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"Another thing? What do you mean another thing?" He asked. "She means a Basilisk." Earl said walking in with Emily. "Josh said you wandered off."
"Come on lets see what else you can do."
(Lol also I can imagine Josh just weirdly staring are Earl and Emily when they came over XD Emily getting weirded out and yelling at him threading to turn him into a slug(with her non existent wand) if he did not stop)
"You really should not go off wondering the castle at night....your lucky Mrs. Norris or Filch didnt see you..." Emily commented.

"The monster...your not going to let him out are you...." Myrtle asked floating over to Earl moving her hand across his face. "You will protect me right?..." she said moving close to him "I'm so scared"
(Lol just have her flurt with Earl just because she was weirdly flirting with Harry and thought it woukd be funny )
"I dont know..." Eliana said unsure she really could not do much then slightly move a magazine. However Amber had insured her that she was doing a lot when protecting Kaleb before she got to them and this morning when Amber came into the living room to find items floating in mid air as she slept.

"Let's wait off until you two have breakfast okay? Then you can both go off and test out Eliana's abilities" Amber said walking over and placing plates of food infront of them both.
(Lol also I can imagine Josh just weirdly staring are Earl and Emily when they came over XD Emily getting weirded out and yelling at him threading to turn him into a slug(with her non existent wand) if he did not stop)
"You really should not go off wondering the castle at night....your lucky Mrs. Norris or Filch didnt see you..." Emily commented.

"The monster...your not going to let him out are you...." Myrtle asked floating over to Earl moving her hand across his face. "You will protect me right?..." she said moving close to him "I'm so scared"
(Lol just have her flurt with Earl just because she was weirdly flirting with Harry and thought it woukd be funny )
"I dont know..." Eliana said unsure she really could not do much then slightly move a magazine. However Amber had insured her that she was doing a lot when protecting Kaleb before she got to them and this morning when Amber came into the living room to find items floating in mid air as she slept.

"Let's wait off until you two have breakfast okay? Then you can both go off and test out Eliana's abilities" Amber said walking over and placing plates of food infront of them both.
"I'm not a student. What's he gonna do call my mom and dad?" He said.

"Far as I know the basilisk's dead." Earl said. "Harry Potter killed it in his second year."

"Well... Darkwolf is smelling something. Is there a way to get past these sinks?" He asked.

Earl shifted uncomfortably. He never liked mentioning this. "Well. One of us... Could open it..." He said.
Aw fine...." He said.
"I'm not a student. What's he gonna do call my mom and dad?" He said.

"Far as I know the basilisk's dead." Earl said. "Harry Potter killed it in his second year."

"Well... Darkwolf is smelling something. Is there a way to get past these sinks?" He asked.

Earl shifted uncomfortably. He never liked mentioning this. "Well. One of us... Could open it..." He said.
Aw fine...." He said.
"Well I know that, but he dosent and not mater what you tell him he would not believe you....it would just have been a mess and annoyance..." Emily said crossing her arms.

"What open it!...why is it that boys always want to open and let loose the moster!" Myrtle said in annoyance going through Earl this time and flying up above the sinks.

"Well...Darkwolf seems very determined somethings down there...maybe we should open it..." Emily said staring over at the Poochyena who had not left the spot. "What is there to loose? We know the Basilisk is gone..." Emily added looking over to Earl "Well if you think your okay opening it.." she said placing her hand on Earl's shoulder.
"No pouting...you will get to go...but first you need to have breakfast " Amber said setting down a plate for herself and sat down with them to eat.
"Well I know that, but he dosent and not mater what you tell him he would not believe you....it would just have been a mess and annoyance..." Emily said crossing her arms.

"What open it!...why is it that boys always want to open and let loose the moster!" Myrtle said in annoyance going through Earl this time and flying up above the sinks.

"Well...Darkwolf seems very determined somethings down there...maybe we should open it..." Emily said staring over at the Poochyena who had not left the spot. "What is there to loose? We know the Basilisk is gone..." Emily added looking over to Earl "Well if you think your okay opening it.." she said placing her hand on Earl's shoulder.
"No pouting...you will get to go...but first you need to have breakfast " Amber said setting down a plate for herself and sat down with them to eat.
He looked at her and nodded. He stared st the sink imagining it to he a snake. He said open but came out as a mess of hissing.
He started eating quickly.
He looked at her and nodded. He stared st the sink imagining it to he a snake. He said open but came out as a mess of hissing.
He started eating quickly.
Emily moved her hand off his arm and took a step back as Earl walked over to the sink. Myrtle screeched as she flew off into her stall as there was a rumble that came from the sinks. They all spread apart and one lowered into the ground allowing them passage. Inbetween the spread out sinks there was a dark hole.
"Slow down Kaleb, you going to give yourself a stomach ache" Amber said with a chuckle seeing how he was wolfing down the food.
Emily moved her hand off his arm and took a step back as Earl walked over to the sink. Myrtle screeched as she flew off into her stall as there was a rumble that came from the sinks. They all spread apart and one lowered into the ground allowing them passage. Inbetween the spread out sinks there was a dark hole.
"Slow down Kaleb, you going to give yourself a stomach ache" Amber said with a chuckle seeing how he was wolfing down the food.
"Return Darkwolf." He said returninf Darkwolf to its ball. He looked down the whole. He different ball appeared. "Lets go Firefly." He sent out a Volbeat who glowed brightly.
He sighed and slowed down some.
"Return Darkwolf." He said returninf Darkwolf to its ball. He looked down the whole. He different ball appeared. "Lets go Firefly." He sent out a Volbeat who glowed brightly.
He sighed and slowed down some.
Emily walked over to look down the hole "how deep you you think it is?..." she asked. She soon got her answer as Ryan called out another of his pokemon. She watched as this large round beetle like firefly flew down the hole.
Eliana could not help but giggle. She smiled as she ate her breakfast.
Emily walked over to look down the hole "how deep you you think it is?..." she asked. She soon got her answer as Ryan called out another of his pokemon. She watched as this large round beetle like firefly flew down the hole.
Eliana could not help but giggle. She smiled as she ate her breakfast.
"Only one way to find out?" Ryan jumped down
Once they were done Kaleb put his utensils down. "Lets go!"
"Only one way to find out?" Ryan jumped down
Once they were done Kaleb put his utensils down. "Lets go!"
"He is as mental as you are..." Emily cheekily comment to Earl as Ryan jumped down. "You still alive down there?" Emily called down the hole.
Eliana giggled at Kaleb excitement to go as she took the last to bites of her food and got up. "Okay done!" She said

"Hey you two be careful out there...wach out for eachother and if you guys need anything don't be afraid to call me okay..." Amber said as they got ready to run out. A bit of concern in her tone of voice.
"He is as mental as you are..." Emily cheekily comment to Earl as Ryan jumped down. "You still alive down there?" Emily called down the hole.
Eliana giggled at Kaleb excitement to go as she took the last to bites of her food and got up. "Okay done!" She said

"Hey you two be careful out there...wach out for eachother and if you guys need anything don't be afraid to call me okay..." Amber said as they got ready to run out. A bit of concern in her tone of voice.
No answer. Ryan didn't hear them he was too deep down. But a second later Firefly came flying up and motioned them to jump.
"Okay!" He said. "Uh although Amber. We're probably gonna head back to my place after this."
No answer. Ryan didn't hear them he was too deep down. But a second later Firefly came flying up and motioned them to jump.
"Okay!" He said. "Uh although Amber. We're probably gonna head back to my place after this."
Emily watched Firefly come back up. "Guess it's safe..." Emily said taking a deep breath preparing herself mentally before jumping down the hole.
"Oh that's find, your grandfather was worried when I told him about what happened. But I am just saying that I'm here if either of you two need me okay..." Amber said. With that Eliana went over and gave Amber a hug, thanking her before leaving out the door with Kaleb.
Emily watched Firefly come back up. "Guess it's safe..." Emily said taking a deep breath preparing herself mentally before jumping down the hole.
"Oh that's find, your grandfather was worried when I told him about what happened. But I am just saying that I'm here if either of you two need me okay..." Amber said. With that Eliana went over and gave Amber a hug, thanking her before leaving out the door with Kaleb.
Earl followed her. They all landed in piles of bones. Ryan was feeling the walls checking the bones and all kinds of other things.
Kalen gave her a small teo finger salute and slso left
Earl followed her. They all landed in piles of bones. Ryan was feeling the walls checking the bones and all kinds of other things.
Kalen gave her a small teo finger salute and slso left
Eliana covered her mouth as she let out a muffled scream when she found out what she had landed on. She quickly got off the pile of bones, almost tripping over herself as she ran out of the pile. She felt sick to her stomach as she shivered still feeling all those bones touching her.
Eliana walked out Amber's home and walked down the street "You sure you are all better now?.." Eliana asked braking the silence still worried about Kaleb after him being shot.
Eliana covered her mouth as she let out a muffled scream when she found out what she had landed on. She quickly got off the pile of bones, almost tripping over herself as she ran out of the pile. She felt sick to her stomach as she shivered still feeling all those bones touching her.
Eliana walked out Amber's home and walked down the street "You sure you are all better now?.." Eliana asked braking the silence still worried about Kaleb after him being shot.
Ryan seemed to be having a different reaction. He seemed immensely curious. "So this Basilisk. I assume that all of them prefer dark damp spaces?" He said as ran over inspecting an old skin.
"Yep. Right as rain."
Ryan seemed to be having a different reaction. He seemed immensely curious. "So this Basilisk. I assume that all of them prefer dark damp spaces?" He said as ran over inspecting an old skin.
"Yep. Right as rain."
Now that they had walked away from the pile of bones she had fallen in Emily had calmed down. (just imagine dirty roting carcasses is all Emily could think off when she fell into the pile XD). "Wow...old skin..." she whispered to herself seeing the skin now due to fireflies light. She could see that the basilisk was larger then she had imagined from the story of when Harry had defeated it. "Yes they do....very large snakes...king of snakes...they have very long lifes...spiders are even terrified of them and we'll are very dangerous creatures..." Emily said looking at the large skin as they walked.
"Okay...if your sure..." Eliana said feeling a bit more reinsured at house upbeat he seemed. "So um...we head back to your home?..." she asked
Now that they had walked away from the pile of bones she had fallen in Emily had calmed down. (just imagine dirty roting carcasses is all Emily could think off when she fell into the pile XD). "Wow...old skin..." she whispered to herself seeing the skin now due to fireflies light. She could see that the basilisk was larger then she had imagined from the story of when Harry had defeated it. "Yes they do....very large snakes...king of snakes...they have very long lifes...spiders are even terrified of them and we'll are very dangerous creatures..." Emily said looking at the large skin as they walked.
"Okay...if your sure..." Eliana said feeling a bit more reinsured at house upbeat he seemed. "So um...we head back to your home?..." she asked
His eyes fell on a single egg wrapped in the skin. "What's that?" He asked walking over to it.
"Yes. And test our your awesome powers." He sais.
His eyes fell on a single egg wrapped in the skin. "What's that?" He asked walking over to it.
"Yes. And test our your awesome powers." He sais.
Curiosity quickly hit Emily as she quickly rushed over to Ryan and looked down at what he saw. "I think it's and egg.." Emily said as she pushed away more of the skin. "It is!...it has to be a Basilisk egg...this is amazing!" She said
Eliana blushed at him calling her powers awsom. "We are going test them in your house right not outside?" She asked nervious for anyone to see her with abilities.
Curiosity quickly hit Emily as she quickly rushed over to Ryan and looked down at what he saw. "I think it's and egg.." Emily said as she pushed away more of the skin. "It is!...it has to be a Basilisk egg...this is amazing!" She said
Eliana blushed at him calling her powers awsom. "We are going test them in your house right not outside?" She asked nervious for anyone to see her with abilities.
Ryan carefully picked uo the egg. "Careful." Ryan said. "That thing has full marks in the danger category." He said. "Yeah well so did Acro." Ryan said.
Ryan carefully picked uo the egg. "Careful." Ryan said. "That thing has full marks in the danger category." He said. "Yeah well so did Acro." Ryan said.
"Yes Acro and an acromantula has high danger marks, but it's very different for a Basilisk. They are venomous, and you have to know that indirect eye contact can parylize you, however direct eye contact can kill you.." Emily said.
"Okay" Eliana said feeling less nervous as they walk back to his home
"Yes Acro and an acromantula has high danger marks, but it's very different for a Basilisk. They are venomous, and you have to know that indirect eye contact can parylize you, however direct eye contact can kill you.." Emily said.
"Okay" Eliana said feeling less nervous as they walk back to his home
"Well then I'll find a solve for that. I'll give him sunglasses or something." He said.
Once they were home his grandpa gave the two of them a great big hug. It was warm but also he smelled like booze.
"Well then I'll find a solve for that. I'll give him sunglasses or something." He said.
Once they were home his grandpa gave the two of them a great big hug. It was warm but also he smelled like booze.
"Sunglasses?..." Emily looked at Ryan in complete confusion. Would the creature even allow to keep such thing on there face. "Would such muggle thing even work?" She asked looking at Earl in disbelief "sunglasses are for sun use I thought....and even so you can't completely block out the sun..." she said (let's just say she still looked up at the sun with sunglasses when she first tried them on)
Eliana returned the hug. It was sweet that Kaleb's grandfather had been so worried for them however it was noticeable he had been drinking a lot as he clearly smelled of booze.
"Sunglasses?..." Emily looked at Ryan in complete confusion. Would the creature even allow to keep such thing on there face. "Would such muggle thing even work?" She asked looking at Earl in disbelief "sunglasses are for sun use I thought....and even so you can't completely block out the sun..." she said (let's just say she still looked up at the sun with sunglasses when she first tried them on)
Eliana returned the hug. It was sweet that Kaleb's grandfather had been so worried for them however it was noticeable he had been drinking a lot as he clearly smelled of booze.
"Well it would solve the problem of looking directly into its eyes at least." Earl said. "Always a buffer "
"Grandpa... How much did you dri k while we were gone?" Kaleb reprimanded
"Well it would solve the problem of looking directly into its eyes at least." Earl said. "Always a buffer "
"Grandpa... How much did you dri k while we were gone?" Kaleb reprimanded
"Well I guess if the glasses can create a barrier then you shoukd be fine...well just the not getting killed part. You could still get paralyzed with indirect eye contact.." Emily said
Eliana kept quite but she would guess the man had more then a dink of two from how much he smells.
"Well I guess if the glasses can create a barrier then you shoukd be fine...well just the not getting killed part. You could still get paralyzed with indirect eye contact.." Emily said
Eliana kept quite but she would guess the man had more then a dink of two from how much he smells.
"I'll figure something out." He said.
"Sorry. I got.... Worried."
"I'll figure something out." He said.
"Sorry. I got.... Worried."
(For super hero last page were rped in was page 3737)

"Okay....and we'll maybe Earl can talk to it, I mean if it hatches while you are with us.."
"I'm sorry all this caused you to worry sir, it really was my fault Kaleb got hurt.." Eliana spoke out feeling bad for the old man as she held her hands together and looked down "but Kaleb is all better and igain I'm real sorry for what had happened..."

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