Partly Harmless
Hoopy Frood
- One on One
It's been a while, but after graduating, getting a new job, and pouring all my freetime into practiced a new instrument, I realized I missed doing things I'm good at for fun. So no more learning. No more new hobbies. Now I want to fill (some) of my freetime with something I'm good at.
I'll cut the chase:
See below for some loose concepts that have polled well in the past, but I'm obviously not against anything else you want to bring to the table. I want the plot to fit the character, not conform a character to the plot.
As I come off of my 5 year hiatus, I'm just easing back in and excited to make connections again. Don't be afriad to stop by and say hi! Looking forward to writing with y'all again soon.
It's been a while, but after graduating, getting a new job, and pouring all my freetime into practiced a new instrument, I realized I missed doing things I'm good at for fun. So no more learning. No more new hobbies. Now I want to fill (some) of my freetime with something I'm good at.
I'll cut the chase:
Mid-twenties very experienced roleplayer with a project based job.
I like multi-paragraphed posts which I can send with some regularity until deadlines come around even couple of weeks.
Some very dear and well-developed OCs that are eager to engage in angsty, slow-burn, MxM adventures.
A similarly-minded partner who maybe get a little too excited about throwing wrenches in the best-laid plans of our poor guys.
See below for some loose concepts that have polled well in the past, but I'm obviously not against anything else you want to bring to the table. I want the plot to fit the character, not conform a character to the plot.
Punks are supposed to be the epitome of hardcore. There’s not real love involved in their relationships, right? When Muse A meets Muse B at a concert, he falls head over heals. Unfortunately, Muse B has spent forever convincing himself that he isn’t gay, which leads to an uncomfortable friendship. What happens when Muse A finally admits his feelings for Muse B?
Muse A and his friends are playing truth or dare. Muse A subsequently gets dared to flirt with a man at a gay bar. Things all go well until he's the one being flirted with. Thing is, Muse A definitely, totally doesn't like boys. Or does he? Muse B makes quite and impression and Muse A begins to doubt his sexuality.
Muse A has been a nomad on the road a long while. Muse B is new to this life and makes a silly mistake that nearly lands him in jail. Muse A has a choice to make - show him the ropes and sacrifice his solace, or go against his conscious and let Muse B flounder.
As I come off of my 5 year hiatus, I'm just easing back in and excited to make connections again. Don't be afriad to stop by and say hi! Looking forward to writing with y'all again soon.