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Multiple Settings Murderhobo: The RP (Official)

Always a good idea to take things that you don't need.
Simon_Hawk Simon_Hawk : You read that right. Without further ado, I will move along. Free to join up when you can.

Ronan decided to move right along with Reaper. "Let's see if we can find treats for Hungry too. Krieg, don't lag behind!"

As soon as the group reunited, they met a trio of plant humanoids. One of them possessed retractable claws not unlike a tiger's. The other had a vicious tongue that can cause horrific wounds. The last one had the ability to secrete acid from its fingertips. "Intruders, say your prayers!"


A) Choppy route

B) Shooty approach

C) Other (write in)
Simon_Hawk Simon_Hawk : You read that right. Without further ado, I will move along. Free to join up when you can.

Ronan decided to move right along with Reaper. "Let's see if we can find treats for Hungry too. Krieg, don't lag behind!"

As soon as the group reunited, they met a trio of plant humanoids. One of them possessed retractable claws not unlike a tiger's. The other had a vicious tongue that can cause horrific wounds. The last one had the ability to secrete acid from its fingertips. "Intruders, say your prayers!"


A) Choppy route

B) Shooty approach

C) Other (write in)

C.) Spit the remains of the gate at them, pelting them with steel and ripping them to shreds.

Essentially, he's going to choppy them a new one.
Krieg decided to do the unthinkable: Go into melee with the clawed mutant. The clawed mutant slashed across the limbs. Fortunately Reaper's barrage softened them up. Hungry's literally blew chunks at the mutants. The acid mutant took the brunt of the damage, causing the creature to recoil and double down. Though Ronan prepared to finish off the acid mutant, the tongue mutant ran to counter him. To the tongue's surprise, Ronan simply grabbed the monster by the weaponed appendage. It's eyes completely widened when he felt Ronan's vice grip. "AH SH--" The plant-humanoid's tongue was ripped out mid-sentence, then became an implement of its former owner's doom.

Strangely, the plants didn't bleed like humans did. They bled some sort of golden ichor. Though it proved that they bled and were killable. The acid mutant didn't look too hot after the barrage.


A) Help Krieg with the claw mutant

B) Finish off the acid mutant before it develops a second wind

C) Stand in awe of Ronan's brutality
Krieg decided to do the unthinkable: Go into melee with the clawed mutant. The clawed mutant slashed across the limbs. Fortunately Reaper's barrage softened them up. Hungry's literally blew chunks at the mutants. The acid mutant took the brunt of the damage, causing the creature to recoil and double down. Though Ronan prepared to finish off the acid mutant, the tongue mutant ran to counter him. To the tongue's surprise, Ronan simply grabbed the monster by the weaponed appendage. It's eyes completely widened when he felt Ronan's vice grip. "AH SH--" The plant-humanoid's tongue was ripped out mid-sentence, then became an implement of its former owner's doom.

Strangely, the plants didn't bleed like humans did. They bled some sort of golden ichor. Though it proved that they bled and were killable. The acid mutant didn't look too hot after the barrage.


A) Help Krieg with the claw mutant

B) Finish off the acid mutant before it develops a second wind

C) Stand in awe of Ronan's brutality

A.) Eat the claw mutant and spit it at the acid mutant.
Get a little fancy with the gun-scythe. Do some choppy-chops while shooting into the mutant
Helping me help myself sounds like a good idea right now.
The slaughter overwhelmed the monsters. Ichor flowed throughout the area. If Hungry was a vegetarian, he would be appetized by the bodies. Nothing too loot on the bodies though. There was a fork in the mine.


A) Take the left path

B) Take the right path

C) Split up evenly in teams of two, connected by radio/telepathy
The slaughter overwhelmed the monsters. Ichor flowed throughout the area. If Hungry was a vegetarian, he would be appetized by the bodies. Nothing too loot on the bodies though. There was a fork in the mine.


A) Take the left path

B) Take the right path

C) Split up evenly in teams of two, connected by radio/telepathy

A.) Eat the bodies then follow Ace.
"Either way, I see everything." Ronan decided to go right. "We can rendezvous in another fork." The enemies raged on as they journeyed. But the murderhobos were way worse. They'll hack and slash to heart's content.

Ronan and Reaper encountered a large Venus Flytrap style monster. "Bigger they are, the harder they fall." Ronan had his trench shotgun at the ready. The flytrap monster opened its mouth menacingly. It wasn't bulletproof by any means.

Hungry and Krieg stumbled upon an obstacle that they can either attack directly or avoid. It was a mass of vines that could easily tear a standing man apart. They were hanging from the ceiling and were moving to get a target. Fortunately, the vines were quite thick and weren't too hard to hit as a result.

Right path:

A) Chop it up

B) Shoot it up

Left path:

A) Attack the vines

B) Crawl below to stay out of the reach
"Either way, I see everything." Ronan decided to go right. "We can rendezvous in another fork." The enemies raged on as they journeyed. But the murderhobos were way worse. They'll hack and slash to heart's content.

Ronan and Reaper encountered a large Venus Flytrap style monster. "Bigger they are, the harder they fall." Ronan had his trench shotgun at the ready. The flytrap monster opened its mouth menacingly. It wasn't bulletproof by any means.

Hungry and Krieg stumbled upon an obstacle that they can either attack directly or avoid. It was a mass of vines that could easily tear a standing man apart. They were hanging from the ceiling and were moving to get a target. Fortunately, the vines were quite thick and weren't too hard to hit as a result.

Right path:

A) Chop it up

B) Shoot it up

Left path:

A) Attack the vines

B) Crawl below to stay out of the reach

B.) Not taking my chances for once. I can eat later.
Krieg and Hungry:

Both evaded the vines surprisingly easily. Afterwards, both encountered the other party slaying a plant monster. What could have been a rival now is a feast for Hungry. Everyone reunited at a new fork. "I hope Hungry isn't above eating plants. Strength in numbers, so I suggest we all go together." Ronan used his thermal vision for foreshadowing.

Choices include:

A) Stick together and go left

B) Same but go right

C) Split up again
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Krieg and Hungry:

Both evaded the vines surprisingly easily. Afterwards, both encountered the other party slaying a plant monster. What could have been a rival now is a feast for Hungry. Everyone reunited at a new fork. "I hope Hungry isn't above eating plants. Strength in numbers, so I suggest we all go together." Ronan used his thermal vision for foreshadowing.

Choices include:

A) Stick together and go left

B) Same but go right

B) Split up again

A.) Eat the plant thing and move on with Ace.

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