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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"I don't know any" she said
"Perfect." Peter said. "Okay. Then all we can do is- LOOK OUT!" Peter pushed Sage out of the way and grabbed a Manticore that was about to bite her by the head. It thrashed in his grip but he held his ground. "Bad kitty. No killing... My friends!"
"Perfect." Peter said. "Okay. Then all we can do is- LOOK OUT!" Peter pushed Sage out of the way and grabbed a Manticore that was about to bite her by the head. It thrashed in his grip but he held his ground. "Bad kitty. No killing... My friends!"
After getting pushed out of the way, Sage looked at Peter. "Be careful!" She looked around at all the fighting, trying to think of a solution
"Its just a scratch." She said holding out her arm. Three deep claw marks could be seen.
"Just a scratch." Peter said sarcastically. "This is going to sting a little." He pulled some noxema pads from his backpack and rubbed them gently against her arm disinfecting the wound.

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