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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology


Name: "H-hi m-my na-name is Kasey Krons-s"

Magic or Technology?: "I da-dable in a bi-bit of b-both"

Age: "I-I'm 17."

Gender: male

Personality: He's extremely shy and timd, he often hides from people as he's terrified of them

Affinity: Spirit, and he dables in Plasma and Shadow (the last two are limited due to his lack of instructor because he's afraid of people)


Items: A small Teddy bear that he takes work him everywhere and a travel pack

Backstory: He's always found joy in magic, but for as long he could remember he's always been afraid of people, afraid that they would hurt him. Because of this, it's always been hard for him to make friends, not that he cared

Starting Location: Ishrion
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[QUOTE="Kild Kannuk]

Name: "H-hi m-my na-name is Kasey Krons-s"

Magic or Technology?: "I da-dable in a bi-bit of b-both"

Age: "I-I'm 17."

Gender: male

Personality: He's extremely shy and timd, he often hides from people as he's terrified of them

Affinity: Spirit, and he dables in Plasma and Shadow (the last two are limited due to his lack of instructor because he's afraid of people)


Items: A small Teddy bear that he takes work him everywhere and a travel pack

Backstory: He's always found joy in magic, but for as long he could remember he's always been afraid of people, afraid that they would hurt him. Because of this, it's always been hard for him to make friends, not that he cared

Starting Location: Ishrion

Accepted. Post whenever
Appearance: A girl with black hair in a pixie cut and grey eyes. She wears a black cloak most of the time.

Name: Armus Drof

Magic or Technology?: Magic

: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Bubbly, and weird. Usually found giving to the poor and trying to master her magic. She is a lot like Mabel Pines, actually.

Affinity: Spirit, shadow to be exact.


Items: Spell book, old glasses, and a matching amulet to Slinko.

Backstory: She has always wanted to learn magic, but she has trouble with it. She's always gotten weird looks just for her personality. She has also tried using technology, but has never been good at it.

Starting Location: Ishrion
Randomfactory9 said:
Appearance: A girl with black hair in a pixie cut and grey eyes. She wears a black cloak most of the time.
Name: Armus Drof

Magic or Technology?: Magic

: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Bubbly, and weird. Usually found giving to the poor and trying to master her magic. She is a lot like Mabel Pines, actually.

Affinity: Spirit, shadow to be exact.


Items: Spell book, old glasses, and a matching amulet to Slinko.

Backstory: She has always wanted to learn magic, but she has trouble with it. She's always gotten weird looks just for her personality. She has also tried using technology, but has never been good at it.

Starting Location: Ishrion
Spirit deals with Summoning and illusion. Shadow is Black Magic, things like Necromancy and demons. You have to choose one

Other than that, accepted
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.6543c60d266ae9bb14881ff2b669c918.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.6543c60d266ae9bb14881ff2b669c918.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Argos Lumen

Magic or Technology?: Magic

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Personality: Argos is a man of grand taste, he is the self proclaimed guardian of Toron,he carrys himself with a demeanor of a hero. He will stop and speak with anyone but can be hard to approach due to his always wearing his helmet.

Affinity: Light+spirit( his family has blended the two into a very spiritual based magic)

Weapons: Weilds light in various ways, the golden parts of his armor are forged of an indestructible celestial metal.

Items:Usually carries a golden cane, but it is actually forged out of light.

Backstory: Argos is currently the head of the mighty lumen family,a wealthy family of mages who have spent the past 2000years mastering and passing down the arts of light. Argos himself has perfected several arts and is the oldest living member of the Argos family since the last astral voyage...

Once every 50 years, the lumen sages host a great celestial journey where the elders turn into light and leave earth for the plane of the celestials. Last year was the most recent journey and Argos was left as the new Head Lumen Sage.

He has also recently been named as the leader of the Churches of Toron.

Starting Location: Toron

Other: the lumen family has been a long setting position of spiritual and political leadership in the city of Toron, while they do not directly rule the city, they maintain a large sum of wealth and hold positions of high regard from priests to judges.



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Alphaius said:
View attachment 299812
Name:Argos Lumen

Magic or Technology?: Magic

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Personality: Argos is a man of grand taste, he is the self proclaimed guardian of Toron,he carrys himself with a demeanor of a hero. He will stop and speak with anyone but can be hard to approach due to his always wearing his helmet.

Affinity: Light+spirit( his family has blended the two into a very spiritual based magic)

Weapons: Weilds light in various ways, the golden parts of his armor are forged of an indestructible celestial metal.

Items:Usually carries a golden cane, but it is actually forged out of light.

Backstory: Argos is currently the head of the mighty lumen family,a wealthy family of mages who have spent the past 2000years mastering and passing down the arts of light. Argos himself has perfected several arts and is the oldest living member of the Argos family since the last astral voyage...

Once every 50 years, the lumen sages host a great celestial journey where the elders turn into light and leave earth for the plane of the celestials. Last year was the most recent journey and Argos was left as the new Head Lumen Sage.

He has also recently been named as the leader of the Churches of Toron.

Starting Location: Toron

Other: the lumen family has been a long setting position of spiritual and political leadership in the city of Toron, while they do not directly rule the city, they maintain a large sum of wealth and hold positions of high regard from priests to judges.
Accepted. Post whenever

Name: "My name is Namor Strange."

Magic or Technology?: "I use both. My father was gifted with technology and my mother, while I wouldn't call her a witch, was an advanced magic user.l

Age: "I'm 19."

Gender: "I'm a guy."

Personality: Namor tends to keep to himself now days, when he was younger, he would always speak to new people and make as many friends as he could, but after his mother was accidently killed when she tried to stop the fighting, he shut himself off and is usually seen when he needs something.

Affinity: Spirit Magic and a bit of Ice Magic


His bow


And his rifle. He prefers to keep a distance

Items: He always carries a satchel (spelling?) filled with tools and his mother's spell book. He also carries either his bow or rifle

Backstory: He father was from Bellward and his mother was from Toron. After his mother was accidently killed when she attempted to stop a conflict, he basically shut down. Now he rarely leaves his home, and never invites anyone in. He sometimes uses magic on his inventions to help the work and he keeps his mother's spell book.

Starting Location: Bellward
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-Name: Raymond "Ray" Sinclair

-Age: 19


-Hair: Steely grey in color, a majority of it pulled back into a tail that reaches the middle of his back. Stray strands hang just in front of his ears, with few covering the front of his face.

-Eye Color: Possesses complete heterochromia, left eye is a shamrock green while right is an amber yellow

-Body Frame: Raymond stands at 5'11, and weighs just about 160 lbs. Frame is that of a leaner male, muscle tone is developed and chiseled, yet not overwhelmingly large or noticeable. With broad shoulders and a naturally straight back, its a surprise his movement is rather fluid. His arms are most often crossed in front of his chest, or down at his side, a pet peeve of his is hands inside of pockets and he hardly ever puts his own hands in their either. Skin is of a lighter complexion, giving his eyes a strong contrast.

-Clothing: Public choice of attire is usually the same, almost like it were a uniform to him. Black or dark blue jeans, its a wonder these don't hinder his movement in a fight. A black undershirt, only worn as it is seen as a fitting color contrast to the grey trench coat-like cloak he wears. The entire front is left unbuttoned, leaving the black shirt exposed. A silver chain hangs and connects the two ends of the collar for the coat, and another hangs from a right belt loop to a hidden object in his front right pocket.

-Weapon Choice: Preferring to use an age-old fighting style of twin double-edged swords. Both are about forearm length, with no guard. Starts with the hilt, where dull steel is layered by leather and then cloth, and into a smooth transition to the dual edged blades themselves. Both hang from his left hip, sheathes clipped to his belt.

-Personality: Raymond is rather sociable, getting along rather well with his fellow assassins. At first a bit timid towards strangers, exposing his true colors to comrades quickly after associating with them and achieving positive results. Unintentionally comes off as flirty, but he has no intention of a romance with any individuals. His attitude towards targets however, is the opposite. Being one who enjoys seeing those who deserve it suffer, he had developed a rather sadistic or tormenting tone towards those who he had intention to kill. If left unsupervised, torturing for information is his preferred method of removing targets, that is, if he isn't on a timer. If he is, a quick removal is also a tactic taken.

-Element Affinity: Light

-Flash: A blinding light flashes around the surrounding area, currently only a small space around Raymond, with noticeable effects until about 30 meters in every direction. Effects currently last only 15 seconds before vision is fully cleared. Don't walk towards the light.. Too late..

Perception (Passive): Raymond's vision begins to read the faint changes in light instead of physical movement, allowing him to read the target's movements frames before they are completed.

-Distortion: Light effects around the target are distorted, giving the effect of complete colorblindness. Target sees in different hues of grey and black, cutting off interpretation of color. Exceptionally useful for sabotage or distraction. City streets become a dangerous place for the colorblind..

-Void: The opposite of earlier ability, Flash, Void instead drains the area of all light and surrounds the target in complete darkness. Lack of light leaves target cold and blind. Light, or dark? Take your pick. You'll be surprised which one is more comforting

Illusion: Lights begin to affect target's perception of reality, creating false figments in their vision. Light is as dark as dark can be..

-Light Show: Flashes of light, immediate darkness, and then continuous repetition. Prolonged exposure most often leads to seizure, blindness, even insanity to the weak minded. Light is a nightmare to those in the dark..



-Feeling superior, yet doesn't gloat or tell others he feels so

-Matches, has a small box carried with him as if they were sentimental objects. Often relies on these instead of his own power for daily tasks.


-Serious individuals

-Long, difficult assignments or tasks

-Loud noise

-Fears: Cats. An absolute fear of them. He has no particular reason to be, but he Raymond has been deathly afraid since the beginning of his existence.

-Bio: Growing with magic surrounding him, it wasn't a surprise when he developed powers of magic on his own. Typical individual, growing up how he was expected to. Until he chose his profession, at least. Bounty hunter, hitman, they have plenty of nicknames. With his visual illusions, he fit perfect for the job. His experience has now gone well over a year and a half, and he hunts down whatever job he gets paid high enough to do, as long as it was within his limits. Those limits being that the job took place in the area of magic, and he did step foot in the jurisdiction of those who develop machinery. He did have a slight respect for them, defying a force as powerful as magic and being able to counter them. If anything, he would want to switch sides, but not like he would publicly express so.

(I'm horrid with pictures, I hope they aren't mandatory.)
Name: Nakata Ozawa

Appearance: Height of 6 feet, weight of 120 pounds. Red tatoos covering various sections of his torso, arms, and face with a distinctive chain pattern tatoo around his neck. Often wears blue shirt with grey cloak. Lavender hair down to his neck and aqua blue eyes. [image to be added]

Magic or Technology?: "Magic is my forte."

Age: 19

Gender: "I'm male."

Personality: Nakata prefers to sit back and relax, watching events around him unfold. It's not that he doesn't care for his magic minded allies, he simply dislikes conflict. However due to his kitsune natures, he enjoys playing tricks and more often than not flirts with every girl he lays his calm eyes upon.

Affinity: Nature magic (specific variant of wood/grass)

Weapons: Katana

Items: N/A

Backstory: Being a kitsune Nakata had always had an affinity for magics of all kind. Once he was old enough his parents had taught him basic magic, his father would attempt to teach him fire magic while his mother attempted to teach him ice. However both failed as he soon enough sought the beauty of nature itself and trained in nature magic. As he grew older he had a nasty experience with violence, ending in the death of a dear friend. Now he avoids violence of all forms, preferring to live in peace. However he is not afraid to fight when the time calls for his action. Now he wanders the two regions, being sure to not get in trouble, and learning what he can in order to show all the tranquility of nature.

Starting Location: Toron (where he was born and raised)
[QUOTE="Kild Kannuk]Appearance:

Name: "My name is Namor Strange."

Magic or Technology?: "I use both. My father was gifted with technology and my mother, while I wouldn't call her a witch, was an advanced magic user.l

Age: "I'm 19."

Gender: "I'm a guy."

Personality: Namor tends to keep to himself now days, when he was younger, he would always speak to new people and make as many friends as he could, but after his mother was accidently killed when she tried to stop the fighting, he shut himself off and is usually seen when he needs something.

Affinity: Spirit Magic and a bit of Ice Magic


His bow


And his rifle. He prefers to keep a distance

Items: He always carries a sachel (spelling?) filled with tools and his mother's speed book. He also carries either his bow or rifle

Backstory: He father was from Bellward and his mother was from Toron. After his mother was accidently killed when she attempted to stop a conflict, he basically shut down. Now he rarely leaves his home, and never invites anyone in. He sometimes uses magic on his inventions to help the work and he keeps his mother's spell book.

Starting Location: Bellward

Spirit is exclusive to Magic, and that doesn't include halfing it

Change then accepted

AceOfSpades0210 said:
-Name: Raymond "Ray" Sinclair
-Age: 19


-Hair: Steely grey in color, a majority of it pulled back into a tail that reaches the middle of his back. Stray strands hang just in front of his ears, with few covering the front of his face.

-Eye Color: Possesses complete heterochromia, left eye is a shamrock green while right is an amber yellow

-Body Frame: Raymond stands at 5'11, and weighs just about 160 lbs. Frame is that of a leaner male, muscle tone is developed and chiseled, yet not overwhelmingly large or noticeable. With broad shoulders and a naturally straight back, its a surprise his movement is rather fluid. His arms are most often crossed in front of his chest, or down at his side, a pet peeve of his is hands inside of pockets and he hardly ever puts his own hands in their either. Skin is of a lighter complexion, giving his eyes a strong contrast.

-Clothing: Public choice of attire is usually the same, almost like it were a uniform to him. Black or dark blue jeans, its a wonder these don't hinder his movement in a fight. A black undershirt, only worn as it is seen as a fitting color contrast to the grey trench coat-like cloak he wears. The entire front is left unbuttoned, leaving the black shirt exposed. A silver chain hangs and connects the two ends of the collar for the coat, and another hangs from a right belt loop to a hidden object in his front right pocket.

-Weapon Choice: Preferring to use an age-old fighting style of twin double-edged swords. Both are about forearm length, with no guard. Starts with the hilt, where dull steel is layered by leather and then cloth, and into a smooth transition to the dual edged blades themselves. Both hang from his left hip, sheathes clipped to his belt.

-Personality: Raymond is rather sociable, getting along rather well with his fellow assassins. At first a bit timid towards strangers, exposing his true colors to comrades quickly after associating with them and achieving positive results. Unintentionally comes off as flirty, but he has no intention of a romance with any individuals. His attitude towards targets however, is the opposite. Being one who enjoys seeing those who deserve it suffer, he had developed a rather sadistic or tormenting tone towards those who he had intention to kill. If left unsupervised, torturing for information is his preferred method of removing targets, that is, if he isn't on a timer. If he is, a quick removal is also a tactic taken.

-Element Affinity: Light

-Flash: A blinding light flashes around the surrounding area, currently only a small space around Raymond, with noticeable effects until about 30 meters in every direction. Effects currently last only 15 seconds before vision is fully cleared. Don't walk towards the light.. Too late..

Perception (Passive): Raymond's vision begins to read the faint changes in light instead of physical movement, allowing him to read the target's movements frames before they are completed.

-Distortion: Light effects around the target are distorted, giving the effect of complete colorblindness. Target sees in different hues of grey and black, cutting off interpretation of color. Exceptionally useful for sabotage or distraction. City streets become a dangerous place for the colorblind..

-Void: The opposite of earlier ability, Flash, Void instead drains the area of all light and surrounds the target in complete darkness. Lack of light leaves target cold and blind. Light, or dark? Take your pick. You'll be surprised which one is more comforting

Illusion: Lights begin to affect target's perception of reality, creating false figments in their vision. Light is as dark as dark can be..

-Light Show: Flashes of light, immediate darkness, and then continuous repetition. Prolonged exposure most often leads to seizure, blindness, even insanity to the weak minded. Light is a nightmare to those in the dark..



-Feeling superior, yet doesn't gloat or tell others he feels so

-Matches, has a small box carried with him as if they were sentimental objects. Often relies on these instead of his own power for daily tasks.


-Serious individuals

-Long, difficult assignments or tasks

-Loud noise

-Fears: Cats. An absolute fear of them. He has no particular reason to be, but he Raymond has been deathly afraid since the beginning of his existence.

-Bio: Growing with magic surrounding him, it wasn't a surprise when he developed powers of magic on his own. Typical individual, growing up how he was expected to. Until he chose his profession, at least. Bounty hunter, hitman, they have plenty of nicknames. With his visual illusions, he fit perfect for the job. His experience has now gone well over a year and a half, and he hunts down whatever job he gets paid high enough to do, as long as it was within his limits. Those limits being that the job took place in the area of magic, and he did step foot in the jurisdiction of those who develop machinery. He did have a slight respect for them, defying a force as powerful as magic and being able to counter them. If anything, he would want to switch sides, but not like he would publicly express so.

(I'm horrid with pictures, I hope they aren't mandatory.)
ZoroarkGangster said:
Name: Nakata Ozawa
Appearance: Height of 6 feet, weight of 120 pounds. Red tatoos covering various sections of his torso, arms, and face with a distinctive chain pattern tatoo around his neck. Often wears blue shirt with grey cloak. Lavender hair down to his neck and aqua blue eyes. [image to be added]

Magic or Technology?: "Magic is my forte."

Age: 19

Gender: "I'm male."

Personality: Nakata prefers to sit back and relax, watching events around him unfold. It's not that he doesn't care for his magic minded allies, he simply dislikes conflict. However due to his kitsune natures, he enjoys playing tricks and more often than not flirts with every girl he lays his calm eyes upon.

Affinity: Nature magic (specific variant of wood/grass)

Weapons: Katana

Items: N/A

Backstory: Being a kitsune Nakata had always had an affinity for magics of all kind. Once he was old enough his parents had taught him basic magic, his father would attempt to teach him fire magic while his mother attempted to teach him ice. However both failed as he soon enough sought the beauty of nature itself and trained in nature magic. As he grew older he had a nasty experience with violence, ending in the death of a dear friend. Now he avoids violence of all forms, preferring to live in peace. However he is not afraid to fight when the time calls for his action. Now he wanders the two regions, being sure to not get in trouble, and learning what he can in order to show all the tranquility of nature.

Starting Location: Toron (where he was born and raised)
Accepted, Both of yous

Post whenever


Name: Akio Chikara

Magic or Technology?: Technology

: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: i am alone wolf, tough and powerful. however, deep down i am emotional, passionate, understanding and kind, although you rarely get to see those sides of me.

Weapons: i am able to create energy fields that construct a variety of weapons using highly experimental energy manipulation tech. this also gives me the ability to shoot energized blasts and beams from my hands, create shields with energy and construct any energy projectile. my body has super human capabilities, including strength, speed, agility, and durability. i was designed to fight and defeat powerful mages and magicians in combat


Backstory: My father was a lead scientist working on advanced robotics when he designed an experiment that would download a human consciousness into a computer. he thought this would revolutionary in the war against magic, since we could download ourselves into more advanced bodies with superhuman capabilities. However, tests would fail time and time again, with the consciousness of the subject being rejected by the computer, or being destroyed in the transition. his funding was cut, and he was left with little options. but before he was shut down for good, he created me; the vary fist human to be integrated into a computer. you could say that i was the vary first AI. my father then gave me an experimental cybernetic body that he designed to combat and defeat magic head on. the only thing is he did all of this against my will. what a cruel father to force his only son into a dangerous experiment that would most likely end in death. turns out that they didn't have to shut his experiments down after all. i did that. not only did i destroy him and all his data, but the physical facilities where they were kept. my new body was quite useful in doing that. after i erased him and all he had done, no one knew of my existence. i went into hiding knowing that if i was found, i would be captured, studied, and/or destroyed. however, this war has been going on for far too long. its time for me to make my existence known, and take my place in the fight. ironic, that even i hated what my father has done to me, im accepting the destiny that he had for me.

Starting Location: in the underworld of Bellward. after my transition, Bellwards underworld was the safest place to lie low and stay hidden. here, i have sources that give me information about the outside world. i just need the right time to make my presence known to it. an attack on the city would definitely bring me out

i hope this is good. let me know if this works for your story. it it dosent, ill change it as soon as possible
[QUOTE="Akio Chikara]

Name: Akio Chikara

Magic or Technology?: Technology

: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: i am alone wolf, tough and powerful. however, deep down i am emotional, passionate, understanding and kind, although you rarely get to see those sides of me.

Weapons: i am able to create energy fields that construct a variety of weapons using highly experimental energy manipulation tech. this also gives me the ability to shoot energized blasts and beams from my hands, create shields with energy and construct any energy projectile. my body has super human capabilities, including strength, speed, agility, and durability. i was designed to fight and defeat powerful mages and magicians in combat


Backstory: My father was a lead scientist working on advanced robotics when he designed an experiment that would download a human consciousness into a computer. he thought this would revolutionary in the war against magic, since we could download ourselves into more advanced bodies with superhuman capabilities. However, tests would fail time and time again, with the consciousness of the subject being rejected by the computer, or being destroyed in the transition. his funding was cut, and he was left with little options. but before he was shut down for good, he created me; the vary fist human to be integrated into a computer. you could say that i was the vary first AI. my father then gave me an experimental cybernetic body that he designed to combat and defeat magic head on. the only thing is he did all of this against my will. what a cruel father to force his only son into a dangerous experiment that would most likely end in death. turns out that they didn't have to shut his experiments down after all. i did that. not only did i destroy him and all his data, but the physical facilities where they were kept. my new body was quite useful in doing that. after i erased him and all he had done, no one knew of my existence. i went into hiding knowing that if i was found, i would be captured, studied, and/or destroyed. however, this war has been going on for far too long. its time for me to make my existence known, and take my place in the fight. ironic, that even i hated what my father has done to me, im accepting the destiny that he had for me.

Starting Location: in the underworld of Bellward. after my transition, Bellwards underworld was the safest place to lie low and stay hidden. here, i have sources that give me information about the outside world. i just need the right time to make my presence known to it. an attack on the city would definitely bring me out

i hope this is good. let me know if this works for your story. it it dosent, ill change it as soon as possible

I'm all for expanding the world. You have to explain what the underworld of Bellward is?, because Ishrion spans underneath both Bellward and Toron. Do it either your intro post or in the starting location

Name: Cordelia Sterling

Appearance: Height of 6'4", weight of 110 pounds. Wears an eyepatch over her left eye, however the eyepatch's reason is unknown to all but her. She wears an intricate leather and linen dress with several connecting points, on each section of the dress she can detach there are several holsters for guns, blades, and anything else she may need. Her hair is brunette down to her mid back and has jade green eyes.

Magic or Technology?: Technology

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Personality: Cordelia is a woman of honor and dicipline. She's always been one to enjoy a bit of chaos and for good reason. To those who prove their worth, she treats them as family. To all who oppose her, she has no mercy.

Affinity: Shadow (explained in backstory)

Weapons: Knives, Pistols, Rifles, Short swords, and her trusty cutlass

Items: Airship with crew

Backstory: Cordelia grew up in a broken family. Her father a con artist, and her mother a trained assassin living a life of thievery. She often was home alone and once she became of age she too began a life of trouble. Stealing, lying, cheating, anything to get her ahead. When she was grown up her parents had given her the cutlass she now owns as a going away gift. Cordelia became a sky pirate at the age of 16, one of the youngest in history. As she aged and matured she soon enough took control of the airship through her crafty ways. She was known as Captain Sterling, the pirate queen at the age of 20. Several more years passed as her crew continued their escapades until they were finally captured and imprisoned. However Cordelia had other plans.

Upon escaping her imprisonment, rather than running from the law she went directly to the people who governed her home and struck a deal of deals. Her and her crew's freedom and airship in exchange for her service to aid in their military. Several more years of service she and a small party entered a place they hadn't known was protected by ancient magic. As they approached the treasure they thought would get them a life of fame and fortune, demons appeared around them and slaughtered all but Cordelia who fought on. Seeing her strength the demons instead cursed her with their power, afflicting her covered eye and imbued it with demonic shadow magic of ancient caliber. Not having any magical practice she has no control of the spells that are cast because of her curse. After that she was known as Captain Sterling, the cursed pirate queen. Now she serves her own cause once more, taking her crew into the land of Toron to wreak havoc upon the people who caused her curse, demons and magic haters under her command on a conquest for vengance.

Starting Location: Bellward
ZoroarkGangster said:
Name: Cordelia Sterling
Appearance: Height of 6'4", weight of 110 pounds. Wears an eyepatch over her left eye, however the eyepatch's reason is unknown to all but her. She wears an intricate leather and linen dress with several connecting points, on each section of the dress she can detach there are several holsters for guns, blades, and anything else she may need. Her hair is brunette down to her mid back and has jade green eyes.

Magic or Technology?: Technology

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Personality: Cordelia is a woman of honor and dicipline. She's always been one to enjoy a bit of chaos and for good reason. To those who prove their worth, she treats them as family. To all who oppose her, she has no mercy.

Affinity: Shadow (explained in backstory)

Weapons: Knives, Pistols, Rifles, Short swords, and her trusty cutlass

Items: Airship with crew

Backstory: Cordelia grew up in a broken family. Her father a con artist, and her mother a trained assassin living a life of thievery. She often was home alone and once she became of age she too began a life of trouble. Stealing, lying, cheating, anything to get her ahead. When she was grown up her parents had given her the cutlass she now owns as a going away gift. Cordelia became a sky pirate at the age of 16, one of the youngest in history. As she aged and matured she soon enough took control of the airship through her crafty ways. She was known as Captain Sterling, the pirate queen at the age of 20. Several more years passed as her crew continued their escapades until they were finally captured and imprisoned. However Cordelia had other plans.

Upon escaping her imprisonment, rather than running from the law she went directly to the people who governed her home and struck a deal of deals. Her and her crew's freedom and airship in exchange for her service to aid in their military. Several more years of service she and a small party entered a place they hadn't known was protected by ancient magic. As they approached the treasure they thought would get them a life of fame and fortune, demons appeared around them and slaughtered all but Cordelia who fought on. Seeing her strength the demons instead cursed her with their power, afflicting her covered eye and imbued it with demonic shadow magic of ancient caliber. Not having any magical practice she has no control of the spells that are cast because of her curse. After that she was known as Captain Sterling, the cursed pirate queen. Now she serves her own cause once more, taking her crew into the land of Toron to wreak havoc upon the people who caused her curse, demons and magic haters under her command on a conquest for vengance.

Starting Location: Bellward

Post whenever
Kylesar1 said:
I'm all for expanding the world. You have to explain what the underworld of Bellward is�, because Ishrion spans underneath both Bellward and Toron. Do it either your intro post or in the starting location
the Bellward underworld consists of the lower levels of the city. in my idea, bellward consists of three levels. the fist level (Sky level) is where all the business and progress happens and where most of the wealth is made. its for the rich, intelligent, and talented. it consists of science facilities, factories, and luxury condos. the level is located high above the surface of the ground. The second level (City level) is below the sky level, but still off the ground. this is where most of the people live and connect. its for small time inventors and engineers trying to use their skills to make a living. however, most of the level is used for residence, with Thousands of condos and apartment buildings. its the most populated level. The Third and final level (Underworld level) is at ground level. most of the criminal activity in Bellward happens here. it mostly consists of dirty slums, sewers, power stations, and ally ways. its the roughest part of Bellward, but also one of the most valuable. if your friends with the Bellward mafia and big crime bosses, you can make a lot of money. you can disappear and hide here, and no one would come looking for you. reputation is vital here, as it gives you respect and resources. this is where i come in. i live in a secret base, hidden in the slums. this is because i have connections with the big crime bosses and the Bellward mafia (my assets i mentioned). i have these connections because of my reputation and what ive done for them. this gives me their support, and access to their vast resources. (this is my CS continued with some content that you can add to the story)
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