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Fantasy Mountain of Roses: A Futuristic Fantasy Act 1 (On Hiatus)

"Is that your native tongue?"

Buras' back straightened out and he focused his gaze on her when she asked that question. 'Guess she won't think it random whistling.' he thought to himself as he worked out what to say in her language. "Yes." he said slowly, making sure he got what he was going to say next right. "It is the language of the Uros." Then he paused, wondering if what he should say what he had planned to. It wasn't a bad idea, and it would help him get her as a friend, the first at this school. So, taking a deep breath, he finishes his plan. "I can teach if you want."

Yes, that sounded right enough. He wasn't sure if her learning his language was possible, if she could replicate the whistles, crackles, clacks, and the occasional screech required to fully and properly form a sentence in his language. He had heard Humans whistle before, yes, but he doubted that they could replicate the more intricate ones easily. And their accent would no doubt make it hard for them to understand. But it would be refreshing to talk to someone in his own language every now and again, and perhaps she would help him with things if he asked.
Sandra Cross

When Buras offered to try and teach her his language, she pressed her hands together in a soft, excited clap. Oh, that would be wonderful! She could learn about him, his language, and perhaps they could even become friends. While she could imagine it would be an exceedingly difficult task for a human, nothing was impossible after all. "That would be awesome!" Sandra exclaimed softly, smiling cheerfully down at him.

It would also mean quite a bit of time spent learning, would it not? Sandra hoped she would not take too much time with it or frustrate him. She had tried to learn other languages before but usually dropped them because she had no use for them at the time, what, with her staying home most of the time. Then, it had seemed like a waste, like something else could be done instead that meant something more or would be more useful. Sandra didn't exactly have the same mindset now, she mostly just went along with what happened, and if she did learn enough, she could communicate with him too. And then something else occured to her; Buras had a hard time speaking english. Was it possible to teach him without knowing much of his language? Either way, she decided to offer and would try if he accepted.

"In exchange, would you like me to teach you more English?"


Axel Reed


Axel gave the guy a small smirk " A Gatomen huh? Mmmh how strange!" he laughed. "But i have no room to talk considering you don't see many sirens walking around but then again we tend to fit in better since we don't have Animal feature!" he then gestured to his head to emphasize his point about not having animal ears. "well Kuro don't be so upset about them forcing you to cross dress. It might add some more flash to you

performances" he chuckled a little. "Plus, Dressing like the opposite gender doesn't seem so bad, depends on what you can get out of it" he sent a wink to Kuro and laugh really hard.

Axel listen to the guy talk about his heritage and nod to let him know he was listening."i wouldn't mind being a gypsies and travel around the place preforming for different crowds. Plus, it amazing the level of diversity you People have. i really cant tell you much about us sirens, the only other sirens i know are my parents. All i can tell you is old stories/ myth that i know but i don't even know if half of them are true." He then heard about how the flash help bring in more money and wasn't sure if he agree."i don't know if i agree. i feel like i could easily make as mush as you, with out the flash. as a siren i have affinity for Music. that mean i can play almost any instrument and have amazing vocals. Also To be fair i'm not sure me with my shirt off would be as appealing as you." Axel could tell the difference in body structure between the two and knew he wasn't as built as Kuro so that trick wouldn't work."i just feel me and my trusty violin here could be equally as exotic as you without the shirtless routine" he grinned with a small glint in his eyes. he was teasing the guy but that just how he interacted with people.

he then laughed at the guy saying he was all flash. "I wouldn't trying to add flash, but i never been theatrical before so it might take me some time to catch up." he wanted to tell Kuro about his synthesia, to help clear up his early comment. But he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell anyone about it yet. No one else know about his gift not even his parents so he would wait to see if he could trust the Guy. plus he didnt know if the guy would think he was crazy, for admitting he could see colors that went along with noises. @One Mean Ghost

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