child immediately transforms back into an Inchling. She cries easily, and often transforms through this emotion as well.

S/O: Bisexual

Personality: Mischievous, annoying, but mostly understanding, Jane has neither a positive nor negative affect on people. The young child is usually planning out a major scheme to success, or pulling a prank on the weakest person in sight. She is a good listener, and isn't judgmental. But, that doesn't mean you can change her mind easily. Jane is extremely stubborn, and refuses to admit when she is wrong. Her thick-head can cause problems to those around herself, and the child can get hurt easily. If someone is injured, Jane would most likely be the first person at the hospital to help the victim. Her morals are unstable though, and she can quickly switch sides from good to in-between during many complicated situations.

Bio: Jane doesn't have much of an interesting story. The child is the top in her class for mathematics, but she has no ambition to excel in such a subject. Her relationship with the Fantasy family is evolving, and she is mostly known to bother her siblings, and annoy the heck out of her parents. She is a journalist for the school newspaper, but dislikes writing with a passion. The only reason Jane writes for the school newspaper, is for the power and influence she may carry through her words to the students. Truthfully though, the child is a talented writer beyond measure.

Special: Jane's weapon is a pocket knife, which she rarely uses incept for major pranks. Her fashion-sense is simple, and a person would most likely see the young child wearing a simple tank-top and khaki shorts.



  • IMG951012.jpg
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MerCelia said:
Role: Annoying Younger Sister
Name: Jane Linn Fantasy

Age: Thirteen

Gender: Female

Creature: Inchling


Powers: Whenever experiencing a powerful emotion, Jane is known to shrink at five inches tall. Otherwise, the young girl may transform at will.

Skills: Jane can pull a prank in mischievous genius, without getting caught in the act. Her prank are usually major, with a long-lasting effect. If Jane is caught in the process, she usually sufferers through an unwanted punishment. This can be both a skill and a curse. Her little height can help with the pranks, and without much struggle, the young girl can hide for days, choosing whether or not to be found. Jane can be understanding, mischievous, mind-numbing and a twerp.

Flaws: Jane can be snotty when angered. The child is fairly stubborn most of the time, and can be extremely sarcastic to the point of being more of an annoyance then a helping-hand. Jane can also make a mess out of anything she puts her mind to.

Likes: Sugar, Action Movies, Extreme Pranks, Piano, Vanilla, Computer Games, French Films (even though she doesn't understand the language,) Rude Jokes, Alternative Music, Ant Farms, Mathematics, Challenges, Gloomy Days, Collecting Electronics, etc.

Dislikes: Furry Fandoms, Pineapple, Work, Bullies, Mud, Worms, Failing, Mystery Books, Halloween, Sports, Proper Etiquette, Fashion, Teen Magazines, Reading, Complicated Literature, Elevators, Silence, Old Music, Opera, etc.

Dreams/goals/motivation: Jane has the difficult goal of being the worlds most influential town Mayor ever encountered. Most of the time, the child plans out major schemes, in which she claims will bring her to the top of the food-chain for the most political of spirits. Her motivation is the goal of becoming well-known.

Fears/phobias: Jane has a big fear of disgusting things. Dirty dishes are the young child's worst enemy, including: dusting, toilets, garbage and animal poop. But, in some odd way, Jane doesn't mind germs, and manages to make a mess out of

everything she touches.

Kinks: Jane has the habit of biting her fingernails, and when she is startled or scared (which is very often,) the child immediately transforms back into an Inchling. She cries easily, and often transforms through this emotion as well.

S/O: Bisexual

Personality: Mischievous, annoying, but mostly understanding, Jane has neither a positive nor negative affect on people. The young child is usually planning out a major scheme to success, or pulling a prank on the weakest person in sight. She is a good listener, and isn't judgmental. But, that doesn't mean you can change her mind easily. Jane is extremely stubborn, and refuses to admit when she is wrong. Her thick-head can cause problems to those around herself, and the child can get hurt easily. If someone is injured, Jane would most likely be the first person at the hospital to help the victim. Her morals are unstable though, and she can quickly switch sides from good to in-between during many complicated situations.

Bio: Jane doesn't have much of an interesting story. The child is the top in her class for mathematics, but she has no ambition to excel in such a subject. Her relationship with the Fantasy family is evolving, and she is mostly known to bother her siblings, and annoy the heck out of her parents. She is a journalist for the school newspaper, but dislikes writing with a passion. The only reason Jane writes for the school newspaper, is for the power and influence she may carry through her words to the students. Truthfully though, the child is a talented writer beyond measure.

Special: Jane's weapon is a pocket knife, which she rarely uses incept for major pranks. Her fashion-sense is simple, and a person would most likely see the young child wearing a simple tank-top and khaki shorts.
Accepted. Also Mercelia has all rights to co-mod due to the fact were real life buds.

Youngest Daughter

"What? But I'm a big girl!"

Name: "Mommy always told me never to tell my name to strangers..."

Her name is Elizabeth Madeleine "Lizzy" Grace Fantasy.

Age: 5

Gender: "Boys don't wear pretty dresses and pink!"


Creature: Celestial Spirit

Description: Elizabeth barely peaks at an itty bitty 3 feet tall, as well as something around a mere 35 pounds, the little girl something closer to a snuggle toy than a child. She has long Goldilocks styled hair that falls in waves and ends at her hips and thigh height. Her usual apparel would remind one of a fairytale princess, with frilly tops and dresses, with pink and purple and sparkles and bows. Fit to the royalty with pastel Mary-Janes and long frilled socks. Ribbon, ribbon, and more ribbon, with tons of sparkles in between.



  • Animation - Elizabeth can make motion out of living or inanimate objects. She may also pause those specific items at will.
  • Cosmic Prowess - Elizabeth can control the stars, constellations, and all things in between of celestial definition. She may also manipulate the weather if she so chooses. She may also imbue mystic powers to her playtoys.
  • Everlasting Bond - With something pertaining the ablities of the Gods, Elizabeth can form a great bond with a certain person, and the universe will do anything to protect them from harm, or anything for that matter.


  • Sweetheart Manipulation - Much like Artorias, Elizabeth has a certain charm that allows her to get what she wants. It is not a power, but is more of a thing that comes with being a little cutie patootie.
  • Endless Creativity - Like any five-year-old, Elizabeth has a never-ending creativity and imagination.


  • Toddler's Temper - Elizabeth has a tendency to throw tantrums when frustrated, angry, or when she just plain does not get her way.
  • Lack of Coordination - Because she is so young, Elizabeth is still developing her coordination and balance, so she is quite the klutz sometimes.



"I like being pretty and cute!"

- Stuffed toys (Her favorite is her stuffed pink bear named Candy)

- The moon and the stars

- Bows and sparkles

- Shopping with Iris

"—And pink!"


- Pitch dark

- The loss of her pretty clothes

- Being annoyed

- Naptime/bedtime


"I wanna grow up to be like Mommy!"


"I hate SPIDERS!"

- Any kind of bug

- Being ignored

- Forest animals


"What's that?"


Elizabeth has a very outgoing and bubbly personality. She loves to be the center of attention and likes to talk and be interacted with. She adores being with the girls, mainly because "Boys are stupid and have cooties!" and because girls know how girls act, as well as what they want, so all the girls in the household are leading figures in Lizzy's eyes. She likes to have people to play with, and will often try to force the entirety of the family's inhabitants to be creative with her and be a pawn of her enjoyment. In times where people say no, which is often difficult to do pertaining Elizabeth, she becomes one of those girls that will annoy someone to no end.

Bio: Elizabeth Madeleine Grace Fantasy is too small to remember her past, and because she's been in the Fantasy's care for so long, but it started with a massive and fatal car crash as well as the little girl in a little box with a blanket and nothing else. Not even a name. So she may as well be Veril's and Iris' birth child, because they've had her since near birth. She was a blessing to the entire family, her being a creature with such amazing power.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

Elizabeth always has her pink stuffed bear or some other stuffed item with her. Occasionally, a pink or purple blanket may also come into the picture.



"I like parties!"

(merp merp merp; second charrie from moi! >,...,< Because I had special permissions)

(merp merp merp; deuxième charrie de moi! >,...,< Parce que J'ai eu les autorisations spéciales)
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PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Youngest Daughter

"What? But I'm a big girl!"

Name: "Mommy always told me never to tell my name to strangers..."

Her name is Elizabeth "Lizzy" Grace Fantasy.

Age: 5

Gender: "Boys don't wear pretty dresses and pink!"


Creature: Celestial Spirit

Description: Elizabeth barely peaks at an itty bitty 3 feet tall. She has long Goldielocks styled hair that falls in waves and ends at her hips and thigh height. Her usual apparel would remind one of a fairytale princess, with frilly tops and dresses, with pink and purple and sparkles and bows. Fit to the royalty with pastel Mary-Janes and long frilled socks. Ribbon, ribbon, and more ribbon, with tons of sparkles in between.



  • Animation - Elizabeth can make motion out of living or inanimate objects. She may also pause those specific items at will.
  • Cosmic Prowess - Elizabeth can control the stars, constellations, and all things in between of celestial definition. She may also manipulate the weather if she so chooses. She may also imbue mystic powers to her playtoys.
  • Everlasting Bond - With something pertaining the ablities of the Gods, Elizabeth can form a great bond with a certain person, and the universe will do anything to protect them from harm, or anything for that matter.


  • Sweetheart Manipulation - Much like Artorias, Elizabeth has a certain charm that allows her to get what she wants. It is not a power, but is more of a thing that comes with being a little cutie patootie.
  • Endless Creativity - Like any five-year-old, Elizabeth has a never-ending creativity and imagination.


  • Toddler's Temper - Elizabeth has a tendency to throw tantrums when frustrated, angry, or when she just plain does not get her way.



"I like being pretty and cute!"

- Stuffed toys (Her favorite is her stuffed pink bear named Candy)

- The moon and the stars

- Bows and sparkles

- Pink

- Shopping with Iris


- Pitch dark

- The loss of her pretty clothes

- Being annoyed

- Naptime/bedtime


"I wanna grow up to be like Mommy!"


"I hate SPIDERS!"

- Any kind of bug

- Being ignored


"What's that?"


Elizabeth has a very outgoing and bubbly personality. She loves to be the center of attention and likes to talk and be interacted with. She adores being with the girls, mainly because "Boys are stupid and have cooties!" and because girls know how girls act, as well as what they want, so all the girls in the household are leading figures in Lizzy's eyes. She likes to have people to play with, and will often try to force the entirety of the family's inhabitants to be creative with her and be a pawn of her enjoyment. In times where people say no, which is often difficult to do pertaining Elizabeth, she becomes one of those girls that will annoy someone to no end.

Bio: Elizabeth is too small to remember her past, and because she's been in the Fantasy's care for so long, but it started with a massive and fatal car crash as well as the little girl in a little box with a blanket and nothing else. She was a blessing to the entire family, being a being with such amazing power.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

Elizabeth always has her pink stuffed bear or some other stuffed item with her. Occasionally, a pink or purple blanket may also come into the picture.



"I like parties!"

(merp merp merp; second charrie from moi! >,...,< Cuz I had special permissions)
Accepted so many girls, I'm gonna have to make a second boy to balance this out.
jakobtatee said:
role: son
name: neko t. fantasy

age: 15

gender: male

creature: canary-human hybrid

description: (image)




sonic scream

manipulate sound

ability to levitate

ability to morph into a canary

skills: singing and fashion

flaws: not good working by himself


likes: singing, fashion, friends, family

dislikes: pretty much nothing

dreams: to oneday get married

fears: losing his voice and death

kinks: has none

s/o: gay


personality: neko is very lonely and feels as if he has nobody to turn to in his darkest hours. neko never fit in anywhere, so he started self harming at the age of 12. he tends not to eat because he feels as though he must be thin like everyone else at his school. he tends to keep to himself because he feels that everyone looks down on him because of his sexuality, although arty is gay too.

bio: neko is basically a government experiment that didnt go as planned. he was originally supposed to be a shapeshifter that could mimic anybodies personality, abilities, and style. though just before the experiment was to begin, an intern misplaced his embryo. after the experiment was over, the government did not know what to do with him. they picked a random family, the fantasys, and gave him to them and gave them the money to rase him. to this day neko has had trouble fitting in at school and fitting in with his family, only relating to his father and arty.

special item: his wardrobe, and his microphone
Role: Eldest Brother

Name: Harien Fantasy

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Creature: Half Dragon/Human

Description (image)



Powers: Can Morph into a Dragon,

Dragon Form:


Skills: Breathe Fire, Agility

Flaws: Morphs into a dragon randomly when sick. When morphing back from dragon form he experiences extreme pain.


Likes: Meat, Flying, Working on electronics

Dislikes: Rats, Failing, Naga's

Dreams/goals/motivation: To one day marry and have kids

Fears/phobias: Drowning, Losing everything

Kinks: He is a little to defensive of his family

S/O: Heterosexual (Likes Girls)


Personality: He is very smart even though he tries not to show it, He has a happy attitude usually but usually ignores most people just because he 'doesn't feel like it'. When he`s needed he will be ready but if its 'tedious' he will either simply ignore it or do it but not be focused on it. This is the reason his dragon form is like him usually single minded but intelligent when it wants to be.

Bio: He was born when the dragon lord found a woman and 'took' her after he learned she was pregnant he soon got rid of Harien or aborted him. So instead of keeping Harien in the dragon realm her transported him to the Fantasy`s home. Where he has grown for the past 17 years even though he won't die for longer than most of his family.

Special items/weapons/armor/equipment

In his human state he has access to an item called "Hi no gantoretto" or "Gauntlet of Fire" which is a piece of Draconic armor sent with him from the Dragon realm.


Password: Lets get this Party booming!

Hows this?
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