Mutant Academy

JacobLoL submitted a new role play. @JacobLoL, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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:::Character Skeli:::

(full name)

Age: (13-17)

Powers: (Anime or real picture)


(At least one paragraph)

Bio/History: (preferred two paragraphs)


Name: Jacob Marcus Murphy

Age: 16

Powers: Teleportation and the ability to move through any mass.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Teenage_Denzel_by_semokan.jpg.1c308b0d957752074f0b1a2ff7e516fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Teenage_Denzel_by_semokan.jpg.1c308b0d957752074f0b1a2ff7e516fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jacob is Generally a nice person, can be very cocky at times due to his abilities. Quite shy but extremely brave and fierce. He doesn't like making enemies. He has extreme attention to detail and is naturally untrusting of others and tends to question alot of things. His quite prowd of his abilities and believes that humans and mutants should live in peace together.

Bio/History: Jacob was born in Las Vegas, Nevada to a Non-Mutant mother and a father he never met. He lived a normal childhood, he had shown no signs of any powers at all until he was 10. He was walking home one afternoon through a bad part of town, when he was approached by a local gang, he ran, he knew if he didnt they would of beat him up and stolen all his possesions he had on him, which still wasnt much. Eventually he came to a dead end but he continued to run until he near the wall, here he slowed down but was still going to hit the wall a little, instead of hitting the wall, he went through it and ended up on the other side, he ran home. At first he thought he was going crazy and that he just imagined it, but it happened again while he was sleeping, he fell through his bed to under the house.

By age 11 he had figured out how to turn this going through walls ability on and off as he pleased. This was going to change his life and would benefit him alot. At age 14 he discovered his teleporting abilities when he accidently teleported on the way home from school, he teleported all the way to Los Angeles and he couldnt get back, his mother had to come and pick him up by car. Now, receiving a letter from Mutant Academy he has almost mastered both his special abilities.

Skills: Very talented runner and mixed martial arts fighter.

Other: N/A




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Name: Peter Halton

Age: 14

Powers:He can materialise objects from thin air, though it takes time and concentration, and leaves him more tired, the bigger and more complicated the item is.


Personality: Quiet and friendly, always polite. Tends to hang around on his own. He is addicted to mints. If he gets close to somebody he will protect that person with his life, though it is rather hard for him to get close to anybody. His best friend is actually his hawk which he has named Jack. He has not got a very high self-esteem and he won't often start conversations with other people or show them what he can do.

Bio/History: Born in 2000 in London, England. He lives a pretty ordinary life, and wasn't too popular at school, his parents not being very rich. He found out that he had powers on the day he turned 13, he walked out of his rather small party to get a mint and found that the jar was empty, as he was walking back to the party, he put his hand in his pocket and found a mint, he thought this was strange, so he kept putting his hand in his pocket and kept finding more mints, until there was a huge pile of mints and he started feeling dizzy. the next day he went for a walk in the park and was thinking about what he'd happened yesterday. He sat down, closed his eyes and imagined a living hawk in front of him. He opened his eyes, and there it was! Suddenly he started feeling really dizzy and passed out.

A month later, he woke up in hospital, wondering what had happened, and his parents told him, eventually, after many tests, he was released and when he arrived home there was a letter explaining that he was a mutant and he should come to a special school. He convinced his parents to let him go to the school and after some teary goodbyes, he left for the school.

Skills: He is a very talented fencer and and excellent sniper, and knows how to drive and he can also speak Draconic

Other: He is not very good with people. The hawk he created is now his loyal pet and rides on his shoulder wherever he goes

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Name: Scarlett Anne Faulkener

Age: 16

Powers: Pyromancy. It's still only in the beginning stages, but she has the power to create balls of flames at her fingertips, and to extinguish candles and camp fires. She also has fire immunity.



Personality: Scarlett is a good girl, she sticks to the rules and tries to be the best that she can be. A little stubborn, she's adamant that she wants to control her power. She can be very feisty, but sometimes she wonders is that's a side effect of controlling her type of power. She doesn't attach herself to people so easily. She's polite and she'll have friends but they won't be so close to her as to hurt her emotionally if they leave. It's a defense mechanism that she doesn't really realize that she has.

She can be funny sometimes, but most of the time, if she tries to make a joke, she'll laugh at it herself, even if no one else is. Her self-esteem high. She believes she's pretty, smart and talented if only just so she doesn't get too overwhelmed by her new life. She can be embarrassing at times, especially when she wants something or isn't getting her own way. She's a fighter though, and when it comes to the people that she cares about, she'll protect them to her dying breath. Scarlett is clever too. It takes more than one bullet to take her down and she's learned that.

Bio/History: Scarlett Anne Faulkener was born on August 15th, 1997 in Falls Church, Virginia. She was the first child to Hazel and Daniel, and two years later became an older sister to baby girl, Aaren. Life wasn't hard. She was white, came from an upper-middle class family, had a three story house and when she reached puberty, she realized she was heterosexual too. Her grades were higher than average and her self-esteem was at a heathly high. She had nothing to fear from life, except for mysoginists but even then, she lived in a good neighborhood. It wasn't as though she never got into fights with her parents or her younger sister, but then again, who doesn't? If she were to be honest to herself, she was at the perfect place in life.

It couldn't continue forever though. She was nine when she discovered her fire powers, and the results were devastating. Trapped in the holds of a nightmare, she had created balls of flame on her fingertips and set her bed quickly alight in flames. Her family were able to realize in time as the house was burning down around them, and got out. She didn't wake up until after the flames has been extinguished, fingers still alight, perfectly unharmed. Except of course from smoke inhalation, which she is not impervious to. She was immediately taken to the hospital where she was told what had happened, and that she was a mutant.

Ashamed, Scarlett had run away from the hospital and from her previous life so that she could escape her fears and her guilt. Maybe to start a new life too. When she found out about the Mutant Academy, she instantly traveled there so that she could learn to control her destructive power. She doesn't regret going there, not at all, but she still had nightmares about that night. What if her family hadn't actually woken up? If so, she would have been traumatized for life.

Skills: Developing pyromancy, immunity to fire (unknown level), and she is a clever student too with many resources.

Other: She is proud to be a mutant.
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Aurora Nichole Black




Shapeshifting but only when she's emotionally unstable and it takes a lot of energy out of her so she feels weak afterwards. The ability to freeze anything no larger than a person for no longer than an hour


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.0575ae669806b38720b20ec6a5725138.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.0575ae669806b38720b20ec6a5725138.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Aurora can be very reserved and shy, but she can also be opinionated. She has no problem getting in fights or making enemies. It's not her first choice, but stuff happens. She's brave and fierce and gets in some trouble sometimes for breaking the rules. She only truly pays attention to details when something is being planned or she is trying to memorize something. She knows she's good at what she does, but she doesn't brag about it.


Aurora was born in Australia to a non-mutant mother and father, but she moved halfway across the world to live with her grandmother, Jacqueline, at the age of 4 when both her parents were shot and killed. She was loved and cared for, but that all changed when she was 12 years old. Her grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer due to smoking. No matter how hard she had prayed, Jacqueline didn't make it, and Aurora was forced into foster care.

She had been unaware of her ability to shape-shift until she was packing her grandmother's belongings and saw a note to her from before her parents' deaths explaining it. While walking the streets one day, she was attacked and nearly killed. One of the attackers threw a knife at her, but it stopped when she threw her hands up. Before she knew it, the knife stopped in mid-air which is when she found about her freezing powers.

When she was 14 she fell down the stairs of the home and suffered serious trauma to her head, and she was hospitalized for almost a month. Once she woke up, she disguised herself as a doctor and simply walked out. When rumors circulated about it when she was 15, she was forced to attend the Mutant Academy.


Armed/Unarmed Combat; Playing Guitar and Piano; Cooking; Singing


She has a necklace with a heart that she never takes off which belonged to her mother.




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Name: Rhianna Tali

Age: 15

Powers: Controlling black dust. She able to make objects out of the black dust and ect. she can create a armour and massive gun on her arm But it take up lot of energy. The armour and the gun she creates can only last for 5 minutes.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime.png.f9c1b2e8ba741348993bff29e90cd156.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime.png.f9c1b2e8ba741348993bff29e90cd156.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is generally a quite and timid girl but if you personally knew her she would be kind and caring, She would sometimes assume that people are trying to pick a fight so she stay pretty on guard..

Bio/History: She had a ordinary life until she was 13, she live in London, but sudden things change when she found out her own ability nearly kill some girl in school by suffering them in black dust. The teacher had no choice but to report these strange sightings, they sent it to a private specialist. After they rang them up they went to check on the girl that was put in a hostile room, but she was gone.. the window was completely smash..

She was too worry to go back to her that she could hurt her own family so she left to move to America, there was lot of people so she could hidden into the crowd.

Skills: Amazing at Art so it easy to imagine what she could do with her ability's

Other: If she started to go insane she would create a massive black armour around her body that has a robotic sword instead of her right arm..




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Name: Sirse "Umbra" Lasiter

Age: 17

Powers: Umbramancy, the ability to manipulate shadows into any form, solid or otherwise, that she desires./Chronomancy: the ability to manipulate time.

Limits: Umbramancy: Requires existing shadows./Chronomancy: can only freeze time within a 20 foot radius of herself for 5 minutes before she'll pass out. Altering time shortens her life span.




Quiet and reserved she really does not like to be around a lot of people. she can occasionally come off as shy or cold in nature. She is highly intelligent and enjoys reading and music. Because of her childhood she is not exactly trusting of people and can sometimes appear to be wary.

Bio/History: Sirse was born to two mutant parents. However she never got to know either as get father died months before her birth and get mother during childbirth. Both of her parents had always carefully concealed the fact that they were mutants in the hopes that it would one day prove beneficial to the child that would some day have. This but of foresight would have proved useful. However the orphaned child still found herself a part of the system.

For the majority of her life Sirse was bounced from foster home to foster home. She was never a troublemaker, but her reserved and almost dark personality made people uncomfortable.

After a while she was adopted by a newly married couple, both of whom were literature professors. The wife was unable to have children of her own and as Sirse was 12 at the time they thought she would be a good fit in a household with two busy parents.

Sirse came to love her adopted family and learned alot from them. She excelled in school, taking a special interest in foreign language and the violin. It was also during this time that she discovered her affinity for umbramancy when, while she found out necessary to hide from a group of children who had been bullying her. Desperate she had wished to just melt into the shadows and in a way she did, the shadows rising around her to hide her.

Sirse loved her power though she hid it from her parents. Soon she had mastered the ability to hide herself, even getting good enough to be able to conceal herself in others shadows.

She discovered her second ability, Chronomancy, in a less pleasant manner. The home she had lived in with her parents was broken into one night and what should have been a simple robbery turned to murder. Frantic and determined not to lose her parents twice she altered time to prevent the murders from ever occurring. However s a result she fell into a coma and didn't awake until shortly after her sixteenth birthday. She received an invitation from the Academy but took a year before deciding to attend.

Skills: cooking, playing violin, stealth, armed combat.

Other: Has a stuffed rabbit named Kensii she is never without.

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:::Character Skeli:::


Skye "Manami" Dahlia



Powers: She is a water fairy, She can control water telepathically, as well as communicating to animals that have been near or touched water with there lips (aka drinking water) She can best communicate with Animals who are closely related to water, such as whales, fish, penguins, seals, platypus, Ect. (the list could go on.)

Her main diet is water lily's, if she doesn't eat these plants then she as well as her powers become unstable and or week.



She is particularly Shy, but very Nice, friendly, Kind ect. She can get really excited sometimes and if she has to much sugar she can get really hyper. She is mostly calm, finding it easy to control her powers, so she trys to stay happy, cause any other emotion will send her powers of the charts and are not easy to control. She is very positive and Optimistic, she doesn't like speaking about her life before she came to the Academy, and would rather start a new one. As far as other students know she stays locked away in her room, But in fact she likes staying out doors most of the time.


Manami Was born in May 19th, in happy little suburbia that was a little to perfect. Her non mutant parents were wealthy, but not rich, and there were very willing to give to those in need. She was given the name Skye Dahlia By her parents, because of her interesting but strange colored eyes. Immediately being introduced to the Family her older sister wasn't so pleased, sense most of the attention was being Given to the new born instead of her, and so for most of her Life with her family Manami Was well cared for, but lacked companionship from her older sister which she craved. She looked up to her mostly for guidance as all young children do, but was given cruel names, and unkind words from her sister.

About the time she was four she had been talking and reading and was smarter than the average four year old. Her parents impressed they thought it would be best to send her to a learning environment that would be better for her than a regular pre school. They sent her to and Early learning Private school, Where she didn't exactly fit in. She was teased and made fun of because of her eyes, and again lacked companionship from other students. The teachers began to worry about her because she had been drawing strange pictures of strange and scary creatures, and also talking to the class pets as if they were talking back. And even one day they caught her eating the seaweed from the fish tank in the agriculture's classroom.

After the Guidance counselors at the school had been assessing her behavior, they recommended their daughter be treated for such named disease and be fed pills. Of course her parents were against it and despite what the guidance counselor recommended wasn't exactly her problem. As a few years passed, at the age of seven she discovered her powers for telepathic controlling water. She was at a nearby pond by her house and without knowing it she was able to make the water float with her hand. She was so intrigued and excited by her new found gift she went to tell her parents, who didn't really believe her and became worried she might be having hallucinations. She was Quiet about it, as they told her to do so.

Between the years of the strange behavior and her powers becoming more frequent, and at that random, she was more frightened by it than amazed. She didn't quiet know how to control it. But one day she truly set off. When she was about ten years old, a few bully's that started to surround her calling her freak for another strange behavior she presented unknowingly, and threatened to cut her long hair because of it. She was frightened, and didn't fight back, nor did she want to. The few children grabbed her and tried to hold her down in the school hallway, and she squealed for them to let go but they would not. But what they did not anticipate was the flood that was about to accrue. The walls made funny noise that scared them a bit, and with out warning metal pipes burst out of the wall, and water, lots and lots of water that burst out of the wall and flooded the hallway sending the other children flying through the halls. They managed to stand up and run away as fast as they could. Everyone was sopping wet except Manami. She was completely Dry, the Only Change she had was her Brown hair, had changed from the roots down and in stripes, to white.

All she could do was look at her hands and cry. She knew she did this, and told everyone she did, But everyone just wanted to put her on Medication and tell her she hallucinated it all. That she didn't really do it when she Knew that in fact she did. Her parent couldn't cope anymore, and her sister just called her freak.

Months later, a few strange looking People came to her home, including a man in a wheelchair, who called himself doctor Xavier. They were all very nice and hung around the house looking around and smiled at her. They told her parents, sense she was no longer accepted at any other schools, that they had a place just for her there, and would have to leave home to get the education she needed. They were asked to leave the room for a while and think about it while the professor got to know there daughter a little, and told her what the school was really about, and despite what ever her parents agreed, she was welcomed to go if she wanted.

Without Hesitation and craving to learn and Control her power She said yes and was Gladly Accepted to the Academy, and has been there Ever sense still discovering her powers, and learning to control them and making new friends. Later giving herself the name Manami which Has three different meanings, but all together meaning Water.


Likes Drawing with pencil and Ink Creating Strange monsters and Goblins such as people would see in Folk Tales, Playing Jacks and Marbles, Has good luck when it comes to betting. Can sing fairly well but doesn't in front of others.


Likes Listening to Music, Reading, Playing Games, Watching TV, Other misc Things. Has some Strange behaviors, like eating stuff out of the Pond but its normal for her.

((Wow Im sorry i didn't mean to write so much! Curse me for being so detailed xD ))

Name: Kyle Rhodes



Geomancer – Kyle has the ability to manipulate minerals. The most common use of this ability is Kyle covers himself in an armor suit of diamond. The armor makes him very hard to hurt through physical means and his arms become spiked gauntlets he utilizes in hand to hand combat. The armor can shift and move around his body as his desires(for example the armor on his back shoots up his arm to extend the spike to connect a narrowly avoided blow) and he can even fire chunks of earth as projectiles or make stalagmites erupt from the ground.

Enhanced strength and durability – Along with his geomany Kyle is considerably stronger and more durable than most others. Hence why he is able to move in his diamond form and withstand the shock from the punishment the outside of the armor takes.

Limitations: Like most mutants, using his powers drains Kyle considerably depending on the level of exertion.

Diamond form: To create his diamond armor Kyle must have at least two full minutes to gather and pressurize the earth around him onto his body. He can stay fully armored for up to an hour at his current power level if he isn’t using other Geomancy. Kyle can take on a less strenuous form of normal rock. This only takes 10 seconds to manifest and he can maintain it for up to 3 hours.

Rock manipulation: Kyle must first be touching any Earth he wishes to manipulate. The larger the chunk of earth the less Kyle can manipulate it. His two most common uses(and a good gauge of his ability level) are to create foot long spikes from the ground and then fire them at 150fps. Once the spikes leave his hand he has no control of them anymore. Each spike he shoots drains 1 minutes of his Diamond Form.

(What it would look like in RP: Kyle knelt and touched his hand to the hard rock ground. The earth lurched to life and a foot long spike around 4 inches diameter quickly flowed into Kyle’s left hand. He stood up and pointed his arm straight out directing the point at the target down the range. He grasped it in the middle where it was widest, from there it tapered to two points one leaving his hand and pointing at the target and the other running up his arm. With a soft grunt the spike leaped from his hand and hurtled down the range stabbing into the foam target with a satisfying crunch.)

The second ability he often uses is summoning stalagmites from the ground. To this he punches the ground and extends his will into the ground after a short travel time a stalagmite 2-3 feet around will erupt somewhere within 50 feet of him. This ability drains him the quickest and each time he uses it he loses 5 minutes of his diamond form.

Appearance: Kyle is naturally a pretty large guy who is kept in great shape by constant activity and hard work in the gym. He has crimson red hair and bronze skin. His amber eyes reflect a wisdom beyond his age and resonate kindness.

Height: 6’0

Weight: 190 lbs

Hair: Red

Eyes: Amber


^ Human form


^Diamond form

Personality:Kyle is all about his priorities and they go something like: Himself>His friends/family>Fun>just about everything else.

Kyle seems to work like a light switch, he has two modes; A super high energy adrenaline junkie who never stops whether in a fight, in the gym, or playing a game. He is very competitive and wants to be the best at everything he does.

When the switch is off Kyle is the most laid back and kind person you could meet at the mutant academy. Although he can be a little cocky sometimes and is certainly confident in himself he feels fighting is always the last solution to a problem and he avoids doing harm to people.

Kyle loves to have fun without too much worry about the rules which has at times gotten him into trouble. At 16 he is obsessed with 4 things: Girls, His headphones( a pair of black beats usually playing EDM), chocolate, and parkour.

Bio/History:Kyle Rhodes has had a fairly sheltered and easy life for a mutant. He was born to two human parents who own a ranch in Colorado. Growing up his family was a strange mix of Eastern and Western cultures. His father raised cattle for a living but was also a master martial artist and free spirit who taught Kyle to be above all open-minded and thoughtful about his decisions. Some of those lessons maybe buried underneath a layer of teenage rebelliousness but Kyle’s father Keland is always in the back of his son’s head. His mother was a pureblooded Cherokee Indian who grew up crossing her Indian culture with America’s budding culture. She passed down this cross-bred culture to her son. Her lessons included a love of nature, open spirituality and herbal medicines. After 10 years being raised on his parent’s ranch his parents decided a move to the city would benefit Kyle.

So the 10 year old went to live ¾’s of the year in Denver with his uncle. He quickly stood out as an exceptional athlete(the earliest manifestation of his powers) and he was able to establish himself comfortably in the popular clique in middle school. He developed an outgoing somewhat goofballish personality that demonstrated his high charisma, it never went to his head though and Kyle was almost always nice to everybody he met.

During his childhood Kyle took up the mixed martial art style Keysi as well as swordfighting lessons. He competed in numerous youth competitions and won most of them, of course the only times he lost was when he was fighting another unknowing mutant who’s powers also gave them an upperhand.

Kyle started high school at a regular school, still unaware that he was a mutant. During his freshman year on a field trip Kyle and his then girlfriend snuck away from the group during a tour of an old mining shaft. When they wondered too far into an unstable part of the old mine the ceiling collapsed on them. Kyle manipulated the falling rock into a protective dome around him and his girlfriend, then when the collapse was over he was able to clear the rock out of the way using his geomancy.

After he was taken into testing and soon ‘invited’ to attend the mutant academy.

He has a growing fascination with breaking the rules and getting away with it.

Skills: Advanced training in Keysi(Martial art) - Highly proficient in the use of a Broadsword or longsword. – Parkour(Freerunning) – Exceptionally observant of his surroundings – Great on a horse and has basic knowledge of how to survive in the wilderness. – Moderate knowledge of herbal medicines.

Other: N/A for now but I will add on as I think of things.

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Name: Poet Vitaly

Age: 16

Powers: Neon (He can absorb and redirect neon light)

Appearance: Poet stands at 6'0. His hair is a mixture of blue and purple, it's kept short and slicked back. His eyes are an icy blue. He wears unremarkable sneakers, black jeans, and a maroon jacket, sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing forearms covered in tattoos that depict raves.

Personality: Poet is a rather joyous and friendly man, but is prone to easily becoming serious or snarky. His mind is a bit addled from an incident regarding his powers. He prefers to follow rather than lead because of his tendency to take things as they come, with no sense of planning or strategy.

Bio/History: Poet was born into a middle class family as the youngest of 3 children. They lived in Chicago their whole lives, never boring whether entertainment came from crimes, pranks, misdemeanor crimes, or live events. By the age of 14, Poet and his only sister, who happened to be the oldest child, were actively sneaking out of the household to attend the greatest times of their lives, raves.

During one particular rave, things were being passed through the audience, Poet didn't know better and his sister took it willingly. He had never felt better! Next he was cheering louder, pumping his hands into the air even harder, his sister felt the same, she scooped him up and set him onto her shoulders. He was on top of the world, he threw his hands into the air, then...the lights went out, signs and anything that glowed went out, they all flowed into the air like smoke, a wave of multiple colors and they all flowed into Poet's body. His sister screamed and he fell to the ground. He looked at his sister, her shoulders were smoking, he held his hand up, examining it, without knowing, a blast of light shot from his fingers and into the air. The crowd screamed, they ran, his sister and her little brother being the only ones left. Poet tried to comfort his sister who was crying in pain, she swatted him away screaming bloody murder. Coming to terms with what had happened he decided to figure out what else he could do with his powers, he left the stadium along with his sister.

Two years later he was sprinting through the city, his body was a skeleton of colors, a trail of neon lights followed him, and before he knew it, he was scaling buildings. He felt alive. One day, coming home he found a letter on the desk in his room. Mutant Academy? Sounded fun...

Skills: Manipulates neon lights to shoot lasers. He can also harden neon light and form weapons.

Other: N/A

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>Mila Dale<

16 years


  • Power:

    She was born with little electromagnetic impulses in her hands, or more specifically in the ‘veins’(that looks like patterns) that runs along the palm of her hand. These small currents can mess up the signals in the brain, or any nerves really.

    Meaning, that if she touches someone without her gloves on she will send them through a heavy amount of pain because she will be shocking the whole nerve-system. A grown human man would be able to last her torture for about 5 minuets without dying, and although gods might not die, it will definitely sting pretty badly.

    She also can use her power to go into any piece of technology. When she was younger she would only fry them up, but she has learned to control it making her quite the excellent hacker, as long as she isn’t distracted and accidentally burn up the system.

    The pictures below show her hands when her gloves are off and the actual gloves (minus the pink buttons).


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Name: Lia Skeldanaro

Age: 15

Powers: She can move things with her mind and disappear


Personality: She's kind of weird

But she's very very nice, you can't help but like her. She's cute in a way by telling you things that cone from the latest book she just read or facts that she knows. She loves talking and being around people but if she's not she'll be somewhere quiet with a good book. She's surprisingly flirty too! She's very self conscious about using her powers

Bio/History: When she was at home, her parents treated her way differently from her other brother and sister. She was treated terribly, like a monster, they made her sleep in a room in the attick. Same at school. She had a teacher who was also a mutant though, so they'd work together in a seperate classroom. So when she was sent here was a gift from god. Now she can make friends!

Skills: She can move anything incuding herself so if she wanted to fly she could fly. When she goes invisible and touches something, it will go invisible too.

Other: She has a large birthmark on her arm in the shape of a moon and star.

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Name: Blake Frezno


Age: 17

Powers: Can copy others powers (one at a time, and swapped every touch), and store thier memories by touch, but has to learn to control everyone of them, and can end up believing he is the other person for a time.... He has as of now, Sebastian Shaw's power of Absorbing and Exerting energy.

Personality: He is a very nice kid, and understands his situation with his powers. That doesn't mean he likes it, however. He feels like he dosent fit in, as he invades others powers and memories. He smiles a lot, and is hard at saying no to things. He screctly suffers from depression, and Multiple personality Disorder

Bio/History: He was a normal kid, named Blake. Born to a mother and father, he lived a normal life. Until one day on his 13th birthday, he touched the love of his life. He then believed he was Katie Hutchinson, a 15 year old sophomore girl... who didn't love him back... He was admitted into an insane asylum for 3 years, Wich he finally realized his powers after copying another mutants powers.

Soon enough, on his third anniversary, Shaw was breaking out some of the inmates that he needed for another plan. He took his opportunity to escape. He was free. He tripped over, and touched Savage.

Skills: Anything he copies from memories


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:::Character Skeli:::

Name: Quincy Mathew Right

Age: 17

Toy Box World- This is an alternate universe created by Quincy that is exists in his Toy Box the size of a dictionary. Here he is in control of what happens as long as what happens is either toy or game related. By reaching inside the box he can withdraw whatever he put inside and always knows what is happening inside. Also, his box grants him the ability to summon or change his form into something that relates to a toy. What happens inside the box also correlates to what his emotions are like.

Stuffed Bear Form- One of his favorite abilities and one of the only he can use outside of the Toy Box World without aide from the box. This form shifts him into a giant brown teddy bear standing at almost ten foot tall and 650 pounds with button eyes and nose and comes complete with soft plush fur. In this form he has regeneration from tears and is impervious to blunt damage. He also gains super human strength and the senses of a bear.



Quincy is best described as being childish. He lets people know what he wants and is incredibly impulsive. Often his curiosity gets the better of him and can get him into an exceptional amount of trouble. Also because of his child like personality he is liable to throw tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants or will go mope around in the corner until someone drags him out. Quincy has trouble telling when a situation is serious or not and sometimes you have to make him cry to understand the severity. He is very playful and excitable but has some abandonment issues so...just amuse the guy.

It all happened seventeen years ago on Valentines Day when Quincy was born into his more or less happy family. Growing up he had two older sister of a four and six year difference and eventually an adopted younger brother. His father was a teacher at a public school where he attended and taught language arts and his mother worked at a hospital as a nurse. Together they didn't make a lot of money but they made enough to get by. Quincy's father was always very hard on him because his father expected perfection from him in school and would make sure he achieved it by any means necessary. His mother was always very submissive to his father so she never did anything about it.

The final line to sending Quincy away was when they found out he was a mutant. His father considered it a stain to their family and his mother did the same thing as always allowing his father to do whatever he wanted. So, he was sent off to live with another family more accepting of his mutation. However, even here he was judged by the family not because of his mutation but because he acted like a child. After this he was finally sent off to the Academy hoping that life there would be better.

Skills: Board Games, Cards, and Bar magic

He always carries children's toys in his backpack.


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Name: Myren Cobbs

Age: 17

Able to turn his body into smoke




Myren is very very very nice and he never gets angry. He always has a smile on his face and many people classify him as "overly happy". When you need a friend to talk to, Myren is always there for a conversation. Other than being a "happy-head", Myren is a great therapist. He never judges people for their problems and gives perfect advice. Simply said, Myren is the go-to guy for conversations


Myren's happy personality prevents him for actually fighting when he needs to. He always chooses to talk like mature beings than fight all of the time. However, if he manages to get over this restraint, he can be MAJOR help


Myren was born in Dallas Texas to two humans. His powers didn't develop until he went through puberty, at age 12, and he went through psychological problems that affected his school work. When he was 13, his parents handed him over to his Grandma, after plenty of failed attempts to rehabilitate him. When he moved to his Grandmother, she informed him about his Grandfather, who was formerly known as
Smoke before he got killed by Wolverine.

After learning about his past, Myren secretly began to develop a hatred against Wolverine, but lost it when he was saved by Wolverine himself at age 14. However, when Myren was 15, he witnissed his Grandmother die from leukemia at a hospital and he was the last person who ever spoke to her before she died. During her last few breaths, Myren's Grandmother told him to never frown and always smile. After giving Myren the advice, she passed away and Myren was sent to a foster home. He stayed there for four months before he escaped and met Quincy, who was outgoing and "childish" like himself. (
@Seraph ) Myren decided to join the academy after learning that there was an actual school for mutants

Skills: Can turn into smoke and enter an enemy's body and cause them to fall out or confuse them. He can go anywhere he wants without being caught because of his powers. He can make a building fire much less dramatic by taking away the smoke. Don't you get the idea??

Other: When he uses his powers, his smoke his always grey and his eyes always turn gray-ish

Name: Isaiah "Izzy" Holman

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality: If there was a textbook definition of a good man, it was Izzy. He cared about people. Izzy volunteered a good portion of his time and money for people, human and mutant alike. When he passed a man living on the street, he would offer his own home and work until that man was mended. He wasn't happy unless he was doing something for someone else. Izzy's demeanor was cheerful, laid back, and accepting. After working with mutants for so long, he came to a point where nothing surprised him any more. He didn't judge and rarely even batted an eye at their mutations. His heart of gold, however, was what would eventually cause his downfall.

Views on mutants: He was a very avid mutant's rights activist. He viewed them as equal to any other person.

Other: Although completely human, Izzy became a mutants' rights activist, and a pretty well known one at that. He had a big hand in helping create many mutant safe houses across the country. Some saw him as a hero, some saw him as a madman.

Appearance: Izzy was a fairly average sized man, standing at 5'11. He enjoyed running and long distance jogging, giving him a lean, athletic build. His hair was black and slightly curly. Izzy had dark brown eyes.


History: Born of humble beginnings, Izzy was raised by a single mother in a bad side of town. They couldn't afford much, but they managed to get by. His mother supported him through his slow journey to the man he was prior to his assassination. She came to all his speeches, encouraged him to push the envelope, and taught him determination. It was for this reason that Izzy was crushed when she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. As she slowly faded away, part of him did as well. However, Izzy had a large circle of friends who were able to help him through the grief.

A few years after his mother's death, his name was popping up all over the place as a revolutionary. His dreams of humans and mutants living together in peace shook the nation; he was described as a modern day Martin Luther King. Some people speculated that he was a mutant, and that his power had something to do with persuasion. This, however, was completely false. He was simply a convincing man.

His march for peace, however, ended abruptly with his assassination. Izzy was giving yet another speech against the 2024 Mutant Registration Act yet he was shot in the chest by a sniper. "Police" quickly came and gathered the body. His death was on the headlines of many newspapers the very next day. But was he really gone?

-Six years later-

Name: Experiment 32, often called 'The asset'

Age: 31 (still appears about 25)

Gender: Male

Personality: 32 is more of a machine than a man. He's given orders and he follows them, no questions asked. He shows little emotion, cares nothing about the people he hurts, and is otherwise a vacant shell of a human. He's determined, calculating, and stoic.

Views on mutants: He has no opinions.

Other: 32 is not a mutant, but rather a human advanced by science. He has no x-gene. Because of this, tracking systems, poisons, and mutant locating devices (Such as Cerebro) do not work on him.

Abilities: He was number 32 in a long running experiment to re-create Viper's healing factor. 32 can heal from broken bones and severe trauma in just a few hours. He ages as an extremely slow rate. They managed to fix the weakness in the spinal cord; if severed, it can grow back. However, there was no way to re-grow his heart.

While they were toying around with his DNA, they also found a way to enhance his strength, hearing, sight, and smell. They trained him to naturally sense the presence of other people, making him impossible to sneak up on. His bionic heart made him a more efficient athlete. His stamina went up and his recovery time went down. But the heart is his weakness as well as his strength. It's the only part of him that won't heal if injured.

Appearance: 32 has not changed in appearance since his "assassination". Other than his hair being kept in a more professional buzz cut, the only notable difference would be the glowing, Iron Man style core where his heart should be.


Once Isaiah Holman, a mutants' rights revolutionary, Experiment 32 is now a machine of destruction. He was assassinated by the Friends of Humanity, a mutant hate group, his body then taken by the Weapon X program. The two groups worked together to create a mutant that would shape the ages. Isaiah would be turned against everything he believed in.

When Weapon X received his body, it was immediately after him being shot. 32 was barely alive, but they managed to incubate him until they could get him back to one of their facilities. His heart destroyed by the shot, they had to replace it with a prototype they had laying around: The bionic heart. Once revived, 32 fought they every step of the way. He fought his reprogramming, he fought his training, he fought until he couldn't fight it anymore. And then he was theirs. 32 was enhanced by the multiple experiments preformed on him. When he was deemed ready, he was then used to destroy his own life's work.

32 was used for several different things: assassination, interrogation, sabotage, and whatever dirty work that the official at FOH couldn't be bothered to do. Weapon X got their share out of him as well, using him to destroy their enemies one at time. 32 was the perfect asset: he never questioned orders, only obeyed. His humanity stripped from him, he was often referred as 'the asset' or 'it' and best yet 'the thing'.

FOH is quite proud of their favorite tool. 32 is their own statement against mutant kind: he was a man who devoted his life to equality, and now he will spend the rest of it curving the odds against them. They are very insistent that, while on missions, 32 makes sure people know that it was a 'mutant' who killed the target. 32's work over the last 6 years has helped tipped the scales in FOH's favor.
Name: Dark Rosa

Age: 13


When It comes to Rosa Powers and Abilities well She is able to make people think what she wants them to think By one touch. For example, She can make you kill yourself by think about it and then they will do it let her tell the person to go get hit by a car they will do it. Her Abilities are that she is able to make people become her slave forever. However she does use that ability Much.


Normal Form:


Ruby is a shy school girl who has no friend and that she is a loser. When it come to music she love to hear anything that is dark and that makes her feel happy. Ruby is a girl who everything think she has no feeling to others. Ruby don't believe In love at all till well when she ever finds love in her life. Ruby has her little room where no one but herself is Alone and no one can bother her. Ruby has Dark Brown eyes and she has Pale skin with a new Dark Black Hair with her Dark eyeliner.She also Has a Birthmark on her Back that is a Supernatural make to protect her. Ruby wear dark colors like Black and Gray. She doesn't talk much. Her Pet is a Black Cat that loves her.


Around the time of the Black Plague in Europe in 1999, Rosa is a human who sells her soul to the demon who would later posses Tammy Benton. In exchange, the demon teaches her Witchcraft Rosa goes to Hell and eventually becomes a demon herself after centuries of torture. She also adopts the demon faith and becomes a worshiper of Lucifer.

Skills: Dancer, Singer and fighter

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Name: Ava Smith

Age: 16

Powers: Power absorption (Ability to copy or absorb another's powers or skills)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/321290-bigthumbnail.jpg.f8a8102a248ab7c4522098ca756fd53e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22035" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/321290-bigthumbnail.jpg.f8a8102a248ab7c4522098ca756fd53e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ava is a very independent girl. She's tough and doesn't accept help from anyone. She's the type of girl that wont back down without a fight. She is very headstrong but that sometimes gets in the way of what is right. Ava keeps walls up and barely lets anyone in because of past events. She is so scared of getting hurt that she has a hard time opening up to people, When she feels like you're getting to close she'll push you away. She's wild and likes to have fun but things will turn for the worst if you get on her bad side. She's confident about who she is and what she can do and doesn't care about what anyone thinks. Maybe if you're the lucky one to break down her walls you'll see a side to her that no one thought she had.

Bio/History: Ava was born in Charleston, South Carolina to Melissa and Devon Smith both being normal. She grew up in a little house on the beach where her and her mother used to walk down when she was 7. At the age of 9 Ava started feeling weird while she was at the beach and realized that she was moving the water around her. Freaked out Ava's mother took her back inside the house and told Ava never to do that again. But Ava didn't listen that same night before bed Ava tried to use her "Power" again but it didn't work. Throughout her life till she was 12 she would get surges of energy and be able to do things that others couldn't do Ava finally realized that she didn't have the powers she was using she was absorbing them from others who had those powers. When Ava was 13 her mother got deathly sick and passed away leaving Ava with her drunk of a father, Mad and upset Ava's father started to beat her to deal with the pain of losing his wife. Ava took the beatings till she was 14 but had enough of it and lashed out and used her powers on her father. That's why Ava has the scare on her chest from the night her father burnt her. She ran away from home and lived on the road. She went from town to town learn about all the different powers there are out there and how to control hers better.

Skills: Quick witted, fast on her feet, great defensive skills

Other: N/A

( Hope you're still accepting (: )




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Harmonia Rhileys


She can control sound, manipulate it so it can either hurt someone, or temporary deafen them, maybe even blind them. She can scream and pierce ear drums, she always carries a guitar, and she can control people with her guitar.

Harmonia is a quiet girl despite her super power. it's just who she is. She's always scared to speak due to being yelled at as a child for being "too loud." She's a nice girl at heart, very shy though. Once she warms up to you she can be very friendly and so sweet, a touching girl. People love her for her kindness, and caring heart, yet hate her for her slight temper.. She especially hates it when people make fun of her for being shy.

Harmonia was hated a lot in Kindergarten through middle school, due to her either being too loud or too quiet. Finally, she settled with being a quiet girl. Her parents never knew what was going on, but neither did she. Little did she know her loud sounds pierced kids drums, and also she had no idea that her powers were controlling children on the park. So people were afraid of her, deathly.

After a few weeks passed, in ninth grade, her parents had enough of this ridiculous behavior and sent her off without a word. Now being the beginning of junior year, she hasn't heard from her parents and often spends the holidays up at the school in her dorm room. She's not one to talk to people first either.

She can deafen people temporarily, she also can control people with her music, make them feel certain emotions just by a flick of the guitar strings.



( Hope you're still accepting! )

Name: Rosemary Vale

Nickname: Rose

Age: 17 years of age

Powers: Rose has earth-elemental/nature powers. She draws her power from nature, allowing her to control roots, trees, leaves, plants etc. to a certain degree(Ergo she can manipulate the minerals and life within nature and bend them to her will. Note: She can NOT create living beings who acts with their own free will.) As she draws her powers from an elemental, she is also weakened when not in "contact" or within distance of it. When within distance of her elemental, anything withered will restore to life, draining from her power, as her power is a give-and-take with her elemental.


Height: 5'5''

Weight: 130lbs

Eyecolor: Mix of brown/green

Bodytype: Small, weak-built but somewhat curved

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Reicha.jpg.14e6057ef405b4ee048451853ca90f0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Reicha.jpg.14e6057ef405b4ee048451853ca90f0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: One simple sentence to describe Rose: Beam of sunshine. She's the kindof girl who'll skip down the halls, usually seen with a grin on her face. Selfless as she is, she cares more about how others feel and will do her best to cheer just about anyone up. Just about anyone could approach her and instantly gain a "friend"-status. She doesn't want to see people in pain or see them hurt. This doesn't mean she can't take a hint. Even if seeing her upset, or mad, rarely happens, she is still capable of emotion. As emotion also is a keyword to her power, it can strenghten as well as weaken her in given situations.

Bio/History: Rose was born into a wealthy family in Scotland who had struggled for a long time to get pregnant. Little did her bio-father know his wife had been unfaithful with a carrier of the mutant-gene. Her birth-parents gave her away soon after her birth due to her abnormal "birth marks". Even though her marks(seen in the pic) look like they could be peeled off, they're hard as rock and won't budge. She was adopted by Hailey and Bernard Vale, who saw past the abnormal markings in her face, thinking she would grow up to be special. Hailey and Bernard were both fighters for mutant rights alongside humans, as Hailey (secretly) had rapidly healing powers.

Rose lived a normal life with her new parents in Wisconsin. Grown-ups would comment to her parents about her markings, as well as she got bullied by other children. Her parents would often come to school arrangements, or meetings to make Rose's days at school easier. When Rose turned 14, the tiny family of three went to a botanical garden just outside their hometown as Rose had a remarkable hobby in plants, trees, and all nature brings. As they reached the center of the botanical garden, a full-grown lotustree brought its branches down and grabbed Rose, who screamed in fear. Her parents watched, astonished by the sudden movement. The others who had seen this scenario screamed and fled in fear from the area, leaving only the keepers of the garden, her parents and Rose as increasing amounts of plants and roots squirmed their ways around Roses' body. The more she struggled to get out, the more she was captivated.

As her parents couldnt do anything to help her out of her situation, they tried to yell calming words to her, without any effect. After several minutes of squeezing and squirming, the roots, branches and plants eventually fit into their original places, leaving Rose in a curled-up ball in the center of the garden, unconcious.

When she finally woke up, she was at home. Both her parents waiting by her bed, sighing in relief when she blinked her eyes open. From this day, they practiced with her to explore her powers and figure what would trigger it and how to keep her safe. They eventually found her power as earth-elemental, and all her previous experiences became clear to her. As she thrived, and still thrives to increase her power with nature and earth, her parents made an application to the Mutant Academy, urging her to follow her dreams and become the woman she wants to be.

Skills: Marvellous with most nature-related themes (herbs, wilderness, etc.). Good with social settings and body-language, both herself and others. Observant. Quick reactions.

Other: Mutant

(Also hope you're still accepting! :) )



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Name:Frank Cros

Age: 17

Power:Frank has the Ability to control Graviti the 4th strongest forze with his hand as he has leard time how to control his power as he can cause a singularyti by poiting were or causing a negative gravity near him and the list gose on and on of what he can do but he is scared of his ability as by geting mad might cause mayor damage and he dosent know how to control it well


Personality: Frank is mostly shy but brave wen it comes to it and kinda friendly,he mostly scared being near others as he dosent know how to controll his power well and that he is tempermental and might get mad and scream at others,he stays mostly solitary and alone but he Try to get along with others but he fears as he might do somthing wrong and like he is tempermental might get mad for no reson with others

Bio/History:Frank was a nice child and very happi and friendly as he loved to play and with his 2 brothers and nice family he was jolyhappi but wen he discoverd his power at the age of 10 wen he got angry at his parents and made mayor damage and harmd his brothers and parents he was confused and like his father was a mutand disliker and and his mother grabd him and tuke Frank away and as he was taken by his mother to saftey from his father he saw his brother runing behinde the car and his father calling the police and that wen his live change to sadnes and despaire

His mother new about the academy and took frank there were he wuld be safe from his father and then his mother went back to here normall life and frank in the academy tryeng to learn how to controll his power

Skills:Knows alot of tecnology and Many ways to use his power


(First time here and i have playd in other RP sites but this 1 is new so i might take time for mi to get use to it and i dont know how to write inglish well as im spaniche so keep that in minde and slow update to
-_- )

Name: Charlotte Leslie Ryan (Chuck)

Age: 15

Powers: Enhanced strength and agility. She also has some regenerative capabilities.

Personality: Her mutation hardly noticeable in comparison to that of most mutants, she makes the most of the abilities she has by knowing how to use them. She is highly resourceful and intelligent, though she doesn't usually boast her mental capabilities. She has such a thirst to prove herself among more powerful mutants that she gets lost in her competitive nature. She is sharp tongued and coarse, not hesitant to push the boundaries with her peers. She has a playful satirical sense of humor. She can be bossy, blunt and rude, but she has a fierce and passionate loyalty in her.

Bio/History: Nick named 'Chuck' by her older brothers were born in northern England, but after moving to America, grew up on the coast of Maine with her alcoholic mother, nurturing father and two older brothers. The docks and scenic bay area were all she knew, and would always remind her of childhood. She'd always been an athletic girl, and despite her porcelain scrawny appearance, she'd always been a bit unaware of her own strength. Her mutation developed quickly, but in her young age it was quite hard to tell whether she was abnormally strong, or just highly athletic. Her parents put her in a martial arts class to channel her competitive athleticism. She would sometimes get into fights with her oldest brother, or some of the boys at school, often to test her own strength as far as her competitive nature would let her go. As she grew older, the bond between her and her siblings strengthened as her mother’s alcoholism got worse. Their father worked often to support the family, and it was hard for him when their mom would spend much of their money on drinks, but the kids were often left alone with their mother, Charlotte specifically after her brothers had gone off to college. Nasty fights broke out between the two. She suffered some mild domestic abuse at times but to Chuck it wasn’t the physical part that bothered her.

When she entered high school, she was hit by a car while biking to school, and recovered in less than half normal time at the hospital. It was then that they finally ‘diagnosed’ her a mutant. It was then that her mother had her sent off to the academy. They were both mutually in agreement that this was the best place for her, and she's been comforttable here ever since.

Skills: Martial artist, weapons and intelligence expert.

Other: Mutant

[i'm new to the site but not to RPing, just tell me if I do anything wrong lol!]
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Name: Lucus Thomas Wilson (Nickname: Lucifer)

Age: 17

Powers: Mutant Healing Factor and Black Feathered wings with reinforced bone-structure, making them very hard to break with toughened feathers. Can used as a shield against most projectiles and blows, but cant withstand supercharged attacks.



Lucus finds it hard sometimes to make friends with the little chances he was given, but when someone earns his friendship, he doesnt let go of it easily. He's down to earth sometimes, but when someone forces a choice onto him, he either tries to make things better, or forces his own choice of things. He tries not to make enemies, but when he does, he does everything in his power to make them stop, or destroy them entirely. He doesnt like drama because out of some impulse for stability, he feels he has to intervene and end it. When it comes to romance, he's a slight sucker for it.

Bio/History: Lucus was born in Boston by his mother who had an affair with another man. Her husband didnt suspect until Lucus was born with his wings. Eventually, his mother convinced him that Lucus was his son, though he was still disturbed by him being born a mutant. Up until he was 10, he let a somewhat uneasy life. With private tutors and always hiding his wings under a long coat reaching to his ankles, he rarely had the chance to live a normal life. Then he got into a fight with some children, at an old ally near a construction site. Suddenly a bean fell on him, crushing his wings. When he was taken to the hospital, his father chose to get rid of them. After the operation was a success though, he stayed overnight and the wings grew back, much stronger than ever. His body adapting itself to future circumstances.

At 15, he was in high school, but rather rebellious against some of his teachers. He did lead a more stable life though, despite of his wings. Many of the bullies started giving names, from 'Devil' to 'Satan', but eventually he embraced one nickname that stopped it all. 'Lucifer'. At first people got scared of him with the name, or thought him being a religious fanatic, but he proved he was a good person after some thugs tried to burn down an apartment and he stopped them. But then a gang of anti-mutant supporters tried to corner him and when he fought them off, he got arrested and sentence to a number of years in jail. His picture was is the paper with his mother in the background, and that got the attention of his biological father, Wade Wilson, A.K.A Deadpool.

After a week in a mutant facility, Deadpool broke Lucus out of his jail cell and took him for some 'R and R' in town. After a number of drinks and tacos, Deadpool revealed he was Lucus' biological father. At first, Lucus was furious of him not coming back or helping him grow up, but after Deadpool convinced him he didnt know about his son existing till the picture in the paper, Lucus calmed down a bit, but Deadpool said he cant keep him around for long because of all the trouble he got into. That and his apartment was a bachelor pad for chicks, himself, and his dog 'Shnocombs No.II'. But he rented an apartment next door to him for Lucus to stay for a while. For the next 2 years, Deadpool raised him, paid for a bit of private tutor hours now and then, and taught him everything from martial arts, guns, swords, pick-up lines and how to make the best pancakes as a last meal for the poor sap you want to kill. Lucus then wanted to have a chance to live a student life while he could, so Deadpool called in a favor from one of his old clients and had Lucus enrolled in Mutant Academy. Promising to check up on him now and then (and try his luck with the cheerleaders).

Skills: Martial arts and swordsmanship, expert with pistols and rifles, plays guitar and really good at pancakes.

Other: Lucus sometimes gets calls from Deadpool, and every birthday, Christmas or impulse of insanity, sends him a present in the form of a knife, gun, adult magazine or item with a comic meaning.

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Name: Hope Willow

Age: 16

Powers: Dark Magic


Personality: Hope likes to be alone all the time. She is very anti-social and hates to follow the rules. She is pretty rebellious and likes to take risks. Some people (even mutants) are scared of her because no one really knows how black magic works, the only thing they know is that people with dark magic tend to use theirs powers for evil. Hope likes literature and has a passion for books. She has gotten in trouble with the cops because of minor crimes that she made when she found out about her powers. She has dark wings but always hides them.


Hope´s parents abandoned Hope because they were scared of her powers, she had to live in foster homes during her life, the other kids in school were scared of her and tried to bully her calling her names and pranking her. She never cared about those kids, she was always alone and hated when people talked to her. She was able to trick her classmates with her powers creating illusions. She was in special care for 5 years until she was sent to the school for mutants. She has trust issues and dosent trust people around her.
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Name: Connor Matthew Dawson

Age: 15

Powers: Terramancy - Connor can control things related to the earth directly, namely things such as rocks, dirt and dust. At the moment he is only just beginning to learn to use his ability, but he will eventually learn to create walls and even armor out of soil and/or rocks.


Connor has a very edgy personality. He likes to push the boundaries of just about anything; even his own powers. He does his own thing and doesn't make any attempts to conform to society. He could care less about what other people say or think of him. He likes to take risks and considers rules as more of 'guidelines'. Always willing to try new things and live life to the fullest, Connor's gotten himself in trouble more than once at school for skipping class to go do something 'more fun'. He's always curious about things, and isn't afraid to say what he thinks about people or things.

Connor was born to two non-mutant parents in the countryside of Winslow, Arkansas. He lived a normal life both at home and school until he was 13 years old, when his powers were discovered. As he walked through a forest close to his house, a landslide started right beside him, on a cliff he was walking beside. All the soil and rocks tumbled on top of him, and he closed his eyes and waited for the end. When they were opened, though, he found that many large rocks and dirt by his face was hovering above him! He quickly crawled out of the way, and they dropped. His parents were quick to get him tested to see if he was a mutant, as they had always disagreed with the thought of them. After many tests that seemed to take forever to Connor, it was found out that he was.

While his parent didn't like the idea that he was a mutant, they did their best to find resources to help Connor learn more about his powers and control them. Even though he appreciated their efforts, Connor wanted a more formal teaching. He grew tired of how nobody seemed to understand his powers and how they worked. Everyone, including him, were thankful when he found out he had been invited to start courses in the Mutant Academy. He of course, decided to go, and with his parents backing him up, he traveled to the Mutant Academy to finally master his abilities.

Skills: He was on his school's track team and has exceptionally good endurance and speed; can handle guns well

Name: Isabelle Rose Amari

Age: 14

Powers: invisibility, siren song, telekinetic, and the elements

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images1YAZIFP9.jpg.85995b8406d8960b010986a581631169.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images1YAZIFP9.jpg.85995b8406d8960b010986a581631169.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is extremely quiet and confidently, but loves to laugh and tell jokes. She rarely is without her gloves and usually changes its color with her abilities. She doesn't speak much, manly because she can't speak anything much besides Italian. She also loves to make new friends.

Bio/History: Belle knows nothing about her past except the fact that she was left by the school.

Skills: singing, dancing, drawing, and gymnastics

Other: she randomly will go invisible and appear at a random position



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