Mutant Academy

Name: Jing Brandt

Age: 17

Powers: Psychokinesis- He can do anything with his mind. Ex. Make people think things he wants them to, telekinesis and make things appear out of thin air.


Jing is a cold-blooded guy because of what his parents did to him. He learned over the years that fighting people is much easier than just dealing with them for a while. He will not hesitate to fight someone if they get in the way of his goals or if they are arrogant and/or annoy him. Other than that he does have a sweet spot for girls and will most likely stop in his tracks to flirt.

Bio/History: Jing grew up in the wealthiest family in his town. He always got what he wanted and always had his way. Except when his family found out about his powers. When he was 9, he started having immense headaches and when he was taken to a doctor. He has no memory of what they did to him. The last thing he remembers is him waking up in the woods and being alone.

He walked for years and became a traveler trying to find someone who would help him with his powers. He ran in to many farce psychics and was ready to attack them for they didn't know what it was like being so different from everyone else. Finally, he came across a school for people just like him. He wishes to be in a place with people like him and have a home.

Skills: Jing is very skilled with his dual pistols he creates out of thin air and he is also very skilled with his powers but he hasn't quite scratched the surface of his abilities.

Other: He gets headaches when he uses his powers too long.

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Ms. Dark

Age: 26

Powers: Fire



Personality: Warm hearted and friendy, Ms. Dark is a great theacher and is great with the students. She understands them and cares for them. She is a really nice person and she is really loyal.

Bio: Ms.Dark grew up in a normal family, she was the only one in her family with powers, she was never understood and they gave her away. She likes to help mutants like her because she knows it is very hard to live in this world with a lot of people hating you.

Skills: Great at fighting and teaching


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