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Pic of character with body armor:

pic with just body:

name:Mitchell Plane




South Western


personality:great sense of humor, flirty, cunning,friendly,and non aggressive but will fight if needed. he is a retired mercenary because who is going to hire a trained military assassin during the apoc right? pic of stallion a L42A1

and bronco A M9

Strengths: long and hand guns, medic, (I read the rules for not Being super op so I've chose major weaknesses ) mechanic,and stealthy

weaknesses: has flashbacks of people he kills when he shoots something, hates open doors and windows,and has a crippled left arm.

Name: Take Yukata

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight

Location: NM

Height: 5? 12.'

Personality: The two traits most people enjoy the most are that Take's trusting and heroic. Nobody's perfect of course, and Take has plenty of character faults too. He is also well known for his stubbornness and Impatient.

Strengths: Close Quarter Combat/Melee skill, Cooking skill, and above average stamina.

Weaknesses: Takes longer time to aim and reload a gun, Impatient, and Stubborn.


Take had a good childhood and both of his family worked very hard in a restaurant to give Take a good life. Take likes to eat, and with the help of his family Take learned how to cook all sorts of food very fast. He participated CQC lessons during his high school year and mastered it very quickly.

Take was at oversea, working in a high-class restaurant as a chef when the world turned into living hell. He was separated with his family, and hopefully, he can find his way back, even thou that his family was probably dead long enough.


A Chef Knife.


Justice Blint









Personality(can be brief):

Justice is rather introverted, allowing her brother to do most of the talking. Her self-confidence has suffered a terrible blow from her physical impairments, so she uses her second half as a buffer between the real worl.


Wicked upper body strength

Heightened senses

High pain tolerance+Endurance


Being blind

Extreme separation anxiety


She mostly uses her walking cane, however an old friend of theirs fashioned a spring-loaded blade at the tip of her cane that is activated by a button.

She also has a swiss army knife.


A larger version of Justice. He has the same dark, freckled complexion as his sister and they both wear flannel a lot. Jael is built like a rugby player, and he has an ugly scar across his temple.


Jael Blint









Personality(can be brief):

Jael is the more extroverted of the two, drawing unwanted attention from his sister and revelling in the attention that he received. He is a total flirt and joker, however he can become extremely serious when anything threatens his sister.


Physically strong


Very loyal



His ego



A filthy Colt Revolver, Brass knuckles, a propeller blade he fashioned into a makeshift machete​
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Picture/Appearance: Tall and muscular, with a square jaw, a clean shave, brown eyes and short, straight black hair. Typically wears black leather, both out of habit from his biking days and for the protection it offers against scratching and biting.

Name: Edward ‘Eddie’ Warrant

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Location: Southwestern

Height: 6’4”

Personality: A man of few words with a cynical sense of humor. He tries not to get attached to people or places, and will claim to care only about himself, but this act falls apart quickly when pressed.

Strengths: Eddie is strong, courtesy of a lifetime of odd jobs that often involved manual labor. He can take a beating and hit like a truck, or serve as a handy pack mule. He is knowledgeable on a variety of subjects relating to his past work, and is generally familiar with machinery.

Weaknesses: Despite his strength, Eddie had little fighting experience beyond the occasional drunken brawl before the apocalypse and will find himself outmatched against more serious fighters. His skill with firearms is likewise average at best; he needs time to aim, and even then has little chance of hitting distant or moving targets.

History: Born and raised in a rural New Mexico town of barely a thousand people, there was little to occupy a child’s time. When Eddie was twelve a kindly neighbor offered him a broken down old motorcycle on the condition that if he could fix it, he could have it, and the bored boy fell in love at first sight.

Spending the next year restoring the relic to working condition, it was only a matter of time before his younger brother by two years took an interest. It was then, Eddie would later reflect, that things really started going to hell.

A month before Eddie would turn fifteen, his brother took the bike out while nobody else was home. He never made it back. Blaming Eddie, his father fell into alcohol and grew distant save for occasional fits of rage. Despite his mother’s efforts to piece the family back together, by the time he was eighteen Eddie’d had enough. Having since replaced his bike he packed his meager belongings and left, finding a measure of peace in the solitude of the open road and the relative anonymity of never staying in one place for long.

In a sense, he hardly noticed the end of the world, at least until the gasoline went bad and he was forced to abandon his bike. Otherwise, life went on much as it always had: roaming aimlessly, occasionally falling in with a group of survivors only to leave again, and just surviving day to day.

He met Sarah in Sulphur Springs, Texas, roughly a year after the outbreak, where he helped her evade a horde of zombies that had nearly cornered her. With nothing better to do and his conscience not letting him leave her alone, he offered to help with her search.


.38 revolver

6’ length of heavy chain

Picture/Appearance: Of average height with an athletic build, gray eyes and dirty blonde hair kept in a wavy ponytail. Has adopted Eddie’s preference for leather, though of lighter shades in concession to the southern Sun.

Name: Sarah Jensen

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Location: Southwestern

Height: 5’5”

Personality: Relaxed and sociable, Sarah easily gets along with just about anybody. She looks out for her companions and will gladly help a stranger in need, but if forced to choose will put her own goals first.

Strengths: A former martial arts instructor, Sarah is able to dispatch small groups of zombies unarmed and can overcome most human opponents in hand-to-hand. She has knowledge of basic first aid, and can lead a group if necessary.

Weaknesses: Sarah suffers from a cardiac arrhythmia. Though usually asymptomatic, it can be aggravated by prolonged physical exertion or extreme emotional distress. This makes her unsuited to heavy fighting and manual labor, and limits how far she can travel on foot without stopping. Related dietary requirements exclude many packaged foods, which complicates scavenging.

She has never fired a gun, even after the apocalypse, fearing the noise would only draw more zombies. As such, she is is almost entirely useless in a fight against raiders, preferring to avoid them.

History: Sarah took a keen interest in the martial arts from a young age, and by the time she entered high school had already begun making a name for herself in youth tournaments. Seemingly destined for success, her life took a sharp turn after she passed out during a practice match. Diagnosed with a heart condition and barred from competition, Sarah became despondent.

She struggled with depression for the next several years, until she found a new calling as an instructor. Through guiding others to achieve what she couldn’t, Sarah eventually came to terms with her condition.

When the outbreak hit, Sarah’s first priority was to locate her family and friends, a task complicated by the dense hordes in her suburban Chicago home. Finding neither, but discovering signs at several of their homes that they may have left early enough to have had a real chance of escaping, Sarah left town to find them.

With no idea where they might have gone, she began searching for groups of survivors in hopes of uncovering a lead. Travelling somewhat aimlessly she reached Sulphur Springs, Texas about a year later.


Weighted knuckle gloves
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Name: Nayami (Nami)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Location: Southwestern

Height: 4'3

Personality(can be brief): Nami is like many people, she can be sweet and mean at the same time. Nami hates people and tries to ignore most of them. Nami is very outgoing, very quiet, and definitely listens to no one. She will be very overprotective but shy at times. Her moods change very easily, as dose her anger.


- Swords

- Martial Arts

- Guns

- Horseback riding.


(Most of that was just a joke...)

Nami trusts to easily and it gets herself hurt. She can look at one person who seems hurt but will be a completely different person, looking for someone to jump/hurt. She has problems with this.

History(Opt.): Nami grew up with a good family. Everyone always thinks that they have the worst of it, but Nami new she had better than most so she thought it was good. Her parents fought a lot, so Nami had to be creative, use her mind. She got into a good art school. She wanted to be an artiest when she grew up. Her art was okay, she didn't like it, Who would?

Weapons: You wanna see?



Name: D'artanjon

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Location: Southwestern

Height: 6'8

Personality(can be brief): Die is very flirtatious. He really has the personality of a teenage boy. He likes girls of course. Sometimes he can be a loner and scared, but he's normally around people and brave. He loves so many things and can be really jumpy. He has a very trustful and loving, kind, caring heart. He is very brave and loyal.


- Flirting

- Fighting


Dark has very bad asthma and has a bunch of inhalers in his backpack. Nami has some as well for him, but sooner or later, he runs out. He has an attack and it gets kinda bad when they are trying to be quiet.

History(Opt.): Dark had a good life, he had nice friends. When all this started he found Nami and she kinda became his big sister. His parents were to busy in their own worlds to care for Dark, so Nami is very important to him.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/7965b5c589e5f38e59de5ded3644c4e3-d6lp4g1-3.jpg.00612471c9f8e5da76d0e275579ec811.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/7965b5c589e5f38e59de5ded3644c4e3-d6lp4g1-3.jpg.00612471c9f8e5da76d0e275579ec811.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Dr. Jean-Claude Moreau

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Location: Northeast

Height: 5'7

Personality(can be brief): Jean-Claude's psychological ability to cope with death was better than most before the Outbreak, however, two years of transiency and carnage have given him a gloomy countenance and a generally somber attitude. Naturally kind and helpful, Jean-Claude is also by contrast prone to aggressive fits of hysteria. An intelligent man, his outlook on life post-apocalypse is almost always a bleak one, feeding into a manic depression.

Strengths: A skilled medical doctor with some pharmaceutical knowledge, basical surgical skills, and a general intelligence that allows him to deal with almost any issue in a studied manner.

Weaknesses: Not very physically intimidating, no formal weapons training, a slight air of condescension some people find off-putting, chronic pessimist.

History(Opt.): Jean-Claude is French-Canadian, born in Quebec Province and raised in a prototypical household. He graduated high school with honors and went on to study medicine at Montreal University. His only major romantic relationship with his ex-fiance was terminated during this time due to infidelity on her part. After university, Jean-Claude returned to his hometown and set up practice for five years until the outbreak, after which his town was overrun and he fled first northwest to Manitoba, then southeast in the hopes of finding more plentiful supplies in the United States. He has since followed the rail lines between abandoned towns in the American Northeast in an effort to survive.

Weapons: An over-under breach-loading shotgun, a Glock 17 service pistol, an old cavalry saber.



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Alexander Carpen












Alexander is a sociopath. He loves torturing people.


Crack shot

Expert in torture


Shakes randomly.

Addicted to smoking.



Glock 19


M14 Battle Rifle

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Name: Karah Jones

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual, leans towards men.

Location: Northeastern

Height: 5'10

Personality(can be brief): Karah is a rather distrusting person, having survived this short while through the apocalypse, she has become stern and efficient in what she does. She focuses on necessities, rather than thinking about what might make the group happier, she hopes to keep the others alive. She considers herself a survivor in all of the mess, though the previous years in much richer care affect her ability to commit to certain dirty work. She overall seems disinterested, while actually becoming easily attached to other members of the group, making strong effort to protect them.

Strengths: Steadfast, risk-taker, motherly duty.

Weaknesses: Emotional, amateur, physically weak.


Karah was born in Newcastle upon tyne, England. Their family resided here with little money, though lived a rather calm life in the suburbs of northern England. Karah group up a good student in school, passing many of her classes with superior grades and showing to be an overall efficient worker. By the time she turned fifteen, their family had finally hit a lucky streak. With investments made by her father into a small company skyrocketing, the working family found themselves in a newfound state of wealth. As their wealth grew, the family had finally decided to move to America, at the age of 16 making the move.

Karah became well accustomed with horse-back riding in her time living in America, as well as taking hobby in track groups. Being as tall as she was, she had the legs of a runner, and had managed to climb to the top of her track group in her final year of high school. WThis talent lasted with her into college, where she majored in psychology, spending the next number of years in between college and higher schooling, going through many phases and picking up different careers to pass the time. Eventually she managed to graduate all of her schooling, graduating with a PhD from Columbia University. After only a year of being in the field, the apocalypse had struck. With her family killed by their undead servants, Karah has been forced out in the world, taking what supplies she can with her to survive.


Her Father's Antique Colt Revolver (Still well functioning)


Her Bowie Knife

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[QUOTE="Invalid User]




Alexander Carpen












Alexander does not trust very many people, and is a crack shot. He is usually a loner.


Crack shot

Expert in hand-to-hand


Does not trust very many people.

Solitary most of the time.



Glock 19


M14 Battle Rifle


I'd like to see more limiting weaknesses than just being a solitary individual.

Picture/Appearance: Jasmine is quite tall and definitely a looker. She tends to go for a dramatic makeup look. She was a professional makeup artist, so she's quite good at it. Her hair is currently green and pink with a LOT of black roots growing in (about five inches of black hair). The hair is mostly green with lots of pink highlights, although they're both fading quite badly since it's been quite some time since she dyed her hair. She's been working out and running since she was younger, so she's quite toned and in shape. She has wide hips and has worked hard to keep a narrow waist, so some would consider her curvy. Her legs are especially toned, with thick muscled thighs and well defined calves, since she's a runner. Her hair is quite long, hanging just a little below her bum. It has the same texture of that in the last picture, although much more matted and a bit dirty from the lack of a recent shower. She does her best to keep as clean as possible, but it's hard to keep your hair in perfect condition when you don't even have any shampoo.



Name: "Full name is Jasmine Jordana Bloom, but I respond to a few names. Jas, Jasmine, even Jordana. My mom went corny, since our last name is Bloom she named me after a flower. So it was like "The flower blooms." or whatever, I dunno. She was corny. It's cute though, I like it."

Age: "Nineteen. Birthday is June 13th."

Gender: "Definitely a lady."

Sexuality: "I like boys. Sorry ladies, not into you, or at least I haven't met a girl I'm into."

Location: Southwestern

Height: "Five foot nine. Tall enough to kick your ass and then some."

Personality(can be brief): "You really expect me to outline my WHOLE personality and being in a few sentences? Really? Are you on drugs right now? Fuck I don't even know man. I guess some could say I swear too much, I'm aggressive, and charming. Don't piss me off. I like being in charge and I know I'm some hot shit, and occasionally yeah I use that to my advantage. Don't bother flirting or yelling out some 'compliment' to me. That'll probably just earn you a solid smack on the head. The rest is for you to perceive. Everyone's gonna look at my personality differently so don't ask me to define it."

Strengths: "I got a big ass dog, I'm pretty fuckin' strong I guess, I mean I can hold my own. Not too strong. Okay, maybe not THAT strong, but I can still kick some ass. I'm really fuckin' fast. Been going running with my dog since I was fifteen. I love the rush. I'm pretty fuckin' cute too and sometimes I like to use that to my advantage, so what?"

Weaknesses: "I fucked up my knee real bad in eighth grade. I've had surgery done and usually it's fine, but sometimes it flares up. That's why I try and bring my knee brace with me when I know I'm gonna be running a lot or if I have to climb or some shit. It helps keep it in place. And this is gonna sound childish but... I fucking hate the dark! Alright man? There, I said it. I also have pretty bad anxiety, both general anxiety and social anxiety. I have panic attacks sometimes. I can't stand when it's too quiet or when I'm alone, it sets me off into a panic attack unless Ruby's nearby. I get really scared and nervous around strangers. I'm really defensive. Some might think that's a good thing but I tend to scare people away. I'm not perfectly mentally healthy, but who isn't? Also, infected people I know. That shit's upsetting for anyone, unless you hate that person I guess. Even then... I dunno."

History(Opt.): "I was born in the Midwest to a single mother. My mom made sure I did real well in school so that I could have a good life. I spent a lot of school doing theater as well, I enjoy acting. I did so well in school that I was able to graduate a semester early with an Academic Honor's Diploma. Right before my eighteenth birthday I adopted a golden brown pitbull that I named Ruby. I moved to Florida with my best friend Emily and went to cosmetology school. I earned mycertificate after a year and moved down to LA with Emily. Eventually I met my boyfriend, Karter, and got a job at a nearby designer clothing outlet while doing professional makeup for celebrities and extras on television. We moved in together not long after we began dating, I dunno we really trusted each other. We had been dating for about 9 months before the outbreak and Karter was planning on proposing. However once the outbreak struck that obviously went out the fucking window and we left with Emily, all four of us (my dog included) travelling across the country together. Things took a turn for the worse when Karter got bit. I... had to kill him in self defense. Not fun. Emily led us to a small community of sixteen where we stayed for several months. However, things went even worse when the community was attacked by raiders. Me and Emily were separated during the attack, although I know Emily survived the attack, but we haven't been in contact since."

Weapons: "I got a glock and two Kukri knives I took off a raider. And no, I didn't kill him. Found him like that."



"Heh. Cutie. Don't fuckin' touch her. Pissing her off isn't a good idea either."
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