Avoiding conflict starts a war within yourself
- One on One
About Me
Hello! My name is Mikey ( He / They ) and I'm 29.
I'm a queer author / artist looking for a romance RP partner.
I've been writing for 15 years.
I draw all my own characters (and I can draw yours too), or use real face claims.
My post length depends on your preference.
I prefer private message RP's (not Discord).
LGBTQIA+ characters preferred.
I play men / nonbinary folk.
All genders welcome / men or masc preferred!
General Rules
Character Skeleton:
(adjustable as needed / please fill out and send over when ready)
Topic Chosen: (list below)
Character Type: (human, etc.)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Power: (if any)
Weapon of choice: (if any)
Background: (2 paragraphs / 500 word max)
Image of Character:
Specific RP Interests (ranked by preference):
My Character x Yours
- Detroit: Become Human - Connor x Marcus (or another OC male android/human). I'm not picky with who they are so long as they're male.
- Sense8 - OC x OC (A new cluster born post-canon).
- Torchwood / Doctor Who - Dr. Owen Harper x Anyone (mid-canon)
- Star Trek - Vulcan x Human (TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/2012-2018 Canon)
- Hellboy - OC x OC (mid-canon)
- Peaky Blinders - Thomas x OC (mid-canon)
- The Sandman - Dream x OC
- Mushishi - OC x OC / Ginko x OC
- I Was A Teenage Exocolonist - Main Protagonist x Dys/Sym/Rex/OC
- Umbrella Academy - Five pops into a different dimension and falls in love with a male OC (mid-canon).
- Arcane - Viktor x Jayce/Male OC / OC x OC
- DC / Teen Titans - Robin x OC
- X-Men - OC x OC
- Dragon Age: Inquisition - Solas x Anyone
- Baldur's Gate 3 - Astarion/Gale x Anyone
- Pride and Prejudice - OC x OC
- Original Setting - OC x OC (we can plot together)
Please send me a DM with your interested topic as the title and a short writing sample under a spoiler
Thanks for your time! 

Hello! My name is Mikey ( He / They ) and I'm 29.
I'm a queer author / artist looking for a romance RP partner.
I've been writing for 15 years.
I draw all my own characters (and I can draw yours too), or use real face claims.
My post length depends on your preference.
I prefer private message RP's (not Discord).
LGBTQIA+ characters preferred.
I play men / nonbinary folk.
All genders welcome / men or masc preferred!
General Rules
- 18+ only.
- Act respectfully and responsibly.
- Post at least once every 2-3 days, if not daily (I will, too).
- Semi-literate to literate (500 - 1,000 words per post minimum).
- OOC encouraged! Talk to me ~ I'm nice. :3
- Intimacy limitations are base on your preferences.
- No asshole characters. You can be funny, but not mean.
- I don't ghost, I communicate.
- Communication is key - I will not get mad at you for asking for what you want or need. I will do my best to give you what you need, and I expect the same in return. Let's be nice to each other.
- Be very clear with me. I'm autistic. I need you to communicate clearly and we will have zero problems.
[*]Needle/body horror
[*]Anything that belongs in the toilet
[*]Hard noncon (dubcon okay)
[*]Feet stuff
[*]Furries / Beastiality / Anthros
[*]Domestic Violence
[*]Torture (pain)
[*]Suicide or Self Harm
(02/14/2025 - 9:37am)
Ronin flushed. Of course he was trying to impress Luka - but he had to fit in here to survive as well, and modesty wouldn’t get him very far with Bratovians. He tried to focus. Luka was looking at him, and he felt the weight of his gaze like a heady hand around his throat. He was used to scrutiny for the sake of judgement - or even for the measurement of a man - but the scrutiny from a lover? That was new. Typically it was easy for him to get other men to bend to his will; he was a prince, after all. But Luka was on his level. His equal. It would be much riskier to try and measure up to his expectations.
He looked at Luka, smiling mischievously. “I’m not concerned,” he admitted. “I believe I’ve made my point well enough. Besides… you’re my prince as well, in case you have forgotten.” Luka’s ability to read him like a book was going to be a difficult work around. It made Ronin flustered to know that Luka could tell he desired him. His eyes flickered to Luka’s lips and back to his eyes. “I want to make a request of you. Privacy of some sort must be had between you and I,” he said in a low voice. “We have a lot to discuss, and it should not wait until our wedding day - regardless of our necessary circumstances.”
Ronin reached out and touched Luka’s arm tenderly, pressing into the material of his shirt for the warmth within. His gaze softened. “We have a lot to catch up on.” Then, when prompted, Ronin turned his attention to Percival and withdrew his hand, folding it in his lap with the other politely.
He thought about it for a minute. Percival was a handsome man, charming and upright, and the woman with him was both soft and serene, his perfect compliment. “The logical answer is yes - I believe he’s well aware of it. Percival is a very controlled man. It’s unlikely that a variance in his behavior has not alerted him to the idea.” He watched them dance fondly; it was always nice to see new love blossoming. “See how close he draws to her? He’s already showing her quite a lot more warmth than he allowed himself to show the other ladies.”
Percival’s grasp on Elena was gentle but firm. He merely steered her in the correct direction, allowing her own strength to lead her gracefully through the dance. Her relief was palpable; he was glad he’d cut in when he had. If he’d seen Anton set his sights on her, he would have arrived much, much sooner. Her smile lightened his heart. He returned it. “And steal my chance for a rescue? Dare not,” he teased back. “You must know how gentlemen like to sweep in and save a damsel, Miss Elena. It’s imperative that you allow us to show some form of chivalry. We grow sullen at a missed chance.”
He guided her slightly to one side as a couple threatened to collide with them, pulling them easily back into step. He had eyes around his head. You had to, in this court. The music was divine as well - he had to compliment the orchestra before he departed this evening. So… her favorite flower was lilacs? He took a deep breath. That was the scent. “Lilacs,” he repeated gently. “How fitting. I can imagine a lovely portrait painting of you in front of a misty lilac bush. Although, I must admit I enjoy their deeper hues just as much.” Blues and purples were always his favorite colors. His mother always insisted that he wear burgundy, however, as did his tailor; thus, his warm wardrobe.
The ease at which she drew close to him gave him a thrill. He found himself longing for further closeness, for the touch of her skin against his own if only cheek to cheek, and felt a spike of tempered fear. He was getting too carried away. Still, he couldn’t will himself to draw back. That, too, scared him.
As Elena spoke, Percival listened intently. It was unusual to hear of a female-only household. Especially these days. Still, it had clearly shaped Elena quite well - she was sure-footed, confident, and even-tempered, all of which showed both good breeding and hard work. It was admirable. Beyond such. He raised an eyebrow. “You sound as if you were happy there. What duty drew you away, if I may ask?”
Percival tried to condense his complicated role into something more palatable; in fact, his role contained many, many requirements. Then again… it had been his fancies, and not his work, that she was referring to. He did enjoy his work - but perhaps that wasn’t the correct topic to choose. He met her gaze unwaveringly, appreciating her soft features at this proximity. “I’ve spent my life in the service of the crown,” he admitted. “Reading, sparring, running my household - fetching a betrothed prince from a dangerous, far-away land - these things are simply life’s additional pleasures.”
Ronin flushed. Of course he was trying to impress Luka - but he had to fit in here to survive as well, and modesty wouldn’t get him very far with Bratovians. He tried to focus. Luka was looking at him, and he felt the weight of his gaze like a heady hand around his throat. He was used to scrutiny for the sake of judgement - or even for the measurement of a man - but the scrutiny from a lover? That was new. Typically it was easy for him to get other men to bend to his will; he was a prince, after all. But Luka was on his level. His equal. It would be much riskier to try and measure up to his expectations.
He looked at Luka, smiling mischievously. “I’m not concerned,” he admitted. “I believe I’ve made my point well enough. Besides… you’re my prince as well, in case you have forgotten.” Luka’s ability to read him like a book was going to be a difficult work around. It made Ronin flustered to know that Luka could tell he desired him. His eyes flickered to Luka’s lips and back to his eyes. “I want to make a request of you. Privacy of some sort must be had between you and I,” he said in a low voice. “We have a lot to discuss, and it should not wait until our wedding day - regardless of our necessary circumstances.”
Ronin reached out and touched Luka’s arm tenderly, pressing into the material of his shirt for the warmth within. His gaze softened. “We have a lot to catch up on.” Then, when prompted, Ronin turned his attention to Percival and withdrew his hand, folding it in his lap with the other politely.
He thought about it for a minute. Percival was a handsome man, charming and upright, and the woman with him was both soft and serene, his perfect compliment. “The logical answer is yes - I believe he’s well aware of it. Percival is a very controlled man. It’s unlikely that a variance in his behavior has not alerted him to the idea.” He watched them dance fondly; it was always nice to see new love blossoming. “See how close he draws to her? He’s already showing her quite a lot more warmth than he allowed himself to show the other ladies.”
Percival’s grasp on Elena was gentle but firm. He merely steered her in the correct direction, allowing her own strength to lead her gracefully through the dance. Her relief was palpable; he was glad he’d cut in when he had. If he’d seen Anton set his sights on her, he would have arrived much, much sooner. Her smile lightened his heart. He returned it. “And steal my chance for a rescue? Dare not,” he teased back. “You must know how gentlemen like to sweep in and save a damsel, Miss Elena. It’s imperative that you allow us to show some form of chivalry. We grow sullen at a missed chance.”
He guided her slightly to one side as a couple threatened to collide with them, pulling them easily back into step. He had eyes around his head. You had to, in this court. The music was divine as well - he had to compliment the orchestra before he departed this evening. So… her favorite flower was lilacs? He took a deep breath. That was the scent. “Lilacs,” he repeated gently. “How fitting. I can imagine a lovely portrait painting of you in front of a misty lilac bush. Although, I must admit I enjoy their deeper hues just as much.” Blues and purples were always his favorite colors. His mother always insisted that he wear burgundy, however, as did his tailor; thus, his warm wardrobe.
The ease at which she drew close to him gave him a thrill. He found himself longing for further closeness, for the touch of her skin against his own if only cheek to cheek, and felt a spike of tempered fear. He was getting too carried away. Still, he couldn’t will himself to draw back. That, too, scared him.
As Elena spoke, Percival listened intently. It was unusual to hear of a female-only household. Especially these days. Still, it had clearly shaped Elena quite well - she was sure-footed, confident, and even-tempered, all of which showed both good breeding and hard work. It was admirable. Beyond such. He raised an eyebrow. “You sound as if you were happy there. What duty drew you away, if I may ask?”
Percival tried to condense his complicated role into something more palatable; in fact, his role contained many, many requirements. Then again… it had been his fancies, and not his work, that she was referring to. He did enjoy his work - but perhaps that wasn’t the correct topic to choose. He met her gaze unwaveringly, appreciating her soft features at this proximity. “I’ve spent my life in the service of the crown,” he admitted. “Reading, sparring, running my household - fetching a betrothed prince from a dangerous, far-away land - these things are simply life’s additional pleasures.”
Character Skeleton:
(adjustable as needed / please fill out and send over when ready)
Topic Chosen: (list below)
Character Type: (human, etc.)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Power: (if any)
Weapon of choice: (if any)
Background: (2 paragraphs / 500 word max)
Image of Character:
Specific RP Interests (ranked by preference):
My Character x Yours
- Detroit: Become Human - Connor x Marcus (or another OC male android/human). I'm not picky with who they are so long as they're male.
- Sense8 - OC x OC (A new cluster born post-canon).
- Torchwood / Doctor Who - Dr. Owen Harper x Anyone (mid-canon)
- Star Trek - Vulcan x Human (TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/2012-2018 Canon)
- Hellboy - OC x OC (mid-canon)
- Peaky Blinders - Thomas x OC (mid-canon)
- The Sandman - Dream x OC
- Mushishi - OC x OC / Ginko x OC
- I Was A Teenage Exocolonist - Main Protagonist x Dys/Sym/Rex/OC
- Umbrella Academy - Five pops into a different dimension and falls in love with a male OC (mid-canon).
- Arcane - Viktor x Jayce/Male OC / OC x OC
- DC / Teen Titans - Robin x OC
- X-Men - OC x OC
- Dragon Age: Inquisition - Solas x Anyone
- Baldur's Gate 3 - Astarion/Gale x Anyone
- Pride and Prejudice - OC x OC
- Original Setting - OC x OC (we can plot together)
Please send me a DM with your interested topic as the title and a short writing sample under a spoiler

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