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Fandom Mt. Olympus University | CS {open}



Character Sheets: (please still make a character sheet even if you have chosen your god/goddess)
God's Name: (name of the god/goddess you chose)
Age: (between 18-25)
(older gods should be higher years)
Personality: (should match the personality of your god based on Greek mythology)

Bio: (optional but helpful)
Powers: (like personality, should match the powers of your god)
Likes/Dislikes: (optional)
(optional, you may fill this in as we go along in the rp)
Relationship: (optional, you may fill this in as we go along in the rp)

Third years: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia
Second years: Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Athena, Persephone, Thanatos
Third years: Eros, Nemesis, Nike, Aesclepius, Deimos, Phobos, Harmonia, Hebes, etc.


Poseidon: @Cicada3301
Hades: Insidi Insidi
Aphrodite: girl_on_fire girl_on_fire
Artemis: ThistledownDaydreams ThistledownDaydreams
Apollo: RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity
Ares: Diagonal Diagonal
Athena: numskulls numskulls
Hephaestus: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Dionysus: karma.chameleon karma.chameleon
Persephone: MegMath13 MegMath13
To see more available gods and goddesses: Greek Gods List • Names of the Greek Gods & Greek Goddesses List • Names of the Greek Goddesses & List of Greek mythological figures - Wikipedia
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God's Name: Poseidon
Age: 25
Sexuality: Straight
Year*: Third Year
Poseidon's personality traits clearly defined who he was as a god and even as a human. Poseidon was known for his anger and wrath, and the violence that usually accompanied it. He could sometimes be quite nice, however he was also greedy, moody and cruel, especially in situations that did not please him.
Bio: I don't know ANYTHING about him. All i know is he is the Holy God of the Sea and Horses.
Powers: Able to make TIDAL WAVES and Can fish extremely well.
Likes/Dislikes: Water, Fishing, Swimming.
Appearance: 1538797516768.png
Rivalries/Alliances: Dislikes Hades and sometimes Zeus.
(optional, you may fill this in as we go along in the rp)
Major: Water Manipulation and Underwater Architecture.
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God's Name: Aphrodite "Di"
Age: 21
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: flirty, bubbly, can be dark, intelligent to an extent, vain, kind, compassionate
Bio: lived on a beach house
Powers: can make people fall in love with her. manipulates emotions. beautification.
Major: beautification
Likes everything beautiful. Dislikes mean people.
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God's Name: Hades

Age: 24

Sexuality: Hetero

Year*: Year Three

Personality: Hades sees the world through a cold lense, seeing how the world of politics can tear men apart and how everyone backstabs each other for the sake of it and, as such, Hades has leaned to become like that: Cold and ruthless. However, he does have a sense of humanity to him, with him trying to be just and reasonable as possible, while also having the love of his dearly beloved, Persephone... though, if anyone were to harm his beloved, he would literally burn the world down to hunt them down. However, these two constantly war within him, tearing him apart on whether to look upon the world with a cold lense or a warm one

Bio: WIP

Can turn himself invisible
Can communicate with people that have died
Can, in extreme circumstances, raise the dead as zombies for a period of time

Heavy Metal

Sometimes Zeus
Being arbitrary


Love/Hate relationship with Zeus

Obvious alliance with Persephone
Demeter slightly hates his guts


In relationship with Persephone
God's Name: Persephone
Age: 23
Sexuality: Straight
Year*: second
Personality: Optimistic, Shy towards those she isn't close to ,loving, motherly
Major: Drama/Agriculture
Bio: Lived in a farming town, her parents were well off. Started dating Hades in high school
Powers: Able to make fruits and veggie grow.
obviously Hades
Relationship: Hades: Boyfriend, have lived together for 5 years, been dating 6 years
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God's Name: Ares
Age: 22
Sexuality: Hetero
Year: Second
Personality: Very cocky, prideful, and all around a hothead.
Major: War and Fitness
Powers: (WIP)
Relationship: TBD
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Goddess’ Name: Athena “Thea”

Age: 19

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Year*: Second

Personality: Thea grew up secluded from the outside world because of her unbelievably high IQ, of 256, causing her parents to force her to stay at home and to continue her studies, avoiding real human contact. This led her to be a secluded, quiet person, and apprehensive around people. She can be very judgmental and cruel to others, and has been taught to defend herself when needed. Despite this, she tries to see the best in people, and loves to be around other people. Though she’d never admit it.

Major: Architecture

Bio: Was a prodigy in her small city, and was bullied for her use of large words. Then taught herself self defense because of it.

Powers: Queen of Virgins (basically 😂), Can construct large buildings easily on paper without measurements, can use her wits against others, and can defend herself if attacked.

Likes/Dislikes: Athena likes to spend her time reading in the library and studying. But hates when people tease her for being a “nerd”.


3114A1E7-F662-4F54-A2B3-0B0133BB6306.jpegRivalries/Alliances: Yet to be confirmed. (May have a possible crush on Ares.)

Relationship: To be determined.
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God's Name: Hermes
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
Year: First year
Personality: On the outside, Hermes is very happy-go-lucky. He's normally very excitable and ready to help others, as he's meant to. He does, however, have a bit of a persona as a trickster, something that's become increasingly prevalent recently, born out of a secret resentment toward his role among the gods. Between serving Zeus, herding dead souls for Hades, and running around for all the other gods (he can never say no to helping someone), he secretly feels very underappreciated.
Major: Sports therapy, with a minor in agricultural studies
Bio: Like many other gods, he grew up as part of a small agricultural family, and while he cared deeply for the animals he tended to, always wished for more, which is why he's also an incredibly skilled athlete.
Powers: Can move incredibly quickly, and even fly in some circumstances. Moving at quick speeds, he becomes harder to see, possibly even invisible, which helps with his trickery. In a pinch, he can teleport, but it weakens him. Cannot be physically injured or contract earthly diseases. He can also commune and empathize with the dead in order to escort them to the underworld.
Likes: Animals, running, positive reinforcement, playing music
Dislikes: Being treated like a "lesser" god, strife between the other gods, having to commune with the dead (it makes him sad)
Very loyal to Zeus, and always trying to make him proud. Works for Hades, but is a bit intimidated by him. Has a very close friendship with Apollo, though sometimes they get on each other's nerves. (Not so) secretly smitten with Aphrodite.
Relationship: To be determined
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God's Name: Artemis

Age: 18

Sexuality: Demipansexual

Year: First year

Personality: Artemis is generally shy and quiet, but deeply empathetic and has a deeply driven passion to help others however she can. Sometimes, this can cause her to forget to care about herself. She's a "witchy" type and adores moon charms and crystals. She has a connection with animals and is very defensive of them. She is also very defensive of herself, cherishing her purity, which makes it hard for her to make friends. Though she has a reputation for being a shy, righteous little girl, she does have a taste for mischief and adventure.

Major: Astrology

Bio: Artemis was in a brief relationship in high school with a minor god who had tried to take advantage of her. She's hoping for a new start at this school. Her parents don't care much about her, so she spends most of her time alone with her two hunting dogs, doing things herself. Sometimes her stag comes to say hello, though he usually stays in the woods. Yes, she's a virgin, but that doesn't change the fact that she does believe she'll find true love one day... somehow.

Powers: When Artemis has a bow and arrow, she will never miss. She can also communicate with animals. She is very intuitive and can predict things by watching the night sky, as well as feel whether a person can be trusted or not.

Likes: Archery, animals, music, reading, astrology

Dislikes: Bullies, bigots, and the like

Appearance: Brunette, short but of average build, with piercing, hard brown eyes. She dresses in simple tunics, leggings, and boots. She usually wears a light chestplate and armguards.

Rivalries / Alliances: She has always, always, always admired Persephone from afar. She's always wanted to be Persephone's friend, but knows that Persephone is way out of her league. She also admires Athena for her intelligence, but knows the girl puts up a sort of mask. She wants to get to know Athena better, and figure her out for who she is.

Relationship: TBD
God's Name: Hephaestus
Age: 24
Sexuality: Hetero
3rd year
Personality: (WIP)
Immune to fire and can manipulate it to suit his needs
Working, Silence, His crafts
Dislikes: Social Interactions,

Primary Character - Apollo
God's Name: Apollo
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Year*: Second

Personality: Apollo is a musician, a historian, and a dramatic. He's obsessed with futuristic ideas, and has a few of his own, but he can't seem to settle down and figure out what he wants to do, as him. (essentially, he's a childish version of what he's destined to be... the Roman Apollo (heh). He'd probably be more popular with the ladies, if he didn't come off as self-absorbed... or more closely, vain.
Major: History
Minor: Music Theory
Bio: The son of an aristocrat of the highest order, Apollo was raised to have high standards in everything. The cause of his apparent vanity is actually a supreme anxiety that he will never be good enough, because of the fact that his mother was never satisfied in his work. This led to a falling out between the two of them, and when his father cheated on his mother, Apollo's mother turned her rage on Apollo, ordering him to get out of the house, and build something of his own, or she would force his father to disown him. This is when he decided to go to University.
Powers: Prophecy, Healing, Musical Prowess, and Control of the Sun, Archery
Likes/Dislikes: Disorder, Discord, Chaos, Anything that isn't Aesthetically pleasing, illogical arguments, blind fanaticism, ignorance, stupidity.

Alliances: To be built
Relationship: To be built/approved (in PM)

I'll be making a seperate CS for Thanatos only after this one is approved

God's Name:




Dionysus reputation precedes him. He's that kid; carefree, festive, wild and bohemian. The life of every party, he carries himself with an easy swagger, and lives his life behind the foggy shroud of drunken carelessness. But he's not as youthful as he seems; he's much more than his reputation. He's the god of grape harvest, wine, fertility and theatre...but also of insanity, chaos, and of religious madness. His temper is subtle, but its short, and he will reward ruthless and swift punishment to those who he believes have wronged him. He cares very little for others, too caught up in his own wild and passionate lifestyle, and will manipulate for his own amusement.

He is the god of joy, but of cruelty as well.


He can cause madness in men, force shapeshifting in others and cure illness

Dionysus was born the son of a prominent religious leader, and was raised in a small community

Unique Characteristics:
As part satyr, he has two small horns sprouting from his head

Idk, I guess I'll talk it over in OOC for now


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