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Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy



Jacob woke up the next morning at 6:15am, he looked around the room from his top bunk, everyone was still asleep. He quickly teleported down to his drawers and then into the bathroom. It only took him a few minutes to get dressed. Today was the first day of classes ((will post the classes soon)) and Jacob was really excited to get started but first he had to have some breakfast, he was starving! He had no idea where the breakfast hall was, was it in the main hall so he quickly moved down the hallway until he heard voices, they sounded rushed and discreat, he stopped at the corner off the hallway to listen.

"I didnt sign up for this jobs to kill mutants" he said, he must of been on the phone because Jacob didnt hear anyone reply to him.

"Ii'll try and find out more" He said and then his footsteps got closer, Jacob quickly decided to sink through a wall, he was now in another room, a dorm room, he looked around, it was still dark and it looked like everyone was asleep.
Scarlett mumbled in her sleep, turning over onto her stomach and unconsciously splaying her entire body across the single bed. After a bit of confusion, she had managed to find a map to make her way back to her dorm. Embarrassing of course, but she hadn't mentioned it to anyone and decided it was probably just best if she stayed quiet about it. And then hopefully, no one at the school would ask for any directions anywhere. She couldn't give them. Caught in the entrance of a dream, her fingers lit up in flames and it took the slight scent of smoke to finally draw her awake again. It wasn't strong enough to wake up any of the other girl's in her room, but she still felt her heart skip a beat as she jumped up in her bed, and willed the fire to go out before it caused any more damage.

A singed pillow. Great. Although, at least she could just turn it over and no one would notice. She didn't feel like buying a new one after only one day. Scarlett yawned and stretched, her hair wild and messy, her pajamas a pair of grey trackie pants and a short light green shirt. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and decided that maybe she should start to get ready for the day. After all, they would be starting classes. It was all beginning. Grinning, she flipped over her pillow and slipped out of her covers, trying not to make any noise so it wouldn't wake up the other girls.
Myren woke up in front of the school's entrance....just like yesterday. "REALLY??", he asked out loud, knowing that no one heard him. With cramps he had gotten from yesterday's "trip", he slowly opened the school's door. He was WAY too exhausted to use his powers, so he walked the whole way to his dorm room. While he was beginning to open the door, he happened to see Jacob....great. "....Jacob. You do realize that you accidentally took ME with you and Lia to Starbucks. Then you left me BY MYSELF", he explained to Jacob, with his eyes full of hidden anger."and I had to use my 'spinning smoke bullet' which is incredibly fast but also incredibly tiring, to get here. AND on top of that, when I got to the academy's entrance, I collapsed....and NO ONE SAW ME. So I had to stay unconcious on that hard cold FRICKIN concrete". He stared at Jacob waiting for a response
Sirse yawned sitting up in her bed. She was still tired. It had taken her nearly half the night to find Quincy in their game of hide and seek. With all his many bear clones it had been a difficult task, one that she had attempted to accomplish by simply walking up to and poking each and every bear she saw. After a while she was finally able to realize something. All of the other bears didn't seem to cast a shadow. She was more than willing to bet that whichever one was Quincy did. Sinking into her own shadow she did the only thing her umbramancy would allow, find the next one. When it had brought her up behind a teddy bear who for all the world seemed to be trying not to laugh she new she had found him. She tagged him with a hug enjoying the soft plush of his bear form. True to his word they had come back out of the toy box not to long after.

Noticing that it was night time and they had classes in the morning she had suggested that they went to their rooms and got some sleep but assured him that they could play again after their classes. Grinning to herself she swung her feet from the edge of the bed and was surprised when she almost collided with a red haired girl in the dark. Taking a half step back to balance herself once more she tightened her grip instinctively around Kensii.

"Oh... I...I'm sorry..."
Jacob waited until the voice faded way and then he walked back through the wall and into the hallway. He saw Myren walking down the hall towards him. "Uh we were there for a good 10 minutes" He said to Myren, "why didnt you let us know you were there?" he replied to Myren. He was confused about what he had just heard and now he found out he had accidentally teleported Myren to New York City. It really wasnt his fault that Myren got stuck in New York City, he had plenty of time to come and get them
Scarlett gasped as the girl in the bunk above her almost hit her in the head trying to get down. Obviously she hadn't been seen either as the girl hastily apologized to her, clinging onto a toy rabbit. She smiled and moved out of the girls way so that she would have more room to get down. "Good morning. I don't think we got the chance to properly meet yesterday. My name's Scarlett but as the other girls are still sleeping, I think it would probably be a good idea to go out into the hall to talk. You know, not to disturb them. It won't be for very long, I assure you." Scarlett introduced herself, being careful to whisper, before waving the stranger after her and moving over to the door to their dorm room, opening it so the pair of them could slip outside.

The hallway floor was cold to the touch of her bare feet, and she shivered slightly at the temperature of being outside of the warm room, but also wanted to attribute it to actually getting out of bed. Withdrawal symptoms or something. She quickly checked down both ends of the corridor to see if they were in fact alone, before seeing if the other girl was in fact actually going out to talk with her. Scarlett didn't entirely fancy getting caught outside her room standing in her pajamas. But she more so didn't want to unnecessarily wake the other girls, and hence cause a negative first impression.
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Peter woke up and looked at the time. When he saw it he sat bolt upright and said, "is that the time???!?" Rather too loudly, he held his hand in front of his mouth he crept out of his room to the bathroom and once in there he made his pajamas (which he had created) disappear and at the same time made his normal clothes appear. The whole time he was watching himself in the mirror "hmmm, that was fast enough, so I guess I could do it in public even" he decided to go eat some breakfast. He reasoned that he could make his own breakfast appear, but he'd rather save the energy
Sirse simply nodded and followed the other girl out into the hallway. The floor was cold and she found herself quickly shifting from foot to foot to try to adjust to it. She glanced around the hallway quickly to make sure no one else was about. Mostly she was just concerned that she would look silly; hopping from foot to foot in the hallway dressed in a frilly black night gown with her hair a mess and a stuffed bunny in her arms. She probably looked like a small child in need of the bathroom. Just the thought almost summoned a sigh and she stopped shifting hoping that eventually the floor would simply warm up. Reaching up to fiddle with her hair she looked at the other girl. Realizing that she hadn't introduced herself yet she hurried to do so now.

"I'm Sirse... You must have came in after I went out because I didn't see you at all yesterday... It's...it's nice to meet you..."

She grinned shyly, clutching Kensii a bit more tightly in her arms. She smiled shyly though she was still wondering why it had been necessary for them to step in the hall. She did understand the desire not to wake the others but they weren't talking much louder out here then they had been in the room and going by the amount of racket she had caused returning the other night the other two girls were pretty heavy sleepers. Still she supposed it really made no difference in the long run.
Lia's dream: a man, he must've been the president, was talking, talking about how he didn't want any mutants walking on the streets of his country. About how all mutants should be tortured and destroyed. Lia looked around the room and her family was there. Beside her, her mutant teacher was sitting and grasping Lia's hand. Something was wrong, very very wrong. A few seconds later, all of the secret mutants we were in that room are all brought to the front of the room and bound with barbwire handcuffs. Lia was screaming in pain as the people tortured her and her mutant people. "Mommy daddy please help me!" She cried out but they didn't move from their seats. Then, there was a gun shot. They were shooting all the mutants! One by one down the line, she screamed when her teacher was shot. But now it was her turn.

Reality: Lia rolled around and mumbled in her sleep. But when it was her turn to be shot in the dream, she woke up with a jolt. There was sweat on her forehead and she was breathing hard. She had that dream a lot, but every time it was just more terrifying. She quickly climbed off her bunk and got dressed then fixed her hair, did her makeup the best she could so the bags under her eyes weren't showing, but failed, you could still see them. She sighed and grabbed her backpack, leaving her room. Down the hall she saw Jacob and started making her way towards him, "you'll probably have to keep me awake during class" she teased then yawned.

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"Yeah, sorry. I got distracted walking around the school and didn't exactly find my way to the dorm when everyone else did. That's a pretty name, Sirse. It reminds me of the goddess of magic from Greek Mythology, Circe." Scarlett replied with a warm smile. She was a bit thrown however, by the other girl's reappearance and complete disinterest in her two roommates who were first being introduced to each other. She had been planning to welcome her too, but all the girl seemed to be interested in was Jacob, a half distant figure down the hall. He seemed to be talking to another guy too, and from where she was, neither or them were that happy with each other. She would go and say hi again to Jacob at another time, and if she could see Peter too.

"I did bring us out here because I don't know how the girl's sleep in there, but it appears it was a waste of time after all. Sorry. But I also wanted to warn you about my power, which can be quite bright in a dark room. I'm a pyromancer, I have control over fire. Well, at least some control. At the moment, I can only create a small ball of fire on the palm of my hand or the tips of my fingers, I'm immune to heat, and I can will out a fire blaze. However, sometimes I'm not aware I'm doing it. Just in case I do have an accident where I'm not aware, I just want you to know that I can quickly put it out, or in a worst case scenario, I don't want you to get hurt because of it." Scarlett laughed breathlessly, running a hand through her bed hair, her fingers caught briefly in tangles. Raising up her hand, she willed a ball of fire to appear above her upturned palm. She waited a moment, before she willed it back into non-existence. "Is that all okay?"
Myren's face turned blank. Even though Jacob was right, it still sucked to have to sleep on concrete. "You know what man, you're right. I should've spoken up", he said softly to Jacob, patting his back. No matter how frustrated he got, he made a promise to never ever frown and he'd do anything to keep that promise alive. He walked down the hallway, only to see a girl, who was staring at them talk and chatting with one of her dorm mates. Immediately, he held out his hand,"Hi! My name's Myren. I think we met before....when I crashed into your dorm room". The girl in front of him was kinda cute, but he didn't want to come off as desperate. Ever since he was younger, he was always big on keeping a good public image of himself.
Scarlett turned to face the newcomer, and with a smile she returned the hand shake. "I'm Scarlett, but I doubt we did meet before. I haven't often been in my dorm. I think that must have been after I came in. I still have to meet the other girl's in my dorm yet." She laughed, and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Nice to meet you now though. This is Sirse, but I guess you guys might have met when you came to the dorm?"

He was attractive, but she didn't think she was entirely prepared or ready in the early morning. Standing in the middle of the hallway, wearing her pajamas as she was introduced to a new person. Well, she thought to herself, not every meeting can be raining flowers as I stand there looking flawlessly beautiful. She smiled again, and turned to the most common question asked at the school, "What's your power?"
"Smoke manipulation, Transportation through smoke, Smoke immunity", he answered to Scarlett with a big smile. As an example, he held his hands out and surrounded the area with smoke, except for the spot they were standing in. He had to admit, with the smoke around the two and them being the only ones together, it did kind of seem like a scene off of a romantic movie. After standing, frozen, staring at her, he realized that the smoke was starting to bombard their little spot. So, in a effortless attempt, he inhaled deeply, sucking in all of the smoke until the hallway was clear again. "so what's your powers?", he asked her with an even bigger smile than before
Sirse took in what the girl said with little or no reaction though she did smile pleased to meet someone else who referred to their power as a type of mancy. She also really thought the fire was nice, she like fire for the excellent shadows it would cast and it was one of the many sources of light that didn't bother her. She watched the girl play with her fire for a bit before being distracted by the same boy who had crashed through the dorm room yesterday. The two seemed engaged in conversation so she thought it wise not to interrupt and moved back to the door of the room to get ready for class. However the door had locked behind Lia and of course Sirse wasn't carrying the key. Sirse sighed angling her body to cast her shadow just at the base of the door. It should still be dark enough in the room for there to be a shadow on the other side. Focusing she melted down into the shadow and slipped beneath the door. Unlocking it from the inside for Scarlette she went to go get dressed.
Jacob was quite surprised, he expected the conversation to turn into an argument. But his mind was immediately drawn back to the voice that spoke of killing mutatns and finding out more information. His mind raced with possible reasons behind the voice. CIA? FBI? or maybe a top secret government agency was infiltrating the school. He had finally found a place where mutants would be safe and free from scrutiny and judgement and now he found out that someone is trying to infiltrate the school. He had to find out more, he had to investigate. Jacob quickly walked almost skipping into a run down the hall. He didnt even notice Lia even though she wasnt invisible. Where did the voice go? who did it belong to, he wasnt sure if he should tell anyone, afterall he didnt really know anyone to well, and if the school really does have spies in it, he couldnt really trust anyone. Hmmm where to start.. Teachers, most of the time a spy is someone like a teacher, someone who commands a high level of trust and respect.
The smoke unnerved Scarlett as it began to consume the area around which they were standing, thick and swirling and poisonous. It was impressive and beautiful, but for a moment, she was reminded of the morning when she had discovered she had powers. As the paramedics had revived her from an almost comatose state, they had revealed to her that she had almost killed her entire sleeping family. If she were to be honest, the two powers definitely did go together, both a resulting factor of each other. And yet, she was still uncomfortable, watching the smoke slowly inch towards them, not noticing that Myren was distracted in a different way. To say that she was relieved when he sucked the smoke away, would have to be a serious understatement.

Focusing on turning her thoughts from the past, she smiled and wordlessly created a small ball of fire in the palm of her hand. "Developing pyromancy and I'm impervious to it. Although, I can't travel through it." Scarlett laughed, turning off her power once again. Looking down at her clothing, she blushed slightly but looked back up at him with a confident, unashamed grin. "I would really love to stay and chat, but I should probably go and get ready for the day. I'll see you later then. Maybe at breakfast or something. Bye!" With that, she slipped back into the room and closed the door behind her, letting out a deep breath. A cute boy with a power that caused her to remember a traumatic part of her past. What was life going to be like if she continued meeting people of such?
Jacob walked out of the dorm building and into the court yard. It was still quite early in the morning so the courtyard was completely empty.

The courtyard consisted of a statue in the middle which was also a fountain. The statue was of a man who was supposedly the founder of The Mutant Academy. Jacob stood there looking around for any sign of the person he had just heard. There was no one on the court yard at all, it was completely deserted.

Jacob decided to see if anyone was in the teachers staff room, but first he had to find it and he couldnt teleport there because he had never seen it before, he didnt dare try to do it or else he could end up anywhere, the ocean, a wall or even thousands of miles under the ground. He decided to teleport to the entrance of what looked like the main building. He appeared at the top of the long line of steps. He wondered if he was ever going to find the person the the voice he had heard belonged to, and then he would need some sort of proof or he could just teleport the person into a shark pit? He quickly stopped thinking about what he'd do if he found the person, first he would have to actually find them!

He walked down a long wide hallway with doors that he assumed led to to classrooms on both sides. At the very end of the hallway was a large door that looked like it was craved out of wood, it had beautiful writing that read "Staff Room" carved into the door. He approached the door and now that he was closer he saw that the door displayed beautiful art work of people, mutants and it was all carved out of wood. He put his hand on the door knob and turned the handle, it was locked. He made himself have no mass and went to walk through the door, his nose smacked straight into the hard wooden door. This scared Jacob quite a bit? what was going on? had he lost one of his powers? or was it just the door. He quickly ran to an adjacent wall and walked through it, Phewf, It looked like it was only that door. He walked back to the staff room door and stood there, pondering ways he could possibly get inside.
Once again, Scarlett was hopelessly lost. After leaving Myren outside in the hallway, she had journeyed back inside and decided to take her blessed time in preparing for the day. She needed to have the chance to think through everything that had happened to her in the past couple of days. Guiding a brush through her hopelessly tangled hair was a great choice, except for the fact that it also brought tears to her eyes as well.

Brushing teeth, hair, changing clothes, and no make up preparation because she didn't own any. It wasn't a huge obstacle, but when she needed it, it took a bit of trouble to actually find someone who had the right shades and colours that her skin required. She chose to don dark grey skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a leather jacket with a cotton hood and fur lining. It was warm and comfortable, and that was all that mattered in any case.

After she felt she was appropriately dressed, with her new headband as well, Scarlett had decided to risk her chances and set out across the campus by herself. The breakfast hall, as she soon discovered, wasn't easily found and no scent of beautiful bacon and eggs was available to be found. She wasn't sure how long she was out wandering for, trying to find the right place. Also, to her luck, anyone that could possibly have any chance of helping her out seemed to have completely vanished. She had been relieved and yet still apprehensive, when she came across the looming main building. If there was anyone who could help her, they could possibly be in there.

What she didn't expect, however, when she stumbled across a hallway with doors leading off to classrooms, was to see a familiar figure down the end, trying to walk through a closed door. Scarlett continued down, eyebrows furrowed in confusion before her expression relaxed when she realized who it was. "Jacob!" She called, grinning. "Hey, you know what? You are probably exactly who I was looking for... What are you doing here? And why are you trying to get into the teachers staff room? Are you lost too?"
Almost as soon as he had stepped back from the door, he heard someone behind him call his name. This games him a gave him a huge fright which cause him to teleport about 2 feet to the left. It was Scarlett the girl he had met yesterday who could control and manipulate fire. What was she doing here? She started asking him what he was doing there. He knew he had to come up with an excuse and fast. He didnt dare tell her what he had just heard, he knew how fast word can spread and the last thing he wanted was the school being closed down.

"Uh..." his mind raced for an excuse. "I was... looking for Mr Lencher!" Mr Lencher was the hairy green man who was also the Principle of The Mutant Academy. "i knocked on the door" He just realised that he never actually knocked, "But no one answered and then when i tried to walk through it.. i couldnt" He replied to Scarlett. He hoped the his lie was convincing but he wasnt a very good lier so he doubted it.
Scarlett raised an amused, unconvinced eyebrow and stepped forward, lighting her pointer finger so she could lean the fire against the wall. Even though there was a perfectly strong blaze burning, it wasn't making a single mark on the wooden door. No scorches, no embers and no catching fires. Extinguishing her self-controlled flame, she then pressed her hand against the spot where she had used her power. Not even a single remnant of heat. It was as though she hadn't been there at all. "I bet you couldn't get through because that door is probably safe-guarded. To make sure that none of the students could possibly stumble in. Don't worry about your powers or anything, you've still got them. It's like a lock on a door. It has to be broken in another way. I've heard they have the exact same thing in the President's secret bunker. I'm not entirely surprised they have the same thing here." Scarlett explained with a knowing smile, and crossing her arms, she turned back to face him.

"Why are you really trying to get in there? Come on, don't try and lie to me. Obviously you're not very good at it. Mr. Lencher will most likely be at the breakfast this morning, to talk to us all about how classes run and the like." Scarlett continued, watching his reaction carefully. "Listen, if you're not actually looking for him, tell me what it is. You can trust me. I won't go and tell anyone else, I promise. Unless, you know, you're actually looking to murder someone or find the cheats really early for upcoming tests. If it's the last one, I applaud you on your preparation." She smiled, obviously joking with her latter suggestions but serious all the same. "Oh, and did you say you were trying to walk through the door? I thought your power was teleporting?"
Jacob knew he had been caught out although he made one last attempt to cover himself. "'No.. i was acutually looking for h-" he stopped mid sentence seeing the look on Scarlett's face. He knew there wasnt much point in trying to lie.

"Uh i can teleport but i can also walk through walls" he replied to Scarlett.

"Ill tell you why im trying to get in there but you cant tell ANYONE" Jacob really empathised the "anyone" part. After Scarlett had promised to not tell anyone, Jacob continued.

"I woke up and was walking down the hall when i heard a man say I didnt sign up for killing mutants or something like that" Jacob couldnt remember the exact words he had said. "Then he said ill try find more information or something like that". Now, alot of people may not think this was something to get so worked up over but for Mutants it was, they had alot of enemies and there had been nown cases of mutants going missing to be "Experimented" on by secret government agencies.

"So.. any ideas on how we're going to get in?" he asked. (knocking had not occurred to him yet).

"Maybe if i can get a look of the inside i can teleport in? unless its not just the door that is safeguarded..."
Scarlett felt her mouth fall open in surprise but immediately closed it when she figured it might give Jacob the wrong impression. It wasn't quite an odd idea that someone would want to murder mutant children, but after all, it was still murder. And against children. She knew that in the past, there were plenty more hostilities towards mutants than what her generation faced in their years. Death was common and so a new breed of 'racism' developed. Except it was mutants against the entire human population. In that kind of a world, if it was known that you happened to have a special power, then it was always fight or die. She hadn't faced much aggression so far in her sort life, but with what Jacob had just recently learned, it would seem that it was looming right in their faces. She shivered and nodded, "I think you're right to keep such a thing secret. If re school populace discovered a plan for the murder of our kind, there would not only be a huge rebellion but the government would also shut down this opportunity. It needs to e. Dealt with quietly. I'll help you in any way that I can."

Satisfied with her choice of action, Scarlett turned once again to survey the door. If they were really desperate to get in, they could try and have Jacob walk through the walls on every side, see if they were mutant proofed as well. But then again, it could get them into a lot of trouble and it would take precious time. The morning was still young but it would bot last forever and at some point they would both be missed. She scratched that idea. There was of course the opportunity of liking it old school and for them trying to pick the lock. But the downsid of that was she didn't know his to successfully perform such a feat, and she wasn't entirely sure that Jacob knew how to either. Then a simple, stupid thought crossed her mind. "Have you tried knocking? What if there's someone in there? Either they could let us in or you could get a peek at the inside and then try to teleport us both in?" Scarlett suggested with a shrug of her shoulders.
"It needs to be dealt with quietly? you make it sound like we're gonna murder someone!" Jacob replied, half sarcastically.

"Hmm i dont know.. Have you met anyone with like a scratchy low pitched sort of growl voice?" Jacob asked Scarlett "Thats what he sounded like" Jacob was pretty sure it was a teacher, theres not really any other 30 or so year old men walking around the school that arent teachers.

"Your right" Jacob said to Scarlett, he then knocked 3 times quite hard on the door. The wood was extremely hard and made his knuckles hurt. But he didnt show any pain in front of Scarlett. They stood there waiting for a few seconds until Jacob heard footsteps behind the door they were getting closer. The door slowly opened...

(little short but oh well xD )
"I wasn't saying that we were going to be the ones committing murder. Just that, whatever business we're conducting here needs to be done without arousing suspicion of any kind. To be quiet about what we're doing, snooping around where we're not supposed to be." Scarlett tried to reply to Jacob in response to his first statement. He, however, simply continued on to wonder about what kind of man he had managed to overhear talking on the phone. If it truly was a teacher, then every student had plenty to worry about. She came to the school not solely so that she could how better she could manipulate and control her power, but also so that she had a safe place to stay. Not only was it not always safe for a mutant out in the world, but it also wasn't happy playland for a child walking the streets alone too. Scarlett had begun to hope that Mutant Academy was going to be her second chance.

Jacob, following het suggestion, walked up to the magical wooden door and sharply rapped upon it three times. She found herself holding her breath as they waited anxiously to see if there was any teacher on the other side. Moments passed before they actually managed to hear a noise. Footsteps. Someone was in deed in that room and, by the sound of it, was coming straight towards them. Scarlett glanced warily over at Jacob just before whoever was on the inside began to open up the door. She swallowed in anticipation and took a step closer to Jacob, both as moral support but also to show him that she was willingly by his side.

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