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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"I'm unsure..." The two Links looked out the window. Both of their eyes widened. In complete synch with each other they pulled out their swords and ran towards the castle exit.
"okay time to fight manticores" sage said. Guards went to face the creatures
It goes to sting him with its tail.
He grabbed it's tail. "Time for a bit of Spider-Strength." He spun around and spun it as well throwing it into the air. As it flew through the air an arrow went through it's house. Skyward was looking at the manticore his bow drawn.
He grabbed it's tail. "Time for a bit of Spider-Strength." He spun around and spun it as well throwing it into the air. As it flew through the air an arrow went through it's house. Skyward was looking at the manticore his bow drawn.
It roared getting hit. Sage shot a fireball at another manticore. "Nice one guys"

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