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Fantasy Mountain of Roses: A Futuristic Fantasy Act 1 (On Hiatus)

"...Ross, I have not had a formal education in a public setting for a while. But I'm fairly certain that whatever just happened over there isn't exactly permitted." He shifted the conversation's topic much as he had shifted his gaze towards the Gatoman. Reiner looked distastefully at the amount of blood that had been spilled before the first day had even started. The Wyrmblut finished off his bacon as he turned back to his fellow freshman.

"I almost feel like searching for some staff right now but I'm pretty sure that others around us are already, how do you say it, phoning it in now? Though, given the fact that one of those combatants has a knife sticking out of their side I seriously have to question just how competent the security is here." It wasn't the bloodshed that was the most disturbing thing about this, but rather the fact that no one had even attempted to break up the fight. After all, this was a place of higher education filled with the relatives of influential Damasceans and foreign dignitaries.

"Not to mention, getting into a fights among ourselves only serve to weaken our combined strength against the Fracture. I thought a university was supposed to hold itself to higher standards than a kindergarten." Reiner's tone wavered between disillusionment and anger now as he devoured the rest of his hash browns. He sighed, perhaps the hopes that he had for this institution were little more than wishful thinking.

Celine was now going to toy with the boy. His flustering and shifting was becoming all too enjoyable for her, and what could she say? She needed a punching bag every once and a while, and she'd probably treat him to ice cream afterwards, so here goes nothing.

"Maybe it was just nothing, but as I said, you look like someone I might have read about. It could just be my intuition led astray, but as I said before, I'm pretty good at remembering faces. It's a perk of being raised in a palace." She extended a hand, still keeping her chin on her left palm as she did so. Celine took Creighton's hand and shook it daintily. "My name is Celine DeScientia Sudlich. If you're who I think you are, you will have heard about my House. I'm second heir to my family behind my brother, currently serving in the army for the Northern Danaa Coalition." She bowed her head gently. "It's a pleasure to make you acquaintance, Creighton."

She said the name with distrust. Well, not quite distrust in the truth of his name. She was certain this Creighton boy wasn't lying to her, at least at this point. Something about his eyes told her that, but anyway. She knew there was something he was holding back; she could see it in the moment of panic exerted by the boy the moment she mentioned knowing his face. Celine returned her hand to fit nicely with her left one, and went back to gazing at the boy with bright eyes and a wide, nearly sadistic grin of interest. "Tell me, my friend, why are you so nervous? I've only been kind to you, after all."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/newcreate-1.php.png.d7971fd4706e96a206fab52a8478c345.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95476" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/newcreate-1.php.png.d7971fd4706e96a206fab52a8478c345.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eruna woke bright and early in the morning. Which was shock considering she always sleeps in. She hopped out of her bed with grin on her face <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eruna-anime.png.7e1baabff54ac981ac4fd44651497124.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eruna-anime.png.7e1baabff54ac981ac4fd44651497124.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> and headed to the bathroom and got ready for the day. "Let's see what should I do first?" She was hungry so she decided she would go on to breakfast. Though she really didn't know her way around yet. "Right! I'll just ask someone to show me!" She dashed out of her room and asked around looking for the cafeteria.

Once she finally found it she got in line waiting to get her food. She looked around and saw a whole bunch of interesting people. She wanted to make some friends and also have some fun ad cause a little trouble maybe. She couldn't help it its like it was in her genes she just had to make things more interesting. But the moment she got her food and started heading to a table she noticed something going on. "Is that guy bleeding?!" She looked around and it seemed like no one was doing anything about it. This is interesting....why is no one helping? I thought people were more helpful here. Seeing as no one else was going try to help him with that wound she walked over to his table then set the tray down. "Um doesn't that hurt?" She couldn't understand why he wasn't trying to care of it. Then she noticed something. "Hey you have cat ears!" She blushed out of excitement. "Lucky!" Then she shook her head seeing as she was getting off topic. "Anyway we should probably get you to the nurse and stop that bleeding."

@One Mean Ghost



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"Um, doesn't that hurt?"

Kuro's golden eyes looked up at the girl who approached him, her tray on the table across from his. "No. It feels like I've been kissed by a Unicorn under a rainbow made of candy.." He replied, his voice positively dripping with sarcasm as his eyes rolled.

'Kuro, be nice, it's not her fault. You don't need to make an ass out of yourself...' he mentally chastised himself for being rude. His eyes closed and he sighed.

"Sorry, that was ru-"

"Hey you have cat ears!"

"Well... ye-"


That was not what he had expected to hear. Having cat ears was lucky? His tail picked up a little as he watched this strange girl curiously. Clearly she didn't know that being a Gatoman here was something of a curse. She didn't seem like she was pulling his tail. She seemed completely genuine in her concern.... He stared at her for a moment longer, trying to figure her out before he came to realize that he would be better off talking if he wanted to learn more about this girl. She mentioned seeing the nurse, and he shook his head.

"No thanks. The knife didn't hit anything vital. The bleeding will stop on its own soon enough" He pressed a hand firmly over the wound to put pressure on it to stop the bleeding, still eating with one hand as if it were no big deal to have a knife wound in his side. He set down his fork for a moment, taking a drink of his coffee as he watched this girl, wondering what her angle was. Why was she showing such concern in him?

"I should probably introduce myself... My name is Kuroneko Kouun... Though I go by Kuro. Less of a mouthful that way.." He remarked, staring up at her and holding her gaze as his tail swished curiously behind him, even his ears had perked up in this girl's presence. She had attracted his curiosity, that much was painfully obvious now.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/newcreate-1.php.png.74638850559dca7b42df2f7dd430d6e7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/newcreate-1.php.png.74638850559dca7b42df2f7dd430d6e7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eruna-anime.png.29db3067a05260a6181db979e70b05e7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eruna-anime.png.29db3067a05260a6181db979e70b05e7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She relaxed in her seat seeing as he didn't want to go take care of it. Shrugged her shoulders, "Well alright then." She started eating her food and then looked up at him when introduced himself. She smiled at him meeting his gaze. "Well nice to meetcha Kuro." She noticed his tail moving back and forth ears seemed perked up. Apparently she had attracted his curiosity. Heh looks like he's the curious type. He'd be fun to mess with. Ah! No I promised mother no mischief. But it sure is tempting. She then realized she hadn't introduced herself yet. "Oh I'm Eruna Suzumiya." She then continued eating her food wondering what she could next. She was really new to all this including some of the tech here. Her mom taught her some things but the moment she arrived she had been amazed by everything. A thought then came to her mind. "Hey you know your way around here and town?" She said as she took a sip of her orange juice.

@One Mean Ghost



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"I know my way around locations wise.. if you need tech support, look for someone else. I'm still trying to figure out how to unplug the glass door in my room...." He remarked, his ears laying back as he remembered that obnoxious door that scared the hell out of him every morning. He shook the though from his head. "I'll admit, it's a bit tough finding your way around your first year, but eventually you'll get the hang of it." he managed something of an awkward smile as he watched her. This was the most anyone had really spoken to him at once since he got here the year before...

He closed his eyes, taking a drink of his coffee, when his eyes opened, they glowed brightly, a 3D scale model of the school and the town springing up from the tabletop. "We're here now" he nodded his head, a small marker shaped like a cat's head appeared inside the cafeteria of his illusion model along with a blue marker shaped like the sign on the women's lavatory. If she were to look at his eyes, she'd see that the entire eye was glowing golden.

"Did you need help finding a particular place?" He asked, though his gaze was focused on his illusion. She seemed friendly enough, and she hadn't tried to pick a fight with him out of nowhere, so he might as well be a little helpful. It couldn't hurt right?

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/newcreate-1.php.png.e5c32ac5c0c8026a00b20f8b8b0f7fc7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/newcreate-1.php.png.e5c32ac5c0c8026a00b20f8b8b0f7fc7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eruna-anime.png.be9b4132af26a863717eb6078179f1a4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eruna-anime.png.be9b4132af26a863717eb6078179f1a4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She thought about the talking glass that came on that morning. Oh yeah that thing....I kind of smashed it didn't I...kind of scared me to...She decided to keep the fact that she smashed the thing to herself. She finished up her food and then drank the rest of her orange juice. As she was doing that she noticed Kuro's eyes glowing brightly. "Whoa..." she then saw a 3D model of the school and town. She looked at the model trying to figure out how he was doing it. She looked at his eyes which had gone completely gold. Suddenly she snapped out of it when she heard him ask her a question. "What?...Oh uh no where really I've never been to place like this. So I just wanted to see like a tour of the place is all.....by the way how are you doing that?" She asked excitedly.

@One Mean Ghost



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"Illusion magic. You could say I have a knack for it" Kuro chuckled softly, closing his eyes as the town and the school vanished from existence in an instant. "It's kind of my specialty. If I can think it, I can make it" He shrugged, his eyes normal once more as he gazed over at the excited girl. He was starting to relax a little around her, as evidenced by his tail swishing more casually behind him. He polished off the last of his food before downing the last of his coffee, purring just a little in satisfaction.

Yes, he actually purred. It was one of those feline habits that he couldn't always shake. Just like he would occasionally meow without realizing it. Or how he kept a baggie of catnip on him at all times for when he needed to calm down. Catnip was basically cigarette tobacco for Gatomen, and it had a mellowing affect on them. It smelled far nicer though, at least as far as Kuro was concerned. He kept it in his boot though, because he was quite sure he'd catch hell if anyone caught him with catnip...

"If you want a tour, I can give you one. Just give my side a few more minutes so I can move without leaving too much of a trail" He offered, one hand still over the wound in his side to stop the bleeding. Of course, he knew a bleeding side was the least of his issues. The last thing he needed was for the school's Student Council to come after him. He managed to get by his first year without showing up on their radar. He really didn't want to find out first hand if they had a special Disciplinary Committee, or if it was just the main body. He had a sneaking suspicion that no one would believe he didn't start the fight....
creighton r. & elizabeth r.


There was a sort of commotion that took Crieghton's eyes off the woman. Thankfully, or not, he didn't have to sustain uncomfortable amounts of eye contact. Eh sighed mentally. The commotion sounded like it came from behind him, or the general area. By reflex, he swiveled his trunk, planting his palms firmly on the bench as he then spun his head baby right round to look at what was happening. A person with cat ears seemed to be the target of Creighton's own tormentor. He didn't know whether to feel relief that his bully found another target or sympathy for the poor boy who had been thrashed around. Whether he did want to do something or not didn't matter. He couldn't do anything at all. Like a coward, something not strange of him, Creighton sat up from his seat and took his carton of milk, in a panic.

"Excuse me but I have to go." he said with a curt nod. He carefully plucked his cell phone and turned tail, making tracks away from the scene. It was a horrible sight, all the blood and hurt. He practically felt every blow dealt onto the poor lad.

He would get a nice distance from the chaos in the cafeteria before letting his breath to catch up, palms sweaty, knees weak, arms like spaghetti. He found himself standing underneath the shade of the arcade roof of the first floor of the Central Library Building. Looking around, he found something that made him perk up: a medium sized card board box that seemed to just be lying around. If no one is going to use it he might as well take it. Snowball will sure appreciate it when she goes into labor. He knocked on the door it was placed near to, and a man, a staff worker whose name escapes him, appeared from the crack of the door. He meekly asked for the box for some papers he has to sort out and deliver to the boys dorm. The man nodded and closed the door as if he couldn't care less.

Creighton pocketed his phone and placed the carton of milk inside the box before lifting it onto his chest as of he were carrying a load.

Even thus far he remained cautious that he doesn't encounter the same people that had ruined the gatoman's day. For he was sure as hell as they would do the same with him. They have, for the past few years he was in this school.

On his way to the boy's dorm he saw from a distance the troublesome ruffian and his entourage of henchmen. He allowed his reflex to take over and he hid behind the corner he last emerged from just as the boy turned around. Stealthily, the boy hauled his box to the back of the boys dorm to take the lift to the fourth floor. He quickly entered his room and closed the door abruptly, startling his pet cat. He presented his offerings and like magic the cat crawled into the box. Creighton fixed her a bowl of milk, and some pillows inside the box. The basket was good and all, but for a kitten.

He'd then lock the door and opened his Bonfire eReader.

Meanwhile, Edward, along with his posse, walked around the building of the boy's dormitory to have a quick smoke. Curiously enough, there were no cameras monitoring the back of the dorm, only the inside, right where one would enter through the back door. This was a perfect area for delinquents, of course, to engage in their daily amusements. Smoking, drinking, what have you. They don't leave traces behind, like graffiti, mind you. It'd suck to have to find another area to hang out. There, at the back of the building, Edward had his friends light him a smoke. He leaned with some other of the big-shots in the small community they got going.

The one to his right, who had nearly smoked his cigarette to a stub lowered his hand holding onto it from his lips to his waist, and looked at the disgruntled Edward. The look on his fact almost made him laugh.
"What's the matter?" He started. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

'Twas that skinny, cat-eared punk."
Edward spat, after letting the fumes escape his snout through his nostrils. "The nerve of that little shit. I'll get him good. Just he wait."

"Until then, we got that little boy on the fourth floor to pick on. what's his name? Creighton, yeah? You're the one who bothers the poor sod so much."

"Yeah, from grade school. He was a push over. Suddenly just popped into class one day. Said he was two years younger."

Edward's partner in conversation didn't give a reply, and only held his cigarette in his mouth for a seemingly uncomfortable period of time. It wasn't until others walked toward him that he released the cigarette that was acting as a cork and dropped both it and himself onto the ground, screaming and taking in all the air he could get at the same time.

"O-oi!" One of them went over to pick up the rather large boy. "Y'kay there?"

"Goddess preserve me!" He exclaimed between heavy breaths. "I don't know what happened. I just blacked out, and before I knew it, I was choking on my own smoke."

"Didn't you know that smoking kills?" a voice sounded from behind the corner of the building. It sent the delinquents on edge, as they prepared to pulverize who was responsible.


As Damasceane awoke, so did Elizabeth von Rozenberg, an aspirant for the position of her mother, the Lord Magister of the aforementioned city state. The morning sunlight poured into her standard student room through whatever crack in the curtains that parted by automatic motors that tugged on the thick, red fabric, allowing more of the sun to flush the room in his glorious rays of light. A body that bathed in the light, covered by thick silken sheets stirred as the bright rays penetrated the cloth over her face, enough to prompt her into awakening. Like a monster in one of those black-and-white monster films from the eastern Elvish nations, she rose form a sea of white, spilling layers over layers of blankets over the sides of her bed. Next to her bed was a metal stand meant for reading, but rather than an eReader, or even an actual book, it was a laptop that she had forgotten to switch off last night. The sleep button at the base of the laptop blinked every four seconds or so. Groggily, she slung her legs off the side of the mattress and prompted the laptop to life. As the screen lit up, its eye scanner module captured her dull sapphire eyes devoid of any willpower at this time. The lock screen slid out to the right of the screen, and transitioned to the screen of her internet browser, where various kitten pictures was displayed in the hundreds. She browsed a little further down the page, and closed the page afterwards, remembering the late night high she had after winning several rounds of her favorite MOBA. With a small amount of OCD compelling her, she wiped her screen and keyboard before closing the laptop, and fully getting off the bed, kicking her feet into comfortable slippers.

"Good morning, Liza." Her room assistant said in the sort of mechanical manner you would expect of a highly advanced robot: quite realistically. "Here's a daily briefing of the world today." On her balcony glass a number of headlines popped up, pictures and moving videos included. Nothing impressed her, as usual. There were talks of rifts happening rampant, far more than international news admit. She browsed through a few articles, and went to the small corner where she requested to install a kitchen. There, a pot of coffee was boiling, ready for her to pour once she stepped near the counter. "Brewed to 96.1109 degrees Celsius, as per your request. Enjoy." She took the cup, and went back to her balcony screen.

"Pate, mind showing me what's happening on campus?" She blew on the steaming surface of her coffee while enjoying the view of her balcony, that of a beautiful blend of nature and metal-glass structures that were the campus buildings. Soon that view would be obscured when the glass dimmed into a barely transparent shade of black. It required the access of a level 10 security card, which was exactly the one she wore, the ID of the student body head. she pressed the sliver of metal against the glass and the surface the metal touched erupted in small virtual, green particles signaling a success log in. From a single point in the center of the screen, other smaller screens popped up and scattered all over the glass, only for them to be automatically organized numerically according to the designated number of the cameras. From Little Damasceane to the University Main Building fourth floor west wing toilet, she saw everything. By the time she went over the screens, her coffee was cool enough to drink, so she sipped form the mug. "Focus on room 406." The screens other than that of the room she mentioned disappeared, giving the one screen that was left to enlarge itself. It was empty, save for a basket that held a cat in slumber at the corner of the room. "You can't just pick up strays. What ever will I do with you?" She mentally said. "Clear monitoring window, revert to home screen." the computer did just that and returned to the news briefing. "Looks like nothing to do today. Might as well stay in."

With that, she decided to cook something later, with whatever ingredients she may request instead of food from the cafeteria. She never trusted the machines.
How ironic. She checked the time, seeing that it's 7AM. She went back to her lap top, and sat on her bedside, hugging the stand with her thighs as she gripped her mouse with a number pad designed onto the side of it. She logged into the game she was playing last night before passing out, and played a few rounds before her phone rang. She was at the breaking point of the match, she could let the phone ring a little more. It's not like it's important isn't it? It could be, but this game. She was going to win. Her phone stopped roaring as she ended the game with satisfying results: having both surpassed her enemy's city economy with her own, and having the prettiest between the two. She went over to the phone that laid on top of a book, plugged into a charger. 'One missed call' It read. 'From nagging broad'

She knew who it was that she gave an endearing nick name for a contact, and counted down an estimated number of seconds before a kno-

A few knuckles rapped on her chamber door.
"Is anyone there?" A woman's voice said, sounding urgent. "Liza?"

"Nevermore! Go away from my bed room door!" Liza playfully stood behind her door.

"Come on, princess. There's a scuffle happening in the cafeteria." the voice only grew more desperate, but not without sarcasm.

"So early in the morning, and not even the first day of school? You sure it's not some students fighting for a place in line?"

"I wish it was, but it isn't a student's been attacked."

"Why don't you get the disciplinary committee on it, then?"

"They haven't been elected yet, I'm afraid."

"Oh right. Let the students settle it. Get a nurse over or something."

"I think your brother may be involved. He has been seen running to the Library when it had dyed down."

The particular mention of her brother made her agree to see it it immediately. After the necessary preparations were done, she raced from the bathroom to her wardrobe and picked out her school uniform. She wore a long flowing red coat whose tails reached the backs of her calves over a black blouse and a silver crest that marked her position as student council leader. She wore black pants and boots that both appeared sleek, and were comfortable to run in. She opened the door to see one of her cabinet members, the secretary, a small, orange haired Oneshian whose height only reached as far as 5'2. She didn't need to say anything. The intense look on her face and her decisive movements already spoke her intention. She walked over to the cafeteria, only to see the residue of what had transpired. She looked around, and quite a few faces recognized hers. Tuning into the Ether, she sensed where could the culprits have gone, and called over a nurse to see to the gatoman's wound. But she didn't stay too long as she picked up their trail. She followed them, cloaked in a small magical field she conjured up to curve light around her, to make her only a blur in the background. She followed them to the back of the boy's dorm, where she heard the confession of one of the delinquents. With the rare skill of being able to produce two spells at once, she kept the air from one of the delinquents to escape his mouth and nose, and kept him suffocating until she let him go.
"Didn't you know that smoking kills?" She emerged from her invisible field, "So should I for the stuff you pulled off in the cafeteria, Edward. Should've known it was you." She spoke in the manner like he was something that she scraped off her boot. Everyone froze as they realized who they were dealing with. "Was just a bit of play fighting! He pulled a knife on me!" Edward swore, "And your brother? Never touched him, not since grade school, honest!"

"Yare yare dawa. Tell you what, I'll let you go easy for now." She breathed disappointedly as if she wasted her time, and snapped her fingers as a sort of threat to him. "Don't let me catch you and your lot bothering others again. There's a reason why I keep the back of the dorm unprotected."

Edward, who was immensely grateful for her rare display of leniency, was on his knees, thanking her. Out of no where, one of his mates threw a sucker punch, and a heavy one too, at his cheek, enough for him to bite into his own skin. Like an enraged mob, his entire delinquent collective turned on him under the influence of a spell Liz casted. He would be ceaselessly beaten, but not maimed, for an hour or so, which would be when the spell will wear off. For now, she went back to the cafeteria, where the gatoman was, seemingly treated by the nurse already.
"Exscuse me." She approached Neko, and spoke in a well mannered tone, "Would it be a bother to talk to you for a moment? I won't take too much of your time if you will permit.."

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Kuro's ears lay flat on his head as a familiar face entered the cafeteria. He recognized her as the head of the student council. He slouched just a bit in his seat, hoping to stay off of her radar. Frankly he was rather certain he'd get blamed for the fight. Odds are that bastard Edward would try and say that Kuro had pulled the knife first.. As if Kuro needed a knife. His claws were far more effective, hence why he had cut up Edward's chest so easily. That fool looked like hell when he left, and given Kuro looked rather well by comparison, odds are anyone arriving late would assume Kuro had started the fight....

Thankfully, Elizabeth left, if only for the moment. He heaved a sigh, wondering if maybe he had escaped any sort of punishment, only to feel cold hands suddenly at his side, causing him to jump and hiss, his tail fluffing up quite considerably as a nurse looked up at him. "Hold still. Keep jumping around like that and you'll just make it worse.." the nurse snapped, grabbing the belt loop of his pants and forcing him back to his seat as she tended to the wound with some futuristic devices designed to accelerate cell production. The one in the nurse's hand looked almost like a gun, but with a barrel that widened to an opening that closely resembled an old satellite dish.

Kuro reluctantly stayed in place, a low growl rumbling in his throat as his ears laid flat on his head. The nurse pressed the strange device to the wound, eliciting another hiss from the Gatoman before she pulled the trigger, his wound slowly starting to heal and close up. It was quite obvious a little hissing wasn't enough to scare this particular nurse off. His tail swished behind him, his eyes noticing the Student Council President reappearing, and this time, she was moving right for him. He looked across the table at his guest. "Looks like that tour may need to wait..." He grumbled, his ears laying flat on his head as the President made it next to the table.

He had been expecting some chastisement, maybe a harsh scolding. Hell, he wouldn't be surprised if he got clobbered by some spell at this point. The last thing he expected was the cordial, almost friendly tone she took with him.

"Would it be a bother to talk to you for a moment? I won't take too much of your time if you will permit.."

His golden eyes turned up towards the Student Council President, sizing her up much as he had sized up the girl who sat across from him initially. His caution and his suspicion were certainly justified. No doubt Elizabeth had heard of some of the problems Kuro had gotten himself into. The poor boy seemed to have a target on his back. Usually, ruffians would come after him behind the boy's dorm in the blind spot, so no one really had any proof of it, but there were rumors. As of the halfway point last semester, most of the bullies had elected to leave him alone. Some called him a Monster, others just didn't want to run the risk of getting tore up a second or third time... The Student council had never gotten involved, because, obviously, none of the thugs of this school wanted to admit someone beat them up one side and down the other, so a complaint was never registered.

Edward St. Vincent was just the first one to be so brazen about launching an attack in the open to make a statement..

He sighed a little, never breaking his gaze from the Student Council President. Unlike Edward, he wasn't about to act like some sniveling coward, no matter who it was confronting him.
"If you're looking for my statement on what happened, I acted in self defense. Check the security tapes, I didn't fight until it became unavoidable..." He remarked calmly, his gaze never breaking from hers. He knew full well the woman before him was far more skilled and experienced than he was. Kuro wasn't about to start a fight with her. No, if it even got to that point, he'd make an illusion and get the hell out of dodge long before she could start tugging on ether. He was no coward, but only a fool jumps headlong into a fight they have no chance of winning.

"Is there anything else, Miss President?" He asked, showing her the necessary respect, his golden eyes never breaking the gaze. Of course, there were reasons for this. In many people, the eyes betrayed actions. Some small flinch, some small twitch would betray an impending attack.. Of course, he doubted the President would attack without reason. The issue was, he had just been in a pretty nasty fight, in which he had pummeled, clawed up, and terrified a student so badly that the student in question soiled themselves. If she thought he had started it, he'd be due for some sort of disciplinary action.

The last thing he wanted was any of that... But right now, the nurse was still tending to his side, so he couldn't very well get the hell out of dodge. Elizabeth had a captive audience for whatever further questioning she had, whatever that may be.

At least as long as the nurse was working...

@animegirl20 @LeonardPCollins
Josiah Weyland : The Strife Brought-Passion-Filled Bastard Summoner



[The Voice of Raging Heart] : Josiah laid in his room, a listless stare off into the ceiling provide no solace for his thoughts. Turbulent and nagging as they were. It was something less immaterial that was bothering him. A figure which hung it glassy dome, a gem crystal like formation for its entire epidermis. It's sense of fashion was rather darkly prestigious, almost that of a fashionista baron. Lording over with his sense of wit and tact. A stark difference from what Josiah seemed to most. As he was just a brash and headstrong boy with rage in his heart. And colorblindness to boot. it's sense of nobility with Josiah often took glances of inquiry of what such pristine glass or gem like material it was to be. Sure it was a strange idea just to stare off into one's summon, but in a technical sense it wasn't HIS to begin with. Josiah could not decipher the specifics, but rather leave that can of worms unopened. He scoffed as he fully awoke, his summon Louis Schiffer--in all his strangely wispy movements. It was so divinely strange. The formations of mineral-like skin move about in such fluid motion. Like crystal rivers and gem laden smoke.

Josiah looked towards the Summon and spoke for a moment
"I hate that about you. You act too independently. It is annoying to find you wandering about as if you have some sense of duty beyond my words. Do you remember that I have your little summoning inscriptions on my spine and skull? Of course I would not get the more eccentric spirit."Josiah paused as the spirit who went about investigating the room like some spiritual interior decorator. Despite having no external way of showing his expression, Josiah did not have to wonder much about his summon's emotions and thoughts. For they were shared in a somewhat limited capacity. As if there was a form of limited telepathy between them.

Josiah could tell Louis had not grown found over the room.
"If you don't like it you can dissipate to wherever you go that's not here. " Josiah didn't know where the spirit went after it was called to or enter this world. However from guessing at the clear strangeness of the creature's form it would be a logical fallacy and paradoxical place. Everything being born from Chaos and discord. He sighed as he noticed he was being ignored. by the spirit who was fumbling about in the dorm. Scornfully Josiah huffed and puffed. The teenager rose from his bed, still dressed in the attire he came here with. A dystopian-chique. Pic out from Louis's taste for the boy. Still the boy seemed as if he wore the same thing ragged. Of course the boy was clean enough to take care of himself, but boy did he come off as a man rough-necking it.

Josiah had left his quarters to venture off in the main areas of the school. The school was massive. Something that initially was daunting him, but more now than ever was creating a bit of a fissure of opulence and the overwhelmingly strong angst he held against the society that created this school. Nonetheless. It what his mother would have wanted for him. The best education. The best start and walks of life that could be provided for him. He was just anguished that he felt cheating of that desire from his departed mother. The inlaid runes on his bone were a cheat sheet to him. The the code in his genes propped him up for racial bias.

Josiah internalized these thought as Louis floated behind the teen like a lazy guardian, caring very little in the way of his master safety (at first glance.). It was more in fact that Louis already has accessed the danger and he cared little. It was Josiah's emotions of aloofness that feed back to the spirit. Louis looked towards the boy with a bit of playfulness.

"You know darling it doesn't get much better this, it's three square meals a day and being able to do the your Mere (Mother) proud. Or is that what you merely want to think Maitriser (Master) ? Lying to oneself could lead to some rather....unforunate events. I rather it not be your downfall, Maitriser or your "Justice poétique". " The spirit found itself ignored, just as Josiah had done to him. Some poetic justice....

It was a silent walk towards the cafeteria, and entering it was rather a blast of noise and clamor that automatically assailed Josiah. His near constant scowl turned a bit harsher on the inside. Of course he would forget such a thing as other people with in the school. Oh lord had it been a long time for him.
People! People! None more annoying the majority of those who hailed from this country. He wondered what insipid conversations of false superiority gathered here . Louis leaned on the teen's shoulder and spoke after the long silence between them. Carefully plotting his cutting jib once more

"C'est Magnifique! Here is your future! Perhaps you will meet a woman here, who can actually properly dress besides I, hrmm?" Louis joked with the boy, ribbing him a tad--Josiah was having none of it. He preferred the silence "You know Maitriser, I would not kill you to show a bit of glowing radiance and positive form, hrm?" He looked to the master only to find him choosing a small meal from the cafeteria's stock. An apple and a few hocks of meat and for a drink something rather offlimits. Josiah held a flask to his heart and drank.

"Ah I always knew you like the aged women and stock more" Louis reference as before they came to the school Josiah had stole some bourbon from the Weyland Manor's reserves. "And even taking her to lunch, how romantic for an Alcoolique! (Alcoholic) " Louis felt a sudden swift in the air as his master's glare spun towards him. A heel turn to face the following spirit. Josiah looked at it. And spoke nothing. Josiah had yet to find his seat, but he doubt he would find some common ground with anyone. He secluded himself, with only his magical companion at his side. It was a strange sight. The being had a near half-foot on him. And as he tired to sit as a recluse, the flamboyant and personality filled spirit shined against the angst-ridden boy's gloom and doom.... Josiah had his work cut out for him

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/newcreate-1.php.png.94f335d21478f0792f4b3784764c3c9e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95611" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/newcreate-1.php.png.94f335d21478f0792f4b3784764c3c9e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eruna-anime.png.8f1a4e29e117787b5baa9c892f0eac75.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eruna-anime.png.8f1a4e29e117787b5baa9c892f0eac75.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Illusion magic huh?" No one from her home had Illusion magic surprisingly. She watched as it faded and she settled back into her seat. "A specialty huh? Cool" She thought about the stuff she could learn here. That's one type of magic I know father would demanded I learned. She was lost in thought when suddenly she thought she heard purring. "Huh?" She looked up relizing it was him. Holy mess he's purring haha. "Someones comfterble." She said with smiling at him. She wondered if he relized what he was doing.

He offered to give her the tour of the place. She smiled excitedly. "Awesome.......Wait your still bleeding?!" She thought it had already stopped. She looked over to see his hand still on the spot. Then she gave him a irritated look. "That's it me and you are heading to the nurse now." She stood up and walked over to the other side othe table with her arms crossed. She then smiled down at him. "And I'm not taking no for a answer."

She noticed that his attention was somewhere else apparently at a girl who walked in. "Mmm?" She tried to remember where she had seen her. "Wait who was that again?" She thought to herself for a moment. Just as the answer was about to come to her mind but she heard a thump anda hissing noise. She turned around to see a nurse trying to work on his wound. "Well nevermind then seems like she came to you." She then walked back to her seat and watched the nurse work on the wound. She was amazed at how the wound just healed up like that. "That's handy."

She looked at Kuro with slight confused look when he said the tour would have to wait. "Huh?" That's when she saw the girl came over. "...The president! That's it!" She yelled out not caring that the President was probably looking at her now from the sudden out burst. The President wanted to talk to him for moment it seemed. Must be for the fight. Mother said they had rules here about that kind of stuff. She watched as they had their conversation. The way he was acting this was one person you probably shouldn't piss off. She looked at the prisendent and smirked. Whatever like I'm going to act any different when she's around. Suddenly her smirked disappeared as quickly as it came to a nice normal smile.

@One Mean Ghost




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"Most definitely. And either that catlike-bloke, or the fool with the switch is probably going to take the brunt of the punishment. Dragging skeletal beasts from out of the aether in the middle of the cafeteria isn't exactly the most legal thing, but neither is trying to slice someone to ribbons." Ross wrinkled his face as the smell of burning sulphur wafted over to their table. Even after all those fires and all those pipebombs, he never got used to that smell.

"I didn't really see what happened, but all I know is that it looked utterly pointless. See, it's like this-" he set aside his fork, and began counting on one hand, and making strange gestures with the other.

"-I only started watching around the part where that genius with the knife sauntered over and started fiddling with it. That was the first mistake. See, that's aggravated assault right there. The cat didn't even need to start laying waste to them all, he could've called the attacker's bluff, and yelled for assistance, hell, he's in a cafeteria! There's people everywhere!" As Ross' rant droned on, the gestures began to come together, and every time the 'knife' was mentioned, he would draw his thumb across his throat, every time he mentioned 'people', he would start pointing to random adjacent students, much to their discomfort. Some of his other more "creative" hand signals were a little to creative to be deciphered, but he still fervently signed on like a conductor with Parkinson's.

"So call me a coward, but I don't think any of that was called for. I feel like that entire thing could've been avoided, but well never know. Though one thing's for sure. There's going to be more watchmen in here tomorrow, maybe a new camera or two."

elizabeth r.

4593923-asami sato.jpg

Liza was not ignorant of the other pair of younger, much more rebellious eyes that were on her. To the side of the gatoman, whom she had known to keep to himself well enough to not cause trouble for anyone as far as she knows is an orange haired first year. She could guess by the youthfulness in her appearance. It was so much like someone she knew very well in this school. But this person had to wait, as she listened intently to what the black haired gatoman had to say. She wouldn't be one to attack without reason, and as long as he doesn't give him one, she wouldn't lay a hand on him, or anyone for that matter. After each point he gave, she nodded, signifying that she understood. And once that was all over, it was obvious as to what she should do: relax. "Is that so?" Her posture loosened as she gave a sigh of relief. "I assure you I convinced them to not bother you for a while, so you have nothing to worry about. I'll take your word for it." Being trusted by her was a compliment, as she was keen on sniffing out the liars from the truth tellers. After being on the student board for a long time, it's only natural that you get a sense of people on another level. But her friend, the head of the Disciplinary committee, who probably is still on vacation, would know better.

"In that case, would you mind one more company? I may have overheard a little," She began, having recalled the gatoman showing the orange haired girl a holographic map of the school. "If I could be of any help, I'd be more than happy to assist."


@One Mean Ghost
Buras felt... uncomfortable, during his trip on the plane. It did not feel right for him to be in the air like this, in fact he had a white knuckled grip on the arms of the seat until well into the flight. And as soon as he was loosening his grip the first time, they hit a spot of turbulence and he latched right back on. Only once they said that they had landed and he felt the plane stop moving did he let go. And shakily leaving the plane, he saw someone holding a rather large sign with his name crudely drawn on it in the language the Uros spoke in. He had been told to stay with these people for the first part of his trip, and he was determined to do just that.

But let me first tell you what he's wearing. Before he boarded the plane, a nice looking suit was laid out on his bed. That's right, a suit! Tie and everything, which he needed some help with. His traditional wear was wrapped up tightly with a cord wrapped around them to keep everything together. His knife belt, however, dawned it's usual place over his left shoulder and across his chest. It had caused a lot of trouble when he tried to board the plane with them on, and his refusal to remove them. After a mediator came in and informed the guards of the situation, he was given a more secluded space on the plane.

Getting on the train, he nervously stood in the middle and observed what others were doing. Seeing that a good majority were holding onto the rings suspended from the ceiling, he followed their example and tentatively grabbed one. And it was just in the nick of time, for the train lurched forward and he nearly fell over. Luckily the ring kept him from falling completely on his back. So, embarassed at how he was the only one to fall, he braced himself for anything else that was to come.

As it so happened, however nothing really did happen aside from the train stopping, and a lot more smoothly then when it had started. And striding out, another person was there to greet him. They remained with him, filling him in on what the other students were told the day before, all the way up to his room. And giving him a brief farewell, a pat down to make sure he was looking his best like a mother to her first child becoming an adult, they left. Well, now what was he supposed to do? He stared at the ID card that he had received, and slotted it into the door. After a beep which he took for a good thing, he opened the door and jumped at the voice that greeted him. He spent a good hour looking for the source of the voice, thinking it was another person. Finding what he remembered were called speakers put an end to his searching. And with that done, he once more began to wonder what to do. Guess the next thing he could do was wander around until he found something of interest.
Reiner chuckled softly as he dabbed his mouth with a napkin. Despite his eccentricities, the Wyrmblut could still understand his companion to a certain extent. The hand gestures were as incomprehensible as some eldritch tome of power but the ranting was more or less clear. He glanced around with a slight smirk at the students who Ross had pointed at.

"Let's hope so. Maybe the security is more lax during the orientation period." The young man stood up to return his tray and cutlery. He looked over to where that Damascean prince had been sitting and noticed the young man's conspicuous absence. His gaze fell onto the elf who the princeling had sat with but he still couldn't quite recognize her status.

He returned to his seat and pulled out a small spray. Two spritzes of some sanitizing agent were spread onto his hands and he began to thoroughly rub it into his skin. Reiner grinned slightly at the thought of some poor student slipping on the pool of blood that had been left by the Gatoman's fight.

"Ah, Ross, you didn't happen to see the Damascean royalty sitting over there did you? He might have left at some point during the chaos. Looked younger than us."



When the President relaxed, Kuro seemed to do the same. It seemed both of them had been rather tense. Although the President told him he didn't have to worry, he knew it was only a matter of time. People like that didn't just back down. They had a superiority complex they needed to flex. Kuro had encountered several like them. No, Edward would show his ugly mug again in due time to try and recover some of his lost pride.

"As much as I hate to say it, Miss President, they'll be back. I've dealt with their kind before. They won't learn their lesson the first time." He shook his head, his tail swishing thoughtfully behind him. About that point, the nurse who had been pretty much unnoticed stood up, straightening out the hem of her skirt. "That will do it. Now I should probably go find whoever did this.. Knowing you, they'll be far worse off..." she flashed Kuro a bit of a smile, bowing before she left. Although Kuro's fights weren't well known to the Student Council, they were very well known to the medical staff. After all, the highly skilled medics here eventually came to notice the telltale injuries that Kuro's claws inflicted. It became something of gossip among the nursing staff as to which particularly unsavory student would come in next after "falling down the stairs".

"In that case, would you mind one more company? I may have overheard a little,"

Kuro blinked, as if questioning if he had heard her correctly. It wasn't exactly common for the Student Council President to mingle with the underclassmen, especially ones not on the Council themselves. Even his ears perked up, as if questioning her motives. After a few moments of silence, he shrugged his shoulders. "Go ahead. I don't mind" He remarked glancing from the President to Eruna.

Now, to anyone on the outside looking in, Kuro would look like one lucky cat... Two rather attractive girls were sitting with him after all, and one of them was even the Student Council President. There were, no doubt, a few jealous glares aimed in his general direction. No doubt, this would cause him a few problems later....

For Kuro though, he didn't see it that way. He just saw it as a few people taking an interest in him beyond just trying to pummel or kill him for looking like a cat.

"I was going to give Eruna something of a tour. She's still getting the hang of getting around this massive place, and a 3D map only helps so much." His gaze looked up once more on the President. "Not to mention you know how some upperclassmen love to harass the newbies during the week before school starts..." He added. It was a commonly known hazing ritual. Since the Disciplinary Committee wasn't usually elected before the first day of classes, many upperclassmen took full advantage of the opportunity to torment, tease, and otherwise harass the first years. Most of the time it was innocent, such as giving them wrong directions to get them lost. Other times, however, it wasn't so innocent, such as last year when a poor first year got hung from the flag pole by his undergarments.

Kuro had been targeted almost immediately, but word quickly got around about an upperclassman pulling his tail and getting his face tore up for the trouble. After that, a majority of upperclassmen left him alone. It was just the particularly nasty ones that still tried to go after him, but even that didn't last more than half the year before they got tired of sustaining injuries and finding excuses as to how they got them.

Honestly, even Kuroneko was rather surprised he never popped up on the Student Council's radar. Luckily for him upperclassmen weren't about to admit a first year wrecked their shit...

@animegirl20 @LeonardPCollins
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Buras had a firm hold on one of those upper classmen who apparently found him and 'his kind' unsavory. Which was odd, considering he was the only Uros in this school as far as he knew. And he very much doubted this boy had seen a Uros before, let alone heard of one. And ignoring his daunting size, and only being infuriated by Buras' refusal to talk, the would be bully found himself in a rather painful situation.

"Your form is all wrong." Buras said, digging his fingers in slightly before moving closer. "I... saw... the punch coming." he continued, adjusting the boys elbow slightly. "You would have broken your hand with a sloppy swing like that. And a feint would have done you much better." And with that, he left the boy dumbfounded in the hall way, with his cronies wondering what had just happened as much as the bully himself.

Curiously he looked around the campus, absorbing landmarks that he might use in the near future. One room inparticular caught his attention, with a somewhat loud ruccus coming from it and a strange smell following after. Walkin up to the doorway, he stood there and looked at all the different people there. Humans and elves he had already seen. But there was also a man with ears similar to a praire lion. But that was only what he inmediately saw, there was much more that he could not even describe. And so, he stood in the doorway, staring dumbfounded at the scene before him.
Josiah Weyland : The Strife Brought-Passion-Filled Bastard Summoner



[The Voice of The Raging Heart | Location: Cafeteria] : Josiah was more or less distant to the rest of the Cafe. It was rather bustling beyod that. Louis was observing of it all. The low level telepathy gave enough feedback to Josiah's mind. No matter how much he wanted or gave a damn. Josiah wondered little and was clearly absent minded to it all as he ate with a scowl on his face. Louis was took note of the nurse who had attended. It mildly interested Louis till she left.

Louis had recognized the nurse's magics and remember that magic was akin to Josiah's own. He rarely knew of Josiah's past and past experiences. The way of his learning and strife before their strange meeting. Louis only knew that a sadness that was dwelling in the boy's heart that turned ideals into broken dreams, but that his resolve for others still lingered on. The lack of information of the past was nothing new to them, It was the contract they unwillingly and unknowingly shared. Louis was a cunning creature in it's own right but how it came to learn of Josiah was through Josiah's untamed and unchecked heartache and emotions bleeding through. However Josiah had a shitty deal in the end. It was for the reason of Louis ability to seep into his thoughts and "nudge" them. More or less ruining some sense of will to his body. Losing some choice. Psychically suggesting to do a minute task or a thought to pop up at the forefront of his words. Maybe he unlocked the inhibition in Josiah's system.

Regardless, Louis observed the small group only growing larger as he watched another female enter the Gatoman's presence. Louis had thought a few things, too surface level to hide them from Josiah--prompting him to respond to the criticizing and scolding thoughts of the crystal like being
"..I can't handle a shrewd and flamboyant fashionista, what makes you think I need friends or a girlfriend for that matter? Don't be my wing-man and especially don't be my mother."

The summon grumbled as the boy retorted to it's thoughts. Somehow it felt the privacy between them dulled. Or at least bit the trust. If they even had any. Callous as the boy was he was still sore from coming out of his crippled nature and the loss of not one, but both parents. Comatose didn't help. Sleeping made the days go by faster, but never the hurt. The hurt stayed fresh. No closure. His mother dead and his father a recluse. In one way Louis pitied the boy. And in another he felt nothing. For it was rare for his kind to feel emotion. The semblance of even a tiny bit of that mental quality ensure efficiency for some--however Louis felt what Josiah felt. Their bond was beyond skin deep at this point. Beyond the etching of bone and metal. It was their ethereal essences accumulating into one. A union that left paranoia and fear with Josiah. And Louis with another step towards his emotionless directive.

"You make it rather hard for people to like you, Maitriser" It spoke in a low tone of retaliation, the spirit (despite the lack of an actual face) looked towards the boy with a bit of stoic annoyance. "You clearly have spent too much alone, hrm? A regular Ermite (Hermit). You-know-how is a tad bit like that. Best you search for companionship now before you have no chance at all Maitriser. "

Josiah whipped his eyes toward Louis for a moment.
"...". For a moment there was silence. "...". And for another a longer moment. Josiah had no retort to that. Josiah of course believed himself too much alike to his father, inescapable. Developing his habits would not be far fetch. He already had a knack for magics and medical sciences. Why not take his father's disposition as a introvert somewhat. Josiah scoffed, a vocal response as he peered towards the Gatoman and the posse he had attained.

' "What if? What If. What. If." ' He thought with increasing amount of exponential contempt in his mind, the sour truth of the current reality of his situation was different from before, but it was not better. He could walk once more. No longer could he hold the excuse of not being able to walk around and talk. He had the use of his legs now. It was not like his family was broken. The Weyland Manor pitied him, and "befriended him". It was all set for at least a bit of his life. However it was still wracked with...something...

Josiah turned away for the rest of the thought as he tried to cloud out his mind from Louis. Radio Silence was telling enough of what kind of thought he was having. Something that Louis could not use or know about Josiah. It undoubtedly interested the being, but somehow it was either the lack of the ability to properly coax out the information or a respect for the boy--Louis did not pry.

The boy left the scene for elsewhere, still--he was happy he could still walk. One thing to be thankful for.

The silent walk was different. Before it was the voices to the material world, but now it was all around. Empty. No not empty, there was something there, just that it seemed lifeless and almost immovable. It puzzled the summon. Not like the boy had done it before, but the silence was too great on the summon's boredom. And in a flash of light and pristine shine. Like glass dissolving into vapor.

Where Josiah was wandering off to was up to him....or whatever folks in this land called "Destiny" [Moved to Cafeteria to ???]

creighton r. & elizabeth r.


"As much as I hate to say it, Miss President, they'll be back. I've dealt with their kind before. They won't learn their lesson the first time."

This particular comment caught Liza's attention. 'Dealt with their kind before'. This would imply that he had not only a few run-ins with the types like Edward and his filthy lot, but also the experience to deal with them. She would be reminded of the diminishing number of disciplinary committee members. Someone with a flair for taking care of troublemakers, or at least keep them in line would be useful in the future. She can recognize skill, and to put skills to use in an efficient manner is somewhat her forte. "They're going to have to take their lessons form the Disciplinary Committee, because I won't be always available to babysit them." She said, hoping to have planted a seed of thought when she mentioned the committee responsible for doing what Kuro did. An answer form him would have to be delayed on the part of a nurse working on his wound with a medical implement that seemed to knit the skin. "Well, that looks sorted out." She commented, "Feeling better?" Kuro would answer and permit her to stay much to her delight. Staying in her room would be sheer bliss, if the bugging desire to do something helpful wasn't present to nag at her every now and then. And plus, she couldn't ignore a first year when she needs some help getting used to the place.

She noticed the questioning countinance on Kuro's face, and raised a brow at it, as if asking if he were alright. Was it her presence that was bugging him? She was sure to have let off the tension a while ago when she relaxed at the comment of him pulling the knife out out of self defense. Briefly watching the nurse disappear from the cafeteria through the main door way, Liza took a seat next to the orange haired girl. At this point, she felt eyes upon them, both herself and the two persons she sat with. Sure it was strange to see the president outside the office, but it's still vacation damn it! She planted two elbows upon the cold surface of the table, cold enough for her to feel through the fabric of her coat, and rested her chin upon her knuckles as she listened to the gatoman. "That sounds like a plan. Perhaps I could help out? I saw to the touring of quite a number of freshmen." She would look at the orange haired girl, and flash a smile at her. Just so she didn't seem alien to her, she decided to initiate introductions, "I'm Liza von Rozenberg, Liz would be enough for me. What's your name?" She swiveled her head back to Kuro upon the mention, "Yeah, well there's no harm as long as there's no violation of the rules and such."



Creighton felt really bad about leaving Miss Celine. But he was just scared for the bullies that were there, if they should see him. So much for making friends. And he was doing not so terribly at holding up a pleasant conversation too! He sighed as he put down his eReader on its charging pad for him to turn off his laptop that was playing ambient classical music. Yeah, he was one of the types to listen to symphonies, operas and whatnot. The complexity of the pieces by his favorite composers was enough to lull him into focusing on one thing, and one thing alone, which was reading. Otherwise, he would be checking his window every five minutes, or walking aronud his room while reading. He didn't want any of that. It was too distracting. He head meowing from the box that was not the house of his pet cat. And as he looked over, the speckled black-white soon-to-be-mother crawled out of it and leaped up to his bed that has yet to be kept. IT was from there that it used the wall as a convenient scratching post. He was afraid it might make a commotion for the room next to his, so he decided a quiet walk to the boy's dormitory roof was in order. He dressed himself from leisure wear to casual clothes and cradles Snowball in his arms before carefully making his way up to the roof deck where no one usually hangs out at, or at least not until when more students come pouring in. He let the cat scratch at pieces of cardboard he had lying around. While Snowball was busy, he breathed as he looked at the serene view of the school campus. Sure it wasn't purely nature, but that is the beauty of it. So few places have integrated the aesthetics of both nature and man-made structures like the DIU.
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Josiah Weyland : The Strife Brought-Passion-Filled Bastard Summoner



[The Voice of The Raging Heart | Location: Roof] : Josiah felt aching in his mind and overall resistance to the world. He had begun to dwell upon many thoughts, mostly just the obvious teenager angst. The idea of identity and legacy. If he was merely a byproduct of the pool of genes from his parents. It was something all sentient and sapient lifeforms dealt with if they cared about identity, if it was fabricated in a fashion where they couldn't control the outcome. That the world around them constantly change around them and internally changed them. That the percentage of what one was, was not choice--but rather a byproduct of chance and manipulation from outside. However that's enough of existentialism, Josiah himself had enough of that, it was just unnerving the lack of a safe area for him to rest and be calm. Fresh air and the sort.

What was it the drew him to that place? The more theory driven part of his mind? It would be easy to blame his parents, but the cyclical logic in that would break him. Perhaps the answers weren't there--maybe he would find them elsewhere. Josiah scoffed and chuckled, a bit of arrogance puttered out of his voice as he did so. Defiance coiled up his spine and he continued to wander. The DIU was a rather large place, abundant with so many people. So much noise. Where would none would go....

It was a long walk, Josiah had ascended the last flight of stairs. It felt refreshing. A nice silent walk with no one reading his thoughts and movements. As the door creaked open, a gust of a cool wind gave turbulence through the stairwell. Suddenly he heard the mewling of an animal. A cat. It was rather strange to see such an animal here on the roof.

"Hey." He knelt down to the cat for a spell "This isn't a place for folks like you." As he patted the beast he felt the curve and bump of it's belly. "Ah, I heard of things like you taking off wherever they think it is safe. I don't think the roof of something like this is safe though, darling" He spoke in a voice with some contentment to it, it was a voice that was a bit arrogant in it's enjoyment--however it was still earnest and real. The darling hit a different note than when Louis spoke it. It felt more like a "miss" or a "madam". When Louis went about using it, it was teasing and rather flamboyant.

He looked to the soon-to-be-mother feline with a bit of shine to his face. Twas a face he felt when his mother took care of a patient. Josiah never noticed this behavior in himself, however he wouldn't mind taking that as a memory. An homage. To his mother. As he came into the roof proper he noticed a young boy. Shorter, but still noteworthy due to his rather enjoyment of the roof and lonesome nature. Josiah glanced at the boy for a moment. He hadn't spoken a word--but as Josiah was preparing to go to his own corner of the roof, flask of alcohol in hand. The door had slammed, the wind forcing the metal door to close.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Eruna-anime.png.0a7c5edd959f878dfb4da6171aaf8b97.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Eruna-anime.png.0a7c5edd959f878dfb4da6171aaf8b97.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/imageFloat]

Eruna was in deep thought at the moment. Even so she made sure she could hear what was going on around her, something her father taught her.

"As much as I hate to say it, Miss President, they'll be back. I've dealt with their kind before. They won't learn their lesson the first time."

Eruna looked over to Kuro and made a comment. "So who cares let them come back. Just show them a better time." After the nurse finally left she turned her head to the President after hereing her wanting to join them. Eruna smiled brightly. "Sure I don't mind." She answered after Kuro did. She needed more female friends anyway. She had only ever had guy friends.

She noticed People were looking over at this table. Were they jealous or something? Must be I can tell. She looked over to the table beside them and smiled brightly and as innocent as a doll but her voice sounded mocking. "Liking what you see? Or are you just being Jealous?" Seeing as she pissed them off they got up and walked away. "Oh my bad looks like I made them mad." She turned to the other to and smiled . She didn't understand the reasoning for people being jealous. What was the point? Though she herself had never been jealous of anything before. But she is good at making people feel jealous. But that's probabaly not a good thing.

"I was going to give Eruna something of a tour. She's still getting the hang of getting around this massive place, and a 3D map only helps so much." His gaze looked up once more on the President. "Not to mention you know how some upperclassmen love to harass the newbies during the week before school starts..."

Eruna smiled a bit at his last comment. "You should be more worried about them instead of me if they try anything." She then looked over at Liz after she introduced herself. "Nice name mines Eruna Suzumiya."

@One Mean Ghost

@LeonardPCollins<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/newcreate-1.php.png.779f8330a247fe918fd2ecaf7dc326cf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/newcreate-1.php.png.779f8330a247fe918fd2ecaf7dc326cf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kuro couldn't help but chuckle softly when Eruna called out some of the ones who were shooting him death glares. Even if he knew he would probably catch even more flak later, it was worth it to see the stupified looks on their faces.

"They're going to have to take their lessons from the Disciplinary Committee, because I won't be always available to babysit them."

"You should be more worried about them instead of me if they try anything."

He waited for them to introduce themselves before he elected to speak again. "Miss President... I didn't take you for one to be cryptic in your requests...." He mused, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands. He mulled over the prospect. Joining the Disciplinary Committee could cause him a lot of problems.. But frankly, most of the time trouble came to him. If he joined the DC, he could fight back openly and without any fear of getting in trouble for it. Hell, if they were going to fight him anyway, might as well make it his job to fight back. He closed his golden eyes for a moment, heaving a soft sigh before his eyes opened, staring directly at Elizabeth. "I guess it would be rude of me to refuse... I'll join the Committee." he consented, before his gaze turned to Eruna, a light smile crossing his lips.

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself. You forget what kind of students come here, they're all here because they passed that entrance exam that sorted the weak from the strong. Some of the upperclassmen can be quite dangerous." He remarked, his tail swishing around behind him. The only reason he fared so well is because of just how rare illusion magic is. No one knew it was illusion magic. It was always assumed to be something else, and fear was enough to keep most from testing him. Either that or he would carve them up with his claws while they were so distracted by his illusions. It was a completely unfair advantage, and he abused it with gusto.

"Either way, they shouldn't bother you too much if our Student Council President is around. Not many people have that much of a deathwish" He chuckled softly as his tail swished around behind him as his golden eyes looked between the two of them.

@animegirl20 @LeonardPCollins
Sandra Cross

The day was filled with promise, that much was certain. Whether it promised something wonderful or horrible has yet to be discovered. Sandra Cross was a little late to the start (as she often was made to be) considering how many people were already fitting right in, talking among themselves and finding something to busy them self with already as if they belonged all along. Well, actually, they did all belong. Getting an acceptance letter meant they most certainly belonged here and that each and every one of them had something about them that made them special and better than people who were not here.

Sandra knew she belonged academically, as for socially, she wasn't so sure. She pushed the rubber wheels of her wheel chair along through the crowd who automatically made way for her either out of respect and politeness or simply the fear of getting their toes ran over. Some stared, others didn't pay her any mind. Sandra wondered if some of them thought what others before them had the audacity to vocalize to her:

How did the cripple get here?

That was one of her favorite things for people to say, to imply that she was lesser than those with the ability to use her legs. You know what Sandra would do? She would laugh, a light, genuine laugh as if they've said something very humorous and she found it just delightful! And then she would tell them she pitied them for being so ignorant, so naive...

Anything is possible.

At that point, they may either try and come up with a biting retort or just leave the matter alone. Either way, Sandra would have begun to wheel herself away and find something better to do with her time.

The sun warmed her cheeks and Sandra paused to look up at the blue deep sky that seemed to go on forever. Sandra loved warm weather and a bright sunny day. Those were the kind of things hope was made of. Who could ever doubt or despair when their was a shiny, honey colored orb watching over them? Not Sandra. Despite the warmer weather, she still had a red fleece blanket wrapped snugly around her legs, which always seemed to be cold to the touch no matter the temperature. It was a little dull in color, worn, something her mother had made for her when she was little and something she'd never consider getting rid of despite the stray threads and minor tears speckling the edges. She would need it now especially; Sandra was already homesick and it always seemed to smell faintly of her mothers favorite lavender scented incense.

Now, she could go inside and have something to eat, maybe find a table sparse of students or one that offered solitude but staying outside was a lot more appealing. Sandra wheeled herself out of the way of people and sighed in content. She picked up one of the books (of two) lying on her lap and began to read. It was a hand-me-down novel from her mother with yellowing pages, dog eared corners, and a crease down the spine from times it had been left to lay open. Clearly it was something that had been read countless times, yet it was a story she could never grow tired of.
creighton r. & elizabeth r.


Creighton breathed as he leaned onto the metal railing of the roof deck, the cool wind brushing against his hair to the point of almost lifting his fringes off his forehead. The cold of it bit into his cheeks, but he didn't mind to much. It reminded him of a happier time when he was younger. Around five or six years old, his father would take him and is siblings out here in the great rolling plains of the Damascean peninsula where they would have picnics. The worries of being encased in the walled city seemed so trivial out here with no walls. Creighton in the present sighed, and made a wish, to be able to tell his younger self to cherish whatever time he had with his father, for it wouldn't be long until cruel fate stole him away from him and his family. He was everything but a bad father and a good-natured person, which was probably why he plunged without a second thought into death's doors for his people.

He tried to shake away these memories of the past, as they only served to wet his eyelids and irritate his nose. He sighed once more before his eyes lingered to the tall oaks that scattered around campus, and beyond its boundaries. The height of the roof deck did well to provide a great view of the entire university. While not as clear, he could make out the shapes of the other campuses of the other schools, particularly that of the school of Military Magic stood out with its red-grey coloration.

Meanwhile, the snow-white cat whose belly was unnaturally enlarged due to the expected litter of kittens stretched and yawned next to the pile of cardboard that she was given by her most benevolent caretaker. Her grey-blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight, as if like little stars. She couldn't go anywhere far, without the assistance of Creighton as she had to conserve her energy for the little ones. But that didn't mean she didn't go about doing her usual daily routine of sharpening her claws. After a short break, she returned to the cardboard when she exposed her razor claws and started clawing the rough material much to to her amusement. She only hoped she'd get something more substantial to scratch on... like a piece of fine linen. Only problem was that her caretaker didn't seem to like it when she did a number on a pile of clothes on his floor. It was fine, however, cardboard would suffice.

"Hey." A strange sound, and an even stranger smell caught her attention when a shadow was cast upon her. Snowball's first instinct was to turn around, protectively. She was not letting anything mess with her, not with her kittens still needed her. She observed the strange creature that towered before her. Her tail was raised, claws at the ready. She just sharpened those. Her eyes glared at him brightly, as if to say 'That's close enough, buddy.' And what did he do to a pregnant, not to mention, protective cat? He had to pet her. Consequently, she let out feral swipes at his hand that dug as deep as her claws could go, hissing all the while not unlike any protective mother. Where was Creighton?

The boy shot his eyes at the small confrontation between a student and his cat.
Curses! He only had to be distracted for a while to be completely engrossed in the scenery! He wouldn't have noticed if someone were to take her right from under him. Damn it! Damn it! Creighton ran up to the two of them, but saw that the boy had went on his merry way to his own corner of the roof. 'Stay away from her. She feels threatened.' were the words that he wanted to say, but as he opened his mouth, those very syllables that he wanted to utter died in his throat. He wasn't sure if it was out of fear or awkwardness. Perhaps both. Well, if he is minding his own business, it seems like there is no problem. As Creighton relaxed himself from a defensive stance, he felt the big bellied cat brush against his ankles. He smiled contently at the animal and sat next to it and its pile of scratched up cardboard. "You've been a busy little kitty, haven't you?" He picked up the cardboard bits, which were reduced to remnants of their former shapes. "That's fine. I have a little something for you." Creighton slipped his hand into his pocket to fish for a small toy he managed to jury rig out of miscellaneous items he found in campus. He pulled out a stick with a feather attached to it by a string. Strangely enough, it seemed to be Snowball's favorite toy. It was her first ever, if he remembers correctly. He dangled the feather to attract her attention to which she responded happily to by swiping at the target feather, which was colored orange. It never fails to warm his heart, to see Snowball enjoying herself.



"Miss President... I didn't take you for one to be cryptic in your requests...." She didn't expect any less from one sharp as Kuro. She didn't have to coat her words in such an obscured manner. "Cryptic?" She let out a soft, amused laugh, "What ever do you mean by that? I'd never be so bold to do such a thing." "I guess it would be rude of me to refuse... I'll join the Committee." he consented, before his gaze turned to Eruna, a light smile crossing his lips.

"Delicious!" She nodded, "You'll be a valuable asset to the department." It takes one to know one, and while the other members of her cabinet are unaware of Kuro's involvement in fights, she was. He was more cooperative than the other ruffians, which made him essential.

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself. You forget what kind of students come here, they're all here because they passed that entrance exam that sorted the weak from the strong. Some of the upperclassmen can be quite dangerous."

"Unfortunately it's not for us to tell them how to use their powers, only how to improve them. They will, however, have to straighten up should they decide to stay here in Damasceane. The D.I.E. doesn't take kindly to trouble makers. "
She sighed, "There has been an endless contest between academics whether to include a moral-guiding program here in the D.I.U. While I stand against the pro-moral side, I see why they would want to instill values in the formal education setting.

"So who cares let them come back. Just show them a better time." The orange haired freshman said something that made her smirk ever so slightly. She had spirit, but at the same time she came off her as brash, impetuous. Goddess knows she had to deal with impetuousness with a certain person in her family. "Sure I don't mind."

"Splendid!" She nodded matching Eruna's bright smile with her own, "I'll have you walking around here with a blindfold without bumping into so much as a single lamp post before the tour is done." She would notice the eyes on them still. Does everyone have nothing better to do than to just stare? Her elder sister instincts kicked in when Eruna smart-mouthed the onlookers into leaving their table. If it weren't for the relief that was brought upon this, she would have called Eruna to sit down and behave. She breathed a short chuckle, accompanied by a smirk slightly tugged to the left of her cheek. "Well, good job." She applauded Eruna with her words.

A thought popped up in Liza's head for a moment, something she wanted to voice earlier,
"Hey, Eruna, would it be fine to call you Runa?" She only hoped the short time they had was enough for her to be allowed to call her so familiarly.

A 3D map they say? "Well, I don't know about you but they were a big help for me when I was a freshmen. There are also information pylons scattered around campus in case you need to know where to go." She stood up from her seat and lifted her phone to chest level. It was on its screen surface that she tapped her finegrs on to select a special map application that projected a 3D holographic image on the ground. It showcased the floor map of the cafeteria and a small arrow indicating where she was. She zoomed out in the application on her phone and the projected image changed; the map of the cafeteria then turned into that of the General Education campus, buildings, foliage, and all in such articulate detail. She pointed to a bowl shaped building on the south west quadrant of the map. "I think we should work counterclockwise, then by the end of the tour we'll end up at the residential area, where we can take a break."

@animegirl20 @One Mean Ghost @CupAndCough
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