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Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

Lia smiled brightly and gently stroked the birds feathers with one finger "he's so cute" she smiled at Peter "what's his name?" She sat beside Peter and giggled a bit, feeling comfortable around here already. She kept stroking the birds feathers. "When I was younger I had a pet parrot. But one day when I came home, she was just gone" Lia shrugged the shoulder that Jack wasn't on.

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She shook her head with a faint smile, while she picked her things from the ground. “No, you didn’t freak me out,” she assured him. The things she had dropped was mostly electronics, wires and little devices she had made herself. Although her hands did a lot of her hacking work, she did have some common knowledge of electronics too.

She looked up when he helped her and took it from his hands with a polite smile. “Thanks,” she said, and then put her bag over her shoulder again. When he asked her about her powers she hesitated, straightening up. “Um..” she began, but then decided to just tell, she had to remind herself that they were all mutants here. “I… can control electronics with my hands,” she said and held up the gloved hands, wriggling the fingers. “So, with a computer I can hack into anything and if I touch someone it kind of hurts,” she clarified. “Nothing cool like flying or something unfortunately.”

Then she hurried to throw the ball back at him. “What about you? I know your skin glows,” she said, glancing down at his hands and then back up at his face.
"His name is Jack" Peter was also starting to feel more comfortable "That's sad, you know they just do that out of instinct, and birds of prey are especially hard to stop from flying away... But Jack here won't... You see I created him with my powers... I can make anything I can imagine appear and with living things it makes me very tired, I was unconscious for a month after creating him, of course my powers will be better after training them. I can make mints appear with almost no energy or concentration" he made a mint appear on his lap
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Jacob looked at the new girl wearing gloves who had just walked up to them. "Hi, im Jacob" he said extending his hand smiling. He looked outside, most people were starting to come into the hall, he saw some rather offical looking people chatting beside the stage. "Uh.. what can you.. do?" he said to the new girl.
Lia let out a little giggle and nodded "I really like that power" she looked at the bird and cuddled her face into it a little bit and smiled "all I can do is move things with my mind. But if I do it with a heavy thing I get exhausted. And I can disappear" she smiled at Peter. "If I had your power id make a ton of books" she giggled a little.

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"Your power is cool! You know how useful it is to go invisible? Haha that sounds like good idea, what is your favorite book?

Peter offered the mint to Lia "looks like they're starting soon"
The girl smiled at him after helping he pick her electronic items up. He felt good about it, sure he was never a perfect child but being a gentleman was kind of instilled into him, he wasn't sure how much but definitely some.

“I… can control electronics with my hands."

She held up her gloved hands an started talking about how she could hack into anything with a computer and that she could hurt people. Poet started to wonder what that felt like but decided to not touch the subject.

"What about you?"

Poet felt a bit surprised at the question but shook it off, he examined his surroundings, clear enough...

Poet held his hands behind his back, taking the neon from the glow sticks in his pocket. It snaked around his arms and spread to his body. His whole body turned light pink, his features not recognizable as if he was a pink silhouette. Green, purple, blue, and red lights floated around his body. He held out his arm to the girl and a rose of neon formed.

Though she couldn't see it, he was giving her a smile that said, "please don't punch me in the face."

Before anyone could say much more a furry green man in a suit stepped up onto the stage. He had green hair covering avery inch of his body (like a green beast). "ATTENTION!" his voice echoes around the hall and out into the courtyard so everyone could hear. There was a big rush and over a hundred students started piling into the hall, all looking for a seat. Jacob, feeling like showing off a little more, teleported into a sitting position on his seat.
Umbra clung to the back of the groups, moving almost unnoticed towards the entry hall. Stepping inside she closed her parasol. Holding it at her side she glanced around before finding a nice shadowy spot in the assembly hall. Grinning she moved towards it.

taking a seat careful to arrange her skirts neatly. She loved Victorian styled Lolita clothes so an everyday outfit for her always consisted of a least two petticoats beneath whatever skirt or dress she was wearing that day.

Settling her rabbit on her lap she placed her parasol beside her and set about the task of finding a book. She had brought a single large bag with her which contained her books, sheet music, and art supplies. Digging through the bag she finally found what she was looking for, a large leather bound book of classical poetry. Pulling her legs to beside her she immersed herself in the book only half attentive to the assembly that was soon to begin.
Mila watched the glowing boy, with her hands folded, as he changed his colors in all sort of bright shades. She nodded her head impressed. “That must come in handy in dark places,” she said. “My name is Mila.. by the way,” she commented. Then glanced over at another boy who spoke to her as well, she nodded in greeting. “Hi..” she said. Not used to this many people coming over to her, she kind of worked in the shadows and when he asked about her powers too her eyes flickered a bit. “I can hack into computers,” she said. Wow, her people skills needed adjustments.

She didn’t have to say much more as a boisterous voice broke through the air. She looked up at the man… or beast really, who spoke. She blinked when the boy who spoke to her teleported, that was kind of a cool ability. She slowly took a seat in a free row in the way back, and crossed her legs over, waiting to hear what would be announced.

She put her hood down, her purple-shaded curly hair out in the open.
The 2004 red Ford Taurus came to a stop in front of the gates that led to a magnificent building. Kyle swung the door open and stepped out of the car. He wore a sleeveless black and white vest and matching pants. Kyle walked around to the trunk of the car that his father had popped open from the driver's seat. He pulled out a big black duffelbag and slung it on his shoulder. The bag was just over 4 feet in length and stuffed with allt he belongings Kyle had wanted to bring to the academy. The courtyard was noticeably deserted, probably because Kyle was running a few minutes late. His parents got out of the car and he gave them big hugs.

"Be safe and have fun." His mother told him.

"You know I will Ma." He replied with a heart-warming smile.

"Stay out of trouble kid." His father told him before the two hugged. "We will see you soon."

"Alright I gotta go! Love you guys!" With that Kyle took off in a jog towards the main hall.

He stopped at the great doors and put his ear to them trying to hear what was going on inside. He still heard the shuffling of students inside so he decided to just go for it. He plastered on his confident grin and pushed the doors open. He was almost overwhelmed by what he saw but it just made his grin widen. What must have been over 100 mutant students were taking their seats and giving their attention to a feral green man in a suit. Kyle locked eyes with the man. He mumbled something about sorry he was a little late and moved toward an open chair near the back of the hall. He sat down next to a girl wearing a dress that looked like it was from the Victorian era.
The green hair man adressed himself "I am Mr Lencher and welcome to Mutant academy" he said, everyone clapped. "You are all here because you have a special gift, we are all mutants, we can all do amazing things! here you will learn to control your powers and not the other way around" He started walking freely around the stage. "You will have 3 classes a day, classes can be found in your introduction booklet you were all given" he said. "And, as for rooms, there will be 4 people per room" The hall all murmured to eachother, four rooms was a little strange and cramped. "Dont worry he said! these are quite large rooms! and will allow you to make alot of friends!".

He rambled on for 30 more minutes about school policy and the importance of Mutant Academy.

"..And i hope you all enjoy the year!" he said clapping his hands together and dismissing the hall "And your rooms can be found on the large post just over there!" he pointed to a large poster full of names and rooms.
"Mila...nice name, Poet."

He said as she went to take her seat for an assembly of sorts. He looked at a man in a suit...he looked to be covered in green hair, Poet smiled.

At least he's open about it.

Poet looked over the crowd, people were rushing to find seats, some were demonstrating their powers as they got to their seats. Seeing no open seats near him, he decided to stand in the corner near the back of the crowd. While waiting for the assembly to start he juggled some neon.
((Ahaha I read The comments Below My character Skelly, and I will change it up so She is a new arrival instead. For Now i will write a starter.))

The flight Out of State was Awful, and Nothing could have been better or more appealing to sit down in a car and stair out of the Window. Her parents Had only accompanied her on the Plane, and her sister Didn't bother to come. Now she was alone in a car. It was looked fairly new Shinny, black, Not quiet as long as a limo nor any way shape or form, But it still looked rather Fancy. When she first got into the car, her eyes were somewhat dazzled by the leather seats and how pretty everything looked, but now her eyes were pretty used to the car and rather look out of the window at the scenery that passed by her. She had a feeling they were close to there destination Point.

She sighed and her head lowered to the folded paper in her hands with her name Beautifully printed in Black Ink with the Academy's Logo Fairly visible through it.
"Skye 'Manami' Dahlia". She read aloud Softly for only her ears, and not the drivers to hear. She opened the paper and read to her self the information that was inked into the paper. It was made Just for her By Doctor Xavier and possibly some of the other Staff in the Academy. Even if any other kid Got the same Letter with the Same information inside, what was special about it to her was that they came across the country to Bring it to her. Someone Actually Believed her.

What she didn't Believe Was that there was a school Actually For People....Children With Powers. They called them Mutants. She only read about this kind of stuff in story's or Comic Books, where people had powers fighting off Crime and Evil...Well more like this school was teaching them how to Control There power. The fighting of Evils trying to Destroy the World only happened in Fairy Tails. That cant cant possibly
....could it?.... Her Excitement Rose and she smiled looking out of the Window, and just behind the Trees was the School where she would be Staying.

Her eyes widened at the sight. It was huge almost like a castle, it was a really pretty Place. The car pulled into the drive way and stopped right in front of the Entrance, as the Driver turned to her and pointed at the Entrance, but she didnt Avert her eyes from him.
"Miss Dahlia,"

"Please Call Me Manami..." She interrupted, and he started again. "Manami...Your room Number should be printed on the Back of your Letter. Good Luck!" He smiled to her.

She smiled in return and Nodded, Stepping out of the car and watching the Students Pile into the school like ants. She felt a small Breeze of fear rush into her before it subsided. She had to remember That these Kids were Just like here, in the same position, in the same place. None of them could actually be as Cruel as the people She meet before. She shook her head and closed the door, and Grabbed her luggage from trunk Before Closing it, and watched the car take off down the drive way. She situated her clothing and looked up at the wide double doors Open for her to walk in. She took a deep breathe and started one step at a time inside.
((I just realized i came in extremely Late....//falls down dead)) 
((Actually Im just going to Drop out of this RP sense everyone's way ahead of me and im not going to be on for a few days, i really am sorry -n- forgive me))
Mila clapped along with the other students when the man was done talking. Then she stood up from her seat, along with some of the others. They would teach her how to control her abilities? She didn’t even know if it could be controlled properly. Her ability was useful… for a criminal maybe. Which is what she had turned out to be this past year.

She walked over to the board where the rooms was at and checked out where she was supposed to go. She pulled her bag a little up her shoulder as she read the names of her room-mates. She kept in the back so she wouldn’t have to be part of the huge mess of students that had the same idea as her.
She sighed audibly at the thought of having not one but the roommates. It was bad enough that she was shy, but there was that other thing she had. Closing Jr book she shook her head. It would be best to just get things out of the way as soon as possible. Picking up her bag and parasol she moved towards the area where the others had gone to find out their room assignments.

As she did she noticed another girl hanging back at the edge of the crowd. What drew get attention were the gloves that covered the girls hands and a good bit of her arm. Taking a breath, she clutched her rabbit tighter and approaches.

"Um hi... I'm Sirse...it's nice to meet you..."
Kyle lept from his seat and made his way to the board with room assignments. He shouldered his way past the first few students who had beaten him to the board grinning as always and handing out "excuse me's" to the people he pushed past. It didnt take him long to examine the board and find his room assignment. He put the names of the three others in the back of his head for later.

He stepped back from the board and tried to make it to the back of the increasingly large crowd. He emerged on the other side and looked around, wondering where he should go to find his room. "Anyone know where the dorms are?" he wondered out loud.
Mila turned her head toward the voice and noticed a girl with long dark hair, she seemed kind of shy although she had been the one to approach. Her eyes fell on the rabbit in her arms, and then trailed back to her face. “Hello,” she greeted back, never having been good with greeting new people. Then when she heard the name, she looked wondering and glanced over at the board and then back at her. Yes, she hadn’t been mistaken. “Ah.. Sirse, you are one of my room-mates, unless there is someone else with that name, but I doubt it,” she stated, after having seen the name up on the board.

She suppose she should at least try to make friends. Come on Mila, you can be friendly. At least you can try. “My name is Mila,” she presented herself, and smiled as she reached a hand out. A gloved hand.
Four roommates...well then...could be worse I guess.

A wave of kids rushed to the board for their assorted information. Rolling his eyes he had to push his way through, activating his power every so often to lightly burn a few kids that wouldn't move.

"Hey! Sorry! Outta my way! Pardon me! Hello ma'am. Hey I didn't burn ya buddy."

The words just left in a stream from his mouth, he was used to this thankfully. He finally made it to the board, burned the info in his mind and made his way back out of the crowd where he saw a rather built man, looking around aimlessly. Curious if he was the brainless, but bulky kind of guy he decided to talk to him.

"Hey bud...what's your name?"
Kyle turned to acknowledge the man next to him. He had unusually colored hair and stood the same height as Kyle but lacked Kyle's bulky physique. Kyle extended his hand to the newcomer. "Hey man I'm Kyle Rhodes. Nice to meet you."
The big man turned and Poet felt himself tense up, bracing for a physical confrontation, or at the very least, some hurtful words. Instead he just held his hand out and introduced himself as Kyle Rhodes.

Poet found himself staring at the man's arms but shook himself out of it and shook his hand.

"Poet...uh...Poet Vitaly. You looking for something?"
Sirse seemed visibly relieved as the tight grasp she had been keeping on the stuffed animal loosened a bit. She tried out a shy smile, noticing that much like herself the other girl didn't seem to be good with interacting with others. That made her feel marginally at ease, maybe talking to people wouldn't be so hard after all. She took the hand the girl extended and as she did so a soft rustle emitted from her sleeve. In the process of shaking the girl, Mila's, hand she had slipped her pocket watch out of the pocket on the side of her sleeve. The watch was pale silver almost antique in appearance and hung from a slender chain.

"Oh shoot..."

She gave the girls hand a friendly little squeeze before dropping it and catching the watch chain between her fingers. She pulled the watch back into her hand, checking the time quickly before tucking it away again. Returning her attention to the matter at hand. She began picking nervously at the rabbits ears trying to figure out the best way to word her next statement.

"Um...if we're going to share a room I have to tell you something... I... I...cant be exposed to a lot of sunlight so we'd need to keep the room sort of dim... I'm sorry..."
Mila blinked as the watch slipped out from the girl’s sleeve. “That’s kind of fancy,” she commented on the watch, and then pulled her hand back. She put the hands back in her pockets. Both the girl’s attire and her things seemed to be as taken from the Victorian era. “You like antique things?” she said, although it was more of an observation really. She was more of a modern girl herself, she loved technology, and although she was not a fashion guru, she still liked modern clothes. Sweatpants over dresses any day.

Her statement surprised her. “Oh.. well, yeah, I don’t mind that, I am kind of a computer geek anyway,” she admitted. It wasn’t like she got out a lot. “You will have to check with the other girls too though, I can’t speak for them,” she shrugged. “Can I ask why?” she asked. It was probably something to do with her abilities, but she was still curious about the specifics.
"Yeah," Kyle scratched the back of his head through his thick crimson hair. "If I remember correctly we're looking for the same place. I think we got assigned to the same dorm." Kyle let out a little chuckle. He wasnt usually the one asking for things. He definitely preferred to be the helper, not the helpee. "Got any ideas? I didn't get to explore at all. As you probably noticed because of my oh so subtle entrance. I was running a little late. So I just came straight to this big fancy hall."
"Oh well...one of my abilities in umbramancy; the ability to manipulate shadows... I guess one of the side effects is that I'm really photosensitive..."

This was only the second time in her life that that she had ever talked about her powers with another person and it was still a little awkward. Of course knowing that Mila had powers as well made it a little less awkward. She supposed that was the benefit of going to the Academy. She would be able to be around people like herself, people with abilities. She hadn't had any friends before so the prospect of being able to make some now seemed almost exciting. And if anything Mila would be a good first friend to make, she was already starting to feel less nervous around her.

"Um... What is your power...if you don't mind me asking..."

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